JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 9, 1396 1412
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.157 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Khoiruddin Nasution
Ma’mun Efendi Nur
Program Doktor Pascasarjana UNU Surakarta
e-mail: sosolihin7@gmail.com
, knasut@gmail.com
, efmamun@gmail.com
*Correspondence: sosolihin7@gmail.com
Submitted: 23 March 2022, Revised: 05 April 2022, Accepted: 16 April 2022
Abstract. Parents are the main role models for their children, guiding, directing good behavior to
their children so that they have good behavior. The aims of this study were 1) to analyze how the
parenting style used in the formation of children's character in Duren Village and Sruwen Village;
2) To find out how the differences in parenting patterns in the formation of children's character in
Duren Village and Sruwen Village; 3) To find out how the construction of parenting for children in
Duren Village and Sruwen Village and its relevance in facing the current millennial generation. The
researcher uses a mixed type of research (mixed methodology). The results of the study are: 1) The
parenting style of parents in Duren Village is authoritative parenting, namely parents who apply
democratic parenting have clear rules and expectations, and parenting in Sruwen Village is
authoritarian parenting where parents are the center, namely the center of everything. the
words/words, as well as the will of the parents, are used as a benchmark that must be obeyed by
the child; 2) Parents in Duren Village in shaping children's character through behavior that is very
effective in directing children, while parenting in Sruwen Village in caring for their children is more
concerned with the wishes of parents, children are supervised quite closely, parents always keep
their distance from children; 3) The construction of democratic parenting in Duren Village will give
birth to an assertive personality, which is the ideal type, so that not many people are weak.
Meanwhile, the construction of authoritarian and permissive parenting in Sruwen Village can make
children feel unloved, isolated, and even hated by their parents.
Keywords: parenting; children's character.
Solihin, Khoiruddin Nasution, Ma’mun Efendi Nur
| 1397
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.157 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
The family has a very big influence on
the formation of the foundation of the
child's personality. Families that fail to
shape the child's personality are usually
families that are full of conflict or
unhappiness. The tough task of parents is
to make sure their family functions are
really safe, comfortable for their children.
Home is heaven for children, where they
can be smart, pious, and of course, fulfilled
physically and mentally.
There are three terms for the term
parents. The first is the person who caused
us to be born, namely the father and
mother. The second is the person who
teaches us various sciences, namely the
teacher. Usually, teachers are called
spiritual parents. The third is the person
who caused our partner to be born, namely
the father-in-law. We must respect the
three terms for the term parents because of
their great service. They have contributed
greatly to children and society and even to
the progress of the nation and state. We
can't be smart without their guidance
(Agung 2011); (Pillay 2014).
Parents are the main influence in the
life of a child. They not only take care of the
child physically but their parenting style
contributes to the mental development of
the child. Interesting is the influence of
parenting style on the academic
achievement of the child and various
aspects of psycho-social development (Y
2017). The peak of this parenting may occur
in adolescence when children are
preparing, or even on the verge of
Parenting styles can be described as all
the strategies (behaviors, attitudes, and
values) that parents use to interact with
their children and influence their physical,
emotional, social, and intellectual
development (Alika, Akanni, and Akanni
Parenting is often defined by three
distinct characterizations: “the goal for
which the socialization is aimed; parenting
practices used by parents to help children
achieve these goals; and the parenting
style, or emotional climate, in which
socialization occurs (Newman 2017).
Parenting is a complex activity that
includes many specific behaviors that work
individually and together to influence a
child's final outcome (Jerry Edobor and
Ekechukwu 2015). Developmental
psychologists are interested in how parents
influence the development of a child's
social and instrumental competence. One
of the main areas in this direction is
parenting style.
Idris, Meity explained that parenting is
the first and foremost gift and inheritance
from parents to their children. It is
important for parents to be role models for
their children because in the beginning
children will always learn from their
families, namely parents, especially
mothers. They absorb good information
from the five senses they absorb as well,
even unconsciously by parents (Arisnaini
Sunaryo in Agus Wibowo said that
parenting or parenting style is one of the
factors that significantly help shape the
character of children, it is realized that
education in the family is the main and first
education for children that cannot be
replaced by any educational institution.
