JRSSEM 2021, Vol. 01, No. 3, 224 245
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i3.21 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Dandy Bhagaswara
Ciputra University,Surabaya, Indonesia
e-mail: dbhagaswara@ymail.com
*Correspondence: dbhagaswara@ymail.com
Submitted: 8 October 2021, Revised: 15 October 2021, Accepted: 27 October 2021
Abstract. Technology is a breakthrough in the modern era, allowing humans to access information,
interact without meeting face to face and in direct contact. This change in human behavior directly
impacts almost all aspects of life, one of which is the world of economics and business, which in
the end, the term Digital Marketing was born. This research is a qualitative type using a semi-
structured interview method and a documentation study in data collection and data analysis. The
findings in this study result in the strategy that can be used for the company PT. Agro Komoditi
Lestari is implementing digital marketing, internal and external analysis is needed, the internal
investigation includes the fields of company, product, human resources or financial capabilities,
and infrastructure, the external analysis includes segmentation, targeting, and positioning, to
determine what platform the company will use, and how to design it. Implemented strategy. The
use of platforms such as websites, SEO, and SEM is one of the alternative options that can be used
by companies that have a B2B market. Social media can also play a good role in a long-term
strategy, namely to build brand awareness and foundation capital for the company when it enters
a more general market or B2C.
Keywords: digital marketing; marketing strategy; B2B.
Dandy Bhagaswara | 225
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i3.21 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
The purpose of establishing a
company is to gain profit and company
development. To achieve these goals,
companies need to carry out various
strategies to maximize company income. In
the industrial era 4.0, almost all business
models are integrated with the Internet of
Things (IoT) in production, logistics,
finance, and even marketing. In the
marketing function, for example, to
increase sales, you need qualified
marketing techniques to exist still because
one of the critical factors to get company
income lies in the marketing strategy.
There are various ways that companies
can increase marketing activities, one of
which is the digitalization of marketing.
Digitization, or the integration of digital
media into corporate practices, involves
digitizing work processes and integrating
telephone, internet, mobile technology to
change the way of communication or
interfaces with customers, suppliers, and
partners (Chaffey & Smith, 2017); (Wang,
2020). Digital Marketing refers to the use of
electronic media by marketers to promote
products or services to the market, with the
primary objective of attracting customers
and enabling them to build their brands
through digital media (Yasmin et al., 2015);
(Mkwizu, 2019). One of the essential
techniques in digital marketing is social
media marketing (Chaffey, 2011). Digital
Marketing is also referred to as online
marketing either through websites, online
advertisements, email, interactive kiosks,
interactive tv, or mobile phones (Smith &
Chaffey, 2008); (Mkwizu, 2019).
According to the World Banking
Report on Digital Dividends (The World
Bank, 2016), many organizations lag far
behind consumers in digital adoption. They
are less aware that digitalization has
become a significant trend today. The lack
of awareness of this trend is due to the lack
of mature insight around digital technology
and company capabilities (Bamm et al.,
2018), (Wang, 2020), which impacts the lack
of consideration for using digital as a
necessity in company operations.
Digital Marketing uses electronic
media to promote products and services
((Yasmin et al., 2015); (Mkwizu, 2019)). With
digital marketing, a business in a company
can promote its products and services
easily through technological sophistication.
Online advertisements made by business
companies must prioritize a good branding
context so that the public can accept them.
Branding carried out by business
companies includes online branding.
Online branding is becoming increasingly
common and essential in modern society,
as most marketing is done digitally through
various social media platforms, blogs,
websites, and other media types.
In general, digital marketing activities
are carried out by business actors in the
context of B2C (Bussines to customers), but
also B2B (Bussines to Bussines) companies.
The company must apply digital
technology to expand its brand. The brand
valuation of a B2B company will be
conveyed very well using digital tools
(Bamm et al., 2018). A business in the
company to appear extraordinary to attract
new customers and maintain customer
satisfaction can be done by acquiring new
markets. This acquisition can be made
easily by using digital tools in digital
226 | Exploration of Digital Marketing Strategy for New Market Acquisition in The Family
Company PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari
marketing technology. The purchase itself
is carried out so that the business carried
out is more competitive and profitable.
Many B2B organizations are turning to
digital marketing to increase their customer
acquisition, and an example is the use of
the google ads platform. According to data
released by Digital Ready, the global use of
marketing software using marketing tools
in 2020 reached $32 billion per year. Nearly
100 thousand bots are recorded to be
active using the youtube platform,
facebook messenger, facebook ads, and
Instagram. (Yenny Yusra, 2018)
Digital marketing used in B2B and B2C
businesses aim to improve marketing
performance or maximize revenue, so
digital marketing needs to be used
optimally so that business goals can be
achieved perfectly.
Apart from interactive strategies to
connect with consumers (Armstrong, 2009);
(Pandey et al., 2020), digital marketing
offers precision to target potential
customers (Pandey et al., 2020). For
example, a B2B marketing executive can
bypass multiple layers and connect to the
executive user department using LinkedIn.
This helps B2B executives optimize their
sales productivity. It also helps track B2B
consumer engagement and sales
conversions in real-time. It also enables the
creation of dynamic content that matches
potential customers by viewing the
customer's habit history.
Digital marketing helps marketing
better communicate, efficient online sales,
lower search costs, easier price
comparisons, dissemination of user
reviews, brand differentiation, and better
customer relationship management
(Chaffey, 2011); (Frost & Strauss, 2016).
Several current studies define digital
marketing as the use of internet technology
or activities, including internet marketing,
digital channels, e-commerce, social media
marketing, and mobile marketing to
achieve company objectives (Roberts &
Zahay, 2012), (Frost & Strauss, 2016),
(Pandey et al., 2020).
