JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 9, 1316 1335
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.145 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Muhammad Munzaini
Dardiri Hasyim
Program Doktor Pascasarjana UNU Surakarta
e-mail: muhammadmunzaini@gmail.com
, sugiyo@mail.unnes.ac.id
, adardirihayim@gmail.com
*Correspondence: muhammadmunzaini@gmail.com
Submitted: 28 March 2022, Revised: 05 April 2022, Accepted: 16 April 2022
Abstract. This study aims to determine the implementation model of the learning concept
multiple intelligences in an Islamic perspective at SMP Bayt al-Hikmah Pasuran Islamic Boarding
School (SBP). The type of research used is a qualitative approach descriptive. Data collection was
carried out through in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and a review of documents.
Data that has been collected were analyzed using qualitative data analysis techniques. The
conclusions of this study are: (1) The theory of multiple intelligences can be used as a bridge to
transfer a concept of knowledge that can be digested easily easier. The proof is that it can increase
interest, talent. (2) Student input; by continuing to hold tests to find out the child's basic abilities
about Pesantren and knowing that children are not children who have needs especially because
this institution has not been able to prepare the facilities. Whereas the amount received is in
accordance with the capacity of the class and available rooms, then held Multiple Intelligences
Research (MIR). Teacher input; condition. The main thing is to be willing to continue to learn and
be committed, a written test is carried out, practice (micro-teaching), and interviews. Learning
process; Composing teacher lesson plan based on MIR and SOP results, implementing multiple
strategies bits of intelligence based on how the brain works, and evaluate/assess competence
students, accompanied by a consultant “Guardian Angel. Student output. Student outputs; student
competencies include cognitive, psychomotor, and effective, which are assessed based on
authentic assessment with the concept of ipsative-discovery ability. While teacher competence is
assessed based on 4 components (student learning outcomes, lesson plan, creativity, and teacher
behavior). Every semester students and teachers receive reports. The teacher's report card serves
as a determinant of achievement resulting in an increase in salary and rank.
Keywords: multiple intelligence; learning in Islamic.
Muhammad Munzaini, Sugiyo, Dardiri Hasyim | 1317
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.145 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
The educational process is an effort to
develop and actualize students to the
maximum according to their talents and
interests, both formally and informally. In
educational institutions both formal and
informal, the development of noble and
religious morals certainly occupies one of
the duties of an institution. Therefore, the
development of religious and noble
character occupies a special place in
national education (Bakry, 2010). The task
of education is to develop a moral and
civilized person as a member of his
community, the surrounding community,
his ethnic community, his diverse national
community and as a member of a civilized
human society. Educating is a very broad
task, educating can be done by teaching,
encouraging, praising, exemplifying,
punishing, getting used to and so on (S.
Susanto, 2010), it is necessary to have an
appropriate educational model, in
accordance with the national education
goals, namely "development of potential
students to become human beings who
believe and fear God Almighty, have noble
character, are healthy, knowledgeable,
capable, creative, independent, and become
democratic and responsible citizens
(Jannah & Fahlevi, 2018).
The implementation of the education
and teaching process should also be
student-centered (Wright, 2011); (Zohrabi
et al., 2012); (Thanh, 2010). This means that
in the implementation of education and
teaching in schools, related components
such as: students, teachers, staff, parents of
students, communities and others must
function optimally through empowerment
activities that are influenced by policies and
school organizational performance. As
school operators, teachers become
directors as well as managers in the
continuity of the education process.
Teacher quality factors also have an impact
on the implementation of a school-based
management system (Sutarto et al., 2014);
(Pratiwi, 2016). The statement conveyed by
Ki Supriyoko, that education without
quality teachers has been going on for
years (Zainuddin, 2017). Has emphasized
that the quality of low quality teachers will
be difficult to carry out a management
system in schools (Usman, 2014).
Every human being has a nature that is
expressed in the form of potential interests,
talents and intelligence. The potential for
intelligence is actualized in the form of
abilities. Potential abilities generated by the
brain that is in every human being. Humans
who are born as long as they have a brain
are sure to be intelligent. The brain in the
human head.
In simple terms, educational
malpractice is defined as a procedural error
and action in carrying out the educational
process (Teh & Russo, 2018) in a broad
sense, broad meaning can mean as long as
teaching by heeding learning styles
according to the multiple intelligences of
students. This error can occur in the
educational process, both at school and at
home, so that students and children fail to
achieve complete learning outcomes.
Errors in the learning process in schools
involve schools and teachers as the
spearhead of education. While at home,
sometimes parents play a role in giving
birth to educational disasters for their
children. The system at home and in
1318 | Implementation of the Concept of Multiple Intelligences Learning in an Islamic
Perspective at Bayt Al-Hikmah Junior High School Pasuruan Islamic Boarding School
schools that fall into the category of
educational malpractice accelerates the
stunting of potential intelligence and
accelerates the death of interests and
Bayt Al-Hikmah Junior High School
Pasuruan is a member of the Pesantren-
Based School (SBP) organized by the
Directorate of Junior High School
Development, Directorate General of Basic
Education, Ministry of Education and
Culture in collaboration with the
Directorate of Early Education and Islamic
Boarding Schools of the Directorate
General of Islamic Education, Ministry of
Religion and the Center for Research and
Development in Education. (CERDEV) UIN
Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The Pesantren-
Based Junior High School Program or
commonly called SBP was born out of a
great desire to produce intellectual,
emotional, and spiritual intelligent students
through the integration of the advantages
of regular education (in this case junior
high school) with Islamic boarding school
education (Syafe’i, 2017). Since 2013 Bayt
Al-Hikmah Junior High School Pasuruan
has implemented and provided assistance
with Nex Edu Surabaya for the
implementation of multiple Intelligences-
based learning.
