Nunuk Helilusiatiningsih | 2159
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i12.231 2159
Sparrow eggplant is widely grown in
Indonesia and is favored by consumers
because it contains active compounds that
have health functions. The sparrow
eggplant has small fruit with a diameter of
1 cm, green with white spots, when ripe it
turns yellow, some call it rimbang especially
in the West Sumatra area, some call it
takokak, pokak, according to the name of
the area (Kurniawaan, 2019).
(Kurniawan, 2019) explained that this
type of eggplant can inhibit spermatogenic
activity through the hypothalamic-
pituitary-spermatogenesis pathway at a
dose of 10 grams and 15 grams which was
studied in male rats for 1 month because it
contains solasodine alkaloids. Research
(Helilusiatiningsih, 2021), eggplant takokak
or sparrow eggplant which is cured for 5
days at room temperature around 300 C
contains water content 72.3%, ash content
2.2%, protein 5.7%, fat 2.1 %, 13.3%
carbohydrates and experienced a decrease
in fruit weight of about 4.09 grams, fresh
initial weight was just harvested 5.6 grams.
According to another research opinion
(Helilusiatiningsih, 2021), eggplant pokak
obtained from Batu, Malang contains 9.7%
fat content, 3.6% protein content, 0.97%
Vitamin C, 3.7% carbohydrates, also
contains minerals such as Mg 79.1 ppm, Ca
36.6 ppm. According to (Rahman et al.,
2017) takokak fruit has bioactive
compounds, namely steroids, tannins,
flavonoids, saponins. This is in agreement
(Wilda, 2021) turky berry (Solanum torvum)
contains chemical components, namely
steroidal and sapogenin.
Researchers (Helilusiatiningsih et al.,
2020), Solanum torvum found antioxidants
namely tannins, saponins, alkaloids and
flavonoids. The problem is that most
researchers only analyze and consume the
sparrow eggplant or abroad known as the
turkey berry. Parts of plant organs that have
not been widely consumed and studied are
the leaves (Chauhan et al., 2019). This
experiment aims to analyze the content of
antioxidant bioactive compounds in fresh
and dried eggplant leaves obtained from 3
growing locations naamely Mojokerto,
Batu (Malang), Kediri (Nakitto et al., 2021).
The benefits of this research are
novelty, and provide real information from
the sparrow eggplant leaf organs obtained
from growing places with different
climates. Research (Helilusiatiningsih,
2021), explains that freshly picked eggplant
leaves obtained from the source village of
Manjing Kulon Malang have 58.16% water
content, 35.29% carbohydrates, 0.32% fat
and 5.74% protein. vitamin C about 1.34%.
Research was carried out from January
to April 2022, in the Chemistry laboratory
of Kadiri Islamic University, East Java and
the Biochemistry Laboratory of Brawijaya
University, Malang. The sparrow eggplant
material was obtained from 3 growing
locations, namely Malang, Kediri and
Mojokerto. Chemicals: 95% methanol, 0.2
mM DPPH, Gallic acid, Folin ciocalteu
reagent, 2 mL Na2CO3 7.5%, distilled water,
NaNO2, NaOH, AlCl3,, Folin ciocalteu, The
tools used in the research: knife, analytical
balance, measuring cup, rotary evaporator,
shaker, filter paper, incubator, analyzed
parameters, namely fresh leaves and dried