JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 10, 1604 1620
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i10.176 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Ernan Rustiadi
Akhmad Fauzi
Baba Barus
IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia
e-mail: sukiptiyah@gmail.com
, ernan@indo.net.id
, fauziakhmad@gmail.com
*Correspondence: sukiptiyah@gmail.com
Submitted: 25 April 2022, Revised: 06 May 2022, Accepted: 18 May 2022
Abstract. Conversion of agricultural land into built-up land is a regional economic development
mechanism, where to increase Gross Domestic Product can be done by allocating the widest
possible pattern of space designation "industry, trade and settlement", the implication is the
conversion of agricultural land into built-up land. land (rice fields) increases and rice production
facilities decrease so that food fulfillment is constrained, in other words there is a trade off in the
use of paddy fields. In an effort to optimize the allocation of space for rice fields, the purpose of
this study is to analyze the factors of space allocation in influencing the location of economic
activities (industry and housing) in rural areas. Through the mechanism for conversion of paddy
fields and the determination of the priority scale for the revision of the designation pattern of
paddy fields in the regional spatial plan. This study uses spatial overlay analysis, quantitative
calculations, multiple linear regression and spatial analysis of 4 criteria (space allocation, road
access, population density and land prices). The research locations are distinguished in rural areas
with high and low industrialization and urbanization. Input data using spatial software with overlay
techniques including spatial data on administrative boundaries of the sub-district area, paddy land
use in 2013 and 2018, road access (tolls, arteries and collectors) in 2018, spatial allocation based
on the Regency Spatial Plan, value zone land in 2018 and population density. The results showed
that the location of economic activities (industrial and housing) was relatively influenced by the
space allocation factor compared to the road access factor. Revision of Spatial Plan is
recommended in rural areas with high rice field conversion potential in rural areas with high
industrialization and urbanization.
Keywords: road access; spatial multi-criteria analysis; rice field conversion; spatial designation,
multiple linear regression.
Sukiptiyah, Ernan Rustiadi, Akhmad Fauzi, Baba Barus
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DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i10.176 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
The concept of spatial planning rests on
cultivation areas which include the
allocation of production forests,
agriculture, mining, settlements, industry,
tourism and trade. Regional-based
development is based on "location theory"
with the basic idea of optimizing space
utilization through space allocation in such
a way that all available space can be utilized
optimally for various sector activities. The
economic development of rural areas is
intended to improve welfare and food
fulfillment. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
and the transformation of the economic
structure are indicators of increasing
welfare. The transformation of the
economic structure is illustrated by
changes in the contribution of the sectors
that make up GDP, namely the contribution
of the industrial sector is increasing and the
contribution of the agricultural sector is
decreasing, which has implications for
increasing conversion of agricultural land
(rice fields) and decreasing food
production facilities (rice). In line with (Hur
et al., 2011); (Kim & Nguyen, 2018) land use
conversion is based on the value of land
rent, where land use with land rents will
displace land uses with land rents smaller
Industrial land use has the land rent
followed by trade, settlement, intensive
agriculture, extensive agriculture”.
Conversion of agricultural land into built-
up land is a common mechanism in
regional economic development activities.
Regional economic development in the
form of industrial, trade and settlement
activities can open up the labor market,
reduce unemployment, increase people's
income, increase GDP and encourage
changes in the economic structure from
traditional sectors with low productivity to
high productivity economic sectors
(Gereffi, 2013); (Adefolaju, 2011). According
to (Kasi et al., 2020) the placement of
industrial locations is based on the
principle of minimizing transportation
costs, labor wages and the strength of
agglomeration, while according to
(Manurung et al., 2019) the choice of
residence is influenced by accessibility to
the surrounding economic growth centers.
Transportation costs and accessibility are
important factors in the placement of
economic activities. According to (Merrill &
Smith, 2017), the selection of industrial
locations not only emphasizes the personal
preferences of industry players but is also
influenced by strategies in large
organizational environments (central and
local government bureaucracies). Location
theory is a basic theory in spatial analysis
where spatial planning and the location of
economic activities are the main elements.
(Capello, 2011) says that location theory
seeks to explain the distribution of activities
in space.
