JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 10, 1670 1681
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i10.177 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Yolla Riska Andriani*
Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I
e-mail: yolariska17@gmail.com
*Correspondence: yolariska17@gmail.com
Submitted: 25 April 2022, Revised: 07 May 2022, Accepted: 18 May 2022
Abstract. Psychological well-being is a condition when individuals can accept their own
shortcomings, have a purpose in life, can build good relationships with others, are independent
from social pressures, and can control their environment. The purpose of this study was to
determine the relationship between Sana'a and the psychological well-being of parents who have
children with special needs. The sampling technique in this study used a cluster sampling
technique. The number of samples in this study were 130 samples at the Kasih Ibu Special School.
The number of samples taken was 60 samples, at SLB Kinasih as many as 30 samples, at SLB Panam
Mulia as many as 22 samples, and SLB Al-Faqih as many as 18 samples. The data analysis technique
used Pearson's product-moment correlation technique. Hypothesis testing in this study used
Pearson's product-moment correlation analysis technique to determine the form of the
relationship between qana'ah trait variables on psychological well-being. The results of Pearson's
correlation analysis for psychological well-being (Y) and qana'ah (X) characteristics with a sample
of 150 obtained a (r) value of 0.711 and a Sig (2-tailed) value. ) or p 0.000 (p < 0.05). meaning 'the
hypothesis is accepted' means that there is a positive and significant relationship between the
nature of qana'ah with psychological well-being. The correlation value of 0.711 is in the interval
0.60 0.80, meaning that between the qana'ah variable and the psychological welfare variable
there is a strong correlation (Siregar, 2014). The resulting positive correlation shows the higher the
qana'ah, the higher the psychological well-being. And vice versa, the lower the qana'ah, the lower
the psychological well-being. In this study, qana'ah has an effective contribution of 50.5% and the
rest is influenced by other factors of 49.5%.
Keywords: qana'ah; psychological well-being.
Yolla Riska Andriani | 1671
The number of children with special
needs in Indonesia every year has
increased. This can be seen from data from
the Central Statistics Agency which shows
that in 2009 the number of children with
special needs was 1.48 million (0.7%) of the
total population, while in 2014 the number
of children with special needs increased to
9.9 million.
According to statistical data from the
Pekanbaru City Education Office, an
increase in children with special needs also
occurred in Riau Province. This can be seen
in 2007 it was estimated that there were
200 children, and in 2018 children with
special needs increased to 1,034 children. It
is not known for certain the total number of
children with special needs in Pekanbaru,
the data is only estimated from the number
of children with special needs who attend
school in Pekanbaru. Official data from the
Education Office of Riau Province shows
that there are 45 special schools from
elementary to high school levels in Riau
Province spread over 10 districts and 2
cities. In the city of Pekanbaru itself, there
are 14 SLBs registered with the Riau
Provincial Education Office and the 14 SLBs
have 1 State SLB and 13 Private SLBs (Riau
Provincial Education Office, 2018).
The term ABK is a translation of children
with special needs which has been widely
used in the international world who
previously used the term definable
(difference ability). Ordinary people are
more familiar with ABK with the terms
children with disabilities, children with
disabilities, children with disabilities, or
extraordinary children. Children classified
as extraordinary or with special needs are
children who deviate from the normal
average in terms of mental characteristics,
sensory, physical, and neuromuscular
abilities, social and emotional behavior,
communication skills, or a combination of
two or more of the following: the above, to
the extent that it requires modification of
school assignments, learning methods or
other related services, aimed at developing
maximum potential or capacity
(Mangunsong, 2011).
Children who are born with unhealthy
mental conditions certainly make parents
sad and sometimes not ready to accept it.
Likewise, the reaction of every parent who
just realized the special condition of their
child is different. According to Faradinna's
research (2016) on the self-acceptance of
parents who have children with special
needs, the reactions of parents when they
were initially said to be problematic were
disbelief, shock, sadness, disappointment,
guilt, anger, and rejection.
