JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 9, 1207 1221
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.138 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
STIT Al-Falah Rimbo Bujang Tebo Jambi
e-mail: musa.sag.mpdi@gmail.com
*Correspondence: musa.sag.mpd[email protected]
Submitted: 25 March 2022, Revised: 03 April 2022, Accepted: 15 April 2022
Abstract. For leadership management, education cannot run perfectly if education management
is not implemented properly, in various theories and legislation clearly regulates the role of
educational institutions, especially education run by private universities, these rules are the main
point to be read and understood. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing how the
leadership management of private universities is in terms of institutional management theory. This
study uses library research methods or literature research. Data collection techniques in this study
were carried out by collecting and analyzing primary data sources from books, articles, and
research results related to the problems discussed. The results of the study conclude that
leadership means the ability to influence others with various types of leadership with their
advantages and disadvantages, with quality Islamic higher education leadership and guided by the
rules made by the government will create quality higher education, because quality education is
seen as a means of and infrastructure for higher education is considered a quality campus that
produces quality students as well.
Keywords: education management; private islamic universities; higher education quality;
education quality.
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DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i9.138 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Education is a conscious and planned
effort to create a learning atmosphere and
learning process so that students actively
develop their potential to have religious
spiritual strength, self-control, personality,
intelligence, noble character, and skills
needed by themselves, society, nation and
state (Chen & Huang, 2012); (Bronkhorst,
Meijer, Koster, & Vermunt, 2011).
In every formal educational institution
there is a leader who is usually appointed
by a higher body with the position of a
head, therefore everyone who is appointed
as a leader should be based on the
advantages he has compared to the people
he leads, according to (Balaban et al., 2019)
"Because to lead means to guide, direct,
guide and pave the way.
Leadership theory is important in
building a university, especially private
universities, most of which have not
received serious attention from the
government, in various existing theories
management is the procedure for a leader
in managing his activities, sometimes the
management cannot be separated from the
various problems that exist, especially
problems relating to access to information,
access to financing and other access
(Mason & Kwok, 2010); (Witbooi & Ukpere,
Being a leader is a mandate that we
must carry out by following the provisions
of the applicable rules. Leaders have a
responsibility to be fair to the people they
lead. So as a leader, give good service in the
organization he leads. O David, indeed We
have made you caliph (ruler) on earth, so
judge (cases) between people.
fairly and do not follow your passions,
because it will lead you astray from God's
way. Indeed, those who stray from the way
of Allah will have a severe punishment,
because they forgot the day of reckoning.
(Surat Shaad [38]: 26)
Based on the translation of the verse
above, it can be understood that a leader
must have the ability to lead and act fairly
and wisely in the management of the
organization they lead, and therefore a
leader is required to standardize his work in
accordance with the regulations. That has
been determined which ultimately results
in good performance so that it can carry
out its duties as expected (Laka & Suprasto,
2020); (Afifah, Sari, Anugerah, & Sanusi,
Leadership can be interpreted "as the
ability to influence and move others to be
willing, able and able to follow the wishes of
management in order to achieve
predetermined goals efficiently, effectively
and economically". Leadership can also be
interpreted as actions/actions between
individuals and groups that cause both
individuals and groups to advance towards
certain goals.
Private Islamic universities are actually
not much different from state universities
in terms of their aims and objectives, when
translated in general, of course, in order to
educate the lives of the nation's children,
this intention is certainly the intention of all
existing universities, especially Islamic
universities. which becomes the driving
1209 | Leadership of Private Islamic Universities Perspective Management Theory of
Educational Institution Management
force in the dissemination of qualified
educator candidates and understands Islam
as a whole.
This study uses literature research
methods, by collecting primary data
sources from books, articles, and research
results related to higher education
management. Related to this, Nazir said
that apart from looking for used data
sources that support research, library
research or literature research also needs to
know the level of scientific relevance.
Research has been developed, the extent to
which conclusions and generalizations
have been reached to obtain the desired
A. Understanding Leadership
Leadership can be interpreted "as
the ability to influence and move others
to be willing, able and able to follow the
wishes of management in order to
achieve predetermined goals efficiently,
effectively and economically".
Leadership can also be interpreted as
actions / actions between individuals
and groups that cause both individuals
and groups to advance towards certain
The theory of leadership put
forward by George R. Terry, leadership
is the activity of influencing people so
that they like to try to achieve group
goals. A similar opinion was expressed
by Stogdill who stated that "Leadership
is the process of influencing group
activities toward goal setting and goal
In Stogdill's opinion, suggests that
leadership has ten dimensions:
1. Leadership is the art of creating
conformity of understanding within
a group.
