JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 11, 1878 1889
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i11.201 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Masydzulhak Djamil Mz
Ahmad Badawi Saluy
Universitas Mercu Buana
e-mail: jjrw.risa@gmail.com
, masydk@gmail.com
, badawi_salyu@yahoo.co.id
*Correspondence: jrw.risa@gmail.com
Submitted: 25 May 2022, Revised: 05 June 2022, Accepted: 15 June 2022
Abstract. This study aims to analyze the function of the Knowledge Management Model in
improving performance and to obtain the most appropriate model in improving performance at
PT KL. The population used in this study is the Knowledge Management division of PT KL Group.
A questionnaire consists of written questions made based on indicators of research variables that
respondents must respond to. The data analysis technique used in this research is AHP (Analytical
Hierarchy Process) developed by Thomas L. Saaty. Testing the model using the latest version of
ANP Super Decision Software 3.2.0, to analyze the function of the Knowledge Management Model
in improving the performance of PT KL with two criterias. The first criteria (criteria-1): Quality,
Quantity, Timeliness, Cost Effectiveness, Need Supervision, Intrapersonal Effect. The second
criterion (criteria-2): Completeness, Connectedness, and Congruence, Perspective & Purpose. The
alternatives that can be used to improve the performance of PT KL are: Passive Public Knowledge,
Active Public Knowledge, Passive Share Knowledge, Active Share Knowledge, Passive Personal
Knowledge, and Active Personal Knowledge. The results obtained indicate that the answers from
the respondents have met the consistency requirements and the model has been proven both in
terms of sensitivity or stability. The Knowledge Management Model in this study shows the
importance of Passive Public Knowledge to improve performance at PT KL.
Keywords: knowledge management; AHP; performance.
Risalina, Masydzulhak Djamil Mz, Ahmad Badawi Saluy | 1879
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i11.201 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
An organization is a place where a
group of people work together to achieve
a common goal. The term organization has
two general meanings, namely
organization refers to an institution or
functional group such as a company,
government agency, hospital and others,
while the second meaning refers to the
process of organizing, as one of the
management functions (Tampubolon,
2018). In an organization, one of the
fundamental management functions is the
management or management of human
resources. This is also supported by
researchers from Indonesia who state that
human resource management (HRM) is the
design of formal systems within an
organization to ensure the effective and
efficient use of human talent in order to
achieve organizational goals (Abdullah,
Today, organizations are also required
to be able to maintain their existence
amidst the onslaught of the economic crisis
due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The
COVID-19 pandemic has not only attacked
small entrepreneurs, but several large
companies are in danger of going out of
business. According to the MNC Portal
Indonesia R&D team, several companies
such as Giant, Golden Truly, Gramedia
Centro, and also Matahari went bankrupt
(Venisa & Widjaja, 2022).
However, there are some companies
that are finally able to survive. From the
point of view of the management function,
one of the things that makes the
organization able to survive is the
contribution of human resource
management in creating superior people.
Human resource management is the
utilization, development, assessment,
remuneration, and management of
individual members of an organization or
group of workers (Macke & Genari, 2019).
This is also supported by text books (Buller
& McEvoy, 2012) which see that there is a
significant development of functions in
human resource management. The change
was initially from personnel management,
then developed into HRM and until now
leads to HCM (Human Capital
Human Capital or the term "human
capital" is considered a key element in
increasing organizational assets, because it
creates a competitive advantage or
competitive advantage (Pasban &
Nojedeh, 2016). Organizations can build a
competitive advantage, and as a result
financial performance can achieve above
average, by using valuable and inimitable
internal resources, for the strategic benefit
of human resources (Marler & Fisher,
There are three intrinsic characteristics
that are only owned by intangible
resources. First, it does not decrease during
the usage process, because this resource is
expected to provide benefits for an
indefinite period of time. In other words,
the more often intangible resources are
used, the greater the benefits obtained by
the organization. Second, it can be used
simultaneously. Third, intangible resources
are not material, so they are difficult to
exchange, because they are often
inseparable from their owners (Rua &
França, 2017).
Skills, knowledge, and experience are
1880 | Knowledge Management Model in Improving the Performance of PT Kl Jakarta
inseparable from their owners. This can be
illustrated by employees who resign/
resign then look for a new company or die.
