JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 11, 1974 1985
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i11.210 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Muhamad Apep Mustofa
Nandan Limakrisna
Hari Muharam
Universitas Pakuan Bogor, Indonesia
e-mail: apepmustofa89@gmail.com
, correspondent.author@gmail.com
*Correspondence: correspondent.author@gmail.com
Submitted: 27 May 2022, Revised: 05 June 2022, Accepted: 15 June 2022
Abstract. An increasingly competitive business environment encourages high levels of
competition and has a strong impact on marketing performance. Marketing performance plays an
important role in business growth. Studies on marketing performance have been carried out by a
number of researchers involving various variables including logistical support and the competitive
advantage of a company. The logistical support and competitive advantage can identify marketing
performance as a benchmark to remain competitive. The purpose of this study is to examine and
analyze the effect of logistics support on competitive advantage, test and analyze the effect of
logistics support on marketing performance, test and analyze the effect of competitive advantage
on marketing performance, and test and analyze the effect of logistics support through
competitive advantage on a company's marketing performance. The research method used is a
quantitative approach using 25 samples consisting of staff, supervisors, and company managers
under study. The results of the study indicate that there is a positive and significant direct effect of
logistics support on marketing performance, and a positive and significant indirect effect of
logistics support on marketing performance through competitive advantage.
Keywords: logistics support; marketing performance; competitive advantage.
Muhamad Apep Mustofa, Nandan Limakrisna, Hari Muharam | 1975
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i11.210 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Logistics is an art in regulating and
controlling the flow of goods, energy,
information, and other resources, such as
products, services, and people, from
production sources to the market
(Hasibuan et al., 2021). This is intended to
optimize the use of capital. In this case,
manufacturing and marketing are felt to
be difficult to do without logistical
support (Fatihudin & Firmansyah, 2019).
Logistics is related to the integration of
information, transportation, inventory,
warehousing, reverse logistics and
packaging (Aruperes et al., 2018).
The business environment in its
development is increasingly competitive,
this encourages high competition and has
an impact on marketing performance
(Asnawati, 2022). The competitive
advantage of a company has a role in
efforts to improve marketing
performance (Pudyastuti & Saputra,
2021). This shows the compatibility
between the business target or level of
achievement with the achievement
obtained at the end of the period.
Marketing performance plays an
important role in business growth
(Oktavinus, 2020). Companies with good
performance in terms of logistics support
and marketing performance will be able
to develop business, have business
sustainability, and have competitive
advantages. In this case, good company
performance can be used as a guideline in
operating a business efficiently in order to
gain competitive advantage and business
sustainability (Handayani & Amrita, 2020).
Performance measurement is
considered important for all companies,
because it is able to help identify and
identify the achievement of the level of
success and failure of a company (Warella
et al., 2021). Research on company
performance has been carried out by
involving various variables as various
antecedents, including logistical support
and competitive advantage.
Performance is a function of the
organization as well as the
implementation of a successful marketing
strategy (Fathurrochman et al., 2021).
Performance is the extent to which a
manager is able to perceive results to be
realized and operationalized in financial
and strategic terms (M Suyanto et al.,
2021). Meanwhile, logistics is related to
the strategic management process of
storing and moving goods, finished
goods, and spare parts from suppliers,
between company facilities and from the
company to customers (Hutri et al., 2020).
Logistics has a crucial position in
business which can be seen from three
things (Widjanarko, 2021). First, almost
25% of the company's assets are
inventories. Second, optimal logistics
costs will boost the company's
performance. Third, play an important
role in the return on investment. In
relation to the rate of return on
investment, logistics contributes from: the
service level which directly affects sales
revenue, the cost of the logistics itself, the
amount of inventory (inventory), and fixed
assets (Barlianto & Riesfandiari, 2021).
Logistics criteria that are able to
describe their performance in order to
provide support for marketing
performance for competitive advantage
1976 | Effect of Logistic Support on Marketing Performance for Competitive Advantage
are classified into several dimensions,
including: effectiveness, efficiency, and
differentiation related to the achievement
of logistics activities (Ahmad, 2020).