1398 | Contribution of Parenting Parenting in Children's Character Building (Comparative
Study of Duren and Sruwen Villages, Tengaran District, Semarang Regency)
Currently, most parents have unique
parenting styles, where they tend to make
their children "be special" rather than "be
average or normal". They feel ashamed of
their children only have "medium"
intelligence. This desire is actually not
wrong. It's just that it must be remembered
that every child is born with different
strengths, weaknesses, characteristics, and
uniqueness from one another. So it is not
wise if parents want all their children to be
uniform, both in character, nature, and
intelligence (Agung 2011).
Sugihartono, et al explained that
parenting is a pattern of behavior used to
relate to their children (Rahmat 2021).
Stated that parenting is a consistent and
persistent effort of parents in caring for and
guiding children from birth to adolescence
(Brown et al. 2013); (Hanisch et al. 2010).
Baumrind, quoted by Rozana, Wahid,
and Muali, said that parenting in principle
is parental control, namely how parents
control, guide, and accompany their
children to carry out their developmental
tasks towards the maturation process
(Rozana, Wahid, and Muali 2017).
Some of the definitions above, it can be
concluded that the term parenting is a
number of models or forms of efforts in
changing the expression of parents which
can affect the genetic potential inherent in
individuals in order to maintain, care for,
guide, nurture and educate their children
both are still small or immature so that they
become independent, intellectually,
spiritually and emotionally intelligent
adults who are more human and have
character. So, besides being an example of
exemplary behavior and attitude, parents
are very closely related to their child's
development until adulthood.
Ahmad Tafsir said in the international
journal The Journal of Moral Education,
values in Islamic teachings were once raised
as a hot issue which was discussed
specifically in volume 36 of 2007, that
character education cannot be separated
from religious values, children have good
character because they formed through
religious values. Moral and spiritual values
are very fundamental in building the
welfare of social organizations. Parents
must be able to instill religious values in
children. They were introduced to Islam and
faith and the laws of Allah such as right and
wrong, good and bad things. In Islam, there
are three religious values, namely morals,
adab, and exemplary. Morals refer to duties
and responsibilities other than Islamic law
in general. While adab refers to good
attitudes and behavior and exemplary
refers to the quality of character displayed
by a good person (Majid, Wardan, and
Andayani 2011).
Parents are the place where children
identify themselves in their personal
development. Children imitate the words
and deeds of education. Parents should be
able to create a religious atmosphere in the
family, in the sense that it can create an
atmosphere that breathes religion, that is,
it can manifest behavior and habits,
associations, conversations that lead to
daily worship. Parents who act wisely and
responsibly towards their children will
make their children feel safe and protected.
Attitudes, behavior, habits of parents
every day will always be seen and imitated
by their children, so that children will
behave like parents in caring for them,
especially from childhood to adolescence,
Solihin, Khoiruddin Nasution, Ma’mun Efendi Nur
| 1399
because they start to think critically. The
basics of behavior of students are
embedded in the family, as well as their
attitudes to life and habits. How the outside
influence of the family impresses the child
will be inferior to the influence of the
Ivan Riyadi said that this educational
environment is the first thing that children
encounter before education is held in
schools or formal education and the
environment is a factor that has a
considerable influence on character
formation. Both in the family and in the
community. Seeing the importance of this
family, it is obligatory for it to be founded
on the basis of truth, justice, compassion,
mutual help, and respect. The influence of
the environment on children can be likened
to the seeds of peanuts that are planted, if
we plant the peanuts in fertile soil and we
take good care of it and we fertilize it
properly, the peanuts will grow fertile and
productive. But on the other hand, if we
plant anything without maintenance, it will
surely languish not bear fruit, maybe it will
die at all.
Mohamad Surya said that the family is
the beginning of the source of the problem
and will be affected by the problem.
Because parents are blood relations with
children, parents are first and foremost
educators, parental love for children is the
basic capital for the realization of education
(Mundy 2012); (Aithal and Aithal 2014). The
Indonesian Parents Academy Surakarta
(AORTA), strengthens one of the tasks for
families, especially mothers, that must be
carried out by dissolving the
communication tension between parents
and children caused by the "gab"
relationship between the two. Because
parents (mother) are someone who gives
birth to children and of course are blood
relations, then the affectionate relationship
between parents (mother) and children is
sunatullah (nature) (Akademi Orang Tua
Indonesia Surakarta (Amalia 2019).
