JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 8, 1095 1102
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i8.129 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Pantas Simanjuntak1
Chichi Josephine Manalu2*
1Faculty of Agriculture, Indonesian Methodist University
2Harmonika Baru, Pasar II Tanjung Sari, Medan
e-mail: simanjuntak.panta[email protected]1, chichi.manal[email protected]om2
*Correspondence: chichi.manalu@yahoo.com
Submitted: 25 February 2022, Revised: 04 March 2022, Accepted: 15 March 2022
Abstract. The production of shallots can still be increased through technical improvements in
cultivation, such as the application of organic fertilizers and the eruption of Mount Merapi (volcanic
ash). Organic fertilizers have a significant role in improving the chemical and biological properties
of the soil and do not have a negative impact on the environment, although the nutrient content
of manure is not as high as that of artificial fertilizers. This study aims to determine the effect of
chicken manure and volcanic ash on the growth and production of shallots (Allium ascalonicum L).
The research method used was a factorial randomized block design (RAK) consisting of two
treatment factors, namely factor I chicken manure ( A) and factor II volcanic ash (V). The results
showed that the application of chicken manure had a significant effect on plant height, number of
leaves, tuber diameter, tuber wet weight, tuber dry weight. Volcanic ash treatment had no
significant effect on plant height, number of leaves, tuber diameter, tuber number, tuber wet
weight, and tuber dry weight. The interaction between chicken manure and volcanic ash had no
significant effect on plant height, number of leaves, number of tubers, tuber diameter, tuber wet
weight, and tuber dry weight.
Keywords: chicken manure; volcanic ash; shallots.
Pantas Simanjuntak, Chichi Josephine Manalu | 1096
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i8.129 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L) are
annual plants that grow in clumps and
the tubers are formed from layers of
enlarged and united leaves. Shallots are
horticultural commodities that are
included in the spice vegetable group
and are used as food seasonings. The
nutritional content of shallots per 100 g
is 87 ml of water, 1.5 g of protein, 0.5 g of
fiber, 11 g of carbohydrates, 30 mg of
calcium, 0.5 g of iron.
The Central Bureau of Statistics of
North Sumatra (2019) stated that the
production of shallots in North Sumatra
from 2014 to 2018 was 7,810 tons, 9,971
tons, 13,368 tons, 16,103 tons and 16,337
tons, respectively. Shallot production can
still be increased through technical
improvements in cultivation, among
others: by providing organic fertilizers
and the eruption of Mount Merapi
(volcanic ash).
One type of organic fertilizer that can
be used is chicken manure. Chicken
manure is rich in N, P, and K nutrients,
namely 2.6% (N), 2.9% (P), and 3.4% (K)
with a C/N ratio of 8.3. The nutrient
content in chicken manure is high
because the liquid part (urine) mixes with
the solid part, containing three times
more nutrients than other manure
(Ndambi, Pelster, Owino, De Buisonje, &
Vellinga, 2019).
Eruption material adds easily
weathered minerals that contain many
beneficial elements for plants. A simple
technology to accelerate the weathering
of volcanic ash can be done by mixing
organic matter. Organic materials
containing various types of organic acids
are able to release those bound in the
mineral structure of volcanic ash. Organic
matter is also able to maintain moisture
conditions so that physical, chemical and
biological weathering takes place
simultaneously to accelerate the release
of plant nutrients from mineral nutrient-
carrying reserves (Mulyaningsih, Kuntoro,
& Alfian, 2012).
The volcanic ash layer which has the
potential to contain soil-fertilizing nutrients
for agriculture can actually only be utilized
about 10 years after the volcanic ash spread
event. A simple technology to accelerate
the weathering of volcanic ash can be done
by mixing organic matter. Organic
materials containing various types of
organic acids are able to release nutrients
bound in the mineral structure of volcanic
ash. Organic matter is also able to maintain
moisture conditions so that physical,
chemical and biological weathering can
take place simultaneously to accelerate the
release of plant nutrients from minerals
carrying nutrient reserves.
The differences between this study
and the previous one are 1) The effect of
chicken manure on the growth and
production of shallot (Allium ascalonicum
L.). 2) The influence of volcanic ash on the
growth and production of shallot (Allium
ascalonicum L). 3) The interaction effect
between chicken manure and volcanic ash
on the growth and production of shallot
(Allium ascalonicum L).
The purpose of this study was to
determine the effect of chicken manure and
volcanic ash on the growth and production
of shallot (Allium ascalonicum L).
The benefits of this research itself are
1097 | Response of Growth and Production of Shallots (Allium Ascalonicum L) to the
Application of Chicken Manure and Volcanic Ash
as one of the requirements to be able to
obtain a Bachelor's degree in Agriculture at
the Agrotechnology Study Program,
Faculty of Agriculture, Indonesian
Methodist University and as an additional
reference material in the cultivation of
shallots (Allium ascalonicum L).
