Aris Susilo, Restu Juniah, Ridhah Taqwa | 2133
5,235,500. 3) Assistance for the home
industry for making snacks, in the form of
tools for making snacks, packaging, and
packaging labels in Prabu Menang village,
worth Rp. 6,315,550. 4) Assistance for the
home industry of bag craftsmen made of
rope material in the village of Prabu
Menang in the form of embroidery tools
and rope threads worth Rp. 9,345,000. Of
the total implemented budget Rp
486,159,820 the portion of this program is
the smallest allocation, which is only 6%.
Whereas the economic independence of
the community is one of the variables to
assess the positive impact of the
company's existence on the community.
The Corporate Religion, Social and
Cultural Program carried out nine activities
with the highest total budget among the
eight other programs implemented by the
company, which amounted to Rp.
90,945,000 or 19%. Consist of; 1) The
honorarium for the Koran teacher and the
cleaning staff of the Al Hikmah Mosque for
one year worth Rp. 12,000,000. 2) Eid al-
Adha sacrificial animal assistance for ring 1
villagers; Directions, Banjarsari, Prabu
Wins, and Gunung Kembang worth Rp.
65,000,000. 3) Assistance for Isro Mi'raj
activities organized by youth groups in
Gunung Kembang village worth Rp.
1,000,000. 4) Assistance for Tilawatil
Qur'an week activities in Banjarsari village
worth Rp. 1,500,000. 5) Assistance for
marawis equipment activities in Prabu
Menang village worth Rp. 1,500,000. 6)
Assistance for the celebration of the
Independence Day of the Republic of
Indonesia in the village of Banjarsari worth
Rp. 1,000,000. 7) Assistance for the
celebration of the event to enliven the
Independence Day of the Republic of
Indonesia in the village of Arahan worth
Rp. 2,000,000. 8) Assistance in the form of
volleyball and soccer equipment in the
village of Arahan worth Rp. 4,945,000. 9)
Assistance to commemorate the birthday
of the Prophet Muhammad SAW in the
village of Gunung Kembang Rp. 2,000,000.
6. Program to provide opportunities for the
community to participate in sustainable
management of the environment of the
community around the mine.
There are three activities implemented
by the company with a total budget of Rp.
39,460,100 or 8%. 1) Provision of
partnership assistance with waste banks in
the form of motorized tricycles (bentor)
transporting garbage in the village of
Arahan worth Rp. 32.860,000. 2) Assistance
for the cleaning staff of the East Merapi
sub-sector in the village of Arahan in the
amount of Rp. 3,600,000. 3) Assistance for
the development of the climate village
program (proklim) worth Rp. 3,000,000.
7. Community Institutional Establishment
In this program the company allocates
Rp. 78,319,600 or 16% of the total 2021
PPM budget for 16 activities. 1) Assistance
with a photocopy machine for youth
groups in Gunung Kembang village worth
Rp. 27,983,600. 2) Assistance for making
souvenirs in Banjar Sari village worth Rp.
3,336,000. 3) Assistance for CSR-PKBL
activities in Lahat district Rp. 10,000,000. 4)
Assistance for the inauguration of
community organizations in Lahat district
Rp. 1,500,000. 5) Assistance in the
procurement of uniforms for community
organizations in Lahat city Rp. 1,500,000. 6)
Assistance for the Open Volleyball tournament for Karang Taruna village of