JRSSEM 2021, Vol. 01, No. 3, 316332
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i3.26 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Widuri Indah Dwi Jayanti
Maya Ulyan
Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
; mayaulyani28@gmail.com
*Correspondence: widuri.[email protected]
Submitted: 4 September 2021, Revised: 14 October 2021, Accepted: 27 October 2021
Abstrak. This study aims to analyze and evaluate the EFL Textbooks for the eleventh grade of
Vocational High School. The entitle of the textbook is Forward, an English Course for Vocational
Students. EFL Textbooks have become an essential thing used in foreign language teaching. The
textbook is a guide for teachers in carrying out the learning and teaching process in the classroom.
The textbook consists of a syllabus, methodology, and supporting materials for teaching in the
school. Currently, choosing a textbook is a challenging job for EFL teachers because textbooks must
be under the material to be taught in class. To evaluate the content of this textbook, the theory of
Harmer has been adopted to research assessing and analyzing the textbook. Researchers want to
know the strengths and weaknesses of the textbook. After implementing Harmer's theory,
researchers found results that showed that textbooks were satisfactory because they were
affordable, contained attractive layouts, attractive designs, and clear instructions. It conforms to
the current ELT methodology, covers the four language skills, and comprises a variety of culturally
appropriate topics. In addition, it has add-ons, contains additional material, and provides authentic
listening material. However, teachers have succeeded in using textbooks as teaching materials and
are expected to help teachers meet the learning needs of students in EFL classes.
Keywords: ELT textbook; textbook evaluation; vocational high school
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English as a foreign language is
becoming an official topic in Indonesian
classrooms, both in schools and
universities. To teach English, the teacher or
lecturer prepares instructional materials,
classroom, learning media, etc.
Instructional materials are the essential part
used in the learning and teaching process
at the school. Instructional materials will
positively influence the classroom
(Tomlinson & Masuhara, 2017), (Raharjo,
2020). As stated by (Olaitan & Aguisiobo,
1994) in (Ajoke, 2017), suitability, adequacy,
and use of effective teaching materials can
help achieve learning objectives in the
classroom. The purpose of instructional
materials is to satisfy the needs of pupils
(Martins et al., 2016).
The teacher cannot deny the
effectiveness of teaching materials in
improving students' academic achievement
in the teaching and learning process. It
provides the sensory experience that
learners desperately need for effective and
meaningful behavior change. The purpose
of teaching materials is to improve the
quality of education so that students can
perform well in school. Student
performance on desired learning outcomes
validates successful interaction and
instruction (Ajoke, 2017). (Lewis, 2018)
define that teaching material is considered
the main guidelines to help teachers realize
learning goals in the classroom. As a result,
one of the essential aspects of student
learning materials is teaching materials
(Cakir, 2015).
States by (Cakir, 2015) that
instructional material is a set of teaching
materials, equipment, good illustrations or
can be defined as any device that can help
students' learning processes in the
classroom. On the other hand, (Jack Croft
Richards et al., 2002), quoted by (Hanifa,
2018), emphasized that instructional
materials are the primary material in
inputting language that can be practiced
directly by students. At the school, the
instructional material used by the teacher
at the school is a textbook. The students
can find Learning activities and language
instruction in text, which is considered an
essential component of the EFL program.
According to (Cortazzi & Jin, 1999) in (GC,
n.d.), textbooks contribute maps, resources,
authorities, and ideologies to support
successful classroom learning. So, in
addition, in the learning process in the
classroom, students need textbooks.
However, educators must understand
the textbooks used in the classroom
because each book has advantages and
disadvantages in teaching using the book.
(Altay, 2013) & (Hanifa, 2018) states that
textbooks could be influential when
improving students' abilities in foreign
languages in the classroom. Besides that,
books can stimulate students to interact
and communicate actively using foreign
languages with teachers and friends in the
school. This idea is backed by (Nordlund,
2016), who claims that textbooks are of
excellent quality and have an essential role
in language acquisition. Furthermore,
(Harmer, 2007) said that if the book can be
presented well by following the syllabus,
correct grammar, and adequate
vocabulary, it can be helpful for teachers
and students when used in class to master
English language learning materials.