The novelty in this study is to display
and empirically test the logistic support
variables on marketing performance
variables that can affect competitive
advantage. This is done, considering the
importance of logistical support in
improving the marketing performance
mechanism to increase the competitive
advantage of a company.
Based on a review of several relevant
previous research results, an interesting
problem to be studied further is: "How
does logistics support influence marketing
performance for competitive advantage?"
with research objectives including: testing
and analyzing the effect of logistical
support on competitive advantage,
testing and analyzing the effect of
logistical support on marketing
performance, testing and analyzing the
effect of competitive advantage on
marketing performance, and testing and
analyzing the effect of logistical support
through competitive advantage on the
marketing performance of a company.
company. Based on the description and
data above, it is interesting to conduct a
research entitled "The Effect of Logistical
Support on Marketing Performance for
Competitive Advantage".
The approach used is a quantitative
approach (Parjaman & Akhmad, 2019).
The research method used is the
correlation method (Ramdani & Badriah,
2018). This method was chosen to see the
relationship between the independent
variable and the dependent variable
which is influenced by the mediating
variable. Below is a chart of variables from
this research.
Figure 1. Research Variable
Design Chart
X = Independent Variable (Logistics
Y = Dependent Variable (Marketing
Z = Mediation Variable (Competitive
This research was conducted in 5 (five)
companies in Cirebon City. The number of
samples consists of 25 samples who are
employees of the companies mentioned
above consisting of staff, supervisors, and
managers. The data collection technique
in this study used a questionnaire
instrument (Mudanta et al., 2020). This
instrument is used to obtain data from the
variables of logistical support, marketing
performance, and competitive advantage.
Below are indicators of each of the
variables in this study.
Muhamad Apep Mustofa, Nandan Limakrisna, Hari Muharam | 1977
Table 1. Indicators of Research Variables
Logistics Support
Business procurement of goods
Distribution of materials, parts, and final inventory
Storage of materials, parts, and final inventory
Information to meet consumer needs (Muharom &
Prasetyo, 2021)
Return on investment
(Mardiyono, 2018)
Product uniqueness Product
Price (Herman, 2018)
The data analysis technique used in this
study uses descriptive analysis techniques
and inferential data analysis techniques
(Anderha & Maskar, 2021) assisted by using
the IBM application SPSS version 25. The
tests carried out in this research are
classical assumption tests such as normality
test, multicollinearity test,
heteroscedasticity test, followed by path
analysis, Sobel test and hypothesis testing.
Results of the Classical Assumption Test
a. Substructure Regression 1
Table 2. The Classical Assumption Test Results of the Substructure 1
of the Classical Assumption Test Results of the Substructure 1
Test Multicollinearity Test
Dependent Variable: Z
Test results The above normality is
the effect of logistical support on
competitive advantage with a normal
distribution. The assessment indicator
is normal or not, it can be seen from the
Asymp value. Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.175.
When compared, the value is greater
than 0.05 so it is said that the data is
normally distributed.
The results of the
1978 | Effect of Logistic Support on Marketing Performance for Competitive Advantage
Heteroscedasticity test of the effect of
logistical support on competitive
advantage above show that there are
no symptoms of Heteroscedasticity.
This can be seen from the significance
value in the column above showing a
number of 0.085 which is greater than
The results of the multicollinearity
test of the effect of logistical support on
competitive advantage above show
that there are no symptoms of
multicollinearity. This is evidenced by
the value of Collinearity Tolerance and
VIF value of these variables. The value
of Collinearity Tolerance obtained is
0.314 which is greater than 0.10 so that
it shows that there are no symptoms of
Multicollinearity. As for the VIF value
obtained from the variables above, it is
4.317, which is smaller than 10,
indicating that there are no symptoms
of multicollinearity.
b. Substructure Regression 2
Table 3. Classical Assumption Test Results Substructure 2
Classical Assumption Test Results Substructure Regression 2
Test Multicollinearity Test
.284 .218
Dependent Variable: Y
test results The effect of logistical
support on marketing performance
mediated by competitive advantage is
normally distributed. The indicator of
normal assessment or not is seen from
the Asymp value. Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.217.
