Dame Persadanta Tarigan, Gabriel Leonardo Simanjuntak, Davit Gonzales Sembiring, | 1574
Roni Saputra Waruwu, Deni Faisal Mirza
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i10.170 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Today's banking world requires good
management so that it can manage any
changes or processes that run the
company's operations effectively and
efficiently. This is done for the continuity of
the establishment of the company or
agency and the common goal of obtaining
success and profit. In addition to good
management, internal and external factors
are also very supportive of good
performance in achieving company
goals. The author's place in conducting
this thesis field research is PT. Bank SUMUT
which this bank is a foreign exchange bank.
At this bank, the author found several
internal and external problems that
hampered the quality of employee
performance in accordance with standards
set by the company, especially during the
COVID-19 pandemic (Cullen et al., 2020);
(Vaishya et al., 2020). Employee
performance during the pandemic has
decreased so that it does not provide
maximum and unsatisfactory results which
makes it unattainable the target that has
been set.
Employee motivation of PT. Bank
SUMUT must be considered between
employees and leaders, so that there is no
employee dissatisfaction with the leader in
terms of motivation, and the relationship
between employees is much better.
According to (Yong et al., 2019) "Motivation
is a process to influence a person or group to
carry out something that has been
determined". According to (Macke &
Genari, 2019), motivation indicators are:
1. An accountability in a task or job.
2. Achievements obtained on a task or
3. Opportunities that can make a person
Employee communication is something
that is indispensable in carrying out
performance planning, so that
performance planning can run effectively
and efficiently, so as not to damage the
relationship between employees and
leaders, employees and employees, and
employees and customers. According to
(Hossain et al., 2013); (Matzat, 2010)
"Communication is an interaction between
two or more individuals who give each other
opinions or exchange information to obtain
a goal.
According to (Scherbakova et al., 2014),
communication indicators are:
1. Understanding things that have been
heard or get.
2. Happiness or pleasure in
3. The impact or influence given or
obtained when communicating.
Consumer behavior changes at any
time or depends on the situation or
circumstances that are happening,
especially during the pandemic, consumer
behavior was weakened and as a result, the
company tried to establish a good
relationship, where the company could
design appropriate communication
patterns with consumers through activities
planned by the company. According to (Ko
et al., 2016), "Consumer behavior is one part
of the decision-making process or when to
use a product or not to use a
product". According to (Kotler & Manceau,
2012), Consumer Behavior Indicators are:
1. Consumer Trust (Cognitive component)
2. Emotional (Affective component)
3. Action (Konatifn component)
Employee performance at PT. Bank
SUMUT must be maintained, because it is
supervised by financial institutions, so that
employees can work effectively, efficiently
and maximally in carrying out their duties
and responsibilities, especially during the
current COVID-19 pandemic. According to
(Bedarkar & Pandita, 2014), "Employee