320 | The Chlorine Reduction in Edamame by Water-Ozonated Minimally Process
Furthermore, textbooks may be used
to meet teaching and learning objectives
and assist students in developing new
vocabulary. They generally contain a wide
range of text types, class activities, various
types of tests, and additional elements to
help students deepen their understanding.
In addition, teachers will be capable of
covering all things required in the national
curriculum and syllabus. Thus, the teachers
will be more conscious of the essential
things that should be taught in the
classroom following the national
curriculum and standard syllabus.
Furthermore, they will train for an entire
semester or an academic year with
complete teaching materials.
On the other hand, the textbook is not
fully cover students' needs for their
learning material. The national publishers
mostly publish the books without
considering the teacher's background as
they are conscious about the needs of
students in the classroom (Nurhamsih &
Syahrial, 2018). (Jack C Richards, 1998) in
(Hanifa, 2018), mentions that the selected
textbooks sometimes do not reflect the
needs of students. It may not also be
affordable for some students.
Teaching plays a vital role in teaching
English because it enhances language
acquisition (Tomlinson & Masuhara, 2017),
draws students' attention, inspires them to
study foreign languages, provides valuable
input (Krashen, 1985), and natural language
(Krashen, 1985) helps to make learning
more tangible. And meaningful while
guiding students in language practice. But
in addition, (Gebhard, 2006) in (Huda, 2017)
explains that there are possible problems
found by teachers when using textbooks in
the classroom, such as differences of
opinion or ideology used by textbook
publishers with those used by teachers in
the field of education. In addition, when
teachers blindly follow assigned texts, they
may underestimate the experience of
studentslastly, commercially created
textbooks for a broad audience of culturally
diverse and geographically.
So, it can be said that all the material in
the textbook is decent, even though it has
flaws in each material. Choosing books is
not an easy thing for teachers (Kodriyah et
al., 2020). According to (Douglas & Frazier,
2001), teachers can take several steps to
choose the appropriate textbooks in the
classroom, such as discussions, role play,
chalkboard work, etc., to see the material
needs of students in class. For this reason,
teachers need to evaluate books before
relying on them; (Kodriyah et al., 2020) also
stated that in selecting textbooks, teachers
must adjust to the syllabus and curriculum
used at that time. As a consequence, they
will be aware of the best and most relevant
books. It is critical to understand that the
quality of a book has no bearing on how
teachers choose and use it. However, it is
more likely that the teacher's creativity is
reflected in assessing textbooks and
selecting resources for instructional
activities. (Altay, 2013) in (Hanifa, 2018)
recommends that teachers not select texts
without considering them thoroughly
because ignoring critical criteria decreases
EFL students. Given this, the evaluation and
selection of books should be concepts
teachers need to pay attention to. It is
necessary to evaluate the teacher.
Every textbook must be thoroughly
reviewed before being utilized in the
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DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i3.26 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
classroom. Theoretical underpinnings
for textbook analysis may be found in
(Douglas & Frazier, 2001), quoted by
(Kodriyah et al., 2020), which says that
textbooks must be following the curriculum
approach, needs, syllabus, goals,
objectives, and content. Meanwhile, (Jack
Croft Richards et al., 2002), quoted by
(Kodriyah et al., 2020), provides several vital
points in defining good material such as
authentic, realistic contextualistic, and
relevant according to student needs. Not all
textbooks are appropriate for student's
circumstances, and teachers must adapt
texts to assist students in meeting their
learning objectives. The method for
selecting teaching materials include
assessing particular aspects of the book,
such as books, their contents, availability,
and availability, whereas the procedure for
altering textbooks entails deleting,
including, replacing, and customizing
specific sections of the book. Because the
present aim of learning is t, in contrast, the
dents cognitive abilities and communicate,
cooperate, think critically, and be creative,
teachers must adapt instructional materials
to a 21st-century education. As a result, the
teacher's responsibilities include student
evaluation and evaluation of the teaching
and learning process and the content itself.
