JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 9, 1483 1500
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.150 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Ki Supriyoko
A. Mufrod Teguh Mulyo
Program Doktor Pascasarjana UNU Surakarta
e-mail: ngatimaniman659[email protected]om
, kisupriyoko@yahoo.co.id
*Correspondence: ngatimaniman6590@gmail.com
Submitted: 26 March 2022, Revised: 05 April 2022, Accepted: 16 April 2022
Abstract. This study aims to describe: (1) the implementation of TQM in SMK Karya Nugraha
Boyolali Regency; (3) supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of TQM at SMK Karya
Nugraha Boyolali Regency. This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach. Data
collection techniques used are interviews, observations, questionnaires and document studies.
Furthermore, the collected data were analyzed using interactive model qualitative data analysis
techniques. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Implementation of Total Quality Management
(TQM) at SMK Karya Nugraha Boyolali Regency is indicated by the strategic plan, quality policy,
upside-down organization, participatory and entrepreneurial leadership models, systems and
procedures QMS ISO 9001:2015, conducting a self-assessment that has been running in
accordance with quality guidelines and applicable legislation, supported by team work that has
entered the hard work stage, in the last 3 years SMK Karya Nugraha Boyolali Regency has finally
succeeded in realizing customer satisfaction, respect towards everyone, management based on
facts and making continuous improvement.
Keywords: implementation; total quality management.
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DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.160 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
There are various forms of strategies
for improving the quality of education
including: School-Based Management
System (SBM), ISO 9001 (version 2008 and
2015) which prioritizes business process
patterns that occur in corporate
organizations so that almost all types of
businesses can implement this
management system, BS5750 quality
standards in the UK, MBPE Quality
Management System (Malcolm Baldrige
Performance Excellence) which is a
comprehensive management guide and
performance measurement in improving
organizational performance which consists
of 7 (seven) criteria and quite a lot of
conformity with BAN-PT accreditation
standards, this quality standard often used
by Universities, Management System with
Balanced Scorecard (BSC) model
(contemporary management tool used to
improve organizational ability to multiply
financial performance). Basically all types of
quality improvement strategies are
packaged in order to meet customer needs.
The answer to this problem is none other
than preparing quality human resources
(HR) who are capable and ready to
compete at national and global levels
through education (Hadis & Nurhayati,
Education in fact, has not been able to
produce quality human resources, which
are able to answer all the challenges in the
era of globalization, perhaps it has not
been fully realized. Even the world of
education in Indonesia today is still largely
emphasized on the aspect of equity, which
in Coleman's conception is categorized at
the level of passive equality of opportunity
to enter school or study, and has not yet
reached the level of active equality of
opportunity to obtain education or the
highest results through school (Fatkuroji,
2017). It is not an exaggeration to say that
the Indonesian nation is not yet ready to
face the competition in the third
millennium era. One of the reasons for this
unpreparedness is the phenomenon and
the reality of the low quality of human
resources produced by the world of
education (Wahyudi & Lutfi, 2019);
(Hartono, 2016). In order to get out of the
above conditions, in today's competitive
era, education in Indonesia should not only
include equality of access, but also need to
be developed to the level of equality of
survival, equality of output, and equality of
Educational institutions as a system,
sub-systems that have not been handled
much are the sub-systems that are faced
and management or management (Saudah,
2015); (Manso et al., 2010). In fact, it is said
that the crisis of educators, which is felt
today, revolves around the crisis of
management. As the culmination of the
crisis, the quality of education is still low,
and in terms of resource management it is
still not efficient.
Educational Institutions management
factors will greatly determine the
productivity and effectiveness of
educational institutions (Aydin, 2017);
(Aldieri et al., 2018). Education as a system
will not be able to produce quality outputs
and outcomes, moreover the educational
process is not managed properly, therefore,
this means that education must also be
managed professionally, in order to be able
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to compete and be able to answer all global
challenges. After this awareness emerged
various reform movements such as the
effective school movement which seeks
and promotes the characteristics of
effective schools. There is an independent
school movement, which emphasizes the
autonomy of the use of school funding
sources. Some focus on decentralizing
authority from the central education office
to school-centred activities such as school-
based curriculum development, school-
based student guidance, and so on. The
reform movement that used these different
approaches then gave birth to SBM models.
