JRSSEM 2021, Vol. 01, No. 2, 101 115
E-ISSN: 2807-6311, P-ISSN: 2807-6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i2.15 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Dian Oktavia
Menik Indrati
Faculty of Business Economics, Esa Unggul University, Indonesia
e-mail: dianokta.akm14@gmail.com
*Correspondence: dianokta.akm14@gmail.com
Submitted: 22 September 2021, Revised: 25 September 2021, Accepted: 27 September 2021
Abstract. The study aims to analyze the effect of receivables, inventories, and payables on working
capital. Receivables are measured by dividing total credit sales by the company's average
receivables, stocks are calculated by dividing the total cost of goods sold by the average inventory,
and payables are measured by dividing the total purchases by the average trade payables. Firm
size is measured by the logarithm of the company's total assets in year t, leverage is calculated by
dividing total debt by total equity. The percentage of net profit measures profitability (ROA) after
tax to total assets. The sample in this study was 30 companies with 90 data. The object of research
is a manufacturing company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2018 – 2019. The statistical
methods used in this study are descriptive statistical analysis and inferential analysis, which include
classical assumption testing, multiple regression analysis, and hypothesis testing using the SPSS
program. The results of this study indicate that the receivables variable partially hurts working
capital. Inventories partly have a positive effect on working capital. Debt somewhat does not affect
working capital. The conclusion from the results of this study indicates that receivables, inventories,
and payables affect working capital. The test results show that receivables have no partial effect on
working capital. In contrast, the stock positively impacts working capital, and debt does not partially
affect working capital.
Keywords: receivables; Inventory; accounts payable; working capital.
Dian Oktavia, Menik Indrati | 102
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i2.15 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
The global economy is in a severe
downturn in 2020, and the IMF estimates
that the permanent loss of output is around
5% during the covid-19 pandemic. The
latest report data for June 2020 showed a
decline in world economic output worth
US$ 12 trillion (McKibbin & Vines, 2020).
Since 2020, precisely in March, Indonesia
has been shocked by one of the
phenomena COVID-19 pandemic, which
has hurt all parties (Nasution et al., 2020).
Trusted research institutes in the world
have predicted the negative impacts of the
global economy due to the Covid-19
pandemic, which will worry the world. Then
the world economy is expected to reach -
2.2% by EIU, -1.9% predicted by Fitch EIU,
indicates -2.2% by Fitch (Iskandar et al.,
2020). These economic predictions are very
worrying people globally, especially for
every company that is still surviving. It is
essential for every company today to create
new policies that can bring considerable
profits because currently, it is a
complicated situation for a company to
exist. The company's focus lies in
management, which must continue to work
to stabilize cash flow while increasing
volume. Sales so that the company can
survive the Covid-19 pandemic
(Hadiwardoyo, 2020).
Generally, current assets and current
liabilities are part of working capital which
is quantitative due to the total funds used
for short-term operating purposes at the
company. (Weston. J.Fred dan Thomas
E.Copeland, 1997) Provide an
understanding of working capital as current
assets minus current liabilities. Working
capital is company investment in cash,
securities, receivables, and inventories
minus current liabilities used to finance
existing assets. The operating capital
mechanism generally refers to all parts of
existing assets and current liabilities.
(Ajibolade & Sankay, 2013) states that
working capital management is essential in
discussing liquidity and profitability issues
that involve decisions about the amount
and composition of current assets and their
funding. Achieve profit can only achieve
profit or profit if it is supported by
adequate capital.
The mechanism for measuring
receivables is receivable turnover. (Utami &
Dewi, 2015) states that a high level of
receivables turnover can indicate low
working capital invested in the receivable.
If it is low, the receivable has an excess
investment. Low accounts receivable are
usually caused by an inefficient credit or
collection department or a policy change.
According to (Haryanto, 2019), receivables
come from company assets arising from
credit sales transactions for goods and
services produced by the company and
must be repaid within one year. Receivable
turnover can calculate estimated receivable
collection time in accounts receivable
turnover. In addition, current assets
receivables in the working capital element
and the role of inventory which is part of
current assets,
also important to determine the
effectiveness of inventory management,
which can be seen from the calculation of
the inventory turnover rate. The higher the
inventory turnover rate, the lower the time-
bound capital is in inventory. (Syamsuddin,
2002) states that a relatively smaller
103 | Effect of Receivables, Inventories, and Payables on Working Capital
amount of working capital is needed to
meet the sales volume referred to in
increasing inventory turnover.
