JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 9, 1473 1482
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.151 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Nur Zaidi Salim
Maragustam Siregar
Mufrod Teguh Mulyo
Program Doktor Pascasarjana UNU Surakarta
e-mail: nurzaidi711[email protected]
, maragustam@uin-suka.ac.id
, mufrodteguh1983@gmail.com
*Correspondence: nurzaidi711[email protected]
Submitted: 28 March 2022, Revised: 05 April 2022, Accepted: 16 April 2022
Abstract. Character education is an urgent education because considering the moral crisis that
occurs on all fronts in the era of globalization, in addition, the impact caused by this era of
globalization and information has positive and negative impacts, such as in Indonesia, which is
currently experiencing a crisis and lacks figures who can be used as an example, because many
public figures are now committing crimes such as corruption, collusion, prostitution, and so on. Ibn
Miskawaih is one of the prominent Islamic philosophers who touched the concept of character
education which is famous in his book Tahzib al-akhlak wa tathir al-a'raf. This study aims to describe
and analyze: (1) the concept of Ibn Miskawaih's character education (2) the reconstruction of
character education in the global era (Ibn Miskawaih's concept analysis). This research is library
research that refers to primary literature including the book of Tahdzibul Akhlaq (Ibnu Miskawaih),
secondary library books, relevant books, journals, and documents. This study uses a qualitative
approach in addition, objective and pragmatic, with the method of content analysis. Drawing
conclusions using the deductive method. The results showed that: The concept of Ibn Miskawaih's
character is, namely The Golden (The Doctrine of The Mean). He stated that human character is
built on four foundations, namely self-restraint, courage, wisdom, and justice. Viewing education
as a means of inculcating noble character, humanizing humans, socializing individuals, and
inculcating shame, must be reconstructed in the current global era so that it can be used as human
nature or the result of exercises in order to make a good character.
Keywords: character education; global era; Ibn Miskawaih's concept.
Nur Zaidi Salim, Maragustam Siregar, Mufrod Teguh Mulyo
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DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.151 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
The discussion about character
education is not something new because
the perception of character education is the
same as moral education, the terms
character and morals are familiar to us in
the world of Islamic education. Character
leads to morals which means the attitude of
spontaneity possessed by humans and is
also related to actions that are inherent in
humans with one another without thinking
about it when they want to behave
(Cahyono, 2016); (Alfulana et al., 2021).
Character is a trait that has been fused in
one's thoughts and feelings that
differentiates one human from another.
Character education can be an effort to
instill basic values in individuals by way of
education, based on experience,
habituation, regulations, supportive
environment, and sacrifices to adapt to the
values in individuals as a foundation in
behaving, thinking, and behaving well in
life conscious and free state (Pala, 2011);
(Berkowitz et al., 2017).
The era of globalization is an era that
must be passed and felt by all groups and
ages, including children to teenagers,
which has positive and negative impacts, if
this negative impact cannot be balanced
with a strong filter, it can result in a moral
crisis that occurs at all levels ranging from
children, students, to state officials. Among
students, for example, the increase in crime
rates, ranging from drug cases, murder,
pregnancy out of wedlock, liquor, student
Responding to the problems
mentioned above, it is very urgent to do
character education reconstruction efforts
in this global era, each must have a role not
only in the school environment but the role
of families and communities must be
optimized in order to support the creation
of character education habituation
programs in the community. education
World. Based on the problems above, the
researchers are interested in further
analyzing the phenomena that occur in the
global era and their solutions, how is the
concept of child character education
according to Ibnu Miskawaih?, how is the
reconstruction of children's character
education in the global era (Ibn
Miskawaih's concept analysis)?
This research is library research or
literature with data sources based on
literature studies (study literature). There
are two sources that will be used as
material for analysis, namely primary
sources and secondary sources. The
primary source that will be used in this
research is the book of tahdzib al akhlaq
written by Ibn Miskawaih. while secondary
sources are books, books, journals, news
sources related to the problems to be
discussed. The method used is content
analysis, namely analyzing the data
obtained as a result of research. This
method is used to analyze in-depth related
to the reconstruction of character
education in the global era (Ibn
Miskawaih's concept analysis).
