1590 | The Effect of COVID-19, KUR and Communication on the Productivity of MSME
Entrepreneurs Partners PT Perkebunan Nusantara III Medan City
the t-count is 2.287 and the t-table
is 2.012. The test results show t
count > t table (2.287 > 2.012).
Judging from its significance, the
significant value of the Kur
variable is 0.027, smaller than the
significant value of 0.10.
c. The amount of t-count for variable
is 2.348 with a significant value of
0.023, so it can be concluded that
the t-count is 2.348 and the t-table
is 2.012. The test results show t
count > t table (2.238 > 2.012).
Judging from the significance, the
significant value of the
Communication variable is 0.023,
smaller than the significant value
of 0.10.
Based on the results of the research and
discussion described in the previous
chapter, the following conclusions can be
drawn: 1) Partially, the COVID-19 variable
(X1) has a positive and significant effect on
the productivity (Y) of Partner SMEs PT.
Nusantara III Plantation, Medan. 2) Partially,
the Kur variable (X2) has a positive and
significant effect on the productivity (Y) of
MSMEs fostered by PT. Nusantara III
Plantation, Medan. 3) Partially, the
Communication variable (X3) has a positive
and significant effect on the productivity (Y)
of MSMEs fostered by PT. Nusantara III
Plantation, Medan. 4) Simultaneously, the
variables COVID-19 (X1), Kur (X2) and
Communication (X3) have a positive and
significant effect on the productivity (Y) of
MSMEs fostered by PT. Nusantara III
Plantation, Medan.
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