Learning English at vocational schools
must be tailored to their majors to compete
in the workplace and meet the demands of
the industry, implying that English classes
are not about subject content. Still, as
material for skills that they must master, as
stated by the Ministry of Education and
Culture No. 20 of 2016, Vocational school
graduates must master the skills they
acquired to help them compete and
succeed in their careers. (Berg, 2002) is
quoted define "Learning how to work" is
what vocational education entails.
Vocational education aims to increase
technical competence and elevate
individuals' social status by using
technology to manage their surroundings.
In addition, vocational education is tailored
to the needs of the labor market, which is
often considered to contribute to the
strength of the national economy. Thus,
Vocational High School always tries to
improve its students' competence by
mastering technology and language skills.
In comparison, English should be a lifestyle
in 21st-century learning. Knowledge of
English to face the ASEAN Economic
Community is a necessary prerequisite.
Therefore, English learning for
students in vocational high school is carried
out for a specific purpose, and the subject
matter presented must conform to the
learning needs of students. EFL Teachers in
vocational high school are required to
understand the needs of students in class.
They need to be more creative in designing,
developing, and balancing students'
teaching materials in class based on the
students' competency learning needs. (Ayu
& Indrawati, 2019) had successfully
surveyed several ESP teachers regarding
choosing an appropriate textbook for use
in the classroom. The results indicated that
they were faced with various difficulties
finding a suitable book because most of the
textbook contents were not in conformity
with the topic of materials, the lists, and
even the contents of the materials
provided. Consequently, this was
considered a new challenge for teachers in
finding the appropriate textbook to be
322 | The Chlorine Reduction in Edamame by Water-Ozonated Minimally Process
further utilized to meet the students' needs
and desires in learning in the classroom.
Moreover, as (Santika & Wirza, 2021)
regarded, most VHS graduates are not
entirely prepared to engage themself in the
world of work. The training they take in
school also has not received a positive
response because the implementation of
Curriculum 2013 at the VHS level is
required to conform to the textbooks used
in the classroom. The teacher should adapt
the text used in the school to find the
conformity with Curriculum 2013.
Therefore, textbook evaluation is
considered essential to determine the
students' learning framework and learning
needs (Salehi et al., 2015) that may be
balanced with the K 13, which the
government regulates.
Some previous research has been
conducted regarding the evaluation of
textbooks in teaching English. As (Karimnia
& Jafari, 2017) showed that students highly
require books in their learning process
because texts contain a wide range of
students' materials. However, readers
cannot entirely over the needs of students
as their learning material because national
publishers mostly publish the current
compulsory book without the background
of teachers who are conscious about the
needs of students in the classroom
(Nurhamsih & Syahrial, 2018). (Woodrow,
2017) one of the crucial elements in
teaching is textbooks. Thus, the book must
be selected appropriately to be used as a
guideline for teaching materials in the
Currently, opinions and studies on
textbook evaluation are mainly within the
scope of the advantages and
disadvantages of textbooks and
understanding the content and style of
these textbooks, but that can be changed
by analyzing the objectives, student
learning needs, and the instructor's views
of the textbooks. Several studies have built
various types of textbook evaluation
instruments, for example, (Cunningsworth,
1995), (Jack C Richards, 1998), (Douglas &
Frazier, 2001), (Harmer, 2007), this study
adopted (Harmer, 2007) textbook
assessment instrument, which consists of
various areas for evaluating textbooks for
EFL students in the eleventh grade of a
Vocational High School.
Previously Mentioned Categories are
the most critical element of assessing
textbooks, according to this textbook
evaluation tool. When it comes to picking a
book, price is a significant factor. Thus, the
price of a text must be acceptable to
students (Jack C Richards, 1998). The next
category of evaluation instruments is add-
ons and extras because textbooks serve as
a reference source for students and
assistance for inexperienced teachers. They
are essential. (Ctmningsworth, 2002) they
should include other sources of
information such as books and the internet.
As a result, instructors benefit from the
introductory book's ideas and experiences,
but they may also expand on books and
other information found on the internet.
Layout and design, instructions, technique,
syllabus, language skills, subjects, and
other factors must be considered while
assessing textbooks. These elements are
essential to note (Litz, 2005). In addition,
cultural appropriation is also taken into
account. As (Jack Croft Richards et al., 2002)
say, culturally appropriate textbooks will
Widuri Indah Dwi Jayanti, Maya Ulyan, Suroy | 323
make students learn more efficiently.