The pattern of education that occurs
today is still a lot that prioritizes uniformity
and the measurement of intelligent
students is only limited to IQ. Exploring the
intelligence of students is still very rarely
done as the main support for starting each
learning design, strategies and approaches
used, as well as the evaluation that is
determined. The tendency of interests,
talents, talents and basic skills has not
become an integral part. In connection with
this intelligence, Gardner through the
theory of multiple intelligences develops 9
intelligences, including: Verbal linguistics,
logical-mathematical intelligence, visual-
spatial intelligence, rhythmic musical
intelligence, interpersonal intelligence,
interpersonal intelligence, kinesthetic
physical intelligence, natural intelligence,
spiritual existential intelligence (DeBlasio,
According to Munif Chatib, multiple
Intelligences (MI) based learning is carried
out by covering three important activities,
namely: 1) Input stage, usually done with
MIR (Multiple Intelligences Research)
activities: 2) Process stage, Munif divides it
into 4 stages, namely (Brain, Strategy).
teaching, product, and benefits): and 3)
Output, at this stage an authentic
assessment is carried out that captures
three domains of ability, namely cognitive,
affective and psychomotor abilities.
MIR (Multiple Intelligences Research) is
the first technique at the input stage in
multiple intelligences-based learning. MIR
is a research instrument that can provide a
description of a person's intelligence
tendencies. From the analysis of the
intelligence tendencies, it can be concluded
that the best learning style for a person.
The second stage is marked by the process
of processing students with various
learning styles in the information transfer
process or learning process that aims to
complete learning outcomes indicators.
The brain stage is a very important initial
stage, meaning that teachers must
understand how the brain works, namely
Muhammad Munzaini, Sugiyo, Dardiri Hasyim | 1319
revealing, storing, and processing
information in the thinking process. In the
teaching strategy, the teacher must make a
lesson plan or what is commonly called RPP
(Learning implementation plan). Learning
strategies based on multiple intelligences
are very numerous along with the creativity
of teachers, the database of multiple
intelligences strategies also continues to
grow (Makrufi, 2017). Learning outcomes
are learning outcomes that give birth to
new works related to learning materials. As
for the product of learning outcomes,
namely a) Objects/intellectual works that
can be displayed; b) Appearance; and c)
Education projects. The power of benefit
when the products that are successfully
made by students are based on several
benefits principles, including:
1. The product is useful by showing it to
many people.
2. The product is useful for some people.
3. The product is useful for many people,
there are even duplication
The output stage is the last stage of the
three stages of multiple intelligences
learning. The output stage is the
assessment process of the learning process.
In this multiple intelligences-based
learning, the assessors use authentic
assessments. Authentic assessment is an
assessment of the complete figure of a
student which is not measured only in
terms of cognitive but also in terms of
affective and psychomotor students.
Authentic assessment is an activity to
assess students that emphasizes what
should be assessed, both processes and
results with various assessment
instruments, so that teachers can know the
competence of students comprehensively,
not only in the cognitive domain but also in
the affective and psychomotor domains
(Fadilah Nur Sugiyanto, Saiful Ridlo, 2015).
If the teacher succeeds in entering the
student's world through adjusting the
student's learning style, students will be
willing to give their teaching rights to the
teacher. According to De Potter, the
authority to teach and the right to teach are
different. Maybe every teacher who has a
teaching license has the authority to teach.
However, the right to teach is something
that can be achieved by a teacher with hard
work and that right is in the wishes of the
students (H. Susanto, 2016).
Multiple intelligences is a theory of
intelligence raised by Howard Gardner, a
developmental psychology expert and
professor at Harvard University from
Project Zero (a research group) in 1983. The
interesting thing about this intelligence
theory is that there are attempts to redefine
intelligence. Before the theory of multiple
intelligences emerged, the theory of
intelligence was more likely to be
interpreted narrowly. A person's
intelligence is determined more by his
ability to complete a series of IQ tests, then
the test is converted into a standard
number of intelligence. Gardner succeeded
in breaking the dominance of theory and IQ
tests, which since 1905 have been widely
used by psychologists around the world.
The thing that distinguishes the
concept of multiple intelligences known so
far from the concept of multiple
intelligences from the perspective of the
Qur'an/Hadith is that there are no spiritual
values that appear in each intelligence.
Spiritual values always appear in every
1320 | Implementation of the Concept of Multiple Intelligences Learning in an Islamic
Perspective at Bayt Al-Hikmah Junior High School Pasuruan Islamic Boarding School
intelligence. Spiritual values always appear
in every intelligence. Spiritual values always
appear in every multiple intelligences
contained in the Qur'an/Hadith. These
values are like every intelligence possessed
by humans is a gift from Allah swt that
should be developed, every intelligence
possessed by humans should be used as a
means to benefit other Allah's creatures,
the intelligence given by Allah is a way for
servants to be more grateful for all the
blessings that exist.