School-based management (SBM) is an
important education management model.
School-based management provides
greater autonomy, flexibility/flexibility to
schools, and encourages community
participation in order to be able to increase
their role in improving school quality.
School-based management (SBM) adheres
to the principles of independence,
cooperation, participation, openness, and
accountability. Giving greater autonomy to
schools is expected to increase creativity,
initiative, and innovation in improving
school performance. Some of the
shortcomings/obstacles that may be faced
by interested parties in implementing SBM
are as follows: Not Interested in Getting
Involved. Inefficient, Group Minded,
Requires Training, Confusion over New
Roles and Responsibilities, Coordination
Difficulties, and Advantages of SBM (School
Based Management) in schools. The
emergence of these weaknesses then
innovates that in terms of productivity and
effectiveness, educational institutions must
always carry out improvements by always
paying attention to internal (inside) and
external (outside) factors. One of the
outside factors that need to be considered
is quality approaches from industry and
business, including Total Quality
Management (TQM).
Total Quality Management (TQM) is
one of the many strategies in quality
management that is oriented towards
stakeholders. Quality management or
quality management in TQM is carried out
in a systematic, gradual, comprehensive
and sustainable manner. All these stages
are carried out with the aim of achieving
customer satisfaction with high quality.
TQM refers to organizational change,
starting from changes in structure, goals,
manager roles, and employee roles. The
application of TQM in corporate
organizations has a positive impact on
work characteristics (Lamato et al., 2017).
TQM is implemented on a philosophical
basis, namely as a tool or tool to improve
quality by taking into account the needs
and satisfaction of customers or
The concept of TQM is very much
needed by educational institutions, given
the needs and satisfaction of users is the
main goal of services in an educational
institution. "The concept of TQM is very
much needed by educational institutions,
considering the needs and user satisfaction
are the main goals of services in an
educational institution" (Sallis, 2014); (Wang
et al., 2012).
Total Quality Management is an
absolute thing for educational institutions,
especially institutions that have declared
themselves as Public Service Agencies
(BLU) (Huriyah, 2016).
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Quality management in educational
institutions can be done by managing all
educational resources, so that they carry
out their main duties and functions with full
responsibility, so as to be able to produce
quality services and services according to
user expectations and needs. In
implementing Total Quality Management
(TQM) in educational institutions, there are
five things that must be considered; namely
the focus on internal and external
customers, total involvement, quality
standards, commitment and continuous
quality improvement (Surya, 2011).
Total Quality Management (TQM), as a
management strategy focused on process
improvement for customer satisfaction,
which is seen as successful in the industrial
world in developed countries such as Japan
and America, has begun to be glimpsed by
educational institutions to be adapted with
the aim of producing "products" that are
quality. In the perspective of Total Quality
Management, education is an institution
that provides and produces products in the
form of services (Kigozi et al., 2019); (Wang
et al., 2012). The products in the form of
services are provided to customers
consisting of: 1) internal customers, namely
managers of educational institutions
(including teachers, librarians, laboratory
assistants, technicians and administrative
staff), 2) external customers which are
divided into: a) primary external customers
or students, b) secondary external
customers, namely parents, government
and society, and c) tertiary external
customers, namely users or recipients of
graduates from both universities and the
world of work or business, at local, national,
and even international levels (Widiyanto et
al., 2016); (Purike, 2021).
Services provided by educational
institutions, especially universities, include:
a) curricular services, b) research services, c)
community service, d) administrative
services, and e) extra-curricular services
(Winarsih, 2017). Because at the secondary
education level there is no scientific work in
the form of a thesis let alone a thesis, then
research services and community service
services do not exist or are not applied. So
that there are only three services, namely
curricular services and extra-curricular
services and administrative services.
TQM is essentially an organizational
philosophy and work culture (philosophy of
management) that focuses on quality.
According to Deming, quality is what the
customer says it is (Vera & Trujillo, 2013).
