Ayunita Ajengtiyas Saputri Mashuri,
Ratna Hindria Dyah Pita Sari | 1694
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i10.179 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
PSAK 72 is an adoption of IFRS 15 which
was effective on January 1, 2020, explaining
that revenue will be recognized if the
economic benefits associated with the
transaction continue to flow to the entity
during the period. The income consists of
sales of goods, sales of services, interest,
royalties and dividends. Revenue from the
sale of goods is recognized when the
goods have the benefit of ownership or
control of the goods have been transferred
to the buyer, the economic benefits
associated with the transaction flow to the
entity and the costs and transactions have
been measured reliably (Al-Gahtani, 2011);
(Wuttke, Blome, & Henke, 2013). Revenue
from the sale of services is recognized
when it refers to the stage of completion of
the transaction at the end of the reporting
period as long as it is measured reliably
(Abdillah, 2020). Income arising from the
use of the entity's assets by other parties
that earns interest, royalties and dividends
if the economic benefits associated with
the transaction will flow to the entity and
the amount of revenue can be measured
reliably (Wisnantiasri, 2018); (Motta &
Sharma, 2016).
PSAK 72 will bring some changes in the
presentation of financial statements in
influencing profit and sales figures and
affecting the company's books. As stated
by Djohan Pinnarwan through business
media published on January 13, 2020, that
PSAK 72 has different rules from the
previous one, namely PSAK 44. This PSAK
72 does not recognize the difference in
revenue recognition based on whether the
sale is the sale of goods or the sale of
services. PSAK 72 is divided into two
principles of revenue recognition, namely
the principle of revenue recognized over the
time which recognizes revenue from the
sale of services in the current standard and
revenue recognized at a point in time, which
recognition of revenue from the sale of
goods in the current standard. According to
(Murali, Pugazhendhi, & Muralidharan,
2016), the sale of real estate products is an
example of the lack of clarity whether this
sale is included in the sale of goods or the
sale of services. The difference in revenue
recognition provisions between PSAK 72
and PSAK 44 is that revenue recognition
will not cause significant changes in the
value of revenue on some contracts. If the
type of contract is long-term, the difference
in revenue recognition provisions between
PSAK 44 and PSAK 72 will most likely cause
a significant difference in the value of
revenues and changes in financial
performance in the current year. An
example of revenue recognition at a certain
time (revenue recognized at a point in time)
If the sale of real estate products is the sale
of goods, then revenue will be recognized
at a certain time, namely when the goods
have been handed over to the customer.
PSAK 72 changes the way contract
revenue was previously (rule based) to be
based on principles (principle based).
Recognition of contract revenue, for
example, is not based on the amount of
down payment that has been received. In
this new standard, revenue recognition is
carried out in stages according to the life of
the contract (over the time) or at a certain
point (at a point of time). So the gradual
revenue recognition cannot be applied to
any contract. There are several conditions