JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 9, 1440 1452
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.154 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Amin Ary Wibowo
Maragustam Siregar
Mufrod Teguh Mulyo
Program Doktor Pascasarjana UNU Surakarta
e-mail: amin.abahzaky@gmail.com
, maragustam@uin-suka.ac.id
, mufrodteguh1983@gmail.com
*Correspondence: amin.abahzaky@gmail.com
Submitted: 22 March 2022, Revised: 05 April 2022, Accepted: 16 April 2022
Abstract. Character education in Indonesia continues to be turned on. In various scientific forums,
education experts look for new formations, innovations, and reactivation of an educational concept
that is characterized by the life of the Indonesian nation. This study aims to determine the
characteristics of education in Indonesia. The research used in this research is descriptive qualitative
research, namely research that seeks to solve the current problem based on the data, analyze, and
interpret the data. This research resulted in the idea of ASWAJA Value-Based Character Education.
How to internalize the value of ASWAJA Character Education which is effective and can be part of
the formation of a good national personality. ASWAJA-style Islamic education is very relevant and
suitable to be reconstructed and socialized to students as a guide for daily religious life.
Keywords: internationalization; character; ASWAJA.
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DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.154 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Character education in Indonesia
continues to be turned on. In various
scientific forums, education experts look for
new formations, innovations, and
reactivation of an educational concept that
has the character of the life of the
Indonesian nation. Life within these limits is
an activity (internal and external) of
Indonesian humanity. Finding and
concocting character education is one
proof of the existence of the scientific
tradition in the midst of the Indonesian
nation, especially education practitioners.
The focus of this study is the reintegration
of education from a concept affiliated with
the life activities of some Indonesians.
Namely, the activation of the value of
education in the concept of Ahlus as-
Sunnah Wal Jamaah to become the
character of education in Indonesia.
Character in the last few years has
become a topic of discussion in all study
forums (An et al., 2019). Both scientific
studies or independent studies of
practitioners and observers of education.
The topic of character education, the
longer it is discussed, the less conclusion
there is. Character education is a hot and
cold theme that seems difficult to solve. Are
our practitioners and observers of
education starting to run out of their
intelligence? The problem is not being
smart or not. However, character education
becomes a kind of interesting and
disturbing topic. Because, the question that
often comes to mind is, why is the topic of
new character education peaking in the
current era?
Character education, the author
believes, has existed since this country
existed. Indonesia, in the release of the
history of a region rich in various cultures.
The culture and social characteristics of
society within the framework of the Unitary
State of the Republic of Indonesia are the
proposals for the nation's character.
Character education in Indonesia, at first
glance, becomes a central issue in the midst
of a chaotic nation. Although not raised as
the main topic, character education has
accompanied this nation's journey.
Character education from a global
perspective is defined as character-based
education. Own character in the dictionary
is defined as psychological, moral, or
character traits that distinguish one person
from another (Sutomo, 2014); (Dewia &
Alam, 2020); (Dwi & Purwo, 2019).
Meanwhile, character education being
discussed today refers to Indonesian
education which has a distinctive
Indonesian character. If characxter
education is still broad in scope, then the
character education being discussed today
requires continuous interpretation. At least,
discussions about character education are
currently still in the basic stages. This is
because the desired results of character
education have not been fully successful.
Evidently, when several years ago the
incessant implementation of character
education, the brutality of various elements
of education increased. This situation is not
a final conclusion. because, the benefits of
implementing character education more or
less affect the personality of students (Rega
et al., 2017); (Alam, 2021).
Character education in this condition is
still elastic to be implemented. In a practical
measure, this character education can be
1442 | The Pattern of Internalization of Aswaja An-Nahdliyah Character Values (Analysis Study
of Madrasah Aliyah with Islamic Education Background)
revealed from all the noble values of the
teachings (religion and customs), including
the values of the Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah
ideology in which there are noble values.
Such as amar ma'ruf nahi munkar, fair and
elegant (ta'adul and tawassuth), tolerant
(tasamuh), and balanced (tawazun). The
target of character education based on
ASWAJA's values is to produce virtuous
individuals (al-karimah) and beneficial for
all (khairunnas anfa'uhum linnaas).
