Dwi Kartika | 117
DOI : 0.36418/jrssem.v1i2.16 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Vision and mission as well as the goals
to be achieved together. The sustainability
of the company's life (going concern) is
considered necessary to be used as a
reference in making decisions in the future.
One measure to assess the sustainability of
the company's life is to measure the
important variables in it through the
financial statements issued by the company
(Harris & Meiranto, 2015).
Going concern is the survival of a
business entity and is an assumption in the
financial reporting of an entity so that if an
entity experiences the opposite condition,
the entity becomes problematic (Zulfikar &
Syafruddin, 2013).
Auditors have an important role in
bridging the interests of investors as users
of financial statements and the important
role ofaudit opinions going concern in
companies as providers of financial
statements (Noverio & Dewayanto, 2011).
Company data will be more easily trusted
by investors and other users of financial
statements if the financial statements
reflect the performance and condition of
the company and have received a fair
statement from the auditor. By using
audited financial statements, users of
financial statements can make decisions
correctly in accordance with the actual
reality (Ayuningtyas, 2018).
Theaudit opinion going concern issued
by the auditor includes an assessment of
the important variables in the financial
statements as well as the factors that affect
the possibility of receiving aaudit opinion
going concern.
Factors that can affect the possibility
of receiving aaudit opinion going concern
are Audit Quality, Financial Condition,
Auditor Opinion, Company Growth,
Company Size, Debt Default, Previous Year
Auditand OpinionOpinion Shopping (Irfana
& Muid, 2012). The author is interested in
researching the factors of audit quality and
financial condition. Audit quality is the
quality of an auditor as indicated by a
reliable audit report and in accordance with
auditing standards. Large audit firms have
more incentives to detect and
reportproblems of their going concern
clients. Auditors are responsible for
providing high quality information that will
be useful for decision making by users of
financial statements. Auditors who have
good audit quality are more likely to issue
aaudit opinion going concern if the client
has a problem regarding going concern
(Aiisiah & Pamudji, 2012).
While the financial condition
describes the soundness of the company in
the possibility of the company receiving
aaudit opinion going concern. The
company's financial condition is the true
level of company health. In companies that
are sick, there are manyproblems going
concern (Aiisiah & Pamudji, 2012).
According to (Keown, A.J., Scott, D.F.,
Martin, J.D., Petty, 2011) stated that the
more disturbed or deteriorating the
company's condition is, the more likely it is
that the company will receive aaudit
opinion going concern. On the other hand,
in companies that have never experienced
financial difficulties, the auditor has never
issued aaudit opinion going concern
(Nanda, 2015).
This research was conducted because
of the inconsistency of the results of