JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 9, 1244 1263
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.141 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Sugeng Riyadi
Adi Nurmahdi
Mercu Buana University, Jakarta
e-mail: sugengriyadi_jakar[email protected]
, adi.nurmahdi@mercubuana.ac.id
*Correspondence: sugengriyadi_jakarta@yahoo.com
Submitted: 26 March 2022, Revised: 05 April 2022, Accepted: 15 April 2022
Abstract. This study aims to determine the effect of destination image, electronic word of mouth
and service quality on visiting decisions and their impact on revisit interest. The object of this
research is Dunia Fantasi, Ancol, Jakarta. This research was conducted on 170 respondents using a
quantitative descriptive method. Therefore, the data analysis used is statistical analysis in the form
of Smart PLS. The results of this study indicate that the destination image variable has a positive
and significant effect on visiting decisions, electronic word of mouth has a positive and significant
effect on visiting decisions, service quality has a positive and significant effect on visiting decisions,
and visiting decisions has a positive and significant effect on revisit interest. Destination image has
a positive and significant effect on revisit interest, electronic word of mouth has a positive and
insignificant effect on revisit interest, service quality has a positive and significant effect on revisit
Keywords: destination image; electronic word of mouth; service quality; visiting decision; revisit
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DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.141 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Tourism is a sector that can help
economic development in Indonesia,
because tourism has an important role for
the country to encourage equitable
national development and contribute to
the country's foreign exchange earnings
generated from the number of foreign
tourist visits, in addition to the tourism
sector to the economy can create or add
jobs. for the surrounding community in the
environment where the industry is
established such as accommodation
businesses, restaurants, tour guides, artists,
travel agencies and other services
(Yudananto, Remi, & Muljarijadi, 2012).
Tourism also plays a role in the
development and introduction of social,
cultural and national image in the world.
Indonesia as an archipelagic country and
has natural beauty and diverse culture has
great natural tourism potential, so it must
be developed into an attractive object and
can be used as a tourist attraction. This will
certainly attract local tourists and foreign
tourists visiting Indonesia, while Indonesia
can introduce various kinds of culture.
Indonesia has enormous tourism potential
and can be an attraction for domestic and
foreign tourist visits (Priatmoko, 2017). The
tourism business is now growing,
accompanied by increasingly fierce
competition between tourist destination
managers and competing with each other
to increase the number of tourist visits
(Putri & Sukawati, 2019). The ability of an
area to manage its tourist objects will
provide great benefits for the area
concerned (Putra, 2017).
The tourism sector must be able to
provide added value with a touch of
science, technology and information then
good market analysis. Tourism market
analysis is useful for knowing consumer
behaviour (tourists). Of course, by
understanding the behaviour of tourists, it
is hoped that they will be able to formulate
appropriate marketing in order to attract
interest in visiting and tourists will come to
visit these tourist attractions again. The
desire to travel in the future is influenced
by their attitude towards their past
The tourism sector in Indonesia is
expected to become a tourist attraction
and can increase interest in visiting, one of
the factors that attracts tourist visits is the
image of the destinations offered,
presenting the available natural charms.
Destination image is a belief or knowledge
about a destination and what tourists feel
while travelling (Hanif, Kusumawati, &
Mawardi, 2016). Tourists who rate positively
on the image of a destination are likely to
be willing to revisit and recommend related
destinations to others (Coban, 2012).
The image is certainly not formed by itself,
but with a person's perception of an object.
The formation of the image of tourist
destinations can start from advertisements,
word of mouth, visits to tourist
destinations, experiences formed from
tourist destinations, satisfaction, services
for visits to destinations. The perception
and evaluation of tourists who have visited
will determine the image of the pattern of
tourist destinations, the better the image of
the destination, the more convincing
tourists to visit it again (Utama and Giantari,
A good destination image will increase
1246 | The Effect of Destination Image, Electronic Word of Mouth and Service Quality on
Visiting Decisions and Their Impact on Revisit Interest
tourists to visit, this shows that the natural
environment is still beautiful and beautiful
supported by the availability of tourist
attractions, supporting infrastructure, easy
accessibility and completeness of facilities
that have an impact on visiting decisions
and encourage tourists to come back (Illah,
Sularso, & Irawan, 2019).
(Kotler, Keller, Brady, Goodman, &
Hansen, 2019) word of mouth is an
effective promotional tool in marketing.
The existence of the internet has caused
WOM to develop into e-WOM (Putri &
Sukawati, 2019). Technological
developments have shifted the way of
WOM to e-WOM (Electronic Word Of
Mouth) which utilises electronic media. e-
WOM is also a media marketing
communication tool that utilises
technology to introduce products or
services. E-WOM has become a venue or a
very important place for consumers to give
their opinions and is considered more
effective than WOM, because the level of
accessibility and reach is wider than WOM
traditional with offline media.