The goals (goals) to be achieved in
organizations with a TQM culture are to
meet or even exceed what is needed
(needs) and expected or desired (desires)
by customers.
With regard to efforts to prepare
human resources to face global challenges,
secondary education has a very important
and strategic role in accordance with Law
Number 20 of 2003 Article 1 Paragraph 10,
formulating the objectives of secondary
education is an education unit is an
educational service group that provides
education on the path formal, non-formal,
and informal at every level and type of
SMK Karya Nugraha as a secondary
education institution, is facing increasingly
tough challenges along with changes in
society due to the influence of
globalization. In order to produce output
that is able to carry out the mandate of
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Islamic religious awareness in a society that
is always dynamic, Karya Nugraha
Vocational School must be able and able to
organize secondary education that
produces quality output.
To produce quality output, it is required
to manage a quality learning process as
well. Over the last few years, there have
been quite a number of changes that have
taken place and progressed quite rapidly.
With the stipulation of the National Final
Examination Standard (UAN), the
graduation rate of SMK Karya Nugraha has
reached 100%, although the level of output
quality still varies. The various
achievements they have prove that Karya
Nugraha Vocational School has basically
implemented Total Quality Management in
improving the quality of education which is
oriented to process quality and output
quality. The process of implementing Total
Quality Management in practice cannot be
separated from the important role of the
principal himself in carrying out his duties
and functions.
Based on the results of a preliminary
survey conducted by researchers, it was
found a problem that in practice, the
implementation of Total Quality
Management at SMK Karya Nugraha, of
course, is not as easy as turning the palm of
the hand. There are quite a number of
problems faced by Karya Nugraha
Vocational School, including the ethos that
is not uniform from one another, the
presence of several teachers in the wrong
room in teaching that are not in accordance
with their field of study as a result, this
school has difficulties in developing the
quality of education. This condition has
resulted in reduced public interest in
sending their children to SMK Karya
Nugraha, as evidenced by the last year
(school year 2019/2020) SMK Karya
Nugraha has slightly decreased the number
of students. The reason for researchers to
conduct research at SMK Karya Nugraha is
the desire to find out more about the
operational management pattern in quality
development at SMK Karya Nugraha, Total
Quality Management is the starting point in
analyzing management patterns at SMK
Karya Nugraha with an orientation on
improvement. both Extra Curriculum and
Extra Curricular on a continuous basis
(continuous improvement). This
improvement is not only limited to the area
of concern for educative staff, but also
involves all components in the
implementation of education in schools.
In order to improve the quality of
learning process management that is able
to produce quality outputs and outcomes,
then. it is necessary to take action and in-
depth academic studies in the form of
program evaluations as stated by
Stufflibeam, that the purpose of carrying
out evaluations in an activity program is to
obtain feedback for improvement, so that
services are maintained up to date and
ensure that a program is carried out
properly. effectively meet customer needs.
Karya Nugraha Vocational School in the
context of the research that the author is
doing, the aim is to determine the skill
management process of Karya Nugraha
Vocational School by using the TQM
approach as a benchmark and reference. In
this way, it is hoped that the problems and
obstacles faced can be identified which can
then be used as a starting point for future
improvements. The main focus studied in
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this research is in addition to the quality of
the content, the presentation of skills
services (both curricular, extra-curricular
and administrative) at SMK Karya Nugraha
in order to satisfy customers, especially
primary external customers namely
students in the perspective of Total Quality
Management (TQM). To analyze why the
implementation of Total Quality
Management (TQM) was carried out by the
SMK Karya Nugraha educational institution.
The approach used by the author in this
research is a combination approach,
qualitative approach and quantitative
approach. This is taken on the basis of the
considerations that each approach. it has
advantages and disadvantages. With the
advantages of each approach, they can
complement each other's shortcomings.
Thus, the two approaches are expected to
be able to reveal and describe the quality,
services and results of the services provided
at SMK Karya Nugraha in a more
comprehensive manner.
To obtain the data needed in this study,
the following data collection methods were
used: Observation Method, Documentation
Method, Interview Method, and
Questionnaire Method.
Data analysis of the results of this study
used descriptive qualitative and
quantitative descriptive methods.
