JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 02, No. 1, 100 108
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i1.229 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Endri Setyoningrum
Mohamad Na’im
Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, University of Jember, Indonesia
e-mail: endrisetyoningrum78@gmail.com
*Correspondence: endrisetyoningrum78@gmail.com
Submitted: 27 July 2022, Revised: 04 August 2022, Accepted: 25 August 2022
Abstract. The temporary closure of educational institutions in an effort to prevent the spread of
COVID 19 has an impact on millions of students, including in Indonesia. The purpose of the study
was to determine the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on the online learning process for students
of SMP Negeri 3 Rambipuji. In this study, the author uses qualitative research methods with the
type of case study research. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and
documentation. The results show that online learning is a solution in teaching and learning
activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Online learning is learning that uses the internet network
with accessibility, connectivity, flexibility and the ability to bring up various types of learning
interactions. In the implementation of online learning, educators use the WhatsApp and Google
Classroom applications. The results of the research and discussion found that the impact of COVID
19 on the implementation of online learning at SMP Negeri 3 Rambipuji was not effective.
Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic; online learning; Google Classroom.
Endri Setyoningrum, Mohamad Na’im, Sudikin
| 101
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i1.229 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
The COVID 19 virus was first reported
to WHO in late December 2019 in Wuhan
China and then quickly spread to various
countries in just a few months. Anticipating
the spread of epidemics in many countries,
both of which have found sufferers or have
not taken various policies to prepare for
possible outbreaks by expanding
prevention campaigns, preparing various
health facilities, implementing procedures
and handling protocols, and preparing
reliable public information channels since
Steps by the Indonesian government
in response the earliest was social
distancing then this definition was changed
by WHO as physical distancing. President
Joko Widodo's directive on March 16, 2020
is to reduce the mobility of people from
one place to another, maintain distance,
and reduce crowds carrying the risk of the
spread of COVID 19. This is emphasized by
the call for wider physical distancing. Efforts
to prevent this spread were further clarified
policies for studying from home, working
from home and worshiping from home to
reduce the rate of the spread of COVID 19
(Wajdi et al., 2020).
There are two impacts on the
sustainability of education caused by the
COVID 19 pandemic. The first is the short-
term impact, which is felt by many families
in Indonesia, both in cities and in villages.
In Indonesia, many families are not familiar
with studying or schooling at home.
Homeschooling for families in Indonesia is
a big surprise, especially for the
productivity of parents who are usually
busy with work outside the home. Likewise
with the psychological problems of
students who are used to learning face to
face with their educators. All elements of
education in social life are exposed to
illness due to COVID 19. The
implementation of teaching takes place
online. This process runs on a scale that has
never been measured and tested because it
has never happened before. Inevitably in
remote villages with very dense population
of school age, there is confusion because
the information technology infrastructure
is very limited. Student assessments are
online and there is a lot of trial and error
with a system that has no certainty, in fact
many assessments have been canceled.
Second, in the long term, many community
groups in Indonesia are increasingly
exposed in the long term to Covid 19. This
is the long-term impact of the aspect of
justice and increasing inequality between
community groups and between regions in
Based on a report by UNESCO (United
Nation Educational Scientific and Cultural
Organization) it shows that around 91% of
the total student activities globally have
been disrupted. In March and April, both
the central and state governments conduct
board examinations for High School
students (grades 10 and 12) as well as in the
same period elite institutions across the
country conduct entrance examinations for
the next academic year. Students other
than grades 10 and 12 must take the
qualifying exam for the next grade and also
in Higher Education and University take the
semester qualifying exam within the
stipulated time.