Ibn Misakwaih whose full name is Abu
Ali Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Ya'kub bin
1475 | Reconstruction of Character Education in the Global Era (Ibnu Miskawaih Concept
Analysis Study)
Miskawaih was born in 330-421 H / 941-16
February 1030 AD, came from Ray who
lived in Isfahan and died in 421 H / 1030 AD
in Isfahan and has expertise in many fields
including Chemistry, philosophy, and logic
for a long time, besides being known as Al-
Khaniz (librarian) because he is believed to
hold the books of Ibn al-Amid and Adhud
Al-Daulah bin Suwaihi. He is also an expert
in history and philosophy, during his
scientific development, he is also known as
a moralist, poet and has a lot of knowledge
in the field of chemistry. Ibn Miskawaih is
better known as a philosopher of morality.
The works of Ibn Miskawaih only a small
part that still exists:
1. Al-Fauz al-Akbar (great victory)
2. Al Fauz al-Asghar (little victory)
3. Tajarib al Umam (the experience of the
4. Uns al-Faraid (unmatched victory)
5. Tartib as-sa'adah (about morals and
6. Al-Mustafa (chosen, selected poems)
7. Jawidan Khirad (collection of wise
8. Al-Jami' (about the congregation)
9. As-Siyar (about the rules of life)
10. Kitab al-Asyribah (about drinks)
11. Tahdzib al-Akhlaq (moral development)
Ibn Miskawaih's Character Education
Ibn Miskawaih states that the state of a
human soul in which the soul acts without
any deep consideration is called character
(khuluq) Ibn Miskawaih, 1398 H: 56). The
formation of children's character, according
to Ibn Miskawaih, is carried out through
four stages, including: first, naturally, every
human child has a naturally good character,
even though the number is small, and never
changes to a bad character, on the other
hand, humans naturally have bad
characters and do not. change into a good
character (Hrp et al., 2019); (Harahap, 2017).
The influence of the environment will color
a person's character, every child will
experience changes in good character if it
is supported by a good family and
environment, otherwise, if the environment
is bad, it will also affect bad character
(Muhtar et al., 2021); (Wahyudi, 2021).
Children's character education
according to Miskawaih that changes in
behavior and character can be formed in a
natural way, then as an educator of course
you can make changes and be educated
according to the stages by observing the
existence of potential that exists in children
and undergoing the development process
from within humans naturally (Busroli,
Second, the formation of habits, state
of attitudes, and behavior becomes
something that is considered and thought
about and is carried out continuously
based on practice so that it forms character
(Hernández & Mateo, 2012). Internalization
of early childhood character education
values through habituation and example.
Character education for early childhood is
intended to instill good values as the basis
for further personal development.
Character education for early childhood is
to shape the minds and character of the
nation in the future. The low awareness and
competence of early childhood educators
towards character education is a problem
that must be resolved in relation to shaping
Nur Zaidi Salim, Maragustam Siregar, Mufrod Teguh Mulyo
| 1476
the character of children in the future.
The habituation method is a way of
getting children to think, act and act. This
method is very useful for developing and
shaping the character of children by
increasing the habit of doing an activity.
The essence of habituation is actually the
essence of experience. Getting used to it is
an effort to carry out activities with practice
(Chard et al., 2014). The habituation
method is very effective in developing
attitudes because it teaches children good
habits. Habits are inculcating the skills of
doing and saying something so that
children like the correct form. Addiction has
a much deeper effect than growing a way
of acting and speaking.
Humans have absolute power to
determine and change their psychological
character from bad to good. Humans are
creatures with various potentials and have
privileges because on the one hand
basically, humans have the power of
reason, Ibn Miskawaih said that the
superiority of the human soul over animal
souls, with the power of thought which is
the origin of every behavior it displays,
which always leads to goodness.