Taman Impian Jaya Ancol offers tourist
accommodations such as hotels,
restaurants and various kinds of rides there
is also supported by the image of the
destinations offered by Taman Impian Jaya
Ancol such as the natural beauty around,
Ancol visitors can also enjoy Ancol beach
and choose interesting tourist objects in
Ancol. The Ancol Dreamland Park area is
supported by the availability of supporting
facilities. This will certainly encourage
tourists to come to Ancol Dreamland Park.
However, currently the tourism sector is
being rocked by the COVID-19 pandemic,
resulting in a decline in the number of
tourists in various places or tourist objects.
The COVID-19 pandemic in this one year
has hit countries in the world, including
Indonesia. This corona virus (COVID-19)
which originally came from Wuhan, China
at the end of December 2019 has caused a
very large number of deaths in several
countries such as America, Brazil,
Singapore and Indonesia. Indonesia is one
of the countries where the number of
infected cases is increasing very fast.
The phenomenon in this study is the
interest in returning tourists, tourists
visiting Dufan, Jakarta have decreased since
the COVID-19 pandemic occurred.
PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol had
closed all of its recreational areas, due to
the government's prohibition or the
application of PSBB (Pembatasan Sosial
Berskala Besar) or Large-Scale Social
Restrictions, the application of PSBB
resulted in all residents' activities being
strictly restricted and had an impact on the
tourism sector and other industries, this
step was used to break the COVID-19 chain.
However, during the COVID-19 pandemic,
the government issued a policy New
Normal, so that all activities of DKI Jakarta
residents in particular could run again by
prioritising health protocols. In addition, in
DKI Jakarta implementing the Transitional
PSBB, this is carried out by the central
government and local governments to
restore the economic sector that has
greatly impacted the COVID-19 pandemic.
Then, recently the central government also
issued a policy of limiting activities for Java
and Bali, in line with the increase in COVID-
19 cases in Indonesia. This policy is called
PPKM (Pemberlakuan Pembatasan
Kegiatan Masyarakat) or Enforcement of
Sugeng Riyadi, Adi Nurmahdi
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Restrictions on Community Activities.
However, the implementation of New
Normal, Transitional PSBB and PPKM has
not fully increased the interest of visiting
tourists and tourists who come back to
Dufan, Ancol Jakarta. PT. Pembangunan
Jaya Ancol continues to promote the image
of the destination during the COVID-19
pandemic, and is committed to providing
the best service for visitors by maintaining
and improving even during the COVID-19
pandemic, the marketing activities carried
out by Ancol Dreamland Park are also
through electronic media such as
Instagram, facebook and twitter, in order to
increase interest in revisiting the Ancol
Dreamland Park.
The current problem has caused cases
of the spread of the corona virus (COVID-
19) which are increasingly expanding
rapidly and become a serious concern for
the whole world. Even the WHO (World
Health Organization) has declared the
corona virus outbreak (COVID-19) a global
pandemic. Of course, this has become a
public discussion around the world which is
problematic and must be a serious concern
by governments, communities around the
The problem of the corona virus
(COVID-19) has caused the world economy
to fall, especially in Indonesia. Various
industrial sectors have suffered losses due
to this pandemic, one of which is the
tourism sector which has a serious impact,
the tourism sector which previously
experienced growth and as a contributor to
the country's foreign exchange, is currently
experiencing a very drastic decline. The
government is trying to restore the
Indonesian economy during this pandemic,
the tourism sector is trying to defend itself
from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
by providing incentives to the tourism
industry and providing discounts for
visitors, but this has not had a significant
impact at this time.
The previous research conducted by
(Okfiarni, Johar, & Irda, 2019) the results of
the study found that Electronic Word Of
Mouth had a positive and significant
influence on the interest of returning
tourists. Service quality can increase visits
and have a positive and significant effect on
tourist interest in visiting (Amzal,
Rahmadita, & Noven, 2021). Service quality
has a positive and significant effect on
interest in revisiting (Marpaung, 2019).
Service quality has a positive and significant
effect on visiting decisions (Ramadhan,
2016). Service quality and influence on
purchasing decisions (Suryana & Dasuki,
2013). Purchase decisions affect repurchase
interest. The decision to visit has an
influence on interest in repeat visits.
Based on this background, the
researcher is interested in conducting a
study entitled "The Effect of Destination
Image, Their Electronic Word Of Mouth and
Service Quality on Visiting Decisions and
Impact on Revisit Interest (Study on the
visitors of Dunia Fantasi in the pandemic
COVID-19 era)".
The objectives of this study are as follows:
1. To examine and analyze the effect of
destination image on tourist visiting
2. To test and analyze the effect of
electronic word of mouth on the
decision to visit tourists.
3. To test and analyze the effect of service
quality on the decision to visit tourists.
1248 | The Effect of Destination Image, Electronic Word of Mouth and Service Quality on
Visiting Decisions and Their Impact on Revisit Interest
4. To test and analyze the effect of visiting
decisions on the interest of returning
5. To test and analyze the effect of
destination image on the interest of
returning tourists.
