JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 8, 1151 1159
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i8.130 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Tirton Nefianto
Esa Unggul University
e-mail: nefianto.tirton@esaunggul.ac.id
*Correspondence: nefianto.tirton@esaunggul.ac.id
Submitted: 27 February 2022, Revised: 04 March 2022, Accepted: 15 March 2022
Abstract. This study aims to determine the role of education and training that is followed by a
person on the quality of service he provides. The approach used in this research is a qualitative
method. Data collection techniques used in this study were interviews, observation and
documentation related to the role of education and training on the quality of public services.
Triangulation method is used to validate research data with sources by cross-checking the data
obtained. Based on the results of research, education and training are often a reference for
someone to improve their standard of living. but there are indicators that have not gone according
to community expectations, namely regarding the expertise of employees in using service aids.
Among the shortcomings, there are indicators that have been achieved, namely responding,
quickly, precisely, carefully, on time and responding to complaints from service users that have
been carried out, this is in accordance with the wishes of the community. This study underscores
the importance of continuity between education and training and the quality of services provided.
Keywords: education; training; service.
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DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i8.130 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
An institution or organization, whether
for-profit or non-profit, will have a
dependence on the human resource
aspect. Human resources have control
factors that can determine the
sustainability of a company. It can be said
that because the human resource factor in
terms of quality will determine the quality
of the organization which will affect its
Good human resource management
will have an impact on work performance,
work performance is important because it
relates to the company's sustainability. The
importance of work performance that is
applied objectively, is seen in at least two
interests, namely for employees, work
performance acts as feedback on various
things such as abilities, fatigue,
shortcomings and potential which in turn
is useful for determining goals, paths, plans
and career. For companies,
employee performance is very important
and plays an important role in making
decisions on various matters, such as
identifying the need for education and
training programs, recruitment, selection,
introduction programs, placements,
promotions, reward systems and various
other aspects of the entire process of
effective human resource management.
Then public service basically involves
a very broad aspect of life. The
implementation of public services is an
attempt by the state to fulfill the basic
needs and civil rights of every citizen for
goods, services, and administrative
services provided by public service
providers. The Constitution
1945mandates the state to fulfill the basic
needs of every citizen for the sake of their
welfare, so that the effectiveness of a
government system is largely determined
by the good or bad implementation of
public services. Good and excellent
services will be felt by the community if
the agencies or companies that provide
these services can actually serve politely
and professionally with quality service
standards, good procedures, smooth,
safe, orderly, there is certainty of cost and
time, and law on services that have been
provided. People will feel satisfaction if
they receive good and professional
service from service providers. If they get
satisfaction with the services provided,
there will be trust from the community as
service users to reuse the service. In
addition, human resources (HR) are one of
the determining factors for success in
providing public services. Employees or
employees as human resources (HR) who
carry out public services should have
knowledge, reliable abilities, skills,
attitudes and good behavior. The
government as a service provider for the
community is required to provide quality
services. Moreover, in the era of regional
autonomy, the quality of government
apparatus services will be increasingly
challenged to be more optimal,
competent and able to respond to
increasingly high demands from the
community, both in terms of quantity and
in terms of quality. Quality public services
are services that are able to provide
satisfaction to the community. It can be
seen from the 5 dimensions of the quality
of public services that become
benchmarks in providing satisfaction to
1153 | The Role of One's Education and Training on the Quality of Public Services
the community, namely, reliability,
responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and
tangibles. Law Number 25 of 2009
concerning public services, article 15
concerning the obligations of public
service providers, namely providing
quality services in accordance with the
principles of public service delivery,
carrying out services in accordance with
service standards. If the organizer or
executors of public services violate the
provisions as referred to in Article 15, they
will be subject to sanctions in accordance
with Article 54, namely in the form of a
written warning, and if within three
months they do not implement the
provisions in question, they will be subject
to sanctions of release from office.The
Decree Minister of Empowerment of State
Apparatus Number 25 of 2009 states that
the definition of public service is all
service activities carried out by public
service providers as an effort to fulfill the
needs of service recipients as well as the
implementation of statutory provisions.
Public service providers are work units in
government agencies that directly
provide services to recipients of public
services. While the recipients of public
services are people, communities,
government agencies and legal entities.
The Decree of the Minister for
Empowerment of State Apparatus No. 58
of 2005 classifies three types of services
from government agencies and
BUMN/BUMD. The grouping of these
types of services is based on the
characteristics and nature of the activities
and service products produced, namely,
administrative services, goods services,
and services. The authority granted by the
government does not automatically mean
the immediate realization of a better life
for the community, regional autonomy
requires the formation of a number of
responsive institutional conditions in
managing the new authority it receives,
skilled apparatus and a ready and creative
community to take advantage of
opportunities open opportunities. That is
why the transfer of authority from the
center to the regions will be adjusted to
the needs, capabilities and benefits.