Based on the regulations for organizing
spatial planning, namely Government
Regulation no. 15/ 2010 Jo. Government
Regulation No. 21/2021 mandates that
every activity plan including industrial and
housing development in the context of
doing business (investment) must pay
attention to the "Compatibility of Spatial
Utilization Activities" (KKPR) based on the
Spatial Plan. KKPR is also one of the
conditions for the issuance of land rights
(land certificates), where certified land can
be guaranteed to obtain capital from
1606 | Analysis of The Impact of Space Application Patterns in Placing the Location of
Economic Activities Through the Conversion Mechanism of Raw Land Field Land
financial institutions, facilitating land
buying and selling transactions, in other
words certified land can increase the value
of land assets (land rent).
The conversion of agricultural land into
built-up land in West Java is dominantly
changing its function into industrial
activities and permanent housing (Santosa
et al., 2014). The question is how the factors
of space allocation and road access affect
the location of industrial and residential
activities in an effort to optimize economic
This study aims to analyze the factors of
space allocation and road access affect the
location of economic activities (industrial
and residential) through the mechanism of
rice field conversion and analyze the
priority of re-arranging the pattern of rice
field space designation in terms of the
potential for rice field conversion.
The research location is located in West
Java Province, which is a province with an
economic growth rate and Gross Domestic
Product higher than the national average,
and the contribution of the dominant
industrial sector. West Java Province is
geographically directly adjacent to DKI
Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, and
has the largest population compared to
other provinces in Indonesia. In the last two
decades, West Java Province has carried out
massive regional development activities so
that the conversion of agricultural land into
built-up land in various sectors, namely
infrastructure (roads, toll roads, airports,
ports, dams), industry, housing, trade is a
natural thing. The research locations are
located in rural areas (districts) which are
differentiated based on the level of
industrialization and urbanization of the
region, with indicators of GDP, the
percentage of the industrial sector's
contribution to Gross Domestic Product,
and the percentage of labor in the
agricultural sector, the number and density
of the population (Table 1). The rural areas
of high industrialization and urbanization
are represented by Bekasi Regency and
Bogor Regency, while the rural areas of low
industrialization and urbanization are
represented by Sukabumi Regency and
Tasikmalaya Regency.
Table 1 . Indicators Of The Level Of Industrialization And Urbanization
on of the
sector to
re (2019)
Sukiptiyah, Ernan Rustiadi, Akhmad Fauzi, Baba Barus
| 1607
Source: West Java Province In Figures, BPS 2019.
The basis for determining the location,
from the 2019 Gross Domestic Product
data processing constant prices in 2010
based on districts in West Java shows an
average GDP of Rp. 58,805,813 (in million).
The classification of Gross Domestic
Product is divided into “high and low”,
where GDP is classified as “high” if it is
above the average GDP and classified as
low if it is below the average Gross
Domestic Product. Rural areas (districts)
based on Gross Domestic Product classified
as high are Bekasi Regency, Karawang
Regency, Bandung Regency and Bogor
Regency (Figure 1).
Figure 1 . Distribution of 2010 constant price GDP by district in West Java in 2018
The basis for determining the location of
population density data for 2019 based on
districts in West Java Province. The average
population density in West Java Province
by district is 1,225 people/km2, in this study
it is classified into "high and low", where
population density is classified
as "high" if it is above the average
population density and is classified as "low
if it is below the average population
density. Rural areas (districts) based on
population density classified as “high” are
Bekasi Regency, Cirebon Regency,
Bandung Regency, Bogor Regency and
Karawang Regency (Figure 1).
Sukiptiyah, Ernan Rustiadi, Akhmad Fauzi, Baba Barus
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DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i10.176 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Figure 2. Population density by district in West Java in 2018
Further in terms of the percentage
contribution of Gross Domestic Product in
2019 by sector (Figure 2) shows that in
Bekasi Regency and Bogor Regency the
dominant sector contribution is the
industrial sector, while in Sukabumi
Regency and Bogor Regency The dominant
Tasikmalaya sector is the agricultural
Sukiptiyah, Ernan Rustiadi, Akhmad Fauzi, Baba Barus
| 1609
Figure 3. Percentage of contribution by sector in 2019 GRDP
at research locations
Technical analysis of data to answer the
research objectives using spatial overlay
analysis, quantitative calculations and
multiple linear regression.
Answering the objective of analyzing
the factors of space allocation and road
access affecting the location of economic
activities (industrial and housing) through
the conversion mechanism of paddy fields,
using multiple linear regression.
