JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 9, 1413 1421
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.156 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Desliyani Tri Wandita
Toto Gunarto
Arivina Ratih
Master Program in Economics, University of Lampung, Indonesia
e-mail: desliyani101[email protected]
, totogunarto2[email protected]
, arivinaratih@gmail.com
*Correspondence: desliyani101[email protected]
Submitted: 24 March 2022, Revised: 05 April 2022, Accepted: 16 April 2022
Abstract. Poverty is a complex problem, so a more appropriate approach is needed to represent
this complex phenomenon and multidimensional reality. This study aims to analyze the effect of
GRDP per Capita on multidimensional poverty. The method used to measure multidimensional
poverty in this study is the Alkire Foster method. The multidimensional poverty index that was built
refers to the index developed by Alkire and Santos, as well as several previous studies with several
changes that were adjusted to the availability of data. The results of this study resulted in panel
data regression analysis and involved the HDI control variable. It was found that partially, economic
growth as measured by gross regional domestic product per capita at constant market prices in
2010 had no significant effect on the multidimensional poverty rate in Lampung Province,
Indonesia 2017-2019.
Keywords: economic growth; poverty; and multidimensional.
Desliyani Tri Wandita, Toto Gunarto, Arivina Ratih | 1414
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.156 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Poverty is a serious problem that must
solve immediately. This is reflected in the
first goal in the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs), which was sparked at
countries globally on September 25, 2015,
namely eliminating poverty anywhere and
in any form. This goal at least gives a
message to all countries globally, including
Indonesia, to focus more on overcoming
poverty from one side and from various
sides. Thus, by 2030, poverty is expected to
have been overcome (Hapsari, 2019);
(Khalifah et al., 2017).
Statistics Indonesia views poverty as an
inability to meet basic needs, so in its
measurement, Statistics Indonesia uses a
household expenditure approach in line
with the measures used by the World Bank.
However, the calculation of poverty has not
been able to consider people who are not
poor, but in certain circumstances, the
expenditure is indeed small. The calculation
method with this expenditure approach
also cannot describe the poor who are
prone to illness, lack access to education or
public facilities, live in slum environments,
or have an inadequate standard of living.
The expenditure approach has not been
able to fully answer the first objective of the
SDGs, namely, eliminating poverty in all its
Another approach to measuring
poverty is emphasizing the monetary
dimension, and the results are easy but not
always satisfactory. (Rogan, 2016) revealed
that the poverty approach using monetary
analysis could only capture a small part of
poverty. According to Sen, the issue of
poverty is not only related to purchasing
power parity, income, or consumption, but
there is a broader dimension of poverty.
Apart from income and consumption,
people who have limited access to basic
education or health services due to
economic limitations can also be poor.
Communities with poor sanitation
conditions, sources of lighting, and cooking
fuel are not suitable; the condition of
houses with earth floors is also said to be
poor (Conti et al., 2010); (Conti & Heckman,
The study of multidimensional poverty
prompted (Yu, 2013) to estimate
multidimensional poverty in China, a
country with a high disparity rate between
provinces and rural and urban areas. Yu's
research found that the rapid rate of
economic growth had an impact on
reducing poverty in China over the past few
years, both from a monetary and
multidimensional perspective.
Studies on multidimensional poverty in
Indonesia have also been carried out by
several researchers, such as . These studies
were conducted at the provincial level with
different methods and dimensions of
poverty. Although some researchers have
carried out studies of multidimensional
poverty in Indonesia, similar research is still
needed, especially studies of poverty at a
smaller level, namely districts/cities, such as
those conducted by (Artha & Dartanto,
2018), (Alkire & Santos, 2014); (Beycan et
al., 2019); (Alkire et al., 2018).
The complexity of poverty is quite
visible in Lampung Province. At first, glance,
if we look at economic growth and poverty
reduction in Lampung Province, it tends to
run quite well. However, it should be re-
examined that in addition to the
1415 | The Effect of Economic Growth on Multidimensional Poverty
percentage of the number of poor people,
which far exceeds the national figure, it
turns out that Lampung's economic
growth, which reached 4.30 percent in
2019, occupies a fairly good position,
namely the third-highest among other
provinces in the Sumatra Island region.
However, this is not in line with the
percentage of poor people in Lampung
Province, which ranks fourth highest in
The quality of human resources in
Lampung Province can be reflected in the
HDI. From year to year, Lampung HDI
shows an increase. However, when
compared to other provinces on the island
of Sumatra, the HDI of Lampung Province
is in the last rank. If you look at the
percentage figures for the poor and the
HDI for the provinces throughout Sumatra
Island, it seems at first glance that there is
no relationship between poverty rates and
HDI. Several provinces on the island of
Sumatra have a higher percentage of poor
people than the percentage of poor people
in Lampung Province. Still, Lampung
Province has the lowest HDI compared to
other provinces.
The phenomenon that occurs in
conditions of poverty in Lampung shows
that the problem of poverty is not just an
economic problem (Martin & Petersen,
2019); (Font & Maguire-Jack, 2020).
