JRSSEM 2021, Vol. 01, No. 8, 1118 1132
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i8.124 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Liza Mumtazah Damarwulan1
1,2University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
e-mail: liza[email protected].id, dibyantoro02@gmail.com 2
*Correspondence: liza[email protected].id
Submitted: 25 February 2022, Revised: 04 March 2022, Accepted: 15 March 2022
Abstract. The higher the level of competition in the industrial sector, it is necessary for the
company's efforts to respond well to this in order to survive through internal strategies in the form
of improving employee performance. Training and competence are found to be one of the factors
that can improve employee performance. The main purpose of this study is to build a model in an
effort to improve employee performance involving achievement-oriented work motivation as an
intervening variable the effect of training effectiveness and soft skill competence on employee
performance. The population in this study are employees of companies engaged in the
manufacturing sector with 276 employees. Samples were taken by 100 employees using purposive
random sampling method. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to test the statistical
significance of the path coefficients against the five (5) established hypotheses. The findings of the
study indicate that the effectiveness of training and soft skill competencies have a positive and
significant influence on achievement-oriented work motivation. Effectiveness of training, soft skill
competence, and achievement-oriented work motivation have a positive and significant influence
on employee performance.
Keywords: effectiveness of training; soft skills competence; achievement-oriented work
motivation; employee performance.
Liza Mumtazah Damarwulan, Dibyantoro | 1119
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i8.124 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Competition in the industrial world,
especially those engaged in the food and
beverage industry sector in Indonesia is
getting tougher. Competition in the food
and beverage industry sector in Indonesia
is competitive with a high concentration
(Wijiati & Santosa, 2015). The condition of
the increasingly fierce competition level will
create its own challenges for the food and
beverage industry, whether it is engaged as
a provider of raw materials, providers of
supporting materials, food and beverage
processing itself, providers of food and
beverage packaging materials,
transportation services or all industries
related to products. food and beverages
from raw materials to final consumers to
continuously improve the company's
performance. Every company tries to be
competitive and tries to create more profit
by increasing productivity, providing
customer satisfaction by meeting
expectations in quality and price (Makwana
& Patange, 2019). To face the increasingly
fierce level of competition, strategic efforts
need to be made in the form of improving
employee performance.
Performance is a measure of the level of
success of an organization (Pawirosumarto,
Sarjana, & Gunawan, 2017). Company
performance is determined by employee
performance. Organizational performance
can be influenced by the performance of
the employees themselves (Hatane, 2015).
Employee performance leads to increased
efficiency and productivity of
organizational processes as a whole
(Ahmad, Farrukh, & Nazir, 2015). The
importance of employee performance has
become increasing over the past few years,
as it has become a major and important
variable in any organization (Gridwichai,
Kulwanich, Piromkam, &
Kwanmuangvanich, 2020). Employee
performance has an important and visible
role in the progress of every organization
and its development because employees
contribute to its success and effectiveness
(Jankingthong & Rurkkhum, 2012). In a
corporate environment, continuous efforts
to improve employee performance have
become the main goal of human resource
management (Falola, Osibanjo, & Ojo,
2014). Human resources are important to
be managed professionally to create
alignment between the interests of
employees and the interests of the
organization in an effort to advance the
organization (Mappamiring, AKOB, & Putra,
2020). Organizations should analyze and
study employee performance factors and
strive to develop them, because employee
performance is the main outcome that
employees contribute to their productivity.
Training was found to have an effect on
employee performance. The idea that one
of the factors that influence employee
performance is training presented. Training
is directly related to employee
performance. With the help of training,
employees can be more skilled in their work
and can produce better performance
(Anitha & Kumar, 2016). Training is widely
recognized as contributing to individual
and organizational performance. From the
results of previous studies related to the
effect of training on employee
performance can be divided into two
groups. The first group stated that training
had an effect on employee performance
1120 | Improving Employee Performance Through Achievement Oriented Work Motivation
(Falola et al., 2014); (Asfaw, Argaw, &
Bayissa, 2015); and (Leghari et al., 2016)).
The second group stated that training had
no effect on employee performance (Anwar
Prabu Mangkunegara & Waris, 2015);
(Pakpahan, 2014).