Multiple linear regression analysis was
performed on each economic activity,
namely industry and housing. Multiple
regression analysis of the location of
industrial activities was carried out in all
sub-districts at the research location where
the conversion of paddy fields into
industrial activities occurred in the 2013-
2018 period. The consideration is that
industrial activity is an investment activity,
wherever it is placed, pay attention to ease
of access (roads) and KKPR, because easy
access can minimize costs and according to
regulations, KKPR is a condition for
legalizing assets (land certificates) and land
is a means of sustaining industrial activities.
In the same way, multiple regression
analysis of the placement of housing
activity locations was also carried out in all
sub-districts at the research location where
the conversion of paddy fields into housing
for the 2013-2018 period was carried out.
The consideration is that housing
development activities are investment
activities, wherever they are placed, they
pay attention to ease of access and KKPR,
because KKPR is a condition for legalizing
assets (land certificates) to be built housing
units for marketing needs.
Conversion of paddy fields into
industrial activities for the period 2013-
2018 (Yi) and conversion of paddy fields
into residential activities for the period
2013-2018 (Yp) are dependent factors and
the space allocation and road access
factors are independent factors (X), where
1610 | Analysis of The Impact of Space Application Patterns in Placing the Location of
Economic Activities Through the Conversion Mechanism of Raw Land Field Land
Yi = f (X ) and Yp = f(X). Variable (X) is
translated into 5 (five) variables, namely X1,
X2, X3 are road access factors and variables
X4 and X5 are space allocation factors as
presented in Table 2.
Table 2. Details of Road Access Factors and Spatial Designations Affecting the Location of
Economic Activities Through the Mechanism of Rice Field Conversion
1. Road Access
0 -1DJ
1-3 DJ
> 3 DJ
Rice field area 2013 at 0-1 km from the road (ha)
2013 rice field area at 1-3 km from the road (ha)
2013 rice field area at >3 km from the road (ha
2. Space
2013 rice field area at PR-PPI (ha)
2013 rice field area at PR-NPPI (ha)
obtained from the processing/analysis of
spatial overlay and quantitative calculati
space allocation and road access factors
were obtained from the results spatial data
analysis overlay and quantitative
calculations. wheremultiple linear
regression model is as follows:
Industrial Activities
Yi = j + k1 X1 + k2 X2 + k3 X3 + k4 X4 +
k5 X5 :
Yi = prediction of conversion of paddy
fields to industry;
j = constant; k1,k2,..,k5 = regression
coefficient value;
X1, X2,X3, X4,X5 = independent variable
Housing Activities
Yp = m + n1 X1 + n2 X2 + n3 X3 + n4 X4
+ n5 X5
where :
Yp = prediction of conversion of paddy
fields to housing;
m = constant; n1,n2,..,n5 = regression
coefficient value;
X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 = independent
Answering the objective of determining
the priority scale for re-
arrangement/revision of the spatial
designation of paddy fields in terms of
potential conversion of paddy fields, using
multi-criteria evaluation techniques.
Spatial-based multi-criteria analysis
utilizes tools insoftware Geographic
Information System (GIS)The results of the
analysis are in the form of a map of the
potential for rice field conversion in 2018 at
each research location, using 4 criteria
(space allocation; road access; population
density and rice field prices). The weighting
of the 4 (four) criteria is based on the results
of multiple linear regression on 4 (four)
factors affecting the conversion of paddy
fields, where the space allocation factor is
relatively dominant in influencing the
conversion of paddy fields, followed by
road access, population density and land
Sukiptiyah, Ernan Rustiadi, Akhmad Fauzi, Baba Barus
| 1611
prices. The weighting of space allocation
factors (40%), road access (30%),
population density (20%) and land prices
(10%) in influencing the potential for rice
field conversion (Table 2.4). As for the
weighting of the 3 (three) types of road
access, namely arterial, collector and toll
roads based on the physical condition and
function of the road, wherethe arterial road
is a public road that serves to serve the
main transportation for long-distance
travel with a speed of > 60 km/hour and a
width of > 60 km/hour. road body > 8 m,
while collector roads are roads that are
used to serve vehicles with medium travel
distances, speeds > 40 km/hour and road
width > 7 m, whiletoll roads are public
roads that are part of the road network
system and as national roads that users are
required to pay and ease of access is
determined by the exit/entrance of the toll
road, so based on this the weighting of
arterial roads is (0.5), collector roads (0.3)
and toll roads (0.2) in influencing the
potential conversion land. Calculationof the
area and spatial distribution of potential
conversion of paddy fields using the equal
intervals (three classes), namely the
classification of "high, medium and low".