6. To test and analyze the effect of
electronic word of mouth on the
interest of returning tourists.
7. To test and analyze the effect of service
quality on the interest of returning
8. To test and analyze the influence of the
image of the destination through the
decision to visit on the interest of
returning tourists.
9. To test and analyze the effect of
electronic word of mouth through
visiting decisions on the interest of
returning tourists.
10. To test and analyze service quality
through visiting decisions on the
interest of returning tourists.
This study uses a quantitative method
which was carried out from June 2021 to
March 2022. The place of research is Dunia
Fantasi, Ancol which is located at Jl. East
Lodan No. 7 RW. 10. Ancol, Pademangan
District, City. North Jakarta. Special Region
of DKI Jakarta 14430.
The population in this study are visitors
or tourists who have visited the Dunia
Fantasi, Ancol during the COVID-19
pandemic with a minimum of 2 (two) visits.
The sampling technique used for this
research is purposive sampling. Purposive
sampling sampling is a technique with
certain considerations (Padang, 2010).
Using purposive sampling because the
researcher determines the sampling by
determining special characteristics that are
in accordance with the research objectives,
so that it is expected to be able to answer
research problems. The criteria set by the
researcher are visitors who have visited
Dufan, Ancol during the COVID-19
pandemic at least 2 (two) visits.
This study uses the PLS (Partial Least
Square) method using SmartPLS 3.0 to
analyze the data. PLS can be applied to all
data scales and the sample size in PLS does
not have to be large. PLS can be used to
confirm theory, PLS can also be used to
explain the presence or absence of a
relationship between latent variables (Jaya
& Sumertajaya, 2008). In this study,
researchers used 170 respondents.
Following are the results of data processing
using SmartPLS 3.0.
Outer Model
This model defines how each indicator
relates to its latent variable or it can be said
that the outer model can specify the
relationship between the latent variable
and its indicators. Tests carried out on the
outer model using the CFA technique
(Confimatory Factor Analysis).
Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Constructis used to see the validity of each
indicator and to test the reliability of the
construct. In this research model, the
validity criteria can be measured by
convergentvalidity and discriminant
validity. Convergent validity if the value is
loading factor above 0.7, but for research in
Sugeng Riyadi, Adi Nurmahdi
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the early stages of development, loading
0.5 to 0.6 is considered sufficient and is
indicated by the AVE (Average Variance
Extracted) value above 0.50. Construct
reliability was measured by composite
reliability and Cronbach's alpha. A
construct can be said to be reliable if it has
value composite reliability and Cronbach's
alpha above 0.70.
Validity Test Results
Based on the PLS method, the reflexive
indicator validity test was carried out in 2
stages. The first stage is testing convergent
validity, namely testing validity based on
the value loading factor of each construct
and the next stage is testing discriminant
validity, namely testing validity based on
Convergent Validity
The first stage of validity testing is used
to identify that unobserved variables can
be measured using each construct through
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) or can
be called factor analysis. An indicator is
considered to have a high level of validity if
it has a factor value loading greater than
0.70 (Ghozali, 2014:40).
Figure 1. Test Convergent Validity
Source: Data Processed, 2021
1250 | The Effect of Destination Image, Electronic Word of Mouth and Service Quality on
Visiting Decisions and Their Impact on Revisit Interest
Figure 1 above is a structural model of the
results of data processing using SmartPLS
3.0. In the picture there is anvalueouter
model or correlation between constructs,
the valueouter loading exceeds 0.7, it can
be concluded that all variable indicators
used in this study are valid and meet
convergent validity Another method to see
discriminant validity is by looking at the
square root of average extracted (AVE)
value of each construct with the correlation
between other constructs in the model.
Table 1. Results AVE Test (Average Variance Extracted)
Destination Image
Service Quality
Visiting Decision
Revisit Interest
Source: Data Processed, 2021
Based on Table 1 above, the AVE
construct value for all Destination Image
variables, Electronic Word of Mouth,
Service Quality, Visiting Decision and
Revisit Interest are above 0.50. Then, it can
be concluded that there are no more
problems in Convergent Validity.
Composite Reliability and Cronbach`s
Testing composite reliability aims to test
the reliability of the instrument on a
research model. If the value of the latent
variable has value composite reliability of
Cronbach's Alpha > 0.7. It means that the
construct has good reliability or the
questionnaire used as a tool in this study is
Table 2. Results Test Composite Reliability and Cronbach's Alpha
Citra Destinations
Service Quality
Visiting Decision
Revisit Interest
Source: Data processed, 2021
Based on Table 2 above, that the value
of composite reliability and Cronbach's
alpha has met the requirements, namely
having a value of > 0.7 so it can be said that
the Destination Image variable, Electronic
Word of Mouth, Service Quality, Visiting
Decision and Revisit Interest are reliable or
considered reliable.
