Nurmilasari Evi, Yuliantini Tine | 1831
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i11.196
Reliable Human resource management
is needed by organizations, both private
and government, because human
resources are the determining factor that
will greatly determining the success or
failure of an organization to achieve
effective and efficient organizational goals
(Husaini, 2017). Human resources are the
basic capital of national development that
must always be developed, directed and
improved so that they can develop and
maintain the survival of the organization in
accordance with the vision, mission and
goals of the organization (Septina, 2018).
The success of organizational
performance is strongly influenced by the
performance of its employees (Bauw &
Gunawati, 2018). The efficient and effective
government administration is a demand in
the era of globalization which is filled of
competition and limitations in all fields.
This fact demands the professionalism of
Civil Servant resources in the
implementation of government affairs.
Therefore, in line with the reform of
government organizations, various
changes in the government bureaucracy
have been carried out in order to achieve
efficiency and effectiveness of government
organizations, including prioritizing human
resource management (Ashari, 2017).
Organizational performance is an
achievement reflection the process of
implementing program or policy in
realizing the things listed in the strategic
goals of organizational growth with targets,
vision and mission to improve
development and good organizational
growth (Sunda et al., 2017).
The discussion about the performance
of civil servants in Indonesia is indeed very
interesting to debate. Many people think
that the performance of civil servants in
Indonesia has not yet shown optimal
performance. Of the approximately 4.7
million Civil Servants in Indonesia, only 40%
are truly professional, productive, and
qualified. This figure is not bad data, but it
would be even better if only 40% of civil
servants were not qualified (Nahidah,
2016). To support government
performance, it is necessary to know the
success factors of other countries
government systems in managing the
performance of civil servants. Therefore, a
more in-depth study of the system is
considered successful and then adapted to
Indonesian culture so that it can run well. It
is necessary to know the advantages and
disadvantages of other countries system
and then adjust them to Indonesia's
performance climate in order to improve
the performance of Indonesian Civil
Servants (Kurniati & Roesida, 2018).
Indonesia needs to look at the
performance mechanism of employees and
bureaucracy in Canada, one of the
countries that has been very successful in
good governance practices according to
the Worldwide Governance Indicators
(WGI). WGI data is released by the World
Bank and is sourced from government and
private data published every two years
from 1996 to 2002 and once a year in the
following year until now. WGI is
implemented by the World Bank in order to
assess government governance in more
than 220 countries as seen from six
indicators, namely Voice and
Accountability, Political Stability and