For example, Jelonek (2015) and
Nambisan (2017) in (Wang, 2020) propose
the concepts of "digital entrepreneurship"
and "electronic entrepreneurship" to
highlight the role that entrepreneurship
plays in the digital era. (Reuber et al., 2018)
identify potential resources for
international entrepreneurship in Internet-
enabled markets. According to Niemand et
al. (2020) in (Wang, 2020), show that
digitization alone does not increase
profitability; entrepreneurial orientation act
as a moderator. These studies attempt to
re-evaluate entrepreneurship in the digital
age. Based on the survey, entrepreneurial
orientation is an essential factor that needs
to be considered in DMC and international
business performance.
The internet can help small companies
measure liability size and renewal during
internationalization (Hallbäck &
Gabrielsson, 2011). In particular, small and
medium enterprises (SMEs) born
internationally use the internet to reduce
export barriers (Lew et al., 2013); (Wang,
2020). From the data above, it can be
concluded that the internet is beneficial in
the international digital marketing process.
The background explanation above is
in line with what was conveyed by
PowderKeg in 2019 regarding the
Development of Digital Marketing
Dandy Bhagaswara | 227
Performance in Wisconsin, USA. The data
was obtained by distributing surveys to
hundreds of marketers around the city of
Wisconsin to find out what marketers are
doing at the moment and find out how far
digital marketing sophistication is being
used for advertising their business.
Based on the background of the
problems raised in this study, the
formulation of the problem taken is the
Digital Marketing strategy carried out by
PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari to acquire new
markets and how PT can take digital
Marketing Strategy Steps. Agro Komoditi
Lestari to reach new markets. This study
aimed to obtain a digital marketing
strategy to acquire new markets in the
family company PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari,
and Getting Digital Marketing Strategy
Steps to reach new markets in the family
company PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari. The
benefits that can be drawn from this
research are that it is expected to be a
reference source for practitioners or family
business entrepreneurs who want to
expand from conventional marketing to
digital marketing.
The research model used in this
research is a case study. According to
(Creswell & Creswell, 2017), Case study
research is a qualitative approach whose
research explores real-life, current limited
systems (cases) or various limited systems
(various causes) through detailed and in-
depth data collection involving multiple
sources of information or multiple sources
of information. (e.g., observations,
interviews, audiovisual materials, and
various report documents), and reporting
case descriptions and case themes.
Research Subjects
This research uses several sources:
Buyers in Family Companies, Academics on
Digital Marketing, and Experts on Digital
Data Collection Method
1. Interview
Researchers conducted interviews
by providing several questions that had
been prepared. These questions will be
used as indicators to collect materials in
the form of interview reports related to
digital marketing strategies from digital
marketing experts and informants at
Ciputra University, customers, potential
customers, and competitors. The
interview results will be the data needed
to explore digital marketing strategies in
the company PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari.
The interview mechanism in this
study was conducted using semi-
structured interviews. A semi-structured
interview uses an interview guide that
starts from the object under
investigation, which then asks questions
to the informant and its use is more
flexible than interviews.
2. Documentation Study
(Sugiyono, 2016) explains that the
document is a record of events that have
passed. Documents can be in the form
of writing, pictures, or monumental
works of someone. Documentation
study is a data collection technique by
studying documents to obtain data or
information related to the problem to be
studied. Documentation studies in this
228 | Exploration of Digital Marketing Strategy for New Market Acquisition in The Family
Company PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari
study use documentation from previous
research (journals, books, video
recordings, and other forms related to
the research topic).
Data Validity Techniques
Qualitative research must account for
its validity through triangulation,
thoroughness in observations, checking
members through discussion, and peer
checking through chat. The interview
results then proceed to make a transcript,
and then there is a confirmation stage with
the interviewees (Putra, 2011). This study
uses triangulation for the validity and
reliability of the data.
Data Analysis
In analyzing data, several stages must
be carried out to process the data to be
presented correctly and adequately.
According to Creswell (2010), qualitative
research explores and understands the
meaning of individual and group behavior.
Results of Interview Analysis
In this study, the survey results are a
form of the effects of interviews that have
been conducted and analyzed. In the next
section, the results of the interview analysis
of the indicators in this study will be
Digital Marketing Interview Analysis
refers to the use of electronic media by
marketers to promote products or services
to the market, with the primary goal of
attracting customers and enabling them to
build their brand through digital media
(Yasmin et al., 2015); (Mkwizu, 2019). In this
case, it means that marketers use internet
media as a suggestion to market their
products and switch from conventional
marketing. Based on interviews conducted
with Metta Padmalia as an academic in this
study regarding the role of digital
marketing in the business world, the
answer is that digital marketing is a
transformation in the marketing field that
can increase company awareness, even
though the company is not related to the
technology industry. Build their brand
through digital media (Yasmin et al., 2015);
(Mkwizu, 2019). In this case, it means that
marketers use internet media as a
suggestion to market their products and
switch from conventional marketing. Based
on interviews conducted with Metta
Padmalia as an academic in this study
regarding the role of digital marketing in
the business world, the answer is that
digital marketing is a transformation in the
marketing field that can increase company
awareness, even though the company is
not related to the technology industry.
"So at this time, digital marketing will
still be the prima donna because some
people who want to advertise want to
increase awareness of the company
more broadly. Digital marketing
media is not only a medium for
communication but digital marketing.
In this case, social media has
transformed with the business world
so that This role is also widely used by
many people who are going to start a
business, develop a business, explore
new markets, even though the
company's background doesn't have a
Dandy Bhagaswara | 229
digital smell, but everything has gone
digital." (MT-DM-D-3-D1)
Interviews in this study were also
conducted with Representative Buyers from
PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari, Anthony
Kuswanto. Based on interviews conducted
about digital marketing, it was found that
currently, almost 67% of buyers get
information about selling companies via
the internet, so the role of digital marketing
has now become a must. Interviews in this
indicator were also conducted with
Andreas as a digital marketing expert
regarding digital marketing. Getting digital
marketing results is very important due to
consumer behavior changing towards
being more digital and using the internet.
