JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 10, 1649 1658
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i10.178 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Dahlia Natalia
Aji Sofyan Effendi
Mulawarman University, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
e-mail: sydnath25@gmail.com
, rahmawat[email protected]mul.ac.id
aji.sofyan.effend[email protected]nmul.ac.id
*Correspondence: sydnath25@gmail.com
Submitted: 25 April 2022, Revised: 06 May 2022, Accepted: 18 May 2022
Abstract. The purpose of this study is to analyze and prove the influence of Store Atmosphere on
impulse buying, to analyze and prove the influence of Store Atmosphere on positive emotions,
analyze and prove the influence of positive emotions on impulse buying, and to analyze and prove
the influence of positive emotions in mediating the influence of Store Atmosphere. against impulse
buying. This research was conducted at the H&M Store Samarinda. The research design uses an
explanatory research approach. This type of research is quantitative. The population in this study
are consumers who have made a purchase at the H&M Store Samarinda. Samples were taken as
many as 130 people with non-probability sampling method, namely by using snowball sampling
technique. Data was collected through the distribution of questionnaires. The data analysis
technique used is the SEM method, namely PLS (Partial Least Square) with the help of Smart PLS
software. The results showed that Store Atmosphere had a positive and significant effect on
impulse buying, Store Atmosphere had a positive and significant effect on positive emotions, and
positive emotions had a positive and significant effect on impulsive buying. This study also
obtained positive and significant results between positive emotions mediating the influence of
Store Atmosphere on impulse buying.
Keywords: store atmosphere; positive emotions; impulse buying.
Dahlia Natalia, Rahmawati, Aji Sofyan Effendi | 1650
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i10.178 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
The phenomenon of globalization
makes the world economy provide great
competition opportunities between
product markets originating from within
the country to the world market or can be
called exports. On the other hand, this
phenomenon is also an opportunity for
various foreign products to enter the
domestic market. The consequence is that
it causes entrepreneurs with large retail
capital capabilities from abroad to finally
carry out business activities in the country
(Unger et al., 2011); (Li et al., 2018).
Now it is clear that there has been a
change from a traditional market to a
modern market. More and more
differences are displayed besides the
development of the modern market which
is very High, can meet the development of
consumer lifestyles, there are technological
actions, modern concepts, and last but not
least, have been able to provide more value
than traditional markets (Arslan et al.,
2021); (Chen et al., 2019).
The current growth is accompanied by
an increase in people's purchasing power.
Not only that, this incident has forced retail
businessmen to be more active and
optimally innovative in order to provide the
best service or product in order to win the
competition in an effort to win market
share (Norbäck & Persson, 2012);
(Fatahillah et al., 2022).
This company is very popular among
the public because it has a very precise
fashion sense, in other words, it is on point
with the latest fashion trends, both among
men and women, even children to
teenagers. H&M sells products in the form
of accessories and clothes, but apart from
that there are several products that it
creates, namely beauty products, bags,
shoes. H&M's outlets are spread across 62
regions of the country, where the total
number of stores exceeds 4500 stores.
Similar to outlets located in various parts of
Indonesia, namely from Surabaya,
Yogyakarta, Medan, Batam, Solo, Bali,
Bandung, Jakarta, Balikpapan, there are
also other cities and one of them is in
Sourced from research9 (Saddhono &
Sulaksono, 2018) explains that 21% of
buyers never plan to shop. The data
increased by 21%, where the number of
increases was greater than in 2003, which
was only 11% of consumers who were
impulsive. The research is carried out in a
number of major cities in Indonesia,
including: Medan, Makassar, Surabaya,
Bandung, and Jakarta. This is evidenced by
the large number of Instagram followers of
the Samarinda Big Mall account, where
every information on the account provides
updated information about the products
being discounted at their respective outlets
and exhibitions at the Big Mall at that time,
so it can be assumed that the followers of
the account namely consumers who want
to get information about sales at outlets
located in Big Mall Samarinda, and also
related to the lifestyle of women and men
who are very consumptive in Samarinda.
Men have a behavior that is very easily
persuaded by sellers, very easily deceived
because of their impatient nature when
choosing goods, sometimes in a hurry
when they want to make a choice to buy,
have a bad feeling if they don't buy
anything after entering the store. even with
1651 | The Effect of Store Atmosphere on Impulse Buying and Positive Emotion as Intervening
Variables at H&M Samarinda Stores
women who have several other attitudes,
for example, tend to prefer goods with
distinctive shapes and colors, brands are
not related to their use and technicality, like
to shop even though they just don't look at
them and don't even buy, can feel the state
of the store quickly, like romantic things
Compared to objective, it is difficult to be
influenced by the seller's persuasion.
Related to this, the environment inside and
outside the store (store) such as music,
smells, colors, and lighting created by
business owners to attract consumers is the
definition of store atmosphere (Maghfiroh
& Djawoto, 2018).