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected
learners in all age groups (Akat & Karataş,
102 | Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Implementation of Online Learning Students
of SMP Negeri 3 Rambipuji Jember
2020). If the COVID-19 outbreak continues,
travel restrictions and the closure of
educational institutions will have an the
COVID-19 pandemic has affected learners
in all age groups. If the COVID-19 outbreak
continues impact on the education, social
life and mental health of students. Students
from underprivileged backgrounds have
experienced a greater negative impact due
to the COVID 19 outbreak. In addition,
changes in daily routines including lack of
outdoor Lack of family income, limited
access to digital resources and high
internet connectivity have disrupted the
academic life of students. In addition 1.5
billion learners worldwide are now
deprived of basic education causing serious
psychological impacts on their health
activities, disturbed sleep patterns, and
social distance have affected the mental
well-being of students.
Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning
the National Education System, Article 1
number 1 states that education is a
conscious and planned effort to create a
learning atmosphere and learning process
so that students actively develop their
potential to have religious spiritual
strength, self-control, personality,
intelligence, noble character, and skills
needed by himself, society, nation and
Process Standards are criteria
regarding the implementation of learning
in educational units to achieve Graduate
Competency Standards. Process Standards
are developed referring to Graduate
Competency Standards and Content
Standards that have been set in accordance
with the provisions in Government
Regulation Number 19 of 2005 concerning
National Education Standards as amended
by Government Regulation Number 32 of
2013 concerning Amendments to
Government Regulation Number 19 of
2005 concerning National Standards
The learning process in educational
units is held interactively, inspiring, fun,
challenging, motivating students to
participate actively, and providing sufficient
space for initiative, creativity, and
independence in accordance with the
talents, interests, and physical and
psychological development of students.
For this reason, each educational unit
carries out learning planning,
implementation of the learning process
and assessment of the learning process to
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
the achievement of graduate
In an article written by R. Dhanalaksmi
to overcome and find the most possible
solution is to separate the problem into
several segments to analyze each problem
systematically. Looking at the problems
faced by educational institutions during the
COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of the
economic crisis on literacy levels, these
problems can be overcome with today's
technology such as online classes and
online tests but the main challenges faced
in this regard are implementation and
collaboration. In this case the class turns
into something new, students and
educators must work together to succeed
in online learning. This requires help from
parents. Based on his research there are
students who are financially able and some
are not, there are only 16% of students
from rural India who have access to the
Endri Setyoningrum, Mohamad Na’im, Sudikin
| 103
internet. Educators can take corrective
steps in helping their students achieve
online learning.
At the government level, internet
facilities can be subsidized to facilitate the
learning process or provide internet grants
to educational institutions which will later
be used for the benefit of students and
provide encouragement to students to
learn and prevent students from leaving
school due to lack of family finances. With
internet grants from the government, it is
certain that student education in rural and
urban areas is going well, which previously
faced obstacles, namely the inability of
students to pay internet quota conditions.
With the school closure, the
government took strategic steps so that the
learning process was not left behind and
students remained to receive the right to
knowledge. Therefore, the next
government decision is that the learning
process will continue but not face to face
but learning online.
The implementation of online learning,
many students feel bored in following the
lesson, not least causing children to be lazy
to learn and do assignments because they
are more fun with playing online games
than taking lessons so that when learning
takes place there are some students who
do not take lessons for various reasons
such as not knowing the information,
sleeping, not having a package and having
trouble signaling. Educators assume that
students cannot be disciplined because
they cannot collect the assignment given in
the allotted time.
The author in compiling this scientific
work uses qualitative research methods.
Qualitative research is a scientific activity to
obtain correct knowledge about a problem.
This knowledge is obtained from facts,
concepts, propositions or generalizations,
and theories that allow humans to
understand phenomena to solve problems
at hand (Ngulube et al., 2015). In this study,
data collection techniques were obtained
from observation, interviews and
documentation. The researcher conducted
an article search using the keywords
Impact of Covid 19”, “Online Learning”,
“Google Classroom”.
Based on the search for the keywords
``Impact of Covid 19", "Online Learning'' and
"Google Classroom'' researchers obtained
data on the implementation of online
learning at SMP Negeri 3 Rambi Puji during
the covid 19 pandemic. Data analysis
techniques used were data component
according to Miles and Huberman, namely:
(1) data reduction, (2) data presentation, (3)
conclusion and verification.
