JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 9, 1354 1362
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.140 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Teuku Yudi Afrizal*
Malikussaleh University
e-mail: teukuyudiafriz[email protected].id
*Correspondence: teukuyudiafrizal@unimal.ac.id
Submitted: 25 March 2022, Revised: 04 April 2022, Accepted: 15 April 2022
Abstract. In the aspect of Islamic law, mut'ah marriage was allowed by Rasulullah SAW only during
the war. But the permission has been abolished or the law of mut'ah marriage is forbidden and
sinful for those who do it. In the aspect of national law, contract marriage is considered a legal
defect because it is contrary to Article 2 paragraph (1) of Law Number 1 of 1974 on Marriage,
Article 1337 and Article 1332 of the Civil Law, the principle of marriage and the purpose of marriage.
Based on these provisions, a legal marriage is conducted in accordance with the teachings of
religion and beliefs and is not contrary to the values of morality. Marriages that are registered or
registered in accordance with applicable laws and regulations will receive protection from the State.
The practice of contract marriage actually positions the position of women is very weak in the eyes
of the law because the marriage is considered never happened, so the wife is not considered a
legitimate wife, the wife is not entitled to alimony and inheritance from the husband if he dies and
the wife is not entitled to gono gini property if it occurs. separation, because legally the marriage,
the contractual marriage is considered to have never occurred.
Keywords: position; marriage contract; Indonesia; comparative study.
Teuku Yudi Afrizal | 1255
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.140 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Performing marriage or marriage is a
form of carrying out the sunnah of the
Prophet Muhammad SAW and at the same
time carrying out religious orders. The
existence of a religious command to marry
aims to maintain the honor of the human
race and protect the human race from the
heinous act of adultery. According to the
Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI), marriage
is a very strong covenant (miitsaaqan
ghaliidzan) to obey God's command and
perform it is an act of worship.
If, marriage is an act of worship then it
must be done in accordance with the
guidelines of Islam with the conditions,
pillars and ways that are allowed in Islam.
God created man like any other creation,
did not allow his instincts to do as he
pleased, or allowed the relationship
between men and women to be chaotic.
However, Allah SWT puts the signs and
rules as has been described in various
hasdis of the Prophet Muhammad SAW
(Bastomi, 2016). the purpose of the
arrangement is not to hinder or hinder the
human race from performing marriage,
rather the rules of marriage are to maintain
honor and protect the rights and
obligations of the parties who perform the
Marriage is a human right that cannot
be limited and diminished. In the Qur`an,
Allah SWT explicitly states in his words that
"Glory be to God who has created everything
in pairs, both from what the earth grows and
from themselves, and from what they do not
know (QS Yasin: 36). Marriage is a divine
decree for all His creatures. So, marriage is
not just about channeling sexual desire
alone but marriage is a religious order that
contains various rules on how to carry out
marriage, rights and obligations of
husband and wife and children, divorce,
heirs and other rules.
However, a common phenomenon
today is that marriages are based on a
contract or agreement with the agreement
that the bride's clause will be paid a certain
amount, the duration of the marriage is
limited and a better future guarantee. Such
a model of marriage is called contract
marriage or passport marriage
(Aidatussholihah, 2016). Contract
marriages are often associated with the
arrival of foreign tourists coming to
Indonesia, especially foreign tourists from
the Middle East. But in fact, not only foreign
tourists who perform contract marriages,
but also many local tourists who come to
West Java, especially in the peak area,
Bogor (Suhartanto, Dean, Nansuri, &
Triyuni, 2018). The term contract marriage
which is rampant in the Puncak Region is
used to refer to marriages performed with
tourists, both foreign and local, which are
limited to a certain time without any
standard rules and do not follow the
applicable marriage rules as they should
and are not legally registered in the State
The phenomenon of contract marriage
will have a bad impact on women because
women's position is very weak and men can
go and disappear just like that. If
something happens to the detriment of the
woman during the contact marriage, what
is the legal protection? This article will
attempt to analyze contact marriage and
legal protection for women.