Sugeng Riyadi, Adi Nurmahdi
| 1251
1. the remaining 23.1% visiting decision
is influenced by other variables outside
the remaining 25.8% revisit interest is
influenced by other variables outside
Hypothesis Test Results Hypothesis
Testing can be seen from the value of t-
statistics and probability values. This
significance value can be obtained by
procedure bootstrapping. The significance
of the hypothesis by looking at the
parameter coefficient values and the t-
statistic in the bootstrapping report
algorithm, significance value the t-
statistical significance value must be
greater than 1.96. The method of decision
making is as follows;
a) If P-Values > 0.05 or t-count < t-table,
then Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected.
b) If P-Values < 0.05 or t-count > t-table,
then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.
Table 3. Results Hypothesis Testing
Relationship Between Constructs
T Statistics
Destination Image -> Visiting Decision
e-WOM -> Visiting Decision
Service Quality -> Visiting Decision
Visiting Decision -> Revisit Interest
Destination Image -> Revisit Interest
e-WOM -> Revisit Interest
Service Quality -> Revisit Interest
Source: Data processed, 2021
Figure 2. Hypothesis Testing
Source: Data processed, 2021
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DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.141 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
The Effect of Destination Image on
Visiting Decisions
Based on Table 3. It is known that the t-
statistic value of 3.792 is greater than the t-
table of 1.653 and the P-Value value of
0.000 is less than 0.05. The original sample
value is positive, which is 0.335. That is, the
Destination Image variable (X1) has a
positive and significant effect on the
Visiting Decision variable (Y1). The
hypothesis in this study which states that
Destination Image (X1) has a positive and
significant effect on Visiting Decisions (Y1)
is accepted.
The Effect of e-WOM on Visiting
Based on Table 3. It is known that the t-
statistic value of 2.149 is greater than the t-
table of 1.653 and the P-Value value of
0.032 is less than 0.05. The original sample
value is positive, which is 0.174. That is, the
variable Electronic Word of Mouth (X2) has
a positive and significant effect on the
Visiting Decision variable (Y1). The
hypothesis in this study which states that
Electronic Word of Mouth (X2) has a
positive and significant effect on Visiting
Decisions (Y1) is accepted.
The Effect of Service Quality on Visiting
Based on Table 3. It is known that the t-
statistic value is 4.167 which is greater than
the t-table 1.653 and the P-Value value is
0.000 less than 0.05. The original sample
value is positive, which is 0.434. That is, the
variable Service Quality (X3) has a positive
and significant effect on the Visiting
Decision variable (Y1). The hypothesis in
this study which states that Service Quality
(X3) has a positive and significant effect on
Visiting Decisions (Y1) is accepted.
The Influence of Visiting Decisions on
Revisit Interest
On Revisit Based on Table 3. It is known
that the t-statistic value is 2.886 which is
greater than t-table 1.653 and the P-Value
value is 0.004 less than 0.05. The original
sample value is positive, which is 0.280.
That is, the Visiting Decision variable (Y1)
has a positive and significant effect on the
Revisit Interest variable (Y2). The
hypothesis in this study which states that
the Visiting Decision (Y1) has a positive and
significant effect on Revisit Interest (Y2) is
The Effect of Destination Image on
Revisit Interest
On Revisiting Based on Table 3. It is
known that the t-statistic value is 4.127
which is greater than the t-table of 1.653
and the P-Value value of 0.000 is less than
0.05. The original sample value is positive,
which is 0.415. That is, the Destination
Image variable (X1) has a positive and
significant effect on the Revisit Interest
variable (Y2). The hypothesis in this study
which states that Destination Image (X1)
has a positive and significant effect on
Revisit Interest (Y2) is accepted.
The Effect of e-WOM on Revisit Interest
On Revisit Based on Table 3. It is known
that the t-statistic value is 0.871 which is
greater than the t-table of 1.653 and the P-
Value value is 0.384 which is greater than
0.05. The original sample value is positive,
which is 0.060. That is, the variable
Electronic Word of Mouth (X2) has a
Sugeng Riyadi, Adi Nurmahdi
| 1253
positive and insignificant effect on the
variable Revisit Interest (Y2). The
hypothesis in this study which states that
Electronic Word of Mouth (X2) has a
positive and insignificant effect on Revisit
Interest (Y2) is rejected.
The Influence of Service Quality on
Revisit Interest
Based on Table 3. It is known that the t-
statistic value of 2.050 is greater than the t-
table of 1.653 and the P-Value value of
0.041 is less than 0.05. The original sample
value is positive, which is 0.167. That is, the
variable Service Quality (X3) has a positive
and significant effect on the variable Revisit
Interest (Y2). The hypothesis in this study
which states that Service Quality (X3) has a
positive and significant effect on Revisit
Interest (Y2) is accepted.
