1338 | A Model for Development of Guidance for Former Thugs Based on Pioneers at Majlis
Qur'an, Dhikr and Shalawat Ta'mirul Islam Surakarta
thuggery criminal disturbances, becoming
the brother of thuggery crime disorders, so
that they do not become real disturbances.
Thugs are a term used to describe the
phenomenon of social deviation that
occurs in (Diaconescu, 2017); (Wenner et al.,
Dewi, Sumartini with the title "Position
and Duties of the Police to Eradicate
thuggery and its Relation to Criminal Acts of
Violence in the Criminal Code in the Journal
of Lex et Societatis, Vol. I/No.2/Apr-
Jun/2013 page 72 states “The behavior of
thuggery and street crime is a social problem
that starts from the mental attitude of the
people who are not ready to accept jobs that
are considered less prestigious. Thugs in
Indonesia have existed since the Dutch
colonial era, apart from acting as vigilantes,
thuggery perpetrators have also used several
local champions to commit lower-level
thuggery acts, which generally commit
street crimes such as theft with threats of
violence (Article 365). KUHP), extortion (368
KUHP), rape (285 KUHP), maltreatment
(351 KUHP), committing acts of violence
against people or goods in public (170
KUHP), and even murder (338 KUHP) or
premeditated murder (340 KUHP), drunken
behavior in public (492 KUHP), which of
course can disrupt public order and cause
unrest in the community” (Dewi, 2022).
Humans really need education, both
physical education, and spiritual education.
Physical education in the form of physical
or energy, while spiritual education in the
form of religious knowledge, its role is as a
balance for humans when making a
decision. According to Redja Mulyaharjo,
education is dissected into two, first,
education is defined perfectly and with
awareness (Redja Mudyaharjo, 2016: 6).
Education is defined as the learning of
knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of
people passed down from one generation
to the next through teaching, training, or
research. Humans in the development of
life in the world are influenced by several
problems, almost all humans make life
easier and smoother which they consider a
source of happiness. Actually, feelings
cannot be seen with the five senses, but
their presence can be felt by someone.
Islam concludes that moral education is
the soul of Islamic education. This means
that Islamic education places morals as the
main foundation before students are given
other lessons. The educational process is
expected to be able to form and foster
good character, it is not enough to give it
in schools, but the role of taklim majlis are
still many who are able to carry out learning
and coaching leading to morality.
Majlis Qur'an, dhikr, and sholawat
appear as an alternative and at the same
time as a forum for coaching former thugs.
This assembly was initiated by KH.
Muhammad Ali or often called Abah Ali is
actually an effort suggested by his spiritual
teacher, KH. Muh Idris Born April 1, 1913-
died 2002, the son of KH. Amir Hasan and
Nyai Aisyah, he is a teacher / Murshid
Toriqoh Asy Tsadzili, located in the Andong
Boyolali area of Andong Boyolali Village, is
the coach of Tariqoh Syeh Syadzili
teachings. Initially, this majlis did not intend
to accommodate people who fall into the
"Odd" category. It is said to be odd by the
author because they have committed
various crimes, (playing, stealing, madon,
drinking) and all other crimes have been
committed. because the chairman of the