JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 9, 1222 1230
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.139 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Achmad Sanusi
N. Dede Khoeriah
Daeng Arifin
Program Studi Ilmu Pendidikan, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Islam Nusantara,
Bandung, Indonesia
e-mail: rustiyana@unibba.ac.id
, sanusi@uninus.ac.id
, nenden195830@gmail.com
*Correspondence: rustiyana@unibba.ac.id
Submitted: 26 March 2022, Revised: 05 April 2022, Accepted: 15 April 2022
Abstract. This research is motivated by the existence of gaps and problems in the low competence
of teachers in Indonesia. The implementation of blended learning model training is a solution to
improve teacher competence. The training will run effectively, efficiently as the target if it can
implement training management properly. The first stage of training management is Training
Needs Assessment. Training Needs Assessment (TNA) is the first stage in training management that
determines whether the next stage is successful or not. TNA is also a diagnostic process in order
to be able to determine/take pictures of the problems that are currently being faced and how the
challenges will be in the future and both of these things that must be fulfilled in the implementation
of the training. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze TNA in blended learning model
training management in improving teacher competence at the Center for the Development and
Empowerment of Science Educators and Educators (PPPPTK) Bandung, West Java. The research
approach uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The results showed that PPPPTK
IPA in implementing blended learning model training management in improving teacher
competence had implemented TNA with the stages of Analyze training needs and Identify training
objectives and criteria.
Keywords: training management; TNA; blended learning.
Rustiyana, Achmad Sanusi, N. Dede Khoeriah, Daeng Arifin | 1223
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.139 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
This research is motivated by the
existence of gaps and problems on the low
competence of teachers in Indonesia that
can be seen from the results of the Teacher
Competency Test (UKG) still at 57 out of a
maximum value of 100. Implementation of
blended learning model training is one
solution to improve teacher competence
The training on the blended learning
model was taken against the background
of: 1) Government Policy on Free Learning:
(a) Technology-based National Education
Platform, (b) Teacher training must be
based on practice, (c) Student Center, 2)
Teacher quality/competence is still low: (a)
Low UKG scores, (b) low PMP scores (CAR
Standards), (c) not all teachers are qualified
to teach, 3) Industrial Era 4.0: (a) VUCA
(Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity,
Ambiguity) conditions, (b) ) Internet of
Think (IoT), (c) Edu 4.0 (Blended Learning,
Teacher As Mentor, Teacher Learner).
Furthermore, training management is
needed so that the training objectives of
the blended learning model can be
achieved properly as stated by (Hung,
2011); (Kang & Ritzhaupt, 2015); (Pal,
Wang, & Liang, 2017) training management
is one of the most important factor in
dealing with the problem of implementing
training program to achieve training
objectives that have been set effectively
and efficiently
Theory of training management from
(Virág & Albu, 2014); (Sarfraz et al., 2020)
which mentions four processes/stages of
systematic training management as shown
in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Systematic Training Process
As shown in figure 1., TNA is the first
stage in training management that
determines whether the next stage is
successful or not. TNA is also a diagnostic
process in order to be able to
determine/take pictures of the problems
that are currently being faced and how the
challenges will be in the future and both of
these things that must be fulfilled in the
implementation of the training (Del-
Castillo-Feito, Blanco-González, & Díez-
Martín, 2021); (Vardien, Richardson,
Foxcroft, Wilson, & Le Roux, 2013);
(Parkinson, Ward, Wilson, & Miller, 2017).
Dealing with the importance of TNA,
this research will focus on the TNA aspect.
So, the purpose of this study is to describe
and analyze TNA in blended learning
model training management in increasing
teacher competence at the Center for
1224 | Training Needs Assessment on Blended Learning Model Management to Improve
Teachers’ Competence
Development and Empowerment of PPPTK
IPA Bandung, West Java.
The approach taken in this research is a
qualitative approach. According to
Kurniawan, (2018, p. 29), this research uses
qualitative data so that the analysis also
uses qualitative (descriptive) analysis or
describes naturalistic field findings or what
is according to field conditions.