Therefore, local governments currently
need more professional personnel who
can handle government tasks,
development and community services
based on professional expertise. The
higher the quality of Human Resources in
the Regional Government, the better the
public services of the Regional
Government concerned. To form a
professional apparatus, education and
training are required so that they can
carry out their duties and functions so that
services to the communitycan be of high
quality. The importance of education and
training programs for local government
officials is that it is realized that education
through schools, both general education
and vocational education, basically has
not provided a ready-made workforce in
the sense that it is ready to work and fill
job vacancies provided by the user
(government). Therefore, the purpose of
developing human resources through
education and training programs is to
foster arrangements so that they work
effectively, efficiently, skillfully,
productively and innovatively. In addition
to aspects of knowledge, attitudes, skills
and behavior that are fostered through
Tirton Nefianto
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education and training programs, there
are also factors Another factor in
improving the quality of public services is
work motivation. Where the work
motivation factor can also affect the
quality of service because the motivation
can affect the behavior of an employee at
work. An employee will have high work
motivation if they feel that their wants and
needs are being met. Without high work
motivation, employees will not produce
high quality service in carrying out the
tasks and jobs that are their responsibility.
The objectives to be achieved in this study
are as follows:
a. To determine the magnitude of the
effect of education and training and
employee motivation on the quality of
public services
b. To determine the magnitude of the
effect of education and training of
employees on the quality of public
c. To determine the magnitude of the
effect of work motivation employees
on the quality of public services. The
theories that underlie the research:
1. Education and Training Several
experts suggest stages of
the education and training process,
one of which is (Sá, Rocha, & Cota,
2016) who say that there are 3
(three) stages of training in
organizations, namely:
a. Needs Assessment
b. Organizational Analysis
c. Positio Analysis
d. Individual Analysis
2. Work Motivation Work closely
related to the activities or
actions taken can cause an
employee to want to work well,
sincerely and full of enthusiasm so
that he can achieve maximum work.
Conceptually, the term motivation
has gained a lot of understanding
from experts as stated by (Ala-
Mutka, 2011) that the strength of
motivation, is a function of three
variables which are explained as
3. The motive shows a general
tendency of individuals to
encourage the satisfaction of
needs. It represents the
interests of meeting needs;
4. Expectations are subjective
calculations about action that will
succeed in satisfying needs
(achieving goals) and Incentives are
subjective calculations about the
value of expectations as achieving
5. Quality of Public Services Public
services provided by
the government, although not
aimed at making profit, do not have
to ignore the quality of services
provided. The services provided to
them must prioritize the quality of
services in according to the
demands, expectations and needs
of the community. According to
(Speer, 2012) there are five main
dimensions of service quality,
a. Tangibles, including physical
facilities, equipment,
employees and communication
b. Reliability, namely the ability to
provide promised services
1155 | The Role of One's Education and Training on the Quality of Public Services
immediately, accurate and
c. Responsiveness, the desire of the
staff to help customers and
provide responsive service.
d. Assurance, including knowledge,
ability, courtesy and
trustworthy nature, free from
danger, risk or doubt.
e. Empathy, including ease in
making relationships, good
communication, personal
attention and understanding
needs the customers.
In a writing must use the right writing
method because it is very necessary and is
a guide in order to conduct an analysis of
the research data. The characteristic of
scientific work in the field of law is that it
contains conformity and contains truth
that can be accounted for.
The approach used in this study is a
qualitative method. The data collection
techniques used in this study were
interviews, observations and
documentation related to the role of
education and training on the quality of
public services. The triangulation method
is used to validate research data with
sources by cross-checking the data
obtained. The data analysis used is
descriptive analysis intended to obtain a
clearer picture of the ongoing situation
and emphasizes the process and meaning
associated with the research. There are
four steps used by researchers in analyzing
data, the first is the data collection process,
the second is data reduction by classifying,
directing, removing unnecessary data, and
organizing data according to the
researcher's opinion, the third is
presenting data by narrating and arranging
the results in such a way. interviews and
observations, and the last is drawing
conclusions by taking the essence or
meaning of the data presentation that has
been compiled.
The Role of Education on Service Quality
According to Law No. 20 of 2003,
education is a conscious and planned
effort to create a learning atmosphere in
developing personal talents and instilling
competitiveness. According to (Segoro,
2013) there is a relationship and
interrelationship between the level of
education and service quality, that the high
level of education possessed will easily
create the quality of a service, otherwise
the quality of service can be created, one
of which is supported by a higher level of
Furthermore, according to
(Tayibnapis, Wuryaningsih, & Gora, 2018)
the high level of education obtained by
individuals will be a provision in
producing quality services and is also one
of the efforts in developing human
resources, especially to develop quality,
intellectual and human personality in
doing a job, because higher education
can develop employee performance in
improving service quality. Analyze data
well, and create ideas to complete a job.
And in many countries in general and
agencies in particular, the level of
education greatly affects the quality of
Tirton Nefianto
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service of employees. From the two
opinions showing the influence or
relationship of education on service
quality, directly or indirectly education
affects the quality of services in a country
or agency (Holbeche, 2012) says that
individuals with high creativity are usually
more organized in action and able to
create quality service in good work tall.