The emergence of qualitative methods
is triggered by the understanding that the
symptoms of life consist of two different
elements. In everyday life it is known as
physical and spiritual forms, physical and
non-physical, concrete and abstract, gross
and subtle, real and unreal (Nyoman Kutha
Ratna, 2016: 89-90). These two symptoms
always and continuously affect human life.
Even humans themselves are formed on the
basis of these two phenomena. Further
understanding shows that spiritual
phenomena are the dominant ones which
seem to have no boundaries. It is the
consequences in contemporary qualitative
theory that require greater attention.
This type of qualitative research with a
case study approach was conducted to
determine the implementation of the
concept of multiple intelligences learning
at SMP Bayt Al-Hikmah Pasuruan. The place
of research was carried out at Bait-al-
Hikmah Middle School Pasuruan. The
choice of the object of research for the
school is because it has applied the theory
of Multiple Intelligences to the learning
management system and the teacher's
teaching method uses the multiple
intelligences approach or multiple
intelligences approach.
The Data Analysis Method is data that
has been collected and then analyzed,
processed, organized, processed, and
sorted, with the hope that the data will be
more meaningful. To achieve all that, it
takes sincerity, patience, perseverance,
enthusiasm, thoroughness and accuracy. In
order for the preparation of the data to be
interpreted, the researchers used creativity
to produce data that was easy to read.
Analysis of Multiple Intelligences
Applications in Hidden Curriculum
The application of the theory of
multiple intelligences in the learning
management system begins with the
formation of a paradigm that every child is
a unique individual with diverse talents,
abilities, and intelligences. The implication
is that every child has a variety of styles in
learning and in absorbing information. The
variety of styles in learning and in
absorbing this information, in the learning
process causes variations in the perspective
and evaluation. From this paradigm, several
rationales for using the theory of multiple
intelligences emerged in the learning
process, which are as follows:
1. Multiple Intelligences with regard to
the ability of students to do something
in various contexts. The implication of
this is that the teaching strategy carried
out by the teacher should use multiple
Muhammad Munzaini, Sugiyo, Dardiri Hasyim | 1321
methods. In other words, students are
invited to experience various learning
2. Learning outcomes (learning autism)
achieved by students contain an
explanation of the things that students
do after going through the learning
process, in the form of the reliability of
students' abilities to do something
through measurable performance.
3. The preparation of learning outcomes
competencies is based on plural
intelligence which is determined
proportionally, not only cognitive or
spiritual aspects.
4. In the context of learning, if the
teacher's teaching style is the same as
the student's learning style, the lesson
becomes easy.
5. The theory of multiple intelligences
provides an opportunity for teachers to
develop innovative learning strategies,
which are relatively new in the world of
education to stimulate the multiple
intelligences of each student by
optimizing the eight intelligences
possessed by each student by
emphasizing the activeness of students
in the process. learning.
Based on these several paradigms, it
will be analyzed as well as the application
of the theory of multiple intelligences at
Bayt Al-Hikmah Junior High School
Pasuruaan. The following description is the
application of the theory of multiple
intelligences to increase the multiple
intelligences of each child contained in the
supporting curriculum (hidden curriculum).
1. Morning habituation activities;
2. Integrated habituation activities.
Multiple intelligences teaching strategy
at Bayt Al-Hikmah Junior High School
The application of the concept of
intelligence (multiple intelligences) at SMP
Bayt Al-Hikmah Pasuruan becomes a
functional concept that can be seen
working in the lives of students and
teachers in various ways. Bayt Al-Hikmah
Junior High School Pasuruan has applied
the theory of multiple intelligences, in the
process of teacher education and teaching.
There are at least nine types of basic
intelligence contained in the theory of
multiple intelligences possessed by
humans, by grouping human abilities into
nine comprehensive categories that have
been applied at Bayt Al-Hikmah Junior
High School Pasuruan.
In the learning process, these nine
intelligences can be used as entry points to
start the process of teaching and learning
activities. Here are some teaching
strategies based on the theory of multiple
intelligences suggested by some of these
theorists. Researchers conducted an
analysis of the implementation of this
strategy at Bayt Al-Hikmah Middle School
Pasuruan. The data was taken based on
direct observation and learning videos
when the consultant made observations to
the class when you were teaching, as well
as in natural situations which the writer
then made a recording in the form of a
1. Linguistic Intelligence
The ability to use words effectively,
both orally and in writing. This
intelligence includes the ability to
manipulate the syntax or structure of
language, the phonology or sounds of
1322 | Implementation of the Concept of Multiple Intelligences Learning in an Islamic
Perspective at Bayt Al-Hikmah Junior High School Pasuruan Islamic Boarding School
language, and the pragmatic dimension
or practical use in language. Some of its
uses include rhetoric (using language
to convince others through certain
actions), memonics (using language to
remember information), explanation
(using language to inform), and
metalanguage (using language to talk
about language itself). Indicators of
teaching strategies at SMP Bayt Al-
Hikmah Pasuruan, carried out in two
contexts, including:
a. Main Program Context
The main program context is in the
form of teaching and learning for
students based on the results of the
multiple intelligences research (MIR) of
students when they start to become
new students at Bayt Al-Hikmah Junior
High School Pasuruan. Indicators of
teacher teaching strategies specifically
for students' linguistic intelligence, are:
Lecture teaching strategy, discussion
teaching strategy, question and answer
teaching strategy, interview teaching
strategy, presentation teaching
strategy, oral reporting teaching
strategy, reporter teaching strategy,
storytelling teaching strategy, fairy tale
teaching strategy, strategies for
teaching debate, strategies for teaching
reading aloud, strategies for teaching
poetry, strategies for teaching
guesswork, strategies for teaching
meaningful characters, strategies for
teaching rhymes, strategies for
teaching imaginative writing, strategies
for teaching writing information,
strategies for teaching writing short
stories, strategies for teaching writing
novels, teaching strategies writing
stories from comics, strategies for
teaching writing reports, strategies for
teaching personal writing, strategies for
teaching vocabulary, strategies for
teaching crossword puzzles, strategies
for teaching writing scenarios.