Part of the working capital there is
current debt. Debt owed by the company
generally occurs due to the company not
meeting its operational needs with its
capital. The company borrows funds from
other parties or delays payments that
become obligations. (KIPKEMOI, 2018)
reveals that a well-known measure of
Working Capital Management is the cash
conversion cycle referred to here, the time
lag between purchasing raw materials and
collecting sales of finished goods. The
longer this time lag, the greater the
working capital investment. (Agbada &
Osuji, 2013) explains that efficient liquidity
management involves planning and
controlling current assets and current
liabilities, thereby eliminating the risk of
inability to meet short-term obligations
that are due and avoiding excessive
investment in these assets. Firm size,
leverage, and profitability can affect
working capital in manufacturing
companies. Therefore, these three factors
will be used as control variables in this
Signaling Theory
Theory shows a difference in
information where one party has more
information to seek personal gain than
other parties or commonly referred to as
information asymmetry of related parties.
that information. (Kunz et al., 2017) have
also shown that signal considerations may
influence financial decisions and accurate
investment decisions when managers are
interested in the current price level.
Outsiders can also interpret increased debt
as the company's ability to pay off the debt
in the future or low business risk so that
additional debt will send a positive signal
(Brigham, Eugene F dan Houston, 2001).
Outsiders are because companies that
experience increased debt can be said to be
companies that believe in the company's
Critical Resource Theory
based on the required resource theory
proposed by (Hirdinis, 2019) which
suggests that the larger the company's
scale, the profitability will also increase, but
at a certain amount, the size of the
company will decrease the company's
profit. The theory of critical resources is also
used to explain the effect of leverage and
liquidity on company profitability.
Therefore, the idea of essential resources
indicates that the larger a company is, the
higher the profitability and vice versa. As
for the leverage variable regarding the
control by the company owner on the
company's debt, profitability is influenced
by the cost of debt obligations. (Sharma,
Naresh Kumar, et al., 2010) also revealed
that there is a relationship between
company size and the ability of company
owners to control intangible factors that
can encourage companies to be more
profitable. This indicates that the larger the
scale of the company, the profitability will
also increase. On the other hand, the critical
resource theory is related to liquidity.
Namely, if the number of current assets can
exceed the existing high debt, the company
can fulfill its debt obligations to increase
Dian Oktavia, Menik Indrati | 104
Account Receivable
A receivable is selling's form product
that has been made between two parties,
but in the sale transaction, the payment
system is not made in cash but is done on
credit. But on the other hand, credit sales
will provide market expansion
opportunities that can increase operating
profits, although not without risk (Fahlevi &
Yani, 2021). (Kasmir, 2011) the higher the
ratio shows that the working capital
invested in receivables is lower, proving
that capital can be used efficiently, which
means good conditions for the company.
On the other hand, the lower the ratio, the
higher the investment in receivables.
However, the opinion of (Fahmi dan Irham,
2012) explains where receivables are a form
of sales made by a company where
payments are not made in cash but
Definition of Inventory according to
(Supriati et al., 2017), as a form of asset that
inventory must manage adequately, errors
in management will result in other asset
components being not optimal, it can even
result in losses. Leadership by managing
inventory turnover can be very decisive in
controlling the continuation of the
company's activities. The inventory
turnover rate shows the number of times
the inventory is replaced in being bought
and resold. This Inventory Turnover Ratio is
used to determine the process in which
inventory turnover from the beginning to
return to cash is (Munawir, 2010). the ratio
obtained is high and can prove that the
company is working efficiently and liquid,
which causes better inventory. the
inventory turnover ratio decreases, the
company is working inefficiently or
unproductively, resulting in a lot of
inventory piling up. This will lead to
investments with low rates of return and
result in financial statements (Kasmir,
Account Payable
Based on research by (Alpi, 2020), debt
is obtained from capital originating from
outside the company that is temporarily
working in the company concerned. This
capital is a loan that capital must repay in
time. To measure how far the company uses
funding through debt, it can be measured
using the debt ratio (debt to asset ratio),
which compares total debt and total assets.
