JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 9, 1336 1344
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.146 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Muhammad Yasin
Mufrod Teguh Mulyo
Program Doktor Pascasarjana UNU Surakarta
e-mail: galsari04@gmail.com
, mufrodteguh1983@gmail.com
*Correspondence: galsari04@gmail.com
Submitted: 27 March 2022, Revised: 05 April 2022, Accepted: 16 April 2022
Abstract. Human life is colored by twists and turns of problems and problems that sometimes
make it difficult for humans themselves and others. They perpetuate in his word which is written in
the Qur'an Karim as follows. This, of course, gives rise to the special nature of former thugs, because
in their previous world not all of them wanted to carry it. Various studies to alleviate the problem
of thugs have actually been carried out by the police. This means that Islamic education places
morals as the main foundation before students are given other lessons. This assembly was initiated
by KH. Muhammad Ali or often called Abah Ali. The education is expected to be able to form and
foster good character, it is not enough to give it in schools, but the role of taklim councils is still a
lot that is able to carry out learning and coaching leading to akhlakul Karimah. This research is
categorized as research using a research and development (R & D) approach which begins by
finding the problems that exist in the consciousness of former thugs, then proceeds to explore the
results of relevant research and development problems being studied and then analyze them. The
result of the research is that coaching is a process, regulation, method of fostering, and so on, or
efforts, actions, and activities that are carried out efficiently. Majlis Qur'an, Dhikr, and Sholawat or
commonly called Base-Cam was established around 1995, this assembly started from the call or
recommendation of KH. Idris, who preached his da'wah, all leaned on the Prophet as a role model
when he preached Islam.
Keywords: development of guidance; former thugs based; pioneers at majlis Qur'an; Dhikr and
Muhammad Yasin, Sugiyo, Mufrod Teguh Mulyo | 1337
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.146 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
The journey of humans in the world is
not all smooth, human life is colored by the
twists and turns of problems and problems
that sometimes make it difficult for humans
themselves and others. Human problems
often occur in anxiety when problems arise,
this is as Allah immortalizes in his word
written in the Qur'an Karim as follows "Our
Lord, grant us goodness in this world and
goodness in the hereafter and protect us
from the torment of hell”.
Such indications do not look at the
status, position, and level of education, no
different from the same thing experienced
by former thugs who face life problems in
society. They travel their life in various ways,
they cover their shortcomings in their own
way. Even though this method clashes with
their inner comfort, that comfort will also
be felt by other people, even breaking the
rules or fighting government officials,
especially the police. Most of them cover
deficiencies in the economic field, for
example, by looting, asking forcibly from
other people (Misago, 2017), and bullying
someone they meet. When they fight, this
group takes violent actions, even killing
them. There are also those who are looking
for identity, for those who have excess
courage, their courage is actually used to
frighten and fight the apparatus and the
rule of law. Former thugs seek a quieter life
by joining tackle majlis, being active in
social activities, as well as in sports and
other types of activities.
Humans are complex and mysterious
creatures, this was conveyed by Murtadha
Muttahari who was quoted by Jalaluddin in
his book "Psychology of Religion
understands behavior by applying
psychological principles". He explained
further about humans, that to understand
humans needed more explanations and
interpretations than those needed by non-
humans (Gellers, 2021); (Brabec de Mori &
Seeger, 2013).
Religion has a significant impact on
human life, including health. Religion also
shows adaptability and is vital in various
aspects of social life, so changes in social
structure on a large scale often stem from
an understanding of religion (Cooley &
Rieff, 2017); (Bolger & Ecklund, 2022).
human relations and religion seem to be a
natural relationship. Religion is united in
the nature of human creation, manifested
in the nature of the submission, longing for
worship, and the nature of nobility
(Ogunnaike, 2016).
The development of coaching that is
built through bonds and compassion
(Wasylyshyn & Masterpasqua, 2018);
(Gilbert, 2019), creates an attitude of
change in one's character and attitude of
submission and creates an attitude of
longing for worship. This, of course, gives
rise to the special nature of former thugs,
because in their previous world not all of
them wanted to carry it. In this case, there
are at least five criteria that should be met,
firstly having a goal, second having
harmony with the goal, third having a clear
systematic, fourth having evaluation
activities, and fifth carrying out a fun
coaching and learning process. Various
studies to eradicate the problem of thugs
have actually been carried out by the police,
but actually, they have not stopped by
carrying out police activities and operations
aimed at reducing the potential for
1338 | A Model for Development of Guidance for Former Thugs Based on Pioneers at Majlis
Qur'an, Dhikr and Shalawat Ta'mirul Islam Surakarta
thuggery criminal disturbances, becoming
the brother of thuggery crime disorders, so
that they do not become real disturbances.