The research used in this study is a
descriptive qualitative research type,
namely research that seeks to solve current
problems based on data, analyze, and
interpret data. Qualitative research relies
more on human observations in certain
areas (Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif,
Bandung: PT, 2012). Because qualitative
research reveals symptoms or phenomena
thoroughly and contextually, qualitative
reports must be able to provide a complete
and contextual picture of the topic under
study (Riese, 2019); (FitzPatrick, 2019).
Data analysis is the process of
systematically searching and compiling
data obtained from interviews, field notes,
and documentation, by organizing the data
into categories, breaking them down into
units, synthesizing them, arranging them
into patterns, choosing what is important
and what is important. that will be studied,
and draw conclusions so that they are easily
understood by themselves and others
(Darwis, 2014).
Pendidikan Karakter
Character education in Indonesia that
has been discussed so far refers to the
character and cultural values of the
Indonesian nation. In principle, character as
moral excellence or morality is built on
various virtues (virtues) which in turn only
have meaning when it is based on the
values prevailing in the culture (nation). The
character of the Indonesian nation is the
character possessed by Indonesian citizens
based on actions that are judged as a
virtue-based on the values prevailing in the
Indonesian society and nation.
Therefore, character education has
been directed at efforts to develop the
noble values of Pancasila. Different from
teaching materials that are mastery, as is
the case with performance content of
competency, the material for Education of
Culture and National Character has been
developmental. The difference in the
nature of the two groups of materials
idealizes different implementations in the
educational process. Educational materials
that are developmental require a fairly long
educational process and are mutually
reinforcing between learning activities and
other learning activities, between the
learning process in the classroom and
curricular activities at school and outside of
The balance of the application of
character education between inside and
outside the classroom will be able to
produce the expected goals. The
application of character education will not
be meaningful without concrete activities.
Character education, once again
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emphasizes real practice which refers to the
formation of individual character
Besides the similarities in the group,
learning material in the realm of knowledge
(cognitive) which is in a developmental
group with values, between the two there
are fundamental differences in planning
the curriculum document (KTSP), syllabus,
lesson plans, and the learning process.
Learning material in the realm of
knowledge can be used as a subject, while
value material in Cultural Education and
National Character cannot be used as a
subject because it contains a risk that it will
become cognitive material. Therefore, in
developing the material for National
Culture and Character Education, the
attitude of liking, wanting to have and
wanting to make these values the basis for
actions in the behavior of students' daily
lives is an absolute initial requirement for
the success of Character Education.
The implementation of character
education based on the Law of the Republic
of Indonesia number 20 of 2003 concerning
the National Education System (UU
Sisdiknas) formulates the functions and
objectives of national education that must
be used in developing education efforts in
Indonesia. Article 3 of the National
Education System Law states, "National
education functions to develop and shape
the character and civilization of a dignified
nation in the context of educating the
nation's life, aiming at developing the
potential of students to become human
beings who believe and fear God Almighty,
have a noble character, are healthy,
knowledgeable. , capable, creative,
independent, and become a democratic
and responsible citizen.
The purpose of national education is a
formulation of the quality of Indonesian
human beings that must be developed by
each educational unit. Therefore, the
formulation of national education goals is
the basis for developing cultural education
and national character. The presence of this
character education appears together with
a number of problems (call it) social ills.
Such as rampant criminal acts of
corruption, theft, free sex among
teenagers, and other immoral acts. The
stretch of character education is essentially
the initial axis of spurring educational
actors to improve the world of education.
Education is not only seen as a process.
Nasution considers the process in the
meaning of education to be global. So, the
problem of this process refers to a concrete
movement to maximize the role of
education. The process can be interpreted
as an act of changing the perspective and
way of thinking of students to something
more positive. Character education,
according to Miller (1985) is considered
one of the ways to foster a positive attitude
in students. In Indonesia, character
education that is being promoted is cultural
character education from the perspective
of the Indonesian nation.
The Pedagogical Foundation of Cultural
Education and National Character
Education is a conscious effort to develop
the potential of students optimally. This
conscious effort must not be separated
from the environment where students are
located, especially from their cultural
environment, because students live
inseparable in their environment and act in
accordance with the rules of their culture.