Demographic factors such as education
level or family structure can also influence
poverty ("Growth Has Been Good for
Decades," nd). Multidimensional poverty
means seeing poverty from various aspects
and dimensions, not only one side. Poverty
from this point of view is more in line with
the goals of the SDGs because, from this
point of view, all kinds of poverty will be
Poverty seen only from one side is
thought to have not been able to capture
the impact of economic growth, which
tends to be broader. And secondly, there is
a large enough inequality so that economic
growth can only be felt by the upper-
middle class and not the lower middle class.
To answer this conjecture, an approach to
calculating poverty is needed to cover all or
more aspects. Therefore, this study aims to
analyze the effect of GRDP per Capita on
multidimensional poverty.
The early stages of research, an
approach was taken to measure
multidimensional poverty in Lampung
Province. The method used to measure
multidimensional poverty in this study is
the Alkire Foster method. The built
multidimensional poverty indicators refer
to the indicators developed by (Welker et
al., 2013) and several previous studies with
some modifications adapted to the
availability of data.
Inferential analysis was conducted to
test the hypothesis to prove whether there
is an effect of GRDP per capita and HDI on
the multidimensional poverty level, using
panel data regression to select the best
model. Time series data is from 2017-2019,
and cross-sectional data are districts/cities
in Lampung Province.
This study uses secondary data. The
data used to calculate the multidimensional
poverty of districts/cities in Lampung
Province in this study is secondary data
derived from the National Socio-Economic
Desliyani Tri Wandita, Toto Gunarto, Arivina Ratih | 1416
Survey (Susenas) collected by the Statistics
Indonesia of Lampung Province in 2017-
The secondary data needed to build the
regression model is GRDP per capita based
on constant prices for the base year 2010
for all regencies/cities in Lampung GRDP
per capita, and HDI data used are from
publications published by Statistics
The Alkire Foster method is used in
calculating multidimensional poverty
variables. The calculation of
multidimensional poverty using the Alkire
Foster method uses several dimensions and
indicators and determines the amount of
weight for each indicator. This study uses
three types of dimensions, and these three
dimensions are divided into ten indicators.
Table 1. Dimensions, Indicators, Deprivation Cutoffs and Weights for
Multidimensional Poverty Calculation
Cut off deprivation
Length of school
No household member
who has completed
nine years of education
(junior high school or
School participation
There are school-age
children (7-15 years)
who have dropped out
of junior high school or
the equivalent
Household calorie
Household calorie
consumption is less
than 70 percent of the
Nutrition Adequacy
Rate (2019)
Household Protein
Household protein
consumption per day is
less than 80 percent of
the Nutrition Adequacy
Rate (2019)
Drinking water
Deprived if households
do not have access to
clean drinking water or
access to clean water
1417 | The Effect of Economic Growth on Multidimensional Poverty
Deprived of the
household does not
have proper sanitation
or if the toilet is shared
with other households
Standard of
Deprived of the
household does not
have access to PLN
Deprived of the
household lives in a
building with a dirt or
sand floor
Deprived of the
household cooks using
firewood or charcoal
Floor area
Deprived of the
household lives in a
house with a floor area
per capita of less than
or equal to 7.2m2
Source: Alkire Foster, modified
This multidimensional poverty gauge
uses a nested weighting system, unit of
analysis, selection of indicators,
dimensions, first cutoff point, and second
cutoff point used by UNDP in calculating
MPI. A household or individual can be
categorized as a household or individual
experiencing multidimensional poverty if
the total weight per individual or
household is greater than or equal to 33.33
percent. Each individual is given a score
according to the deprivation experienced in
the household, based on the ten
constituting indicators. The maximum
score for all indicators is 100 percent, so
each dimension has the same weight,
namely 33.33 percent, as well as the weight
of each indicator.
Economic growth is the influence of the
value of income expressed in unit
price/nominal amount. Economic growth
also describes an increase in the physical
production of goods or services within a
certain period. Economic growth reflects
the economic development of a country or
region, which can be measured by national
income or Gross Domestic Product (GDP),
or Gross Regional Domestic Product
(GRDP). The economic growth variable in
this study was measured by the 2010 GRDP
per capita approach. The GRDP per capita
is useful for knowing the real per capita
economic growth of the population of an
area. HDI is a measure of development
performance formed using three
dimensions, namely long and healthy life,
Desliyani Tri Wandita, Toto Gunarto, Arivina Ratih | 1418
knowledge, and a decent living.
The effect of GRDP per Capita and HDI
on multidimensional poverty, regression
analysis was used. Regression analysis in
this study uses panel data. Panel data
(pooled data or longitudinal data)
combines cross-section data and time-
series data. Regarding the purpose of this
study, the model used is as follows.
logMPIit = 0 + 1logPDRBcapit +
2logIPMit + it (1)
i: each district/city;
t: year t;
: error
MPI: percentage of the
multidimensional poverty level;
GRDPkap: GRDP per capita 2010;
HDI: Human Development Index;
Regression analysis was used to see the
effect of GRDP per Capita and HDI on
multidimensional poverty. Regression
analysis in this study uses panel data. Panel
data (pooled data or longitudinal data)
combines cross-section data and time-
series data.