When compared, the value is greater
than 0.05 so it is said that the data is
normally distributed.
The results of the normality test of
the effect of logistical support on
marketing performance mediated by
competitive advantage showed that
there were no symptoms of
heteroscedasticity. This can be seen
from the significance value in the
column above showing the numbers
0.284 and 0.517, both of which are
greater than 0.05.
The results of the normality test of
the effect of logistical support on
marketing performance mediated by
competitive advantage show that there
are no symptoms of multicollinearity.
This is evidenced by the value of
Collinearity Tolerance and VIF value of
the two variables. The value of
Collinearity Tolerance obtained is 0.218
and 0.117, both of which are greater
than 0.10 so that it shows that there are
no symptoms of Multicollinearity. As for
the VIF value obtained from the two
variables above, namely 5.315 and
7.557, both values are smaller than 10,
indicating that there are no symptoms
Muhamad Apep Mustofa, Nandan Limakrisna, Hari Muharam | 1979
of multicollinearity.
Analysis Test Results Path Table
a. Substructural Regression Analysis 1
(Effect of logistical support on
competitive advantage)
Table 4. Results of Substructure Regression Analysis 1
Model Summary
Coefficients Beta
R Square
.025 .427 .653
: Z
1) Hypothesis Testing
The t-count value was also
measured to calculate the effect of
each independent variable partially
on the mediating variable. The t-
count value of logistical support (X)
gets a value of 2.403. The t-table
value obtained is 2.060. Then the
comparison of t-count and t-table
for the logistic support variable (X)
is 2.147 > 2.060, which means that
there is an influence between
logistical support (X) on
competitive advantage (Z) or Ha is
accepted (Hypothesis 1). In
addition, the significance value
obtained is 0.025 <0.05.
2) Coefficient of Determination and
Correlation Test
When viewed from the
summary model table above, to see
the coefficient of determination, the
R Square value obtained is 0.835,
which means that logistical support
contributes 83.5% influence on
competitive advantage. As for
about 16.5% contributed by other
variables not examined in this
study. As for the value of e1 that is
obtained by (1-0.101)=0.948. As for
seeing the correlation coefficient, it
can be seen from the R value
obtained at 0.948 which is included
in the category of very strong
correlation level.
The following is a chart of the
trajectory of logistical support to
competitive advantage.
Figure 2. Trajectory of the Effect of Logistics Support on Competitive Advantage
Dukungan Logistik (X)
P1 = 0,653
Keunggulan Bersaing (Z)
Muhamad Apep Mustofa, Nandan Limakrisna, Hari Muharam | 1980
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i11.210 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
c. Substructural Regression Analysis 2
(Effect of logistical support and
competitive advantage on marketing
Table 5. Results of Substructure Regression Analysis 2
Model Summary
Coefficients Beta
R Square
Dependent Variable: Y
1) Hypothesis Testing
The t-count value was also
measured to calculate the effect of
each independent variable and
variable partial mediation of the
dependent variable. The t-count
value for logistical support (X) is
2,947, and competitive advantage
(Z) is 4,117. The t-table value
obtained is 2.060. Then the
comparison of t-count and t-table
for the logistic support variable (X)
is 2.947 > 2.060, which means that
there is an influence between
logistical support (X) on marketing
performance (Y) or Ha is accepted
(Hypothesis 2). The significance
value obtained is 0.000 <0.05.
The comparison of t-count and
t-table for the competitive
advantage variable (Z) is 4.117 >
2.060, which means that there is an
influence between the competitive
advantage variable (Z) on
marketing performance (Y) or Ha is
accepted (Hypothesis 3). In
addition, the significance value
obtained is 0.000 <0.05.
2) Coefficient of Determination and
Correlation Test
When viewed from the
summary model table above, to see
the coefficient of determination, the
R Square value obtained is 0.861,
which means that logistical support
and competitive advantage
contribute 86.1% of the influence
on marketing performance. As for
about 13.9% contributed by other
variables not examined in this
study. As for the value of e1 that is
obtained by (1-0.101) = 0.958. As
for seeing the correlation
coefficient, it can be seen from the
R value obtained at 0.958 which is
included in the category of very
strong correlation level.