1444 | The Pattern of Internalization of Aswaja An-Nahdliyah Character Values (Analysis Study
of Madrasah Aliyah with Islamic Education Background)
Education that is not based on that
principle will cause students to be uprooted
from their cultural roots. When this
happens, they will not know the culture well
so they become "foreign" people in their
cultural environment. Apart from being a
foreigner, what was even more worrying
was that he became a person who didn't
like his culture.
Culture, which causes students to grow
and develop, starts from the culture in the
immediate environment (village, RT, RW,
and village) to a wider environment, namely
the nation's national culture and universal
culture embraced by mankind. If a student
becomes a foreigner from the closest
culture, he does not know the national
culture well and he does not know himself
as a member of the national culture. In such
a situation, he is very vulnerable to outside
cultural influences and even tends to
accept outside culture without a process of
consideration (valuing). This tendency
occurs because he does not have the norms
and values of his national culture that can
be used as a basis for making judgments
The stronger a person has a basis for
consideration, the stronger the tendency to
grow and develop into a good citizen. At its
culmination point, collective cultural norms
and values at the macro level will become
the nation's cultural norms and values.
Thus, students will become Indonesian
citizens who have insight, ways of thinking,
ways of acting, and ways of solving
problems in accordance with the norms
and values of their Indonesian
This is in accordance with the main
function of education as mandated in the
National Education System Law, "to
develop capabilities and shape the
character and civilization of a dignified
nation in the context of the intellectual life
of the nation". Therefore, the basic rules
governing national education (the 1945
Constitution and the National Education
System Law) have provided a solid
foundation for developing one's full
potential as a member of society and the
nation. Education is an enculturation
process, which functions to pass on the
values and achievements of the past to
future generations. These values and
achievements are the pride of the nation
and make the nation known by other
nations. In addition to inheriting, education
also has a function to develop cultural
values and past achievements into national
cultural values that are in accordance with
present and future life, as well as
developing new achievements that become
the nation's new character. Therefore,
cultural education and national character
are the core of an educational process.
The process of developing the values
that form the basis of the character requires
a continuous process, carried out through
various subjects in the curriculum
(citizenship, history, geography,
economics, sociology, anthropology,
Indonesian language, social studies,
science, mathematics, religion, physical
education and sports, arts, and skills). In
developing national character education,
awareness of who he is and his nation is a
very important part.
This awareness can only be awakened
properly through history that provides
enlightenment and explanation of who the
nation was in the past which produced itself
Amin Ary Wibowo, Maragustam Siregar, Mufrod Teguh Mulyo
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and its nation in the present. In addition,
education must also build awareness,
knowledge, insight, and values regarding
the environment in which oneself and the
nation live (geography), values that live in a
society (anthropology), prevailing and
developing social systems (sociology), state
administration systems, government, and
politics (state
administration/politics/citizenship), the
Indonesian language with its way of
thinking, economic life, science and
technology, and the arts.
The breakthrough in incorporating the
noble values of this nation's culture will be
able to process the character of students
according to expectations (Charlene Tan,
2014: 3). Education of culture and national
character is carried out through education
of values or virtues which are the basic
values of culture and national character.
The virtue that is an attribute of a character
is basically a value. Therefore, cultural
education and national character are
basically the development of values
derived from the Indonesian nation's view
of life or ideology, religion, culture, and
values formulated in the goals of national
Character education is the hallmark of
an educated community. At this level,
character education can be entered into
various kinds of cultural peculiarities and
good teachings. The values of the
Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah understanding
which contain positive values can be part of
the development of this character
Activation of ASWAJA Character
Education Value
Ahalussunnah Wal Jamaah or often
acronym with ASWAJA. ASWAJA's
understanding is simply an understanding
that contains the values of the teachings of
the Qur'an and Hadith. The hadith here is
an act exemplified by the Prophet
Muhammad. The actions of the Prophet are
morals al Karimah / manners. Ahlussunnah
Wal Jamaah in principle wants to create a
polite life order. This noble mission
becomes the spirit to actualize it in the
frame of practical education in an effort to
create a virtuous generation of the nation.