Table 4. Results Mediate
Relationship Between Constructs
T Statistics
Destination Image -> Visiting Decision -> Revisit
e-WOM -> Visiting Decision -> Revisit Interest
Service Quality -> Visiting Decision -> Revisit
Source: Data processed, 2021
a. The Influence of Destination Image
through Visiting Decisions on Revisit
On Based on Table 4. It is known
that the t-statistic value is 2.323 which
is greater than t-table 1.653 and the P-
Value value of 0.021 is smaller than
0.05. The original sample value is
positive, which is 0.093. That is,
Destination Image (X1) through Visiting
Decisions (Y1) has a positive and
significant effect on Revisit Interest
(Y2). Visit Decision (Y1) is accepted.
b. The Influence of e-WOM through
Visiting Decisions on Revisit Interest
Based on Table 4. It is known that
the t-statistic value is 1.797 which is
greater than the t-table of 1.653 and
the P-Value value is 0.073 which is
greater than 0.05. The value of the
original sample is positive, which is
0.049. It means that Electronic Word of
Mouth (X2) through Visiting Decisions
(Y1) has a positive and insignificant
effect on Revisit Interest (Y2). The
hypothesis in this study which states
that Electronic Word of Mouth (X2) has
a positive and insignificant effect on
Revisit Interest (Y2) mediated by
Visiting Decisions (Y1) is rejected.
c. The Influence of Service Quality
through Visiting Decisions on Revisit
Based on Table 4. It is known that
the t-statistic value is 2.181 which is
greater than t-table 1.653 and the P-
Value value is 0.030 which is smaller
than 0.05. The value of the original
sample is positive, namely 0.122. This
means that Service Quality (X3)
1254 | The Effect of Destination Image, Electronic Word of Mouth and Service Quality on
Visiting Decisions and Their Impact on Revisit Interest
through Visiting Decisions (Y1) has a
positive and significant effect on the
variable of Revisit Interest (Y2). The
hypothesis in this study which states
that Service Quality (X3) has a positive
and significant effect on Revisit Interest
(Y2) mediated by Visiting Decisions (Y1)
is accepted.
The Influence of Destination Image on
Visiting Decisions
Destination Image has a positive and
significant effect on Decisions on Visiting
Dunia Fantasi, Ancol, Jakarta. The higher
the image of the destination, the higher the
decision to visit.
Dunia Fantasi has credibility and trust
from many people as a tourist attraction
that can provide the entertainment needed
by tourists. The image of the Dunia Fantasi
tourist destination is one of the
destinations that attracts tourists to visit,
the image of a pleasant destination will be
embedded in the minds of tourists, this
influence shows that in addition to
attractive tourist destinations, it is
supported by a beautiful atmosphere and
of course with fun tourist attractions such
as the availability of game rides. in Dunia
Fantasi which is entertaining and
adrenaline-pumping, environmental
factors that are kept clean, the availability
of complete public facilities, infrastructure
such as adequate facilities and
infrastructure and supported by easy
accessibility can increase the decision to
visit potential tourists. The image of the
Dunia Fantasi destination has been
embedded in the minds of individuals in
the form of a good sense of belief,
prejudice, thoughts and emotions, so that
they can be attracted to visit the
The results of the study identify that,
the better the image of the destination in
Dunia Fantasi, the more potential tourists
will decision to visit.
This research is in line with research
conducted by (Suwarduki, Yulianto, &
Mawardi, 2016); (Sari & Maftukhah, 2017);
(Safitri, Ramdan, & Sunarya, 2020), (Nafis,
2020), the results of the study can be
concluded that the image of the
destination has a positive and significant to
the decision to visit.
The Influence of e-WOM on Visiting
Electronic Word of Mouth has a
positive and significant effect on the
Decision to Visit the Dunia Fantasi, Ancol,
Jakarta. The increasing-activity e-WOM
positive, it will increase the decision to visit.
Electronic word of mouth is the easiest
way for tourists to find information about
their tourist destinations and as a
consideration for tourists to visit, by
obtaining positive information or
recommendations from other visitors
through social media, will increase the
decision to visit tourists.
The existence of this influence shows
that there is tourist trust in Dunia Fantasi
such as providing information, all
information covering Dunia Fantasi is
important to influence other people to
visit, such as information about various
rides in Dunia Fantasi, providing clear price
information and guarantee, supported also
by the information provided through social
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media is also clear and quality, of course,
with this information can cause feelings of
potential tourists to decide to visit. Then,
various positive reviews written on social
media by tourists visiting world Fantasi will
become recommendations for the public
or other potential tourists, so as to increase
tourist visits.
The results of the study identify that,
the more often prospective tourists receive
e-WOM positive about tourist destinations,
the more visiting decisions will be.
This research is in line with research
conducted by (Mustikasari & Widaningsih,
2016); (Suwarduki et al., 2016) and
(Purwanto, Kadi, & Rismawati, 2021) the
results of the study can be concluded that
electronic word of mouth has a positive
and significant effect on visiting decisions.