2. Leadership is an effort of
persuasion or appeal, not coercion.
3. Leadership is a personality that is
reflected in superior traits and
character so that excellence has an
influence on the party being led.
4. Leadership is an action or behavior
to direct joint activities in achieving
shared interests and goals.
5. Leadership is the focus of the
process of group activities so that
leadership can give birth to new
ideas, new changes, and an
atmosphere that is conducive to
growing group activities.
6. Leadership is a power relationship,
in the sense that the party who
leads influences others more than is
influenced by others.
7. Leadership is a means to an end.
8. Leadership occurs as an interaction
between a person and another
person or group.
9. Leadership is a different role. A
leader has a different role from the
person being led. The difference
occurs because of various
advantages or advantages that are
recognized by others.
10. Leadership is a structured initiation
position, meaning that leadership is
not a passive position but an active
and initiating position in the
structure of activities to achieve
Musa | 1210
Meanwhile, according to Hadari
Nawawi, leadership is the ability to
move, motivate and influence people to
be willing to take actions that are
directed at achieving goals through the
courage to make decisions about
activities that must be carried out.
Thus in the leadership of an
institution there are factors led by
group leaders, goals, activities,
communication/interaction, situation
and power.
For this reason, a leader in a formal
educational institution must try to
understand and master environmental
data and be able to use it properly,
including utilizing new information
related to the problems he faces.
Private universities as an important
institution in distributing information
from various scientific sides, the
information is certainly taught by
lecturers who are within the scope of
the campus, the existence of lecturers
or teaching staff on private campuses is
a benchmark so that education in
private institutions can run properly.
Universities are not only required to
comply with applicable policies but are
also required to become agents of
education, as well as agents of research
and development, agents of knowledge
and technology transfer and agents of
economic development for the
environment and surrounding
communities. In addition, universities
as educational institutions are expected
to be able to produce graduates who
are able to compete and defend
Indonesia from academic invasion and
foreign workers. This can be achieved, if
the university has a world class
university standardization (World class
Some of the definitions of
leadership that have been stated above,
it can be concluded that higher
education leadership is the process of
achieving a function to influence the
activities of subordinates, either a
person or a group in certain situations
to achieve a goal. Leadership is inherent
in the leader in the form of personality
(personality), ability (ability), and ability
(capability). So the principal's
leadership is a process of interaction
between the leader, being led and the
To understand leadership theory,
there are several approaches, the
approach consisting of various kinds is
essentially an attempt to answer or
provide solutions to the problems that
B. Style and Type of Leadership
Style is a behavioral norm used. by
a college chairman when that person
tries to influence the behavior of
lecturers and staff as he sees it, in this
case efforts to harmonize perceptions
between people who will influence
behavior with people whose behavior
will be influenced become very
When viewed from how the leader
uses his power, three basic types are
found, namely: autocratic, democratic,
or participative, and free rein or laissez
1211 | Leadership of Private Islamic Universities Perspective Management Theory of
Educational Institution Management
1. Authoritarian type (autocratic)
Leadership places power in the
hands of someone who is called a
superior as a ruler. While the person
he leads is called a subordinate
whose position is no more than the
executor of the superior's decision.
The superior acts as an undeniable
ruler or determinant and must
submit to his authority by using
threats and punishment as a tool in
carrying out his leadership.
Authoritarian leadership is seen
as a style based on the power of
position and the use of authority. If
the head of the college uses this
type, he always gives orders and
expects them to be carried out in a
dogmatic and always positive
manner, with all his might, he tries
to frighten his subordinates by
giving certain punishments for
those who do negative things, and
rewards for subordinates who do a
good job.
2. Democratic or Participation Type
Leadership places humans as
the main and most important
factor. The relationship between the
leader and the people being led is
realized in the form of a Human
Relationship which is based on the
principle of mutual respect and
respect. Democratic leadership is an
active, dynamic and direct
leadership that seeks to utilize
everyone for the benefit of the
progress and development of the
organization (school). Suggestions,
opinions and criticisms of each
person he leads are channeled as
well as possible and endeavored to
use them for the growth and
progress of the organization as a
manifestation of shared
Democratic leadership divides
tasks that allow each member to
clearly have the authority and
responsibility to contribute work to
the achievement of goals. Decisions
and manifestations in a disciplined
atmosphere are the result of
deliberation and consensus so that
they are not perceived as coercion.
