Nenden Siti Fatonah, Chastine Fatichah, Handayani Tjandrasa | 1189
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i8.136
Leukemia occurs because the
production of white blood cells out of the
spinal cord is immature and spread
throughout the body. So it is very
dangerous because it disturbs the stability
of blood circulation. The importance of
computerized based research on white
blood cells will greatly help the medical
field in diagnosing leukemia.
One important process in computerized
systems in diagnosing leukemia in
microscopic images is the process of
segmenting white blood cells. A good
segmentation process will produce good
features to produce accurate diagnoses.
Leukemia image segmentation research
has been done in literatures (Labati, Piuri, &
Scotti, 2011); (Zheng, Wang, Wang, & Liu,
2018); (Joshi, Karode, & Suralkar, 2013). The
study used a peripheral blood smear
dataset from ALL patients and not ALL
patients collected at the Tettamaati
Research Center, Monza, Italy research
center (Labati et al., 2011). In literature
(Putzu, Caocci, & Di Ruberto, 2014), the
segmentation process uses Zack Algorithm
for thresholding and uses the arithmetic
process. In literature (Rezatofighi &
Soltanian-Zadeh, 2011) used the Otsu
thresholding, Gram-Schmidt
orthogonalization, and the snake algorithm
for white blood cell segmentation.
The obstacle in the process of leukemia
white blood cells segmentation is the
presence of touching cells. Because the
next step in diagnosing leukemia from
microscopic images is morphological
analysis and calculation of white blood cell
counts. Literature (Fatichah, Purwitasari,
Hariadi, & Effendy, 2014) present white
blood cells counting using features, K-
Means clustering for separation the
overlapping cells.
The segmentation used is the
morphological iteration process of
automatic erosion for tangent objects [5].
Research (Singhal & Singh, 2014)
segmented morphology and thresholding
methods. Research (Tian, Li, Zeng, Evans, &
Zhang, 2019) in segmenting using K-Means
clustering. The research (Tan, He, & Sun,
2010) conducted segmentation using fuzzy
K-means clustering, thresholding and Zack
algorithms. Research (Mohapatra, Patra, &
Satpathy, 2014) in segmenting using the
Shadowed C-means (SCM) and K-Means
Clustering methods. The approach of the
parametric model of the Gaussian mixture
(GM) is used in cell segmentation (Cuevas
& Sossa, 2013). In this study the concave
method was used to determine the
convexity and concomitance of
overlapping cells (Zheng, Wang, Wang, &
Chen, 2014). In research (Mandyartha &
Fatichah, 2016) the watershed method was
used in segmenting leukocyte cells.
Previous studies on the segmentation of
touching leukemia cells still occur in the
presence of oversegmentation and
undersegmentation. It is necessary to
develop a method of segmenting white
blood cells to obtain an accurate area and
number of single cells in the image of
touching cells. The use of clustering
methods such as K-Means for
segmentation of touching leukemia cell
have obstacles in determining the number
of K and the results of clustering are not
optimal if the centroid initialization is not
correct. While the separation of touching