The potential for rice field conversion is
classified as "low" if the total score on the
unit or polygon of paddy fields is less than
1.78 and "medium" if the total score is
between 1.78 to 2.74 and the classification
is "high" if the total score is more of 2.74.
Table 3 . Matrix of Criteria, Weighting, Scoring for Determining Potential Conversion of Paddy
Sub Criteria
of ease of
Space allocation
Score (40%)
up land
1, 20
Very low
Road access
(Weight 0.5)
1-3 DJ
> 3 DJ
(Weight 0.3)
1-3 DJ
> 3 DJ
(Weight 0.2)
0-1 DJ
1-3 DJ
> 3 DJ
very dense
> 8500 people/km2
1612 | Analysis of The Impact of Space Application Patterns in Placing the Location of
Economic Activities Through the Conversion Mechanism of Raw Land Field Land
< 1500 people/km2
Very low
Land price
Low price
< Rp. 50,000 per
Medium price
Rp. 50.000 -150.000
per m2
High price
Rp. 151,000-
450,000 per m2
Very high price
> Rp. 450,000 per
Very low
Highest total score 3.70
Lowest total score 0.82
A. Analysis Of Space Allocation Factors
And Road Access Affect The Location
of Economic Activities (Industrial And
Conversion of agricultural land into
built-up land is a common mechanism in
regional economic development
activities. Conversion of agricultural
land, especially paddy fields into built-
up land, namely industrial and
residential activities is permanent
(Arisoy & Ozturk, 2014). According to
(Grežo et al., 2020) the placement of
industrial activities is based on the
principle of minimizing transportation
costs, labor wages and the strength of
agglomeration, while (Hausman, 2017)
the choice of residence is influenced by
accessibility or ease of reaching the
location or center of economic growth in
the vicinity. In other words, the cost of
transportation (road access) is an
important factor in the placement of
industrial activities and housing.
Spatialplanning is a form of spatial
structure and pattern of space utilization
as a place of life that includes land space
in a territorial unit. According to
(Haaland & van Den Bosch, 2015) the
urgency of spatial planning arises as a
result of the growing awareness of the
importance of public intervention
(collective action) in developing spatial
patterns and spatial structures in
accordance with common goals. The
regulation on the implementation of
spatial planning (PP No. 15/2010 jo. PP
No. 21/2021) mandates that the use of
space should refer to the spatial
designation pattern based on the spatial
plan (RTR). After the issuance of Law no.
11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation
(UUCK) introduced the term suitability
Sukiptiyah, Ernan Rustiadi, Akhmad Fauzi, Baba Barus
| 1613
of space utilization activities (KKPR)
based on the RTR (formerly Location
Permit), where KKPR approval for
industrial and residential activities can
be approved if the activity is located on
land with the function of allotment of
space for industrial trade settlements
( PPI).
Table 4. Regression Analysis Of Road Access Factors And Space Designation Affect The
Location Of Economic Activities (Industrial And Housing)
Note :
- = excluded from the analysis process because there is high multicollinearity;
* = Significant P-value < 0.05 and ** = Significant P-value < 0.10
R-square : Industrial Activities (75.63%); Housing Activities (76.37%).
Regressionanalysis of space
designation factors and road access
affecting the location of industrial
activities through the rice field
conversion mechanism (Table 3.1)
shows that the X4 space allocation
factor (PPI) is significantly positively
correlated, while the X5 space
allocation factor (NPPI) is not
significantly negatively correlated,
while road access factor X1 (0-1 DJ) is
not significant positively correlated to
affect the location of industrial
activities. This indicates that the
location of industrial activities is more
influenced by the space allocation
factor (PPI) than the access road (0-1
DJ), where the X4 space allocation
factor (PPI) has a significant correlation.
The placement of industrial activity
locations is directly proportional to the
area of paddy fields with the PPI space
designation, meaning that the wider
the paddy fields are in the PPI space
designation, the higher the chance of
placing industrial activities on paddy
NPPI Regression analysis of space
allotment factors and road access
factors mechanism paddy field
conversionTable 3.1) ) space allocation
factors significantly positively affect the
of Industrial
Coefficient P-
> 3
1614 | Analysis of The Impact of Space Application Patterns in Placing the Location of
Economic Activities Through the Conversion Mechanism of Raw Land Field Land
placement of housing activity locations.