In fact, employees who have previously
worked for a long time already have the
skills, abilities, knowledge, and experience
that are qualified in carrying out each of
their jobs. Some of the successes in solving
problems and the best achievements have
been obtained, as well as bringing the
organization or company to profit. Thus,
when the employee moves to another
organization or is no longer in the
organization, the skills, abilities,
knowledge, and experience will be lost.
Best practices, hands-on skills,
intuition, specialized knowledge, and
heuristics are tacit knowledge (Gumilang,
2016). Based on the type, knowledge is
divided into two, namely tacit knowledge
and explicit knowledge. Tacit knowledge
exists in the human mind and is more
personal, making it difficult to formalize or
articulate, whereas explicit knowledge
exists in the form of documents or is
recorded and available for application and
can be codified and transmitted in a known
and systematic language. Thus, to maintain
knowledge in the organization, KM
(Knowledge Management) is needed. KM
helps organizations to find, collect, select,
organize, disseminate and transfer
information and expertise (Jemal & Zewdie,
KM (Knowledge Management) or
knowledge management is a strategy and
knowledge process that is applied in
organizations to improve the effectiveness
and efficiency of business processes,
achieve knowledge strategies, and
maintain organizational performance
(Kordab et al., 2020). Tacit knowledge can
provide an organization's competitive
advantage when managed effectively,
because it is not easy to imitate (Tsai et al.,
2014). Tacit knowledge, which is an
intangible resource, has been researched
and the results show that intangible
resources contribute more than tangible
resources to company performance (Greco
et al., 2013).
This is further supported by research
conducted in the context of Abu Dhabi
television which states that KM has a role
in improving performance. Not only that,
companies that have a high learning
culture can encourage the creation of KM
(Knowledge Management) and actively
participate in employee participation
(Mansour & Abuarqoub, 2020). That affects
the attitudes and behaviors of the
organization and theperformance of
member organizations that then determine
the performance of the organization
(Djamil et al., 2018).
Active employee participation can
improve company performance (Astuti et
al., 2019). This happens because employees
know the problems that occur in the
company because they are parties who are
directly involved in the company's
operational activities. This employee's
active participation is an activity that is
actually carried out and can be observed
(Astuti et al., 2019).
In this study, the focus is on Knowledge
Management implemented by one of the
largest retail companies in Indonesia,
namely PT KL. This company started out as
a simple hardware store and then
progressed and developed quite rapidly. Its
development has also penetrated into
Risalina, Masydzulhak Djamil Mz, Ahmad Badawi Saluy | 1881
various sectors such as food, beverages, to
shopping centers. Some of its subsidiaries
are familiar, such as Krisbow, Ace
Hardware, Informa, Chatime and so on. The
progress and demands of the increasingly
competitive business world have pushed
PT KL to make a breakthrough in managing
its human resources, one of which is the
presence of Knowledge Management.
Since 2019, PT KL has implemented
Knowledge Management in its business
activities. The presence of Knowledge
Management at PT KL cannot be separated
from the company's culture which highly
upholds the learning culture. This is clearly
illustrated by one of PT KL's values, namely
"Mastery". In this value, PT KL employees
are required to continue to learn and have
extensive knowledge to always be the best
in their field. Regarding learning culture in
organizations related to Knowledge
Management, organizational learning
culture is a procedure for developing,
maintaining, and transferring knowledge in
organizations (Abbas & Sağsan, 2019).
Some of PT KL Group's Knowledge
Management performance targets, such as
implementing a learning community,
implementing a knowledge sharing
program, implementing the My Share &
Re-Share program and Library
Management. Organizational performance
refers to the extent to which an
organization, with its multiple
informational, financial, and human
resources, positions itself effectively in the
business market. This illustrates that one of
the organizational performance is declared
to be successful, if the existing (human)
resources in the organization are able to
have an impact on the business. However,
since its appearance in 2019 until now in
October 2021, "impact to business" has
become one of the performance
achievements of the PT KL Knowledge
Management Department which has not
been achieved until now.
This is supported by data obtained
from (IDX, 2018) which states that there
was an increase in sales of all PT KL
business units, namely in 2017 with a
nominal value of Rp. 74,403,057,561 and in
2018 with a nominal value of Rp.
88,183,949.589. However, this increase in
sales cannot show the impact of
Knowledge Management, because
Knowledge Management based on
Nonaka Takeuchi's theory has not yet been
formed. Furthermore, in 2019 the number
of sales obtained was Rp. 123,908,312,582
(IDX, 2019). In other words, at that time
there was an increase in sales. However,
this increase in sales was supported by the
massive opening of outlets (IDX, 2019) so
that the influence of Knowledge
Management was not visible in improving
Sales of all business units of PT KL,
decreased in the following year. Based on
data from (IDX, 2020), the total sales of PT
KL in 2020 were Rp. 66,827,811,945,
meaning that sales experienced a
significant decrease of 46.07% from 2019.
