JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 10, 1659 1669
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i10.172 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Ajeng Hari Mulyani*
Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I
e-mail: ajenghmulyani@gmail.com
*Correspondence: ajenghmulyani@gmail.com
Submitted: 25 April 2022, Revised: 07 May 2022, Accepted: 18 May 2022
Abstract. The psychological characteristics of adolescents consist of five aspects, namely the
capacity aspect, the belief aspect, the consciousness aspect, the motivation aspect and the
determination aspect. The aim of this study was to describe the psychological characteristics of
entrepreneurship in adolescents. The population in this study were students of SMK
Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru with a total sample of 206 students. The research sampling technique
used purposive sampling techniques. This study also used a scale of psychological characteristics
of entrepreneurship which in total amounts to 31 items. Data were analyzed using CFA analysis test
and descriptive analysis test. The results indicated that the aspects of belief and aspects of
motivation were dominant in describing the entrepreneurial character of adolescents at SMK
Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru City, there was no significant difference between men and women in
the desire to be entrepreneurial, and it can be seen that there was already a character of students
at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru City to become entrepreneurs, so it is necessary to be given
training to improve the character of entrepreneurship.
Keywords: psychological; characteristics; of entrepreneurship.
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DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i10.172 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Millennial generation is required to
create innovations, creative, innovative
ideas, wisely to use social media as well as
technology and information to create
business opportunities in this current era.
Dealing with case in China, sustainable
economic development is supported by
increasing national innovation and
reducing the growing social pressures in
the workplace, including entrepreneurship
(Zhang et al., 2013). However, a different
situation occurs in Indonesia, entrepreneur
cannot be used as a career path. This is
evidenced by the population who work as
entrepreneurs only 1.65 percent. It is
compared to other ASEAN countries such
as Malaysia and Singapore, there has been
an increase in the number of business
actors from all fields, this has helped
growth and the national economy such as
increasing job opportunities (Silalertruksa
et al., 2012). Currently, entrepreneurship
among teenagers is in great demand and
has even become a trend. Teenagers as
entrepreneurs have a great desire to take
advantage of opportunities as
entrepreneurs, they do not need to open a
shop or outlet but they merely utilize social
This is proven that 7.2 million Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
have used the internet to promote their
products. Around 36 percent have
developed their business through the
internet (Dijkman et al., 2015). The concept
of entrepreneurial psychology creates
individuals, especially teenagers who have
an interest and desire to become an
entrepreneur, in order to develop creative
ideas and ideas in their business.
Researchers have developed
entrepreneurial psychology as an object of
study related to entrepreneurship in a
psychological perspective (Yang et al.,
According to experts, entrepreneurship
activities among teenagers have started
from the decision to become an
entrepreneur. It is predicted that there are
physical and psychological factors that
influence it. Physical factors such as social
support, sources of capital and
psychological factors such as awareness,
belief, knowledge, skills, ways of thinking
and capacity (Aben et al., 2018). According
to them, the psychological characteristics
of entrepreneurship are controlled by the
main factors, namely the way of thinking
about entrepreneurship, awareness of their
capacity as entrepreneurs, awareness of
emotional management and the ability to
understand the importance of social
relationships (Gao et al., 2013).
In addition, especially among students,
entrepreneurship has become part of the
high school or vocational education
curriculum, because schools can be the
birthplace of young entrepreneurs. This is
in connection with the Presidential
Instruction of the Republic of Indonesia No.
4 of 1995 concerning the National
Movement to Socialize and Cultivate
Entrepreneurship, one of the activities that
can be carried out is the insertion of
messages in formal and informal education
curricula. Schools become a place of
learning to become entrepreneurs,
therefore it is hoped that schools can make
a change and transform creative ideas by
encouraging students to foster
1661 | Overview of Psychological Characteristics of Entrepreneurship in Adolescents
entrepreneurial interest (Olokundun et al.,
The psychological character of
entrepreneurship according to Zhang
(2013) which plays a role in the growth of
entrepreneurial desire among students is
divided into five. One of them is capacity,
the entrepreneurial capacity proposed by
(Clarysse et al., 2011) that capacity includes
organization and management,
interpersonal skills, innovation as well as
physical and mental qualities. The second
character discussed by Eccles & Roeser
2011) is belief, an individual's belief about
his or her ability to carry out or do
something to achieve a goal and belief is
one aspect that affects adolescent
development (Steinbeis & Crone, 2016).
