Musa | 1220
for the success of higher education both
institutionally and personally. The style and
type of leadership is important to carry out
in order to get to a university with qualified
quality to create professional students.
The government with all its authorities
has issued regulations related to improving
the quality of all tertiary institutions, these
rules include Law Number 20 of 2003
concerning the National Education System,
Guidelines for Quality Assurance of PT
2003, Government Regulation Number 19
of 2005 concerning National Education
Standards, Ministerial Regulation of the
Republic of Indonesia Year 2003. 2014
Number 050 PT Quality Assurance System,
Permenristekdikti Number 62 of 2016
concerning SPMI and many other
regulations that want to improve the
quality of higher education in Indonesia.
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Fostering meaning-oriented learning
and deliberate practice in teacher
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Education, 2(7), 1120–1130.
Chen, Chia Chen, & Huang, Tien Chi. (2012).
Learning in a u-Museum: Developing a
context-aware ubiquitous learning
environment. Computers & Education,
59(3), 873–883.
Cord, Bonnie, & Clements, Mike. (2010).
Pathway for student self-development:
A learning orientated internship
approach. Australian Journal of Adult
Learning, 5(2), 287–307.
Creamer, Anne Marie, & Austin, Wendy.
(2017). Canadian nurse practitioner
core competencies identified: An
opportunity to build mental health and
illness skills and knowledge. The Journal
for Nurse Practitioners, 3(5), e231–e236.
Georgievich, Leontev Mikhail. (2014).
Features of training teachers in the
context of modern Russian education.
Procedia-Social and Behavioral
Sciences, 2(12), 695–701.