JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 8, 1195 1206
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i8.135 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Irmanjaya Thaher*
Esa Unggul University
e-mail: irman.jaya@esaunggul.ac.id
*Correspondence: irman.jaya@esaunggul.ac.id
Submitted: 24 February 2022, Revised: 03 March 2022, Accepted: 15 March 2022
Abstract. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of personal data protection
to the use of the Peduli Protect. This is because, application users are required to register an
account which will automatically include personal data. Practically, the use of the Peduli Protect
application can benefit the wider community even though it has to intersect with the protection of
personal data. The author finds that the implementation of the Cares Protect application is still
vulnerable to misuse of personal data, therefore comprehensive and detailed rules are needed to
protect users of the Care Protect application. So, the use of the Care Protect application to stop
the spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) which relies on public awareness and participation
can run effectively without any misuse of personal data and clear sanctions for violators after the
COVID-19 pandemic ends.
Keywords: political law; protection; personal data; care protect application.
Irmanjaya Thaher | 1196
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i8.135 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Three years ago, at the end of 2019, the
world was shocked by the emergence of a
new deadly virus that attacks the human
respiratory system, this virus is named
Novel Coronavirus Disease or abbreviated
as COVID-19. The virus was first discovered
in Wuhan, Hubei Province of the Republic
of China, the COVID-19 virus has spread to
almost all countries in the world.
The World Health Organization (WHO)
officially designated COVID-19 as a disease
outbreak on January 5, 2020 through a
publication and media broadcast. The
COVID-19 virus attacks the respiratory
system and is at risk of transmitting and is
caused by Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2).
The COVID-19 virus was first discovered
in Indonesia on March 02, 2020, the
Government through the National Disaster
Management Agency (BNPB) has
established an emergency status for a
disease outbreak caused by the COVID-19
virus through a BNPB Head Decree.
The existence of this pandemic has
resulted in a new order of life for people in
various fields. The pattern of interaction in
activities that are usually carried out face-
to-face have begun to be adjusted using a
digital platform. The use of information
technology is absolutely necessary to
respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Various approaches have been taken to
overcome the rate of spread of the COVID-
19 virus, one of the most dominant ways is
the technological approach.
In the current era of digitalization,
personal data has become a very valuable
asset and has "high-value", therefore,
protection of personal data is important
considering that many people now use
information technology in their daily
activities. Moreover, during the COVID-19
pandemic the use of digital technology
increased sharply.
The Indonesian government released
community surveillance known as the
Peduli Protect Application. This application
is intended to handle the spread of COVID-
19, among others, to conduct tracing,
tracking, and giving warnings (tracing,
tracking, warning and fencing).
Peduli Protect application was formed
by PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk while
the copyright for the Peduli Protect
application was granted to the Government
of Indonesia "Casu Quo" the Ministry of
Communication and Information and the
Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises
(Decree of the Minister of Communication
and Information Technology Number 171
of 2020, 2020).
This Peduli Protect application was
then used in Indonesia during the COVID-
19 pandemic to verify a person's
vaccination status and efforts to break the
chain of spread of the COVID-19 virus. In its
use the Peduli Protect application requires
a registration process by inputting
information related to personal data.
What is the relationship between data
and legal politics? We understand that a
data can be categorized as personal data if
it relates to a person who is used to identify
that person (McCarty-Snead & Hilby, 2014).
In more detail, personal data can be
defined as certain individual data that is
stored, maintained, and kept true and
confidential (Regulation of the Minister of
Communication and Information
1197 | Legal Politics: Personal Data Protection in Peduli Protect Applications in Indonesia
Technology No. 20 of 2016 concerning
Protection of Personal Data in Electronic
Systems (Şık, Aydınoğlu, & Son, 2021).
In relation to the legal politics of
implementing this application, the
government through the Peduli Protect
application wants to involve the community
in the policy implementation process by
registering an account on a digital
platform. The involvement of the
Indonesian people to participate in using
the Peduli Protect application in daily
activities is what then contains elements
which in the academic realm are called
Legal Politics.
The development of the times and we
are stretching digitalization is carried out
by almost everyone around the world,
activities that used to be done
conventionally, now people are starting to
migrate and surf a lot in the digital space.
Changes are so fast, especially technical
matters where in the past the registration
process took a long time and was done in
black and white, now it can be connected
anywhere and anytime.