Third, is the training approach, which is
a process of certain activities carried out in
a systematic and continuous form to
achieve certain goals. In Ibn Miskawaih's
view, guidance and training become an
important method to direct children to be
able to take a direction that is in
accordance with educational orientation.
For example, if this guidance method is
denied, then of course the process of
character building from outside humans
will not be successful.
Ibn Miskawaih gives a statement about
the character (character) of humans.
Humans have two kinds of character, first,
is tabi'i (natural), and second, a character
that is obtained through habit and practice.
Classical scholars differ on this point. Some
say that character is natural and
unchangeable, while others say that
nothing in character is natural, everything is
According to Aristotle, bad people or
people who have bad character can change
with education, but not absolutely.
Continuous teaching and education as well
as the good guidance that humans strive
for will certainly have different effects on
various people. There are those who
receive education quickly, while others
receive it slowly towards virtue.
The concept of training provides a
good theoretical foundation and guidelines
relating to the objectives, content,
methods, and general framework of an
exercise, so habit can be said to be the
result of practice, therefore, practice and
habit are closely related. An exercise is an
approach in shaping character, for example
in the form of sports and art, exercise is an
important activity that must be done
Fourth, light punishments and
beatings, Ibn Miskawaih said that in the
process of guiding children to form
character by means of light punishments
and beatings, it is the last way, if other
methods do not give a better effect. This
method gives the effect of a deterrent
element to do bad things a second time in
order to become a human being who has
good character. In addition, said Ibn
Miskawaih, through character education,
can change from bad morals to
1477 | Reconstruction of Character Education in the Global Era (Ibnu Miskawaih Concept
Analysis Study)
commendable morals with a process of
repeated practice. The view above is in
accordance with Islamic teachings that
religious law aims to build better human
Ibn Miskawaih indicates that there is a
lot that can be done in educating, as noted
above, and carried out in a very strict
manner according to the required
demands. That is, if students do not
implement the values that have been
taught, they are given various sanctions so
that they return to the existing value order.
However, the imposition of sanctions must
be gradual in its implementation, namely
threats, rebukes, then blows (physical in
nature), and punishments both physical
and spiritual (Mahmud, 2011).
Fifth, flattery and praise as a method of
character education. Ibn Miskawaih
asserted, if a student implements the
Shari'a and behaves well, he needs to be
praised. Furthermore, if he is found to have
committed an act that violates the Shari'a
and noble character, the students should
not be immediately reviled, especially in
front of many people.
Character Education Component
Discussion about character education
according to Ibn Miskawaih there are five
components; First, the foundation of
character education, which is used as the
basis for Ibn Miskawaih's character
education is the Qur'an and hadith
complemented by several thoughts of
Greek, Persian, Indian, Arabic writers, and
other Muslim philosophers (Efendi, 2020).
Second, the purpose of character
education is the realization of an inner
attitude that is able to spontaneously
encourage all actions of good value. So that
it reaches perfection and obtains perfect
happiness (al-sa'adat). In addition to this
description that the purpose of character
education is the creation of humans who
behave in a divine manner, this kind of
behavior arises from the divine mind that
exists in humans spontaneously. In essence,
it can be understood as a way to motivate
oneself and others to imitate the morals of
the Prophet.
Third, Character Education Materials,
there are three main things as character
education materials: things related to
human needs, things that are mandatory
for the soul, things related to fellow
humans. Mandatory character education
materials for the needs of the soul include
prayer, fasting, and sa'i. According to
Miskawaih, the obligation to pray, fast, and
perform Hajj is not understood as a
religious doctrine, because humans have
elements of the body that must receive
education, so one is obliged to pray, fast,
and perform Hajj.
Mandatory character education
material for the soul's needs regarding the
true faith, motivation to learn about
science, as for the material for human
needs for others, for example, muamalat
science, agriculture, marriage, mutual
advice, war, and others.