1256 | The Position of Contract Marriage Law (Nikah Mut`Ah) in Indonesia: A Comparative
This type of research is legalistic,
doctrinal or normative. According to Rowe,
normative research aims to discover,
explain, study, analyze and present
systematically certain facts, principles,
concepts, theories, laws so as to find new
science and ideas to be suggested into a
change or renewal (Candlin, Bhatia, &
Jensen, 2002). In this study will examine all
documents, references, facts, theories,
doctrines and laws related to contact
marriage and its legal consequences for
women in Indonesia.
According to Mandi Zahraa, normative
research is A fresh, diligent, systematic,
inquiry or investigation of the factual data
and or theoretical concepts of the rules and
principles of a particular legal issue in an
attempt to discover, revise or improve the
relevant concepts, theories , principles and
application (de Oliveira Rodrigues, de
Freitas, Barreiros, de Azevedo, & de
Almeida Filho, 2019). Normative research
means conducting a new, thorough,
systematic study, investigation of facts,
data, concepts, principles, theories, specific
legal issues to make findings, reviews and
changes to concepts, theories, principles,
formulas and models. In addition,
normative research can also be conducted
on issues regarding the overlap of a law,
between one law contradictory and the
presence of ambiguity or ambiguity in a
The approach used in legalistic research
can be astatute approach,historical
approach, case analysis approach and
comparative approach (Diantha, 2017).
However, this study only uses a legal or
legal approach to both Islamic law and
marriage law nationally in order to analyze
the laws related to the regulation of contact
marriage and legal protection for women in
Kawin Kontrak (Nikah Mut`ah)
According to the Islamic View
In Indonesian, marriage comes from the
word "kawin", which etymologically means
to form a family with the opposite sex
(having sex or having sex) (Ministry of
Education and Culture, 1995). Anwar
Harjono said that "the word marriage is the
same as the word nikah or zawaj in fiqh
terms" (Boedi & Hasan, 2011). According to
the terminology of jurisprudence, marriage
means a contract (agreement) that contains
the ability to have sexual intercourse by
using the word nikah or tazwij (Nair, 2011).
In Article 1 of Law Number 1 of 1974 on
Marriage, it is concluded that marriage is a
bond born of batun between a man and a
woman as husband and wife with the aim
of forming a happy and eternal family
(household) based on the Almighty God. In
the Compilation of Islamic Law it is
mentioned that marriage is a marriage,
which is a very strong contract and
mitsaqan gholiidhan to obey God's
command and perform it is an act of
worship. In the compilation of Islamic law,
it is emphasized that the purpose of
marriage is to realize a loving family life,
mawaddah and rahmah "
Based on the law that the marriage is
not temporary but forever whose ultimate
goal is to form a family of sakinah,
mawaddah and rahmah. Marriage is eternal
meaning that the marriage is not limited in
time. Marriage will last forever until death
separates husband and wife. This provision
implicitly prohibits the existence of
marriages that are limited to a certain time,
Teuku Yudi Afrizal | 1257
namely contract marriages. This is because
the purpose of marriage is to form a happy
and eternal family (household), while the
concept of contract marriage is only to get
pleasure that is temporary or in accordance
with the time period that has been agreed
by the parties (husband and wife).