The debt ratio means how much debt is
used to finance the company's assets
(Keown, A.J., Scott, D.F., Martin, J.D., Petty,
2011). If the debt ratio is high, it means that
funding through debt is also increasing. As
a result, it is increasingly difficult for the
company to obtain additional funds from
loans because it is feared that they will not
pay them. Creditors are more interested in
a low debt ratio because the lower it is, the
greater the protection against creditor
losses. When viewed from the side of
shareholders, they are more concerned
with high leverage because it will increase
profits (Kasmir, 2014).
Working Capital
According to the Indonesian Institute
of Accountants (Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia,
2007), working capital is based on the
company's production capacity in units of
production per day. Meanwhile, according
105 | Effect of Receivables, Inventories, and Payables on Working Capital
to (Krapf et al., 2016), all short-term assets
or current assets consist of cash, securities
whose activities are traded by the company,
inventories, and accounts receivable.
Working capital factors affect high and low
profitability. Every company in its
operations requires capital because capital
is very influential on the company to
achieve its goals so that high profitability
supports the company's operations to the
fullest (Bramasto, 2007). The purpose of
working capital management is to manage
each item of current assets and current
liabilities as well as possible so that the
amount of networking capital with the
calculation of existing assets minus the
desired current debt can be maintained.
Good or bad working capital management
will have a direct effect on the company's
financial position. The level of working
capital will affect investors when they invest
their capital in a company. State-owned
companies that have gone public need to
pay attention to working capital
management to attract investors to invest
in companies (Margaretha & Ginting,
Several factors are determined by the
company's size with the company owner's
control over technology, intellectual
property, and assets described by (Rediana,
2017). Several parameters that can be used
to determine the size of the company's
scale are the number of employees used by
the company to run company operations,
the value of sales or income generated by
the company, and the total assets owned
by the company. company to carry out
company operations, the value of sales or
income generated by the company, and the
total assets owned by the company.
(Becker-Blease et al., 2010) in his research
using three economic measuring theories
developed by (Kumar & Kaur, 2016) by
showing the relationship between firm size
and profitability. By using the company's
size as a proxy for input and profitability as
a measure of output. Company size can be
assessed in several ways. The size of the
company can be based on asset value, total
sales, market capitalization, number of
workers, etc. The greater the importance of
these items, the greater the size of the
company. (Indrati et al., 2018)
Leverage is a ratio that projects the
state of debt in the company's finances.
Companies with excessive leverage are at
risk of not meeting their debt obligations
on time (Carpenter et al., 1994). Meanwhile,
according to (Boissay et al., 2020) shows
that companies with high levels of debt
tend to choose to sell their receivables as a
source of funding when they have high-
quality credit, rather than using debt for
future projects. This leverage ratio serves to
measure to what extent the company's
assets are financed by debt (Firman &
Nasution, 2019). This leverage ratio
compares the company's overall debt
burden to its equity. In other words, this
ratio shows how much of the company's
assets are owned by shareholders
compared to assets owned by creditors or
creditors. If the shareholders have more
assets, then the company is said to be less
leveraged. However, if the creditor or
lender has the majority of assets, then the
company in question is said to have a high
Dian Oktavia, Menik Indrati | 106
level of leverage. Following the critical
resource theory which proves that the
higher this ratio, the higher the costs that
must be borne by the company, which
means the higher the obligations of the
company, so this affects several things,
namely the company's profitability
decreases and can result in the company's
ability to obtain profits. Profit is decreasing.
On Assets Ratio
Profitability is the ability of a company
to generate profits which are also used for
business continuity. The profitability
calculation is intended to find out how far
the company's management can control
the business efficiently. The company's
profitability is also influenced by the
efficiency of working capital management
and other factors such as the type, scale,
age of the company, capital structure, and
products produced, so the higher the
profitability, the better the state of a
company (Mielcarz et al., 2018). ROA can be
interpreted as the result of a series of
company policies or company strategies to
obtain a good profit and also the impact of
the influence of environmental factors. This
analysis focuses on the profitability of
assets and thus ignores ways to finance
these assets (M.Hanafi, Mamduh, 2007).