Furthermore, the method used is the case
study method, according to Stake and Yin
in et al (Crewell, 2016, p. 19), Case Study
Research Methods is a research design
found in many fields. It uses specifically
evaluation where the researcher develops
an in-depth analysis of a case, often a
program, event, activity, process, or one or
more individuals. This is in line with the
objectives to be achieved, namely
describing and analyzing about TNA in
blended learning model training
management in improving teacher
The scope or object of the activity in
this research is the Competency
Improvement Training for the Head of the
Science Laboratory in Blended Learning
Mode at PPPPTK IPA which is located at
Jalan Diponegoro No. 12 Bandung City,
West Java Province. PPPPTK IPA is one of
the Technical Service Units (UPT) under the
Directorate General of GTK Kemdikbud
Ristek which has the task of carrying out the
development and empowerment of
educators and education personnel in
accordance with their fields, namely
Grand Theory of the TNA used in this
study using Mathis & Jackson (2010:260)
where the Training Needs Assessment
consists of:
1. Analyze training needs.
2. Identify training objectives and criteria.
One of the steps of research activities
that must be carried out in research is data
collection. Research data collection is
carried out by applying certain techniques
and instruments, according to the type of
data desired in the study. Crewell (2016,
pp. 254-255) suggests that there are four
types of data collection strategies in
qualitative research, namely: Qualitative
Observation, Qualitative Interviews,
Collecting Qualitative Documents and
Qualitative Audio and Video Materials.
The data processing technique used in
this research is by collecting data obtained
from various data collection techniques
(Qualitative Observations, Qualitative
Interviews, Collecting Qualitative
Documents, Qualitative Audio and Video
Materials). To analyze this research data, it
is necessary to take several steps or
procedures. The data analysis procedure
adopted in this study is based on the
opinion of Miles (2018) in (Artha, et al.,
2021, p. 117)
Figure 2. Analysis Technique
In figure 2, it can be seen that the data
Data Display
Rustiyana, Achmad Sanusi, N. Dede Khoeriah, Daeng Arifin | 1225
analysis technique is divided into four
activities, namely:
1. Data Collection, where the researcher
makes notes on the data collected
through observation, interviews and
documentation studies which are Field
2. Data Reduction (data reduction). which
can be interpreted as the process of
selecting, focusing and simplifying,
abstracting, and transforming rough
data that emerges from the results of
observations, interviews, and
documentation studies which are
written notes in the field.
3. Data Display, where the researcher in
analyzing can see what is going on, and
can make a decision whether to draw
conclusions or continue to do the
analysis that the presentation suggests
is useful.
4. Conclusions: Drawing/Verifying
(Drawing Conclusions), where
researchers review and discuss with
colleagues in developing inter-
subjective agreements. The final
conclusion not only takes place during
the data collection process, but also
needs to be verified so that it can truly
be accounted for.
TNA is a diagnostic process in order to
determine/photograph the problems that
are currently being faced and how the
challenges will be in the future and both of
these things that must be met in the
implementation of training.
According to Rossett in (Purwaningrum,
Susilo, & Suryawati, 2021); (Rodríguez-
Sanjuán et al., 2010); (McLachlan, Burgess,
Wagner, & Freeman, 2019) describes the
Training Needs Assessment as an effort to
meet organizational needs for training.
These needs include the need to acquire
knowledge of new skills that were not
previously possessed (actual), obtain
optimal results from the planned training
(optimal), analyze the feelings that develop
when participants take part in the training
(feeling), identify the causes of difficulties
that arise. Arise regarding the skills to be
trained and the challenges that may be
faced (problems), as well as formulating the
best solutions so that training can be
carried out based on needs in the field
According to (Ferreira & Abbad, 2013)
Training Needs Assessment consists of:
1. Analyze training needs.
2. Identify training objectives and criteria.
To analyze training needs, accurate
information is needed and this information
is obtained from Organization-Wide
Sources, Job/Task Sources, and Individual
Employee Sources, while to identify
training objectives and criteria, this is done
by setting the objectives of the training, an
overview of the training program and what
criteria. used in training evaluation to
ensure the achievement of training
Based on Permendikbud Number 20 of
2020 concerning the Organization and
Work Procedure of the Technical
Implementation Unit of the Ministry of
Education and Culture, the Center for the
Development and Empowerment of
Educators and Natural Science Education
Personnel (PPPPTK IPA) has positions,
duties and functions. The position of
1226 | Training Needs Assessment on Blended Learning Model Management to Improve
Teachers’ Competence
PPPPTK IPA is a technical implementing
unit of the Ministry of Education and
Culture in the field of developing and
empowering educators and educational
staff, while the task of PPPPTK IPA has the
task of carrying out the development and
empowerment of educators and education
personnel in accordance with their fields,
namely the development and
empowerment of Natural Science
Educators and Education Personnel.
The number of educators and
education personnel for the PPPPTK IPA
program is quite large, amounting to 240,
846 people, consisting of 108,540
elementary school teachers, 78,702 junior
high school teachers and 53,604 high
school teachers. There are 41,972
education staff (principals) at the junior and
senior high school levels, as well as 29,501
elementary, middle and high school
supervisors. Furthermore, there are 24,161
laboratory staff. The Head of the Science
Laboratory is a science teacher who has
received training from the Head of the
A. Analyze Training
1. Organization-Wide Sources
In PPPPTK IPA, the need for a
Head of Laboratory is based on
schools that already have adequate
laboratories. Of course, a Head of
the Science Laboratory is needed.
Not all schools in Indonesia have
adequate science laboratories. To
see the condition of the IPA
Laboratory, and its laboratory staff,
PPPPTK IPA has an application
called De-MIKROSKOP. De-
MIKROSKOP is a school science
laboratory data portal. This portal
contains profiles of science
laboratories (Physics, Chemistry,
Biology) in schools, including
profiles of laboratory heads,
laboratory assistants, laboratory
technicians, along with their
facilities and infrastructure.
From the application, it is
obtained that profiles throughout
Indonesia are needed as many as
5,162 laboratory heads.
Furthermore, in terms of
competence, there is still a lack of
certified and standardized
laboratory heads. Conditions in the
field indicate that there are teachers
who already have a Head of
Laboratory Decree (SK) from the
principal but do not have the
competence, and some have
attended training but are not
standardized. So that there is a gap
between the existing conditions
and the desired conditions in the
future, namely the availability of
certified and standardized
laboratory heads. With this, of
course, training is needed to
increase the competence of the
head of the science laboratory in
In terms of training, the blended
learning model is also in line with
the current conditions where the
COVID-19 pandemic is still hitting
people so that people are forced to
minimize face-to-face contact, also
now in the Industry 4.0 era where
there are VUCA (Volatility,
Rustiyana, Achmad Sanusi, N. Dede Khoeriah, Daeng Arifin | 1227
Uncertainty, Complexity,
Ambiguity) conditions, and the
Internet of Think. IoT), as well as Edu
4.0 which directs in the field of
education, namely Blended
Learning, Teachers as Mentors, and
Learning Teachers. Furthermore,
from the aspect of infrastructure
(ICT, buildings, learning media) as
well as teachers at PPPPTK IPA have
supported the implementation of
blended learning model training.
2. Job Analysis/Task Sources
Analysis of the main tasks of a
Head of Science Laboratory
according to Permendiknas
Number 26 of 2008 concerning
Standards for School/Madrasah
Laboratory Personnel, the head of
the laboratory must master four
dimensions of competence, namely:
a. Personality Competence:
1) Present oneself as a mature,
steady, and noble person.
2) Demonstrate commitment
to the task.
b. Social Competence:
1) Cooperate in carrying out
2) communicate orally and in
c. Managerial Competence:
1) Plan activities and
development of
2) Manage school/madrasah
laboratory activities.
3) Dividing the duties of
technicians and
school/madrasah laboratory
4) Monitoring
school/madrasah laboratory
facilities and infrastructure.