A. Multidimensional Poverty in
Lampung Province
Table 2. Multidimensional Poverty Profile of Lampung Province, 2017 – 2019
MPI (%)
Intensity (%)
Source: Socio-Economic Survey, processed
Table 2, shows the multidimensional
poverty profile in Lampung Province from
2017 to 2019. The table contains
information about the number of poor
people, poverty rates, poverty intensity,
and multidimensional poverty index. The
number of multidimensional poor
people is the total number of
individuals classified as poor
multidimensionally. MPI is the proportion
of multidimensional poor people to the
total population. Poverty intensity is the
average proportion of the weighted
indicators in which the poor are deprived
(A). In 2019, 26.06 percent of the
population was categorized as poor
multidimensionally. These
multidimensional poor people are deprived
of at least a third of the indicators in the
dimensions of health, education, and living
standards (Weziak-Bialowolska, 2016);
(Migala-Warchol & Pasternak-Malicka,
2018). These multidimensional poor people
may not be eligible, for example, in terms
of sanitation, school sustainability, cooking
fuel, and so on. From 2017 to 2019, MPI in
Lampung Province experienced a decline.
Desliyani Tri Wandita, Toto Gunarto, Arivina Ratih | 1419
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.156 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
B. The Effect of Economic Growth on
Multidimensional Poverty
To examine the effect of economic
growth as measured by the GRDP per
capita approach to the
multidimensional poverty level, the
model used refers to equation 1.
Considering that the data used in this
study is panel data, it is necessary to
conduct three tests to determine the
most appropriate technique for
estimating panel data regression,
namely the Chow test, Hausman test,
and Breusch-Pagan Lagrange Multiplier
(LM). After carrying out these three
tests, it can be concluded that the fixed
effects model or FEM is the best model
that can be used to estimate the effect
of economic growth using the GRDP
per capita approach to
multidimensional poverty.
A simultaneous test for the
random-effects model using reviews
can be seen from the probability value
2. The simultaneous test was conducted
to determine whether the independent
variables in the model, namely:
economic growth with the GRDP per
capita approach and HDI, and the
probability value 2 = 0.000 are smaller
than the significance level = 5 percent
for each regression model. Thus, it can
be concluded that there is at least one
or all independent variables that
statistically influence the
multidimensional poverty variable.
Table 3. Variable Estimation Results with Fixed Effect Random (FEM)
Source: Output Results Eviews
After conducting a simultaneous
test of the fixed effects model, the next
step is to test the coefficient of
determination. This test determines
how much the independent variables
can explain poverty in the regression
model. The R2 value for the fixed effects
model can use an adjusted R2 value of
0.894667 for the multidimensional
poverty model, which means that
the diversity or variance of the
multidimensional poverty level variable
can be explained by independent
Desliyani Tri Wandita, Toto Gunarto, Arivina Ratih | 1420
variables such as economic growth with
the GRDP per capita and HDI of 97.36
percent. In comparison, other variables
outside the model explain the
remaining 2.64 percent.
Based on the parameter estimation
results in Table 4.1, the general
equation for the two models using the
fixed effects model (FEM) approach can
be written as follows.
Log M PIit = 64,065 2,170 log GDP
capit 2,875 log I PMit. In the
multidimensional poverty model, the
coefficient of economic growth with the
GRDP per capita approach is -2.170.
Based on the output eviews, the partial
probability value of the economic
growth variable with the GRDP per
capita approach is 0.156, greater than
the significance level of = 5 percent, so
it does not significantly affect the
growth of the multidimensional poverty
rate. This indicates that the increase in
value-added from the productive
sectors in Lampung has not been fully
accompanied by the capability of the
population to meet the needs of
nutrition and health, education, and
living standards. The estimates in Table
3, produce the probability value of the
HDI variable for the model of 0.986,
which is greater than the significance
level of = 5 percent. Therefore, it can be
concluded that the growth of the HDI
variable does not significantly affect the
multidimensional poverty variable.
The conclusions that can be drawn from
the results of the multidimensional poverty
analysis in Lampung Province during 2017-
2019 are as follows.
1. Descriptively, the percentage of the
multidimensional poor, the intensity of
multidimensional poverty, and the
multidimensional poverty level at the
Lampung Province level show a
downward trend.
2. Based on the partial test results, it was
found that economic growth with the
ADHK GRDP per capita approach had
no significant effect on the
multidimensional poverty level in
Lampung. This indicates that the
increase in value-added from the
productive sectors in Lampung has not
been fully accompanied by the
capability of the population in terms of
nutrition and health, education, and
living standards.
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© 2022 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license
Desliyani Tri Wandita, Toto Gunarto, Arivina Ratih | 1422
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.156 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index