Everyone will work earnestly
without feeling afraid and
pressured and full of responsibility.
Punishments and sanctions are not
used as tools to force someone to
work and are used when deemed
3. Type Laissez Faire
Leadership is basically not
carrying out activities in any way.
The leader is located as a symbol
because in reality his leadership is
carried out by giving full freedom to
the people he leads to act and make
decisions individually. The top
leadership in carrying out their
leadership functions as an advisor
and provides an opportunity to ask
questions when they feel necessary.
So as long as the people being led
feel able to make their own
decisions and implement them
themselves, the leader will not
function. Freedom is given
according to the will of the people
being led, not directed so that the
Musa | 1212
realization of work becomes
The head of the college using
this type gives high freedom to his
subordinates in all their actions. The
head of the college has a great
dependence on group members to
set goals to be achieved.
Based on the three forms/types
of leadership above, it seems that
democratic leadership is the most
suitable form in the formal
education environment because it
allows every personnel to actively
participate in developing and
advancing the school as a forum
that carries out the mission of
student maturity. Because with this
leadership, every suggestion and
opinion as a reflection of initiative
and creativity, is always considered
to be realized for the common
good as well.
According to (Baartman & De
Bruijn, 2011), the teaching and
learning process requires a certain
qualification profile in terms of
knowledge, abilities, attitudes and
values as well as personal
characteristics, "so that the process
can take place effectively and
C. Higher Education
Law Number 12 of 2012
concerning Higher Education explains
that Higher Education is a level of
education after secondary education
which includes diploma programs,
undergraduate programs, master
programs, doctoral programs, and
professional programs, as well as
specialist programs, organized by
universities based on Indonesian
It is clear in the law above that
higher education is education that
organizes diploma, bachelor's, master's,
professional doctoral and specialist
programs on the basis of Indonesian
culture, while private universities are
also explained as universities
established and/or organized by the
Education is a process of self-
development and training that includes
aspects of knowledge (Kassymova et al.,
2018); (Georgievich, 2014); (Cord &
Clements, 2010), skills, and personality
(character), especially those carried out
in the form of educational activities
including processes in generating and
transferring knowledge carried out by
individuals and groups. Higher
education is a continuation of
secondary education organized to
prepare students to become members
of the community who have academic
and professional abilities who can
apply, develop and create knowledge
(Kang & Ritzhaupt, 2015); (Creamer &
Austin, 2017).
Higher education consists of two
types of education, namely academic
education and professional education
(Rienties, Brouwer, & Lygo-Baker,
2013); (Nurtanto, Pardjono, & Ramdani,
2020). Academic education is education
that is directed primarily at the mastery
of science (Morton, 2012); (Van Dinther,
Dochy, & Segers, 2011). The types of
academic education are as follows:
1213 | Leadership of Private Islamic Universities Perspective Management Theory of
Educational Institution Management
1. Undergraduate
2. Program, Postgraduate
3. Program, Doctoral Program,
Meanwhile, professional education
is education that is directed
primarily at the readiness of certain
The types of professional education
are as follows:
1. Diploma I
2. Diploma II
3. Diploma III
4. Diploma IV
Several types of academic
education above are found in various
universities, their existence is clearly
regulated in various existing legislation
and of course it is important to know
the academic type of various programs
education above.
As for religious universities, the
government has issued a Government
Regulation (PP) which regulates
religious universities, the rules are
contained in Government Regulation
Number 46 of 2019 concerning
Religious Higher Education.
The explanation of the Government
Regulation is that Religious Higher
Education is a higher education level
after secondary education which aims
to develop the potential of students to
study religious knowledge with an
insight into the integration of
knowledge, having religious spiritual
strength, self-control, personality,
intelligence, noble character, and the
necessary skills. himself, society, nation
and state.
The main mission of religious
colleges is to seek, find, disseminate,
and uphold the truth. In order for this
mission to be realized, universities as
higher education providers must be
free from any influence, pressure, and
contamination such as political power
and/or economic power, so that the
Tridharma of Higher Education, namely
education, research, and community
service can be carried out based on
freedom. academic and scientific
The main task of the state in the
implementation of higher education is
to ensure the quality of higher
education so that the interests of the
community are not harmed.
Meanwhile, the main task of the state in
managing higher education is to ensure
that higher education autonomy can be
realized. General Provisions from
Government Regulation Number 46 of
2019 concerning Private Religious
Higher Education, hereinafter
abbreviated as PTKS, is a PTK
established and/or organized by the
The above definition illustrates that
private religious universities are an
initiative from the community to
establish and organize religious
education. Apart from that, private
religious universities are also important
to get serious attention from the
government, especially in terms of
coaching which should be carried out
regularly and continuously.
