JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 9, 1517 1524
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.153 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Wahid Arbani
Khoiruddin Nasution
Dardiri Hasyim
Program Doktor Pascasarjana UNU Surakarta
e-mail: arbaniwahid@gmail.com
, knasut@gmail.com
, adardirihayim@gmail.com
*Correspondence: arbaniwah[email protected]
Submitted: 24 March 2022, Revised: 04 April 2022, Accepted: 16 April 2022
Abstract. This study aims to be able to understand and apply educational values in Muhammad
Sholeh Darat's view, so that ongoing education becomes more meaningful, not capital-oriented
and only material-oriented. The method used in this research is descriptive-explanative research,
where the author tries to describe first how the basic construction of Islamic education
epistemology, context and situation behind Muhammad Sholeh Darat. Based on the results of the
epistemology of Muhammad Sholeh's educational thought, it is carried out through three main
elements, namely: riyadhoh (spiritual practice), maqamat (stages of ascent of Sufism), and ahwal
(Sufism experience). Riyadhah is an exercise of the soul in truth and sincerity in the context of
istiqomah in worshiping Allah SWT. The mental development carried out in this guidance process
is as exemplified and carried out by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. There are three forms of
riyadhoh that can be done by a student to know Allah SWT through three activities, namely; seek
knowledge, be consistent with sunnah practices, and always keep time.
Keywords: Muhammad Sholeh darat; Islamic education; epistemology.
Wahid Arbani, Khoiruddin Nasution, Dardiri Hasyim
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DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.153 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
In philosophical discourse,
epistemology is known as part of a
philosophical system. In addition to
epistemology, philosophical systems also
include ontology and axiology (Drolet,
2014). Epistemology is a theory of
knowledge that discusses how to obtain
knowledge from the object being thought
of. While ontology is a theory of "being",
where the object of thought is what is
thought. While axiology is a theory of value
that discusses the benefits, functions, and
uses of the object being thought
(Shamshiri, 2016).
These three sub-systems of philosophy
are often mentioned sequentially, starting
from ontology, epistemology, and then
axiology. In simple terms, the sub-system
of philosophy can be explained with a
scheme that there is something that needs
to be thought about (ontology), then
explore how to think about it
(epistemology), then come up with ideas
that can provide benefits or uses (axiology)
(Al Syaifullah & Nasution, 2021); (Nst et al.,
2021). Epistemologically, the development
of Islamic education is absolutely
necessary. This development is both textual
and contextual. Whether it is realized or not
globally, Western education has influenced
Islamic education from various lines, from
the system to the theory and learning
technology (Subandi, 2012); (Nugroho &
Zafi, 2021).
At least we can see that the reality of
our education turns out to be not a few that
produce corrupt humans, love to fight, and
are addicted to wealth. So that Islamic
education can at least be a way out of the
education system that has been heavily
contaminated by the Western world. By
seeing the big role of Islamic education in
shaping the personality of students, in this
article the author wants to try to explore
the Islamic education system, especially in
the view of Muhammad Sholeh Darat
(Mansir & Karim, 2020); (Khaidir & Suud,
2020); (La Fua et al., 2018).
Muhammad Sholeh Darat is known as
an archipelago cleric who has succeeded in
producing students who have also become
famous scholars in the national and world
arenas. Its success in educating students
cannot be separated from the depth of
knowledge it has and also because of its
teaching methods that are easily accepted
by all circles. There are at least three
educational activities carried out by
Muhammad Sholeh as simultaneous
activities to participate in educating the
Muslim community in Indonesia (Rokib &
Sodiq, 2017); (Nisa, 2018). The three
educational activities are; The first is to
transfer knowledge through Islamic
boarding schools, the second is to carry out
da'wah and recitation activities, and thirdly,
through the preparation of intellectual
works in the form of compiling books. The
three educational activities carried out are
not independent of each other, but are
educational activities that complement
each other and are related to one another
(Wysocki et al., 2013); (Nabiev &
Diakonova, 2015).
The three educational activities are no
doubt factual proof that Muhammad
Sholeh was very concerned about the
importance of education. It is only through
the educational process that the transfer of
knowledge from one generation to the next
1519 | Epistemology of Islamic Education in the View of Muhammad Sholeh Darat
can be achieved as expected.
The hope is that by understanding and
implementing educational values in
Muhammad Sholeh Darat's view, the
education that has taken place will become
more meaningful, not capitalized and only
material-oriented, but far from being
oriented towards the afterlife. Departing
from the above review, it is hoped that
whatever knowledge is learned as long as it
does not conflict with Islamic teachings can
make its owner better and of course, it is
hoped that it can change the face of the
Indonesian nation into a developed
country free from corruption, there will be
no disputes because the citizens believe
that what is being done in this world will be
held accountable in the hereafter.
This research is included in the
category of descriptive-explanatory
research, namely the author tries to
describe first how the basic construction of
Islamic education epistemology, how the
context and situation that became
Muhammad Sholeh Darat's background.