Based on previous research conducted
by (Wardhani, 2020) that parents who have
children with special needs then send their
children to special schools and transfer
their children to regular schools because
parents feel ashamed if their children are
sent to special schools. This can be seen
from the attitude of parents who don't care
or pay less attention to their children at
home, don't pay attention to their children,
and when parents take their children to
school there are parents who accept a
touch of the hand like greetings and some
don't, there are also parents who ignore
their children such as getting busy with
work. parents who let their children just like
that there is no love and attention from
Yolla Riska Andriani | 1672
Previous research conducted by (Hu et
al., 2020) showed that when they found out
that their child had specialties, parents
were confused and did not understand.
Confused due to lack of understanding or
knowledge of parents about children with
special needs. Lack of parental knowledge
makes their psychological condition less
good, psychological conditions
experienced by parents such as anger,
sadness, disappointment, negative
thinking, and venting their anger with their
children and blaming themselves by
thinking what sins they have committed.
But over time, parents are able to accept
their children because they have support
from their husbands, support from
extended families, groups of parents who
also have children with special needs,
homes theraphys, and also information
from social media.
Based on the phenomena described
above, it can be concluded that when
parents find out that their child has mental
retardation, parents experience
unfavorable psychological conditions such
as feeling guilty, afraid, sad, and thinking
about why their child is different, resulting
in rejection. This refusal occurs because
parents feel ashamed of the conditions
experienced by their children, so they tend
not to want to invite their children to
socialize with other children, discriminate
between one child and another, do not care
about their child, and lack love for their
Over time, parental rejection can
gradually become an acceptance if parents
can let go of the ideal image of the
expected child. The attitude of accepting
parents with an open heart is better than
the attitude of rejecting the situation
because the rejection will only add to the
burden on the parents. The success of
families and parents in accepting the child's
condition is to accept their limitations
(Purwanto & Sulistyasturi, 2017).
Other factors related to the problems of
parents who have children with special
needs are financial problems, family
problems in treating children, problems in
educating children and concerns for the
future of their children. Another problem is
financial problems, extra funds are needed
to meet the needs of children with special
needs, which is a common problem
experienced by parents of children with
special needs because children with special
needs need help in the form of therapy and
this requires a lot of money. The same thing
is also said by (Long et al., 2010);
(HosseinKhanzadeh, 2013)that worries
often arise because of several problems
such as problems related to finances and
children's opportunities when facing future
realities that will arise later.
The negative response given by the
environment to their disabled child is also
a problem that is often encountered in
everyday life and is one of the concerns of
parents. This is similar to the opinion of
Mangunsong who states that, in general,
the source of parental concern comes from
the negative treatment of normal people
towards their disabled children.
Children with special needs certainly
need more attention, but to provide this is
certainly not an easy thing. Parents must be
able to divide their time well and it requires
high willingness and patience. The element
that underlies the willingness and patience
1673 | The Relationship Between Qana'ah and Psychological Welfare of Parents Who Have
Children with Special Needs in Pekanbaru City
is a form of acceptance from parents
because by accepting, the mother will pay
attention to the development of the child's
ability and give great love and attention to
the child (Whittaker et al., 2021). This
acceptance will bring gratitude for what has
been given, which refers to self-acceptance
and is one of the dimensions of
psychological well-being (Toner et al.,
According to (Jones et al., 2015)
psychological well-being is an individual's
ability to accept himself as he is, form warm
relationships with others, be independent
of social pressures, control the external
environment, have meaning in life, and
realize his potential continuously.
Previous research conducted by (Benn
et al., 2012) is certain that parents who have
children with special needs are more likely
to experience psychological stress than
parents who have normal children. Stress is
caused by parents of children with special
needs both physically, psychologically, and
socially. Especially a mother who generally
has more to do with caring for and raising
Previous research conducted by
(Sa’diyah, 2016) that parents who have
children with special needs have a
significant experience of stress and it is one
of the biggest causes of stress compared to
other stressors. In mothers and fathers,
research shows that the absence of support
from the family tends to increase the
psychological pressure on the mother. In
particular, mothers experience more stress
than fathers. There is another study that
also states that mothers experience higher
levels of parenting stress and symptoms of
depression than fathers (Gray et al., 2013).