Progress or change will always be
followed by consequences. On the one
hand, technological sophistication can
facilitate activities that will be carried out by
humans and can even help increase
productivity. Like two sides of a coin,
technological sophistication guarantees
that personal data is inputted through a
digital system and becomes a connected
So why is this Personal Data Protection
important? This is because the protection
of personal data is a manifestation of the
right to privacy. This right also includes the
right to enjoy a private life and be free from
all kinds of interference, the right to
communicate with other people without
the intent of suspecting, and the right to
monitor access to information about a
person's private life and virginity, this
explanation is contained in Article 26
paragraph 1 (Mantelero, 2016).
Privacy can be understood as a
measure of individual control over various
aspects of his personal life, in this case
there are several types of privacy including:
a. Information Privacy, namely
information about himself personally.
b. Body Privacy, namely privacy over one's
c. Communication Privacy, namely the
privacy of a person's communications;
d. Territorial Privacy, namely
the privacy of a person's place of
residence (Taddicken, 2014).
The protection of personal data is also
one of the most basic human rights. In the
paradigm of personal data protection legal
instruments in the form of Data Protection
Directives, Data Protection Conventions
and the OECD Guidelines, what is meant by
personal data is: "Information relating to an
identified or identifiable natural person".
Personal data will be followed by data
protection owned by each individual.
Personal data protection and privacy
rights are regulated in Article 26 paragraph
(1) of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning
Electronic Information and Transactions (or
hereinafter referred to as the ITE Law),
namely as follows: “… the use of any
information through electronic media
concerning a person's personal data must
Irmanjaya Thaher | 1198
carried out with the consent of the person
Access to distribute personal
information must first obtain approval from
the parties concerned, so it can be
understood that in the use of information
technology, protection of personal data is
part of personal rights (privacy rights). The
personal rights are:
a. The right to enjoy a private life and be
free from all kinds of distractions.
b. The right to be able to communicate
with others without spying.
c. The right to monitor access to
information about a person's personal
life and data (APEC Privacy Framework
Singapore: APEC Secretariat, 2005)
Some of the classifications of privacy
rights above are elements that must be
considered in daily activities, including the
use of the Peduli Protect application, How
application Peduli Protect? This surveillance
application will record patient movement
data for the last 14 days, the application is
connected to a cellular phone to produce a
visualization of movement, the application
system will provide alerts via cellphones of
people around the detected patient to run
the ODP protocol (people under
monitoring) (Kittipanya-Ngam, Guat, &
Lung, 2012).
In more detail explained how it works
PeduliLindungi in (Ministry of
Communication and Information
Technology (Kijsanayotin, Pannarunothai,
& Speedie, 2009)) is explained as follows:
a. Start by downloading the Care to
Protect. When downloading this
system, it will ask for user approval to
activate location data to provide
information regarding zoning and self-
quarantine areas.
b. With active location conditions, the
application will identify the user's
location and provide information
regarding crowds and zoning.
The results of this tracing will make it
easier for the government to identify
anyone who needs to receive further
treatment in order to stop the spread of
COVID-19. If many people use this
application, it will further assist the
government in tracing and tracking.
In a study, it is necessary to have a
method to get the results of the analysis
from the measurable. In this case, Sugiono
is of the view that the research method is a
scientific way of obtaining data with a
specific purpose and use. So it can be
concluded that the core of the research
method is how researchers can obtain data
which can then solve the problems in the
research in question.
The type of research that will be used in
this research is normative legal research. In
this study, the approach used is a juridical
approach to conduct analysis related to
existing rules. Data was collected through
literature study to find secondary data
using primary, secondary and tertiary legal
In this study, a description of the
research results will be carried out by
obtaining complete data and relating to the
Public Health Surveillance Application to
overcome the spread of the COVID-19 virus
in Indonesia, namely through the Care
1199 | Legal Politics: Personal Data Protection in Peduli Protect Applications in Indonesia
Protect Application.
A. Legal Politics and Legal Basis for
Peduli Protect
Legal politics according to (Tyler,
Boeckmann, Smith, & Huo, 2019) is an
official policy line regarding the law
that will be applied to new laws and
replacements of old laws in order to
achieve state goals. In replacing and
making laws, it is necessary to pay
attention to the sense of justice in
society, not merely the goals of the
state. According to Irman Jaya, legal
politics is public participation in
determining the direction of legal
policy in the perspective of achieving
government goals to achieve state
In this case, the aim of the state is
to protect the entire Indonesian nation
and the entire homeland of Indonesia,
promote public welfare, educate the
nation's life, but of course it is not
always in line with humans who carry
out the signs of the Constitution who
have personal, group and class
Legal politics that guarantees that
every step is carried out by the
government in regulating laws and
regulations and applying them for the
purpose of the state, namely protecting
the entire nation and the entire
homeland of Indonesia.