Contract marriage in Islamic law is
known as mut`ah marriage. Mut'ah is
linguistically taken from the Arabic Al-
Tamattu 'meaning to have fun, but in
terminology nikah mut`ah is a marriage
performed solely to satisfy lust and have
fun or a marriage contract made by a man
against women for a day, a week, or a
month (Mubarok, 2012). It is called Nikah
Mut'ah because the man intends to have
fun for a while. A. Syarafuddin al-Musawiy,
that the origin of the word mut'ah (Arabic)
is something that is enjoyed or given to be
enjoyed (Al-Hamidy, 2008). Similarly, the
verbs tamatta'a and istamta'a come from
the same root word, which is to enjoy or
enjoy something. with a gift to him in the
form of property, food, clothing or
anything else. If the time has passed, then
by itself they part without the word thalaq
and without inheritance (Lubis & Mas,
Zomakhsyari, defines mut`ah marriage
as marriage for a predetermined or known
time, such as one or two days, a week or
more, a month or even up to many years
(Afifi, 2014). According to Mutawalli,
mut'ah marriage is also called temporary
marriage (contract), which is married for
one day, one week, six weeks, one year, or
as many as according to the agreement. All
four schools of thought agree that mut'ah
marriage is illegal. If the marriage contract
is mentioned for a period of time, the
contract becomes void and invalid. A
married relationship becomes an
adulterous relationship (Fincham & May,
Regarding mut`ah marriage, Maliki,
Syafi`iyah, and Hanabilah scholars agree
that mut`ah marriage is the same as
mu`aqqat marriage (Sarbini, 2017).
Meanwhile, Hanafi scholars require the
word mut`ah in mut`ah marriage, such as "I
married mut`ah with you". The essence of
mut`ah marriage is to associate the
marriage contract with a specific time
(Abdullah & Awang, 2021). Such time
restrictions are considered contrary to the
purpose of marriage, which is to form a
happy and eternal family.
When viewed from the aspect of Islamic
history, mut'ah marriage was once allowed
by the Prophet SAW during the war. The
friends at that time were single and left
their wives for months. However, he later
forbade and abolished the rule of mut`ah
marriage (Azzam & Hawwas, 2011).
Prophet Muhammad SAW said “O people,
indeed I have previously allowed you to
mut'ah with women. Now Allah has
forbidden it until the Day of Judgment. So,
whoever has a wife from mut'ah, then let
him divorce and do not take something
that you have given him. "
The companions of the Prophet who
fought wanted to castrate his genitals in
order to avoid adultery. However, the
Prophet forbade such actions until the
Prophet Muhammad SAW said: From
Mas'ud said: at that time we were at war
with the Prophet SAW and not with us
women, then we said: can we castrate (our
genitals). So Raulullah SAW forbade us to
do that. And Rasulullah gave us relief to
marry women with dowry for a while (Al-
Asqalani, 2010). According to Nawawi in his
words that his prohibition and his ability
occurred twice, his ability was before the
khaibar war then he banned in the khaibar
war then allowed again in the year of the
conquest of Makkah (year of Authas), after
that Nikah Muth'ah was banned forever, so
that the rukhshah was erased for -lamanya
(Ridwan, 2014).
Allah SWT said “And those who guard
their private parts, Except against their
1258 | The Position of Contract Marriage Law (Nikah Mut`Ah) in Indonesia: A Comparative
wives or the slaves they have, then surely
they are not blameworthy in this matter.
Whoever seeks that which is behind it, then
they are the ones who transgress. ”(QS al
Maarij: 29-31). From this verse, it is known
that the reason for legalizing sexual
intercourse is only through two ways,
namely valid marriage and slavery. Abd
Shomad is of the view that a mut'ah woman
is neither a wife nor a slave. Thus, it is very
clear that sexual intercourse is only allowed
with a wife or slave, while the wife of a
mut'ah marriage does not function as a
wife because (Shomad, 2017):
a. Not inheriting from each other, while
the marriage contract is a reason to
inherit property;
b. Idah nikah mut'ah is not like ordinary
c. With the marriage contract, a person's
rights in his relationship with having
four wives are reduced, while this is not
the case with mut'ah;
d. By performing mut'ah, a person is not
considered to be a muhsin because a
woman taken by mut'ah does not
function as a wife, because the mut'ah
does not make the woman a wife and
not a slave, so the person who performs
the mut'ah is included. in the word of
The above texts cause differences of
opinion among scholars about the law of
mut`ah marriage for now. According to
Sunni scholars, the verse on the ability of
mut'ah marriage has been removed with a
verse that describes the care of farji, talaq,
iddah, and also the existence of ijma '.