Previous research conducted by
(Fitriani, 2016) showed that religion can
improve psychological well-being in a
person. Individuals who have strong
religious beliefs, in general, have higher life
satisfaction, higher personal happiness,
and the less negative impact that is felt
from traumatic events in life. This means
that someone who has a strong belief in
religion already has good psychological
well-being. Where what is meant by having
faith in religion is that humans know, belief,
practice, practice, and live their religious
teachings well (Warsah & Uyun, 2019).
Conditions of psychological well-being
and pressures faced by parents who have
children with special needs require them to
find the right way out, pressure or demands
that are addressed with piety to Allah such
as qana'ah can make individuals not easily
depressed, this is because Ridha as one of
the aspects in qana'ah that can make
individuals tolerant and able to accept
themselves in all conditions faced, both
pleasant and full of pressure (Ali, 2014). As
mentioned in the hadith of HR Muslim
about qana'ah which reads:
Meaning: "Really lucky people who are
guided in Islam, given sufficient sustenance,
and qana'ah (feeling enough) with the
sustenance." (HR Muslim).
According to(Al-Faruq, 2012); (Nufus,
2021) qana'ah is an attitude of accepting all
of Allah's provisions willingly / pleased with
what happened to him, always feeling
enough and satisfied with what Allah has
given, always be simple and don't overdo
something so that someone is always
grateful for the blessings that exist.
Yolla Riska Andriani | 1674
Parents who have children with special
needs if have qana'ah in themselves, they
will have good self-acceptance and always
think positively about what is happening.
The attitude of qana'ah parents will make
children feel loved, cared for, and feel cared
for. According to (Noorhayati, 2016), the
absence of qana'ah can affect
psychological well-being, where a person
becomes easily restless and indecisive. If a
person has a qana'ah nature, he will always
be kind (husnuzhan) to Allah SWT even
though the decisions that occur to him are
not in accordance with what he wants, it is
not easy to blame others and always
introspect that what happened to him is
really a result of his actions, his soul will
always be calm because he will face all
events armed with the belief and sincerity
that everything that happens to him is the
decision of Allah SWT.
According (Bettmann et al., 2017)
religion is one of the factors that cannot be
separated from a person's mental health,
especially regarding his psychological well-
being. When humans experience a disaster,
calamity, difficulty, and feel
disappointment, usually humans will run to
their religion and God, by bringing up an
attitude of surrender and accepting what
power is from Allah. This surrender attitude
will give a person an optimistic attitude so
that it can bring up positive feelings that
make people feel calm. Islam is a religion
that is concerned with one's mental health.
In accordance with the word of Allah SWT
regarding Allah SWT has given humans a
great gift and is incomparable to any
enjoyment, which has been mentioned in
Surah Ali-Imran verse 164 which reads:
Meaning: "Indeed Allah has given the
believers a gift when Allah sent among them
an apostle from their own class, who recited
to them the verses of Allah, cleansed their
souls, and taught them the book and al-
hikmah. And verily before the condition of
the prophet, they were in clear error(Q.S. 3:
Based on the description of the
background above, researchers are
interested in researching "The relationship
between Qana'ah and psychological well-
being in parents who have children with
special needs in the city of Pekanbaru."
The variables used in this study are
Qana'ah and Psychological Welfare.
Qana'ah as the independent variable and
Psychological Welfare as the dependent
variable. The sample used in this study was
obtained through a cluster sampling
technique, totaling 130 children with
special needs at the Kasih Ibu Special
School. The number of samples taken was
60 samples, the Kinasih Special School as
many as 30 samples, the Panam Mulia
Special School as many as 22 samples, and
the Al-Faqih Special School as many as 18
samples. The data analysis technique used
the Pearson product-moment correlation
technique. The Pearson product-moment
correlation technique is to find the
relationship between the independent
variable (X) and the dependent variable (Y)
in the form of interval and ratio data.