Thugs are a term used to describe the
phenomenon of social deviation that
occurs in (Diaconescu, 2017); (Wenner et al.,
Dewi, Sumartini with the title "Position
and Duties of the Police to Eradicate
thuggery and its Relation to Criminal Acts of
Violence in the Criminal Code in the Journal
of Lex et Societatis, Vol. I/No.2/Apr-
Jun/2013 page 72 states “The behavior of
thuggery and street crime is a social problem
that starts from the mental attitude of the
people who are not ready to accept jobs that
are considered less prestigious. Thugs in
Indonesia have existed since the Dutch
colonial era, apart from acting as vigilantes,
thuggery perpetrators have also used several
local champions to commit lower-level
thuggery acts, which generally commit
street crimes such as theft with threats of
violence (Article 365). KUHP), extortion (368
KUHP), rape (285 KUHP), maltreatment
(351 KUHP), committing acts of violence
against people or goods in public (170
KUHP), and even murder (338 KUHP) or
premeditated murder (340 KUHP), drunken
behavior in public (492 KUHP), which of
course can disrupt public order and cause
unrest in the community” (Dewi, 2022).
Humans really need education, both
physical education, and spiritual education.
Physical education in the form of physical
or energy, while spiritual education in the
form of religious knowledge, its role is as a
balance for humans when making a
decision. According to Redja Mulyaharjo,
education is dissected into two, first,
education is defined perfectly and with
awareness (Redja Mudyaharjo, 2016: 6).
Education is defined as the learning of
knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of
people passed down from one generation
to the next through teaching, training, or
research. Humans in the development of
life in the world are influenced by several
problems, almost all humans make life
easier and smoother which they consider a
source of happiness. Actually, feelings
cannot be seen with the five senses, but
their presence can be felt by someone.
Islam concludes that moral education is
the soul of Islamic education. This means
that Islamic education places morals as the
main foundation before students are given
other lessons. The educational process is
expected to be able to form and foster
good character, it is not enough to give it
in schools, but the role of taklim majlis are
still many who are able to carry out learning
and coaching leading to morality.
Majlis Qur'an, dhikr, and sholawat
appear as an alternative and at the same
time as a forum for coaching former thugs.
This assembly was initiated by KH.
Muhammad Ali or often called Abah Ali is
actually an effort suggested by his spiritual
teacher, KH. Muh Idris Born April 1, 1913-
died 2002, the son of KH. Amir Hasan and
Nyai Aisyah, he is a teacher / Murshid
Toriqoh Asy Tsadzili, located in the Andong
Boyolali area of Andong Boyolali Village, is
the coach of Tariqoh Syeh Syadzili
teachings. Initially, this majlis did not intend
to accommodate people who fall into the
"Odd" category. It is said to be odd by the
author because they have committed
various crimes, (playing, stealing, madon,
drinking) and all other crimes have been
committed. because the chairman of the
Muhammad Yasin, Sugiyo, Mufrod Teguh Mulyo | 1339
assembly met someone as a DPO (List of
People Searching) who was alone at the
tomb of Ki Ageng Ngenis Laweyan. This
person was then invited by the majlis
leadership to be fostered and taught how
to live, how to know the world, and how to
know the afterlife, as well as how to know
life more comfortably and comfortably. To
obtain such basic material, the person
spent several years at the assembly. From
this one true story, other friends are
looking for information that the person has
changed a little and is trying to take a good
This research is categorized as research
using a research and development (R & D)
approach which begins by finding the
problems that exist in the consciousness of
former thugs, then proceeds to explore the
results of relevant research and
development problems being studied and
then analyze them.
The data were analyzed using a
qualitative descriptive model (Lamb et al.,
2018), this is because in this study there are
various characteristics of qualitative
research, including (1) data in the form of
documents that are natural (natural setting)
sampling is determined purposively, (3) the
researcher as a key instrument in collecting
and interpreting data, (4) inductive data
analysis, and (5) meaning is essential.
Data collection was carried out at the
Qur'an, Dhikr and Shalawat Syadziliyah
Ta'mirul Islam Surakarta majlis, by exploring
critically the development model of
coaching carried out by religious/spiritual
leaders against several former thugs,
exploring their behavior was certainly done
when some former thugs who have realized
himself to change into a person who can be
accepted again by society in general. A very
interesting search was carried out, this
research was carried out because religious
values in the formation of each individual
were clearly carried out by former thugs led
by the leader of the majlis.