In the validity test the researchers used
4 stages, namely: (1) extension of
observation, (2) increasing persistence in
observation, (3) triangulation which
consists of triangulation of source to test
the credibility of the data by checking the
data obtained through various source,
triangulation techniques to test the
credibility of the data, test credibility by
checking data from the same source with
different techniques.
104 | Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Implementation of Online Learning Students
of SMP Negeri 3 Rambipuji Jember
Coronaviruses are a large family of
viruses that cause illness ranging from mild
to severe symptoms. There are at least two
types of coronavirus that are known to
cause diseases that can cause severe
symptoms such as Middle East Respiratory
Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Coronavirus
Diseases 2019 (COVID-19) is a new type of
disease that has never been previously
identified in humans. Common signs and
symptoms of COVID-19 infection include
symptoms of acute respiratory distress
such as fever, cough and shortness of
breath. The average incubation period is 5-
6 days with the longest incubation period
being 14 days (Yurianto & Bambang
Wibowo, 2020).
The spread of the corona virus initially
had a major impact on the world's
economy, which began to sluggish, but
now the impact is also being felt by the
world of education (Khan et al., 2020). The
policies taken by many countries including
Indonesia by closing all educational
activities, make the government and
related institutions have to present
alternative educational processes for
students and students who cannot carry
out the educational process at educational
Activities that involve groups of people
are now limited to such things as going to
school, working, worshiping and so on. The
government has urged people to work,
study and worship from home to reduce
the number of patients exposed to COVID-
19 (Amirudin et al., 2021). Minister Nadiem
Anwar Makarim issued Circular No. 3 of
2020 on the Education unit and No.
36962/MPK.A/HK/2020 concerning the
Implementation of Education in the
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19 )
Emergency Period, so learning activities are
carried out online (online) in the context of
prevention coronavirus disease (COVID-
19 ) (Bahasoan et al., 2020).
With the emergence of the COVID-19
pandemic, teaching and learning activities
at SMP Negeri 3 RambiPuji which were
originally carried out at schools have now
become online learning at home. Online
learning is carried out according to the
abilities of each school. Learning online
(online) can use digital technology such as
google classroom, whatsapp. But what
must be done is to give assignments
through mentor monitoring by educators
through whatsapp groups so that children
really learn. Then educators also work from
home in coordination with parents, either
through video calls or photos of children's
activities at home to ensure interaction
between educators and parents.
SMP Negeri 3 Rambi Puji organizes
learning activities by developing the
creativity of educators to use alternative
learning media while students study at
home. They can use existing learning
resources, namely student books according
to the themes taught according to the
schedule that has been made previously.
Online learning is learning that uses the
internet network with accessibility,
connectivity, flexibility and the ability to
bring up various types of learning
interactions (Dwikurnaningsih & Waruwu,
2021). Research conducted by (Nadeak,
2020) shows that the use of the internet
and multimedia technology can change the
way knowledge is delivered and can be an
Endri Setyoningrum, Mohamad Na’im, Sudikin
| 105
alternative to learning carried out in
traditional classrooms.
According to Vicky and Putri
(Rachmadyanti & Wicaksono, 2016) the
implementation of google classroom in
elementary schools without neglecting the
conventional learning carried out. This is an
advantage of blended learning, where
combining two conventional and online
learning methods makes students feel
comfortable and active in constructing
knowledge. The survey conducted by (DAN,
2015), Deputy Minister of PPPA in the field
of child development, also shows children's
expectations about home learning
programs. Children who took part in the
survey from 29 provinces hoped that
schools would not give too many
assignments and that two-way
communication between educators and
students would be more effective.