Some previous researchers had widely
discussed textbook evaluation, such as
(Nurhamsih & Syahrial, 2018). (Susilowaty,
2019), (Purwanti 2019) (Suhirman, 2018)
discussed textbook evaluation used for
Vocational Highschool as a compulsory
textbook published by the Ministry of
Education Republik Indonesia. However,
none of the research evaluates the book
entitled "Forward an English Course for
Vocational School Students Grade XI" as the
additional guideline for the teaching and
learning process in Vocational High School
in Yogyakarta. From the description above,
this research was conducted to answer the
following questions: what are the strengths
and weaknesses of an additional textbook
entitled Forward an English Course for
Vocational School Students Grade XI under
a Harmer framework microscope (Harmer,
2007). This study is expected to give helpful
information to instructors, students,
schools, and others interested in the same
topics as this study. Furthermore, the
findings of this study are intended to be
beneficial to instructors and educational
material creators to aid in the enhancement
of educational resources.
This article uses qualitative research.
According to (Creswell & Creswell, 2017),
qualitative research is an interactive
process to identify social or human
conditions that are being experienced
directly or images that have been shared
previously. By applying qualitative
methods, the researcher would explain the
phenomena of the data that had been
studied. The descriptive qualitative
approach was successfully utilized in this
research, where the results obtained would
be described in detail by using sentences.
This research data is a textbook, "Forward
an English Course for Vocational School
Students Grade XI," was analyzed and
evaluated, consisting of 10 chapters and
188 pages. This textbook corresponded to
the Curriculum 2013 in revision edition and
was used in Vocational High School in
Yogyakarta. Therefore, the need to analyze
and evaluate the book is imposed because
it is used on many students in a school.
When textbooks are published, their
strengths or weaknesses will significantly
impact students' English learning.
The textbook evaluation tool that was
used was adapted from (Harmer, 2007). To
be able to see the quality of the textbooks
used in the classroom and be recognized in
the international arena is why the
researchers chose these instruments.
Therefore, this book will meet the demands
of local and international exposure, which
is helpful to provide a better insight into
the suitability of the book. This framework
includes ten key areas and some suggested
questions to think about while assessing a
textbook. The textbook is checked based
on the presence of each type in this
Furthermore, textbooks are evaluated
using detailed questions for each category.
There are no rankings or scores in this
textbook rating tool. As a result, a thorough
assessment of the textbook by the
researcher is necessary. In other words, the
researcher's viewpoint influences the
textbook's evaluation for this study.
324 | The Chlorine Reduction in Edamame by Water-Ozonated Minimally Process
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i3.26 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
The data have been classified and
analyzed to evaluate the Forward An
English Course for Vocational Students
Grade XI textbook. The researcher
organized the research results into their
strengths and weaknesses. According to
the categories proposed by Harmer,
Therefore, each data is presented and
discussed under the following categories
(Harmer, 2007).
The Textbooks’ Price and Availability
The textbook is accessible in terms of
price and availability. It is available in the
bookstore or an online marketplace with Rp
65.000, which is still affordable for the
students. The publisher also offers the
digital version to be bought on their
websites. It is also available in an electronic
book version, so the students who have
difficulties finding it in the bookstore can
request the website. It offers many activities
and exercises inside, even though it does
not have separate worksheets or extra
Students get all-in-one textbooks as
advantages. Therefore, this book is value
for money. Price is an essential aspect of
choosing the text (Hanifa, 2018). It is in line
with (Jack C Richards, 1998) and (Harmer,
2007), who clarify that the cost of a
textbook had to be reasonable for students.
Therefore, the pricey books become
meaningless for the students since they
may not afford them. As a result, this
category should be considered by the
Add-ons and Extras Category on the
In this aspect, the Forward An English
Course for Vocational Students Grade XI
textbook has various add-ons and extra
materials. Many internet sites are used as
additional learning sources. This was by
(Cunningsworth, 1995) that the textbook
should provide a reference source and
support the teacher’s development. It is in
line with (Litz, 2005) that identifies a good
reader can be precious for professional
growth. So that providing extra workbooks
and other relevant information are
required. Moreover, the book includes
additional activities or learning materials.