5) Evaluating the performance
of technicians and
laboratory assistants as well
as school/madrasah
laboratory activities.
d. Professional Competence:
1) Applying ideas, theories, and
principles of school/madrasah
laboratory activities.
2) Utilizing laboratories for
educational and research
purposes at
3) Maintain occupational health
and safety in school/madrasah
3. Individual Employee Analysis
PPPPTK IPA identified that the
current Head of the Science Laboratory
does not have the expected
competencies as mandated by the
IPAPermendiknas Number 26 of 2008
concerning Standards for
School/Madrasah Laboratory Personnel,
especially Managerial and Professional
B. Identify training objectives and
At this stage, it is done by setting
the training objectives, PPPTK IPA has
set the training objectives, where the
purpose of the Training for
Strengthening the Head of the
Laboratory is to increase the
strengthening of managerial
competence and professional
1228 | Training Needs Assessment on Blended Learning Model Management to Improve
Teachers’ Competence
competence for science teachers in
SMP/SMA who are given additional
duties as head of the laboratory. The
details of the managerial and
professional competence of the head of
the laboratory can be seen in table 1
Table 1. Managerial and Professional Competencies of Head of Laboratory
a. Planning activities and development of school/madrasah laboratories.
b. Managing school or madrasah laboratory activity.
c. Divide the duties of technicians and laboratory, laboratory
d. Monitor school/madrasah laboratory facilities and infrastructure.
e. Evaluate the performance of technicians and laboratory assistants as well
as school or madrasah laboratory activities.
a) Apply ideas, theories, and principles of school/madrasah laboratory
b) Utilize laboratories for educational and research purposes in
c) Maintain occupational health and safety in school/madrasah laboratories.
As for the criteria that will be used
for Training Evaluation is to use the
level of evaluation
1. Reaction
At this stage, the criteria for
evaluating the reaction of the
trainees to the implementation of the
training are set in which the
participants assess the training the
style of the instructor, and the
benefits of the training for them.
PPPPTK IPA reaction evaluation
criteria have been determined by
looking at the extent of the
participants' reactions or perceptions
towards the implementation of the
training. Evaluation of reactions used
by distributing questionnaires to
2. Learning
At this stage, the criteria for
evaluating the participants are
determined on the absorption
capacity of the training program
participants to the training materials
they have attended. At this stage, the
PPPTK IPA has determined the
graduation criteria for participants in
participating in the training, for
example consisting of assessments of
pretest, posttest, assignments,
attendance and implementation of
On the Job Learning which
participants participate in.
3. Behavior
At this stage, the criteria for
evaluating the behavior of the
trainees are set after returning to
their workplace/educational unit
Rustiyana, Achmad Sanusi, N. Dede Khoeriah, Daeng Arifin | 1229
where they work. At PPPPTK IPA at
this stage determine what behavioral
criteria must be possessed at the time
after the implementation of the
results of the training in their
respective schools.
The conclusion of this study is that: 1.
Training Needs Assessment (TNA) on
blended learning model training
management in increasing teacher
competence at the Center for the
Development and Empowerment of
Science Educators and Educators (PPPPTK)
IPA Bandung, West Java, especially TNA on
Management of Competency Improvement
Training for the Head of the Science
Laboratory in Blended Learning Mode has
been carried out in stages 1) Analyze
training (analyzing training needs), and 2)
Identify training objectives and criteria
(identification of training objectives and
criteria). 2. Analyze training (analyzing
needs) training is carried out by looking at
the analysis of Organization-Wide Sources,
Job/Task Sources, and Individual Employee
Analysis. 3. Identify training objectives and
criteria (identification of training objectives
and criteria) is carried out by setting the
training objectives, namely Strengthening
the Head of the Laboratory is to increase
the strengthening of managerial
competence and professional competence
for SMP/SMA science teachers who are
given additional duties as head of the
laboratory, while the criteria used for
training evaluation use the reaction,
learning, behavior, and result.
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