JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 12, 2067 2075
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i12.220 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Kristin Wulansari
Della Olivia Caterina Kalangit
Politeknik Negeri Samarinda, Samarinda, Indonesia
e-mail: kristinwulansari@polnes.ac.id
, dellaolivia@polnes.ac.id
, sailawati@polnes.ac.id
*Correspondence: kristinwulansari@polnes.ac.id
Submitted: 27 June 2022, Revised: 05 July 2022, Accepted: 15 July 2022
Abstract. The COVID-19 pandemic is a massive health calamity that will also result in an impending
global economic restructuring. The impact of COVID-19 Pandemic is extensive and has presented
enormous challenges to the world as a whole. A full economic recovery from the COVID-19 is
unlikely. The governments must building resilience and leading in this time of crisis to a new phase
new normal in the COVID-19 pandemic. Online service (e-Government) is a solution but the
challenge in the success of online service (e-Government) implementation. The purpose of this
research is to define the processes, challenges and opportunities for the application of the e-BPHTB
systems in the Regional Revenue Office of Samarinda. A qualitative descriptive methodology is
used in this research. The results of this research suggest that the e-BPHTB system implementation
has been successful. Investment in e-BPHTB systems enhances performance, efficacy and quality
of service in The Local Revenue Agency of Samarinda. The result also showed that the challenges
of e-BPHTB implementation, such as : the quality infrastructure system, the complicated of regional
regulations, and the taxpayer’s awareness so bad.
Keywords: e-government; innovation breakthrough; e-BPHTB system; fraud.
Kristin Wulansari, Della Olivia Caterina Kalangit, Sailawati
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DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i12.220 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
To slow down transmission and lower
COVID-19-related mortality, every nation
should be putting in place a complete
package of policies that are tailored to its
capabilities and situation, government
must introduced physical distancing
measures and population-level movement
restrictions, Planning for a gradual
transition away from such limits that would
allow for the sustained suppression of
transmission at a low level while allowing
for the restart of some aspects of economic
and social life is urgently needed, namely
the new normal era (Liu et al., 2021);
(Waibel & Gaillard, 2017).
An uncontrolled upsurge in COVID-19
transmission is expected to result from the
premature lifting of physical distancing
measures without careful planning, in the
lack of scaled up public health and clinical
care resources, and in the absence of
improved clinical treatment. This makes the
organization faced with the conditions of
organizational reform, namely adjustment
through a process of change in the new
normal era, so that a model of bureaucratic
change is needed that is able to answer
challenges, in the bureaucracy it must
optimize the use of technology,
information and communication in all
matters in the government sector
(Lumbanraja, 2020). So online service (e-
Government) is a solution, with prioritized
by carefully risk.
In this case the limited space for
movement due to following health
protocols and the demands of the
community that their rights as citizens to be
served. To deal with this, the government is
trying to implement an electronic-based
system with e-Government support,
transformation of the manual service
model which is characterized by face-to-
face services move to electronics by
utilizing technology. The Local Revenue
Agency of Samarinda has therefore
developed the e-BPHTB system.
(Gasol, K&Stefkova, K. 2017) said, "The
information and the use of ICT in citizens'
everyday life creates a pressure on the
government to provide public services more
efficiently, more transparently and through
the internet (Gasova & Stofkova, 2017)."
Information technology, besides being
sophisticated, also creates pressure for the
government to provide public services that
are more efficient, transparent, and
provided through the internet. Abri and
Mahmoudzadeh, in their research,
explained that information technology has
an impact on productivity and efficiency in
an organization; A public organization that
uses technology will be able to raise the
standard of its services (Abri &
Mahmoudzadeh, 2015). Additionally,
technology can improve government
responsiveness, democratization,
productivity, efficiency, and transparency
(Lee et al., 2018).
The implementation of e-BPHTB system
is expected to provide benefits, especially
in improving of BPHTB services. The
application of e-BPHTB system aims to
simplify the BPHTB process. The process no
longer uses offline mechanisms and instead
uses electronics. The successful
implementation of e-BPHTB system, its
potential, and its benefits can be seen from
the support of the government and the
Organization of the Local Apparatus that
2069 | Analysis of Tax Innovation Breakthrough on E-Bphtb System to Minimize Fraud in the
Local Revenue Office of Samarinda
implemented it.
This paper aims to review changes in
the bureaucracy in the new normal era, to
analyse the implementation of e-BPHTB to
define the processes, challenges and
opportunities for the application of the e-
BPHTB systems in the Regional Revenue
Office of Samarinda.
There are many definitions for e-
government such as The delivery of
government information and services online
through the Internet or other digital means”,
In order to provide information and
services to residents, businesses, and other
government agencies, e-Government is
defined as leveraging the internet and the
world wide web. Finally, define e-
government as using information and
communication technology, particularly
the Internet, as a tool to provide residents,
businesses, and employees with better
government services.
