1153 | The Role of One's Education and Training on the Quality of Public Services
the community, namely, reliability,
responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and
tangibles. Law Number 25 of 2009
concerning public services, article 15
concerning the obligations of public
service providers, namely providing
quality services in accordance with the
principles of public service delivery,
carrying out services in accordance with
service standards. If the organizer or
executors of public services violate the
provisions as referred to in Article 15, they
will be subject to sanctions in accordance
with Article 54, namely in the form of a
written warning, and if within three
months they do not implement the
provisions in question, they will be subject
to sanctions of release from office.The
Decree Minister of Empowerment of State
Apparatus Number 25 of 2009 states that
the definition of public service is all
service activities carried out by public
service providers as an effort to fulfill the
needs of service recipients as well as the
implementation of statutory provisions.
Public service providers are work units in
government agencies that directly
provide services to recipients of public
services. While the recipients of public
services are people, communities,
government agencies and legal entities.
The Decree of the Minister for
Empowerment of State Apparatus No. 58
of 2005 classifies three types of services
from government agencies and
BUMN/BUMD. The grouping of these
types of services is based on the
characteristics and nature of the activities
and service products produced, namely,
administrative services, goods services,
and services. The authority granted by the
government does not automatically mean
the immediate realization of a better life
for the community, regional autonomy
requires the formation of a number of
responsive institutional conditions in
managing the new authority it receives,
skilled apparatus and a ready and creative
community to take advantage of
opportunities open opportunities. That is
why the transfer of authority from the
center to the regions will be adjusted to
the needs, capabilities and benefits.
Therefore, local governments currently
need more professional personnel who
can handle government tasks,
development and community services
based on professional expertise. The
higher the quality of Human Resources in
the Regional Government, the better the
public services of the Regional
Government concerned. To form a
professional apparatus, education and
training are required so that they can
carry out their duties and functions so that
services to the communitycan be of high
quality. The importance of education and
training programs for local government
officials is that it is realized that education
through schools, both general education
and vocational education, basically has
not provided a ready-made workforce in
the sense that it is ready to work and fill
job vacancies provided by the user
(government). Therefore, the purpose of
developing human resources through
education and training programs is to
foster arrangements so that they work
effectively, efficiently, skillfully,
productively and innovatively. In addition
to aspects of knowledge, attitudes, skills
and behavior that are fostered through