The Influence of Service Quality on
Visiting Decisions
Service Quality has a positive and
significant effect on Decisions on Visiting
Dunia Fantasi, Jakarta. The increasing
service quality will increase the decision to
The existence of this influence shows
that Dunia Fantasi tourist destinations have
provided good service to all tourists, and
services that are in accordance with tourist
expectations, and feel the quality service
from Dunia Fantasi, in addition to service
guarantees and price certainty, ease of
process and service access, employees who
are on duty must also provide good service
to tourists, as well as all officers always look
neat and seem professional, service officers
who are not discriminatory are friendly and
polite to tourists supported by a fast
response from service officers, the
availability of cleaning staff is also one part
of services so that environmental
conditions are kept clean so as to make
tourists comfortable. Service quality is one
of the factors or benchmarks in
determining a person's visiting decision,
because with service quality, a person can
feel satisfied or not with the services
The results of the study identify that
good service standards and can meet
customer expectations or the better the
quality of service provided, it will increase
the decision to visit.
This study is in line with the research
conducted by (Sari & Maftukhah, 2017);
(Saling & Baharuddin Semmaila, 2016);
(Suryana & Dasuki, 2013); (Ali, Narulita, &
Nurmahdi, 2018)research results can be
concluded that service quality has a
positive and significant influence the
decision to visit.
The Influence of Visiting Decisions on
Revisit Interest
Visiting Decisions have a positive and
significant impact on revisit interest in
Dunia Fantasi, Ancol, Jakarta. The
increasing decision to visit, will increase the
revisit interest.
The decision to visit Dunia Fantasi
provides a good and enjoyable experience
for tourists, so that it can increase the
interest of repeat visits.
The existence of this influence shows
that the Dunia Fantasi tourist attraction has
fulfilled what tourists want, prospective
tourists are interested in returning to Dunia
Fantasi destinations due to the ease of
access to transportation, supported by
various modes of transportation available
1256 | The Effect of Destination Image, Electronic Word of Mouth and Service Quality on
Visiting Decisions and Their Impact on Revisit Interest
to get to tourist attractions so that travel
costs can be adjusted. By tourists, the
Dunia Fantasi tourist attraction also
provides clear information such as
operating hours of opening or closing
during the COVID-19 pandemic so that it
can make it easier for tourists to arrange
return visits and the convenience of buying
tickets online is one of increasing interest
in revisiting.
The results of the study identify that,
interest in revisiting is generated from
previous experiences or visiting decisions,
an impressive experience will certainly
influence tourists to visit again. This means
that the decision to visit can encourage or
increase interest in revisiting Dunia Fantasi
at another time.
This research is in line with research
conducted by (Dwiki Rachamawati, Maria
Magdalena, & Patricia Dhiana, 2015). The
results of the study can be concluded that
the decision to visit can encourage buying
interest or revisiting.
The Influence of Destination Image on
Revisit Interest
Destination Image has a positive and
significant effect on Revisit Interest to
Dunia Fantasi, Ancol, Jakarta. The higher
the image of the destination, the more
revisit interest.
The ideal of a destination in Dunia
Fantasi, Ancol has been formed in the
minds of tourists, a positive image of the
destination will give a good impression on
tourists. Destination image is also an
important factor in creating interest in
revisiting potential tourists to Dunia
Fantasi. The image of the destination built
by Dunia Fantasi is able to influence the
interest of prospective tourists to revisit.
Tourists already trust Dunia Fantasi as the
right destination to visit and fulfill their
wants and needs for travel. This is because
Dunia Fantasi has interesting tourist
destinations to visit and fun rides, also
supported by various tourist attractions
and tourist destinations in Dufan that are
entertaining so that they can encourage
tourists to come back.
The results of this study identify that,
the more the image of the destination
attached to the minds of others, the more
interest in visiting potential tourists will
also increase. This research is in line with
research conducted by (Qu, Kim, & Im,
2011); (Chew & Jahari, 2014); (Setiawan,
Troena, & Armanu, 2014); (Chi, Huang, &
Nguyen, 2020); (Yerizal & Abror, 2019) the
results of the study can be concluded that
the image of the destination has a positive
and significant effect on the interest of
visiting tourists.
The Influence of e-WOM on Revisit
This means that e-WOM a positive
cannot provide a significant increase in
revisit interest.
The provision of reviews from social
media users can affect the interest in
revisiting tourists, the better the positive
reviews, the greater the interest in repeat
visits by tourists, and vice versa, giving
negative reviews will have an impact on
decreasing the interest in repeat visits by
tourists. Interaction or communication of
tourists with social media users related to
Dunia Fantasi, is considered insufficient to
be able to encourage or produce actions
for potential tourists to revisit. In this study,
Sugeng Riyadi, Adi Nurmahdi
| 1257
returning e-WOM was not a determining
factor to influence the interest of tourists.
This shows that the information
obtained by tourists from activities e-WOM
cannot influence or encourage potential
tourists to revisit interest. E-WOM in the
form of reviews, comments and
interactions between social media users
cannot increase the interest in revisiting
potential tourists because in this study e-
WOM is not only from social media, but
from other electronic media online. Then,
tourists carry out activities e-WOM to find
information about other tourist objects
they will visit after Dunia Fantasi, they read
reviews through social media as
consideration for visiting other
destinations or tourist attractions.