Thomas Lickona said, there are ten
tendencies of problems in young people or
adolescents or school children, namely (1)
violence and vandalism, (2) stealing, (3)
cheating, (4) behavior disrespect for
authority (disrespect for authority), (5) cruel
to others (peer cruelty), (6) bigotry
(bigotry), (7) bad language use, (8) sexual
development and abuse (sexual precocity
and abuse), (9) increasing self-
centeredness and decreasing social
responsibility (increasing self-centeredness
and decreasing civic responsibility), and
(10) self-destructive behavior (Monteiro-
Ferreira 2016).
The problem is, character education so
far has only touched the level of
introducing norms or values and is not yet
at the level of internalization and real action
in everyday life. So far, informal education,
especially in the family environment, has
not provided significant relevance in
supporting the achievement of
competence and character building in
children. The relatively high busyness and
work activities of parents, the lack of
understanding of parents in educating
children in the family environment, the
influence of relationships in the
surrounding environment, and the
influence of electronic media are suspected
to have a negative effect on children's
Character education has a higher
1400 | Contribution of Parenting Parenting in Children's Character Building (Comparative
Study of Duren and Sruwen Villages, Tengaran District, Semarang Regency)
meaning than moral education because
character education is not only about right
and wrong, but how to instill good habits
in life, so that children/students have high
awareness, understanding, and
understanding. Attention and commitment
to apply virtue in daily life (Amini Amini et
al., 2017).
Character formation is classified into 5
sequential and age-appropriate stages,
1. The first stage is to form adab, between
the ages of 5 to 6 years. This stage
includes being honest, knowing
between right and wrong, knowing
between good and bad, and knowing
what is ordered, for example in religion.
2. The second stage is to practice self-
responsibility between the ages of 7 to
8 years. This stage includes the
command to carry out the obligation to
pray, train to do things related to
personal needs independently, and be
educated to always be orderly and
disciplined as has been reflected in the
implementation of their prayers.
3. The third stage is to form a caring
attitude between the ages of 9 to 10
years. This stage includes being taught
to care for others, especially peers,
being educated to respect and respect
the rights of others, being able to
cooperate, and being willing to help
4. The fourth stage is to form
independence, between the ages of 11
to 12 years. This stage trains children to
learn to accept risks as a form of
consequence if they do not obey orders,
are educated to distinguish between
good and bad.
5. The fifth stage is to form a social
attitude, at the age of 13 years and over.
This stage trains the readiness to get
along in the community armed with
previous experience. If it is able to be
implemented properly, then at a later
age only sufficient refinement and
development is needed (Hoel et al.
2016); (Xu et al. 2019).
Education taught by teachers in schools
is a process to shape the character of
children who are not good enough to
become better ones. So that at school-age
children must always be controlled and
supervised properly, then the education
they get will not be misused and can be
applied properly and correctly. The most
important element in the formation of
character is the mind because of the mind,
in which there are all programs that are
formed from his life experiences.
Sutarjo Adi Susilo said that the
expression "character" in "character
building" contains multiple interpretations,
because when Bung Karno said the phrase
it meant that the character of the nation
must be built, but when Ki Hajar Dewantara
said it, the phrase meant character
education for students, which includes:
Creation”, taste”, and intention”.
Therefore, what is meant by the expression
"character" or "character building" or
"character education" contains various
meanings (Sutarjo 2012).
Character is a set of traits or personality
traits that produce certain moral emotions,
inform motivation and guide behavior
(Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues,
2014). Character education includes all
explicit and implicit educational activities
that help young people develop positive
Solihin, Khoiruddin Nasution, Ma’mun Efendi Nur
| 1401
personal strengths called virtues, although
there are some opinions about the
meaning of the origin of the word
character, which when viewed from the
origin of the word, the term "character"
comes from the Greek karass, which means
“blueprint”, “basic format” or “print” in a
fingerprint. Another opinion states that the
term character comes from the Greek
harassing which means "to make", "sharp"
or "to make deep". (Saptono, 2011: 18). As
for Abdullah Munir, the word harassing is
interpreted as "carving". From this
language, what is meant by the main
characteristic of carving is that it is firmly
attached to the object being carved. Not
easily worn, swallowed by time, or exposed
to friction. Removing the engraving is the
same as removing the engraved object.