This research was conducted at UPT
Seed Induk Palawija Tanjung Selamat,
North Sumatra. This study used a
Randomized Block Design (RAK) using 2
treatment factors, namely: The first factor
was Chicken Manure (A) consisting of three
levels, namely: A0 = Control, A1 = 2
kg/plot, A2 = 4 kg/plot, A3 = 6 kg/plot. The
second factor of Volcanic Ash Fertilizer (V)
consists of 3 levels, namely: V1 = 0.5
kg/plot, V2 = 1 kg/plot, V3 =1.5 kg/plot.
1. Plant Height
Data on shallots showed that the
chicken manure treatment had a
significant effect on plant height at 2,
3, and 4 WAP. Volcanic ash treatment
had no significant effect on plant
height at 2, 3, 4 and 5 weeks after
planting (MST). The interaction
between the two treatments had no
significant effect. Chicken manure
treatment was at 4 WAP, the highest
average was at A3 and the lowest
average was at A0. The highest mean
at 5 WAP due to volcanic ash
treatment was V1 and the lowest
average was at V3.
2. Number of leaves (strands)
Data on the number of leaves of
shallots showed that the average
number of leaves was highest at the
age of 2 and 3 WAP by the interaction
treatment of chicken manure and
volcanic ash. Chicken manure
treatment had no significant effect on
the number of leaves at 2, 3, 4 and 5
WAP. Volcanic ash treatment had no
significant effect on plant height at the
ages of 2, 3, 4 and 5 WAP, and the
interaction between the two treatments
had no significant effect on the number
of leaves at all ages of observation.
3. Number of Bulbs per Sample
Data on the number of bulbs
showed that the application of chicken
manure and volcanic ash, as well as the
interaction between the two
treatments, had no significant effect on
the number of shallot bulbs. The
highest average number of tubers was
given to chicken manure in A0 (5.78
bulbs) and the lowest average was at A2
(5.22 bulbs). The highest average
number of tubers due to volcanic ash
was found in V2 (5.83 bulbs) and the
lowest was at V3 (5.58 bulbs).
4. Bulb Diameter per Sample (mm)
Diameter data showed that the
application of chicken manure material
had a significant effect on tuber
diameter. Volcanic ash had no
significant effect on tuber diameter.
The interaction between the treatment
of chicken manure and volcanic ash had
Pantas Simanjuntak, Chichi Josephine Manalu | 1098
no significant effect on the diameter of
shallot bulbs.
The application of chicken manure
material to the highest average tuber
diameter was at0 20.38 mm) and the
lowest average was at A( (17.83 mm).
The highest average tuber diameter
due to volcanic ash was found at
V2( 19.65 mm) and the lowest at
V1( 19.40 mm).
5. Wet Bulbs Weight Per Sample (g)
Wet tuber weight data per sample
showed that the application of chicken
manure had no significant effect on
tuber wet weight. The application of
volcanic ash had no significant effect on
the wet weight of tubers. The
interaction between the treatment of
chicken manure and volcanic ash had
no significant effect on the wet weight
of shallot bulbs.
The highest average chicken
manure application was found in0 A3
(41.93 g) and the lowest average was at
A( 34.05 g). The highest average fresh
weight of tubers due to volcanic ash
was found at V3 (39.56 g) and the lowest
was at V1 (34.22 g).
6. Dried Shallot Bulbs Weight (g)
Data on dry bulb weights of shallots
due to the application of chicken
manure and volcanic ash showed that
the application of chicken manure had
no significant effect on the dry weight
parameters of shallot bulbs. The
application of volcanic ash had no
significant effect on the dry weight of
shallot bulbs, and the interaction
between the two treatments had no
significant effect on the dry weight of
shallot bulbs.
The application of chicken manure
with the highest average dry weight of
tubers was found in38.74 g) and the
lowest average was at A2( 31.31 g). The
highest average dry weight of tubers
due to volcanic ash was found at V3
(36.75 g) and the lowest was at V1
(31.69 g).
1. The Effect of Chicken Manure on the
Growth and Production of Shallots.
The results of observations on plant
growth parameters including plant
height and number of leaves,
interaction treatment of chicken
manure showed a significant effect. This
proves that the application of chicken
manure is able to provide a good
growing environment and is able to
meet the nutrient requirements to
support plant vegetative growth.
Treatment A4 (6 kg) was the best growth
for the growth of shallot (Allium
ascalonicum L) compared to other
treatments. It is suspected that the
application of chicken manure is able to
provide the nutrients needed by plants
for growth and development can be
absorbed by plants properly. The
application of chicken manure at a dose
of 30 tons/ha showed that growth and
yields were always better than the
doses of 20 tons/ha and 10 tons/ha on
shallots. The dose of 30 tons/ha gave a
high fresh bulb weight of shallots (19.70
tons/ha), which was 16.9% higher than
without manure (Firmansyah, Lukman,
Khaririyatun, & Yufdy, 2015).