According to Heru Purnomo, in the
minds of the medical people, distance
learning networks with the application of
the online assignment method for students
via whatsapp groups are considered
effective in emergency conditions due to
the current coronavirus. Many educators
implement various ways of learning from
home, from learning differences it is still
online learning. Some use the concept of
online lectures, some continue to teach in
class as usual but are videotaped and then
sent to the student's whatsapp application,
some are taking advantage of free content
from various sources. (Hasibuan & Ashari,
According to Putra Wijaya in learning
from home is not a problem because
learning can be done anytime and
anywhere, especially since there is already
an online system support. So the learning
process can occur at home, at school or in
the community. Therefore, everything can
run well, with the support of facilities such
as the internet.
Sri Utami as the principal of SMP Negeri
3 Rambi Puji, Jember, East Java, said that
learning at home can still be carried out.
Educators open classes from 07.00 to 12.00.
In terms of implementing learning at home,
the educator asks for the help of parents
and siblings of students as resource
persons whose steps have been given
through the whatsapp group. Reports on
the implementation of learning can be in
the form of photos or videos that must be
posted through groups or sent directly to
subject educators. In contrast to Sugiarto,
he delivered several online learning
methods that had been implemented
through material learning through word
files that were shared via WhatsApp social
Online learning is currently used as
a solution during the COVID-19 pandemic
(Mukhtar et al., 2020). But online learning is
not as easy as one might think. Asfiyah, one
of the educators at one junior high school,
said that in learning using zoom for face-
to-face meetings, it should be in class. But
not all children can access it because there
are parents who are still working, there are
also parents who are stuttering. In addition,
asfiyah is also looking for alternative online
learning media with google doc, providing
links that contain subject matter as well as
assignments and the deadline for
processing is considered more able to
accommodate the needs of parents and
children, this can help daily assessments,
direct scores can be entered in the google
106 | Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Implementation of Online Learning Students
of SMP Negeri 3 Rambipuji Jember
form file. As with Sis Andoni, a social
studies educator, the educator provides
subject matter with assignments via the
parent's electronic mail address. This
method is considered by Sis Andoni not to
work effectively. Sending material
documents in the form of power points,
then the child works on a laptop, printed or
handwritten and then sent via whatsapp is
considered more effective according to Sis
Andoni (Liyanagunawardena & Williams,
According to Agus et al in Wahyu Aji
Fatma Dewi in their research entitled "The
Impact of COVID-19 on the Implementation
of Online Learning in Elementary Schools",
the impact of COVID-19 on online learning
in elementary schools has an impact on
students, parents and educators
themselves. Some of the impacts felt by
students are that students do not have a
distance learning culture because so far the
learning system has been carried out face-
to-face, students are accustomed to being
at school to interact with their friends, play
and joke with their friends and meet face-
to-face with their educators. With distance
learning, students need time to adapt and
they face new changes that will not directly
affect their learning absorption (Saadé &
Bahli, 2005).
The impact on parents is that the
obstacles faced by parents are the
additional cost of buying internet quotas,
online technology requires a network
connection to the internet, therefore the
level of internet quota usage will increase
and increase the burden of parents'
The impact felt by educators is that not
all of them are proficient in using internet
technology or social media as a means of
learning, some senior educators are not yet
fully able to use devices or facilities to
support online learning activities and need
assistance and training first. So, the support
and cooperation of parents for the success
of learning is very much needed.
Communication between educators and
schools with parents must be established
Based on the results of the research and
discussion above, the impact of COVID 19
on the implementation of online learning at
SMP Negeri 3 Rambi Puji was not effective.
Covid -19 has had such a big impact on
education to break the chain of
transmission of the COVID-19 pandemic,
learning that is usually at school is now
learning at home using various applications
such as Google classroom, whatsapp
group. Activities do not go well and are not
effective in accordance with the learning
For junior high school students,
especially those who are still in class VII,
who are not yet able to operate devices,
collaboration between educators and
parents is needed. For parents who work so
they cannot accompany their children to
study, they can check the special study
schedule so they can study with other
students. So, there is cooperation and
reciprocity between educators, students
and parents that makes online learning
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| 107
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© 2022 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open access publication
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