Qualitative descriptive is after the data has
been collected, then compiled and
classified. Furthermore, it is analyzed and
interpreted with words in such a way as to
describe the object of research at the time
this research is carried out, so that it can
describe the answers to the problems that
have been formulated. The thinking
approaches used are: Inductive Method,
Deductive Method.
The implementation of TQM at SMK
Karya Nugraha Boyolali is represented by
the ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management
System where the ISO 9001: 2015 QMS is
able to provide actual and potential
messages to customers that school
institutions take quality seriously that
policies and practices are in accordance
with quality standards national and
international levels whose goal is to achieve
high quality products which have
implications for external trust as well as
internal pride building.
The implementation of TQM at SMK
Karya Nugraha Boyolali has different
characteristics or types of quality
supporting components, therefore a
pattern of analysis is formulated that is able
to accommodate the interests of both
parties, where the comparison of TQM
implementation at SMK Karya Nugraha
Boyolali will be seen through aspects of the
components of Leadership and Strategy,
System and Procedures, Teamwork, and
1. Leadership and Strategy
a. Leadership and TQM Strategy at
SMK Karya Nugraha Boyolali.
Leadership and Quality Strategy
implemented by SMK Karya
Nugraha Boyolali includes activities
to determine strategic plans, quality
policies, and leadership models. The
following is a description of these
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activities. Leadership and Quality
Strategy implemented by SMK
Karya Nugraha Boyolali includes
activities to determine strategic
plans, quality policies, and
leadership models. The following is
a description of these activities.
The strategic plan
The strategic plan of the
Karya Nugraha Boyolali
Vocational School is in the form
of a vision, namely to become a
superior, independent
educational institution based on
Imtaq. This vision is embodied
in a mission that produces
graduates: (1) Have faith and
fear of God Almighty and have
noble character; (2) Professional
and ready to face global
challenges; (3) Entrepreneurial
spirit, creative, innovative, so as
to create job opportunities; (4)
Competence so that it can be
absorbed in the world of work
and industry; (5) Insight and
care for the environment; and
(6) Potential to follow further
Quality policy
SMK Karya Nugraha Boyolali
is a Vocational Training Institute,
which overall carries out the
mandate from the government
and the community to produce
graduates/middle-level workers
who have competence in their
fields, SMK Karya Nugraha is
also assisted by 5 (five) Heads of
Expertise Study Programs
including: 1) Head of Expertise
Competency Study Program :
Islamic Banking; 2) Head of the
Automotive Engineering
Expertise Study Program for the
motor body; 3) Head of the
Light Vehicle Automotive
Engineering Expertise Study
Program; 4) Head of the
Computer and Informatics
Engineering Study Program and
5) Head of the Motorcycle
Engineering and Business Skills
Competency Study Program. in
accordance with the
requirements and expectations
of customers, both regionally,
nationally, and internationally.
The management of SMK
Karya Nugra Boyolali is
determined to meet the
requirements and expectations
of customers as well as
stakeholder requirements by
working optimally to
form/produce EXPERT
graduates/human resources,
namely human resources who
are: (1) Productive (Producing
quality goods/services); (2)
Initiative (Always trying to
develop the power of initiative);
(3) Adaptive (Able to adapt to
various situations, conditions,
and demands of the
development of science and
technology); (4) Alert (Be careful
in producing goods/services);
(5) Analytical (Able to think and
act analytically, intelligently, and
carefully in dealing with various
problems); (6) Faith and Taqwa
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(Always based on faith and
devotion to God Almighty).
Furthermore, in order to
realize customer requirements
and expectations as well as
stakeholder requirements, the
school builds a quality
organization that enchants
every element/organization,
namely: (1) Caring (Having high
concern so as to create a
conducive work environment);
(2) Energetic (Having high
motivation and enthusiasm in
carrying out tasks); (3)
Sportsmanship (Upholding the
value of honesty and
responsibility in the
organization); (4) Thought (In
carrying out the tasks,
authorities and responsibilities
of the organization, always
prioritize constructive and
innovative thinking processes);
(5) Normative (Works in
accordance with existing and
mutually agreed norms); (6) Fair
(Always apply the concept of
fairness towards work practices
that are fair-play and satisfy
customers. To ensure that the
quality policy can be achieved
and maintained, a management
commitment is established that
will always carry out continuous
and continuous improvement.