Furthermore, the author will carry out
construction based on the thoughts of
these figures, especially in the field of
Islamic Religious Education.
The approach that the author uses in
this research is historical-critical-
philosophical, namely by tracing the
historical roots critically about the
epistemology idea of Muhammad Sholeh's
Islamic education, what is the background,
then looking for the fundamental structure
of the idea.
In this study, the author will use
documentary sources to reveal problems
by conducting research and tracing the
work of the manuscripts that have been
compiled by Muhammad Sholeh as well as
various writings about Muhammad Sholeh
that have been written by other
researchers. Thus there will be two points
of view to be studied, namely the individual
point of view and the point of view of
educational thought.
The focus of the study in this article is
an epistemological study of Muhammad
Sholeh's Islamic educational thought,
which will discuss; the substance of the
structure of education for humans, sources
of Islamic education, and methods of
Islamic education according to Muhammad
1. Human Substance in the View of
Muhammad Sholeh Darat
According to Muhammad Sholeh,
in the book Syarah al-Hikam, states that
the process of human creation comes
from nuthfah which is stored firmly in
the womb, then becomes 'alaqah, after
that it becomes mudghah and is
wrapped with bones, then the spirit is
breathed in. Muhammad Sholeh says
don't you think until then Allah wills to
reveal you by His own will, not by your
request. Allah revealed you by His own
will through the ribs of your parents,
then Allah transferred in your mother's
womb, starting from a clot of blood for
40 days, then becoming a clot of blood
for 40 days, then Allah formed you into
male or female for 40 days, and gave
him a spirit so that it became a fetus
Wahid Arbani, Khoiruddin Nasution, Dardiri Hasyim
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that needed to eat and drink. Then
Allah made menstrual blood food and
drink for the fetus, then Allah decreed
death, sustenance, trials, and blessings
for him as well as luck and calamity or
failure. Then Allah took you out of your
mother's stomach, you also wanted to
eat and drink, at that time you were
weak and powerless to chew (Toda et
al., 2011).
According to Muhammad Sholeh,
humans consist of two components,
namely material components and
immaterial components. The material
component in humans is jism or bodies
in the form of physical. Meanwhile, the
immaterial component consists of the
heart (qolbu), spirit (ruh), the power of
desire or soul (nafs), and reason (aql).
As a unit, the unity is not only between
the material and immaterial
components but all the elements in the
immaterial components support each
other and are related to one another.
However, each dimension has different
characteristics and functions (Rodav et
al., 2014).
2. Islamic Education Resources
In the view of Islam, at least science
refers to and consists of three main
aspects, namely; metaphysics,
humanities, and materials. Metaphysics
is something that comes from
revelation, reveals the great reality so
that in the end it will understand its
God. While the humanities and the
studies that surround it are all things
that include discussions about human
life, its relationship to the dimensions of
space and time, psychology, sociology,
economics, and so on. Meanwhile, the
material is all things that include the
study of the universe that is deliberately
intended for humans.
Starting from the existence of three aspects
as the scope of this knowledge, the
sources of knowledge in Islam come
from five main sources, namely; senses,
reason, intuition, inspiration, and
revelation (Arfa et al., 2015). The
knowledge that comes from the senses
as an experience will produce the truth
of empiricism and knowledge that
comes from reason or reason produces
the truth of rationalism. Meanwhile,
basically, the source of knowledge that
comes from revelation, inspiration, and
intuition is the same, because this type
of truth is absolute and all three are
given through spiritual power.
3. Islamic Education Method
If in the study of Western
epistemology there are three schools of
thought, namely rationalism,
empiricism, and institutionalism, in
Islamic studies there are three models
of thinking. The three models of
thinking in Islamic epistemology are;
Bayani, Burhani, and irfani (Mukti,
2017). In the context of Muhammad
Sholeh's thought, because his Islamic
educational thought is a Sufistic moral
education thought, epistemologically,
the method used to obtain sources of
knowledge uses the irfani method. As
explained earlier, in the irfani method,
there are three elements known as the
body of methods and we will explain
the following stages:
a. Riyadhoh or Spiritual Exercise
Riyadhah is an exercise of the
soul in truth and sincerity in the
1521 | Epistemology of Islamic Education in the View of Muhammad Sholeh Darat
context of istiqomah in worshiping
Allah SWT. To be able to achieve the
goals of Islamic education set by
Muhammad Sholeh, namely the
existence of ma'rifatullah, a student
must first undergo a process or
period of mental training. The
mental training carried out in this
guidance process is as exemplified
and carried out by the Prophet
Muhammad SAW. Examples are
carrying out sunnah prayers,
reading the Qur'an, studying, dhikr,
praying, and so on. In this process,
there are three things as a form of
riyadhah that must be done by
students to be able to know Allah
SWT, namely seeking knowledge,
being consistent with sunnah
practices, and maintaining time.