This is different from an image or ink
writing which is only rubbed on the surface
of an object. Because of that, its nature is
also different from carving, especially in
terms of its resilience and strength in the
face of the challenges of time (Abdullah
Munir, 2010: 3).
Character comes from the Greek
language which means "to mark" and
focuses on how to apply the values of
kindness in real actions of daily behavior.
Referring to this definition, every person
who is dishonest, fraudulent, cruel, and
greedy is referred to as a person who has a
bad character and vice versa, someone who
behaves honestly, kind, likes to help is said
to be a person who has a good, noble
character (Mulyasa, 2012: 3). In everyday
life, a person's behavior and actions are
expressed in various attitudes, so that
basically the character is divided into four
parts, namely: (1) weak characters including
timid, lazy, quick to lose, (2) strong
characters such as tough, caterpillar, have
strong fighting power, and unyielding, (3)
bad characters such as cunning, selfishness,
pride and other bad human traits, (4) good
characters, namely honest, fair, trustworthy,
humble and others (Satyananda, I Made,
Sumarja, I Made, Gria AA Gde Rai, 2014: 13).
Character education is not only related
to the problem of the definition of right
and wrong, but more importantly, it is
instilling habits about good things in
everyday life, so that students are expected
to have high awareness and understanding,
as well as concern and commitment to
apply virtue in reality. real.
The choice of character is one of the
tools to guide someone to be a good child,
so as to be able to filter out bad influences.
Character education is not only important
but absolutely must be done by every
nation if it wants to become a civilized
nation. Many facts prove that advanced
nations are not caused by the nation having
abundant natural resources, but a nation
that has superior characteristics such as
honesty, discipline, hard work, mutual
respect, self-confidence, justice, tolerance,
responsibility, and others.
Imas Kurniasih and Berlin Sani revealed
that in terms of "character" it is defined as
the nature of a person in general which
depends on the factors of his own life.
Literally "character is the quality or mental
or moral strength, character or character of
an individual which is a special personality
that distinguishes it from other individuals
(Imas Kurniasih, and Berlis Sani Eni, 2017:
Character is an order, behavior
possessed by someone who is ingrained or
1402 | Contribution of Parenting Parenting in Children's Character Building (Comparative
Study of Duren and Sruwen Villages, Tengaran District, Semarang Regency)
attached and makes it difficult to change.
Wyane in Arismantoro argues that the word
character comes from Greek which means
"to mark" and focuses on how to apply the
value of goodness in the form of action or
behavior (Arismantoro, 2008: 28).
Setiawan stated that character is the
values that underlie human behavior based
on religious, cultural, legal, or
constitutional norms, customs, and ethics
(Setiawan Deny & Pandi Setiawan, 2014:
60). The Ministry of National Education
defines character as a person's character,
character, morals, or personality that is
formed from the results of internalizing
various virtues that are believed and used
as a basis for perspectives, thinking, acting,
and acting (Ministry of National Education,
Research and Development Center for
Curriculum, 2010: 3).
Ahmad Tafsir, emphasized that the
terms character and personality or
character are often used interchangeably,
only the word character has a normative
meaning, and character is ethical.
"Character is personality evaluated and
personality is character devaluated", (the
character is the personality that is assessed
and personality is a character that is not
assessed). Character is the character,
nature, or things that are very basic in a
person. Often people call it character or
temperament (Ahmad Tafsir, 2011: 12).
Character qualities are defined as
distinct from skills, which represent the
ability to effectively use what one knows.
High-level skills (such as Creativity, Critical
Thinking, Communication, Collaboration-
also known as “21st Century Skills” are very
important for the acquisition and
application of knowledge as well as for
performance (M. Fadel C. Bialik M. Bodan
M. Horvathova, 2015).
Why is "Quality"? Because "Traits" are
mistakenly considered by many to be fixed
and unchanging". Here, an accent is placed
on the plasticity of the brain, which implies
that aspects of the Character can be
learned to some extent. Why framework? It
is simply human nature to focus on what is
clearly identified, and even further,
measured. It makes the "design goals" of
Character education clearer.
Character education is fundamentally
and systematically taught in a holistic
education model using methods of
knowing good, feeling good, and acting
well (Leo Agung, 2018). Knowing good is
easy to teach because it is only about
cognitive knowledge. After knowing what is
good, we must cultivate a feeling of good
love, namely how to feel and love good
deeds as a machine that makes people
always want to do good. As a result, it will
raise awareness that someone is willing to
do good because that person likes the
character. After getting used to doing good
things, then acting well will become a habit.