"In current conditions, digital
marketing has become a necessity,
maybe if we want to do business,
number one, we must know digital
marketing first. To get to know the
company with internet access, almost
67% of businesses already use the
internet to reach out to consumers as
a search tool. so digital marketing is a
marketing and promotion of the use of
digital media, supported by the
"Yeah, so it's like this, digital
marketing at this time it was very -
essential for business, yes, it's very -
essential because right now, it's the
digital era right, the internet era, the
digital era. So digital marketing is very
- essential, now because it's a digital
era, consumer behavior has changed,
that's why consumer behavior has
changed..." (AD-DM-F-3-F1).
In digital marketing itself, it is also
called online marketing either through
websites, online advertisements, email,
interactive kiosks, interactive tv, or mobile
phones (Chaffey, 2011); (Mkwizu, 2019).
Thus, digital marketing requires new things
to be prepared, such as human resources—
equipment, equipment, etc. Based on
interviews conducted with Metta Padmalia
as an academic in this study regarding
things that need to be prepared when
changing the direction of marketing to
digital, the results are that for conventional
and digital marketing, the principles are
generally the same, marketers must first
determine our segment, target, and
positioning, which is different only in the
"For digital marketing, that's it the
principle is almost the same as doing
traditional marketing, in traditional
marketing, you know, we have to do
the segmentation, targeting,
positioning at the beginning before we
plan an appropriate strategy for our
company's target market. Now digital
marketing is the same, that we also
have to know, who will be our
segment, who is our target market,
what kind of character, we must first
analyze our target market, after that
we have to branch marking
competitors, using digital marketing
what they look like, they have to
analyze, about this digital marketing
is fast, for sure. This is, for example,
MSME products, start-up business
products, ok promotions using
Instagram, promotions in the
marketplace are not necessarily in the
next three months or one year in the
future it will still be used, so we always
230 | Exploration of Digital Marketing Strategy for New Market Acquisition in The Family
Company PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari
ask questions, have principles that
care about trends, care about
analytical analysis. Periodically must
always be analyzed, approximately
still affordable, the strategy planned in
our company's digital marketing
against our ever-changing target
market. Our market is very dynamic,
isn't it." (MT-DM-D-5-D1).
Interviews in this study were also
conducted with Representative Buyer from
PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari, Anthony
Kuswanto regarding new things that need
to be prepared in entering digital
marketing. Get the results that currently,
with digital marketing, the system is doing
business with the internet, such as email,
making it faster and more effective. This
indicator was also conducted with Andreas
as a digital marketing expert regarding new
things that need to be prepared in entering
digital marketing to get results. It is simple
in carrying out digital marketing g: you only
need an internet connection and a laptop
or laptop smartphone. As a digital
marketing expert, Andreas also added that
when viewed from human resources or
operations, you only need to form a team
to create content and traffic makers as
Google SEO regulators. Digital marketing
"Because right now, how do you do it?
Doing business with the internet with
email, with the promotion of
Instagram, all of these are the most
effective and the fastest. So if he can
change the marketing system in those
companies, in the past, they did
something to launch a product, it took
months or even years, now this time is
so short that it can be completed and
it reaches consumers" (AT-DM-E -5-
"To run digital marketing is simple. It's
not complicated. The point is you are
connected to the internet. Then you
must have a laptop or computer like
we use now and a smartphone. So you
have to be ready for a laptop and a
smartphone because you must be
connected to the internet. That's how
it is for preparation, I see" (AD-DM-F-
"If from an operational point of view
you are the most important, the
number one thing is you prepare your
content, prepare the content, and
Photos can be videos, text, audio,
infographics, and others. It must be
prepared first, content about your
business because that is what we will
post on various platforms, that is what
we will advertise. So that's the first, of
course, you have to prepare your
business content."
"Well then if it's a team problem, the
management problem in the team will
be as needed because only one person
can, one person can run digital
marketing, for example, a beginner
like that without capital, let's say so, so
there is no established business that's
true - starting from zero, it can be
alone, it doesn't matter what matters
is that you have content, and then you
are connected to the internet, then you
can promote your content, that's it.
Later, while walking, if the online
business or offline business has
developed thanks to internet
marketing, you can add teams, so
later, if we have grown, the team will
Dandy Bhagaswara | 231
be different. Still, the point is as a
traffic maker."
"Traffic maker is meant to come to
digital buyers, to bring in traffic, to
bring visitors to our business. Now,
there can be a lot of divisions when it's
finished, so the company says, it's a lot
of divisions later, for example, there is
for advertisers, there is an advertiser
team for advertisers then there is an
SEO team, an SEO team to make our
website rank one in Google. Then
there is also a team for video makers,
to make videos so that later if you
have a team, you can have a lot, sir,
later it will be according to your
needs." (AD-DM-F-7-F2)
According to (Yasmin et al., 2015),
digital marketing has many advantages and
can bring customers who stay updated with
products or services, better engagement,
and transparent information about
products and services. Services, easy
comparison with other competitors,
shopping without time limits, sharing
product or service content, and transparent
prices make it possible to make purchases
instantly. In this case, consumers can access
information about the products being sold
with digital marketing. The digital
marketing indicator itself is also expected
to be a bridge in the development of the
company. Based on interviews conducted
with Metta Padmalia as an expert in this
research regarding company development
through digital marketing, the results
showed that digital marketing means
providing new space for companies to
develop their new markets digitally.
"With digital marketing, it's like we
say it's like opening a new party, it's
like at first we just opened one scope.
For example, initially only one
location, one city where this company
exists, then if we want to develop the
market in our company's digital
marketing, suitable? Will be reached
beyond many markets, not only in the
country but also abroad. Opening a
new market, besides that, we are not
only in digital marketing. Fortunately,
we are not only watched, meaning
that consumers out there are aware of
our company's products but also
maybe we can also learn with others
to enter the e-marketplace, we can
learn from each other, what is the
strategy when doing digital marketing
branding, how he markets his
products online (MT-DM-D-6-D2).
Interview in research This was also
done to the Representative Buyer from PT.