Their innovative plans and original
products have been well thought out in
advance, taking into account the
problems that may arise and their
implications. In the creative theory above,
creativity brings a person always in action,
thinking carefully and considering
problems that may arise.
This is one of the abilities possessed by
employees in creating good work results
and in improving the quality of services
In service quality, creativity has a very
important role in improving the quality of
the service itself. For example, an employee
in his work wants to provide services to the
community but does not know how to do
it then this can be an obstacle in work with
a lack of employee creativity. For example,
someone who has high creativity, doing a
job will feel easy and the quality of service
produced will be maximized.
Relationship/Effect of Education Level
and Employee Creativity Together on
Service Quality in addition to the
individual relationship, service quality is
also influenced jointly by the level of
education and creativity. According to
(Puangrimaggalatung, 2021) that higher
education owned by individuals and high
creativity will be contained in the quality
of services created.
For example, such as employees who
have a high level of formal education but
do not have creativity, then the employee
may not be able to create quality service
in their work. But employees who have a
low level of formal education but often
get a lot of work experience from other
people or from their own experience can
create or create good service quality.
So the level of education and creativity
of these employees if measured together
can affect the quality of service produced
by employees.
The role of training in service quality
Another factor that can improve
employee performance is training. Training
is one of the most frequently used human
resource development interventions and is
a pillar and stage in employee
empowerment programs. (Hanaysha,
2016) stated that training to improving
employee skills are the main goals of the
organization in order to achieve company
goals. An effective training program must
have strong support from the leadership
and be able to serve as a positive role for
subordinates (Asrar-ul-Haq & Kuchinke,
(Jehanzeb & Bashir, 2013) stated that
without proper training employees do not
receive information and develop skills to
their maximum potential used to complete
tasks. Employees who undergo proper
training tend to stay on the job longer.
According to (Dhar, 2015), training
activities have several objectives, namely,
to meet the demands of the current job,
namely training carried out to provide
experience and knowledge to complete
the work performed, to meet the demands
1157 | The Role of One's Education and Training on the Quality of Public Services
of other positions, namely training carried
out to provide experience and knowledge
in and beyond the ability of an employee
to fulfill responsibilities in doing other jobs,
to meet the demands of change, namely
training carried out to improve an
employee's ability to adapt to changes in
work methods and maximize work results,
to have an indirect impact on the company
Improving the Quality of Public
Employee performance is the result of
work in quality and quantity achieved by
an employee carrying out his duties in
accordance with the responsibilities
assigned to him. The performance of Bank
Rakyat Indonesia is the result of the
efforts made by all components of the
existing resources within the Bank Rakyat
Indonesia organization in achieving the
goals set by the organization (Santosa &
Mubarok, 2020). Performance is “The
result of the implementation of a job,
both physical/mental and non-
physical/non-mental (Prabasari, Martini,
& Suardika, 2018). Argues that
performance is "The result of work in
quality and quantity achieved by an
employee in carrying out his duties in
accordance with the responsibilities given
to him. Factors that affect employee
performance are education and training.
Education is not something foreign to the
people of Indonesia. Education is needed
by everyone, it can even be said that
education is experienced by all humans
from all groups. But often, people forget
the meaning and nature of education
itself. Like other things that have become
routine, therefore it is true to say that
everyone involved in the world of
education should always reflect on the
meaning and nature of education,
reflecting on it in the midst of
actions/actions in the world that they are
involved in. Education is an important
matter to achieve prosperity and
perfection of human life. (Yarime et al.,
2012) states that "Education is related to
the general improvement and
understanding of the human environment
as a whole and the process of developing
knowledge, skills, thoughts, character,
character and so on." According to the
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number
2 of 1989 concerning the National
Education System, what is meant by
education is "a conscious effort to prepare
students through guidance, teaching,
and/or training activities for their roles in
the future."
One way to improve the quality of
resources is through education and
training that is carried out in a planned
and systematic manner. In other words,
the importance of education and training
in organizations is improving employee
performance which includes supporting
knowledge and skills, as well as forming
the attitude of each employee as desired
by the organization. This study uses an
explanatory research type with a
quantitative approach. The independent
variables used in this study were
education with indicators of formal and
non-formal education, and training with
indicators of leadership training,
functional training and technical training.
The dependent variable in this study is
performance with indicators of quantity,
quality, and attitude/reliability.
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Based on the results of testing the
major and minor hypotheses, it can be
concluded that: The level of education that
employees already have needs to be
further improved by continuing education
in accordance with the final level of
education completed by employees. So
that by increasing the education possessed
by employees, it will increase capital and
insight in improving the quality of service
to be better. And it is known that employee
creativity, in this case employee creativity,
has a positive and significant influence on
service quality. With this, employee
creativity still needs to be improved so that
employee performance in creating service
quality can be achieved, increasing
employee creativity can be done by getting
more experience. Thus, based on these
factors, it is hoped that other strategies can
be found that can be used to improve the
quality of services. These factors can be
exemplified, such as objectives and
capabilities, justice and human relations.
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