One of the values of the teachings of
Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah is al-karimah
morality. Akhlakul karimah contains
elements of dominant consideration in the
context of individual character formation.
Because the building of al-karimah morality
contains a number of important points,
namely; fair and elegant (ta‟adul and
tawassuth), tolerant (tasamuh), balanced
(tawazun), and Amar ma'ruf nahi Munkar
(Abdul Muchid Muzadi, 2006:27)
These elements are building points that
are intertwined with each other. All of the
elements above are closely related and
cannot be eliminated. This is because the
building blocks of these elements lead
individuals who walk this line to find their
self-worth (Hairus Salim HS and
Muhammad Ridwan, 1999: 32). In the area
of education, in this discussion of character
education, the element of discretion in
another scope can be an object in the
development of character education. As
referred to in the goals of national
education, education is essentially an effort
to build virtuous individual characters. In
1446 | The Pattern of Internalization of Aswaja An-Nahdliyah Character Values (Analysis Study
of Madrasah Aliyah with Islamic Education Background)
the perspective of self-awareness, ASWAJA
character education is education that
contains elements of self-reliance.
This self-conscious character, in
principle, can be a frame for printing a self-
conscious personality as a whole. ASWAJA-
style education can enter into various
aspects of life. So, on the practical side, this
ASWAJA-style education can at least be
implemented with various methods. This
method can be applied with various
techniques according to the needs where
the method is applied.
ASWAJA-style character education
aims to produce virtuous personalities. The
spirit of character education is in principle
to direct students to become useful people
for others (khairunnas anf'auhum linnas).
The existing conception of character
education is only a theory. In religious
teachings, intentions must be accompanied
by actions. Embedding this ASWAJA-style
character cannot produce the desired
output without active and continuous
activities. For a strategy in developing
scientific disciplines, character education
based on the values of Ahlussunnah Wal
Jamaah requires a precise strategy so that
it can have a positive impact on students.
Instilling this value can be done in
educational institutions, families, and the
environment where students are located.
One example of a strategy that might work:
Table 1. ASWAJA Character Education Value Activation Strategy
/ Problem
The teacher
provides discussion
topics. For example,
the teacher takes an
example of a case
that is unfair
Teachers can see
whether the results
of the practice
carried out can have
a positive impact on
students. This kind of
activity continues to
be carried out until
finally, the desired
target can be
Meanwhile, the scope of character
education includes three aspects, namely
cognitive, affective and psychomotor
aspects. In its realization, all of these
aspects have a scope that contains
character values. The explanation of this
scope can simply be described in the
following chart:
Table 2. Scope of Character Education
Thought (Intelligent, creative,
innovative, and Productive)
Physical Exercise (Clean, Healthy, Sportive,
Disciplined, Cooperative, gregarious, and
Amin Ary Wibowo, Maragustam Siregar, Mufrod Teguh Mulyo
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Exercise of the heart (Faith,
piety, honest, trustworthy,
trustful, dare to take risks in
terms of commanding good
and forbidding evil)
Olah Rasa/Intention (Friendly, Tolerant,
Likes to help, and has a soul willing to work
The simple explanation of ASWAJA's
noble values in relation to practicality in the
field above can help cultivate good
character. ASWAJA's paradigm of thought
rests on the source of Islamic teachings; al-
Qur'an, al-Sunnah, al-Ijmā', and Qiyās.
Meanwhile, at the practical level, Muslims
who adhere to ASWAJA follow the product
of the thoughts of scholars in the past.
There are three core pillars that mark the
characteristics of ASWAJA, namely
following al-Ash'ari and al-Maturidi in the
field of theology, following one of the four
imams of the madhhab (Hanafi, Maliki,
Shafi'i, and Hanbali) in the field of Fiqh, and
following Imam Junaid al-Baghdadi and
Imam al-Ghazali in the field of Sufism.
In addition to the three core pillars,
ASWAJA also has interesting values. The
first of these values is tawassuṭ (moderate).
According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary,
moderate has two meanings, namely: (1)
always avoiding extreme behavior or
disclosure; (2) tends towards a middle
dimension or path (Ministry of Education
and Culture, 1990: 589). Moderate thinking
is important because it can be
reconstructed to become a spirit of peace.
