JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 10, 1748 1754
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i10.168 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Budi Eko
Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
e-mail: zulpardisyah99@gmail.com
, budi.eko.fe@um.ac.id
*Correspondence: zulpardisyah99@gmail.com
Submitted: 27 April 2022, Revised: 10 May 2022, Accepted: 20 May 2022
Abstract. Indonesia as an agricultural country seems to be disappearing soon, but this situation is
supported by the decline in the number of young farmers due to the subsequent activation of
farmers. This research aims to improve welfare and create digital technology innovations in the
role of young entrepreneurs in the millennial agricultural community. The method used is a
literature review study method with a qualitative approach. The literature review method was
chosen because it can be seen from the location of data collection. Based on the research results,
revolution means very fast change. This revolution began with the Industrial Revolution 1.0 which
was marked by the creation of the steam engine. This means the emergence of tools that change
the power of humans and animals. Finally, Industry 4.0 has arrived. It is characterized by intelligent
engineering, human-machine connectivity, and the Internet as the foundation of progress. Some
call the Industrial Era 4.0 an era of turmoil.
Keywords: millennial; increasing; digital technology innovations.
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DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i10.168 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Indonesia as an agricultural country
looks like it will soon be lost, this situation
is supported by the reduction of young
farmers as the next farmer regeneration.
Indonesia, which is known as a fertile
country, is expected to experience a
condition where Indonesia will experience
a crisis in the next ten to fifteen years. In
fact, for the past three years, farmers in
Indonesia have begun to decrease, this is
due to the community's stigma that the
agricultural profession is less promising,
thus making young people reluctant to
become farmers, which is then decreasing
year after year. The majority of farmers in
Indonesia have narrower land tenure even
less than one hectare, besides that there
are still many factors that make it difficult
for them to prosper so that it is difficult for
small farmers to develop and need other
breakthroughs to overcome this problem.
Farmer transformation is urgently needed.
Households in which at least one family has
one person working in the agricultural
sector are called Farmer Households (RTP).
Based on the results of the 2018 census, it
was stated that around 27 million people
are small farmers who own about 0.5
hectares of land, especially on the island of
Java, which is around 0.3 hectares.
Although land ownership is small, the role
of farmers is very important in meeting
food needs. These farmers are instrumental
in meeting the national food needs. Even
though the farmers are loyal in farming on
the grounds that they are forced to meet
their daily needs. Thus, farmers must pay
attention to get a reasonable income to
achieve a better life. Farmers to obtain
sufficient yields must have at least one
hectare of land, and even then only earn an
average income. Several factors make it
difficult for farmers to prosper, including
markets that are difficult to penetrate
directly by farmers so that farmers can only
plant but cannot sell, difficulty in getting
capital to run a business, supply change and
constraints in human resources. To improve
welfare, the role of the younger generation
is urgently needed for the millennial farmer
community with an entrepreneurial spirit,
making digital technology innovations.
This research uses a literature review
research method with a qualitative
approach. This can be seen from the
location of the data collection so that the
literature review method was chosen
(Harahap, 2017). This literature review is a
data collection technique by conducting
literature studies, reviewing books, notes,
and reports that have a relationship with
the study being studied. Although in a
study, of course, it cannot be separated
from library research, be it field research or
literature review. However, the most basic
difference is in research with a literature
review method, journals, books, reports,
and the like are used in the main data
collection (Yahya, 2015). Then the
qualitative approach is defined as an
approach that focuses on a deeper
understanding of a research problem
formulation (Husni, 2016). This research
using a qualitative approach is expected to
provide comprehensive facts regarding the
empowerment of millennial farmers in
improving the welfare of farmers in the
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industrial 4.0 era and towards society 5.0
(Klimova & Pikhart, 2019).
The data collection technique was
carried out by exploring journals and other
information relevant to the study. The
journals used are searched on Google
Scholar and several other journal provider
websites using a writing format, some of
which are millennial farmers, farmer
welfare, farmers in the industrial era, and so
on. After exploring journals, books, and
other information, an analysis is carried out
which is then used in making reports or
journals using the literature review research
method (Chu, 2015).
The era of society 5.0
Revolution means a very fast change.
This revolution began with the industrial
revolution 1.0 which was marked by the
creation of the steam engine, meaning the
emergence of tools that convert human
and animal power. After that, came the 2.0
revolution marked by the emergence of
electricity use. Then the 3.0 revolution was
marked by the use of computerization.
Finally, it came to Industry 4.0 which was
marked by intelligent engineering, human
and machine connectivity, and the internet
as the foundation of progress (Sasikirana &
Herlambang, 2020).
Currently, the term industry 4.0 is no
longer foreign to the ears of the Indonesian
people. There are also those who call the
industrial era 4.0 the era of disruption
(Sabri, 2019). In this era, all circles, both
society and government, are competing in
the use of technology and information
systems in various aspects of life (Setiawan
& Lenawati, 2020). In the industrial era 4.0,
it is no longer difficult to use and access
information technology. This information
technology continues to be transformed by
becoming increasingly sophisticated, so
that its sophistication can provide
convenience for all levels of society in this
era of globalization (Mumtaha & Khoiri,
The development of globalization
which is marked by the development of
technology, information, and
communication causes changes in digital
technology which also changes the
industrial order. The more advanced and
developing various human-designed
technologies that bring significant changes
to human life itself. This technological
change is expected to be a solution to
social problems, as well as to replace the
physical work done by humans. Starting
from that, Japan developed a core concept
of the 5th Science and Technology Basic
Plan called Society 5.0 after the industrial
era 4.0 (Sugiono, 2020).
