1450 | The Pattern of Internalization of Aswaja An-Nahdliyah Character Values (Analysis Study
of Madrasah Aliyah with Islamic Education Background)
Because, the survival of a nation depends
on morals, if a nation underestimates
morals, the nation is extinct. The Qur'an has
been told about the destruction of the
people of Lut, due to the collapse of moral
foundations. Furthermore, in carrying out
da'wah, morals must also be put forward.
Amar ma'ruf must also be moral, nahi
Munkar must also be bil ma'ruf by
upholding noble character.
Fourth, the SKI material, which is based
on historical facts and realities, can be
exemplified by the social interaction
practices applied by the Prophet
Muhammad when building the Medina
community. From the historical site of the
Medina development process carried out
by the Prophet Muhammad, facts were
found regarding the recognition and
appreciation of the values of pluralism and
tolerance (Erlan Muliadi, June 2012: 65).
Clearly, the recognition and protection
of the "other" were also exemplified by the
Prophet Muhammad through the Medina
charter. Jews or Christians who are not
hostile to Muslims are protected. In the
context of Indonesia, every people has
equal rights and obligations. Therefore,
Pancasila as a sentence of sawa' or
(common platform) which unites ethnic,
racial, cultural, and religious diversity must
be used as a foundation in the practice of
daily life. Muslims in Indonesia must be
ready to coexist and maintain peace with
other Indonesians. Regardless of race,
ethnicity, or religion. Because all are equal
as Indonesian citizens, in caring for and
advancing Indonesia, it must be done
together and uphold the principle of
deliberation and consensus in overcoming
various problems of the nation.
Fifth is the cultivation of ASWAJA
character values. ASWAJA's character
values are tawassuṭ, tawāzun, ta'adul, and
tasāmuḥ attitudes. These main values are
then integrated with national character
education. The tools for inculcating
ASWAJA character values must also be
provided and planned carefully and on
target as needed. Meanwhile, according to
Ngainun Naim quoting Hamiddin, an
aspect that is no less important is the
optimization of the rules of al muḥāfaẓah
'alā 'l-qadīm al-ṣāliḥ wa'l-akhdhu bi'l-jadīd
al-aṣlāḥ. This means that the good old
values are used as guidelines or the basis
for implementing ASWAJA character values
in the present context. Exemplary,
continuity and the cultivation of character
values are always reconstructed to find
models for the cultivation of applicable,
humanist, and contextual ASWAJA
character values. Based on these rules,
Islam can more freely synergize with any
culture as long as it does not conflict with
Islamic teachings. Islam did not come to
reject and be an anti-cultural locality,
instead, Islam can color and reconstruct a
culture wisely and wisely without having to
be allergic to certain cultural localities.
Sixth, ASWAJA amaliyah habituation. This is
done in order to familiarize students with
worship as amaliah ASWAJA. Because
effective learning is learning that is not just
a theory but must come to the application
level. For example, at the scheduled time,
the students are guided by the teacher to
carry out various ASWAJA practices such as
istighāthah, dibā-an, commemorating
Islamic holidays, visiting graves, and also
tahlilan. All this worship is done
programmatically. All students are required