By using the politics of state law to
form a plan and at the same time a draft
for the development of national law.
The results of the achievement of this
development process can help the
realization of legal goals that lead to
the goals of a country. Thus, it should
be noted that the realization of legal
goals automatically leads to plans for
the goals of a country itself (Fukuda-
Parr, Yamin, & Greenstein, 2014)
The welfare of society by
implementing the concepts of
democracy and the rule of law in
harmony with the welfare of the people
will be achieved because these two
concepts will provide legal certainty to
seek prosperity for all Indonesian
Responding to the COVID-19
pandemic, which cannot be predicted
when it will end, the government of the
Republic of Indonesia through the
Ministry of Communication and
Information has launched the Cares
Protect which aims to stop the spread
of the COVID-19 virus. What about the
Legal Basis of the Peduli Protect?.
The handling of the COVID-19 virus
in Indonesia is based on the Decree of
the Minister of Communication and
Information No.159 of 2020 concerning
Efforts to Handle COVID-19 through
the support of the Post and Information
Technology Sector which states that
telecommunications operators,
Broadcasting Institutions, Online Media
Providers and other Media and Posts
must contribute , facilitate and take
steps to help the government
accelerate the handling of COVID-19,
namely by providing information and
data, providing applications, utilizing
Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services
Digital Network Number (MSISDN),
Irmanjaya Thaher | 1200
Short Message service to many
destinations (SMS Blast), the application
of high standards of health, security
and safety.
In addition, there is also the Decree
of the Minister of Communication and
Information No. 171 of 2020
concerning the Determination of the
Care to Protect Application in the
Context of Implementing Health
Surveillance for Handling COVID-19
states that the use of the Care to
Protect Application is only
during the COVID-19 emergency in
accordance with the applicable laws
and regulations.
In order to strengthen the
legality of using the Care Protect
Application in an emergency, the
application is supported by the Minister
of Health Regulation No. 45 of 2014
concerning Health Surveillance, 2014)
Article 5 and Article 6 and an appendix
which explains that the implementation
of health surveillance is carried out in an
integrated manner through data
collection, data processing, data
analysis, and information dissemination
by utilizing easily accessible
information technology facilities.
In addition, there are also Law No.
6 of 2018 concerning Health
Quarantine in question here is an exit
prevention effort or the entry of
diseases that have the potential to
cause public health emergency, Article
11 (1) mention the implementation of
Quarantine Health is implemented by
the Central Government quickly,
precisely, effectively with the support of
sources resources, operational
techniques and consider state
sovereignty, security, economy, social
and culture. It is further stated that for
reduce risk in areas under quarantine
Home, Territory Quarantine, Hospital
Quarantine, or Large-Scale Social
restrictions by
Health Quarantine
officials. Practically speaking, we can
understand that Peduli Protect
application users will be asked for
personal data such as name, address,
and mobile number to register an
account. After the account is registered,
Peduli Protect will ask the user to turn
on the active Bluetooth to record the
required information from the data
produced by the user's device. Then if
there are other devices in the Bluetooth
that are also registered in Care Protect,
an anonymous id exchange will occur
which is recorded by each device to find
out and provide warnings if there are
individuals who are exposed to the
COVID-19 virus around application
However, one of the drawbacks of
implementing the Cares Protect
Application and the risk of criminal
action is that it has not been specifically
regulated regarding imprisonment
and/or fines for parties who violate the
protection of personal data such as the
act of collecting, using, or disclosing
personal data in the context of
implementing the application. Care
Protect itself.
In this case, legal politics must be
controlled by social impacts in the
community, social control without
shackled freedom of expression
1201 | Legal Politics: Personal Data Protection in Peduli Protect Applications in Indonesia
through the media, the attitude of the
government and its officials.
Regulations regarding the legality
of the Cares for Protecting Application
that are made must refer to broader
interests, the vision of the country in the
future, the ideals of the nation's
predecessors and moral responsibility
to the nation and religion to God
B. Legal Politics in the Application of
Surveillance Care Protect
Indonesia is an attractive market for
smartphone manufacturers, based on
(https://databoks.katadata.co.id/, 2020)
56.2% have used smartphones in 2018.