Another part that plays a role in the
psychological character of
entrepreneurship according to (Hu et al.,
2018) is consciousness. Consciousness
aspect is difficult to understand, difficult to
explain, and difficult to know why
consciousness develops, consciousness
includes sensitivity to oneself and thoughts
about various experiences. Further, the
psychological character of
entrepreneurship that is related according
to (Steinbrink et al., 2020) is motivation.
Motivation according to (Wong, 2015) is a
psychological process of internal
encouragement or invitation that drives an
individual to behave, as a force to achieve
a goal. Furthermore, according to (Altinay
et al., 2012), the last psychological
characteristic of entrepreneurship is a
provision or determination, which is usually
called determination. According to (Yihong
et al., 2007) also revealed that there are
significant differences in certain factors in
different types of students at universities in
China. The differences related to gender, in
his research indicated that male students
were significantly higher than female
students, the entrepreneurial motivation
character of male students was also higher
than female students. However, character
of entrepreneurial consciousness, female
students were significantly higher than
male students.
Pekanbaru is one of the cities in
Indonesia that many societies interested in
in business development. Various small-
capital to large-capital businesses
contribute to the development of the
community's economy. This is inseparable
from the participation of the society,
especially teenagers, in developing and
realizing entrepreneurial character. Every
year the number of MSMEs in Riau
increases by around 5-10 percent,
Pekanbaru City is the area with the highest
number of MSMEs, namely 68,728 MSMEs,
which are engaged in trade, services,
production, and industry (MSMEs, 2016).
Therefore, it is necessary to conduct
research to describe the psychological
ristics of entrepreneurship in
adolescents based on gender. This study
discussed about how the description of the
psychological characteristics of
entrepreneurship in male and female
students at SMK Muhammadiyah 1
Pekanbaru City.
This study examined on the five aspects
of the entrepreneurial psychology
characteristics. They are the capacity
Ajeng Hari Mulyani | 1662
aspect, the belief aspect, the consciousness
aspect, the motivation aspect and the
determination aspect. Further, this study
was undertaken for a week starting from
March 6, 2019 to March 12, 2019 with a
total sample of 206 vocational high school
students. This research was conducted by
distributing research scales or
questionnaires to students and distributed
via google form to students who were
doing internships or were not at the
research location. After a week of
distribution, the research scale collected
were 206 students consisting of 3 classes at
SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru. Data
processing used a computer program
through the SPSS 20.00 application for
Basically, in this study, the population
was students at SMK Muhammadiyah 1
Pekanbaru, which amounted to 960
students. They were chosen because
vocational education is built with the aim of
forming a skilled, competitive and
competent workforce from an early age.
The sampling technique used in this study
was purposive sampling, which is a
technique to determine the number of
research samples with certain
considerations with the aim that the data
obtained can be more representative.
The number of female respondents was
130 students or 63.1 percent, while for male
respondents there were only 76 students or
around 36.9 percent. It can be concluded
that female respondents were more
dominant than male respondents in terms
of gender. While the most respondents
were at the age of 16 years by 78 students
or 37.9 percent, then the age of 17 years
became the second largest age, namely 76
students or 36.9 percent, followed by the
age of 18 years around 28 students or 13.5
percent and the age of 15 years around 22
people or 10.7 percent, then 19 years of
age became the least number of
respondents, namely 2 students with a
percentage of 1.
Then, it is viewed from the class
background of students of SMK
Muhammadiyah 1, it can be seen that the
most respondents were in the background
of grade 10 students with a frequency of 92
people or 44.7 percent, while the second
largest respondent was in class 12 students
with a frequency of 65 people or 31.6
percent, and the last one had the least
respondents came from the background of
grade 11 students with a frequency of 49
people or about 23.8 percent. Thus, it can
be concluded that there are more
respondents with 10th grade background
compared to 11th and 12th grade students.