A modern and enlightened individual
and their education. The thing that
underlies a sense of character is expecting
religious morality in education, on the
other hand, viewing children's moral
growth and development as a more
modern and scientific principle, separate
from strong religious teaching (Watz 2011).
Character education allows students to
deal directly with the realities of life. This
encourages them to think critically and
then act responsibly (Jolls 2008). Values or
character building are possible to be taught
in schools, at home, and in our
Solihin, Khoiruddin Nasution, Ma’mun Efendi Nur
| 1403
environment (Education and Program
Character education includes various
concepts such as positive school culture,
moral education, equitable community,
caring school community, socio-emotional
learning, positive adolescent development,
civic education, and service-learning. All of
these approaches promote the intellectual,
social, emotional, and ethical development
of youth and share a commitment to
helping young people become responsible,
caring, and contributing citizens (Mark A.
Pike, 2020).
Based on the explanation above, it can
be concluded that children's character
education is a child who always gets used
to doing good things in accordance with
the moral values that apply in society.
Character and personality are often
interpreted as two words that have the
same meaning. In fact, the two words have
different meanings, but they are related. If
someone is said to have character, then the
behavior shown must be in accordance
with the moral values that apply in society.
While personality is something that
distinguishes one from another and is
distinguished by value.
Guidance to children is one of the first
steps to deliver on the right path. The role
and help of parents are needed for the
growth of a child, the role and assistance of
parents are reflected in the way parents
raise their children.
Parents are the main role models for
their children, guiding, directing good
behavior to their children to have good
behavior. In guiding and directing children,
it must be supported by policies
implemented by making rules that can be
implemented by each family member.
Parents in Duren Village shape the
character of their children by prioritizing
deliberation. This is intended to strengthen
and develop life values that are considered
important so that children have unique
character education values according to
what their parents teach. Parents always
correct children's behavior that is not in
accordance with the values, norms applied
to the family, and parents always build
harmonious connections with family and
society in playing the responsibility of
character education for children.
The actions of children who are used as
control ropes are sourced from their
parents. In this case, parents are the basic
factor in the formation of children's
character, so that the actions taken by
children reflect the parenting applied by
parents, but what happens is the opposite,
that the character of children and the
religious activities of teenagers in Sruwen
Village, Tengaran Subdistrict, Semarang
Regency are less pleasant. Today, the signs
of realization are still visible. As seen in
teenagers, they pay less attention to the
implementation of polite worship towards
parents and other people, the habit of
praying when they want to and after doing
activities, discipline in all things, doing
good to others, modesty, being responsible
in acting, empathy. towards others,
sincerity in helping others, honesty in
telling the truth, perseverance in doing
work, humility when dealing with others,
patience in dealing with temptation,
openness in accepting other people's
advice, trustworthiness in doing something
so that deviant behavior occurs. . This
happens because parents rarely teach good
1404 | Contribution of Parenting Parenting in Children's Character Building (Comparative
Study of Duren and Sruwen Villages, Tengaran District, Semarang Regency)
behavior to their children, they do not instill
faith, even parents do not imitate in
carrying out religious activities.
Parents in Sruwen Village in the
formation of children's character in an
authoritarian and permissive way.
Authoritarian because it is more concerned
with the will of parents, children are closely
monitored, cannot play as they please. This
parenting pattern is characterized by strict
rules, very strict control over the child's
behavior, often forcing the child to behave
like himself, the freedom to act is severely
restricted. Parents do not seem to give
freedom to children to express their
opinions, do not support the wishes and
ideas of children so that children lose the
opportunity to explore, this makes children
depressed, children lack initiative and are
cowardly and many oppose parental
obligations, unable to get along with
others. peers, always alone feeling anxious
and restless, children tend to be passive,
children have difficulty interacting with
others, children have low consciences and
poor character.
Permissive parents in Sruwen village,
almost do not pay attention and rarely
supervise children's daily behavior, and
never remind their children if they do
something wrong, parents never respect
their children's opinions. They are less
responsible for the formation of their
children's personalities, they provide less
protection and lack of love for their
children, and rarely even meet the needs of
their children. Allowing their children to
hang out with friends who are not good in
personality, let alone never control their
children's interactions, even parents don't
get used to be good in the midst of family
life. Never instill self-confidence in children
in dealing with all conditions, rarely send
the Koran to taklim assemblies and never
discipline children to pray in congregation
and never tell their children to behave well
and politely to the community, never even
guide prayer to his son.