Leadership Model
The following is a
presentation of data about the
leadership model in the
implementation of TQM at SMK
Karya Nugraha:
a) Delegation and distribution
of authority
One of the principal's
professional competencies
is to apply leadership in
their work, with the sub-
dimension of developing
professional school policies,
and distributing authority to
their subordinates in
accordance with the job
b) Decision Making
Decision making is one
of the most important
things in management.
Decision making cannot be
separated from leadership.
Decision-making tends to
be bottom-up with the
following mechanisms: First,
identifying the various
components that are the
basis for decision-making
from the entire school
community; Second, the
collection and selection of
components according to
the priority scale; Third,
prepare a draft decision
making to be discussed in
the policy-making process.
Every decision that is
taken is often made through
deliberation, I often see that
the principal does not just
impose his will but with the
results of deliberation after
going through the process
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from below. Decisions
become one of the
foundations for
implementing the
organization and as a basis
for policy making.
c) Policy Setting Process
In taking a policy the
principal holds a special
meeting to accommodate
proposals and aspirations.
In order to produce optimal
policies within the TQM
framework, the principal
must first ensure that he has
received sufficient
information. In
implementing TQM, the
principal as top
management took strategic
steps, there were 4 steps he
took, including: 1) The
school formed a school
board consisting of the
principal, QMS, teacher
representatives, parents,
community members,
school staff and students, 2)
The school board then
measures the needs of the
school, 3) the school board
develops an action plan that
includes goals and
objectives, and 4) takes
decisions to make school
progress programs.
d) Build Communication
To find out how the
principal in building
communication patterns,
with all stakeholders, all the
programs that he has
carried out, are currently
and will be carrying out so
that they are understood by
all parties. The principal is
quite communicative in
conveying all matters
relating to his leadership. He
is able to play his role as a
good manager or leader.
Two-way communication
between the other person
and himself. Often asks for
information and input about
the working relationship
between himself and others.
He even asked to be
criticized if it didn't fit, he
even opened a mail service,
either open or secret, as
long as it was constructive.
He dared to be corrected or
asked for advice and
e) Supervise
The principal has the
task of supervising,
coaching or guiding
teachers and education
personnel as well as
administrators. In carrying
out the supervision program
through a class supervision
program, impromptu
(inspection) and
extracurricular activities.
Supervision is done by
making instruments to
measure the level of
success. He uses the results
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of supervision to improve
the performance of teachers
and employees as well as for
school development. The
results of supervision are
communicated in order to
be reciprocal for the
interests of the institution or
the interests of improving
the quality of teachers or
The first thing to do is to
look at the jobs given to
each different between
teachers, TU and students. If
it is seen that the main task
is running, it is not
uncommon for him to give a
kind of praise and for those
who have not been running
in an orderly manner, he
gives support or calls him in
his own style so that he does
not feel offended, including
supervising in terms of skills,
behavior and attitudes.
Against students, it is also
carried out by implementing
rules that must be followed
between student rights and
student obligations so that
students have rights and
obligations which are
certainly different from
other school members.
f) Provide motivation and
build a conducive working
The role of school
principals in motivating
teachers, education staff
and administrators is very
important so that they are
enthusiastic and passionate
in carrying out their duties
in order to improve the
quality of education.
Motivation can be given in
the form of rewards or
punishments, both physical
and non-physical. In
providing motivation the
principal considers a sense
of justice and feasibility
because this is important for
the principal to create a
conducive climate.
Creating a work
atmosphere that is full of
kinship, namely mutual
trust, mutual respect, and
mutual respect for the entire
school community, which is
always compact and solid in
carrying out the success of
the school to achieve its
goals. The principal is not
reluctant to give praise for
the maximum work but is
also not awkward in
conveying criticism of the
work that has not been
optimal, the principal
continues to encourage the
perfect performance of
teachers and staff according
to their respective abilities.