The X5 variable coefficient (NPPI) is
quite large, namely 2.575, which
indicates that the correlation between
the location of housing activities and
the spatial allocation of the NPPI is
quite strong. This condition illustrates
that the location of housing activities is
relatively less concerned with the
suitability of space utilization activities
(KKPR), while in terms of road access
factors, the X1 variable (0-1 DJ) is not
significantly positively correlated, the
X3 variable (> 3 DJ) is not significantly
negatively correlated. This condition
indicates that the housing location
tends to be in paddy fields 0-1 km from
the road rather than in paddy fields >3
from the road.
From the description above, it is
shown that the spatial allocation factor
(PPI) is significantly positively
correlated to affect the location of
industrial activities and housing
activities, while the road access factor
does not significantly affect the
location of industrial activities and
housing activities. This indicates that
the location of industrial activities and
housing activities is relatively
influenced by space allocation factors
or the suitability of space utilization
activities (KKPR) compared to road
access factors.
The suitability of space utilization
activities (KKPR) based on RTR is a
factor that is considered in the
placement of industrial activity
locations and housing activities for
business actors, this is because the
suitability of industrial activities and
housing activities with space allocation
is a condition for asset legalization
(land certificates). According to
(Molinaro & Malloy, 2016) that land
acquisition for industrial activities,
housing and land certificates for
business actors must be in accordance
with the spatial designation, where land
parcels are for business purposes, it
must first be ensured that the KKPR is
fulfilled. According to (Wieland &
Thornton, 2014) that land certificates
can encourage an increase in asset
value, due to the more open
transaction process for land assets. In
other words, land certificates can
increase land value (economic rent) and
land certificates for business activities
require KKPR approval.
B. Recommendations for revision of the
pattern of paddy field space
The existence of paddy fields in
Indonesia is not only necessary to
support food self-sufficiency, but also
to balance the sustainability of the
production system and the
environment as well as maintain the
heritage of cultural values from
generation to generation. Indonesia,
through the Ministry of Agriculture, is
targeting food (rice) self-sufficiency in
2045, so that the existence of paddy
fields as an important means of
production is maintained. Rice fields in
Java, including West Java Province, are
the main suppliers of food (rice) in
Indonesia. For reasons of regional
economic development, a lot of
Sukiptiyah, Ernan Rustiadi, Akhmad Fauzi, Baba Barus
| 1615
agricultural land (rice fields) in rural
areas with industrialization and high
urbanization has resulted in the
conversion of paddy fields for various
sectoral purposes. The conversion of
paddy fields is dynamic due to the
transformation of the regional
economic structure. Spatial analysis
shows that most of the conversion of
paddy fields in the 2013-2018 period at
the study site turned into built-up land
(housing and industry) reaching 1,692
ha (57.57%). Conversion of paddy fields
mostly occurs in rice fields in an area of
0-3 km from the road with the function
of allotment of space for industrial
trade settlements (PPI).
The results of quantitative analysis,
assuming an average rice need of 92.9
kg per capita per year and the
calculation of dry milled grain
production (GKG) an average of 4.5
tons per ha, an average rice yield of
65%, and a cropping pattern of 2 times
rice in a year, with the number and rate
of population growth in each district of
the research location (attached), and
the existence of existing paddy fields
with the conversion rate of paddy fields
in each research location as well as the
data on rice field conversion during the
period 2013-2018, an overview is
obtained. the position of the demand
for paddy fields versus the availability
of paddy fields at each research
location to achieve food (rice) self-
sufficiency, as presented in Figure 1.
Bekasi Regency is a highly
industrialized and urbanized rural area,
the availability of paddy fields until
2025 indicates food self-sufficiency can
be achieved, but after 2025 the
availability of paddy fields is lower than
the need for paddy fields, with a larger
difference. While in Bogor Regency as a
rural area with high industrialization
and urbanization, from 2010 the
availability of paddy fields is lower than
the demand for paddy fields and the
difference is getting bigger, this
condition illustrates that in Bogor
Regency it is very difficult to achieve
food self-sufficiency. Meanwhile,
Sukabumi and Tasikmalaya Regencies
are rural areas with low industrialization
and low urbanization, showing the
same pattern, namely the availability of
paddy fields is greater than the demand
for paddy fields and the availability of
paddy fields tends to decrease with the
difference between the availability of
paddy fields and the needs of paddy
fields getting smaller.