b. Supporting Program Context
Among them are the activities of
the teacher welcoming students from
the lodge/dormitory in the morning
while asking how they are today,
making stories before the process to
develop language intelligence, where
students are invited to enjoy and love
language, where students can enjoy
sounds and words, appreciate and
interpret power with full responsibility.
Through effective questioning, if
students are asked to understand and
not just remember the information they
find in textbooks, newspaper reference
materials and so on, then they must
actively use the information. Asking a
question uses unspoken words and
expressions that are not easily found in
the text or manuscript. So that it
encourages students to think and think
not only to copy answers. This skill is
very appropriate when used by
teachers for linguistic intelligence.
Observing (supervising) actively,
often students do not think and learn
actively when watching videos. Some
teachers ask students questions to be
answered when they watch the video.
Usually the questions are presented in
an order in which the answers will
appear in the video, thus pointing to
the answer. Such questions are easy to
Muhammad Munzaini, Sugiyo, Dardiri Hasyim | 1323
answer and rarely require active
The teacher uses a result map, this
method can be used before or after
students learn a topic. It can be used to
find out how thoroughly students think
about an issue or event, or it can be
used to find out whether they have
been able to apply the information they
have learned in analyzing new
situations. Students are asked to
consider all possible outcomes or
consequences of an action or change
and then the results and consequences
after that. And they are also
encouraged to think about positive and
negative consequences. This method
can also be used by teachers to train
children in developing linguistic
2. Mathematical Logical Intelligence.
The ability to use numbers
effectively (for example, as a
mathematician, accountant, tax expert,
statistician) and for good reason (for
example, as a scientist, computer
programmer, or logician). This
intelligence includes sensitivity to
logical patterns and relationships,
statements and propositions (if-then,
cause-effect), functions, and other
related abstractions. The types of
processes used in the service of
mathematical logical intelligence
include categorization, classification,
generalization, calculation, and
hypothesis testing. Strategic indicators
for teaching mathematical logic at Bayt
Al-Hikmah Junior High School
Pasuruan, are as follows.
a. Main Program Context
The results of the multiple
intelligences research (MIR) of
students become the basis for
teachers to design their teaching
strategies. Indicators of teaching
strategies for special teachers of
logical-mathematical intelligence at
Bayt Al-Hikmah Middle School
Pasuruan are as follows:
observation teaching strategies,
discovering teaching strategies,
problem-solving teaching
strategies, identification teaching
strategies, classification teaching
strategies, separation teaching
strategies, quantification,
comparative teaching strategies,
text procedures, teaching strategies
for data collection guessing
numbers, teaching strategies for
data collection guessing symbols,
teaching strategies for Sudoku,
teaching strategies for practice
questions, teaching strategies for
action research, teaching strategies
for experiments, teaching strategies
for case studies.
b. Supporting Program Context
Among them are teacher
activities at Bayt Al-Hikmah Junior
High School Pasuruan welcoming
students into class in the morning
while asking what time the students
were praying tahajjut, Arabic and
English applications, breakfast,
bathing, dhuha prayer, and
recitation of the Qur'an. was read or
memorized. Students are faced with
concrete problems by giving
problems. Students are guided for
continuous group work (group
1324 | Implementation of the Concept of Multiple Intelligences Learning in an Islamic
Perspective at Bayt Al-Hikmah Junior High School Pasuruan Islamic Boarding School
dynamic) in working on a particular
project. This method can be applied
to develop mathematical logic
intelligence and interpersonal
intelligence. Comparing and
synthesizing information,
understanding the information
gathered from resources can be
improved if students work in groups
and each group member is given a
different source of data to use in the
group and each group member is
asked the same questions. Thus,
students must compare and discuss
the answers they have written, so
that as a result, they will be able to
give a satisfactory answer. This is an
effective strategy for expert groups
to use when a jigsaw approach to a
research project is used. This
method can also be developed to
train children in terms of linguistic
intelligence and logical-
mathematical intelligence.
The teacher can also invite
students to calculate the
advantages and disadvantages, a
less complex analytical task can
involve students to examine the
information they find about
controversial decisions, attitudes, or
actions (to be disputed). Students
work as a whole class or in groups
to classify the information they
collect whether it is profit or loss for
themselves, their families, their
environment, or society in general.
After the classification of
advantages and disadvantages has
been completed, students can be
asked to decide. This is one way for
teachers to develop mathematical
logical intelligence.