This ratio also shows the productivity of all
company funds, both loan capital and own
capital. The slighter (lower) this ratio is, the
worse it is, and vice versa. The smaller
means that this ratio is used to measure the
effectiveness of the company's overall
operations. This means that the increased
profit generated and the excellent
condition of the company will attract the
attention of investors to invest (Larasati,
2011). This study using a measuring
instrument ROA (Return On Assets). This
ratio is used as economic profitability,
which measures the company's ability to
generate profits by using the total assets or
wealth owned by the company after
adjusting for the costs intended to fund
these assets (Sekti, 2017).
The research model does not discuss
the effect of macroeconomic uncertainty
risk on working capital. The research of
(Dbouk et al., 2020) researched US
manufacturing companies in the period
1990-2018 by showing that economic
uncertainty was positively related to
influencing the level of receivables,
inventories, and debt on working capital.
Therefore, the number of research objects
and the year of analysis used distinguishes
it from previous research. Researchers used
index research objects on the Indonesia
Stock Exchange manufacturing companies
in the period 20-2019. Based on the
explanation above, the purpose of this
study is to examine receivables, inventories,
and payables in manufacturing companies
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in
20 2019 on working capital. So that doing
this test will provide benefits for the parties
The research model will explain the
relationship between the variables to be
studied and aims to facilitate
understanding the research direction.
Based on the above review, the research
model is shown in Figure 1, as follows:
107 | Effect of Receivables, Inventories, and Payables on Working Capital
Figure 1. Research Model
There is one dependent variable
working capital in this study, and three
independent variables receivables,
inventories, and payables. Receivables are
measured using the receivables turnover
ratio by comparing credit sales to average
receivables (Kasmir, 2014) Inventories are
measured by the inventory turnover ratio
by comparing the cost of goods sold to the
average Inventory of (Kasmir, 2014). The
debt ratio measures the size of the debt by
comparing the total debt to the total assets
(Hermanto B, 2015). Firm size, leverage, and
profitability/ROA are used as control
variables in this study. Firm size is measured
using the logarithm of total assets in (Ines,
2017) while the leverage ratio is measured
by dividing total debt by total equity (Ines,
2017) and profitability/ROA is measured by
dividing net income by total assets
multiplied by one hundred percent
(Darmadji, Tjiptono dan Fakhruddin, 2012).
The research design used is a quantitative
approach using secondary data. The
sampling technique is carried out by
purposive sampling to obtain a
representative sample adjusted to certain
criteria, namely manufacturing companies
that are consistently listed on the IDX in 20-
2019 consecutively and companies
attaching annual reports. 30 Manufacturing
Companies meet the criteria listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange and then
obtained observations that determine the
number of samples in this study as many as
90 sample data.
The data analysis technique used SPSS
vr.25. In this study, the data analysis
technique used is multiple linear regression
to prove a significant effect of the
independent variable on the dependent
variable. The following are numerous linear
analysis models, which can be stated as
Y i, t = β0 + β1AR + β2INV + β3AP + β4SIZE
+ β5LEV + β6ROA + Ɛ
Y i, t = Working capital at all time
periods t
β0 = Constant
β1,2,3,4,5,6 = Regression coefficient of
each proxy
1AR = Accounts Receivable
2INV = Inventory
3AP = Debt
SIZE = Company Size
LEV = Leverage
ROA = On Assets
Ratio = Error
Descriptive statistical analysis provides
an overview of the data consisting of
minimum, maximum, average values, the
mean, and standard deviation. The
Dian Oktavia, Menik Indrati | 108
descriptive statistical analysis test shows
that N or the amount of data for each valid
variable is 90, from 90 sample data on
financial performance (Y), the minimum
value is 0, the maximum value is 30.41, from
the period 2017 - 2019, the mean value is
23.42, and the value is 23.42. the standard
deviation of 5.31.
A normality test is used to determine
whether the data is taken from a normally
distributed population or not. Testing for
normality using the Kolmogorov Smirnov
test shows that the data used in this study
is generally distributed because asymp sig
0.200, the figure is greater than the
significance level of 0.05 the data can be
used in testing with the regression model.