1675 | The Relationship Between Qana'ah and Psychological Welfare of Parents Who Have
Children with Special Needs in Pekanbaru City
A. Psychological Well-being
1. Understanding Psychological
Psychological well- was
popularized the concept that
originated from the belief that
positive health is not only the
absence of physical illness but is
also related to the need to feel
good psychologically
(psychological well-being). Humans
can be said to have good
psychological well-being, not just
being free from negative mental
health indicators, such as being free
from anxiety, achieving happiness,
and others.
Formulated the concept of
psychological well-being which is
an integration of several theories of
human development, clinical
psychology theory, and the concept
of mental health. Based on this
psychological well-being as a
condition in which individuals have
positive attitudes towards
themselves and others, can make
their own decisions, and regulate
their own behavior, can create and
manage an environment that is
compatible with their needs, have a
purpose in life. more meaningful,
and trying to explore and develop
Psychological well-being is the
ability of individuals to accept
themselves as they are (self-
acceptance), form warm
relationships with others (positive
relations with others), have
independence in the face of social
pressures (autonomy), control the
external environment
(environmental mastery), have
goals in his life (purpose in life), and
able to realize his potential
continuously (personal growth) On
the other hand, psychological well-
being is also defined as an
individual's psychological well-
being that focuses on efforts to self-
realization (self-realization), self-
expression (personal
expressiveness), and self-
actualization (self-actualization).
Based on the description above,
it can be concluded that
psychological well-being or
psychological well-being is a
condition of individuals who are
able to accept themselves as they
are, are able to form warm
relationships with others, have
independence against social
pressures, are able to control the
external environment, have a
purpose in life and able to realize
their potential continuously.
2. Dimensions of psychological
There are six dimensions of
psychological well-being, namely
the dimension of self-acceptance,
the dimension of positive relations
with others, the dimension of
autonomy, the dimension of
environmental mastery, and the
dimension of purpose. life (pupose
in life), and dimensions of personal
development (personal growth).
a. Accepting yourself
Self-acceptance is a
Yolla Riska Andriani | 1676
person's ability to accept
himself as a whole, both present
and past.
b. Positive relationship with others
Positive relationships with
other people is the individual's
ability to establish good
relationships with other people
around him.
c. Autonomy
Autonomy is described as
an individual's ability to be free
but still able to regulate his life
and behavior.
d. Mastery of the environment
Mastery of the environment
is described by the individual's
ability to regulate his
environment, take advantage of
the opportunities that exist in
the environment, control and
create the environment as
e. Purpose of life
The purpose of life has an
understanding that a person
has a clear understanding of the
purpose and direction of his life,
has the belief that he is able to
achieve his life goals, and feels
that he has meaning in past and
present experiences.
f. Personal growth
Personal growth can be
seen in people who feel they
have continuous development,
see themselves growing and
developing, are able to realize
their potential, see self-
improvement and behavior.
Based on the description above,
it can be concluded that
psychological well-being has six
dimensions, namely: a) self-
acceptance, b) positive
relationships with others, c)
autonomy, d) mastery of the
environment, e) life goals, and e)
personal growth.
3. Factors Affecting Psychological
The factors that can affect
psychological well-being are as
a. Age
Suggest that age differences
affect differences in the
dimensions of psychological well-
being. In their research, Found
that the dimensions of
environmental mastery and the
dimensions of autonomy
increased with age, especially
from young adults to middle
adults. Dimensions of positive
relationships with others also
increase with age. On the other
hand, the dimensions of life
purpose and personal growth
show a decline with age, this
decline especially in middle to late
adulthood. This study shows that
there is no significant difference
in the dimensions of self-
acceptance during young
adulthood to late adulthood.
b. Gender
Suggests that gender
differences affect a person's
psychological well-being, where
women have more psychological
1677 | The Relationship Between Qana'ah and Psychological Welfare of Parents Who Have
Children with Special Needs in Pekanbaru City
well-being than men. And
compared to men, women have
positive relationships with others
and dimensions of personal
growth. This is because the ability
of women to interact with the
environment is better than men.