The data collection method is part of
the data collection instrument that
determines the success or failure of a study
(Bungin, 2005). To obtain data, the
researcher distributed questionnaires
about psychological characteristics to the
respondents. Each response to the attitude
statement can then provide conclusions
about the direction of the characteristics of
entrepreneurial psychology. Respondents
who were given a questionnaire were
deemed to be in accordance with the
criteria that the researcher needed. To
obtain relevant and accurate data in this
study, a scale method was used on the
variables of entrepreneurial psychology
characteristics. The scale items in this study
were compiled using a Likert scale model,
consisting of five commonly used
1663 | Overview of Psychological Characteristics of Entrepreneurship in Adolescents
categories: S Strongly Agree (SS), Agree (S),
Neutral (N), Disagree (TS), and Strongly
Disagree (STS).
Then, the analysis in this study was
carried out by using the CFA test using the
Mplus software (Muthen & Muthen, 2003)
and descriptive analysis in this study was
carried out using the SPSS program. The
program is able to perform both linear and
nonlinear analysis, making it easier to
adjust to the research analysis design that
will be carried out in this study (Muthen &
Muthen, 2015).
A. Research Field Orientation
In this study, the researcher chose
SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru City,
it is located on Street Senapelan No.
10A Pekanbaru, Riau. In this study, the
authors took the subject of research,
namely the vocational high school
students who have the potential to do
entrepreneurship. Based on known
history, in 1969 a man named
Khairuddin Abbas and several of his
colleagues at STM Negeri in Pekanbaru
wanted to establish STM
Muhammadiyah and then conveyed
their wishes to the leaders of the
Regional Muhammadiyah of Pekanbaru
City, then their wishes were welcomed
by the regional Muhammadiyah leaders
in October 1969. On October 1969,
Khairuddin Abbas was appointed as the
principal and one of his colleagues was
appointed as the deputy principal. It
was formed into two departments,
namely the Department of Building and
the Department of Machinery. Then on
January 14, 1970, Khairuddin Abbas was
re-appointed as the principal of STM
Muhammadiyah Pekanbaru, as well as
the start of the teaching and learning
process and the date and year of the
establishment of STM Muhammadiyah.
Pekanbaru. Where the location is riding
in the former SGTK Aisyiah building
which was occupied by Diniyah Putri in
the morning and in the afternoon by
STM Muhammdiyah Pekanbaru. Along
with technological advances and the
development of education in Indonesia,
in 1997 STM Muhammadiyah
Pekanbaru changed its name to SMK
Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru until now.
Table 1. Research Score Range
Research variable
Possible X scores
The assumed X scores
X Min
X Max
X Min
X Max
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DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i10.172 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Dealing with the description of the
hypothetical data above, for the
hypothetical gender data, it can be seen
that the average value for the capacity
aspect variable is 20 for both sexes with
a standard deviation of 8.18 for male
students and 7.58 for female students.
In the aspect of belief, the average
value for male and female students is
12 with a standard deviation of 9.19 for
male students and 6.31 for female
students. In the aspect of
consciousness, the average value for
male and female students is 10 with a
standard deviation of 9.57 for male
students and 6.01 for female students.
In the aspect of motivation, the average
value for male and female students is
10 with a standard deviation of 7.08 for
male students and 7.56 for female
students. In terms of determination, the
average score for male and female
students is 8 with a standard deviation
of 5.49 for male students and 7.01 for
female students. It is known that the
demographic data on male and female
students have a balanced hypothetical
mean score and the standard deviation
score for the male gender is higher than
that of the female gender. There are five
categories that used in this study,
namely very high, high, medium, low,
and very low which were determined by
the following norms:
1. Hypothetical Categorization of
Capacity Aspects
The results showed that the
range of hypotheses values with
male gender, obtained 97.4 percent
of respondents who had a very high
level of capacity. Respondents who
had a capacity level in the high
categorization were 1.3 percent and
the medium category had a
capacity level of 1.3 percent, while
the low and very low categories had
0 percent in the capacity
categorization. Whereas, in the
range of hypothetical values with
female gender, there were 98.5
percent of respondents who had a
very high level of capacity.