Principals are not
reluctant to give rewards for
maximum work but also do
not hesitate to correct
teachers or other
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employees, if they see
things that are not
appropriate. Principals
continue to encourage the
achievements of teachers
and staff according to their
respective abilities. The
principal also tries to create
a work atmosphere that is
full of kinship, namely
mutual trust, mutual
respect, and mutual respect.
2. System and Procedure
SMK Karya Nugra Boyolali
implements the ISO 9001:2015 Quality
Management System with ISO IAF
consultants, which means that the
school focuses on customer satisfaction
by preventing nonconformities at every
stage of work implementation. The
procedure taken by the school includes
several steps, namely:
a. Planning; First, the school conducts
a preparatory workshop. The
purpose of the preparation is to
make initial standards of activities
and tasks of all the elements in it.
Second, the preparation of schools
to make standards in records or
b. Implementation; First, after the
school already has a quality
assurance consultant, the school
will socialize the ISO management
system to the school community.
Second, internal audit training by
involving all teachers with the aim
that teachers are able to
understand and apply knowledge
to dare to audit or correct their
fellow colleagues. Third, internal
audit where this activity is carried
out 2 (two) times a year for 2-3
days. For teacher affairs audit
activities, the team will take
samples, so that the internal audit
does not check the whole thing but
takes samples. Schools refer to
auditing in ISO as checking whether
the system is running or not, for
example, one teacher being audited
was found to have not made a
lesson plan. The analysis found that
the error was not solely on the
teacher, but on the system,
apparently there was no control for
the teacher. Then the results of the
analysis are not to punish the
teacher, but the results are
conveyed to who is responsible for
the teacher's affairs, for example in
the curriculum field there is or is not
a system capable of monitoring
these teachers to make learning
c. Then, the external audit is carried
out 2 (two) times or every 6 months.
The auditing agency (consultant)
visited the school for one day by
taking samples. Karya Nugra
Boyolali Vocational School together
with other schools under the same
roof as the auditing agency held a
coordination and agreement to
jointly share the costs of
accommodation, transportation,
auditor consumption, so that the
financing is lighter.
d. SMK Karya Nugra Boyolali
implements the ISO 9001:2015
Quality Management System with
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IAF Quality Assurance consultants
from Germany, which also means
the school focuses on customer
satisfaction by preventing
nonconformities at every stage of
work implementation. In addition to
the QMS ISO 9001: 2015, SMK Karya
Nugra Boyolali is also preparing for
the QMS ISO 14001 on
Environmental Management
Systems. The procedures taken by
the school include several steps,
namely: (1) All school members
make a commitment that they will
implement a quality management
system; (2) Forming an ISO team
that compiles documents; (3)
Preparation of Documents, then
together with the school conduct
the socialization (awareness) of the
ISO QMS to school residents about
the ISO management system, in this
case the Karya Nugra Boyolali
Vocational School. After compiling
the document, (4) the school
conducts a pre-audit (exercise);
then (5) The school conducts an
internal audit with the aim of seeing
and fixing things that become
problems. After the internal audit,
then conduct a management
review. Followed by an external
audit. In the external audit, if there
are still many shortcomings, there
will be repetition. Then the school
was determined to be worthy of the
ISO 9001:2015 QMS by giving a
certificate as a symbol.
e. States that the ISO 9001 QMS
procedures are: (1) writing and
ratifying documents (quality
guidelines, Standard Operating
Procedures (POS), work
instructions, forms, and so on); (2)
implementation of all that has been
written in the document. At this
stage it will undergo several
changes for refinement (fine
turning). There is always the
possibility that a document will
have to be revised. This stage is
considered sufficient if it has been
carried out for at least four months
and has produced notes/records as
evidence of its implementation; (3)
once the school is sure that the
system has been structured and
operates in accordance with the
requirements of ISO 9000, the
school can apply to a certification
body of its own choosing for audit.
From the theory and explanation
above, it can be concluded that the ISO
9001:2015 QMS is a system built by
SMK Karya Nugra Boyolali by carrying
out procedures that include the
following stages: writing and ratifying
documents, implementing and
improving, and certifying.