Disclosure of data through interview
techniques conducted by researchers orally
to two or more people face to face to listen
directly to information or statements (Jans
et al., 2012). This interview technique is
used by the author to reveal data related to
direct reasons from former thugs who are
interested in the Majlis Qur'an, Dhikr, and
Shalawat. Besides that, the author also uses
triangulation techniques to collect data
that is a combination of various data
collection techniques and existing data
sources (Sugiyono, 2020).
Thugs come from the Dutch language
(Bridgman, which means free, independent,
and ism = flow) is a term that is often used
to refer to the state of activities of a group
of people who earn their income mainly
from extortion from other community
groups. Human problems if we explore are
very complex, whether personal, group, or
macro issues that exist in that country.
various kinds of economic problems, family,
and peace of life. Human problems in daily
life as described above, there are still life
problems experienced by some people,
namely peace of mind or spiritual needs.
This problem must not everyone wants to
experience it.
1340 | A Model for Development of Guidance for Former Thugs Based on Pioneers at Majlis
Qur'an, Dhikr and Shalawat Ta'mirul Islam Surakarta
In the midst of people's lives, people
who experience these problems become
isolated, and among law enforcement
officers (police) people who experience
problems (problems) life becomes a
troublesome problem. Of all the problems
of life for the community and law
enforcement (police) is the problem of
The word thug is taken from the English
"freeman" which means free man. In some
Indonesian dictionaries we find there are at
least three meanings, first (thugs mean
non-government, not soldiers), second
(thugs are defined as civilians as bad
people who like to extort and commit
crimes), thirdly preman means coolies who
work in the fields). However, specifically,
the word thuggery is used for the second
meaning of the word, namely traits such as
people who like to blackmail and commit
Laws governing the crime of thugs
have been enacted, and violations with
criminal consequences have been enacted.
As stated in Article 368 of the Criminal
Code, which reads that whoever with the
intention of unlawfully benefiting himself
or another person, forces a person with
violence or threats of violence to give
something, which wholly or partly belongs
to that person or another person, or to
make debts or write off receivables, are
threatened with extortion with a maximum
imprisonment of nine years.
Kuntjoro defines thugs as all acts
against the rules, vandalism, brutal acts,
and unintelligent behavior, mostly by using
power (money, influence, mass, etc.) to
achieve certain goals by ignoring the
common consensus.
All actions that are always carried out
by thugs have a treatment target, where the
treatment of thugs is as follows:
a. Thugs who disturb the peace and order
(drinking, disturbing traffic, making
noise in public places).
b. Thugs who harass (begging by force) in
public locations (eg forcibly busking,
selling magazines forcibly, begging by
bullying, pushing cars to break down,
asking for money by force, harassing
people/individuals who raise and lower
building materials in factories,
industrial housing complexes, illegal
parking by asking for money by force,
and others similar.
c. Debt collector thugs (debt collectors by
force, threaten customers, forcibly
confiscate, take hostages)
d. Land thugs (holding/occupying
land/property illegally which is in
dispute by imposing the will of one
Research conducted by Yudhobusono
stated that the number of prisoners who
repeated their mistakes several times
caused the public to give them a negative
assessment (Panjaitan et al., 2019). Likewise,
Besin-Mengla, Mendong Margaret said
that the rejection attitude of some people
towards ex-convicts sometimes made them
feel they were treated less humanely
(Besin-Mengla, 2020).
That is the desire that comes to
someone who is considered capable of
alleviating all problems, as is the life of
former thugs, the same thing as the
teachings of the Prophet Muhammad
conveyed a prayer narrated from al Hasan
ibn Ali as follows O Allah, show me like
those who you have guided, make me
Muhammad Yasin, Sugiyo, Mufrod Teguh Mulyo | 1341
healthy like those whom you have given
health, make me as your lover like those
whom you have made so, bless me with
what you have given me, and protect me
from the evil of what you have ordained.
verily you are the one who decides, and will
not be determined over you (by anyone).
"Indeed, the people you love will not be
disgraced and the people you are hostile to
will not be honorable. O Allah, Most High
and High Eyes”.
Coaching is a process, regulation,
method of fostering, and so on or efforts,
actions, and activities that are carried out
efficiently and effectively to obtain better
Mangunhajana defines coaching as a
learning process by giving up up rights that
are already owned and learning new things
that are not yet owned with the aim of
helping people who live it to correct and
develop existing knowledge and skills and
gain new knowledge and skills to achieve
life goals. and work that has been done
more effectively (A. Mangunhajana, 1991:
Coaching turns out to have very deep
and broad meaning when the word
"coaching" is associated with the interests
of others, or in other words "coaching" is
associated with alleviating all problems that
exist in humans. More specifically, the word
"coaching”: is intended for people who are
in a lot of problems, so "Coaching",
becomes an alternative as an effort to
alleviate all problems.
