Muhammad Munzaini, Sugiyo, Dardiri Hasyim | 1317
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.145
The educational process is an effort to
develop and actualize students to the
maximum according to their talents and
interests, both formally and informally. In
educational institutions both formal and
informal, the development of noble and
religious morals certainly occupies one of
the duties of an institution. Therefore, the
development of religious and noble
character occupies a special place in
national education (Bakry, 2010). The task
of education is to develop a moral and
civilized person as a member of his
community, the surrounding community,
his ethnic community, his diverse national
community and as a member of a civilized
human society. Educating is a very broad
task, educating can be done by teaching,
encouraging, praising, exemplifying,
punishing, getting used to and so on (S.
Susanto, 2010), it is necessary to have an
appropriate educational model, in
accordance with the national education
goals, namely "development of potential
students to become human beings who
believe and fear God Almighty, have noble
character, are healthy, knowledgeable,
capable, creative, independent, and become
democratic and responsible citizens”
(Jannah & Fahlevi, 2018).
The implementation of the education
and teaching process should also be
student-centered (Wright, 2011); (Zohrabi
et al., 2012); (Thanh, 2010). This means that
in the implementation of education and
teaching in schools, related components
such as: students, teachers, staff, parents of
students, communities and others must
function optimally through empowerment
activities that are influenced by policies and
school organizational performance. As
school operators, teachers become
directors as well as managers in the
continuity of the education process.
Teacher quality factors also have an impact
on the implementation of a school-based
management system (Sutarto et al., 2014);
(Pratiwi, 2016). The statement conveyed by
Ki Supriyoko, that education without
quality teachers has been going on for
years (Zainuddin, 2017). Has emphasized
that the quality of low quality teachers will
be difficult to carry out a management
system in schools (Usman, 2014).
Every human being has a nature that is
expressed in the form of potential interests,
talents and intelligence. The potential for
intelligence is actualized in the form of
abilities. Potential abilities generated by the
brain that is in every human being. Humans
who are born as long as they have a brain
are sure to be intelligent. The brain in the
human head.
In simple terms, educational
malpractice is defined as a procedural error
and action in carrying out the educational
process (Teh & Russo, 2018) in a broad
sense, broad meaning can mean as long as
teaching by heeding learning styles
according to the multiple intelligences of
students. This error can occur in the
educational process, both at school and at
home, so that students and children fail to
achieve complete learning outcomes.
Errors in the learning process in schools
involve schools and teachers as the
spearhead of education. While at home,
sometimes parents play a role in giving
birth to educational disasters for their
children. The system at home and in