This condition was indeed driven by the
COVID-19 pandemic. 19. However, if
viewed from the point of view of human
resource management related to
improving performance, it is suspected to
be related to Knowledge Management.
Based on data obtained from the key
person Knowledge Management of PT KL
Group, in 2019-2020 Knowledge
1882 | Knowledge Management Model in Improving the Performance of PT Kl Jakarta
Management continues to aggressively
launch various existing programs. This can
be seen from the level of active employee
participation in participating in the ILC
(Internal Learning Community) program for
the Ace Hardware brand as much as 84.3%,
the Informa brand as much as 62.59%, the
Toys Kingdom brand as much as 76.61%,
and the Chatime brand as much as 84. 45%.
Based on these data, the active
participation rate of employees has an
average of 76.99%. In other words,
employees have a fairly high level of active
participation. Ideally, the high level of
employee participation involved in the
implementation of Knowledge
Management can support increased
performance (Yip et al., 2012). The success
of achieving a company's performance is
based on the achievement of performance
in accordance with a predetermined plan .
Employees who are actively
participatory in carrying out the Knowledge
Management process help improve
performance, because employees are key
players who know the conditions or
operational conditions. If explained further,
on the one hand employees who
understand the operational process and on
the one hand by following the Knowledge
Management implementation process,
employees are also provided with
knowledge in terms of helping each
operational activity. With this, it is hoped
that it can assist employees in completing
their work and can improve performance.
However, the level of participation of
PT KL employees in participating in
Knowledge Management programs is in
contrast to the increase in performance
that occurs. Based on the roadmap or
timeline from PT KL's Knowledge
Management which has been formed since
2019-October 2021, it is still unable to
meet one of the performance achievement
criteria, namely completion of task. What is
meant by Completion of task in this context
is Knowledge Management is still not able
to have a direct impact on usana activities.
Based on the previous explanation, this
shows that Knowledge Management has
not been able to have an impact on
improving PT KL's performance from 2019-
PT KL itself is currently using the
theoretical basis of Knowledge
Management from Nonaka and Takeuchi.
In this case, the researcher sees a gap
between theory and field facts, which
ideally KM can improve performance.
Currently within PT KL Group itself,
Knowledge Management is not running
optimally to improve performance.
Therefore, in this study, researchers will use
Wiig's Knowledge Management Model
(Wiig's Knowledge Management Model) to
improve the performance of PT KL Group
Wiig's Knowledge Management Model
states that knowledge will be useful and
valuable if the knowledge is organized or
grouped according to what will be used
from the knowledge itself. This Wiig model
emphasizes the semantic approach. The
semantic approach is a useful way of
representing different perspectives on the
same knowledge content. The model
proposed by Wigg forms a group of
knowledge types in the form of levels. The
first level of this model consists of 1)
shared, 2) public, and 3) personal
knowledge. In these types of knowledge
Risalina, Masydzulhak Djamil Mz, Ahmad Badawi Saluy | 1883
there are signs that can be used to
distinguish which ones are active and
which ones are passive. With this
organization and grouping, knowledge
becomes easier to use. This Wiig model has
four dimensions, namely (1) completeness,
(2) connectedness, (3) congruence, (4)
perspective and purpose (Dalkir, 2011).
First, completeness tries to answer the
question of how much relevant knowledge
is available at PT KL and comes from certain
sources. Second, connectedness to see
how well the existing knowledge in PT KL
and that knowledge can be defined with
different knowledge objects. The more
connected the knowledge base (that is, the
greater the number of interconnections in
the semantic network), the more coherent
the content and the greater the value).
Third, congruency to see how consistent
the facts, concepts, perspectives, values,
judgments are with the object of
knowledge. Fourth, point of view and
purpose (perspective and purpose) to
know something with a certain point of
view. With this background, the researcher
intends to conduct a research entitled
"Model Knowledge Management in
Improving the Performance of PT KL
This study used an exploratory design.
Exploratory research is needed to find the
factors that are important as factors that
cause difficulties. Exploratory research can
be considered as the first step that is
expected to be used to formulate problems
where solving these problems may be
solved by using other types of research, for
example, descriptive or explanatory.