According to Ahmad, public
administration is the process of two or
more people working together to logically
accomplish a common objective. The use of
information technology to enhance the
quality of government services is known as
"e-government," and it is a new method of
communication between the government,
the public, and other interested parties., e-
Government to Citizens is a Publish service,
which is a one-way communication, where
the government publishes various data and
information that it has to be directly and
freely accessed by the public and other
interested parties via the internet.
The use of an e-Government idea has a
number of advantages. Quotes Tony Blair
and Al Gore as saying that among the
advantages of e-Government are: (1) better
government service to its stakeholders; (2)
more transparency, control, and
accountability; (3) decreased administrative
costs, relations, and interactions; (4)
opportunities for new sources of income;
(5) new community environments that
quickly and accurately respond to
problems faced by various global changes;
(6) empowerment of the community and
other parties.
Public service is, according to
Sinambela, the fulfillment by state
administrators of the community's wishes
and needs. The results of studies and
analysis by the Harvard JFK School of
Government on digitization concepts in the
public sector show that digitization
initiatives must have three main elements:
help, power, and value (Gasova & Stofkova,
Innovation Breakthrough
Omnipresent computing is a new
generic model of technology that
encompasses several different
technologies. Instead, it portrays
information and communication settings
where various items, people, information,
computers, and the physical environment
are associated with computer sensors (such
as radio frequency tags, wearable
technology, smart watches), other devices
(tablets, and mobile smartphones). A
different kind of world, "one that is
hyperconnected and data saturated, a world
where an Internet of everyone is linked to an
Internet of everything," is created by the
synthesis of these breakthroughs. Despite
how disruptive they are, these new
technologies did not arise out of nowhere.
Instead, numerous other technological
Kristin Wulansari, Della Olivia Caterina Kalangit, Sailawati
| 2070
advancements came before them, and as
we'll see, they had a significant impact on
organizations and work during the past few
decades. As Murray (2015, p. 6) contends,
Together these innovations are hurtling us
toward a new industrial revolution. Savvy
corporate leaders know they have to either
figure out how these technologies will
transform their businesses or face disruption
by others who figure it out first (Evans &
Saunders, 2015).”
The digital age began with the
development of computers and
communication technology, but we must
keep in mind that these technologies are
continually evolving. Indeed, the four
phases of the digital age of information and
communication technology have led to a
number of changes in the ways that
economic activity is conducted. Human
activity has been able to expand
continuously in the electronic space thanks
to ongoing developments in information
and communication technology.
(Shangguan et al., 2020).
Figure 1. Stages of information and communication technology within the digital era.
Fraud is an intentional act involving the
use of deception that results in a material
misstatement of financial statements. Asset
theft, financial statement fraud, and
corruption are the three categories of
fraud. Asset misappropriation refers to the
theft or improper use of an organization's
resources. For instance, inventory theft and
theft of cash. The financial records will be
altered once cash or inventory is stolen to
hide the fraud. Financial statement fraud is
the deliberate manipulation of financial
statements to falsely represent the true
state of a business. It may manifest itself in
a number of ways, including the
falsification or alteration of accounting
records or supporting documentation, the
incorrect application of accounting
principles, and the omission of
transactions, events, or other data. The
exploitation or abuse of a position (whether
public or corporate) for personal gain is
included in the traditional definition of
corruption. Conflicts of interest, bribery,
unlawful gratuities, and economic extortion
are among the types of corruption that
could occur (Baines et al., 2020);
(Zyglidopoulos et al., 2009).
2071 | Analysis of Tax Innovation Breakthrough on E-Bphtb System to Minimize Fraud in the
Local Revenue Office of Samarinda
Land and building acquisition duty
According to Article 5 of Law
No.4/2011, the tax rate of BPHTB is
calculated at 5% (five percent) of the
Acquisition Value of the Taxable Object
(“NPOPKP”). A 5% Land and Building
Transfer Duty (BPHTB) is due from people
or businesses who acquire rights to land or
buildings. Based on the higher of the
transaction value or the assessed value, the
5 percent duty is calculated (Schellhammer
et al., 2017).
Regional taxes, which are administered
by PDRD Law, include BPHTB as well. The
execution of a court order with full legal
effect, business mergers, consolidations,
expansions, prize deliveries, grants,
inheritances, contributions to corporations,
rights separations, buyer designation in
auctions, and trade-in and sale-purchase
agreements are examples of qualifying land
and building rights transfers.
BPHTB is based on the NJOP of the
relevant land and building rights, which is
typically greater than the market
(transaction) value or the Tax Object
Acquisition Value (Nilai Perolehan Objek
Pajak/NPOP), which is the basis for BPHTB.
Applying the relevant NPOP to the
applicable duty rate (5%) less a permitted
non-taxable threshold yields the tax owed
on a specific event. The minimum non-
taxable threshold amount varies by
location and is Rp. 60 million, with Rp. 300
million being the starting point for an
inheritance. Government regulation may
alter the non-taxable level.
