Muhamad Apep Mustofa, Nandan Limakrisna, Hari Muharam | 1975
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i11.210
Logistics is an art in regulating and
controlling the flow of goods, energy,
information, and other resources, such as
products, services, and people, from
production sources to the market
(Hasibuan et al., 2021). This is intended to
optimize the use of capital. In this case,
manufacturing and marketing are felt to
be difficult to do without logistical
support (Fatihudin & Firmansyah, 2019).
Logistics is related to the integration of
information, transportation, inventory,
warehousing, reverse logistics and
packaging (Aruperes et al., 2018).
The business environment in its
development is increasingly competitive,
this encourages high competition and has
an impact on marketing performance
(Asnawati, 2022). The competitive
advantage of a company has a role in
efforts to improve marketing
performance (Pudyastuti & Saputra,
2021). This shows the compatibility
between the business target or level of
achievement with the achievement
obtained at the end of the period.
Marketing performance plays an
important role in business growth
(Oktavinus, 2020). Companies with good
performance in terms of logistics support
and marketing performance will be able
to develop business, have business
sustainability, and have competitive
advantages. In this case, good company
performance can be used as a guideline in
operating a business efficiently in order to
gain competitive advantage and business
sustainability (Handayani & Amrita, 2020).
Performance measurement is
considered important for all companies,
because it is able to help identify and
identify the achievement of the level of
success and failure of a company (Warella
et al., 2021). Research on company
performance has been carried out by
involving various variables as various
antecedents, including logistical support
and competitive advantage.
Performance is a function of the
organization as well as the
implementation of a successful marketing
strategy (Fathurrochman et al., 2021).
Performance is the extent to which a
manager is able to perceive results to be
realized and operationalized in financial
and strategic terms (M Suyanto et al.,
2021). Meanwhile, logistics is related to
the strategic management process of
storing and moving goods, finished
goods, and spare parts from suppliers,
between company facilities and from the
company to customers (Hutri et al., 2020).
Logistics has a crucial position in
business which can be seen from three
things (Widjanarko, 2021). First, almost
25% of the company's assets are
inventories. Second, optimal logistics
costs will boost the company's
performance. Third, play an important
role in the return on investment. In
relation to the rate of return on
investment, logistics contributes from: the
service level which directly affects sales
revenue, the cost of the logistics itself, the
amount of inventory (inventory), and fixed
assets (Barlianto & Riesfandiari, 2021).
Logistics criteria that are able to
describe their performance in order to
provide support for marketing
performance for competitive advantage