In the opinion of Mujamil Qomar
that the average student or students
enroll in Islamic educational institutions
because they are unlikely to be
accepted in public public education
Musa | 1214
institutions. They are Muslim children
who fail to enter public education
institutions in the country, choosing
Islamic educational institutions, thus,
Islamic educational institutions become
fugitives. Or because they realize that
their abilities are low so they don't
enroll in state public education
This phenomenon shows that there
is an element of compulsion rather than
not going to school or college, it is still
better to enter an Islamic educational
institution. Even if it was not due to
compulsion, at least Islamic educational
institutions would still not be the main
choice for students, but this opinion
could be different from the opinion of
other fakars who said that not a few
students prefer to study in Islamic
educational institutions, not only public
but also private institutions.
D. College
Management Management is a
process in order to achieve goals by
working together through people and
other organizational resources.
Management in language means the
process of managing, organizing,
implementing and managing activities
in an agency or organization to achieve
goals (Rohiat, 2008, p. 13). That means
management tries to focus attention on
the main administrative processes
including planning, organizing, and
controlling which are very essential if
the organization is to achieve its main
goals and objectives. Medina and Kasan
further explained that managerial
activities take place in business,
government, educational, social and
other organizations where the human
element and physical resources are
combined to achieve the goals to be
The Plan for Restructuring the
Higher Education System is intended so
that higher education has performance
that can refer to the continuous
improvement and development of the
quality of education. This can be
achieved with the support of all parties
who can assist the success of the
implementation of higher education.
The function of higher education in
society can be seen as a professional
institution that provides services and
services to meet the needs of the
Management is a process in
planning to achieve certain goals.
According to Hasibuan, "management"
is a science and art that regulates the
process of utilizing human resources
and other resources effectively and
efficiently to achieve certain goals.
Meanwhile, according to GR Terry,
"management" is a process that has a
characteristic that includes all planning,
directing, organizing, and controlling
actions aimed at determining and
achieving predetermined goals through
the use of various sources, including
human resources and other sources.
Every tertiary institution that has a
professional institution has a context
for creating a Higher Education
Administration System (SPPT) must
direct its entire management to create
a work atmosphere to improve the
quality of sustainable higher education,
1215 | Leadership of Private Islamic Universities Perspective Management Theory of
Educational Institution Management
because at the final stage the quality of
higher education is determined by the
quality of the performance of each
Management of Islamic education,
which means a process of managing
Islamic educational institutions in an
Islamic way by dealing with learning
resources and other related matters to
achieve the goals of Islamic education
effectively and efficiently, is a clear
reason that Islamic educational
institutions must also pay attention to
the following aspects: things that
appear around it in this case is the
existence of a market share, must be
able to follow the competition and in
getting consumers, so that education
customers feel satisfied and
comfortable with the Islamic education
services delivered. If this is fulfilled, then
the existence of institutions and the
goals of Islamic education can be
realized effectively and efficiently.
Etymologically, management
comes from the ancient French
language "management", which means
"the art of implementing and
managing". Management is defined as
the art of getting work done through
other people. This definition means that
a manager is tasked with organizing
and directing others to synergistically
achieve organizational goals.
Management Functions According
to Rohiat Management functions
consist of:
1. Planning (Planning)
Planning is the process of a
series of activities to determine in
advance the expected goals for a
certain period of time or a
predetermined time period, as well
as the stages that must be passed
to achieve these goals.
2. Organizing
Is the process and series of
activities in the division of work that
are planned to be completed by
members of the work group,
determining good work relations
between them, and maintaining an
appropriate work environment and
3. Directing
Is a series of activities to give
instructions or instructions from a
superior to a subordinate or several
subordinates, or to people who are
organized in formal groups and in
the context of achieving the goals
that have been set.
4. Motivating Motivation
Is a process and a series of
activities that a manager can
provide inspiration, enthusiasm,
and enthusiasm for work as well as
encouragement to employees to be
able to carry out activities as
5. Controlling
Is a process and a series of
activities to ensure that a job can be
carried out in accordance with a
predetermined plan and the stages
that must be passed. Thus, if there
are activities that are not in
accordance with the plans and
stages, it is necessary to take
corrective action.