3. Teamwork
Oakland states that "Teamwork in
an organization is an important
component of TQM implementation,
considering that teamwork will increase
confidence, communication, and
develop independence". Teams need
time to grow and mature. There are
four stages of growth and maturity in
team development including: (1) the
development stage, where at this stage
the team is not yet a team, but rather a
collection of individuals. The emotional
1495 | Rational Choice Theory in the Study of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
level associated in this stage starts from
excitement, optimism, idealism, pride,
and anticipation of worry, suspicion,
and anxiety; (2) the challenge stage, is
the stage where members begin to
realize the scale of the task ahead and
they can react negatively to the
challenges that come by placing their
own personal agendas.
The process of forming the TQM
team at SMK Karya Nugra Boyolali is as
follows: before the ISO 9001:2015 QMS
there was no QMS formed, only the ISO
team during the preparation process
with a period of 1 (one) year. After
certification, the school principal
determines the structure in the school.
The team structure formed includes
several sections, namely: (1) Deputy
Principal for Management and
Manpower Affairs; (2) Secretary; (3)
R&D (Research and Development); (4)
Document Management; (5) RSBI
From the description above, it can
be concluded that the stages of the
mechanism for forming the TQM team
at SMK Karya Nugra Boyolali are
technically different but in principle
experiencing the same dynamics,
namely teamwork has reached the
stage of hard work, where team
members come out of differences and
determine work methods and they are
able to initiate the problem-solving
process and improve the process.
4. Self-Assessment
Self-assessment is intended to
increase accountability and
transparency which basically
emphasizes corrective steps or
objective corrections if there are
discrepancies or deviations between
implementation and planning. The self-
assessment process mentioned as
Figure 1. Self-Assessment Process
Quality assessment includes several
components, one of which is Quality
Management Training Assessment.
States that training assessment is a
comparison between normative criteria
(what should be) and the condition of
the group or individual being audited
(what exists). We tend to assume
everything is going well until the facts
show otherwise. Lack of training
provided to individuals or groups who
are expected to implement quality
concepts and procedures is usually the
main factor causing the failure of TQM
Ngatiman, Ki Supriyoko, A. Mufrod Teguh Mulyo
| 1496
(Total Quality Management) programs.
The training assessment process in
outline is comprehensive in scope and
designed to recognize the bond
between the organization and its
environment. Quality assessment is also
intended to identify the relationship
that exists between the school and its
parts. Quality assessment is expressed
in a form that does not blame or corner.
The existing steps of the quality
assessment process summarized as
a. Interview staff and administrators
to find out what managers and
subordinates actually do with a
focus on key tasks, responsibilities,
knowledge and skills required to
perform the job. Then the existing
data is analyzed.
b. Use competency statements to
describe each individual task.
Everyone needs to be assessed on
the basis of competence to
emphasize the importance of
successful task performance.
c. Explore the profile of each personal
that describes the importance of
each skill for successful task
d. Use competencies to identify each
person's strengths and weaknesses.
e. Evaluate individual proficiency for
each competency, then compare.
f. This model is useful for preparing
one's career plans.
g. All information can be used to carry
out personal development
programs in schools.
The TQM tools used in the quality
assessment process can be used:
deliberation, brainwriting, check sheets,
interviews, surveys, conflict
management. The assessment carried
out by SMK Karya Nugra Boyolali is
carried out by evaluating 2 (two) times
a year, namely in May and November. It
is periodic and not all parts are audited.