3. Spatial-Visual Intelligence
The ability to perceive the visual-
spatial world accurately (for example, as
a hunter, scout, or guide) and make
changes to that perception (for
example, as an interior decorator,
architect, artist or inventor). This
intelligence involves sensitivity to color,
line, shape, space, and the relationships
that exist between visual-spatial
elements. This includes the ability to
appropriately visualize oneself in a
spatial matrix.
a. Main Program Context
The results of multiple
intelligences research (MIR) of
students who are spatial-visual
dominant are projected by the
teacher in designing their teaching
strategies. Indicators of teaching
strategies for special teachers of
spatial-visual intelligence at Bayt
Al-Hikmah Junior High School
Pasuruan are as follows: mind map
teaching strategies, handwriting
and sand teaching strategies, air
writing strategies, picture sequence
teaching strategies, picture
guessing teaching strategies,
strategies for teaching imaginative
drawing, strategies for teaching
letters in color, strategies for
teaching guessing facial sketches,
strategies for teaching drawing
meaning of symbols, strategies for
teaching reading maps, teaching
strategies for teaching movie
Muhammad Munzaini, Sugiyo, Dardiri Hasyim | 1325
learning, strategies for teaching
guessing maps, strategies for
teaching reading pictures,
strategies for teaching guessing
numbers in color, flashcard
teaching strategy, domino card
teaching strategy
b. Supporting Program Context
Among them in the
extracurricular activities of students,
teachers at Bayt Al-Hikmah Junior
High School Pasuruan asked
students' interest in tracking
activities in scouts or asked
students to show the direction of
the compass and the direction of
Qibla. The teacher invites the
students to go on a picnic, the
students design relaxing activities
outside of school, they don't have
to go too far and expensive places.
To explore social values, spirituality,
beauty, and so on. This is a great
way to develop spatial intelligence
and musical intelligence. Camping
study, students are invited to do
camp in the context of learning. This
activity also does not have to be far
away, it can be in the schoolyard or
cottage field. As above, this can be
applied by teachers to build spatial
intelligence, as well as
4. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
Skills in using the whole body to express
ideas and feelings (e.g. as a mimetic
actor, athlete, or dancer) and agility in
using one's hands for a sculptor,
mechanic, or surgeon). This intelligence
includes certain physical skills, such as
coordination, balance, dexterity,
flexibility dexterity, speed, and
proprioceptive and tactile capacities.
a. Main Program Context
The results of multiple intelligences
research (MIR) of students with a
dominant kinesthetic dominance are
projected by the teacher in designing
their teaching strategies. Indicators of
teaching strategies for teachers
specifically for kinesthetic intelligence
at Bayt Al-Hikamah Junior High School
Pasuruan are as follows: stick answer
teaching strategies, fishing game
teaching strategies, true false jump
teaching strategies, basketball math
teaching strategies, creative movement
teaching strategies, snake teaching
strategies ladder, simulation teaching
strategy, demonstration teaching
strategy, role-playing teaching
strategy, right and wrong running right
and wrong teaching strategy, stepping
on numbers teaching strategy,
symmetrical indentation teaching
b. Supporting Program Context
Among them in the extracurricular
activities of students, teachers at Bayt
Al-Hikmah Junior High School asked
students to explain certain movements,
both movements in dancing or sports.
5. Musical Intelligence
The ability to feel (e.g. as a music
lover), differentiate (e.g., as a music
critic), compose (e.g. as a composer),
and express (e.g. as a performer or
musician). This intelligence includes
sensitivity to rhythm, tone or melody,
and/or tone color in a piece of music.
a. Main Program Context
1326 | Implementation of the Concept of Multiple Intelligences Learning in an Islamic
Perspective at Bayt Al-Hikmah Junior High School Pasuruan Islamic Boarding School
The results of the multiple
intelligences research (MIR) of
students who are dominant in
music are projected by the teacher
in designing their teaching
strategies. Indicators of teacher
teaching strategies, especially
music intelligence at Bayt Al-
Hikmah Junior High School are as
follows: parody teaching strategies,
concert teaching strategies, sound
guessing games teaching
strategies, singing teaching
b. Supporting Program Context
Among them, the teacher's
activity in welcoming students into
the classroom is played by the
sound of muratal strains, Islamic
prayers or songs, and national
songs that are played every
6. Interpersonal Intelligence
The ability to understand and make
differences in the moods, intentions,
motivations, and feelings of others. This
can include sensitivity to facial
expressions, voice, and gestures. The
ability to distinguish different types of
interpersonal cues, and the ability to
respond effectively to these cues in
some pragmatic way (for example, to
influence a group of people to follow a
certain path of action).
a. Main Program Context.
The results of the multiple intelligences
research (MIR) of students who are
dominantly interpersonally
intelligent are projected by teachers
in designing their teaching
strategies. Indicators of teacher
teaching strategies, specifically
interpersonal intelligence at Bayt
Al-Hikmah Junior High School are
as follows: group work teaching
strategies, question card teaching
strategies, sociodrama teaching
strategies, give and take teaching
strategies, jigsaw teaching
strategies, chain intelligence
teaching strategies, strategies for
teaching letters to friends.
b. Supporting Program Context
Among them are the activities
of the teacher welcoming students
into the classroom, students being
greeted with friendliness and
familiarity and greeted when
entering the school door, and the
school terrace every morning.