Agro Komoditi Lestari, Anthony Kuswanto
regarding the company's development
digitally and get the results that currently
with digital marketing means the
company's growth is running using the
internet and starting to leave conventional
marketing such as brochures and
pamphlets. Interviews in this indicator were
also conducted with Andreas as a digital
marketing expert regarding the
development of digital marketing
companies. They got the results that with
digital marketing, consumer behavior is
now changing. If the company wants to
develop, it must be relevant to the conduct
of the developing community.
"Oh, right now digital marketing is for
marketing development through the
internet to reach consumers. In the
conventional era, it was advertising,
232 | Exploration of Digital Marketing Strategy for New Market Acquisition in The Family
Company PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari
making brochures, making pamphlets.
Now it's not." (AT-DM-E-4-E1)
"Since the existence of smartphones,
our behavior has changed since the
advent of the internet, so business
must be relevant to changing people's
behavior. That's the point, so digital
marketing is important, I see." (AD-
Based on the results of interviews
regarding the development of digital
marketing companies, researchers want to
examine this more deeply about this
development. This is based on the fact that
the company under study is PT. Agro
Komoditi Lestari is a company that sells raw
materials so that the target market is
companies, not end-users. So, in this case,
the researcher wants to see if companies
with B2B systems can still develop
companies digitally. Based on interviews
conducted with Metta Padmalia as an
academic in this study about B2B
companies being able to create companies
digitally, the results are that it all depends
on the strategy. If B2B companies usually
use LinkedIn and websites because they are
playing with companies. The role of social
media for B2B companies is only to enter
and join forums that discuss trading.
"Using Linked In, websites, or other
platforms, we have to know the
character of our target market, after
we know we can only design the
strategy. From what I see, it's better if
this is a trading product. People's
experiences have played there.
Usually, digital marketing uses digital
marketing. The website then, if the
social media using Instagram might
not be too suitable, maybe if B2C often
uses Instagram but if it's B2B, we have
to adapt to the conditions of our target
market, where are they? You have to
analyze. Where is the black tea
reseller? Unless you go directly to the
end-user, that's a different strategy.
Then you also need to join trading
forums. When it comes to strategic
marketing, it's no longer the era where
we create bloody competition - blood,
but if you can collaborate, then it is no
longer a competition (MT-DM-D-8-
Interviews in this study were also
conducted there is a Representative Buyer
from PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari, Anthony
Kuswanto, regarding B2B companies
developing companies digitally, got PT
results. Agro Komoditi Lestari has entered
the website, but the search engine problem
needs to be fixed again. Because there will
be many outside companies that need
products from PT, Agro Komoditi Lestari, in
the future, if there is ease of search, it will
be profitable for PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari.
This indicator was also conducted with
Andreas as a digital marketing expert
regarding B2B companies' ability to
develop companies digitally. The results
showed that currently, the first
fundamental of digital marketing with any
company, B2B or B2C, is the website, then
the next one is SEO optimization and
googles ads.
"Market development for its products
is PT. Agro Kom, PT. Agro Kom, there
are quite a lot of products, right
because He is also a trader. So in that
development, you have to look for
marketing activities with the
marketing world according to the
Dandy Bhagaswara | 233
product, launching costs, because
Agro Kom will develop again, " the
commodity is added, now it's already
on the website. Marketing continues to
have to go to the search engine. The
keyword is done, the Facebook is
advanced, that's all to reach and reach
the customer. But today, Agro Kom is
B2B, B2B itself, and he needs to find a
company that needs the products that
Agro Kom will sell." (AT-DM-E-8-E3)
"If you have a business, if you want to
get into digital marketing, the first
fundamental step is that you have to
make your website, that's the first step.
So you have to have your website,
whether you want it to be B2C,
whether you want it to be B2B, there's
no problem, you have to create your
website because the website is like our
main digital home, it's a website."
Now, after you have your website, you
have to optimize the website in the second
step. You can use SEO, which stands for
Search Engine Optimization. So, for
example, if someone searches for black tea
on Google, your website will be on page
one, so it's easy for buyers to find it. That's
a fundamental step of digital marketing,
and you make your website, especially B2B.
You have to have your website, all right,
want a personal company, like only one
person, like a corporate for decades. Say
you have to have your website and then the
website is optimized for SEO, so when
people search on Google, black tea or any
black tea distributor is related to black tea,
the father's business that is found uses SEO.
“You can also use SEM, so there is SEO,
and there is SEM. SEM is Search Engine
Marketing or Google Ads. So if it's SEO
organically, if it's SEM, we just pay
Google. So by using SEM or Google
Ads, we just pay to Google, now with
Google, your father is raised to the
other page. So if you use SEM, it will
be much faster because you just have
to pay, pay to Google, ads on Google,
and Google Ads to use SEO and SEM.
If SEO is organic, you don't pay to
Google, but you make articles. You
blog so that your website is seen as
good by Google because your website
is always updated with original and
quality articles. It Will be raised on the
same page as Google. That's SEO, yes
organically, you don't pay to Google.
Now, if you want to go fast, you use
Google Ads, you just pay to Google,
your website goes up to page one,
according to the keywords you are
aiming for, for example, what
keywords do you want to go to, for
example, if people type black tea, then
your website.” (AD-DM-F-11-F4)
In developing countries, B2B digital
marketing is outpacing B2C e-business due
to the increasing use of mobile phones that
support B2B applications. Social media
helps companies to better communicate in
response to business clients. Thus
companies turn to digital marketing to
attract, engage, and please buyers
(Agnihotri et al., 2016). Researchers want to
involve social media as a new platform in
conducting digital marketing activities in
further research. But the problem is that
businesses with B2B systems for some
companies only use websites instead of
social media. This is based on the fact that
the primary target market is companies, so
the website looks more professional than
234 | Exploration of Digital Marketing Strategy for New Market Acquisition in The Family
Company PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari
social media. Based on interviews
conducted with Metta Padmalia as an
academic in this study about B2B
companies being able to develop
companies digitally with social media, the
result is that when using a platform, the
term must first be determined, whether it is
long term or short term. Social media can
be used to increase brand awareness,
especially when seen on multiple platforms.