Religious motivation and poor
character of children in Sruwen village tend
to decline so that children assume that
without having good character it is normal,
they even feel proud. This is because it has
something to do with the attitude of
parents who are less concerned about
providing guidance and supervision and
providing an example for the child's
character. At this time there are many
complaints submitted by Sruwen village
parents, especially about the behavior of
some of the teenagers which are very
worrying, including many Sruwen village
youths who have been involved in brawls,
use of illegal drugs, alcohol, sexual
violations, and criminal acts. Parents seem
to be at their wit's end to deal with the
moral crisis.
Emergence in the current dynamics is
the rise of brawls, immoral acts, lack of
etiquette in the association among
students, and the increase in juvenile
delinquency, as well as many other criminal
cases involving students. print and
electronic, including social media.
Spiritual education from parents is very
much needed for children. This is so that
they do not experience disturbance and
death for him. Therefore, the authors tend
to focus on research on the relevance of
parenting patterns in the formation of
children's character (comparative study in
Duren and Sruwen villages, Tengaran sub-
Solihin, Khoiruddin Nasution, Ma’mun Efendi Nur
| 1405
district, Semarang district).
The findings of this study seem to be an
important note on how the procedures that
parents must do in the application of the
more dominant parenting model to the
formation of children's character between
the two villages.
The parents actually have knowledge
about religious education, even they
understand good and bad things, right and
wrong, but they do not apply the habit of
imitating, guiding, ordering, reminding,
supervising, paying attention, motivating
about character and behavior. child
behavior. Departing from this background,
the authors raised the title: "Parenting
Parenting in the Character Building of
Children (Comparative Study of Duren
Village and Sruwen Village, Tengaran
District, Semarang Regency)".
The type of research carried out by the
author is field research. The researcher uses
a mixed type of research (mixed method).
Mixed methods research is also referred to
as a methodology that provides
philosophical assumptions in showing
directions or giving instructions on how to
collect data and analyze data as well as a
combination of quantitative and qualitative
approaches through several phases of the
research process (John.W. Creswell, 2014:
Mixed-Method is research that involves
the use of two methods, namely
quantitative methods and qualitative
methods in a single study (one study). The
use of these two methods is seen as
providing a more complete understanding
of the research problem than the use of one
of them. Mixed methods research is a
research approach that combines or
associates qualitative and quantitative
forms (Sugiyono, 2012: 7).
The types of research designs in mixed
methods research are divided into three,
namely sequential explanatory designs,
sequential exploratory designs, and
concurrent triangulation designs (John. W.
Creswell, 2010: 23).
However, the most appropriate type of
research used is the first type of research,
namely sequential explanatory design,
where the sequential explanatory design is
characterized by data collection and
quantitative data analysis in the first stage,
followed by qualitative data collection and
analysis in the second stage, in order to
strengthen the results of quantitative
research conducted. in the first stage which
is described as follows:
1406 | Contribution of Parenting Parenting in Children's Character Building (Comparative
Study of Duren and Sruwen Villages, Tengaran District, Semarang Regency)
Figure 1. Sequential Explanatory Design
Analysis of Parenting Patterns in the
Character Building of Children in Duren
Village and Sruwen Village
Duren Village Quantitative Analysis
Statistical tests were used to measure
how far the influence of one independent
variable individually in explaining the
dependent variations. The dependent
variable is said to have an effect on the
dependent variable partially if the
significance value is <0.05 where Ha is
accepted. The following will explain the
partial test of each variable, including:
Tabel 1. Hasil Uji T
It can be seen that the t-count
coefficient of parenting in Duren Village is
2.450, while (ttable) is 2.018. This means
that it is significant, while tcount > t table
(2.450 > 2.018). So Ho is rejected and Ha is
accepted, so it can be concluded that the
parenting pattern of Duren Village parents
has a positive and significant effect on the
character formation of Duren Village
children. This value is significant at the 0.05
level of significance with a p-value of 0.018.
This result is supported by the value of
tcount (2.450) > ttable (2.018) and sig.