Therefore, mut'ah marriage is included in
the category of prohibited marriage. In
contrast to the Shiite group, they consider
that not a single verse or hadith removes
the ability of mut'ah marriage, even
according to them the verse about mut'ah
is a muhkamat verse. However, if we study
more widely some of the authentic hadiths
of the Prophet Muhammad SAW
mentioned above, that mut'ah marriage
was allowed in the era of the Prophet SAW
in an emergency only. But this ability has
been confirmed by some hadiths above.
Therefore, it is very clear that the law of
mut'ah marriage is haram and will be sinful
for those who do it.
Contract Marriage in a Positive
Indonesian Legal Perspective
Indonesia is one of the countries that
upholds women's rights both legally,
economically, politically and culturally.
Currently, there are women's protection
institutions that have been legalized and
recognized by the State, such as the
National Commission Against Violence
Against Women (Komnas HAM). Even in
the political aspect, the quota of women
who enter parliament reaches 30 percent
so it is expected that women can defend
their people from all forms of violence,
both physical and psychological violence.
In terms of law, Indonesia
adheres Equalitythelaw principle. Law
enforcement does not discriminate
between the sexes but all people are equal
and there is no special treatment for certain
In the aspect of marriage law, every
woman who perfo rms a marriage is
required to perform it legally, both
religiously and state law. A legal marriage is
based on State law, so all the consequences
that arise after the marriage can be held
accountable both at the time of the
marriage, during the marriage and the end
of the marriage period. Therefore, Law No.
1 of 1974 on Marriage and the Compilation
of Islamic Law not only regulates the pillars
and conditions but also regulates the rights
and obligations and legal consequences
that arise after the marriage relationship. In
addition, when there is an act of domestic
violence during marriage then there are
several laws that can be applied to protect
women such as Law No. 1Year 1946 on the
Teuku Yudi Afrizal | 1259
Book of Criminal Law and Law No. 23 of
2004 on the Elimination of Domestic
Marriage that is legal according to
religion and the law of the State and is not
registered or registered in accordance with
applicable laws and regulations. Therefore,
the state can protect women from all legal
consequences arising after the occurrence
of marriage. This is because the law
enforcement has the authority to force the
parties to perform the marriage in
accordance with existing legislation. The
practice of contract marriage actually
positions the position of women as very
weak in the eyes of the law because the
marriage is considered to have never
happened, so that women do not get
anything from the marriage.
Contract marriage is considered a legal
defect because it is contrary to Article 2
paragraph (1) of Law Number 1 of 1974 on
Marriage. Article 2 paragraph (1)
determines that a marriage is valid if it is
performed in accordance with the law of
each religion and belief. In the aspect of
Islamic law it has been explained above that
the majority of scholars are of the view that
contract marriage is prohibited and anyone
who does so is a sinful act. Mut`ah marriage
was once allowed in conditions of war, after
which the Prophet Muhammad SAW
forbade mut`ah marriage (Koro, 2010).
Therefore, if referring to Article 2 paragraph
(1) of the Marriage Law, if the religion of
Islam adopted by both spouses to perform
a contract marriage then by itself the
marriage is not valid.
Looking at the practice of contract
marriage that occurs, it is clear that the
objective elements of an agreement are not
met. Something that can be agreed
objectively is in the form of goods in
accordance with Article 1332 of the Book of
Civil Law and Law Number 1 of 1974 on
Marriage itself. The Marriage Law states
that the agreement cannot be ratified if it
violates the boundaries of religious and
moral law. The same thing is also
mentioned in Article 1337 of the Code of
Civil Law which stipulates that a cause is
prohibited if it is prohibited by law or
contrary to good morality and public order.
