Atika Candra Larasati, Darsono, Kanto Studio, Yayuk Yuliati
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needs and research, while the data
collection techniques in the field are semi-
structured interviews that will be
conducted with female legislators and
female legislative candidates. In Malang
Raya, interviews will also be conducted with
party representatives who meet the criteria.
To support the data, interviews will also be
conducted with male legislative candidates
and members of the legislature in Malang,
the head of the KPU in Malang Raya and
political consultants who handle the
legislature in Malang. The second is
documentation of documents in the form
of writing, which can be in the form of
diaries, life histories, regulations, policies.
Documents in the form of images such as
photographs of the legislative activities of
the incumbent women, as well as
recordings of the activities carried out. The
last is moderate participatory observation,
ie there is a balance between researchers
being insiders and outsiders (Burns,
Fenwick, Schmied, & Sheehan, 2012), so
that researchers can collect data by
participating in some activities, but not all
of them. Observations in this study were
carried out at the legislative office for
women and men, the Office of Political
Parties in Malang Raya, KPU Malang Raya,
political consultant offices in Malang Raya
then the observation data were collected to
be a source of data which would then be
processed. According to Spradley (Sale &
Thielke, 2018), the object of observation in
qualitative research consists of three
components, namely, place, namely
Malang Raya and , actor.
In determining the validity of the data
(trustworthiness) an inspection technique is
needed based on several criteria, namely
(Moleong, 2018), the degree of trust
(credibility), transferability (dependability)
and certainty (confirmability). In testing the
validity of the data technique, the
researcher includes steps such as; Extended
participation is required in research.
Diligent and detailed observation of the
object of in-depth observation, checking
and comparison using triangulation, Peer-
to-peer examination through discussion,
this technique is carried out by exposing
temporary or final results obtained in the
form of discussions with knowledgeable
colleagues with the aim of validation,
Negative case analysis to improve
knowledge discourse, Checking the
members involved in the data collection
process, detailed descriptions and auditing.
In qualitative research with the data
collection method that the researcher
chooses, data collection will be carried out
continuously until the data is saturated,
which will result in a high variation of data,
so data analysis is needed to systematically
organize the data obtained into categories,
describing them into units, synthesizing,
compiling into patterns, choosing which
data are important or needed and which
are not (Mehta & Pandit, 2018).
A. Percentage of Women's Wins in the
2019-2024 General Elections in
The women's legislative victory,
especially in the Malang Raya area in
the 2019-2024 legislative election, has
not been able to meet the 30%
representation threshold, even though
it has been encouraged by affirmative