Since childhood, the family
has instilled in the boy a strong,
violent, independent, and
aggressive figure. Meanwhile,
women are described as passive
and dependent, helpless and
sensitive to the feelings of others
and this will carry over until the
children grow up. no wonder this
stereotype is finally carried away
by individuals until they grow up.
as a figure who is described as
dependent and sensitive to the
feelings of others, throughout her
life women are accustomed to
fostering a state of harmony with
the people around them. This is
why women have high
psychological well-being in the
positive relationship dimension
because they maintain good
relationships with other people.
c. Socio-Economic Status
Explains that socioeconomic
status includes: education level,
income level, and job success can
have a separate influence on
psychological well-being, where
individuals with higher levels of
education and having good jobs
will show higher levels of
psychological well-being. higher
and vice versa explains that
economic status is related to the
dimensions of self-acceptance,
life goals, environmental mastery,
and personal growth.
d. Social Support
Social support is one of the
factors that can also affect a
person's psychological well-
being. Social support is related to
social activities that are followed
by individuals such as being active
in organizations, the quality, and
quantity of activities carried out,
and with whom social contacts
are made. In line with this, Hume
states that there is a significant
relationship between social
interaction and psychological
e. Religiosity
The results of this study
revealed that individuals with
strong religiosity showed higher
levels of psychological well-being
and experienced fewer traumatic
experiences. This research is also
supported by research, which
shows that individuals with a high
religious level have better
attitudes, feel more satisfied in
life, and are less lonely. This
research was conducted that
individuals who feel they get
support from their place of
worship tend to have a high level
of psychological well-being.
f. Personality
Conducted research on the
relationship between 5
personality types in individuals
with dimensions of psychological
well-being. The results show that
Yolla Riska Andriani | 1678
individuals who are included in
the category of extraversion,
conscientiousness, and low
neuroticism have high scores on
the dimensions of self-
acceptance, environmental
mastery, and life goals. Individuals
who are included in openness to
experience have higher scores on
the personal growth dimension.
Individuals who are included in
the agreeableness and
extraversion categories have high
scores on the positive relationship
dimension with others and
individuals who are included in
low neuroticism have high scores
on the economic dimension.
Based on the description
above, it can be concluded that
psychological well-being has
several factors, namely: age,
gender, socioeconomic status,
social support, religiosity, and
The results of the normality test above
show that the variable qana'ah (X) has a
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z value of 0.791 with
asymp sig (2-tailed) or p of 0.559 > 0.05
and the psychological welfare variable (Y)
has a Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z value. of
1.081 with asymptomatic sig (2-tailed) or p
of 0.193 > 0.05. So it can be concluded that
the two variables have a normal
Based on the table above, the deviation
from the Linearity value is 1.326 with a
significance value (p) of 0.120 > 0.05, which
means that there is a significant linear
relationship between the psychological
well-being variable (Y) and the qana'ah trait
variable (X).
The hypothesis test in this study was to
use the Pearson product-moment
correlation analysis technique to determine
the form of the relationship between the
variable nature of qana'ah on psychological
well-being, and the results:
Based on the results of the Pearson
correlation analysis for the psychological
well-being variable (Y) and the nature of
qana'ah (X) with a sample of 150, obtained
a value (r) of 0.711 and a value of Sig (2-
tailed) or p 0.000 (p < 0.05). this means 'the
hypothesis is accepted' means that there is
a positive and significant correlation
between the nature of qana'ah and
psychological well-being.
The correlation value of 0.711 is in the
interval 0.60 - 0.80, meaning that between
the qana'ah variable and the psychological
welfare variable there is a strong
correlation. The resulting positive
correlation shows the higher the qana'ah,
the higher the psychological well-being.
