Wahid Arbani, Khoiruddin Nasution, Dardiri Hasyim
| 1520
that needed to eat and drink. Then
Allah made menstrual blood food and
drink for the fetus, then Allah decreed
death, sustenance, trials, and blessings
for him as well as luck and calamity or
failure. Then Allah took you out of your
mother's stomach, you also wanted to
eat and drink, at that time you were
weak and powerless to chew (Toda et
al., 2011).
According to Muhammad Sholeh,
humans consist of two components,
namely material components and
immaterial components. The material
component in humans is jism or bodies
in the form of physical. Meanwhile, the
immaterial component consists of the
heart (qolbu), spirit (ruh), the power of
desire or soul (nafs), and reason (aql).
As a unit, the unity is not only between
the material and immaterial
components but all the elements in the
immaterial components support each
other and are related to one another.
However, each dimension has different
characteristics and functions (Rodav et
al., 2014).
2. Islamic Education Resources
In the view of Islam, at least science
refers to and consists of three main
aspects, namely; metaphysics,
humanities, and materials. Metaphysics
is something that comes from
revelation, reveals the great reality so
that in the end it will understand its
God. While the humanities and the
studies that surround it are all things
that include discussions about human
life, its relationship to the dimensions of
space and time, psychology, sociology,
economics, and so on. Meanwhile, the
material is all things that include the
study of the universe that is deliberately
intended for humans.
Starting from the existence of three aspects
as the scope of this knowledge, the
sources of knowledge in Islam come
from five main sources, namely; senses,
reason, intuition, inspiration, and
revelation (Arfa et al., 2015). The
knowledge that comes from the senses
as an experience will produce the truth
of empiricism and knowledge that
comes from reason or reason produces
the truth of rationalism. Meanwhile,
basically, the source of knowledge that
comes from revelation, inspiration, and
intuition is the same, because this type
of truth is absolute and all three are
given through spiritual power.
3. Islamic Education Method
If in the study of Western
epistemology there are three schools of
thought, namely rationalism,
empiricism, and institutionalism, in
Islamic studies there are three models
of thinking. The three models of
thinking in Islamic epistemology are;
Bayani, Burhani, and irfani (Mukti,
2017). In the context of Muhammad
Sholeh's thought, because his Islamic
educational thought is a Sufistic moral
education thought, epistemologically,
the method used to obtain sources of
knowledge uses the irfani method. As
explained earlier, in the irfani method,
there are three elements known as the
body of methods and we will explain
the following stages:
a. Riyadhoh or Spiritual Exercise
Riyadhah is an exercise of the
soul in truth and sincerity in the