0.018 (< 0.05). This result is supported by
the value of tcount (2.450) > ttable (2.018).
The parenting pattern of Duren Village
parents prioritizes an important role in
determining the character formation of
Duren Village children. When determining
the character formation of children in
Duren Village, parenting styles apply
rules/norms in the family/household as well
as an atmosphere of the relationship
between children and parents that can
Paired Samples Test
Paired Differences
Sig. (2-
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Pola Asuh
Orang Tua
Desa Duren -
n Karakter
Anak Desa
Solihin, Khoiruddin Nasution, Ma’mun Efendi Nur
| 1407
make children comfortable in interacting
with their families and parenting styles that
are not authoritarian. . This is what makes
children more comfortable in a family. The
children's potential can also be expressed
well by the children in Duren Village.
Sruwen Village Quantitative Analysis
Statistical tests were used to measure
how far the influence of one independent
variable individually in explaining the
dependent variations. The dependent
variable is said to have an effect on the
dependent variable partially if the
significance value is <0.05 where Ha is
accepted. The following will explain the
partial test of each variable, including:
Tabel 2. Hasil Uji T
It can be seen that the tcount
coefficient of parenting in Sruwen Village is
10,806, while (ttable) is 2,018. The service
quality variable has a p-value of 0.000
<0.05, which means it is significant, while
tcount > t table (10.806 > 2.018). So Ho is
rejected and Ha is accepted, so it can be
concluded that the parenting style of
Sruwen Village parents has a positive and
significant effect on the character
formation of Sruwen Village children. This
value is significant at the 0.05 level of
significance with a p-value of 0.000. This
result is supported by the value of tcount
(10.806) > ttable (1.985) and sig. 0.000 (<
This proves that there is a significant
influence on the parenting style of Sruwen
Village parents on the character formation
of Sruwen Village children due to parents
who do not apply the rules/norms in the
family/household and also the existence of
a good relationship atmosphere between
children and parents so that children
become uncomfortable in interacting with
family and parents who tend to educate
their children in an authoritarian way. So
that everything children do becomes agile
and has full responsibility, because children
feel afraid when their duties and
responsibilities are not done deftly.
Paired Samples Test
Paired Differences
Sig. (2-
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Pola Asuh
Orang Tua
Desa Sruwen -
Karakter Anak
Desa Sruwen
1408 | Contribution of Parenting Parenting in Children's Character Building (Comparative
Study of Duren and Sruwen Villages, Tengaran District, Semarang Regency)
Qualitative Analysis: Differences in
Parenting Patterns in the Character
Building of Children in Duren Village and
Sruwen Village
The parenting pattern of parents in
shaping the character of the children of
Duren Village is to guide or become the
main role model for all their children.
Guiding can through behavior is very
effective in directing children to become
useful people. Effective behavior given by
parents must be supported by policies
implemented by regulators that can be
implemented by each family member in all
aspects of daily life.
There are several objectives associated
with parenting in shaping the character of
the children of Duren Village as follows:
1. Strengthen and develop the values of
life that are considered important and
necessary so that they become the
distinctive personality/ownership of
children as the values of character
education taught by parents to children.
2. Correcting children's behavior that is not
in accordance with the values or norms
applied to the family.
3. Building a harmonious connection with
family and society in playing the
responsibility of character education in
All actions of children who are used as
a control rope are sourced from their
parents. In this case, parents are the basic
factor in the formation of the child's
personality so that the actions taken by the
child reflect the parenting applied by the
parents. Education in the family has a
strategic value in the formation of the
child's personality. From an early age,
children have received education from both
parents through example and daily habits
in the family. Whether or not the example
is given and how the daily habits of parents
live in the family will affect the mental
development of the child.
Parents have their own way of
nurturing and guiding their children, each
family has a different way and pattern from
one family to another. Parenting patterns
are a description of the behavior of parents
and children in interacting, giving
attention, regulations, discipline, reward,
and punishment, as well as responses to
the wishes of their children. Attitudes,
behaviors, and habits of parents always
have value and will be imitated by their
children continuously and will become
habits for their children. In addition, filling
children's free time with positive activities
for self-actualization is important. Filling
parental free time with children is also a
place for parents to be emotionally close to
their children.
The parenting pattern of parents in the
formation of children's character in Sruwen
Village which is authoritarian, because it is
more concerned with the will of parents
and children is supervised quite closely, this
and that cannot be done. Usually, the
attitude of parents always keeps their
distance from their children rather than
considering the child's wishes.