There is indeed a section that needs to
be audited often 2 (two) times a year,
there are also audited once every 1.5
years to see its implementation,
depending on the implementation in
the field. For example, the library here
is more organized, so it's not too
Technical implementation: First,
socialization that an audit will be
carried out on a certain date and
instructed to the unit to immediately
make preparations; Then Second, the
implementation has procedures
including (1) Opening Meeting
explaining the purpose and objectives
of the audit; (2) Implementation,
Presenting the implementation
schedule, for example, section x there
are 5 (five) units being audited with a
scheduling matrix, then the auditors are
active according to the set hours and
then go to the place of each unit, for
example, the sarpras, then take a
sample of what carried out by sarpras,
then linking planning with
implementation; (3) In the closing
meeting, the team presents its findings,
and preventive and curative
improvements, prevention and
resolution must immediately be carried
out. At the same time, if the deficiency
can be resolved, for example, it is found
that LCD facilities in room x cannot
1497 | Rational Choice Theory in the Study of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
function, this has long been reported
that the LCD is damaged but has not
been handled, of course, there will be a
solution, so it must be addressed
immediately. There will be an
agreement/commitment so that this
problem does not happen again, so
there will be prevention. The Sarpras
team must make a system, make
procedures, how to prevent this
incident from happening again. This
means that he has to schedule
equipment inspections or routine
maintenance. Whenever there are
findings, it can be ascertained that two
things will be done, namely completion
and prevention (curative and
There are several self-assessment
activities at SMK Karya Nugra Boyolali
including those relating to the
Fulfillment of Customer Satisfaction. To
measure the performance of the
management system, the school
monitors information related to
customer perceptions and expectations
in order to find out whether the school
has met customer needs by using
certain methods (questionnaires,
interviews, and other methods)
determined by the school.
Internal Audit, the School
establishes a documented
procedure that states the
responsibilities and requirements
for planning and carrying out
internal audits, establishing records
and reports of results at certain time
intervals, and establishing internal
audit procedures.
Monitoring and Measurement of
Educational Processes, Schools
establish and implement
appropriate methods for
monitoring and measuring the
Quality Management System
Monitoring and Measurement of
Educational Process Outcomes is
carried out by:
For verification purposes,
schools determine, monitor,
and measure the characteristics
of the results of the educational
process whose implementation
is carried out at appropriate
stages of the realization of the
educational process;
The school maintains evidence
of conformity with the
established criteria;
The school ensures that the
measurement and monitoring
records show the authority of
the personnel authorized to
pass the results of the
educational process.
Data Analysis, the School
establishes, compiles, and analyzes
appropriate data to demonstrate
the suitability and effectiveness of
the Quality Management System
and to assess where continuous
improvement of the Quality
Management System can be made.
Analysis of this data should provide
information about: (1) meeting
customer expectations; (2) the
suitability of the educational
process; (3) characteristics and
trends of the educational process
and students including
Ngatiman, Ki Supriyoko, A. Mufrod Teguh Mulyo
| 1498
opportunities for preventive action;
(4) suppliers.
Improvements that include several
things, namely: (a) Continuous
Improvement, Schools continuously
improve the effectiveness of the
Quality Management System
through the use of quality policies,
quality objectives, audit results,
data analysis, corrective actions,
prevention and management
reviews. (b) Corrective Action, the
School will take action to eliminate
the cause of the nonconformity, in
order to prevent the recurrence of
the non-conformity by taking into
account the priority scale. (c) The
school establishes a documented
procedure to establish
requirements for: a review of
nonconformities (including
customer complaints),
determination of causes of
nonconformities, assessment of the
need for action to ensure that
nonconformities do not recur,
determination and implementation
of necessary actions, recording of
results of actions taken, review of
corrective actions which is
Preventive Measures, the School
establishes actions to eliminate the
causes of potential non-
conformities that can occur at any
time. Preventive action must be
appropriate to the impact of the
potential problem.
It establishes a documented
procedure for establishing
requirements for determination of
potential and causes, assessment of
the need for action to prevent
nonconformities, determination
and implementation of necessary
actions, records of actions taken.
It can be concluded that the self-
assessment action carried out by
SMK Karya Nugra Boyolali meets
the standards: planning;
Implementation; results
monitoring; evaluation; the existence of
an assessment standard; and corrective
actions (curative/preventive). In terms
of self-assessment, they have
conducted a line visit survey 10 times or
Implementasi Total Quality
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kepemimpinan kewirausahaan, sistem dan
prosedur SMM ISO 9001:2015, dan
penilaian mandiri yang telah berjalan
sesuai dengan pedoman mutu yang telah
dibuat dan peraturan perundang-
undangan yang berlaku, didukung oleh
kerja tim yang sudah memasuki tahap kerja
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