102 | Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Implementation of Online Learning Students
of SMP Negeri 3 Rambipuji Jember
2020). If the COVID-19 outbreak continues,
travel restrictions and the closure of
educational institutions will have an the
COVID-19 pandemic has affected learners
in all age groups. If the COVID-19 outbreak
continues impact on the education, social
life and mental health of students. Students
from underprivileged backgrounds have
experienced a greater negative impact due
to the COVID 19 outbreak. In addition,
changes in daily routines including lack of
outdoor Lack of family income, limited
access to digital resources and high
internet connectivity have disrupted the
academic life of students. In addition 1.5
billion learners worldwide are now
deprived of basic education causing serious
psychological impacts on their health
activities, disturbed sleep patterns, and
social distance have affected the mental
well-being of students.
Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning
the National Education System, Article 1
number 1 states that education is a
conscious and planned effort to create a
learning atmosphere and learning process
so that students actively develop their
potential to have religious spiritual
strength, self-control, personality,
intelligence, noble character, and skills
needed by himself, society, nation and
Process Standards are criteria
regarding the implementation of learning
in educational units to achieve Graduate
Competency Standards. Process Standards
are developed referring to Graduate
Competency Standards and Content
Standards that have been set in accordance
with the provisions in Government
Regulation Number 19 of 2005 concerning
National Education Standards as amended
by Government Regulation Number 32 of
2013 concerning Amendments to
Government Regulation Number 19 of
2005 concerning National Standards
The learning process in educational
units is held interactively, inspiring, fun,
challenging, motivating students to
participate actively, and providing sufficient
space for initiative, creativity, and
independence in accordance with the
talents, interests, and physical and
psychological development of students.
For this reason, each educational unit
carries out learning planning,
implementation of the learning process
and assessment of the learning process to
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
the achievement of graduate
In an article written by R. Dhanalaksmi
to overcome and find the most possible
solution is to separate the problem into
several segments to analyze each problem
systematically. Looking at the problems
faced by educational institutions during the
COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of the
economic crisis on literacy levels, these
problems can be overcome with today's
technology such as online classes and
online tests but the main challenges faced
in this regard are implementation and
collaboration. In this case the class turns
into something new, students and
educators must work together to succeed
in online learning. This requires help from
parents. Based on his research there are
students who are financially able and some
are not, there are only 16% of students
from rural India who have access to the