"So when you want to use a platform,
we have to determine that too, we
want long term or short term if for
example short term it means the focus
is only on profit, but in the long term
we may not immediately get big
profits but awareness from consumers,
Our target market is getting bigger,
our company's presence is getting
more and more exposed. Well, for
example, Twitter is ok, that's good,
Dandy, so it's not wrong if you play on
Instagram and other platforms,
including your company, for market
exploration on all platforms, that's
good. You can do that, but if you
submitted it on the website and then
the email marketing is specific, the
goal will be more in the short term. In
the long term, it will build brand
awareness. The principle of brand
awareness is that the more people see
your company on multiple platforms,
the more we will be known. After this
consumer is aware and he will relate
to your product We will then be
interested, if for example, without an
awareness process towards our
company, when will our company look
like consumers?.” (MT-DM-D-9-D4)
Interviews in this study were also
conducted with Representative Buyers from
PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari, Anthony
Kuswanto regarding B2B companies being
able to develop companies digitally with
social media got the results that in the
digital marketing system there are above
the line and below the line systems, and it
all depends on what the consumer sees and
wants. So that any platform can be
accepted, interviews in this indicator were
conducted with Andreas as a digital
marketing expert about B2B companies
developing companies digitally through
social media. All platforms are pools, and
everyone has their collection. If you want to
have a broader market, you should enter all
digital marketing lines.
"There is above the line, and there is
below the line. The one above the line
is the producer to the consumer if Agro
Kom is above the bar. How does he
understand what the consumer wants,
so he goes in there, can achieve?
According to him, he has a target for
his consumers because Agro Kom is
not an end-user but a producer who
needs materials (AT-DM-E-9-E4)
"Everything, basically digital
marketing, you have to enter
everything because each one is like
have their pool, so people on
Facebook, the market on Facebook is
different from the market on Twitter,
so it's not necessarily people who play
Twitter play Facebook too. So each of
them is just a pool. It's ideal for you to
enter all of them, so you have your
website, play on Facebook, play on
Instagram, and play on Twitter. It's
just that the problem is technically not
necessarily sufficient resources, all
Dandy Bhagaswara | 235
content updates on all of that. The
problem is there, but ideally,
everything should be included because
each has a different market. (AD-DM-
Thus, the author can conclude that
Digital Marketing, for now, is a marketing
tool that is a must for all types of business
fields, not limited to Start-Up, B2B, or B2C.
The primary purpose of a company running
digital marketing is to bring in traffic. Like
conventional marketing, it brings the
masses to glance and be interested in the
products being sold. As has been conveyed
by the informants in this study that
business must be relevant, in the sense that
it must be able to follow the current
developments of the times, in this case, the
shift and changes in consumer behavior
that are already dominant leading to the
digital world to access information or do
business. The keyword that is the basis for
all business actors when they want to do
digital marketing is "Massive." These
keywords refer to massive and intensive
digital marketing operations so that the
resulting performance can run optimally or
even maximally.
Marketing Strategy Interview Results
Word "strategy" comes from the
Greek, namely "strategic" (Stratos = military
and ag = lead), which means "generalship"
or something done by war generals in
making plans to win the war. (Mintzberg &
Quinn, 1998) suggests that strategy is a
pattern, namely the consistency of behavior
over time. In comparison, the marketing
strategy is an integral part of the business
strategy that provides direction to all
management functions of a business
organization. With a marketing strategy,
program implementation in achieving
organizational goals can be carried out
actively, consciously, and rationally about
how a brand or product line achieves its
goals in an increasingly turbulent business
environment. In this study PT. Agro
Komoditi Lestari plans to enter a new niche
market. Namely, the call by joining the
mess market. Based on interviews
conducted with Metta Padmalia as an
expert in this research regarding marketing
strategies to enter a new niche market, it
was found that in designing a marketing
strategy, the focus was on market
exploration and then focused on cost
leadership or differentiation, after which
the product differentiation was
"If we design a marketing strategy, we
must first pay attention to that, right,
the fact the basic principle of the
system is the choice, if we want to use
a Porter diagram, the focus is on cost
differentiation, if for example, we want
to play in a niche market, the market
is small, but it produces to get a
significant profit from it, for the mass
market it is bigger, but the payoff is
not as big as the niche market. We
must first determine our company,
and he is playing in cost leadership,
look at the resources, see from
Dandy's company it can produce
unique products. Uniquely, maybe
other competitors don't have black
tea. So, for example, if you can provide
a product by cutting the cost, you can
take cost leadership. So, suppose
you're in a niche market or mass
market. In that case, the focus is when
236 | Exploration of Digital Marketing Strategy for New Market Acquisition in The Family
Company PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari
you talk about strategic marketing for
market exploration, focus first on cost
leadership. or differentiation after
that, we will determine if
differentiation is, for example, black te
With anti-virus content, it's still a
niche market, not people, right, people
are increasingly aware of the
importance of health drugs. Son, if it's
a strategic niche, you can use
differentiation because there are no
competitors. Still, if you have a lot of
competitors, you have to provide a
product or service that has the lowest
cost, so you can get the maximum
profit possible. So you have to reset
periodically, ask for feedback. (MT-
"Digital marketing. If you have a
business and want to get into digital
marketing, the first fundamental step
is to create your website. That's the
first step. So you have to have your
website, if you want B to C, you want
B to B, there's no problem, you have to
create your website because the
website is like our main digital home,
it's a website. Now, after you have
your website, you have to optimize the
website in the second step. You can
use SEO, which stands for Search
Engine Optimization. So, for example,
if someone searches for black tea on
Google, your website will be on page
one, so it's easy for buyers to find it.
That's a fundamental step for digital
marketing. You make your website,
especially B to B, you have to have
your website, all of them, want
personal companies, want only one
person, want corporate for decades.
Say you have to have your website,
and then the website is optimized in
SEO, so when people search on
Google, black tea or any black tea
distributor is related to black tea, the
father's business found, it uses SEO.