Moderation is an important capital to
accommodate various existing interests
and find the best solution (al Islah) for the
conflicts that occur. Second, tawāzun
(balanced). Balance is meant in this context
is a balanced and harmonious attitude in
integrating and synergizing the arguments
to produce a wise decision. Tawāzun
(balanced) is a manifestation of a religious
attitude that avoids extreme attitudes.
Radical groups are referred to as extreme
groups because they lack respect for
differences of opinion and do not
accommodate the richness of life's
treasures. Third, tasāmuḥ (tolerance) which
is very large against pluralism of mind.
Various thoughts that grow in Muslim
society get appreciative recognition.
Such wide openness to accept various
opinions makes ASWAJA has the ability to
reduce various internal conflicts of
Muslims. This pattern is very visible in the
discourse of Islamic legal thought. The
discourse of Islamic law by many experts is
considered the most realistic discourse of
Islamic thought and touches most aspects
of socio-cultural relations. In socio-cultural
discourse, ASWAJA tolerates a lot of
traditions that have developed in society,
without being involved in their substance,
even trying to direct them. Formalism in
cultural aspects in ASWAJA does not have
a strong significance. ASWAJA's tolerant
attitude has given special meaning in
relation to the broad dimensions of
humanity (Husein Muhammad, LKiS, 2000:
With these values, Islam has become a
religion that is capable of dynamic
dialectics with local culture without having
to stay away from the essence of its
religious teachings. The choice of strategy
that is accommodating to local wisdom has
also been developed by many ASWAJA
1448 | The Pattern of Internalization of Aswaja An-Nahdliyah Character Values (Analysis Study
of Madrasah Aliyah with Islamic Education Background)
figures, especially NU. One of them is
through one of the NU figures, namely KH.
Ahmad Siddiq. According to Kiai Achmad
Siddiq, Islam has a natural character. The
purpose of this fitri character is in
accordance with human conscience,
abilities, and needs. Because of fitri, then he
has not been influenced by lust. This
religion of Islam did not come to abolish
everything that already exists and reject
everything that comes from outside.
Various aspects of life that are in
accordance with Islamic teachings are
continued and developed, while those that
are contrary are prohibited or removed
(Lukman Hakim, 2004: 104). Not only from
NU circles but an accommodative attitude
towards local traditions was also voiced by
intellectuals outside NU, one of which was
Nurcholish Madjid–who also appreciated
local culture. According to Nurcholish
Madjid, the arrival of Islam always has
implications for social transformation
towards a better life. But at the same time,
the arrival of Islam does not have to be
'disruptive' or cutting off society from its
past, but also preserves the good aspects
of the past and can be defended against
the test of the universal teachings of Islam
(Lukman Hakim, 2004: 104).
Islam in Indonesia in its history has a
fairly harmonious relationship with local
traditions. The dynamic interaction
between Islam and local traditions forms a
distinctive Islam. This kind of interaction
continues to grow and develop so that it
needs to be maintained, managed, and
made an inseparable part of Indonesian
Islamic life. This is solely done so that Islam
and local culture can reinforce each other
so that Islam truly becomes a universal
religion that can be compatible in all fields
and times.
Internalization of ASWAJA Character
As it is known that educational
practices and processes, especially those
that take place in educational institutions,
have a role in shaping the character and
behavior of each student. Therefore, every
learning process, especially religious
education (Islam) should consider the need
to include civic values in learning activities
so as to produce outputs that have
moderate and multicultural awareness so
that they can be applied in everyday life. To
achieve this, the various components
involved in the educational process need to
be planned in such a way as to support the
realization of these ideas. In this case, what
needs attention is the curriculum,
educators, and learning strategies used by
educators. This does not mean that other
factors are less important, but that these
three things seem to occupy priority
(Muqowim, 2004: 8)
The formulation of an Islamic education
curriculum that breathes moderately in the
style of ASWAJA's understanding is an
urgent step that must be taken. This is
because, nowadays, the escalation of
religious-based violence is increasing. The
existence of an Islamic education
curriculum containing moderate values is
an important component because it
becomes a guide for educators in
delivering materials about Islamic
teachings that respect diversity and
difference. Starting from this perspective,
from a curriculum perspective, early on,
students must be taught and familiarized
Amin Ary Wibowo, Maragustam Siregar, Mufrod Teguh Mulyo
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not only with normative-doctrinal-
deductive subject matter that has nothing
to do with cultural contexts, but also
historical-empirical-inductive material
(Philip W. Jackson, ed., 1996: 248-267).