However, this research is not in line
with the research conducted by Permadi et
al., (2020) the results of the study stated
that information about tourist destinations
spread by media online could affect the
intention of tourists to make return visits.
This research is in line with research
conducted by (Aryianto & Prihandono,
2018); (Athar, 2020) the results of the study
can be concluded that electronic word of
mouth has a positive and insignificant
effect on tourist interest in visiting.
The Influence of Service Quality on
Revisit Interest
Service Quality has a positive and
significant effect on Revisit Interest to
Dunia Fantasi, Ancol, Jakarta. The
increasing service quality will increase the
revisit interest.
The existence of this influence shows
that the service quality of Dunia Fantasi is
in accordance with what is expected by
tourists, Dunia Fantasi, Ancol, is able to
provide a good visiting experience in
accordance with the expectations of
visitors, from the experiences of tourists
who have previously visited Dunia Fantasi,
namely in the form of good service, so that
influencing the interest of repeat tourists,
such as the ease of access and service
processes, maintaining the cleanliness of
tourist objects, Dunia Fantasi also provides
security and safety guarantees for tourist
objects and rides, then supported by
adequate public facilities or in good
condition, this will give a sense of tourists
trust Dunia Fantasi, about its best service,
so that a positive experience is formed and
tourists are interested in visiting again.
The results of the study identify that
good service quality will lead to a sense of
satisfaction for tourists, of course this
satisfaction will increase the interest of
visiting tourists again at another time.
This research is in line with research
conducted by (Dwiki Rachamawati et al.,
2015). Visiting decisions can encourage
buying interest or repeat visits.
The Influence of Destination Image
through Visiting Decisions on Revisit
Destination Image through Visiting
Decisions has a positive and significant
effect on Revisit Interest to Dunia Fantasi,
Ancol, Jakarta. The higher the image of the
destination, it will increase the decision to
visit and have an impact on the revisit
The image of the destination can be
formed and received well, if tourists have
previously made tourist visits or made a
decision to visit, tourists will gain
1258 | The Effect of Destination Image, Electronic Word of Mouth and Service Quality on
Visiting Decisions and Their Impact on Revisit Interest
experience about the destination. Dunia
Fantasi is known to have interesting tourist
destinations and is able to give an
impression to tourists and is an
entertaining tourist destination for tourists,
then what can increase tourist visits is of
course Dunia Fantasi has various and fun
rides, games that stimulate adrenaline can
certainly be interesting. For the interest of
tourists, these rides are of course high-tech
and can ensure the safety of visitors. More
than that, the decision to visit tourists is
based on easy access to transportation,
easy-to-reach accessibility, clear operating
hours and entrance ticket prices that are
comparable to what tourists get, so that
tourists judge Dunia Fantasi according to
their needs and wants to travel.
The decision to visit is the experience of
tourists who have visited before and can
influence and encourage the interest of
returning tourists.
The results of the study identify that a
good destination image will attract other
people to visit tourist destinations, and the
formation of positive experiences will
encourage their revisit interest.
This study is in line with the research
conducted by (Priatmoko, 2017) the results
of the study can be concluded that the
image of the destination through the
decision to visit has a positive and
significant effect on revisit interest.
The Influence of e-WOM through
Visiting Decisions on Revisit Interest
e-WOM through Visiting Decisions has
a positive and insignificant effect on Revisit
Interest in Dunia Fantasi, Ancol, Jakarta. The
increase e-WOM in positively will increase
the decision to visit, but it does not fully
impact on the revisit interest.
Activities e-WOM as accessing
information via social media, interact with
social media users and giving positive
reviews can encourage travelers to visit
decision, but not fully able to encourage
potential tourists to interested revisit
tourist destinations. This proves that
respondents prefer to search for
information through social media and
decide to visit, but do not wish to visit
again. Then, tourists carry out activities e-
WOM such as searching for information
through social media as consideration for
visiting decisions, after they have done
visits, tourists do not carry out activities e-
WOM to view or read more reviews about
Dunia Fantasi on social media, tourists are
more looking for information on social
media about other tourist objects that will
be visited next.
The results of this study identify that,
activities e-WOM to increase the number of
tourist visits, tourists can determine the
decision to visit a destination. However, it is
not enough to increase the desire or
interest in revisiting potential tourists. E-
WOM A positive can increase the decision
to visit, but does not make the person
interested in visiting the tourist destination
The results of this study are not in
accordance with the research conducted,
which states that someone who visits a
tourist spot, has previously obtained in-
depth information about the tourist visit
which ultimately determines the decision to
visit and according to his interests. by
revisiting at a later time.
This study is in line with research
conducted by (Bataineh, 2015), (Suwarduki
Sugeng Riyadi, Adi Nurmahdi
| 1259
et al., 2016) suggest that electronic word of
mouth affects interest in revisiting and
visiting decisions can mediate the
relationship between the two.