The multicollinearity test was used to
test whether the regression model found a
correlation between the independent
variables. The multicollinearity test in this
study uses the tolerance value and variance
inflation factor (VIF). The results of
multicollinearity show that the tolerance
value for all variables is greater than 0.1 and
the inflating factor value for all variables is
less than 10, so this study does not occur
multicollinearity symptoms.
The heteroscedasticity test aims to test
whether there is an inequality of variance
from the residual observations to other
observations in the regression model. The
heteroscedasticity test in this study shows
that the distribution of the dots pattern is
far apart and randomly spreads so that it
does not form a pattern. Therefore, from
the results of this study, it can be stated
that there is no heteroscedasticity problem
in the regression model.
The autocorrelation test aims to test
whether in the linear regression model
there is a correlation between the
confounding error in period t and the
confounding error in period t-1 (previous).
Autocorrelation arises because the residual
(interference error) is not independent of
one observation to another. One way to
find out whether there is autocorrelation or
not is to use a Run Test. The autocorrelation
test in this study shows that the probability
(sig) in each regression model used is more
significant than 0.05 or 5%. It can be stated
that there is no autocorrelation symptom.
From the calculation of multiple linear
regression, it can be seen that the
relationship between the independent and
dependent variables can be formulated as
Y i, t = 0.839 0.184AR + 0.321Inv +
0.054AP + 0.004SIZE + 0.297LEV +
0.294ROA +
Where is the constant value in this
study is 0.839 which states that if no
independent variable is considered
constant (x1=0, x2=0, x3=0, x4=0, x5=0,
x6=0), then working capital is 0.839. The
coefficient of receivables is reduced by -
0.184, meaning that if there is an increase
in receivables of 1%, it will reduce working
capital by 0.184 or 18.4%. The inventory
coefficient increases by 0.321, meaning that
if there is a 1% change in profitability, it will
increase working capital by 32.1%. The debt
coefficient increases by 0.054, meaning that
if there is a 1% change in profitability, it will
increase working capital by 5.4%. The
coefficient of size is 0.004, and leverage is
0.297, Roa is 0.294.
The coefficient of determination test
aims to measure how far the model's ability
to describe the variation of the
109 | Effect of Receivables, Inventories, and Payables on Working Capital
independent variables is. The coefficient
test of receivables, inventories, and
payables can explain the working capital of
13.8% and 86.2% by other factors not
examined in this study.
The f test determines whether the
independent variables (X1 and X2)
significantly affect the dependent variable
(Y). The f test shows that the variable x
simultaneously affects the variable y.
The t-test aims to determine whether
the partially formed regression model
equations the independent variables (X1
and X2) significantly affect the dependent
variable (Y). The t-test shows that accounts
receivable partly has no significant effect
on working capital. The inventory variable
partially has a significant positive impact on
working capital. The debt variable
somewhat does not affect working capital.
Table 1. Hypothesis results
e value
has a
t effect on
has a
t effect on
Debt has a
t effect on
Source: SPSS Data program
Relationship Between Variables
Relationship of Receivables to Working
According to (Prakoso, 2014), the
company's receivable management is
required to manage its receivables properly
and correctly following applicable
company policies by using the correct
calculations so that the goals set by the
company are for short-term and long-term
purposes. can be achieved optimally and
adequately. (Ammy & Alpi, 2018) Suppose
the amount of investment embedded in
receivables is too high. In that case, it will
cause low working capital turnover so that
the company's ability to increase sales
volume will be more minor. The reduced
sales volume has an impact on the reduced
profit to be obtained by the company.
(Arianti, 2018) who prove that receivables
do not affect profitability and working
capital. This shows that the level of
receivables does not involve working
capital management. Based on the
description above, the following hypothesis
is proposed:
H1 = Receivables hurt working capital.
Inventory Relationships with Working
According to (Munawir, 2010) the
mechanism for the inventory turnover
period is the time it takes for companies to
hold inventory in warehouses, where the
slower the company owns the inventory of
Dian Oktavia, Menik Indrati | 110
goods, it will reduce the cash generated
from the sale of these inventories, where
this will have an impact on reducing funds
for working capital, and reducing the
company's operational activities. According
to (Dewi et al., 2016) (Murni & Uhing, 2018),
inventory turnover has a significant positive
effect on profitability and working capital.
