Kristin Wulansari, Della Olivia Caterina Kalangit, Sailawati
| 2068
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i12.220
To slow down transmission and lower
COVID-19-related mortality, every nation
should be putting in place a complete
package of policies that are tailored to its
capabilities and situation, government
must introduced physical distancing
measures and population-level movement
restrictions, Planning for a gradual
transition away from such limits that would
allow for the sustained suppression of
transmission at a low level while allowing
for the restart of some aspects of economic
and social life is urgently needed, namely
the new normal era (Liu et al., 2021);
(Waibel & Gaillard, 2017).
An uncontrolled upsurge in COVID-19
transmission is expected to result from the
premature lifting of physical distancing
measures without careful planning, in the
lack of scaled up public health and clinical
care resources, and in the absence of
improved clinical treatment. This makes the
organization faced with the conditions of
organizational reform, namely adjustment
through a process of change in the new
normal era, so that a model of bureaucratic
change is needed that is able to answer
challenges, in the bureaucracy it must
optimize the use of technology,
information and communication in all
matters in the government sector
(Lumbanraja, 2020). So online service (e-
Government) is a solution, with prioritized
by carefully risk.
In this case the limited space for
movement due to following health
protocols and the demands of the
community that their rights as citizens to be
served. To deal with this, the government is
trying to implement an electronic-based
system with e-Government support,
transformation of the manual service
model which is characterized by face-to-
face services move to electronics by
utilizing technology. The Local Revenue
Agency of Samarinda has therefore
developed the e-BPHTB system.
(Gasol, K&Stefkova, K. 2017) said, "The
information and the use of ICT in citizens'
everyday life creates a pressure on the
government to provide public services more
efficiently, more transparently and through
the internet (Gasova & Stofkova, 2017)."
Information technology, besides being
sophisticated, also creates pressure for the
government to provide public services that
are more efficient, transparent, and
provided through the internet. Abri and
Mahmoudzadeh, in their research,
explained that information technology has
an impact on productivity and efficiency in
an organization; A public organization that
uses technology will be able to raise the
standard of its services (Abri &
Mahmoudzadeh, 2015). Additionally,
technology can improve government
responsiveness, democratization,
productivity, efficiency, and transparency
(Lee et al., 2018).
The implementation of e-BPHTB system
is expected to provide benefits, especially
in improving of BPHTB services. The
application of e-BPHTB system aims to
simplify the BPHTB process. The process no
longer uses offline mechanisms and instead
uses electronics. The successful
implementation of e-BPHTB system, its
potential, and its benefits can be seen from
the support of the government and the
Organization of the Local Apparatus that