The Influence of Service Quality through
Visiting Decisions on Revisit Interest
Service Quality through Visiting
Decisions has a positive and significant
impact on Revisit Interest to Dunia Fantasi,
Ancol, Jakarta. The increasing quality of
service will increase the visiting decisions
which has an impact on revisit interest.
The quality of service that meets the
expectations of tourists can increase tourist
visits, so that it can increase the interest of
tourists to visit again and they are willing to
recommend it to others. The quality of
service can have a real influence on
increasing visits and influencing the
interest of returning tourists, because it can
provide an experience. Service quality has
an important role to improve visiting
decisions, of course the quality of service
will create a good experience for tourists,
with the decision to visit is expected to
increase interest in revisiting. Dunia Fantasi
has provided a good standard of service to
all tourists, thus creating a positive
experience for tourists.
This is due to professional and neat-
looking service officers and of course
tourists get pleasant service from officers,
tourists also get a fast response from
service officers, ease of process and service
access can be felt well by tourists,
cleanliness of tourist objects that provide
comfort for tourists. tourists as well as price
certainty that guarantees in accordance
with the services provided, of course with
good and clear service standards, can
increase tourist visits so as to create a
positive experience and can encourage
tourists to come back.
The results of this study identify that good
service quality can provide an impressive
experience to tourists so as to increase
tourist visiting decisions, so that they can
strengthen the interest of repeat tourists.
The better the quality of service, it will
increase the decision to visit so as to
encourage interest in repeat visits.
This study is in line with research
conducted by (Santoso, Rachma, &
Wahono, 2019) the results of the study can
be concluded that, service quality can
increase visits and affect repurchase
Based on the results of research and
discussion in the previous chapter
regarding the influence of Destination
Image, Electronic Word of Mouth and
Service Quality on Visiting Decisions and
their impact on Revisit Interests (Study on
the visitors of Dunia Fantasi in the
pandemic COVID-19 era), then this
research can be concluded as follows: 1)
Destination Image has a positive and
significant effect on Visiting Decisions. A
positive destination image will be stored in
the minds of visitors, so they can be
attracted to visit the destination and
improve their decision to visit. That is, the
better the image of the destination, the
better the decision to visit. 2) Electronic
Word of Mouth has a positive and
significant effect on Visiting Decisions.
Electronic word of mouth in the form of
constructive and positive reviews,
1260 | The Effect of Destination Image, Electronic Word of Mouth and Service Quality on
Visiting Decisions and Their Impact on Revisit Interest
comments and ratings will increase tourist
visits. That is, electronic word of mouth can
improve visiting decisions. 3) Service
Quality has a positive and significant effect
on Visiting Decisions. Service quality or
good service quality can be one of the
determinants for increasing visiting
decisions. That is, good service quality will
increase the decision to visit. 4) Visiting
Decisions have a positive and significant
impact on Revisit Interest. The decision to
visit will result in an experience, of course a
memorable experience will increase the
revisit interest of tourists. That is, the
decision to visit can encourage revisit
interest. 5) Destination Image has a positive
and significant effect on Revisit Interest.
The image of a pleasant destination will
certainly stick in the minds of visitors, so
they will be interested in revisiting tourist
destinations. That is, the image of the
destination that is already attached to the
minds of others, will increase revisit
interest. 6) Electronic Word of Mouth has a
positive and insignificant effect on Revisit
Interest. Electronic word of mouth positive
such as giving reviews, comments on social
media cannot encourage visitors to revisit
tourist destinations. That is, e-WOM does
not affect tourists visiting Dunia Fantasi
attractions. If e-WOM is getting better or
positive, it also does not affect tourist
interest in visiting Dunia Fantasi. 7) Service
Quality has a positive and significant effect
on Revisit Interest. Good service quality will
create a valuable experience for visitors,
this can increase the revisit interest of
tourists. 8) Destination Image through
Visiting Decisions has a positive and
significant effect on revisit interest. The
image of an attractive and entertaining
destination will certainly produce positive
things in the minds of visitors, this will
increase the decision to visit and can attract
repeat to visit tourists. That is, a good
destination image will attract other people
to visit tourist destinations and increase
visiting decisions and can encourage revisit
interest. 9) Electronic Word of Mouth
through Visiting Decisions has a positive
and insignificant effect on Revisit Interest.
E-WOM positive can improve visiting
decisions, visitors access and interact more
often on social media to decide to visit
tourist destinations, but do not make
someone interested in visiting tourist
destinations again. This means that e-
WOM positive can increase visiting
decisions, but cannot encourage return
visit interest. 10) Service Quality through
Visiting Decisions has a positive and
significant effect on Revisit Interest. Good
service quality is one of the determinants of
increasing tourist visiting decisions, so that
a positive experience will be created, this
will also increase the interest of repeat to
visit tourists. That is, the better the quality
of service can provide a positive experience
for tourists and improve the decision to
visit tourists, so as to streng then the
interest to revisit of tourists.
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