In 2019 the number of people using
smart phones increased to 63.3%. From
a number of smartphone users.
According to the Minister of
Communication and Information of the
Republic of Indonesia, Johnny G. Plate,
the total users of the Care to Protect
until 2020 have reached around 5
percent of the 25 percent target (Hajah
& Siahaya, 2017).
Currently, the Peduli Protect
application has a rating of 4.4, which
has a fairly good rating, which is
included in the category liked by users.
The Peduli Protect application is also
integrated with the ride-hailing so
Peduli Protect can be accessed through
the Gojek application. This integration
aims to encourage the use of Peduli
Protect which is currently only
downloaded 4.1 million times.
The basis for the formation of
regulations relating to preventing the
spread of the COVID-19 virus can also
be seen from the highest legislation,
namely the 1945 Constitution or
hereinafter referred to as the 1945
Constitution. Constitutionally, the right
to privacy can be found implicitly in
Article 28G paragraph (1) The 1945
Constitution. It reads as follows:
"Everyone has the right to protection
of himself, his family, honor, dignity and
property under his control, and has the
right to a sense of security and
protection from the threat of fear to do
or not do something which is his right.
human rights."
In Indonesia, the DPR-RI together
with the Government ratified Law
Number 19 of 2016 concerning
Amendments to Law Number 11 of
2008 concerning Information and
Electronic Transactions as the legal
umbrella for activities in the cyber
world. Another philosophical objective
of the establishment of this rule is to
provide a sense of security, justice, and
legal certainty for users and Electronic
System Operators.19 Protection of
personal data and privacy rights are
regulated in Article 26 paragraph (1) of
Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning
Information and Transactions Electronic
(or hereinafter referred to as UU ITE) is
as follows:
"... the use of any information
through electronic media concerning a
person's personal data must be carried
out with the consent of the person
The article above is a manifestation
of the Principles of Consent (consent)
the protection of personal data. In
order to gain an extensive
understanding of the meaning of the
Irmanjaya Thaher | 1202
article, in the explanation of the ITE Law,
it is explained that in the use of
information technology, the protection
of personal data is part ofprivacy rights.
Personal rights are:
a. The right to enjoy a private life and
be free from all kinds of
b. The right to be able to
communicate with others without
c. The right to monitor access to
information about a person's
personal life and data (Djanggih &
Qamar, 2018).
Furthermore, related to the
practical benefits of using public health
surveillance applications, the process of
data collection, tracking, and
community tracking has the potential
to intersect with the principle of
protecting personal data which is part
of the right to privacy (Wu, 2014); (Choi,
Lee, & Sohn, 2017).
This is related to the regulation of
personal data protection in Indonesia
as stipulated in Article 15 and Article 16
of the ITE Law that electronic system
providers are required to facilitate
reliable and safe electronic systems and
are responsible for system operations
and of course set standards for
Then based on Article 1 of
Government Regulation Number 82 of
2012 concerning the Implementation of
Electronic Systems and Transactions,
individual data must be stored,
maintained, and kept true and kept
The Peduli Protect application is
managed by PT Telekomunikasi
Indonesia and integrated with domestic
data centers so that it is safe for users.
When the user registers with Peduli
Protect, the data stored is the cellphone
number and the location and time
when the data exchange occurs. This
data is confidential. The data taken and
stored in the user's cell phone include:
a. User's MAC address recorded by
other Peduli Protect application
users who both have bluetooth
b. User ID user obtained during
c. User location at the time of data
d. The time at which the contact
e. The duration during which contact
The Peduli Protect application does
not retrieve contact list data on the
user's cellphone. The data is stored
encrypted on the Peduli Protect
application server which is secure and is
not shared with the public, except to
government agencies currently
appointed to handle the COVID-19
pandemic, or due to legal provisions
(Raghavan, Middleton, & Mehdi, 2020).
User data will only be accessed if the
user is at risk of contracting COVID-19
and needs to be immediately contacted
by health workers (Abolfotouh,
Almutairi, BaniMustafa, & Hussein,
2020); (Belingheri, Paladino, & Riva,
1203 | Legal Politics: Personal Data Protection in Peduli Protect Applications in Indonesia
Users of the Peduli Protect
Application are fully in control of the
data and may at any time withdraw
their consent to data recording by
sending an email to
PeduliLindungi@kominfo.go.id. The
application cannot retrieve and share
data without the user's consent of the
Cares Protect Application.
