Amru Reza, Rudi Subiyakto, Oksep Adhayanto | 57
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i1.230
The success of an organization in
realizing its vision and mission largely
depends on the quality of its human
resources. The quality of human resources
can be demonstrated by the knowledge,
skills and ability of employees to create
professional quality work in establishing
teamwork within the organization
(Sihombing et al., 2018). To determine the
effectiveness of human resources in the
organization, it is necessary to conduct an
evaluation that can be used as a basis for
evaluating the performance of employees
and leaders in an effort to achieve the
vision and mission of the organization.
Human resources, apart from being an
element of implementing organizational
activities that will determine the success of
an organization, they are also social beings
who have certain thoughts, feelings, needs
and expectations.
Almost all organizations have a goal
to maximize profits and value for the
organization to improve employee welfare.
Employees or employees become the most
important element in determining the
progress of an organization. To achieve
organizational goals, it is very necessary for
employees who are in accordance with
their competencies in the organization, and
must be able to carry out the tasks that
have been determined by the organization
(Elizar & Tanjung, 2018). Every organization
will always try to improve the performance
of its employees, with the hope that the
goals of the organization will be achieved
even though each organization has the
characteristics of their respective jobs.
Job characteristics are the
identification of multiple job dimensions
that simultaneously improve organizational
efficiency and job satisfaction. Job
characteristics are characteristics of the
work environment which includes the
physical and social environment (Kahya,
2007). The physical environment includes
the work atmosphere seen from physical
factors, such as temperature conditions,
weather, building construction and
workplace temperature. While the social
environment includes the socio-cultural
environment in the work environment, the
size of the workload, the compensation
received, professional working
relationships, and the quality of work life
(Saputra, 2021).
Every job has certain characteristics
or aspects that accompany individuals in
carrying out their work. These aspects can
make individuals work well or vice versa.
Job characteristics as identification of
various dimensions contained in a job
design that simultaneously improves
organizational efficiency and employee
satisfaction. Then (Setyawan & Bagis, 2021)
explains that individual characteristics are
the interests, attitudes and needs that a
person brings to a work situation. Interest
is an attitude that makes a person happy
about certain objects of tendencies or
Job characteristics according to (Jeni
et al., 2019) are an attempt to identify the
task characteristics of the job, how these
characteristics are combined to form
different jobs, and their relationship to
employee motivation, satisfaction and
performance. So the characteristics of the
job in addition to being able to create
employee job satisfaction will also affect