Impulse buying behavior in terms of
various factors can trigger individuals in
groups or individually as external factors or
consumer internal factors. Even if
consumers who have a better level of
emotional response to the retail
environment have a tendency to impulse
buying. Generate a tendency to 2 kinds of
emotions for consumers who depend on
the provocation created by the store so
that it can affect the emotional condition of
consumers according to (Andriyanto et al.,
2016); (Schifferstein & Desmet, 2010).
Sourced from the statement put
forward by (Yusuf, 2016), explaining that
the generalization area which includes
subjects/objects whose number and
characteristics have been determined by
researchers to be studied and a conclusion
is drawn is the notion of population. The
population used by the researcher is all
consumers who shop or buy at the H&M
Bigmall store, Samarinda city.
Thus, a number of samples are taken
that can represent the population as a
whole. Sourced from the statement
disclosed by (Etikan et al., 2016) as for how
to determine the sample, that is if the
population is very large and without
knowing the exact number, the
recommended sample size in regression
analysis is 5 to 10 observations for each
independent variable depending on the
total indicator multiplied by 5 to 10.
Sources of data used in the study This is
primary data where the data is obtained
from the results of respondents' answers to
the questionnaires distributed, then
tabulated and analyzed with statistical
Data analysis is an activity after data
from all respondents or other data sources
are collected. Activities in data analysis are
grouping data based on variables and
types of respondents, tabulating data
based on variables for all respondents,
presenting data for each variable studied,
performing calculations to answer problem
formulations and performing calculations
to test hypotheses that have been
proposed (Sugiyono, 2018). The data
obtained in this study will be analyzed
using a statistical tool, namely SmartPLS 3.0
Software. Based on Windows.
A. Convergent Validity
A loading factor value of the latent
variable with each indicator is the
definition of the value of convergent
validity. An indicator can be called valid
Dahlia Natalia, Rahmawati, Aji Sofyan Effendi | 1652
if it has a loading factor above 0.5, in
other words it is considered to have a
fairly strong level of validation in
explaining latent constructs (Ghozali
2015). SmartPLS output to obtain
convergent validity can be clearly
observed in the details of the outer
loading table as follows:
Table 1. Loading factor
The calculation results detailed in
Table indicate that if there is a loading
factor whose value is below 0.50 so it
must be eliminated, the total value of
the loading factor which is <0.50
consists of X4 (0.429) so it must be
recalculated with:
Table 2. Result After recalculation
After recalculation, in Table all of the
external loading values obtained before
being corrected are above 0.5, thus it is
stated that the convergent validity
conditions have been met.
Next is a picture of the calculation
of the SEM PLS model, then in view of
the loading value of the indicator
factors on each variable.
1653 | The Effect of Store Atmosphere on Impulse Buying and Positive Emotion as Intervening
Variables at H&M Samarinda Stores
Figure 1. Loading Factor bootstrap
B. Discriminant Validity
To see the validity of the indicator,
the method is to observe the
magnitude of the value of square root
AVE (average variance extracted). The
recommended value is 0.5.
The Smart PLS output for average
variance extracted can be clearly
observed through the following details
in Table 3 :
Table 3. Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
Atmosphere store (X)
Positive Emotion (Y1)
Impulse Buying (Y2)
The square root AVE value for each
outer loading variable studied
indicates the acquisition of a value >
0.5 for each construct, thus
discriminant validity based on average
variance extracted is valid.
After the construct can be called
valid, the next step is to test the
reliability of the research construct.
C. Composite Reliability
The results of the reliability
calculation can be observed through
the acquisition of composite reliability
values from the indicator block that
performs construct measurements.
Where the acquisition of composite
reliability shows the maximum value if
the value is > 0.7 as detailed in Table 4
Dahlia Natalia, Rahmawati, Aji Sofyan Effendi | 1654
Table 4. Composite Reliability
Composite Reliability
Atmosphere store (X)
Positive Emotion (Y1)
Impulse Buying (Y2)
D. Cronbach's Alpha
The calculation of Cronbach's alpha
aims to measure the lower limit of the
reliability value of a construct. In this
regard, the alpha value should be > 0.7
although a value of 0.6 is still
acceptable. The value of Cronbach's
alpha for each variable will be clearly
detailed in table 5 :
Table 5. Cronbach’s Alpha
Composite Reliability
Atmosphere store (X)
Positive Emotion (Y1)
Impulse Buying (Y2)
Based on Table 5, it can be seen
that Cronbach's alpha of all variables
has a value above 0.70. This shows that
each variable has met Cronbach's
alpha so it can be concluded that all
variables have a good level of
E. Hypotesis Test
After the model goes through a
measurement model test for validity
and reliability, and a structural model
test to test the relationship between its
latent constructs (Kim & Nguyen,
2018), the next process is to test the
hypothesis. Based on the subchapters
of the formulation of research
problems, hypotheses, and the results
of the analysis of the structural model
or the inner model between the latent
constructs of the research model, to
answer the research problem
formulation and prove the hypothesis,
it can be seen from the following table
6 :
Table 6 . Path Coefficients (Mean, STDEV, t-Values)
Path Construct
T Statistics
Atmosphere store Impulse Buying
Atmosphere store Positive Emotion
1655 | The Effect of Store Atmosphere on Impulse Buying and Positive Emotion as Intervening
Variables at H&M Samarinda Stores
Path Construct
T Statistics
Positive Emotion Impulse Buying
Atmosphere store Positive Emotion
Impulse Buying
Hypothesis testing based on the
bootstrapping path coefficient
calculation in the research model,
shows the results of the t-statistics test
analysis of the influence of each
Atmosphere store (X) construct on
Impulse Buying with Positive Emotion
as a mediating variable, which can be
explained as follows:
F. Atmosphere store against Impulse
Sourced from the path coefficient
test results, which are based on the T-
Statistics value, it indicates that the
Atmosphere store variable has a
positive and significant effect on
impulse buying. This statement is
evidenced by the results which indicate
that the P-Values are 0.041 (<0.050)
while the T-Statistics are 2.048 > 1.96.