Respondents who had a high level
of 1.5 percent and at the level of the
medium, low, very low category
were 0 percent.
2. Hypothetical Categorization of
Belief Aspects
It indicated that the range of
hypothetical values with male
gender, 97.4 percent of
respondents who had a very high
level of confidence. Respondents
who had a high level of confidence
in the categorization were 1.3
percent. and the medium category
had a confidence level of 1.3
percent, while the low and very low
categories had a confidence level of
0 percent. While in the range of
hypothetical values with female
gender, there were 100 percent of
respondents who had a very high
level of confidence. Respondents
who had high, medium, low, very
low categories were 0 percent.
3. Hypothetical Categorization of
Consciousness Aspects
It indicated a range of
hypothetical values with male
gender, 96.1 percent of
respondents who had a very high
1665 | Overview of Psychological Characteristics of Entrepreneurship in Adolescents
level of awareness. Respondents
who had a high level of awareness
of categorization were 2.6 percent.
and the medium categorization had
consciousness level of 1.3 percent,
while the low and very low
categories had 0 percent in the
consciousness categorization.
Whereas, in the range of
hypothetical values with female
gender, there were 96.9 percent of
respondents who had a very high
level of consciousness.
Respondents who had a high level
of 3.1 percent and at the level of the
medium, low, very low category
were 0 percent.
4. Hypothetical Categorization of
Motivation Aspects
It showed the range of
hypothetical values with male
gender, there were 100 percent of
respondents who had very high
motivation characteristics.
Respondents with the high,
medium, low, very low categories
were 0 percent in the categorization
level. Whereas, in the range of
hypothetical values with female
gender, there were 99 percent of
respondents who had a very high
level of motivation. Respondents
who had a high level of 1 percent
and at the level of the medium, low,
very low category were 0 percent.
5. Hypothetical Categorization of
Determination Aspects
It found that the range of
hypothetical values with male and
female sexes in the aspect of
determination, both of them were
100 percent of respondents who
had very high character
determination and at the level of
high, medium, low, very low
categories 0 percent. From gender
demographic data, for statistical
description data of research
variables on male gender, it can be
assessed that the average value for
the capacity aspect is 49.86 with a
standard deviation of 9.60. In the
aspect of belief, the average value
was 51.26 with a standard deviation
of 9.93. In the aspect of
consciousness, the average value
was 49.87 with a standard deviation
of 9.10.51. In the aspect of
motivation, the average value was
50.44 with a standard deviation of
9.24. In terms of determination, the
average value was 49.74 with a
standard deviation of 7.38. while for
statistical description data of
research variables on the female sex
has a balanced average, in the
aspect of capacity the average value
was 50.08 with a standard deviation
of 8.75. In the aspect of belief, the
average value was 49.27 with a
standard deviation of 9.04. In the
aspect of consciousness, the
average value was 50.07 with a
standard deviation of 8.72. In the
aspect of motivation, the average
value was 49.74 with a standard
deviation of 8.79. In terms of
determination, the average value
was 50.15 with a standard deviation
of 7.10. Thus, it can be concluded
that there was no significant
difference based on gender
Ajeng Hari Mulyani | 1666
demographic data. However, in the
male gender, it was found that there
was one aspect whose value was
dominant, namely the belief aspect
which can be further improved by
providing special training on this
aspect, while the female gender had
a balanced average score in each
B. Hypothesis Test
Homogeneity test was conducted
to test the data in the t-test model was
homogeneous or not. The results of the
homogeneity test carried out on this
research data are as follows:
1. Test the homogeneity of gender
demographic data
Based on the results of the
analysis of the data in the study, the
following results were obtained:
Table 2. Independent Sample T-test
Mean dan SD
49.86 ± 9.6
t = -0.173
50.08 ± 8.75
t = -0.169
51.26 ± 9.93
t = 1.469
49.27 ± 9.04
t = 1.434
49.87 ± 10.51
t = -0.148
50.07 ± 8.72
t = -0.141
50.44 ± 9.24
t = 0.541
49.74 ± 8.79
t = 0.534
49.74 ± 7.38
t = -0.399
50.15 ± 7.1
t = -0.395
Regarding to T value in Table
above, it is known that there are not
so significant differences between
male students and female students.