One of the information on using internet
sources that applied to this textbook was
found on unit 3, page 52. There is an
activity for the students to complete a
formal invitation letter. The standard notes
that are used are taken from some
websites. It enables the students to search
for further information or learning
materials from the internet.
Further, the website address
implements the use of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) in the
learning activities. The technology
integration as materials into classroom
practice in meaningful ways establishes
high-quality teaching and learning in
nowadays education (Hernawati et al.,
2019). On the other hand, internet sites
sometimes do not provide complete
learning materials. Some extra materials are
missing from the website. As a
consequence, the teachers and students
still have limited sources of learning.
Textbooks Layout and Design
The Forward An English Course for
Widuri Indah Dwi Jayanti, Maya Ulyan, Suroy | 325
Vocational Students Grade XI textbook
reflects its title. The front cover indicates a
group of high school students discussing
material using the textbook. The learners
get a stunning impression from its body at
first. It represents that learning English can
be fun and easy. The people shown on its
cover implies that students can learn by
using interactive discussion. It encourages
the reader that everyone can learn English
as a Foreign language. It brings learners
from different backgrounds, areas, and
races. The cover's color selection gives a
cheerful atmosphere; the book looks more
attractive and energetic. It also enables the
students to differentiate from the other
graders. (Jack C Richards, 1998) explains
that a textbook that is attractive and has
colorful formats could be interesting for
students. The textbooks' cover plays an
essential role as the readers' first
impression shapes the perception of the
book. In addition, attractiveness is
considered the factor of choosing a
textbook (Okitasari & Palupi, 2019). The
student's interest in learning material from
the books will be influenced.
The book contents are clear and well-
ordered. At the beginning of each unit, it
provides a picture that introduces the topic
to be learned. This indicates the
apperception activities using related
photographs or illustrations. The textbook
uses authentic images, such as people from
foreign countries. As a result, the students
can see how people from different parts of
the world look. (Anjaneyulu, 2014) points
out that The colorful illustrations in the
textbook make the book more appealing to
the students.
Textbooks Instructions
Instructions in the textbook are
completed in straightforward language.
The instructions are written in bold that
ease the students to identify. It reduces the
number of students to accomplish the task
in each unit. It allows them to determine
which skill they must employ: listening,
speaking, reading, or writing. It also
provides the information that tasks should
be done in a group or individually. For
example, in unit 5, page 81, the instruction
for the students is a reading text that asks
the students to identify some tips when
dealing with a fire extinguisher.
The language instructions are clear and
easily understood by learners. It is in line
with (Tomlinson & Masuhara, 2017), who
says that materials should help learners feel
comfortable. As a consequence, the
students tend to lose opportunities for
language learning if they feel anxious or
uncomfortable with the materials,
Textbooks’ Methodology
The methodology of learning Forward
An English Course for Vocational Students
Grade XI textbook focuses on students'
progress. This term is also known as learner
autonomy or student-centered learning.
(Farrokh, 2018) that learner autonomy
enables students to learn independently
and be responsible in their learning.
Students can use the exercises to learn
more about the topics and practice the
language features.
For example, students are instructed to
read a dialogue between two people in unit
1 assignment 17 using expressions of
asking and giving opinions. The activity
follows a table of expressions analysis to
326 | The Chlorine Reduction in Edamame by Water-Ozonated Minimally Process
check students' understanding of the
dialogue. The students need to create their
dialogue, using the expressions and
comprehension of the language focus
presented in previous tasks as the final
The new paradigm of teaching and
learning implementation of curriculum
2013 enables teachers to act as facilitators.
They are not only transferring knowledge
or providing information, but they also
provide opportunities for students to find
information on their own. One of
curriculum 2013 concerns the educational
content; change the learning paradigm
from the teacher-centered into a student-
centered (Suranti et al., 2017). It supports
the learner autonomy that gives
opportunities to the students and is
responsible for their learning.