You can also use SEM, so there is SEO,
and there is SEM. SEM is Search Engine
Marketing or Google Ads. So if it's SEO
organically, if it's SEM, we just pay
Google. So by using SEM or Google
Ads, we just pay to Google, now with
Google, your father is raised to the
other page. So if you use SEM, it will
be much faster because you just have
to pay, just pay to Google, ads on
Google, Google Ads, to use SEO and
SEM. If SEO is organic, you don't pay
to Google, but you make articles. You
blog so that your website is seen as
good by Google because your website
is always updated with original and
quality articles. It Will be raised on the
same page as Google. That's SEO;
organically, you don't pay to Google.
So, if you want to go fast, you use
Google Ads, you have to pay Google,
your website will go up to page one,
according to the keywords you are
aiming for, for example, what
keywords do you want to go to, for
example, if people type black tea, then
your website that goes up." (AD-SM-F-
Interviews in this study were also
conducted with Representative Buyers from
PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari, Anthony
Kuswanto regarding marketing strategies
to enter the new niche market got the
results that the first thing is to prepare the
website, try to have a team that takes care
Dandy Bhagaswara | 237
of the digital marketing section if you can't
be able to hire human resources from third
parties to take care of digital marketing.
Interviews in this indicator were also
conducted with Andreas as a digital
marketing expert regarding marketing
strategies to enter a new niche market,
getting the results that in B2B companies
entering the niche market, the leading role
is to have a target, so that SEO
enhancement is the main thing, so if there
is an agent, the house production or large
factories looking for the products you sell
on the internet, your website will be the first
to come out.
"What must be created is how to enter
the world of digital marketing by
preparing a website. To design all of
this, to find a good search engine, of
course, there must be a team with this
company, and if the company does not
have a team, it must use outsourcing.
Number one is how to create a strong
web both fast and on target (AT-SM-
" If B2B, it must use SEO because you
are a niche market. If B2B, it must use
SEO and SEM because your niche
market is very targeted, your target
market is specific. If the niche market
is different from the mass market, if
it's a broad market, even though it's
good to use SEO, niche markets must
use SEO so that you have anticipation,
so if someone types black tea. Now
there are more than 90% of people
doing searches on the internet, that's
using Google, we look for anything on
Google, including distributors who
want to find goods, agents who want
to find goods, then they will search on
Google for their needs. So people
searching on Google already know
what their needs are. So if B2B is a very
niche market for consumers, you as a
businessman must take advantage of
SEO so you will be found when he
searches on Google. So what you have
to do is create a well-optimized
website, so a good website is a website
that is always regularly updated with
original and quality articles. So don't
copy-paste the article. If you copy-
paste your website, it will kick Google,
and Google won't index it. You have to
type it yourself. B to B is mandatory for
website optimization because
everyone searches on Google. More
than 90% of people are looking for
suppliers, and this is not looking for
retail. If you are looking for retail,
maybe go to the marketplace to
Tokopedia, Shopee. If you want to use
Google Ads quickly, all you have to do
is pay, and you have to go to
ads.google.com. That's technical. If
you want to learn, it's not a problem
either. If you're going to use Google
Ads fast, you don't need to type an
article. (AD-SM-F-14-F6)
Marketing strategy is a
comprehensive, integrated, and unified
plan in marketing, which provides guidance
on the activities to be carried out to achieve
a company's marketing objectives. In other
words, marketing strategy is a set of goals
and objectives, policies, and rules that give
direction to the company's marketing
efforts from time to time, at each level and
its references and allocations, significantly
as the company's response to the
competitive environment and conditions—
238 | Exploration of Digital Marketing Strategy for New Market Acquisition in The Family
Company PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari
constantly changing. As competition is
always changing, so is a marketing strategy.
In continued marketing strategy indicators,
researchers will see whether the role of
marketing strategy through digital
marketing is for the next 5 to 10 years.
Based on interviews conducted with Metta
Padmalia as an academic in this study
regarding the digital marketing picture in
the future, the results show that if you look
at Indonesia in 2030, the majority of its
people are of productive age, such as those
aged 20-40 years who are already familiar
with the internet, so marketers must also
have sensitivity. Towards the development
of digital marketing.
"We talked about this in Indonesia
first, right. Indonesia now has a
population of around 200 million
Indonesians, this has tremendous
potential for local and also for foreign
companies more and more entering
the Indonesian market, especially
since there is a free market all kinds of
things, well along with middle-class
consumers as well, this country of
Indonesia is dominated by young
people who understand the
technology and want to spend their
money with new services. Especially if
in some marketing observers we are
now not on covid anymore, but we
project it to 2030 because if it's covid,
we can't guess if it's a year later, two
years later it's finished or not but what
we will face is 2030 demographics,
namely people whose productive age
is like the age of 20 to 40 years are
currently, like the word being the
largest population in Indonesia, so we
have to look there, see their character
because they spend their daily lives
scan on digital. As with prospects, one
of the trades through the mobile
world, we may use a mobile
application or another digital
marketing platform to develop very
quickly. Moreover, TikTok used to be
for dancing, but now it can be used for
promotions. We must be sensitive to
the dynamics of digital marketing
developments." (MT-SM-D-15-D8)
Interviews in this study were also
conducted with Representative Buyers from
PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari, Anthony
Kuswanto, regarding the digital marketing
picture in the future, got the result that
digital marketing can be used far into the
future. This is because now it will enter the
5.0 era where technology will be more
advanced than now. Interviews in this
indicator were also conducted with
Andreas as an online businessman
regarding the picture of digital marketing
in the future, getting the results that the
development of digital marketing in the
future will be very bright, especially in the
next few years the product of Google will
be very massive so that if it is not started
and pursued it will lose to our competitors.