Fourth, educators and students,
according to Miskawaih parents are the
main educators for their children by
teaching the Shari'a by obeying what is
taught with the aim of obtaining the virtues
of the Shari'a. According to Miskawaih, the
relationship between parents and children
Nur Zaidi Salim, Maragustam Siregar, Mufrod Teguh Mulyo
| 1478
is categorized as love (al mahabbah),
compared to love for parents, Miskawaih
recommends that children/students love
their educators or teachers more. The
position of the student's love for his
teacher is between his servant's love for his
Lord and the love of his parents. The reason
put forward is because the teacher plays a
bigger role in educating the psyche of
children or students in order to achieve true
The teacher functions as a glorified
person (Rabb basyari), and the good given
is divine goodness; for it brings students to
wisdom, fills it with high wisdom, and
shows them eternal life and eternal
enjoyment. So the love of students for
ordinary still occupies a higher position
than the love of children for their parents,
but it does not reach the love of students
for their ideal teacher. The best is the
middle ground of the position of an
ordinary teacher, it can be placed between
the ideal teacher and parents. Miskawaih
does not mean that children are
demeaning the function and role of
parents, but it has become sunnatullah that
the advice of teachers is obeyed by children
more than the advice of their own parents.
Fifth, Educational Environment, as
social beings while in nature, humans need
good conditions outside themselves. The
environment is the most important factor in
the educational process because human
nature is created to relate to others. In this
issue, Ibn Miskawaih did not go into too
much detail, he only explained globally
which included three things, namely the
family environment, school, and society.
Ibn Miskawaih argues that the three
environments should be pursued as
conducive as possible in order to create a
good environment. Regarding the
responsibility for the educational
environment, Ibn Miskawih argues that
leaders must strive for an existing
Reconstruction of Character Education
in the Global Era (Ibn Miskawaih's
Concept Analysis)
Character education is a very brilliant
problem-solving in dealing with the
problem of students' moral degradation.
Character education is not just giving an
explanation to participants about good and
bad behavior, but more towards
implementing the basic values of character
in everyday life by habituation so that it
becomes self-characteristic.
There are three streams that have been
very popular in explaining the factors that
influence the formation of character. First,
the flow of Nativism, second, the flow of
Empiricism, and the third flow of
Convergence (Abidin, 2019).
First, the flow of nativism that the most
influential factor in the formation of a
person's self is an innate factor that can
take the form of tendencies, talents, reason,
and others. If someone already has a
disposition or inclination towards the good,
then that person automatically becomes
good. This school seems so sure of the
potential that exists in humans, and this
seems to be closely related to the opinion
of the flow of intuition in terms of
determining good and bad as described
above. This flow seems to lack respect or
take into account the role of coaching and
The second stream of empiricism is that
1479 | Reconstruction of Character Education in the Global Era (Ibnu Miskawaih Concept
Analysis Study)
the most influential factor in the formation
of a person's self is an external factor,
namely the social environment, including
the guidance and education provided. If
the education and guidance given to the
child are good, then the child is good. And
so if it's the other way around. This school
seems to believe more in the role played by
the world of education and teaching.
Third, the convergence flow argues that
character formation is influenced by
internal factors, namely the nature of the
child, and external factors, namely
education and coaching that are made
specifically, or through interactions in the
social environment. Fitrah and inclination
towards good are within.
There are three things that can be done
in reconstructing character education in the
global era with Ibn Miskawaih's concept,
namely: first, educators must first make
personal introductions with students, in
other words, recognize differences in the
characteristics and maturity of students, so
that good communication is established
between educators. and students. Second,
all parties involved in educational
institutions must present themselves as
role models for students. Third,
implementing character education based
on and guided by the Qur'an and hadith
with four stages, namely learning
experience, reflection, action, and
To reconstruct character education in
the global era, Ibn Miskawaih's concept,
which is based on the theory of the virtue
of his character in the "middle" (al-Wasath),
will first mention the notion of the theory,
generally providing an understanding for
the middle or middle way, among others,
with balance. , moderate, harmony, major,
or middle position between two extremes.