Humans live in all the problems they
face, it has become a common concern. If
humans are aware of the origins of human
events, of course, life while in the world will
be used as well as possible, awareness as a
creature of God is certainly more prioritized.
But in reality, it is not as easy as we see
together, the ideal atmosphere certainly
appears in the ultimate goal of life.
Although the ultimate goal has been
formulated in a short and concise goal,
almost all humans, whatever their behavior,
that heaven is the final destination of all
humans. In this case, all creatures in the
form of humans always at the end of their
lives want heaven as a coveted place. Allah
SWT in Surah Al-Qashash verse 77 as
Meaning: and seek in what Allah has
bestowed upon you (happiness) in the
hereafter, and do not forget your share of
worldly (pleasures) and do good (to others)
as Allah has done good to you, and do not
do mischief in (your face)) Earth. Verily,
Allah does not like those who do mischief.
Another word of Allah, also states that:
Meaning: and I did not create the jinn and
humans except that they serve Me (Q.S.
Dzariyat: 56)
One of the efforts to overcome the
prevalence of thuggery in the city of Solo
and its surroundings is with a religious
approach, as in the opinion of religiosity, it
is a condition that exists within a person
who encourages him to behave according
to his level of obedience to religion
(Rakhmat, 2021).
Syeikh, Abdul Karim, interpreting the
word "Amar Ma'ruf Nahi Munkar", are the
two cases of ushuluddin, with both cases
realizing the goals of the prophets'
decisions (Syeikh, 2018). What is al-
Ghozali's message, each servant of Allah
has a responsibility for the da'wah of Islam.
The Messenger of Allah became a role
model when he preached Islam, he had
1342 | A Model for Development of Guidance for Former Thugs Based on Pioneers at Majlis
Qur'an, Dhikr and Shalawat Ta'mirul Islam Surakarta
experienced obstacles and hands. The clash
of the Prophet's da'wah, really reminds
people, when the invitation to goodness
and prohibition against evil is always
ordered by the Prophet. Allah SWT,
reminds humans regarding the call to do
good, as His word which means as follows:
Meaning: and let there be a group of
people who call on goodness, enjoin the
right and forbid what is evil, they are the
ones who lucky person.
Majlis Qur'an, Dhikr, and Sholawat or
commonly called Base-Cam was
established around 1995, this assembly
started from the call or recommendation of
KH. Idris. Besides being a mursid in the
science of thoriqoat, he is a spiritual figure
who encourages and guides all those who
learn to recite the Koran to him. It is no
different with H. Muhammad Ali, who is
more famous than Abah Ali, who already
knows KH. Muhammad Idris since around
1994 before he studied in Mecca.
The inspiration for the establishment of
the Majlis, among the basics, was the
teacher's order to be carried out, in
addition to helping people around to
explore religious material, besides that, of
course, Manaqib Syeh Szadzili who he
taught at the Majlis. Of course, it is not as
easy as expected, that the continuity of this
kind of activity is continuous and lasts a
long time. Not to mention the problem of
the congregation changing regularly to
participate in this kind of activity. There are
many studies of this kind and a coherent
scientific lineage is important to become a
reference for members of the assembly. Of
all the efforts to tawadhu 'follow the orders
of spiritual teachers, Abah Ali actually got a
congregation that was not imagined to
follow and ngangsu kaweruh about
understanding religion.
A student or santri or member of the
majlis is one who is experiencing legal
problems, due to various problems of crime
and criminality (Interview with Muhammad
Ali). Of course, it is not as smooth as
someone's response, when managing a
majlis consisting of people with minimal
religious knowledge and backgrounds with
multiple social and economic problems in
the family, it is certainly a challenge.
Coaching is a process, regulations,
ways of fostering, and so on, or efforts,
actions, and activities that are carried out
efficiently. Majlis Qur'an, Dhikr, and
Sholawat or commonly called Base-Cam
was established around 1995, this assembly
started from the call or recommendation of
KH. Idris, who preached his da'wah, all
leaned on the Prophet as a role model
when he preached Islam.
A student or santri or member of the
majlis is one who is experiencing legal
problems, due to various problems of crime
and criminality (Interview with Muhammad
Ali). Of course, it is not as smooth as
someone's response, when managing a
majlis consisting of people with minimal
religious knowledge and backgrounds with
multiple social and economic problems in
the family, it is certainly a challenge.
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