The results showed that the
treatment with chicken manure had no
1099 | Response of Growth and Production of Shallots (Allium Ascalonicum L) to the
Application of Chicken Manure and Volcanic Ash
significant effect on the number of
tubers. (Luta, 2021) stated that shallots
are not able to form enough tillers and
leaves, this is due to genetic factors.
(Azmi, Hidayat, & Wiguna, 2011) stated
that the number of different tubers in
Maja and Sumenep was influenced by
genetic factors of each variety.
(Simanjuntak, Elfiati, & Delvian, 2015)
stated that the number of tillers of
shallot is a plant genetic trait that is not
easily changed by external factors.
(Savitri, 2021); (Dikinya & Mufwanzala,
2010) stated that the application of
chicken manure gave the highest
average on the wet weight parameters
of tubers per plot because chicken
manure at a certain dose met the
nutrient needs of shallots so that plant
growth and production were optimal.
2. The Effect of Volcanic Ash on the
Growth and Production of Shallots
The variance showed that volcanic
ash had no significant effect on the
growth and production of shallots. The
application of volcanic ash had no
significant effect on all parameters,
namely plant height, number of leaves,
number of tubers, tuber diameter, tuber
wet weight, tuber dry weight. Shallots
mixed with volcanic ash with varying
content and different fertility levels did
not significantly increase the growth of
shallot plants. This is because the soil
structure is getting harder so that plant
roots cannot take up or absorb
nutrients and water. It was also
suspected that volcanic ash could not
increase the growth of the number of
tillers which was influenced by tuber
size, which was also related to the wet
weight and dry weight of tubers.
Potassium in soil is found in minerals
that weather and release potassium
ions. The adsorption ions on the cations
are exchanged and quickly available for
plant absorption. Organic soils contain
little potassium. The K-dd value
obtained in Sinabung volcanic ash is
0.58 me/100g which includes the
moderate criteria (Aziz, Saud, Rahim, &
Ahmed, 2012).
The dust that covers the top layer of
the soil will gradually decay and mix
with the soil and the process of
formation (genesis) of new soil will
begin. Volcanic ash deposited on the
soil surface will undergo chemical
weathering with the help of water and
organic acids in the soil (Saragih,
Damanik, & Siagian, 2014); (Óskarsson,
Riishuus, & Arnalds, 2012). This
weathering process takes a very long
time which can reach thousands and
even millions of years if it occurs
naturally in nature. The results of
further weathering of volcanic ash
resulted in the addition of levels of
cations (Ca, Mg, K and Na) in the soil by
almost 50% from the previous state.
3. The Interaction Effect of Chicken
Manure on Growth and Production
of Shallots
The results of the variance test
showed that the interaction between
chicken manure and volcanic ash had
no significant effect on plant height,
number of leaves, number of tubers,
tuber diameter, wet weight, and plant
dry weight. Shallot. This is thought to
Pantas Simanjuntak, Chichi Josephine Manalu | 1100
be due to chicken manure and volcanic
ash not being able to synergize in
supporting the growth and production
of shallots. (Gómez & Michel Jr, 2013)
stated that based on soil analysis after
incubation, the addition of volcanic ash
from Mount Merapi did not always
have a positive effect on soil chemical
properties. Soil fertility has a negative
effect in the short term because the
mineral dust content may be available
for plants to take so it needs to be
assisted with fertilization, chicken
manure can help the process of
weathering volcanic ash to maintain soil
Soil fertility has a negative effect in
the short term because the mineral dust
content may be available for plants to
take so it needs to be assisted with
fertilization, chicken manure can help
the process of weathering volcanic ash
to maintain soil fertility. The positive
impact on the soil, indirectly, is to
enrich and rejuvenate the soil which
also increases plant growth, while the
negative impact results in a decrease in
crop production. (Kwiatkowska-Malina,
2018) stated that organic matter
containing various types of organic
acids was able to release nutrients
bound in the mineral structure of the
ash. (Qadaryanty, Sembiring, & Hidayat,
2020) stated that the content of
volcanic ash from the eruption of
Mount Sinabung was classified as acidic
with a pH range of 4.30-4.98. Volcanic
ash that turns into mud even has a
lower pH value of around 3.80 while the
soil that has been mixed with volcanic
ash itself has a pH range of 4.83. During
the eruption, heavy rainfall caused the
volcanic ash on the soil surface to be
carried to the subsoil, while at the time
of taking volcanic ash the soil had
started to dry up, so the pH value
Chicken manure at doses of 0 kg, 2 kg,
4 kg, and 6 kg had a significant effect on
plant height per sample, and tuber
diameter per sample, but did not
significantly affect the number of
persampe leaves, number of tubers per
sample, tuber wet weight and dry weight.
Volcanic ash had no significant effect
on plant height per sample, number of
leaves per sample, number of tubers per
sample, tuber diameter per sample, wet
weight per sample, dry weight per
The interaction of chicken manure and
volcanic ash had no significant effect on
plant height per sample, number of leaves
per sample, number of tubers per sample,
tuber diameter per sample, wet weight per
sample and dry weight per sample.
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