When the COVID-19 pandemic
ends, the Cares Protect Application will
delete all user data. The bluetooth
contact data stored in the user's mobile
local storage will be periodically
deleted after the data is sent to the
server every day. If the user deletes the
application, the data will also be
deleted. Or deleting data on the server
via email to Peduli
In order to protect the personal
data of Peduli Protect application users,
the Minister of Communication and
Information (Menkominfo) cooperates
with the National Cyber and Crypto
Agency (BSSN) to ensure that the
COVID-19 Peduli Protect contact
tracing application meets the principles
of personal data protection and
security. BSSN has checked the security
of the application called IT Security
Assessment, including the latest version
of the Peduli Protect application, but
must be monitored and assessed
regularly (Thaher, 2022).
At the beginning of the
implementation of the Cares Protect
Application, many parties doubted the
protection of the personal data of users
of this application. The Ministry of
Communications and Informatics
conducted a Press Release on April 17,
2020 (No. 57/Hm/Kominfo/04/2020)
which guarantees the security of the
Peduli Protect Application from
Phishing and Malware.
Although there is already a security
guarantee from the Government,
Communication Researcher and The
Information System Security Research
Center (CISSRec) believes that it is still
necessary digital forensic audit.
According to the security conditions
Indonesia's cyberspace is still relatively
In 2019, there were 88 million
attacks on security systems in
Indonesia, therefore the Personal Data
Protection Law must be passed
immediately so that it can be used to
force companies or service providers in
Indonesia to take user data protection
seriously. Before the enactment of the
law, the most important thing is that all
interested parties obey the existing
C. Personal Data Protection in Peduli
Protect Applications
In Indonesia, the principle of
personal data protection that can be
found easily is the Consent Principle
based on Article 26 paragraph (1) of the
ITE Law. The application of this principle
is in accordance with the
implementation of the Peduli Protect
application where the application
requires user approval at the beginning
so that personal data is collected (for
later anonymous id exchange) in
tracking the spread of the COVID-19
virus in Indonesia.
Irmanjaya Thaher | 1204
Users are asked for approval to read
the Terms and Conditions before using
the application. After this approval is
obtained, then this application can
work according to its purpose.
Another principle contained in the
privacy law in Indonesia is the Principle
of Reliability, Security and
Responsibility as stated in Article 15
and Article 16 of the ITE Law that
electronic system providers are
required to facilitate reliable and safe
electronic systems and are responsible
for system operation and of course set
standards. application.
The operation of the Care to Protect
application has a clear legal basis,
namely the Decree of the Minister of
Communication and Information of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 171 of
2020 concerning the Determination of
the Care to Protect Application in the
Framework of Implementing Health
Surveillance for Handling Coronavirus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19) so that the
reliability, security and responsibility of
implementing the application This is in
the hands of the Government.
Then based on Article 1 of
Government Regulation Number 82 of
2012 concerning the Implementation of
Electronic Systems and Transactions,
individual data must be stored,
maintained, and kept true and kept
So far, the Peduli Protect
application has not had any reports of
violations related to this principle.
However, there is always room and
potential for data leakage so that all
parties, especially the Government, are
obliged to ensure that personal data in
the context of implementing
surveillance applications is stored,
maintained, and kept true.
Sophistication and rapid changes in
times are a reality that must be followed by
a high adaptation attitude, therefore using
digital technology instruments has now
become a necessity because it can facilitate
various activities in various fields. Life.
Especially with the COVID-19 pandemic,
which require social distancing. The rapid
and massive spread of COVID-19.
Requires the government to make
various efforts to reduce the spread. One of
the policies implemented by the
government is the application of the care
protect application to Assist relevant
agencies in Tracking to stop the spread of
COVID-19. Personal data protection has
been prepared with a special scheme.
However, up to now, peduli protect users'
security guarantees are still far from
Moreover, there are no clear rules
regarding sanctions for misuse of the care
protect application. Therefore, this research
can be developed further to find out the
lack of community involvement in public
policies related to the use of the peduli
protect application and a clearer abuse
sanction scheme.
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study. Government Information
Quarterly, 3(2), 150–159.
© 2022 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license