Ngatiman, Ki Supriyoko, A. Mufrod Teguh Mulyo
| 1486
Quality management in educational
institutions can be done by managing all
educational resources, so that they carry
out their main duties and functions with full
responsibility, so as to be able to produce
quality services and services according to
user expectations and needs. In
implementing Total Quality Management
(TQM) in educational institutions, there are
five things that must be considered; namely
the focus on internal and external
customers, total involvement, quality
standards, commitment and continuous
quality improvement (Surya, 2011).
Total Quality Management (TQM), as a
management strategy focused on process
improvement for customer satisfaction,
which is seen as successful in the industrial
world in developed countries such as Japan
and America, has begun to be glimpsed by
educational institutions to be adapted with
the aim of producing "products" that are
quality. In the perspective of Total Quality
Management, education is an institution
that provides and produces products in the
form of services (Kigozi et al., 2019); (Wang
et al., 2012). The products in the form of
services are provided to customers
consisting of: 1) internal customers, namely
managers of educational institutions
(including teachers, librarians, laboratory
assistants, technicians and administrative
staff), 2) external customers which are
divided into: a) primary external customers
or students, b) secondary external
customers, namely parents, government
and society, and c) tertiary external
customers, namely users or recipients of
graduates from both universities and the
world of work or business, at local, national,
and even international levels (Widiyanto et
al., 2016); (Purike, 2021).
Services provided by educational
institutions, especially universities, include:
a) curricular services, b) research services, c)
community service, d) administrative
services, and e) extra-curricular services
(Winarsih, 2017). Because at the secondary
education level there is no scientific work in
the form of a thesis let alone a thesis, then
research services and community service
services do not exist or are not applied. So
that there are only three services, namely
curricular services and extra-curricular
services and administrative services.
TQM is essentially an organizational
philosophy and work culture (philosophy of
management) that focuses on quality.
According to Deming, quality is what the
customer says it is (Vera & Trujillo, 2013).
The goals (goals) to be achieved in
organizations with a TQM culture are to
meet or even exceed what is needed
(needs) and expected or desired (desires)
by customers.
With regard to efforts to prepare
human resources to face global challenges,
secondary education has a very important
and strategic role in accordance with Law
Number 20 of 2003 Article 1 Paragraph 10,
formulating the objectives of secondary
education is an education unit is an
educational service group that provides
education on the path formal, non-formal,
and informal at every level and type of
SMK Karya Nugraha as a secondary
education institution, is facing increasingly
tough challenges along with changes in
society due to the influence of
globalization. In order to produce output
that is able to carry out the mandate of