For example, in unit 5, students learn
the instructions around them. They are
expected to be able to accomplish a task
through a set of instructions. The learning
activities in the unit start from identifying
pictures about written instructions around
the daily student's environment. Then, they
are asked to listen to a sample of spoken
instruction. Then, they answer the task by
analyzing several instructions using a table.
As shown on page 91, students should
expand their knowledge by completing a
project in which they offer education based
on the relevant topic of their program
Contextual learning is enhanced by
such learning activities that are directly tied
to students' everyday lives. According to
(Mamum, 2018), a communicative textbook
is categorized as restorative material that
allows students to relate what they have
learned in class and apply it to real-life
situations. In short, the textbooks use
appropriate methodology, cover the
curriculum, and provide clear instructions.
Textbooks Syllabus
Based on the books’ syllabus analysis,
the Forward An English Course for
Vocational Students Grade XI textbook is
suitable for Vocational High School
students of Grade XI learning.
(Cunningsworth, 1995) suggests a syllabus
that reflects learning objectives should be
included in a textbook. Byrd (2001)
(Lawrence, 2011) also emphasizes that the
first factor to consider when developing
and analyzing a text is its compatibility with
the curriculum. For that reason, the book
should have relevance to the current
syllabus. In addition, a class may not have a
clear direction in terms of what to teach
and learn without books that have been
planned and developed systematically
based on the syllabus (Suryani, 2018).
On the other hand, the textbook does
not insert the syllabus in detail. It's only the
syllabus summary inside the book on the
first page of the unit, supporting the
curriculum's learning objectives. There are
at least seven expressions (asking for
opinion, giving an idea, agreeing,
disagreeing, handling telephone
conversation, passive voices, and
conditional sentences) and seven available
texts (telephone message, formal
invitation, personal letter, procedural text,
factual report text, analytical exposition
text, and biography text) that are expected
to be learned by the eleventh grade of
Vocational High School students based on
the syllabus. Almost all the learning topics
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are covered in this textbook. Unit 1 covers
the expressions of asking for and giving an
opinion, agreeing and disagreeing; unit 2
covers handling telephone conversations;
unit 6 covers passive voices, and unit 7
covers conditional sentences. Meanwhile,
the telephone message is in unit 2, the
formal invitation is in unit 3, the personal
letter is in unit 4, the procedural text is in
unit 5, the factual report text is in unit 8, the
analytical exposition text is in unit 9, and
the biography text is in unit 10. Thus, the
contents of this textbook are relevant and
appropriate for the eleventh grade of
Vocational High School syllabus.
Textbooks Language Skills
The Forward An English Course for
Vocational Students Grade XI textbook
proposes that students integrate English
language skills that include reading,
writing, listening, and speaking.
(Anjaneyulu, 2014) reveals that
implementing daily life conditions and
elaborating the four language skills in an
integrated way become the consideration
for the author of a good book.
The researcher found that the
language skills used in the English Forward
for Vocational High School Grade XI are
written in order. It also has a balanced
portion. Mostly, the learning process starts
with pictures in which students notice and
brainstorm a topic that they will learn. Then,
the students are supposed to read the text
on which the case is relevant. Then, it was
followed by several listening tasks. At the
end of each unit, the students have a
writing task to complete the text using their
language. For example, the lesson material
unit 2 discusses telephone messages.
Students identify a cover picture of a
woman on a telephone call. Then, they
practice reading dialogue and analyze
which one that categorizes as a telephone
call. The learning above activities is
intended to improve students' reading and
writing skills. Students are asked to listen to
several dialogues provided by QR code to
download the audio in the next activity.
After that, the students should identify the
content of the conference and write it on a
table. Students write their sentences and
practice making phone calls with their
friends as the last activity. The final two
tasks are designed to help students
develop their listening and speaking skills.
In this book, listening activities are
available in each of the units. They were
mainly provided with the QR code,
enabling them to access the audio using
their smartphones. It is seen that the
English textbook for the eleventh-grade
students, which is entitled Forward An
English Course for Vocational Students
Grade XI, has suitable listening materials.
The native speaker mainly speaks the
listening skill practice in the textbook.
Nonetheless, as the researcher investigates
the audio application file, some have
different text on the book. Consequently,
the teacher should pay attention to the
written text in the textbook before
practicing with the students. Meanwhile,
reading activities include a variety of
affluent readers in vocabulary and
language for specific topics.