Competence is needed by employees in
working to achieve good workmanship
where knowledge, skills, and skills are
needed. The existence of competence will
be very useful in dealing with work
problems so that they can be quickly
resolved. Competence has a significant
impact on employee performance
(Achmad, 2017). Employee competence is
reflected in three forms, namely
knowledge, skills, and attitudes that have
an influence on employee performance
(Martini, Rahyuda, Sintaasih, & Piartrini,
2018). Previous research related to the
influence of competence on employee
performance can be divided into two
groups. The first group stated that
competence had an effect on employee
performance (Fadude, Tawas, & Poluan,
2019); (A. A. Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara,
2016). The second group stated that
competence had no effect on employee
performance (Subari & Riady, 2015);
(Basori, Prahyawan, & Kamsin, 2017);
(Ozkeser, 2019).
Intrinsic motivation has a positive and
significant influence on employee
performance. The award given by the
company to employees who excel in their
work will be one of the motivations to work
better (Lee & Hidayat, 2018). Extrinsic and
intrinsic motivation show a positive and
significant relationship to employee
performance. Employees are considered a
valuable asset to improve organizational
performance (Kalhoro, Jhatial, 2017). Work
motivation has a significant influence on
employee performance. Other programs
provided by the company to employees
can increase employee motivation to
eliminate boredom during work (Achmad,
Phenomenon research gap in the
research above regarding the effect of
training and competence on employee
performance, it is necessary to build a new
concept involving intervening variables to
improve gap researchFor this reason, in this
study a new concept was built by involving
achievement-oriented work motivation as
an intervening variable with the hope that
the effectiveness of training and soft skill
can affect employee performance through
achievement work motivation.
1. The Development Hypothesis of
Training Effectiveness and
Achievement-Oriented Work
Training is defined as a systematic
approach that has an impact on
increasing knowledge, skills, and
attitudes in order to increase the
effectiveness of individuals, teams, and
organizations. Training is a key tool that
can be used to increase employee
motivation (Ozkeser, 2019). Periodic
training has an impact in the
emergency department on the
motivation of health students to study
in the field of emergency medicine.
Several previous studies conducted by
(Güllü, 2016) showed that training and
development programs had a positive
impact on employee motivation in the
banking sector. The results of the study
concluded that banks that have proper
Liza Mumtazah Damarwulan, Dibyantoro | 1121
training and development programs for
employees can increase employee
motivation. Showed a strong
relationship between internal training
in surveyed companies and employee
motivation to work. (Anwar, 2021)
revealed that the effectiveness of
training directly has an impact on
employee motivation. Successful
training drives changes in
organizational systems for careers and
skills for employee motivation.
Thus, based on the research above,
the following hypothesis can be
H1: The effectiveness of training has
a significant effect on achievement-
oriented work motivation.
2. Soft Skill Competence and
Achievement Oriented Work
Competence is a person's specific
characteristics or behavior in terms of
knowledge, skills, motives, values, and
self-concepts that enable him to work
more effectively, excel, and succeed
than other people. The competency
aspect is starting to get a strong
position as a factor that must be
considered by companies for achieving
effective performance (Subari & Riady,
2015). Influence on the emergence of
motivation to work perfectly. As stated
that one indicator of competence is a
motive where the characteristics of
highly motivated employees who are
competent are employees who always
work well. Competence has a significant
influence on work motivation
(Murgianto, Sulasmi, & Suhermin,
Thus, based on the research above,
the following hypothesis can be
H2: Soft skill competence has a
significant influence on achievement-
oriented work motivation.
3. Effectiveness of Training and
Employee Performance
Explain that performance is the
result of work that is closely related to
organizational goals and consumers
contribute to the economy. Employee
training in support of expertise in their
work. Explain that training programs
not only develop employees but also
help organizations make the best use of
their human resources to gain a
competitive advantage. Therefore, it
seems mandatory for the company to
plan such a training program for its
employees to improve their abilities
and competencies in the workplace.
Research shows that training has a
significant effect on employee
Thus, based on the research above,
the following hypothesis can be
H3: The effectiveness of training has
a significant effect on employee
4. Achievement Oriented Work
Motivation and Employee
The factors that influence the
achievement of performance are the
ability and work motivation. There is a
positive relationship between high
achievement motives and performance
achievement. High Achievement
motive is an encouragement in
1122 | Improving Employee Performance Through Achievement Oriented Work Motivation
employees to carry out an activity/task
as well as possible in order to be able
to achieve good performance.