Article 1335 of the Civil Code states that an
agreement without cause, or that has been
made for a false or prohibited reason, has
no legal force. Contract marriage that is
practiced today is not based on love,
honesty, sincerity of volunteerism, but the
purpose of contract marriage is only to
advance lust by ignoring the nature of
marriage itself.
Moreover, contract marriage is contrary
to the basics of marriage. According to
Muhammad Daud Ali, In the bond of a
marriage as one form of sacred promise
between a man and a woman is covered by
several principles of marriage, one of which
is the basis of marriage for ever. This
principle emphasizes that marriage is
performed to perpetuate offspring and
build love and affection for a lifetime. This
principle is contrary to the concept of
contract marriage which is carried out
within a certain period of time which has
been previously agreed upon with a certain
In Article 2 paragraph 2 of Law Number
1 of 1974 on Marriage stipulates that each
marriage is recorded in accordance with
the applicable laws and regulations. This
clause is a form of State recognition of the
marriage that took place so that legally, the
legal consequences of not recording the
marriage are :
a. Marriage is considered invalid;
b. The child has only a Civil relationship
with his mother;
c. Children and mothers are not entitled
to alimony and inheritance;
d. Lack of confirmation of marriage
e. Children born without a certificate;
f. Not getting recognition from the state;
1260 | The Position of Contract Marriage Law (Nikah Mut`Ah) in Indonesia: A Comparative
g. Such marriages have no legal
protection and legal certainty;
h. No common property.
In addition, a contract wife will not get
her rights as a wife, where those rights
legally include:
1. The wife is not considered a legitimate
2. The wife is not entitled to alimony and
inheritance from the husband if he
3. The wife is not entitled to gono gini
property in the event of a separation,
because legally the marriage, the
contract marriage is considered never
to have taken place.
The above rights will not be obtained
by the contract wife, because the marriage
has no legal certainty. A wife will not be
able to claim anything against her husband,
as it is limited by a contract or agreement
that has been made and agreed upon
together. Where the contract or agreement
is very detrimental to the woman. This is in
accordance with the principle of pacta sun
servanda, meaning that the agreement
made is valid as law for the parties. So the
contract that has been agreed upon binds
both parties, so that the marriage ignores
the meaning rather than the purpose of the
marriage itself which is “And among the
signs of His power is that He created for
you wives of your own kind, that you may
incline and feel at peace with them, and He
made between you love and affection.
Indeed, that means that there are signs for
you who think. " (QS Ar-Rum (30): 21).
All couples who wish to get married
must comply with the applicable laws and
regulations so that the marriage is legal by
religious law or state law. A legal marriage
is based on State law, so all the
consequences that arise after the marriage
can be held accountable both at the time of
the marriage, during the marriage and the
end of the marriage period. Therefore, Law
No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage and the
Compilation of Islamic Law not only
regulates the pillars and conditions but also
regulates the rights and obligations and
legal consequences that arise after the
marriage relationship. In addition, when
there is an act of domestic violence during
marriage then there are several laws that
can be applied to protect women such as
Law No. 1Year 1946 on the Book of Criminal
Law and Law No. 23 of 2004 on the
Elimination of Domestic Violence.
Marriage that is legal in religion and
State law and registered or recorded in
accordance with applicable laws and
regulations, the State can protect the legal
consequences arising after the marriage
because the law has the authority to force
the parties to perform the marriage in
accordance with existing laws. The practice
of contract marriage actually positions the
position of women is very weak in the eyes
of the law because the marriage is
considered never happened, so the wife is
not considered a legitimate wife, the wife is
not entitled to alimony and inheritance
from the husband if he dies and the wife is
not entitled to gono gini property if it
occurs. separation, because legally the
marriage, the contractual marriage is
considered to have never occurred.
Teuku Yudi Afrizal | 1261
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