The following is a chart of the
trajectory of logistical support and
competitive advantage to
marketing performance.
Muhamad Apep Mustofa, Nandan Limakrisna, Hari Muharam | 1981
Figure 3. Trajectory of the Effect of Logistics Support and Competitive Advantage
on Marketing Performance
3) Sobel Test
Figure 4. Sobel Test Results
To see that competitive
advantage can mediate the effect of
logistical support on marketing
performance, a Sobel test was
conducted. The results obtained are
sobel test statistic = 1.50026417.
The significance value at the one
tailed probability level is
0.06677299 > 0.05 or Ha is
accepted (Hypothesis 4). So it can
be concluded that competitive
advantage can mediate the effect of
logistical support on marketing
d. Discussion of the Effect of Logistics
Support on Competitive Advantage
The results show that logistical
support has an influence on
competitive advantage with a t-count
value of 2.403 and a significance of
0.025. This shows that with good
logistics support it will be able to
increase the competitive advantage of
a company, as stated by Lutfiah, (2020)
that logistics support from vendors has
a positive and significant influence on
the success of ERP implementation and
the company's competitive advantage.
P1 = 0,653
P2 = 0,307
P2 = 0,307
1982 | Effect of Logistic Support on Marketing Performance for Competitive Advantage
This shows that logistical support has a
very crucial role in the business or
business world that can affect a
company's competitive advantage.
e. The Effect of Logistics Support on
Marketing Performance
The results showed that logistical
support had an influence on marketing
performance with a t-count value of
2,947 and a significance of 0.000. This
shows that with good logistical support
it will be able to improve the marketing
performance of a company, as Yunus,
(2019) that good logistical support can
improve cement marketing
performance in Indonesia, with
indications of increased production
performance to meet cement demand.
In other words, increasing logistical
support will be able to improve a
company's marketing performance.
f. The Effect of Competitive Advantage
on Marketing Performance
The results show that logistical
support has an influence on
competitive advantage with a t-count
value of 4.117 and a significance of
0.000. This shows that with a good
competitive advantage, it will be able to
improve the marketing performance of
a company, as Kurniawan &
Mudiantono, (2019) stated that the
company's competitive advantage is
the heart of a company's marketing
performance. The statement shows that
competitive advantage is a company
strategy in creating value advantages
from products compared to
competitors in the market. In this case,
it can be seen that the higher the
competitive advantage of a company,
the more the marketing performance of
the company will increase.
g. The Effect of Logistics Support
Through Competitive Advantage on
Marketing Performance
The results show that logistical
support has an indirect influence on
marketing performance through a
company's competitive advantage, as
seen from the results of the sobel test
statistic reaching 1.50026417 with a
significance of 0.06677299. This shows
that with good logistics support it will
be able to improve a company's
marketing performance indirectly
through a company's competitive
advantage, as stated by Marina et al.,
(2018) that customer-oriented logistics
support has a positive and significant
effect on increasing company
competitiveness and customer loyalty.
The competitive advantage based on
the results of the study shows that it has
been able to mediate logistical support
on marketing performance. This can be
seen from the increasing influence of
logistics support on marketing
performance which was originally 0.65
to 1.50, meaning that the stronger and
increasing the competitive advantage
of a company, the greater the influence
of logistics support on the marketing
performance of a company.
Muhamad Apep Mustofa, Nandan Limakrisna, Hari Muharam | 1983
Logistics support has a positive and
significant effect on the marketing
performance of a company. This shows that
logistical support is able to improve
marketing performance. The increase is
based on efficiency and logistics
performance which optimally provides
material and information support. Logistics
support is indispensable for the progress of
a company to improve marketing
performance for a company's competitive
The competitive advantage of a
company has a positive and significant
effect on marketing performance, and is
able to mediate logistics support variables
in order to improve a company's marketing
performance. Competitive advantage is
one of the factors that can show a company
will last a long time. With a good
competitive advantage, it will strengthen
the position of a company as a formidable
competitor and able to expand the market.
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