This shows that high inventory turnover can
increase profitability. Based on the
description above, the following hypothesis
is proposed:
H2 = inventory has a positive effect on
working capital.
Debt Relationship to Working Capital
According to (Warren, Carl S. Reeve,
James M. dan Fess, 2008), the explanation
is that debt is capital that comes from bank
loans, financial institutions, or by issuing
debt securities or bonds. For this use, the
company provides compensation in
interest, which becomes a fixed burden for
the company. However, (Lukman, 2011)
states that debt is a bill that comes from
creditors to companies that debt must pay
with money or services at a time that is
following the initial agreement made by
both parties. (Sinaga et al., 2019) a
company that chooses debt as a source of
funding is a company that has a
responsibility to do more work so that the
equity used can create more profits so that
the company can fulfill its obligations.
However, if the company cannot manage
its debt correctly and adequately, this can
cause its debt to increase and reduce the
company's profits. (Ferawati et al., 2020)
prove that debt does not affect the
profitability of working capital. Based on
the description above, the following
hypothesis is proposed:
H3: Debt hurts working capital.
This study is under hypothesis 1,
where receivables harm working capital,
and the results are rejected. The results of
this study are the same or consistent with
research conducted by (Arianti, 2018)
which has proven that receivables have no
significant effect on working capital
profitability. This is because the high and
low receivables ratio does not affect
working capital management, so to analyze
working capital management, the
receivables instrument is not one of the
guidelines. investors do not use the
receivables instrument guidelines as a
financial instrument to analyze working
capital management.
Based on hypothesis 2, inventory has
a positive effect on working capital; the
results are accepted because the partial test
results show that stock has a significant
positive impact on working capital. The
results of this study, inventory has a
positive effect on working capital. The
results of this study are in line and
consistent with the results of research
conducted by (Diana & Santoso, 2016) and
(Murni & Uhing, 2018) which have proven
that inventory has a significant positive
effect on working capital profitability. This
shows that the manufacturing companies
can manage their inventory efficiently, thus
resulting in an excellent inventory turnover
from year to year, to increase its
Based on hypothesis 3, debt hurts
working capital, the results are rejected
because the partial test results show that
111 | Effect of Receivables, Inventories, and Payables on Working Capital
debt hurts working capital. The results of
this study are the same or consistent with
the results of research conducted by
(Ferawati et al., 2020), which has proven
that debt does not affect working capital
management. The reason for this is
because the high and low debt ratio does
not involve working capital management.
So that investors do not make the debt
instrument guidelines a financial guide for
analyzing working capital management.
Based on the results of data analysis
and discussion, it can conclude that the
receivables policy hurts working capital,
which means that the high and low ratio of
receivables does not affect working capital
management. Inventory has a positive and
significant effect on working capital. It
means that there is a positive effect
indicating that the higher the inventory
turnover rate, the higher its profitability.
This is because the inventory owned by the
company must be by the company's needs
so that interest costs are reduced, minimize
storage and maintenance costs in the
warehouse. The company does not
experience losses, so all of this will increase
sales volume, and the profits earned by the
company will be even greater. Debt does
not affect working capital; these results
mean that the high and low debt ratio does
not involve working capital management.
The research conducted has limitations
because the business sector is too broad in
manufacturing companies. The receivables
and debt variables seen from the statistical
table have not affected working capital.
Future research is expected to be able to
conduct research with different types of
businesses or the same type of business
and compare each business sector in the
manufacturing company and add cash
turnover and sales variables. This is due to
increased knowledge by showing the
influence of these variables. on working
capital management. The managerial
implication in this study is that it is
expected that the company's management
needs to pay attention to working capital
management in running the company
because good working capital
management can generate greater profits
for the company. Therefore, company
management needs to manage the
efficient use of funds, accounts receivable,
and inventory. Meanwhile, investors and
potential investors should be more careful
in making investment decisions in
companies that are carried out by assessing
profitability in the observation period in the
presentation of financial statements.
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