The five management functions
above emphasize more on planning
Musa | 1216
that must be mature in carrying out
leadership management,
organizing requires cohesiveness
and a proper workplace to achieve
goals, besides that of course really
needs direction and instructions
from superiors so that activities do
not deviate from the main goal.
Furthermore, motivation
becomes moral capital in building a
management, motivation can be in
the form of rewards or it can also be
praise given in the context of
motivation to subordinates, apart
from rewards, controlling all
activities is very important to do,
controlling can be done at the
beginning of the activity, when the
activity takes place or after walking
E. Quality of Islamic
Higher Education Private Islamic
higher education with all its
shortcomings and advantages is
required to always improve its quality,
especially quality related to the
educational process, this is the hope of
all parties, especially parties with an
interest in the world of education.
According to the Big Indonesian
Dictionary, quality is a measure of the
good or bad of an object, condition,
level, or degree (intelligence,
intelligence, etc.), thus the general
meaning of the quality of education is
whether or not a process or
implementation of education itself is
Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning
the National Education System Article
50 paragraph (6) stipulates that
universities must carry out internal
supervision of the higher education
they provide. This provision is further
elaborated in Government Regulation
Number 19 of 2005 concerning
National Education Standards which
requires a horizontal supervisory
structure in every education unit by
implementing an education quality
assurance system.
The education quality assurance
system aims to enable educational units
to meet or exceed the National
Education Standards (SNP).
Furthermore, in Law Number 12 of 2012
concerning Higher Education it is stated
that the national standard of higher
education (SNPT) is the SNP plus the
standards of research and community
service. The quality assurance system
includes the process of planning,
implementing, controlling, evaluating
and developing higher education
quality standards consistently and
continuously so that both internal and
external stakeholders obtain
The Internal Quality Assurance
System (SPMI) is one of the sub-
systems of the Higher Education
Quality Assurance System (SPM-PT)
issued by the Directorate General of
Higher Education, Ministry of Education
and Culture of the Republic of
Indonesia. The SPM-PT includes three
sub-systems, namely the National
Higher Education Database (PDPT), the
Internal Quality Assurance System
(SPMI) and the External Quality
Assurance System (SPME). Higher
1217 | Leadership of Private Islamic Universities Perspective Management Theory of
Educational Institution Management
education databases cover systemic
activities in the collection, processing
and storage of data and information on
the administration of higher education.
SPMI is a systemic activity to ensure
the quality of higher education by
universities(internally driven)to oversee
the implementation of higher
education in a sustainable manner.
SPME is a systemic activity to assess the
feasibility of study programs and/or
higher education institutions by BAN-
PT or international accreditation
institutions such as the Asean
University Network Quality
Assurance(AUN-QA). To carry out SPMI
in study programs, quality standards
are needed which are indicators of
quality achievement. Quality
for assurance all universities
through the Higher Education Quality
Assurance System (SPM Dikti) has long
been announced by the government.
Based on Law no. 12 of 2012
concerning Higher Education, this SPM
Dikti includes the Internal Quality
Assurance System (SPMI) and the
External Quality Assurance System
(SPME) or better known as
Accreditation. So SPM Dikti is an
internal and external quality assurance
One of the problems of education
in Indonesia, namely the problem of the
low quality of education at every level
of education such as elementary,
middle and high school even higher
education, actually in improving the
quality of education has been done in
various aspects of qualification such as
lecturers, facilities, curriculum, as well as
procurement of books and learning
According to Hadari Nawari in
Arbangi et al, Integrated Quality
Management is functional
management with an approach that is
continuously focused on improving
quality, so that its products comply with
the quality standards of the people
served in carrying out public service
tasks and community development. ).
Most universities are more
concerned with accreditation or SPME
than with SPMI, indeed accreditation
has always been the goal of improving
the quality of study programs or
universities. As soon as the
accreditation exits the institution, it no
longer conducts quality evaluation
internally, in the Act, the SPMI process
must be carried out by universities at
least once a year.
If study programs or universities
only improve their quality in order to
achieve good accreditation scores,
there is a tendency that internal quality
will not increase. The most important
thing to achieve good accreditation is
to apply theContinuous Quality
Improvement(CQI) pattern. By
improving the internal quality first, it is
certain that the accreditation process
will also be good.
Assurance of the quality of higher
education, which was later referred to
as SPMI, has several interests including:
1. SPMI as a Solution to the
Challenges of Higher Education
The Internal Quality Assurance
System (SPMI) is seen as one of the
solutions to various problems of
Musa | 1218
higher education in Indonesia. In
addition, SPMI is considered
capable of responding to the
challenges of higher education.