Students are invited to think
together, discuss together, and
solve problems together. This
method can hone interpersonal
intelligence. Individual and group
work, the learning process is
essentially the provision of services
to each individual student so that
they develop optimally according
to their potential. Individual service
does not mean teaching children
one by one in turn, but by providing
maximum opportunities for each
individual to gain as much learning
experience as possible. This can be
done by activating students both
individually and in groups. One of
the most common ways to
encourage teamwork is to ask
students to work in teams or groups
Muhammad Munzaini, Sugiyo, Dardiri Hasyim | 1327
to find answers to questions, so as
to solve a problem, by conducting
an experiment or researching a
project topic. However, teachers
must be careful that expectations
for cooperation, tolerance, team
spirit, and understanding of the
nature of work should be realistic
given the skills and experience of
students. The methods as above
can be developed by teachers to
build the intelligence of students in
the interpersonal field, as well as
kinesthetic intelligence.
Through role-playing
activities/round table conferences,
the teacher facilitates students to
discuss as a group interest. It is
intended to help students
recognize that there is usually a
range of points of view on an issue
and a range of ways of interpreting
information about that issue. These
views are usually determined by the
experience, hopes, ideals,
educational values, lifestyle, and
role in society of the person
expressing those views. The teacher
acts as a facilitator (provider of
convenience), ensuring that all
students are allowed to express
views according to the role they
have received. That each discussion
takes place in an orderly manner
and encourages the participation of
students and, if necessary, asks
questions. At the end of a
roundtable conference, students
should be encouraged to consider
all points of view and arrive at a
personal decision on the issue. This
method can be developed to
stimulate children to develop their
interpersonal intelligence well.
7. Intrapersonal Intelligence
The ability to make accurate
perceptions of oneself and to use such
knowledge in planning and directing
one's life. Self-knowledge and the
ability to act adaptively based on that
knowledge. This intelligence includes
having an accurate picture of oneself
(one's strengths and limitations),
awareness of one's moods and
thoughts, intentions, motivations,
temperaments, and desires. and the
ability to self-discipline, self-
understanding, and self-esteem.
Children learn through feelings, values,
and attitudes.
a. Main Program Context
The results of multiple
intelligences research (MIR) of
students who are dominantly
intelligent are projected by teachers
in designing their teaching
strategies. Indicators of teacher
teaching strategies, especially
intelligence, especially
intrapersonal at Bayt Al-Hikmah
Junior High School, are as follows:
strategies for teaching games who
am I, teaching strategies for
question students have, teaching
strategies for the character,
teaching strategies for value
contracts, teaching strategies for
identity manipulation.
b. Supporting Program Context
As long as students are in the
Bayt Al-Hikmah Junior High School
environment, students are given the
1328 | Implementation of the Concept of Multiple Intelligences Learning in an Islamic
Perspective at Bayt Al-Hikmah Junior High School Pasuruan Islamic Boarding School
freedom to play either individually
or in groups. In teaching activities,
the teacher facilitates the way
students learn personally. Teachers
can also invite students to do
reflective thinking/critical thinking,
individually or in groups faced with
an article, event, case, picture,
photo, and so on. Students are
invited to make notes of reflection
or responses to these materials. The
materials can be chosen by the
students themselves. Students in
one class are invited to build a
community or mini-community
(community building) with the
rules, duties, rights, and obligations
which they democratically manage
themselves. Students are given
concrete tasks and asked to make
an honest accountability report
(responsibility building). This
method can develop kinesthetic
intelligence, interpersonal
intelligence, and intrapersonal
8. Natural Intelligence
This type of intelligence is closely
related to the environment, flora, fauna,
which not only enjoy nature to enjoy its
beauty but, at the same time has a
concern for the preservation of nature.
It also includes sensitivity to other
natural phenomena (eg cloud
formations, mountains, hills, valleys,
and rivers), and cases growing in the
a. Main Program Context
The results of the multiple
intelligences research (MIR) of
students who are naturally
intelligent are projected by the
teacher in designing their teaching
strategies. The indicators of
teaching strategies for special
teachers of natural intelligence at
Bayt Al-Hikmah Junior High School
are as follows: teaching strategies
for guessing animal sounds,
teaching strategies for plant
identification, strategies for
teaching leaf mathematics,
teaching strategies for field trips.
b. Supporting Program Context
Students are given the
opportunity to maintain plants,
water the plants in the Pondok by
picketing, give them the habit of
throwing garbage in its place, and
together make biopori in the
Pondok and Junior High School
environment of Bayt Al-Hikmah
9. Existentialist
Human readiness to face death,
with the characteristics of awareness of
God, with the following characteristics:
tend to question everything about
human existence, the meaning of life,
why humans experience death and the
reality they face, and why humans live
in this world. Children learn by seeing
things by looking at the big picture in
the form of the best behavior or the
morals of those closest to them and the
surrounding environment. From
toddlers to adults, children record,
enrich their knowledge and life skills.
Children are just like watching
television. Thus the child behaves well,
Muhammad Munzaini, Sugiyo, Dardiri Hasyim | 1329
it is very possible if the child comes
from a good family and environment.
Rude child. The environment becomes
a catalyst for children to behave well
and inhibits children with violent
behavior. A positive environment
accelerates children to find the nodes
of their existence to the meaning of life.
Divine consciousness is the principle of
seeking one's existence in life.
a. Main Program Context
The results of multiple
intelligences research (MIR) of
students who are dominantly
existentially intelligent are
projected by the teacher in
designing their teaching strategies.