Industry 4.0 has become a significant
change for human life in various aspects.
Industry 4.0 does not develop alone but by
humans who continue to process. That way,
industry 4.0 and humans have a reciprocal
relationship that must be maintained. Then
comes a new concept that has developed
so that it can take advantage of existing
information technology to improve welfare.
This is what is called society 5.0. Society 5.0
is a concept that places humans as the
center of innovation, in contrast to industry
4.0 which focuses on the production
process only (Usmaedi, 2021). Society 5.0
does not only focus on manufacturing
factors but on solving social problems by
1751 | Empowerment of Millennial Farmers in Increasing Farmers Welfare in the Industrial 4.0
Era and Towards the Society 5.0 Era
integrating physical and non-physical
spaces (Nastiti & Ni’mal‘Abdu, 2020).
Welfare of farmers in the industrial era
Low labor productivity is one of the
main problems of human resources (HR) in
the agricultural sector. The low productivity
in the agricultural sector indicates that the
resulting production is not commensurate
with the workforce. In the agricultural
sector, the majority of them are old farmers
with low education. Regeneration of
farmers is an unresolved matter, caused by
the interest of the younger generation in
working in the agricultural sector (Yofa &
Syahyuti, 2020).
The millennial generation is growing
along with the development of information
and communication technology.
Millennials use technology in all aspects of
life. The development of information
technology is expected to be able to
participate as a solution in improving
people's welfare. However, with the
millennial generation's lack of interest in
the agricultural sector, the welfare of the
community is silent and even continues to
Millennial farmers
One sector that has an important role in
Indonesia is the agricultural sector. In the
agricultural sector in Indonesia, there are
approximately one hundred million people
who work so they should be able to spur
themselves to increase agricultural
production. Agriculture is one of the
important sectors, this must be
accompanied by technological
developments as well. However, the use of
technology in the agricultural sector has
not been used optimally. Coupled with the
decline in production results due to
weather and seed quality, even though
providing sufficient food for the
community is the task of the agricultural
sector. In the era of the development of
information and communication
technology which has developed quite
rapidly but there are still few people who
can use it properly due to a lack of minimal
knowledge. So it has not been maximized
in its use, especially in the agricultural
sector. The traditional method is a method
that is still widely used by farmers, but of
course there is also the possibility of
farmers starting to enter the realm of
millennial farmers (Yofa & Syahyuti, 2020).
The Ministry of Agriculture initiated
millennial farmers which is expected to be
one of the solutions in overcoming the slow
regeneration of farmers. This millennial
farmer is considered to be a liaison
between young farmers and old farmers.
However, agriculture is synonymous with
poverty which causes the younger
generation to be reluctant to work in the
agricultural sector (Haryanto et al., 2022);
(Inwood et al., 2013) revealed that the
majority of today's young generation who
are children of farmers do not want to
continue their business in agriculture like
their parents. There are two factors in the
decline of the millennial generation in the
agricultural sector, namely internal factors
and internal factors. Internal or internal
factors, the millennial generation assumes
that the profession in agriculture is not a
prestigious profession so they like work
outside the agricultural sector. Then the
external factor is the fragmentation of
agricultural land due to the inheritance
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system. Thus, when a land is inherited, it is
sold and converted by the new owner to
non-agricultural uses (Francis et al., 2012).
Another reason is the perspective, the
perspective of the younger generation has
begun to change along with the
development of the era as it is today. The
younger generation in rural areas, jobs in
agriculture are getting less and less
interested. The crisis of young farmers has
an impact on the sustainability of the
agricultural sector, more specifically on
agricultural products, market
competitiveness, the economy in rural
areas, thus threatening national security
and the sustainability of the agricultural
sector (Ayu & Nauly, 2020).
The Role of Millennial Farmers in
Improving Welfare The
Regeneration of the main players in the
agricultural sector is running very slowly, so
that serious treatment is needed, the cause
is none other than the faster industrial
development. The regeneration of farmers
is reflected in the interest of the younger
generation in the agricultural sector.
However, all countries in the world who
want to stay in the agricultural sector need
to prepare early on for sustainable
regeneration that loves agriculture because
almost all food around the world is the
result of cultivated land and livestock
grazing (Fischer et al., 2010). For this
reason, the lack of regeneration in the
agricultural sector is a food crisis caused by
an imbalance between food availability and
population. Scarcity of food which has an
impact on rising food prices on the market
(Konyep, 2021).
Many workers from the agricultural
sector need to be protected and promoted.
However, in reality there are still many
workers who work in this agricultural sector
experiencing poverty (Konyep, 2021).
Poverty is closely related to welfare, if a
community is poor then it is not
prosperous. Welfare is reflected in the
fulfillment of basic needs and increased
purchasing power (Yacoub & Mutiaradina,
2020). Thus, the presence of millennial
farmers is expected to bring changes to the
welfare of the community.
The lack of interest of the younger
generation in the agricultural sector has
become a serious problem and requires
more attention because the agricultural
sector has a significant influence on the
economy in Indonesia. In this way, the
presence of millennial farmers becomes a
new hope for the Indonesian economy. The
economic sector is closely related to
welfare, so that millennial farmers are
expected to further improve the welfare of
all Indonesian people in the industrial era
4.0 and towards the era of society 5.0.
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