Ruby April Motani Larosa, Valentino Arjun Surbakti, Leo Tarigan, Deni Faisal Mirza
| 1571
significance, the significant value of
the leadership style variable is 0.000,
smaller than the significant value of
Based on the results of the research and
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chapter, the following conclusions can be
drawn: 1) Partially, the competency variable
(X1) has a positive and significant effect on
productivity (Y) at PT. Nusantara III
Plantation, Medan. 2) Partially, the
compensation variable (X2) has a positive
and significant effect on productivity (Y) at
PT. Nusantara III Plantation, Medan. 3)
Partially, the leadership style variable (X3)
has a positive and significant effect on
productivity (Y) at PT. Nusantara III
Plantation, Medan. 4) Simultaneously, the
variables of competence (X1),
compensation (X2) and leadership style
(X3) have a positive and significant effect
on the productivity (Y) of PT. Nusantara III
Plantation, Medan.
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