In general, the definition of
quality assurance in higher
education is:
a. The process of establishing and
fulfilling education quality
standards consistently and
continuously so that customers
get satisfaction.
b. The process to ensure that the
quality of graduates is in
accordance with the
competencies so that quality
can be consistently maintained
and continuously improved.
In other words, a university is
said to be of high quality if it is able
to establish and realize the campus
vision through the implementation
of its mission (deductive aspect),
and is able to meet the
stakeholders(inductive aspect),
namely the needs of students,
society, the world of work and
professionals. Thus, universities
must be able to plan, run and
control a process that ensures the
achievement of quality.
To realize it all, normative
requirements are needed that must
be met by every university. These
requirements are contained in
several principles, namely:
a. Commitment
b. Internally driven
c. Inherent
d. Compliance with the
e. Evaluation
f. Continuous quality
2. Policy foundation for SPMI
Implementation Policy
foundation for SPMI
Implementation in Higher
Education, namely:
a. Law number 20 of 2003
concerning SISDIKNAS
b. Higher Education Long Term
Strategy (HELTS) 2003 2010
c. Guidelines for Quality
Assurance PT, Dikti 2003
d. Quality Assurance Working
Group, Dikti 2003
e. Government Regulation
number 19 of 2005 concerning
National Education Standards
f. Government Regulation
number 17 of 2010 concerning
Management and
Implementation of Education
g. Government Regulation
number 66 of 2010 concerning
Amendments to Government
Regulation number 17 of 2010
concerning Management and
Implementation of Education.
h. Regulation of 2014 Number 050
i. Permenristekdikti Quality
Assurance System Number 44
of 2015 concerning SNPT
j. Permenristekdikti Number 62 of
2016 concerning SPMI
1219 | Leadership of Private Islamic Universities Perspective Management Theory of
Educational Institution Management
3. The purpose of SPMI
The purpose of quality
assurance is to maintain and
improve the quality of higher
education in a sustainable manner,
which is carried out internally to
realize the vision and mission of PT,
as well as to meet the needs of
stakeholders through the
implementation of the Tridharma of
Higher Education.
This can be carried out
internally by the PT concerned,
controlled and audited through
accreditation activities carried out
by the National Accreditation Board
(BAN) for Higher Education or other
institutions externally. So that the
objectivity of the assessment of the
maintenance and improvement of
academic quality on an ongoing
basis in a university can be realized.
4. SPMI Support System
In implementing SPMI and
maintaining Continuous Quality
Improvement (CQI), universities
need a reliable tool or system in its
implementation, so that the form
reporting process measures the
performance of each unit and
individual with KPI (Key
Performance Indicators) and the
AMI (Quality AuditInternals)
becomes easier.
Some of the uses and interests
of quality assurance above
symbolize that tertiary institutions
are required to have the lowest
quality of good value, it will be
more important if the value is
superior, because the quality of
education should be increasing
from time to time.
The existence of SPMI is a
challenge for private Islamic
campuses in improving the quality
of their education so that they can
compete with large campuses and
other countries. This is certainly the
dream of private Islamic campuses
not to be left behind by state
campuses in the vicinity or even
throughout Indonesia.
The existence of SPMI is also a
guide in improving the quality of
education, because the SPMI has
determined the quality, what
quantity must be increased by
universities, of course this becomes
the university standard in
determining the quality of
education on their respective
campuses towards greater
competition. competitive with
various campuses in Indonesia.
Private Islamic universities which are
increasingly mushrooming have a positive
impact on the development of the Islamic
world and education, the existence of
private Islamic universities with all their
advantages and disadvantages is able to
compete with other state universities.
All educational processes, especially
private universities, are required to have
higher education management with quality
management. The quality of this
management cannot be separated from the
existence of leadership that protects,
provides direction, and provides rewards
Musa | 1220
for the success of higher education both
institutionally and personally. The style and
type of leadership is important to carry out
in order to get to a university with qualified
quality to create professional students.
The government with all its authorities
has issued regulations related to improving
the quality of all tertiary institutions, these
rules include Law Number 20 of 2003
concerning the National Education System,
Guidelines for Quality Assurance of PT
2003, Government Regulation Number 19
of 2005 concerning National Education
Standards, Ministerial Regulation of the
Republic of Indonesia Year 2003. 2014
Number 050 PT Quality Assurance System,
Permenristekdikti Number 62 of 2016
concerning SPMI and many other
regulations that want to improve the
quality of higher education in Indonesia.
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