Employees who have a feeling of being
part of an organization and have
positive motivation in themselves will
show higher performance. According to
the results of research conducted in
general, it shows that there is a
significant influence between work
motivation on employee performance.
Employees who have high motivation
will tend to immediately complete
every job they carry out and try to
overcome the problems they face
positively which will have an impact on
increasing performance. The researches
above can be hypothesized as follows:
H4: Achievement-oriented work
motivation has a significant influence on
employee performance
5. Soft Skill Competence and Employee
State that competence is a
characteristic that underlies a person
and is related to effectiveness of
individual performance in a job Stephen
argued that competence is the ability or
ability of a person to perform various
tasks in a job, where this ability is
determined by 2 (two) factors, namely
intellectual ability and physical ability.
Someone who has high competence,
then he will have high performance as a
result (Abdullah, 2014). Competencies
Soft Skill have a significant influence on
employee performance. In another
study it was found that competence has
a significant influence on employee
H5: Soft skill competence has a
significant influence on employee
Based on the relationship between
the variables above, it is related to the
effectiveness of training, soft skill,
achievement-oriented work motivation,
and employee performance. Then the
following empirical research model
framework can be proposed:
Figure 1. Empirical Research Method
Liza Mumtazah Damarwulan, Dibyantoro | 1123
The type of research used is
quantitative. The population in the study
was 276 employees with the characteristics
of being permanent employees and having
worked at least two years. The number of
samples used is 100 with reference to the
provisions of 5x20 indicators used. Data
collection techniques using purposive
random sampling of company employees.
The research model uses Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM) to test the
significance of five (5) predetermined
hypotheses. Data processing is done using
the software SmartPLS 3.2.9. All items were
measured using an interval scale of 1
(strongly disagree) to 10 (strongly agree).
There are five indicators that can be
used to measure the effectiveness of
training according to (Coco, 2011), namely
reactions, learnings, behaviors,
organizational results, and cost
effectiveness. There are five indicators that
can be used to measure soft skill, namely
knowledge, skills, experience, attitudes, and
work skills. There are five indicators that can
be used to measure achievement-oriented
work motivation using the Syahyuti
indicator, namely encouragement to
achieve goals, work spirit, initiative,
creativity, and motivation. responsibility.
There are five indicators that can be used
to measure employee performance
according to (Soemaryani, Hilmiana, &
Paujiah, 2016), namely quality, quantity,
timeliness, effectiveness, and
In conducting data analysis using
SmartPLS, several stages were carried out.
The first is to evaluate the model, the
second is to evaluate the outer model, and
the third is to evaluate the inner model.
The following presents the results of
calculations from data processing using
SmartPLS software:
Figure 2. The Results of Full Model Analysis PLS Algorithm
Liza Mumtazah Damarwulan, Dibyantoro | 1124
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i8.124 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Figure 3. The Results of Full Model Analysis Bootstrapping
Evaluation Model
Table 1. Loading Factor
Source: SmartPLS data processing results in research
From table 1 regarding the loading factor
above, it can be seen that for the
effectiveness of training, TE1, TE2, TE3, TE4,
and TE5 all have loading factor values > 0.7
so that no indicators are discarded and
declared valid. For soft skill competencies,
SSC1, SSC2, SSC3, SSC4, and SSC5 all have
loading factor values > 0.7 so that no
indicators are discarded and
declared valid. For work motivation, WM1,
WM2, WM3, WM4, and WM5 all have
loading factor values > 0.7 so that no
indicators are discarded and declared valid.
For employee performance, EP1, EP2, EP3,
EP4, and EP5. all have loading factor values
> 0.7 so that no indicators are discarded
and declared valid.
Liza Mumtazah Damarwulan, Dibyantoro | 1125
Evaluation Outer Model
Table 2. Validity and Reliability Test
Source: results of SmartPLS data processing in research
Table 3. AVE, SQRT, CR, CA, and R
Source: results of processing SmartPLS data in research
Table 4. Construct Correlations
Source: results of processing SmartPLS data in research
Liza Mumtazah Damarwulan, Dibyantoro | 1126
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i8.124 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
From table 3. it can be seen that the AVE
value is > 0.5 so it can be stated that the
construct has a valid convergent validity.