Because exploratory research is only
looking for new ideas or relationships,
there is no formal plan for it, so its
implementation depends on the
intelligence and imagination of the
research worker concerned.
The purpose of exploratory research is
to produce generalizations derived from
inductive processes about the group,
process, activity, or situation being studied.
So that subjectivity directs a lot of
researchers in selecting and analyzing data.
This is because the various designs or
prepositions that can be used as the main
reference to explain phenomena have not
been framed because basically these
prepositions have just been made through
this research. This research design has the
meaning to introduce new phenomena
related to research that has never been
done before. In other words, the problem
has not been studied by anyone else. In this
study, researchers want to get a
phenomenon related to the knowledge
management model implemented by PT KL
Group on performance.
Population is a generalization area
consisting of objects/subjects that have
certain qualities and characteristics
determined by researchers to study and
draw conclusions (Darna & Herlina, 2018).
Population also means the whole of the
research subject. So what is meant by the
population is individuals who have the
same characteristics even though the
percentage of similarity is small, or in other
words all individuals who will be used as
research objects (Annur & Hermansyah,
2020). The population used in this study is
the Knowledge Management division of PT
1884 | Knowledge Management Model in Improving the Performance of PT Kl Jakarta
KL Group.
The sample is part of the number and
characteristics possessed by the
population. What is learned from the
sample, the conclusions will be applied to
the population. For this reason, samples
taken from the population must be truly
representative. Sample also means part or
representative of the population under
study (Arikunto, 2010). The samples used in
this research are Learning Management
Support Manager, Assistant Knowledge
Management, and Knowledge
Management Officer PT KL Group.
A. Research Results
1. AHP Network (Analytical Hierarchy
Process Network)
Testing the model in this study
using the latest version of ANP
Super Decision software, namely
3.2.0. Based on the research
framework (Figure 2.2, namely the
Research Thinking Framework)
used in this study, an analytical
framework was obtained, namely
the AHP network as shown in Figure
4.1. obtained from the ANP Super
Decision software version 3.2.0. The
goal or purpose of the model built
is to analyze the function of the
Knowledge Management Model in
improving the performance of PT
KL with two criteria built on existing
theories. The first criteria (criteria1)
used are: 1) Quality 2) Quantity 3)
Timeliness 4) Cost Effectiveness 5)
Need Supervision 6) Intrapersonal
Effect interpersonal). The second
criteria (criteria2) used are: 1)
Completeness 2) Connectedness 3)
Congruency 4) Perspective and
purpose. At the end, there are
alternatives that can be used to
improve the performance of PT KL,
namely: 1) Passive Public
Knowledge, 2) Active Public
Knowledge, 3) Passive Share
Knowledge, 4) Active Share
Knowledge, 5) Passive Personal
Knowledge, and 6) Active Personal
Source: Research Data (2022)
Figure 1. AHP Analysis Framework
Risalina, Masydzulhak Djamil Mz, Ahmad Badawi Saluy | 1885
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i11.201 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
As shown in Table 1, (Respondent Answer
Consistency Test) the inconsistency value
for pairwise comparisons with Employee
Performance is 0.02648 where this value is
<0.1 which indicates that the respondents'
answers are consistent. Similarly, the
inconsistency of answers from pairwise
comparisons for 1-Quality, 2-Quantity, 3-
Timeliness, WRT 4-Cost effectiveness, WRT
5-Need Supervision, WRT 6-Interpersonal
Effect, WRT 1- Completeness, WRT 2-
Connectedness, WRT 3- Congruency, WRT
4- Perspective and purpose, all
inconsistency values obtained are less than
0.1 which indicates that the respondents'
answers are consistent.
As shown in Figure 1, this
research involves six Alternative
Knowledge Management Strategies
which will be processed using the
Multi Criteria Decision Making
(MCDM) technique to determine
which alternative Knowledge
Management strategy is the best
based on pairwise comparisons
made by respondents so that they
can priority is obtained.
2. Consistency Test of Respondents'
One of the requirements of the
AHP calculation is to obtain a
consistency ratio (CR) value of less
than 0.1 or it can be said that the
hierarchy is consistent as a whole.
