Widuri Indah Dwi Jayanti, Maya Ulyan, Suroy | 321
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i3.26 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
classroom. Theoretical underpinnings
for textbook analysis may be found in
(Douglas & Frazier, 2001), quoted by
(Kodriyah et al., 2020), which says that
textbooks must be following the curriculum
approach, needs, syllabus, goals,
objectives, and content. Meanwhile, (Jack
Croft Richards et al., 2002), quoted by
(Kodriyah et al., 2020), provides several vital
points in defining good material such as
authentic, realistic contextualistic, and
relevant according to student needs. Not all
textbooks are appropriate for student's
circumstances, and teachers must adapt
texts to assist students in meeting their
learning objectives. The method for
selecting teaching materials include
assessing particular aspects of the book,
such as books, their contents, availability,
and availability, whereas the procedure for
altering textbooks entails deleting,
including, replacing, and customizing
specific sections of the book. Because the
present aim of learning is t, in contrast, the
dents cognitive abilities and communicate,
cooperate, think critically, and be creative,
teachers must adapt instructional materials
to a 21st-century education. As a result, the
teacher's responsibilities include student
evaluation and evaluation of the teaching
and learning process and the content itself.
Learning English at vocational schools
must be tailored to their majors to compete
in the workplace and meet the demands of
the industry, implying that English classes
are not about subject content. Still, as
material for skills that they must master, as
stated by the Ministry of Education and
Culture No. 20 of 2016, Vocational school
graduates must master the skills they
acquired to help them compete and
succeed in their careers. (Berg, 2002) is
quoted define "Learning how to work" is
what vocational education entails.
Vocational education aims to increase
technical competence and elevate
individuals' social status by using
technology to manage their surroundings.
In addition, vocational education is tailored
to the needs of the labor market, which is
often considered to contribute to the
strength of the national economy. Thus,
Vocational High School always tries to
improve its students' competence by
mastering technology and language skills.
In comparison, English should be a lifestyle
in 21st-century learning. Knowledge of
English to face the ASEAN Economic
Community is a necessary prerequisite.
Therefore, English learning for
students in vocational high school is carried
out for a specific purpose, and the subject
matter presented must conform to the
learning needs of students. EFL Teachers in
vocational high school are required to
understand the needs of students in class.
They need to be more creative in designing,
developing, and balancing students'
teaching materials in class based on the
students' competency learning needs. (Ayu
& Indrawati, 2019) had successfully
surveyed several ESP teachers regarding
choosing an appropriate textbook for use
in the classroom. The results indicated that
they were faced with various difficulties
finding a suitable book because most of the
textbook contents were not in conformity
with the topic of materials, the lists, and
even the contents of the materials
provided. Consequently, this was
considered a new challenge for teachers in
finding the appropriate textbook to be