When the pertinent deed of land and
building right transfer is signed in front of
a public notary, BPHTB is normally due on
that day. The obligation in a business
merger, consolidation, or expansion is
payable on the day the applicable merger,
consolidation, or expansion act is signed. In
an auction, the obligation is due on the
date the authorized officer signs the
Auction Report.
With a descriptive approach, this
analysis incorporates qualitative research.
The introduction of the e-BPHTB system
framework for reporting of Land and
building acquisition duty services until
payment process at the Regional Revenue
Office of Samarinda is the subject of this
study. In addition, this study discusses the
challenges and opportunities of the
Regional Revenue Office of Samarinda for
the e-BPHTB system for reporting of Land
and building acquisition duty services until
payment process. Main and secondary data
sources provide data sources.
Implementing an e-BPHTB System
1. Processes of e-BPHTB System
The Local Revenue Agency of
Samarinda applies e-BPHTB system to
simplify the BPHTB process for tax
payer. Where the determination of this
system strategy was taken by the Head
of the Local Revenue Agency of
Samarinda during the new normal era,
so that there would be an increase in
organizational performance in the
achievement of local revenue even in
the COVID-19 pandemic conditions.
Innovation Breakthrough on e-BPHTB
system as shown in Figure 2 and Figure
Kristin Wulansari, Della Olivia Caterina Kalangit, Sailawati
| 2072
Figure 2. e-Government Concept in the Local Revenue Agency of Samarinda
Figure 3. e-BPHTB’s Method in the Local Revenue Agency of Samarinda
2. Challenges of e-BPHTB System
Based on the research, the Local
Revenue Agency of Samarinda faces
several challenges in implementing e-
BPHTB system. These challenges are as
a. The Quality Infrastructure System
In the theory of infrastructure
availability is a 50% indicator of the
success of a digitalization concept.
E-BPHTB is still in a period of
transition from the offline to the
online system, and this system will
continue to experience
2073 | Analysis of Tax Innovation Breakthrough on E-Bphtb System to Minimize Fraud in the
Local Revenue Office of Samarinda
improvements until the refinement
stage, so the technology
infrastructure is in the form of tools
to used by Local Revenue Agency of
Samarinda to run the e-BPHTB
System. The infrastructure like fast
internet network must be upgrade.
b. The Complicated of Regional
To implement a policy,
underlying rules are needed. There
needs to be a synchronization
between central regulations and
local regulations. The presence of
local laws will support local
governments and communities. The
Local Revenue Agency of
Samarinda still does not have rules
for e-BPHTB system itself.
c. The taxpayer’s awareness so bad
Not all people of Samarinda
Regency understand how to use
information technology, and
people still often come to the Local
Revenue Agency of Samarinda to
register BPHTB.
3. Opportunities of e-BPHTB System
Researchers found several
opportunities in the implementation of
e-BPHTB system in the BPHTB service at
the Local Revenue Agency of
Samarinda. These opportunities are as
a. Increase the effectiveness and
efficiency to register BPHTB service.
b. Improving the quality and
performance of the Local Revenue
Agency of Samarinda.
Benefit of e-BPHTB System
Benefits of e-BPHTB System in New
Normal on the Local Revenue Agency of
Samarinda is :
1. Facilitate the relation of taxpayer’s
with all stakeholders and efficiently
of process , easily and in real time;
2. Assist taxpayer’s in monitoring
reporting of Land and building
acquisition duty services until
payment process in one location;
3. Facilitating the tax payer’s of data
report by self. e-BPHTB is a type of
e-service (electronic service);
4. Opportunities for new sources of
income in The COVID-19 pandemic;
5. Increased transparency, control,
and accountability;
6. minimize fraud occurrences by
implementing e-bphtb system;
7. Reduced administrative costs,
relations, and interactions (physical
Benefits of Innovation Breakthrough on
e-BPHTB System in New Normal on the
Local Revenue Agency of Samarinda is : (1)
Facilitate the relation of taxpayer’s with all
stakeholders and efficiently of process ,
easily and in real time; (2) Assist taxpayer’s
in monitoring reporting of Land and
building acquisition duty services until
payment process in one location; (3)
Facilitating the taxpayer’s of data report by
self. e-BPHTB is a type of e-service
(electronic service); (4) Opportunities for
new sources of income in The COVID-19
pandemic; (5) Increased transparency,
control, and accountability; (6) minimize
fraud occurrences by implementing e-
bphtb system; (7) Reduced administrative
Kristin Wulansari, Della Olivia Caterina Kalangit, Sailawati
| 2074
costs, relations, and interactions (physical
distancing). e-BPHTB System showed that
the implementation of the e-BPHTB system
was successful for increases performance in
The Local Revenue Agency of Samarinda.
The result also showed that the challenges
of e-BPHTB implementation, such as: the
quality infrastructure system, the
complicated of regional regulations, and
the taxpayer’s awareness so bad.
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© 2022 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license