1616 | Analysis of The Impact of Space Application Patterns in Placing the Location of
Economic Activities Through the Conversion Mechanism of Raw Land Field Land
Sukiptiyah, Ernan Rustiadi, Akhmad Fauzi, Baba Barus
| 1617
Figure 1. The Pattern of Demand for Paddy Fields Versus the Availability of Paddy Fields in
the Research Location
Industrial and housing activities within
the framework of investment can be
approved by regulation to utilize land with
the designation of industrial trade
settlement space after obtaining approval
from the KKPR (formerly a location permit).
KKPR is a condition of asset legalization
(land certificate). Land certificates for
industrial activities and housing activities in
the form of Building Use Rights (HGB)
certificates. HGB is a type of term land
rights, where the first grant of land rights is
granted for 30 years and can be extended
for 20 years, and can be renewed for 30
years. In other words, business actors can
utilize/use HGB land for industrial activities
for up to 80 years, as long as the terms and
conditions of the laws and regulations are
complied with.
Meanwhile, for housing development
activities, land rights (HGB-main) are issued
for the first time for a period of 30 years,
then land parcels are divided into housing
units to be transferred to individuals
through sale and purchase transactions.
HGB housing units on behalf of individuals
according to the legislation can be
upgraded to Hak Milik (HM), which is land
rights with no time period. Thus, the
existence of built-up land in the form of
industrial activities and housing activities
through the mechanism of rice field
conversion, is legally protected and legally
protected, meaning that it takes a long time
to be re-functionalized into agricultural
activities (rice fields).
Inthe context of optimizing the use of
land resources in the agricultural sector,
especially paddy fields where in its
implementation there is a trade off
between food fulfillment by controlling the
conversion of paddy fields and increasing
economic growth, labor absorption by
encouraging investment in the
manufacturing, trade, construction,
housing sectors needs to be regulated.
return or revise the pattern of land use for
paddy fields through the revision of the
RTR. According to Santosa at al (2014)
protective policies (spatial designation
patterns) are quite effective in being
applied to areas with a high threat of
conversion of paddy fields. The results of
the spatial multi-criteria analysis with 4
(four) criteria obtained a map of the
distribution pattern of potential conversion
of paddy fields at the study site (Figure 2).
1618 | Analysis of The Impact of Space Application Patterns in Placing the Location of
Economic Activities Through the Conversion Mechanism of Raw Land Field Land
Figure 2. The distribution pattern of the potential conversion of paddy fields in the
research location
The distribution pattern of potential
conversion of paddy fields in industrialized
and highly urbanized rural areas (Bekasi
Regency and Bogor Regency) is classified as
"high" spread along or along the road with
a fairly large percentage. The potential for
conversion of rice fields classified as "high"
in Bekasi Regency reaches 14,612 ha (20%),
while in Bogor Regency it reaches 3,250 ha
(6%) of the total paddy field area in 2018.
Meanwhile, in rural areas industrialization
and urbanization are low, namely Sukabumi
Regency and Regency Tasikmalaya,
spatially the potential for rice field
conversion is classified as "high" at only 2%
and 1% of the total area of rice fields in
2018, and dominantly in the category of
potential for conversion to rice fields as
"low" which is 68% and 70%.
From the results of the spatial
multicriteria analysis and quantitative
analysis of the availability of paddy fields
versus the need for paddy fields, the
proposed re-arrangement or revision of the
spatial designation pattern of paddy fields
through the revision of the RTR is
prioritized in rural areas with high
industrialization and urbanization, namely
Bogor Regency and Bekasi Regency,
prioritized on paddy fields that enter
classification of potential conversion of
paddy fields is "high", because in this area
the opportunity for massive conversion of
paddy fields is relatively high. Sukabumi
Regency and Tasikmalaya Regency until
2045 are still relevant to achieve self-
sufficiency in food (rice).
The placement of the location of
Sukiptiyah, Ernan Rustiadi, Akhmad Fauzi, Baba Barus
| 1619
economic activities, both industrial
activities and housing development
activities in the context of investment, is
more influenced by space allocation factors
than road access factors. The industrial
trade settlement space designation factor
(PPI) is a significant factor that has a
positive correlation with the placement of
industrial and residential activity locations,
while the road access factor does not
significantly affect the location of industrial
and residential activities.
Recommendations for re-arrangement or
revision of the pattern of rice field space
designation through revision of RTR
prioritized in rural areas with high
industrialization and urbanization,
prioritizing rice fields that are classified as
"high" rice field conversion potential.
Adefolaju, T. (2011). The dynamics and
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