Textbooks Topics
Regarding topics, it is analyzed that
Forward An English Course for Vocational
Students Grade XI has various issues. The
328 | The Chlorine Reduction in Edamame by Water-Ozonated Minimally Process
researcher discovered that each unit
introduces a variety of expressions. As a
result, students are constantly introduced
to new topics in each unit. As a result, the
students require a great deal of experience
with the language being used in various
steps for various purposes (Tomlinson &
Masuhara, 2017). The students would know
the core of the language. Hence, the
selection of the topics can be categorized
as good.
Textbooks Cultural Appropriacy
The Forward An English Course for
Vocational Students Grade XI textbook is
culturally appropriate for Indonesian
students who learn English as the target
language. The target cultural contents,
such as names, locations, and activities, are
contained in the books. Besides, the
textbook also reflects local culture; for
example, in Unit 10, page 171 includes
information about Indonesian people's
biography. It is also noted that page 150
introduces analytical exposition text about
rice as the staple food in Indonesia. As a
result, students learn about the text and
gain a better understanding of the dish.
(Anjaneyulu, 2014) derives that a
textbook should be suitable for the
students and consider their culture. The
purpose of using local culture is to help
students accomplish the teaching and
learning objectives. In the classroom
activities, while using the textbook, the
students are expected to recognize their
own local culture by integrating local
Textbooks Teacher ’s Guide
There is a teacher’s guide provided in
this textbook. Basically, (Harmer, 2007)
asserts that A book should be accompanied
by a teacher's guide to assist teachers with
the procedure and provide additional
ideas. It can be found after the preface of
the textbook; it generally describes both
teachers and students the instructions on
how to use the book. These strengths
supported by instructions found in the text
are clear and easy to practice.
The researchers examine an ELT
textbook used for the eleventh grade of
Vocational High School students to know
its strengths and weaknesses. Overall, the
findings of this research demonstrated that
Forward An English Course for Vocational
Students Grade XI is a good English
language textbook. The textbook can be
reached a reasonable price and readily
available in terms of price and availability.
In addition, the book contains exciting
layouts and attractive designs which attract
students' interests. Some related images or
illustrations complement the learning
exercises and resources in the textbook. It
generally comes up with realistic pictures
and is well organized and written, making
students easy to learn.
Further, the textbooks' content is
relevant to the current ELT methodology
geared toward student progress. It is also
shown that the student-centered or learner
autonomy paradigm is represented by the
scientific implementation approach, which
includes learning steps such as observing,
questioning, associating, experimenting,
and networking.
Then, the textbook is relevant to the
syllabus in which the learning objectives
Widuri Indah Dwi Jayanti, Maya Ulyan, Suroy | 329
can be accomplished. The language skills
are covered in the book as well. The
language skills are designed through each
unit, including reading, writing, listening,
and speaking. It has a balanced portion of
integrated language skills. In addition, the
textbooks provide learning resources that
are appropriate for students' requirements,
cultures, and interests and cover a wide
range of topics. The result also detects the
strength of the textbook. It is rich in
authentic material, especially for listening
skills. The language of native speakers is
presented in each of the units. Listening
activities are provided using QR codes that
enable them to access the audio just simply
using their smartphones. It has add-ons
and extra materials. There are numerous
websites available that can be used as an
additional learning resource. As a
consequence, students can understand
English used for real-life communication.
However, the problems caused by the
written text often have slight differences
with the audio, so the teacher should have
checked the audio first before practicing it
with her students.
The following suggestions are
followed as the final results of the research.
The first recommendation is that teachers
be trained to be more aware and critical of
what is happening in their teaching
materials. Even if teachers can use
textbooks, they must adapt and
supplement them with related materials
based on the needs of their students and
the teaching context. Second, the textbook
author must conduct a regular
retrospective evaluation of their books and
make the necessary changes to keep them
up to date and improve them. Third, while
this study only focuses on the analysis
based on the outsider evaluator's
perception, additional research can reveal a
more objective and in-depth analysis by
combining the evaluation with interviews
with teachers and students who use the
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