"I am sometimes surprised that it is so
fast. For example, in such a short time
after this pandemic, I also read that
190 million Indonesians have used the
internet, our total population is 200
million, 190 million have used the
internet and internet penetration,
which has excellent and correct
communication, is currently more
than 70% able to communicate. That's
one thing that I think is extraordinary,
and in the future, this 5.0 era will be
Dandy Bhagaswara | 239
even more advanced. I also can't
imagine in 1-2 years in the end how
significant is the development of this
technology (AT-SM-E-15-E5)
"The development is very - very bright,
the next five years in the next ten years
digital marketing will increasingly
become a mainstay, now let's see that
everyone has a smartphone, everyone
has connected to the internet,
businesses must be relevant to today's
developments so go to social media,
make websites and so on to be found
on Google. In the future, it will be even
more massive. More and more people
are entering digital marketing. Like it
or not, it must be relevant. If it is not
applicable, it will be left behind,
extinct, and bankrupt. Consumers
have gathered on the internet. We are
still stuck on electricity poles when we
do business, even though people are
looking for us on Google, right. If we
are not present on people's
smartphones, we will go bankrupt and
be left behind by competitors first. So
in the future, it will be more massive.
In this subchapter, the researcher
discusses what platforms are used for PT.
Agro Komoditi Lestari and how to use it.
Strategic steps that can be taken early are
to determine Segmenting, Targeting, and
Positioning. Then the company can decide
whether or not it wants to be dominant in
Cost Leadership or Differentiation. The
company will choose geographic
segmentation, where the basis of
segmentation is determined by the
domicile of a market, for targeting will
apply Market Specialization which focuses
on providing needs in certain groups, and
positioning focuses on USP (Unique Selling
Point) with the products offered by the
company. Besides that, the company must
also determine whether it wants to move in
the Niche Market or Mass Market market
because both have different market
characteristics, and of course, they will use
other platforms and strategies. Based on
the exposure that has been submitted by
the informant, with the condition of a
company such as PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari,
which is dominant in the B2B market and
Niche Market, using a website is a
fundamental step to start digital marketing.
The use of the website is also balanced by
using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or
SEM (Search Engine Marketing). The
difference between the two tools is that
SEO is more organic, meaning that building
good SEO is done entirely independently.
For SEM, you have to pay Google, and the
tools will automatically run the features.
In this section, the researcher will
conduct an in-depth discussion of the
results of the interview analysis of each
indicator and compare them with the
theory used in this study. In the following
chart, we will discuss digital marketing and
marketing strategies in digital marketing.
Discussion of Digital Marketing
According to the Big Indonesian
Dictionary (KBBI), development is a
developing process, method, and act.
Development in organizational
management theory is defined as
organizational development, which
includes a series of actions by the top
240 | Exploration of Digital Marketing Strategy for New Market Acquisition in The Family
Company PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari
management of an organization, with the
participation of corporate members to
carry out the process of change and
development within the organization
concerned, until from the current
conditions, through a process that takes
place in time, can be implemented. Various
kinds of changes, until finally a more
satisfactory condition is achieved and more
in line with the demands of the
environment. In this case, a company must
continue to develop according to the
requirements it wants to commit to being
better than the previous conditions. PT.
Agro Komoditi Lestari is an agribusiness
company that has been serving raw
materials for selling black tea. Company PT.
Agro Komoditi Lestari also implements a
B2B system in its business because of the
target market of PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari
is a producer of tea and the like, so the
primary consumers are not end-users. On
its way PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari only has
LinkedIn to offer its products through
digital marketing because it is deemed
lacking, so that further research on digital
marketing is carried out.
Based on the results of the analysis of
interviews that have been conducted
regarding the role of digital marketing in
business activities, answers from three
sources stated that part of digital
marketing is a form of establishing brand
awareness and is also a significant need.
This is based on many internet users and
the ease with which information can be
obtained. This is also expressed by (Yasmin
et al., 2015) (Mkwizu, 2019), which says that
digital marketing refers to the use of
electronic media by marketers to promote
products or services to the market, with the
primary goal of attracting customers and
enabling them to build their brand through
digital media. So, in this case, digital
marketing is a must for companies in
developing their companies.
Based on the results of the interview
analysis that has been done regarding the
things that need to be prepared when
changing the direction of marketing to
digital, the results are that in this 4.0 era,
everything needed to enter digital
marketing is only a laptop or smartphone
and also an internet connection. The expert
further said that digital marketing also
requires a unique analysis of the target
market, segmentation, and positioning. The
results of the interview analysis also stated
that the use of digital marketing must still
be assisted with informative content and
also implement SEO or search engine
optimization, with the hope that the
company's website will rank first in
Google's search list. This indicator means
that the digital marketing world also
requires special skills to be optimized.
According to (Chaffey, 2011), (Mkwizu,
2019), In digital marketing itself, is also
referred to as online marketing either
through websites, online advertisements,
email, interactive kiosks, interactive tv, or
mobile phones. et al. (Mkwizu, 2019) also
define Digital Marketing as the promotion
of a company's brand by utilizing various
digital advertising media to reach a
particular market segment. In this case, it is
clear that even though it looks simple,
digital marketing still requires market
analysis and expertise in the field of
information so that our advertising
becomes more optimal.
Based on the results of the analysis of
Dandy Bhagaswara | 241
interviews that have been conducted
regarding the development of companies
through digital marketing, the results show
that the world is currently forcing consumer
behavior to change. The analysis of
interviews with Andreas as a digital
marketing expert shows that the company
must follow the changing consumer
behavior of seeking information digitally
because if the company continues to insist
on the conventional system, it will be
unable to compete with its competitors.
According to (Yasmin et al., 2015) said that
digital marketing has many advantages and
can bring customers who stay updated with
products or services, better engagement,
clear information about products and
services, easy comparison with other
competitors, shopping without time limits,
product or service content sharing, and
transparent prices make it possible to make
purchases instantly. In this case, it means
that the current consumer pattern that is
changing towards digital must be followed
by the company to be aligned.
In this study, the object that will be
used as research material is PT. Agro
Komoditi Lestari. Where the company is a
company that moves between industries.
So that the information provided is only
limited to companies, not too many people.