There are two aspects that
significantly describe the
psychological characteristics of
entrepreneurship in male students
and female students, namely the
belief aspect and motivational
aspect with the value of the belief
aspect t = 1,469 for male students
and t = 1,434 for female students,
on the motivational aspect with a t
value of = 0.541 for male students
and t = 0.534 for female students.
Therefore, it can be seen that the
results of this hypothesis are in line
with the results of descriptive
analysis which explains that male
and female students have balanced
scores and there is no significant
According to the results of data
analysis that has been carried out
on 206 samples, it was found that
the average psychological
characteristics of entrepreneurship
in students based on gender in SMK
Muhammadiyah 1 amounted to 76
male students and 130 female
students were in the "very high"
score range. The results of data
analysis carried out in descriptive
analysis showed that the average
score range for male students was
1667 | Overview of Psychological Characteristics of Entrepreneurship in Adolescents
51.26-49.74 while the average score
for female students was 50.15-
49.27. When it is viewed from the
results of the hypothesis, it is known
that there are not so significant
differences between male students
and female students. There are two
aspects that significantly describe
the psychological characteristics of
entrepreneurship in male and
female students, namely aspects of
belief and aspects of motivation.
This is in line with the research
conducted that there is no
relationship between gender and a
person's desire to become an
Although, women
entrepreneurs and men
entrepreneurs are generally the
same, in some cases there are
differences in the level of
motivation in opening a business.
According to Alma (2015) these
differences include, among other
things, female entrepreneurs are
motivated to open a business
because they want to excel and
there is frustration in their previous
job, while in men the motivation for
entrepreneurship is higher than
women because men are wiser in
making decisions. In terms of
business capital, male
entrepreneurs are free to obtain
sources of capital, while female
entrepreneurs obtain sources of
capital from savings, personal
assets, and personal loans. It is
rather difficult for women
entrepreneurs to obtain bank loans
compared to men.
Regarding with the results of
the CFA analysis carried out, a fit
model was obtained for a set of
psychological characteristic items
with (z-value > 1.96) which meant
that 30 of the 31 items were
declared valid and able to be used
as measurement references to
determine that each aspect was
able to describe psychological
characteristics. on entrepreneurship
in high school or vocational youth.
This is in line with the results of
Zhang's (2013) research which says
that these five aspects can be used
to measure the description of the
psychological characteristics of
entrepreneurship in students. This
research raises new evidence that
between male students and female
students there is no significant
difference, thus, this study refutes
one of the statements put forward
which asserts that there are
significant differences between
male and female students in
overview of the psychological
characteristics of entrepreneurship.
The weakness of this study is
that there is no comparison data on
demographic data other than
gender. If comparative data or
research results regarding it are
available, a comparative analysis
can be carried out between the
demographic data to see further
whether there is a more significant
difference in describing the five
aspects or not. In addition,
psychological studies on
Ajeng Hari Mulyani | 1668
entrepreneurship are still lacking, so
that researchers still lack a
theoretical review in examining
research problems.
Dealing with data obtained from the
results of the study, it can be concluded
that the psychological characteristics of
entrepreneurial beliefs and dominant
motivational aspects produced high scores
for male and female students at SMK
Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru. Other
findings also indicated that there was no
significant difference between male and
female students in the desire for
entrepreneurship. The results of the
psychological characteristics of
entrepreneurship showed that the majority
of students of SMK Muhammadiyah 1
Pekanbaru already had a desire to start
being an entrepreneur, and from their
psychology and it was known that male and
female students played a similar role in
becoming an entrepreneur.
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