That is between the extreme advantages
and extreme shortcomings of each human
The main virtues of character according
to Ibn Miskawaih are wisdom, courage,
maintaining self-purity, justice. These four
virtues can be reconstructed in the face of
this global era. To obtain the virtue of the
soul in forming character, it is necessary to
practice from an early age, namely the soul
of al jahiliyyah and the soul of al
ghadabiyyat is to eat and drink that can
nourish the body, not for enjoyment, not
too full and not too hungry with a little
hunger, it is better to train the soul in other
words riyadhah.
Another way to build character in this
global era is in terms of eating and
drinking, keeping children and young
people away from drinking areas for
drunkards. Besides, it is also necessary to
pay attention to how to dress.
The doctrine of the middle way can also
be understood as a doctrine that contains
meaning and nuances of dynamics. The
dynamics lie at least in the tug-of-war
between needs, opportunities, capabilities,
and effectiveness. As social beings, humans
are always in motion (dynamic) following
the movement of the times, not only having
dynamic nuances but also being flexible,
therefore, the doctrine can continue to
apply (relevant) to the challenges of its era
in this era of globalization, without losing
its values. the essential value of the
principal virtues of character, by using the
doctrine of the middle way, humans will not
Nur Zaidi Salim, Maragustam Siregar, Mufrod Teguh Mulyo
| 1480
lose their way under any circumstances.
The main points of character virtue
according to Ibn Miskawaih; first, are the
wisdom of the virtue of a rational soul who
knows all forms of existence, both divine
and human. This knowledge produces a
rational attitude that is able to distinguish
between behaviors that must be carried out
and behaviors that must be abandoned.
Wisdom (al wisdom) is a state of the soul
that allows one to distinguish right from
wrong in all circumstances voluntarily
without any pressure or coercion from
other parties, one must have the right
qualities in this era of globalization without
compromising a superior character.
namely: love of science, easy to learn,
faithful to memory, and easy and correct in
reproducing what has been remembered,
either in the form of words or inactions. In
simple terms, this wisdom can be applied in
this era of globalization with the ability and
willingness to use their thoughts correctly
to obtain rational knowledge, being able to
make decisions that good behavior needs
to be implemented and bad behavior must
be abandoned.
Based on the results of research and
discussion on the reconstruction of
character education in the global era (study
of Ibn Miskawaih), several conclusions can
be drawn in response to the formulation of
the research, namely:
Character education according to Ibn
Miskawaih is based on his concept of
humans. The task of character education is
to strengthen the positive power possessed
by humans who are balanced/harmonious
(al-is) so that their actions reach the level of
divine action (af'al divineyya-yat). Such
actions are purely good and born
spontaneously, the concept of which has a
lot to do with education. Ibn Miskawaih is
known for his concept of the middle way or
the golden mean. There are four characters,
which become the foundation for the
development of noble human characters,
namely self-restraint, courage, wisdom, and
justice. These four characters are the basics
of human morality. These values should be
developed in character education in the
global era.
The approach used by Ibn Miskawaih to
achieve a balanced/harmonious human is:
first, the power of lust (al-bahimmiyyat/al-
syahwiyyat) is directed to reach the level
and be able to maintain self-purity, namely
not to sink in (desire) pleasures beyond
limits. Second, courage (al-nafs al-
ghadabiyya) is directed to reach the level of
courage (al-syaja'at) not being afraid of
something that does not need to be feared
and daring to something that should not be
needed. Third, the power of thinking (al-
nafs al-nathiqat) to reach the level of
wisdom (al wisdom) has the rational and
scientific ability to use straight reasoning
power, not vice versa in bad things. Fourth,
the values of character education according
to Ibn Miskawaih put the position of Shari'a
and philosophy in their place, religion
departs and originates from faith, while
philosophy comes from reason. The main
interest of religion is for human education
in early childhood or childhood, while
philosophy is suitable for adults or the
elderly so that in the conditions of the
global era, every child must be equipped
with good faith that is not affected and
1481 | Reconstruction of Character Education in the Global Era (Ibnu Miskawaih Concept
Analysis Study)
changes in character when he grows up.
The purpose of Ibn Miskawaih's character
education is noble behavior whose end is
to achieve spiritual enjoyment or
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