So that the second variable has a
unidirectional effect. It means that the
atmosphere store has a significant
effect on impulse buying.
The purpose of the research results
is that the store atmosphere applied to
the H&M store can attract the
attention of consumers to increase
interest in shopping without planning
(spontaneously). The form of
Atmosphere store that the H&M store
strives for is by maintaining the
cleanliness of the store, playing music,
distinctive aromas or fragrances, air
temperature, adequate lighting, and
varied supplies for display.
G. Atmosphere store on Positive
Sourced from the results of the
calculation of the path coefficient test
based on the acquisition of T-Statistics
indicating that the atmosphere store
has a positive and significant effect on
positive emotion. Where the results of
the calculation of the hypothesis test
indicate that the P-Values are 0.000
(<0.050) while the T-Statistics are 7.593
(>1.96). Thus, it can be said that the
two variables have a unidirectional
It can be interpreted that indicators
in the atmosphere of the store at the
H&M store can trigger the emergence
of positive emotions from within the
consumer thereby increasing interest
in shopping spontaneously (without
planning) at the H&M store. Some
aspects that show positive emotion
consumers include feeling happy,
comfortable, and happy.
H. Positive Emotion against Impulse
Dahlia Natalia, Rahmawati, Aji Sofyan Effendi | 1656
Where the results of the calculation
of the path coefficient test based on
the magnitude of the T-Statistics value
indicate if there is a positive and
significant influence of positive
emotion on impulse buying.
Meanwhile, the results of hypothesis
testing show that the P-Values are
0.000 (< 0.050) and the T-Statistics are
4.482 > 1.96. Thus, the two variables
have a unidirectional effect.
indicators of positive emotion in
the H&M store can trigger impulse
buying in consumers, so that it can
increase interest in shopping without
planning at the H&M store.
I. Store atmosphere for Impulse
Buying with Positive Emotion as
Sourced from the results of the
coefficient values related to the direct
influence of the atmosphere store
variable on impulse buying, the value is
0.182, where the p-value is 0.041 while
the t-statistic is 2.048. This acquisition
data indicates that the atmosphere of
the store has a direct effect on impulse
buying, where this effect is less than
the magnitude of the indirect effect on
positive emotion (as a mediating
variable). This statement indicates that
the atmosphere of the store can attract
the attention of consumers in making
impulse buying caused by the positive
emotion variable in oneself.
Positive emotion variables can be
used as an effective way to influence
consumers in optimizing the level of
purchases in the H&M store. When
there is a store atmosphere and
individuals feel positive emotions, of
course, consumers will act as impulse
buying for what they want at that time.
Based on the results of the analysis and
testing of hypotheses and their discussion,
it can be said the following things:
Store atmosphere can have a significant
influence on impulse buying. The room
temperature indicator is the dominant
indicator in shaping the atmosphere of the
store. These indicators are sufficient to
generate impulse buying decisions for
consumers. Also strengthen the results of
the description of the perception of
customer respondents who fall into the
"Enough" category.
Store atmosphere can have a significant
influence on positive emotions. Aroma
indicator is the dominant indicator in
forming positive emotions. The store
atmosphere indicator is High enough to
influence consumer emotions in shopping.
Also strengthen the results of the
description of the perception of customer
respondents who fall into the "High"
Results Based on research, it is known
that positive emotions can have a
significant effect on impulse buying. The
excitement indicator is the dominant
indicator in the positive emotion variable.
This indicator is High enough to influence
consumers' positive emotions in acting
without planning. Also strengthen the
results of the description of the perception
of customer respondents who fall into the
"High" category.
Positive emotions mediate store
atmosphere towards impulse buying. This
1657 | The Effect of Store Atmosphere on Impulse Buying and Positive Emotion as Intervening
Variables at H&M Samarinda Stores
means that the store atmosphere can
increase impulse buying through positive
emotions. In this study, the direct effect of
store atmosphere on impulse buying is
smaller than the indirect effect of positive
emotion mediating variables. This shows
that the store atmosphere will attract
consumers to make impulse purchases
because of the positive emotions they
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