Authoritarian parenting is a parenting
pattern that is characterized by parenting
with strict rules, very strict control over
children's behavior, and often forcing
children to behave like themselves
(parents), limited freedom to act on their
own behalf. Parents hold the control center
so that the words or wishes of parents
become a benchmark that must be obeyed
Solihin, Khoiruddin Nasution, Ma’mun Efendi Nur
| 1409
by children. This type of parent will not give
freedom to the child to have an opinion.
Authoritarian parents do not support the
wishes and ideals of their children so that
children lose the opportunity to explore.
This will make the child feel depressed and
the child will have a rebellious nature, lack
of initiative, cowardice, and likes to oppose
parental obligations, besides that the
Sruwen Village parents apply a permissive
pattern, giving freedom to the child.
This negative parenting style will
interfere with children's social and
cognitive abilities. So the effect is that
children are not able to get along with
peers, are always aloof, feel anxious and
restless and worried when hanging out with
peers, and are more worried that they will
have a low conscience. Children tend to be
passive, do not have the initiative in their
actions. This authoritarian parenting
pattern has a long impact on the continuity
of children's psychological development in
socializing, meaning that children have
difficulty interacting with other people to a
more worrying impact on the character
formation process, namely children will
have a low conscience, are not sensitive to
existing social situations.
Based on the results of the research
above, the researcher can conclude that:
1. Quantitative analysis on parenting
patterns in the formation of children's
character in Duren Village and Sruwen
Village are as follows:
a. The parenting pattern of Duren
Village's parents has a positive and
significant effect on the character
formation of Duren Village children.
This value is significant at the 0.05
level of significance with a p-value of
0.018. This result is supported by the
value of tcount (2.450) > ttable
(2.018) and sig. 0.018 (< 0.05). This
result is supported by the value of
tcount (2.450) > ttable (2.018).
b. The parenting pattern of Sruwen
Village's parents has a positive and
significant effect on the character
formation of Sruwen Village children.
This value is significant at the 0.05
level of significance with a p-value of
0.000. This result is supported by the
value of tcount (10.806) > ttable
(1.985) and sig. 0.000 (< 0.05).
2. The differences in parenting patterns in
shaping the character of children in
Duren Village and Sruwen Village are:
The parenting style of the children
in Duren Village aims to strengthen and
develop the values of life that are
considered important and necessary. So
that it becomes a distinctive child
ownership personality as the values of
character education taught by parents
to children. Parents always correct
children who are not in accordance with
the values or norms applied to the family
and build harmonious connections with
family and society in playing the
responsibility of character education for
All actions of children who are used
as a control rope are sourced from their
parents. In this case, parents are the
basic factor in the formation of
children's character. So that the actions
taken by children reflect the parenting
applied by their parents. Parenting
patterns are a description of the
1410 | Contribution of Parenting Parenting in Children's Character Building (Comparative
Study of Duren and Sruwen Villages, Tengaran District, Semarang Regency)
behavior of parents and children in
interacting, giving attention,
regulations, discipline, reward, and
punishment, as well as responses to the
wishes of their children. The behavior
and habits of parents always have value
and will be imitated by their children
continuously and will become habits for
their children.
The parenting pattern of parents in
Sruwen Village in raising their children is
more concerned with the wishes of the
parents, the children are monitored
quite closely, the attitude of parents
always keeps their distance from their
children rather than considering the
wishes of their children. The parenting
style of parents is characterized by strict
rules, very strict control over the
behavior of children and often forces
children to behave like themselves, the
freedom to act on their own behalf is
limited, this type of parent will not give
freedom to children to have opinions,
do not support the ideals and desires of
their children, so that children lose the
opportunity to explore. This will make
the child feel depressed and the child
will have a rebellious nature, lack of
initiative, lack of confidence, cowardice,
and likes to oppose parental obligations.
This parenting style will disrupt the
child's social and cognitive abilities, the
child is unable to get along with peers,
is always aloof, feels anxious and
restless, more worried that he will have
a low conscience. This parenting pattern
makes it difficult for children to interact
with other people and has a more
worrying impact on the process of
forming children's character, besides
that parents also apply permissive
parenting that gives freedom to
children, so children feel less cared for.
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