In other words PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari is
a company that operates with a B2B
system. Based on the results of the analysis
of interviews that have been conducted
regarding B2B companies being able to
develop companies digitally, the results
showed that the three informants stated
that in B2B companies, the best platform
used was the website. Because basically, a
company that wants to find a product
supplier through the internet will see how
professional or not a supplier company is
from its website. Even though in reality PT.
Agro Komoditi Lestari already has a
website, but Representative Buyer from PT.
Agro Komoditi Lestari, Anthony Kuswanto
stated that the company's website should
be further tidied up in terms of design and
SEO. According to (Agnihotri et al., 2016), in
developing countries, B2B digital
marketing is outpacing B2C e-business due
to the increasing use of mobile phones that
support B2B applications. Social media
helps companies to better communicate in
response to business clients. Thus
companies turn to digital marketing to
attract, engage, and delight shoppers. So,
in this case, it is clear that in developing
countries such as Indonesia, the role of B2B
in digital marketing is also getting a
positive response.
In the following case, the researcher
wants to see how the role of social media
in marketing in B2B companies is. Regular
revenue generation through contractual
agreements is significant in the B2B market.
The part of digital marketing can be to run
and maintain customer engagement
through digital media to maintain sales
every week, month, quarter, and year. B2B
digital marketing strategies differ from the
strategies adopted by B2C digital
marketing, especially in terms of focus and
approach. Based on the results of the
analysis of interviews that have been
conducted regarding B2B companies that
can develop companies digitally with social
media, the results show that each
consumer has their social media, in the
sense that there are consumers who use
Facebook and there are consumers who do
242 | Exploration of Digital Marketing Strategy for New Market Acquisition in The Family
Company PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari
not. The role of social media for B2B
companies is prioritized on increasing
brand awareness, especially professionally
managed on multi-platforms.
In this discussion, it can be seen that
digital marketing is a must for every
company is competing in the business
world. The role of digital marketing also
involves many things and also requires a
new team or division within the company.
In this study, based on the discussion above
regarding digital marketing, the
researchers saw that PT. Agro Komoditi
Lestari, which focuses on the export of
black tea raw material, must continue to
use the website as a promotional medium
but with a design justification that is much
more professional and involves SEO and
Google ads. The advertisement or website
created is seen by more potential
consumers. In this discussion, researchers
also look at the role of social media in the
development of PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari
in digital marketing. With the existence of
social media, PT. Agro Komoditi Lestari can
enter and promote their products through
forums in similar types of businesses.
Discussion of Marketing Strategy
According to (Priangani 2013), the
marketing concept essentially emphasizes
the orientation to the needs and wants of
consumers supported by integrated
marketing activities, which are aimed at
successfully achieving marketing goals. In
practice, in achieving marketing goals,
strategies are needed to determine the
purpose of marketing. (Mintzberg & Quinn,
1998) suggests that strategy is a pattern,
namely the consistency of behavior over
time. At the same time, the marketing
strategy is an integral part of the business
strategy that provides direction to all
management functions of a business
organization. With a marketing strategy,
program implementation in achieving
organizational goals can be carried out
actively, consciously, and rationally about
how a brand or product line achieves its
goals in an increasingly turbulent business
environment. In this research, PT. Agro
Komoditi Lestari will try to enter new
markets by selling black tea products to
end-users. Thus new strategies are needed
to enter this niche market. Based on the
results of the interview analysis that has
been conducted regarding the marketing
strategy to enter the new niche market, the
results show that the three sources in this
study said that the company PT. Agro
Komoditi Lestari must look for product
differentiation first, then create a website
and improve its SEO. Because in entering a
niche market, the main thing needed is a
sales target, so with good SEO, many
consumers from all over the world will
know your company's existence.
The marketing strategy is a
comprehensive, integrated, and unified
plan in the marketing field, which guides
the activities that will be carried out to
achieve a company's marketing objectives.
Because in this research, the main focus is
digital marketing. Researchers want to see
how digital marketing-based marketing
strategies will play in the next ten years. Will
digital marketing begin to be abandoned,
or will it develop even more. Based on the
results of the analysis of interviews that
have been carried out regarding the digital
marketing picture in the future, the results
show that the three sources stated that
Dandy Bhagaswara | 243
digital marketing has a bright future,
especially now that the industry will enter
the 5.0 era where technology will develop
much faster. So that the marketing market
through technology will grow more quickly
than conventional ones.
Managerial Implications
Based on the results of the data
analysis that has been compiled above, as
for the managerial implications, which
contain what the company will do by the
results, the company carries out the STP
(Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning)
process to analyze the target market.
Determination of geographic
segmentation, where the basis of
segmentation is determined by the
domicile of a call, for targeting will apply
Market Specialization, which focuses on
providing needs in certain groups, and
positioning focuses on USP (Unique Selling
Point) with the products offered by the
company. The company will use the
website as the leading platform for the
initiation of Digital Marketing operations.
SEO and SEM will also be additional tools
to support the website to bring in as much
traffic as possible. The use of social media
will also be an alternative solution for
companies to build brand awareness and
elaborate website performance so that the
market coverage is more comprehensive.
The Ads platform found on several social
media is another alternative that
companies can apply.
Based on the results of the analysis of
interviews and discussions carried out, the
conclusions in this study have been
summarized. The following are the
conclusions of this study. Digital Marketing
Strategy starts with STP (Segmenting,
Targeting, Positioning), Porters Strategy
(Cost Leadership, Differentiation, or Focus),
then uses websites, SEO, and SEM to target
B2B and Niche Market markets. Social
media can also be used for long-term
benefits, bringing in Traffic and Branding
Awareness. To get a broader market,
companies are also required to have a
multi-platform to reach their market.
Companies should not only focus on the
website or one other social media but must
enter into all digital marketing spheres to
reach more markets called "Massive."
Digital marketing-based marketing
strategies also have a promising future.
This is because the growth of technology is
getting faster, which makes many people
inevitably have to use the internet as one of
the necessities of life.
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