2090 | Effect of Compensation, Workload, Leadership on Employee Performance and
Implications on Organizational Performance
Organizational Performance through
Employee Performance of PT Pelita
Indonesia Djaya. Hypothesis testing direct
and indirect effect it can be seen that the
value of the influence of Workload on
Organizational Performance directly
directly has a lower value than the way
through the intermediary of the Employee
Performance variable. Therefore,
companies need to pay attention to the
workload mechanism of each employee's
performance when they are doing physical
activities such as employees, high
concentration at work, feeling indecisive
when doing assigned tasks, always being
alert when working to avoid mistakes,
accuracy in providing services, working
quickly to solve problems. complete work,
do two or more jobs at the same time. 10)
Leadership has an effect and significant on
Organizational Performance through
Employee Performance of PT Pelita
Indonesia Djaya. Hypothesis testing direct
and indirect effect it can be seen that the
value of the influence of Leadership on
Organizational Performance directly
directly of lower value than by means of
intermediary Employee Performance
variables. This needs to be taken into
consideration by companies to support
organizational performance improvement,
namely the need to involve leadership in
acting in leading to direct, guide, organize,
and facilitate group or organizational
activities and relationships.
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