Indicators of teacher teaching
strategies, especially existential
intelligence at Bayt Al-Hikmah
Junior High School, are as follows:
teaching strategies for tadabbur
nature, teaching strategies for
b. Supporting Program Context
Students receive regular
tausiah, study the Koran,
participants memorize verses of the
Koran, children are educated in the
study of the yellow book, students
have fostered morals so that prayer
in congregation and their auras
become habituation and are carried
out with full awareness and
students are trained to practice
riyadhoh istiqomah aurot-aurot
that has been certified by the
The context of the application
of multiple intelligences in Bayt Al-
Hikmah Junior High School
Pasuruan, especially in learning is
modified and developed according
to the principles of the theory of
multiple intelligences. A wide range
of powers is to be developed, which
means there are many ways to
apply the theory of multiple
intelligences. From a variety of
settings. apply the theory of origin
by touching the principle of
multiple intelligences. The system
of implementing the multiple
intelligences teaching process at
Bayt Al-Hikmah Junior High School
Pasuruan, so that parents and the
Bayt Al-Hikmah Islamic Boarding
School begin to focus their
attention on the innate abilities of
each student.
However, before the author
analyzes the application of the
theory of multiple intelligences in
the teacher's teaching strategy, the
author firstly determines the extent
of the teacher's understanding of
these multiple intelligence-based
teaching strategies.
The implications of the application of
the theory of multiple intelligences
The implications of the application of
the theory of multiple intelligences in
education and teaching for Bayt Al-Hikmah
Junior High School teachers, Pasuruan,
demand a complete understanding from
every teacher of this paradigm as well as
the creativity of each teacher in designing
learning strategies that view that every
child is unique and has different learning
styles. A wide variety of variants of different
learning styles. Various kinds of variations
1330 | Implementation of the Concept of Multiple Intelligences Learning in an Islamic
Perspective at Bayt Al-Hikmah Junior High School Pasuruan Islamic Boarding School
in learning that students have at Bayt Al-
Hikmah Junior High School Pasuruan have
implications for the assessment and
evaluation system.
1. Multiple intelligences regarding the
ability of students to do something in
various contexts.
2. Multiple intelligences explain the
learning experiences that students go
through to become competency
3. Multiple intelligences are learning
outcomes that explain what students
do after going through the learning
4. The reliability of the ability of students
to do something must be clearly and
broadly defined in a standard that can
be achieved through measurable
5. The preparation of competency
standards, competencies, and learning
outcomes should be based on multiple
intelligences that are set proportionally,
not only in cognitive or spiritual aspects
but in a balanced and targeted manner.
6. Multiple intelligences is a concept of
intelligence that has existed since
humans were born. This concept is the
result of a neurobiological study
(neuroscience) of brain maps that rely
on neural networks. Each lobe of the
brain (lobe of the brain), is responsible
for the type of intelligence and is
mutually independent, cooperating
with each other biochemically.
Implications in the world of education
for teachers, used in learning for
students. Teachers teach by first
understanding the learning styles of the
students' multiple intelligence types
and the dominant learning modalities.
In the context of learning, the teacher
who teaches if it is the same as the
learning style of the students, the
lesson becomes easy, the students will
be active and involved in the learning
The theory of multiple intelligences
provides an opportunity for teachers at
Bayt Al-Hikmah Junior High School, to
develop innovative learning strategies that
are relatively new in the world of education.
There is no strategy that will work fully to
stimulate the multiple intelligences of each
student. The multiple intelligences learning
strategy is an effort to achieve certain
competencies in learning by optimizing the
eight bits of intelligence possessed by each
student. However, to bring it back, all bits
of intelligence synergize in a unique unit
according to need. So that students are
able to solve learning problems in an
amazing way.
Bayt Al-Hikmah Junior High School
Pasuruan in teaching multiple intelligences
teaching strategy learning activities are
carried out in three main forms, namely; 1)
curriculum orientation, 2) learning
development methodology, and 3)
evaluation of learning outcomes.
Bayt Al-Hikmah Junior High School
Pasuruan in teaching multiple intelligences
teaching strategy learning activities are
carried out in three main forms, namely; 1)
curriculum orientation, 2) learning
development methodology, and 3)
evaluation of learning outcomes.
The development of teacher learning
methodologies carried out at Bayt Al-
Muhammad Munzaini, Sugiyo, Dardiri Hasyim | 1331
Hikmah Junior High School Pasuruan was
adjusted to the tendency of students'
intelligence. So that various methods or
teaching strategies of teachers synergize
with other types of intelligence. Internally
within the scope of the boarding school,
the application of multiple intelligences
starts from the intelligence paradigm, that
every child is intelligent with multiple
intelligences, then inputs students who are
considered intelligent thinking paradigms.
In the process, these inputs undergo a
learning process according to the students'
main intelligence which is then
photographed in the form of a process-
based assessment as the output of learning
outcomes. Learning outcomes that
continue to take place in students are
realized in the context of outcomes,
meaning that students will experience the
achievement of their maximum
competence as long as their educational
life maximizes their main intelligence
(dominant multiple intelligences). Likewise,
parents of students or room supervisors
(musyrif-musrifah) help, accompany,
stimulate in many recommended daily
activities according to the child's multiple
The implications of multiple
intelligences on the learning management
system implemented at Bayt Al-Hikmah
Junior High School Pasuruan have positive
consequences for teachers in teaching
implementation. This consequence is
because the multiple intelligences teaching
strategies emphasize active student
learning. The multiple intelligences
learning strategy makes students the
champions in certain fields according to the
intelligence that stands out in them
because basically, every student has one or
more intelligence that stands out. The
multiple intelligences learning strategy
encourages teachers to innovate in their
teaching methods. Therefore, every teacher
is required to be more creative in finding
breakthroughs to optimize all types of
existing intelligence. As a learning strategy,
as long as it has the procedural activities
contained in the lesson plan. The multiple
intelligences strategy is such a broad
context. As for the name of the strategy, I
am trying to call it a multiple intelligences
strategy, for example, the socio drama
strategy (role play) is grouped in the large
family of multiple intelligences strategy.