b. Following Tariqot Through Sufistic
Ascents (maqomat)
To be able to realize the goals of
Islamic education, namely to be
able to ma'rifatullah or get to know
Allah SWT more and get happiness
in the world and the hereafter,
Muhammad Sholeh established the
tariqat process with climbing stages
as a Sufistic phase that must be
passed by students. The stages of
climbing or maqamat that must be
passed are repentance, Qana'ah,
Zuhud, Tawakkal, Ikhlas and Uzlah
(bin Mohd Balwi & Sudardi, 2017).
c. Ahwal or Sufistic Experience
In the process of leading to
ma'rifatullah, a student will
experience an inner situation
known as ahwal. Ahwal is a
psychological condition as a
psychological effect experienced by
students to achieve educational
goals when they reach a certain
level of maqamat (Muslich Shabir,
2017). The appreciation of this
Sufistic experience is given by Allah
SWT to people who are trying
earnestly to reach a certain state.
Muhammad Sholeh did not discuss
specifically about this issue, it's just
that there was one term he put
forward, namely the existence of a
waliyullah. According to
Muhammad Sholeh, waliyullah is
someone who because of his
obedience and efforts to stay away
from all immoral acts so that he
becomes ma'rifatullah (Muhammad
Salih ibn Umar al-Samarani, 2017:
Named as waliyullah, because
he has left all the things he faces
only to Allah SWT. So it can be
stated that one of the privileges
given by Allah SWT to people who
have ma'rifatullah is to become a
Epistemologically, Muhammad
Sholeh's Islamic educational thought
basically aims to shape the character of
students to have akhlaq al-karimah by
using a Sufistic approach. This is based on
an understanding of the various basic
potentials possessed by each individual
student. In Muhammad Sholeh's view,
every human being consists of two main
elements, namely material elements or jism
and immaterial elements or non-jism
Wahid Arbani, Khoiruddin Nasution, Dardiri Hasyim
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elements. The immaterial elements consist
of aql, spirit, nafs, and qalb. It is through the
process of Islamic education that all the
potential that exists in every human being
is then directed and developed to have a
noble character so that they will get
happiness in life in this world and in the
Muhammad Sholeh's source of Islamic
education thought the basis of Islamic
education according to Muhammad Sholeh
is rooted in the Qur'an and al-Hadith, so
that all educational practices that are
carried out are based on these two main
sources in Islam. Muhammad Sholeh then
divides knowledge into two parts, namely
the science of al-Mu'amalah and the
science of al-Mukasyafah. The knowledge
of al-Mu'amalah is knowledge that can
make the heart clean, not love the world,
keep away from bad deeds and follow lust.
The knowledge of al-Mu'amalah is then
divided into two types, namely the science
of al-Shari'ah (sciences that come from
Allah and are in the Qur'an and al-Hadith)
and the science of Ghairu al-Shari'ah
(sciences that come from God and are in
the Qur'an and al-Hadith) sciences derived
from reasoning and human experience
whose function is to support the science of
While the science of al-Mukasyafah or
Ladunni science, is knowledge that comes
directly from Allah SWT without going
through human efforts. The process of
being able to activate the spiritual potential
in the human heart so that it will be able to
capture and have an understanding of the
science of al-Mukhasyafah can only be
done when someone has studied the
science of al-Mu'amalah. Because in the
science of al-Mu'amalah there are various
kinds of knowledge that teach humans to
always have al-karimah or maheasy morals
and leave the madzmumah morals in life.
The method used to know the
epistemology of Muhammad Sholeh's
educational thought is carried out through
three main elements, namely: riyadhoh
(spiritual practice), maqamat (stages of
Sufistic ascent), and ahwal (sufism
experience). Riyadhah is an exercise of the
soul in truth and sincerity in the context of
istiqomah in worshiping Allah SWT. The
mental training carried out in this guidance
process is as exemplified and carried out by
the Prophet Muhammad SAW. There are
three forms of riyadhoh that can be done
by a student to get to know Allah SWT
through three activities, namely; seek
knowledge, be consistent with the practice
of the sunnah, and always maintain time.
The implementation of riyadhoh which
is carried out continuously and is carried
out without getting bored will give birth to
good habits in daily life. As a result of the
implementation of riyadhoh carried out, it
will enter the next stages known as
maqamat. The maqamat that must be
passed are; repentance, qanaah, zuhud,
tawakkal, sincere, and uzlah.
After going through various maqamat
steps, a student in the next stage will
experience a mental state called ahwal.
Ahwal is a psychological condition as a
psychological effect experienced by
students to achieve educational goals when
they reach a certain level of maqamat.
Ahwal is a psychological condition as a
psychological effect experienced by
students to achieve educational goals when
they reach a certain level of maqamat. In
1523 | Epistemology of Islamic Education in the View of Muhammad Sholeh Darat
this initial position a student can reach the
level of waliyullah. In the view of
Muhammad Sholeh, waliyullah will be
achieved by someone when a student has
submitted all things only to Allah SWT.
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