Teuku Yudi Afrizal | 1257
namely contract marriages. This is because
the purpose of marriage is to form a happy
and eternal family (household), while the
concept of contract marriage is only to get
pleasure that is temporary or in accordance
with the time period that has been agreed
by the parties (husband and wife).
Contract marriage in Islamic law is
known as mut`ah marriage. Mut'ah is
linguistically taken from the Arabic Al-
Tamattu 'meaning to have fun, but in
terminology nikah mut`ah is a marriage
performed solely to satisfy lust and have
fun or a marriage contract made by a man
against women for a day, a week, or a
month (Mubarok, 2012). It is called Nikah
Mut'ah because the man intends to have
fun for a while. A. Syarafuddin al-Musawiy,
that the origin of the word mut'ah (Arabic)
is something that is enjoyed or given to be
enjoyed (Al-Hamidy, 2008). Similarly, the
verbs tamatta'a and istamta'a come from
the same root word, which is to enjoy or
enjoy something. with a gift to him in the
form of property, food, clothing or
anything else. If the time has passed, then
by itself they part without the word thalaq
and without inheritance (Lubis & Mas,
Zomakhsyari, defines mut`ah marriage
as marriage for a predetermined or known
time, such as one or two days, a week or
more, a month or even up to many years
(Afifi, 2014). According to Mutawalli,
mut'ah marriage is also called temporary
marriage (contract), which is married for
one day, one week, six weeks, one year, or
as many as according to the agreement. All
four schools of thought agree that mut'ah
marriage is illegal. If the marriage contract
is mentioned for a period of time, the
contract becomes void and invalid. A
married relationship becomes an
adulterous relationship (Fincham & May,
Regarding mut`ah marriage, Maliki,
Syafi`iyah, and Hanabilah scholars agree
that mut`ah marriage is the same as
mu`aqqat marriage (Sarbini, 2017).
Meanwhile, Hanafi scholars require the
word mut`ah in mut`ah marriage, such as "I
married mut`ah with you". The essence of
mut`ah marriage is to associate the
marriage contract with a specific time
(Abdullah & Awang, 2021). Such time
restrictions are considered contrary to the
purpose of marriage, which is to form a
happy and eternal family.
When viewed from the aspect of Islamic
history, mut'ah marriage was once allowed
by the Prophet SAW during the war. The
friends at that time were single and left
their wives for months. However, he later
forbade and abolished the rule of mut`ah
marriage (Azzam & Hawwas, 2011).
Prophet Muhammad SAW said “O people,
indeed I have previously allowed you to
mut'ah with women. Now Allah has
forbidden it until the Day of Judgment. So,
whoever has a wife from mut'ah, then let
him divorce and do not take something
that you have given him. "
The companions of the Prophet who
fought wanted to castrate his genitals in
order to avoid adultery. However, the
Prophet forbade such actions until the
Prophet Muhammad SAW said: From
Mas'ud said: at that time we were at war
with the Prophet SAW and not with us
women, then we said: can we castrate (our
genitals). So Raulullah SAW forbade us to
do that. And Rasulullah gave us relief to
marry women with dowry for a while (Al-
Asqalani, 2010). According to Nawawi in his
words that his prohibition and his ability
occurred twice, his ability was before the
khaibar war then he banned in the khaibar
war then allowed again in the year of the
conquest of Makkah (year of Authas), after
that Nikah Muth'ah was banned forever, so
that the rukhshah was erased for -lamanya
(Ridwan, 2014).
Allah SWT said “And those who guard
their private parts, Except against their