Solihin, Khoiruddin Nasution, Ma’mun Efendi Nur
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personal strengths called virtues, although
there are some opinions about the
meaning of the origin of the word
character, which when viewed from the
origin of the word, the term "character"
comes from the Greek karass, which means
“blueprint”, “basic format” or “print” in a
fingerprint. Another opinion states that the
term character comes from the Greek
harassing which means "to make", "sharp"
or "to make deep". (Saptono, 2011: 18). As
for Abdullah Munir, the word harassing is
interpreted as "carving". From this
language, what is meant by the main
characteristic of carving is that it is firmly
attached to the object being carved. Not
easily worn, swallowed by time, or exposed
to friction. Removing the engraving is the
same as removing the engraved object.
This is different from an image or ink
writing which is only rubbed on the surface
of an object. Because of that, its nature is
also different from carving, especially in
terms of its resilience and strength in the
face of the challenges of time (Abdullah
Munir, 2010: 3).
Character comes from the Greek
language which means "to mark" and
focuses on how to apply the values of
kindness in real actions of daily behavior.
Referring to this definition, every person
who is dishonest, fraudulent, cruel, and
greedy is referred to as a person who has a
bad character and vice versa, someone who
behaves honestly, kind, likes to help is said
to be a person who has a good, noble
character (Mulyasa, 2012: 3). In everyday
life, a person's behavior and actions are
expressed in various attitudes, so that
basically the character is divided into four
parts, namely: (1) weak characters including
timid, lazy, quick to lose, (2) strong
characters such as tough, caterpillar, have
strong fighting power, and unyielding, (3)
bad characters such as cunning, selfishness,
pride and other bad human traits, (4) good
characters, namely honest, fair, trustworthy,
humble and others (Satyananda, I Made,
Sumarja, I Made, Gria AA Gde Rai, 2014: 13).
Character education is not only related
to the problem of the definition of right
and wrong, but more importantly, it is
instilling habits about good things in
everyday life, so that students are expected
to have high awareness and understanding,
as well as concern and commitment to
apply virtue in reality. real.
The choice of character is one of the
tools to guide someone to be a good child,
so as to be able to filter out bad influences.
Character education is not only important
but absolutely must be done by every
nation if it wants to become a civilized
nation. Many facts prove that advanced
nations are not caused by the nation having
abundant natural resources, but a nation
that has superior characteristics such as
honesty, discipline, hard work, mutual
respect, self-confidence, justice, tolerance,
responsibility, and others.
Imas Kurniasih and Berlin Sani revealed
that in terms of "character" it is defined as
the nature of a person in general which
depends on the factors of his own life.
Literally "character is the quality or mental
or moral strength, character or character of
an individual which is a special personality
that distinguishes it from other individuals
(Imas Kurniasih, and Berlis Sani Eni, 2017:
Character is an order, behavior
possessed by someone who is ingrained or