Vice versa, the lower the qana'ah, the lower
the psychological well-being. In this study,
qana'ah has an effective contribution of
50.5% and the rest is influenced by other
factors of 49.5%.
This study is a correlation study to
analyze the relationship between Qana'ah
and the Psychological Welfare of parents
who have children with Special Needs
(ABK). Data collection is by using 38 items
for the qana'ah scale and using 28 items for
psychological well-being distributed to 150
parents who have children with special
needs (ABK) in Pekanbaru.
1679 | The Relationship Between Qana'ah and Psychological Welfare of Parents Who Have
Children with Special Needs in Pekanbaru City
The result of this study is that there is a
significant relationship between qana'ah
and the psychological well-being of
parents who have children with special
needs in Pekanbaru with a correlation
coefficient (r) of 0.711 with a p-value of
0.000 (p < 0.05). These results indicate that
by increasing the quality of qana'ah in a
person, his psychological well-being will
also increase. Qana'ah has an effective
contribution of 50.5% and the rest is
influenced by other factors.
Children with special needs certainly
need more attention, but to provide this is
certainly not an easy thing. Parents must be
able to divide their time well and it requires
high willingness and patience. The element
that underlies the willingness and patience
is a form of self-acceptance of parents.
because by accepting, parents pay
attention to the development of children's
abilities and give more love and attention
to children.
Explains that psychological well-being
is a concept related to what individuals feel
about activities in daily life and leads to the
disclosure of personal feelings about what
individuals feel as a result of their life
A person who has high psychological
well-being will have good self-acceptance,
this is further explained that a high level of
psychological well-being indicates that a
person has self-acceptance and a good
relationship with his environment, has
good self-confidence, can build good
relationships with other people and have a
purpose in life, which can lead a person to
the nature of qana'ah.
This research is in line shows that
religion can improve psychological well-
being in a person. Individuals who have
strong religious beliefs, in general, have
higher life satisfaction, higher personal
happiness, and the less negative impact
that is felt from traumatic events in life. This
means that someone who has a strong
belief in religion already has good
psychological well-being. Where what is
meant by having faith in religion is that
humans know, belief, practice, practice, and
live their religious teachings well.
Based on Islamic teachings, morality
has a special and very important position.
Allah SWT sent Prophet Muhammad SAW
to perfect human character. The hadith
shows that the religion of that person is
invalid if it is not accompanied by good
morals, this means that the nature of
qana'ah must be accompanied by noble
character. This research on morals, as
stated, can be shown by the nature of
qana'ah, accepting sincerely, pious, always
grateful, trusting, and so on.
People who have the nature of qana'ah
will always be patient and satisfied with
what Allah SWT has given him. This can be
stated in the research conducted which
shows that there is a positive relationship
between the nature of qana'ah and life
satisfaction, if someone applies the nature
of qana'ah in his life, that person will feel
life satisfaction.
This research has several obstacles
where the psychological well-being scale
and the qana'ah scale have items that are
too long and there are many variations of
answers that are quite diverse. This is
estimated to make it difficult for
respondents to understand the contents of
the scale. Before starting to distribute the
scale to the respondents, the researcher
Yolla Riska Andriani | 1680
also did not forget to explain and give
directions to the respondents before they
answered. In this study, there are also
further obstacles, namely the number of
research respondents who are still very
limited and use an error rate of 10% due to
the lack of respondents.
Based on the results of the analysis and
discussion that have been described
previously, it can be concluded that there is
a significant positive relationship between
qana'ah and the psychological well-being
of parents who have children with special
needs (ABK) in Pekanbaru with (r) 0.711 and
p 0.000 (p< 0.05). The higher the qana'ah
score, the higher the psychological well-
being of parents. This means that qana'ah
has a significant influence on psychological
well-being with an effective contribution of
50.5% and the rest is influenced by other
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