This indicates the need for a balance
between the material in the form of text
and context. Whereas the text contains
normative teachings which are still general
in nature, while the context is in the form of
empirical-factual reality which is particular.
Problems often arise precisely when the
text is faced with a heterogeneous
particular reality. Therefore, the subject
matter must contain the realities faced by
students in everyday life. In addition,
although the material provided contains
normative texts, it must also contain
concrete cases in society so that children
are aware that they live in real situations full
of differences. In order to build moderate-
inclusive diversity in schools, there are
several Islamic religious education
materials that can be developed through
the ASWAJA paradigm, including:
First, the material of the Qur'an, in
determining the verses of choice, in
addition to verses about faith, is also
necessary to add verses that can provide
the understanding and inculcate attitudes
when interacting with people of different
religions, so that as early as possible an
attitude is embedded. tolerant, inclusive of
students, namely 1) Materials related to the
acknowledgment of the Koran for plurality
and competing in goodness (Surah Al-
Baqarah [2]: 148). 2) Materials related to the
recognition of peaceful coexistence in
inter-religious relations (Q.S. Al-
Mumtahanah [60]: 8-9). 3) Materials related
to justice and equality (Q.S. An-Nisa' [4]:
135) (Andik Wahyun Muqoyyidin, Journal
of Islamic Education:: Volume II, Number 1,
June 2013/1434: 144).
Second, fiqh material can be expanded
with the study of siyasa fiqh (government).
From this siyasa fiqh, there are concepts of
nationality that have been exemplified at
the time of the Prophet, companions, or
later caliphs. However, the understanding
of siyasa fiqh does not mean that the
current system must be exactly the same as
the system in that era. The urgency of
studying siyasa fiqh is to study values or
moral ethics that can be applied in this
current era. Not trapped in a utopian dream
to re-establish the Khilafah Islamiyah which
is no longer relevant to the challenges of
today's era. Moral ethics that we can take
from past history, for example, how the
Prophet Muhammad managed and led the
people of Medina who were multiethnic,
multicultural, and multireligious. The
situation of the people of Medina at that
time was not much different from the
people of Indonesia, who were also
multiethnic, multicultural, and
multireligious. Materials regarding
government are also as much as possibly
linked with loving the homeland, which is
part of fighting for the religion of Islam
itself. So that between Indonesia as a
homeland and Islam as a way of life are no
longer contradicted. Maintaining the
integrity of the nation and state with all the
primordial differences in it is the joint task
of all the nation's children.
Third, moral material which focuses its
study on good and bad behavior towards
Allah, the Apostle, fellow human beings,
oneself, and the environment, is important
for laying the foundations of nationality.
1450 | The Pattern of Internalization of Aswaja An-Nahdliyah Character Values (Analysis Study
of Madrasah Aliyah with Islamic Education Background)
Because, the survival of a nation depends
on morals, if a nation underestimates
morals, the nation is extinct. The Qur'an has
been told about the destruction of the
people of Lut, due to the collapse of moral
foundations. Furthermore, in carrying out
da'wah, morals must also be put forward.
Amar ma'ruf must also be moral, nahi
Munkar must also be bil ma'ruf by
upholding noble character.
Fourth, the SKI material, which is based
on historical facts and realities, can be
exemplified by the social interaction
practices applied by the Prophet
Muhammad when building the Medina
community. From the historical site of the
Medina development process carried out
by the Prophet Muhammad, facts were
found regarding the recognition and
appreciation of the values of pluralism and
tolerance (Erlan Muliadi, June 2012: 65).