Likewise guessing words, concerts,
simulations, and others. For example, in
musical intelligence (musical intelligence)
teachers can emerge by simply introducing
music into lessons, or by targeting
naturalist intelligence (naturalist
intelligence) simplifying lessons related to
flora and fauna into the procedure of
learning activities.
The basis of the application of the
theory of multiple intelligences in teaching
and learning that is urgently owned by
teachers is the power of creativity and a
more humanist paradigm of intelligence. It
takes the role of the teacher more than just
transferring knowledge and knowledge. In
the application of the theory of multiple
intelligences, the role of the teacher
becomes very vital, central and has a strong
influence on the process of implementing
multiple intelligence-based teaching and
learning. The teacher must first accept with
the strong and logical belief that the core
of the theory of multiple intelligences is
that all students have multiple intelligences
1332 | Implementation of the Concept of Multiple Intelligences Learning in an Islamic
Perspective at Bayt Al-Hikmah Junior High School Pasuruan Islamic Boarding School
or multiple intelligences. And no student is
stupid. The foundation of thought above is
a good initial foundation so that teachers
are able to apply the theory of multiple
intelligences in the teaching and learning
Based on the descriptions and
explanations in the previous chapters, it can
be concluded as follows:
1. Allah implies that human abilities are
related to the realm of language
intelligence, logical-mathematical
intelligence, musical intelligence,
interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal
intelligence, kinesthetic intelligence,
natural intelligence, and extensional
2. Implementation of the Multiple
Intelligences Concept at Bayt Al-Hikmah
Junior High School Pasuruan has been
going very well, in this case, it can be
a. Implementation of learning from
three important stages, namely
input, process, and output.
1) Input
At the input stage, the
school continues to apply the
entrance selection test in the
admission of new students,
intended to determine basic
abilities and mapping in Early
Childhood Education or
boarding schools as well as to
find out that the child is not a
child with special needs,
because the boarding
school/school is not ready to
facilitate facilities and
infrastructure. for children with
special needs until the quota is
met. Then students who have
been accepted will follow the
Multiple Intelligences Research
(MIR) process. MIR in this school
is carried out at least once a
year to be precise at the PPDB
(New Student Admission). MIR
in this school aims to determine
the class and determine the
tendency of students' learning
styles when in class later.
2) Procces
This stage is a curricular,
extracurricular, and
extracurricular learning process.
The multiple intelligences-
based learning processes
applied at Bayt Al-Hikmah
Junior High School Pasuruan
use various learning methods
including discovery-based
learning, scientific approach,
and so on. In his learning, he
found a lot of compatibility
between the teacher's teaching
style and the student's learning
style. Almost all of the learning
is focused on the condition of
students' activities. The teachers
at Bayt Al-Hikmah Junior High
School Pasuruan are also
experienced in using the
Multiple Intelligences learning
strategies in the learning
process. This is indicated by the
frequency with which the school
Muhammad Munzaini, Sugiyo, Dardiri Hasyim | 1333
carries out teacher training. This
training is carried out by an
Education consultant. And
mentoring is carried out for the
next two years, the Foundation
always sends its teachers to
attend training and lectures.
These training and lectures are
to give teachers an
understanding of how an ideal
learning process is.
3) Output
This stage is the last stage of
the 3 important stages of
applying the concept of
multiple intelligences in
schools. This stage is an
assessment of the learning
process. The assessment used is
an authentic assessment.
Authentic assessment in this
school is carried out on all
competencies that have been
learned by students through
learning activities and in this
assessment students are
assessed from three domains,
namely cognitive, psychomotor,
and effective.
b. The evaluation of the
implementation of the Multiple
Intelligences Concept at Bayt Al-
Hikmah Middle School as a whole
lies in the effectiveness of the
teacher's performance in teaching
using the multiple intelligences
concept, so this evaluation looks at
the extent to which a teacher is
successful in applying a method or
teaching style according to the
students' multiple intelligences.
Technically, the evaluation
implementation at Bayt Al-Hikmah
Junior High School Pasuruan is
divided into three stages, namely:
1) Lesson plan consultation
(learning plan)
Before teaching teachers,
teachers are required to make
preparations in the form of a
lesson plan. The lesson plan
must go through the
consultation phase with the
consultant. This aims to
determine the quality of the
lesson plan that will be used as
a reference for teachers in the
2) Class observation
This class observation is
carried out by consultants and
school principals to find out
firsthand how to teach teachers.
And see the synchronization
between the lessen plans made
with the reality on the ground.
3) Feedback
Feedback is the final
evaluation from the consultant
to explain the results of the
observations made in the
learning process. It aims to find
a suitable teaching and learning
Muhammad Munzaini, Sugiyo, Dardiri Hasyim | 1334
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