Thus the hierarchy can be accepted
and the final decisions taken are
reliable. Several researchers have
used AHP for Knowledge
Management (Mahrinasari et al.,
2021), for the purpose of
determining outstanding business
partners, as well as for the
development of a Hotel Decision
Support System (Sakban et al.,
Table 1. Consistency Test of Respondents' Answers
Pair-wise Comparison
(With Respect To/ WRT)
WRT Employee Performance
Consistent Answers
WRT 1-Quality
Consistent Answers
WRT 2-Quantity
Consistent Answers
WRT 3-Timeliness
Consistent Answers
WRT 4-Cost effectiveness
Consistent Answers
WRT 5-Need Supervision
Consistent Answers
WRT 6-Interpersonal Effect
Consistent Answers
WRT 1-Completeness
Consistent Answers
WRT 2-Connectedness
Consistent answers
1886 | Knowledge Management Model in Improving the Performance of PT Kl Jakarta
WRT 3-Consistent
cy 0.03346
WRT 4-Perspective and purpose
Consistent answers
*) Inconsistency cut off value = 0.1
Inconsistency > 0.1 answers from respondents are
considered inconsistent Inconsistency <
0.1 answers from respondents are
As shown in table 1. (Respondent
Answer Consistency Test) the
inconsistency value for pairwise
comparisons with Employee
Performance is 0.02648 where this
value is <0.1 which indicates that the
respondents' answers are consistent.
Similarly, the inconsistency of answers
from pairwise comparisons for 1-
Quality, 2-Quantity, 3-Timeliness, WRT
4-Cost effectiveness, WRT 5-Need
Supervision, WRT 6-Interpersonal
Effect, WRT 1- Completeness, WRT 2-
Connectedness, WRT 3 - Congruency,
WRT 4- Perspective and purpose, all
inconsistency values obtained are less
than 0.1 which indicates that the
respondents' answers are consistent.
B. Discussion
From the results of testing the
consistency of respondents' answers,
the inconsistency value is below 0.1, so
it can be said that the respondent's
answers are consistent. Consistency is
the most important measure of the
results of pairwise comparisons in AHP.
Pairwise comparison is a method to
calculate the weight for each element
to perform a pairwise comparison of
two advantages. Judgments usually
contain an element of inconsistency,
and a little inconsistency is a very good
thing because it shows that our
thinking has the ability to learn new
things that enhance and even change
our understanding. But major
inconsistencies can indicate a lack of
coherent understanding that can lead
to wrong decisions. According to
(Sakban et al., 2019) with the
achievement of consistency that meets
the requirements, the resulting
decisions can be used. With good
consistency in this study (i.e. the
inconsistency value < 0.1), it can be
concluded that the expected results of
this research will be realized and the
expected results can remain stable in
the face of disruptive forces if they
occur during the strategy. it is applied
in the field.
From the results of the sensitivity
analysis for the Passive Public
Knowledge alternative, the priority of
Passive Public Knowledge is obtained
starting from the model obtained from
a stable model starting from the
Passive Public Knowledge value of
0.0948 to a value of 1 (one). Sensitivity
is important in determining whether a
solution can be applied or
implementable and the resulting
solution is a strong or robust choice.
Risalina, Masydzulhak Djamil Mz, Ahmad Badawi Saluy | 1887
With good consistency the decisions
taken will be right and will be stable in
the face of obstacles at the time of
From the results of the priority
calculation analysis using the ANP
Super Decision software version 3.2.0,
the highest priority scale for the
alternative is the Passive Public
Knowledge dimension. Explicit, taught,
and shared knowledge on a regular
basis which is generally available in the
public domain, such as library books,
manuals, operating standards,
websites, etc. is included in Passive
Public Knowledge. Passive Public
Knowledge is a strategic priority that
has proven important in this research.
The Passive Public Knowledge strategy
includes providing public knowledge
that has been codified and
disseminated, such as books that have
been displayed in libraries, guide
books, journals, either in the form of
printouts or in the form of electronic
files that can be accessed more easily.
In a retail company such as PT KL, the
provision of public knowledge is seen
as very important because every
employee (especially new employees)
can relatively easily find the knowledge
needed to carry out their daily duties.
This public knowledge is also needed
by employees who have worked in the
company for a long time, especially if
they face obstacles in their daily work
and require referrals from libraries or
journals or manuals that are available in
each section.
From this research, the following
conclusions can be drawn: 1) Based on the
results obtained from the analysis with the
help of ANP Super Decision software
version 3.2.0. shows that the answers from
respondents have met the consistency
requirements and the model that has been
built has been proven both in terms of
sensitivity or stability. 2) The Knowledge
Management model in this study shows
the importance of Passive Public
Knowledge to improve performance at PT
KL to improve company performance.
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