Clearly, the recognition and protection
of the "other" were also exemplified by the
Prophet Muhammad through the Medina
charter. Jews or Christians who are not
hostile to Muslims are protected. In the
context of Indonesia, every people has
equal rights and obligations. Therefore,
Pancasila as a sentence of sawa' or
(common platform) which unites ethnic,
racial, cultural, and religious diversity must
be used as a foundation in the practice of
daily life. Muslims in Indonesia must be
ready to coexist and maintain peace with
other Indonesians. Regardless of race,
ethnicity, or religion. Because all are equal
as Indonesian citizens, in caring for and
advancing Indonesia, it must be done
together and uphold the principle of
deliberation and consensus in overcoming
various problems of the nation.
Fifth is the cultivation of ASWAJA
character values. ASWAJA's character
values are tawassuṭ, tawāzun, ta'adul, and
tasāmuḥ attitudes. These main values are
then integrated with national character
education. The tools for inculcating
ASWAJA character values must also be
provided and planned carefully and on
target as needed. Meanwhile, according to
Ngainun Naim quoting Hamiddin, an
aspect that is no less important is the
optimization of the rules of al muḥāfaẓah
'alā 'l-qadīm al-ṣāliḥ wa'l-akhdhu bi'l-jadīd
al-aṣḥ. This means that the good old
values are used as guidelines or the basis
for implementing ASWAJA character values
in the present context. Exemplary,
continuity and the cultivation of character
values are always reconstructed to find
models for the cultivation of applicable,
humanist, and contextual ASWAJA
character values. Based on these rules,
Islam can more freely synergize with any
culture as long as it does not conflict with
Islamic teachings. Islam did not come to
reject and be an anti-cultural locality,
instead, Islam can color and reconstruct a
culture wisely and wisely without having to
be allergic to certain cultural localities.
Sixth, ASWAJA amaliyah habituation. This is
done in order to familiarize students with
worship as amaliah ASWAJA. Because
effective learning is learning that is not just
a theory but must come to the application
level. For example, at the scheduled time,
the students are guided by the teacher to
carry out various ASWAJA practices such as
istighāthah, dibā-an, commemorating
Islamic holidays, visiting graves, and also
tahlilan. All this worship is done
programmatically. All students are required
Amin Ary Wibowo, Maragustam Siregar, Mufrod Teguh Mulyo
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to participate in the habituation activity.
This habituation strategy theoretically has
significance in building the character of the
students. Habituation is a fairly effective
way to instill values and morality into
students' souls. The values embedded in
him will be manifested in his life from when
he was a teenager until he stepped into
adulthood (Hermino & Arifin, 2020); (Lian
et al., 2020); (Kamaruddin, 2012). Regular
habituation of worship is an important
strategy to continue to be developed. The
students will have good worship habits.
Their behavior will be in accordance with
the norms and moral values as in the
religious prison (Dermawan, 2018).
Learning the religion of Islam with a
method like this, namely through
habituation of worship, has a real impact.
They are not easily swayed by the
understanding and practice of other
groups when interacting with these groups,
including radical Islam. It is hoped that in
the future they will still have guidance in
determining their attitude.
After the curriculum aspect, the figure
of an educator who has the paradigm and
practice of Islam in the style of ASWAJA
also needs to be emphasized in the process
of learning Islam in schools. Because, no
matter how good the material that has
been programmed in the curriculum, if it is
not understood, delivered, and exemplified
by competent and responsible educators, it
will not be realized optimally. For this
reason, the preparation of educational
staff, in this case, Islamic religious
education teachers who have the paradigm
and practice of Islam in the style of
ASWAJA, must be carried out.
ASWAJA contains several substantial
values, namely tawassuṭ (moderate),
tawāzun (balanced), and tasāmuḥ
(tolerance). These values are important
capital to build a non-extreme
understanding of Islam. ASWAJA-style
Islamic education is very relevant and
compatible to be reconstructed and
socialized to students as capital for daily
religious life guidelines. This guideline will
be functional-applicative and provide a
wise-active response in dealing with the
increasingly complex realities of socio-
religious life. ASWAJA's internalization in
Islamic religious learning is structured and
designed to provide students with
understanding and exemplary behavior.
Apart from delivering conventional
materials, at school, various activities need
to be carried out to strengthen the
internalization of ASWAJA, such as
habituation of daily worship in accordance
with ASWAJA's teachings.
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