1099 | Response of Growth and Production of Shallots (Allium Ascalonicum L) to the
Application of Chicken Manure and Volcanic Ash
significant effect on the number of
tubers. (Luta, 2021) stated that shallots
are not able to form enough tillers and
leaves, this is due to genetic factors.
(Azmi, Hidayat, & Wiguna, 2011) stated
that the number of different tubers in
Maja and Sumenep was influenced by
genetic factors of each variety.
(Simanjuntak, Elfiati, & Delvian, 2015)
stated that the number of tillers of
shallot is a plant genetic trait that is not
easily changed by external factors.
(Savitri, 2021); (Dikinya & Mufwanzala,
2010) stated that the application of
chicken manure gave the highest
average on the wet weight parameters
of tubers per plot because chicken
manure at a certain dose met the
nutrient needs of shallots so that plant
growth and production were optimal.
2. The Effect of Volcanic Ash on the
Growth and Production of Shallots
The variance showed that volcanic
ash had no significant effect on the
growth and production of shallots. The
application of volcanic ash had no
significant effect on all parameters,
namely plant height, number of leaves,
number of tubers, tuber diameter, tuber
wet weight, tuber dry weight. Shallots
mixed with volcanic ash with varying
content and different fertility levels did
not significantly increase the growth of
shallot plants. This is because the soil
structure is getting harder so that plant
roots cannot take up or absorb
nutrients and water. It was also
suspected that volcanic ash could not
increase the growth of the number of
tillers which was influenced by tuber
size, which was also related to the wet
weight and dry weight of tubers.
Potassium in soil is found in minerals
that weather and release potassium
ions. The adsorption ions on the cations
are exchanged and quickly available for
plant absorption. Organic soils contain
little potassium. The K-dd value
obtained in Sinabung volcanic ash is
0.58 me/100g which includes the
moderate criteria (Aziz, Saud, Rahim, &
Ahmed, 2012).
The dust that covers the top layer of
the soil will gradually decay and mix
with the soil and the process of
formation (genesis) of new soil will
begin. Volcanic ash deposited on the
soil surface will undergo chemical
weathering with the help of water and
organic acids in the soil (Saragih,
Damanik, & Siagian, 2014); (Óskarsson,
Riishuus, & Arnalds, 2012). This
weathering process takes a very long
time which can reach thousands and
even millions of years if it occurs
naturally in nature. The results of
further weathering of volcanic ash
resulted in the addition of levels of
cations (Ca, Mg, K and Na) in the soil by
almost 50% from the previous state.
3. The Interaction Effect of Chicken
Manure on Growth and Production
of Shallots
The results of the variance test
showed that the interaction between
chicken manure and volcanic ash had
no significant effect on plant height,
number of leaves, number of tubers,
tuber diameter, wet weight, and plant
dry weight. Shallot. This is thought to