Then from table 4. the SQRT value >
construct correlations so that it can be
stated that the construct has a valid
discriminant validity. Then the value of CR
and CA 0.7 so that it can be stated that the
construct has very good reliability. The
conclusion of the model has valid validity
and reliability and can be tested further.
A. Evaluation Inner Model
Table 5. Direct Effects
Source: SmartPLS data processing results in research
Table 6. Research Hypothesis Test
Source: SmartPLS data processing results in research
Hypothesis Testing 1
H1: Training effectiveness has a
significant influence on achievement-
oriented work motivation
Parameter sample mean effect on
effectiveness training on achievement-
oriented work motivation is 0.300. The T
Statistics value is 2,031 1,967 or the P Value
is 0.049 0.05, so the null hypothesis is
rejected and the alternative hypothesis is
accepted. Therefore H1 is accepted and it
can be concluded that the effectiveness of
the training has a positive and significant
effect on achievement work motivation
thus hypothesis 1 is supported.
Testing Hypothesis 2
H2: Soft skill competence has a
significant influence on achievement-
oriented work motivation.
The sample mean parameter of the
influence of soft skill competence on
achievement-oriented work motivation is
0.385. The T Statistics value is 2.601 1.967
or the P value is 0.019 0.05, so the null
hypothesis is rejected and the alternative
hypothesis is accepted. Therefore H2 is
accepted and it can be concluded that soft
skill competence has a positive and
significant effect on work motivation. Thus
hypothesis 2 is supported.
Liza Mumtazah Damarwulan, Dibyantoro | 1127
Hypothesis Testing 3
H3: The effectiveness of training has a
significant effect on employee
The sample mean parameter of the
effect of training effectiveness on
employee performance is 0.366. The T
Statistics value is 2,549 1,967 or the P value
is 0.007 0.05, so the null hypothesis is
rejected and the alternative hypothesis is
accepted. Therefore H3 is accepted and it
can be concluded that the effectiveness of
training has a positive and significant effect
on employee performance. Thus
hypothesis 3 is supported.
Testing Hypothesis 4
H4: Achievement-oriented work
motivation has a significant influence on
employee performance
The sample mean parameter of the
effect of achievement-oriented work
motivation on employee performance is
0.330. The T Statistics value is 2.461 1.967
or the P value is 0.003 0.05, so the null
hypothesis is rejected and the alternative
hypothesis is accepted. Therefore H4 is
accepted and it can be concluded that
achievement-oriented work motivation has
a positive and significant effect on
employee performance. Thus hypothesis 4
is supported.
Hypothesis Testing 5
H5: Soft skill competence has a
significant influence on employee
The sample mean parameter of the
influence of soft skill competence on
employee performance is 0.294. The T
Statistics value is 2.486 1.967 or the P value
is 0.011 0.05, so the null hypothesis is
rejected and the alternative hypothesis is
accepted. Therefore H5 is accepted and it
can be concluded that soft skill
competence has a positive and significant
effect on employee performance. Thus
hypothesis 5 is supported.
H1: The effectiveness of training has a
significant effect on achievement-
oriented work motivation.
Effectiveness of training was found to
have a positive and significant effect on
achievement-oriented work motivation.
This is supported by the path coefficient
value of 0.300 and the probability value of
0.049. This means that the higher the
effectiveness of the training, the higher the
achievement-oriented work motivation.
The findings in the study indicate that the
higher the effectiveness of the training will
provide encouragement to employees to
be more motivated to work. Feeling
satisfied with the training that has been
followed in the form of increased
knowledge, skills, and changes in better
behavior will increase enthusiasm for work.
This condition will further cause work
motivation to increase. The results of this
study are supported by previous research
conducted. State that training and training
effectiveness have a positive and significant
influence on work motivation. The better
training carried out in an organization is
reflected in the better training
effectiveness. This will lead to a stronger
urge in individual employees to work better
than before doing the training.
1128 | Improving Employee Performance Through Achievement Oriented Work Motivation
H2: Soft skill competence has a
significant effect on achievement-
oriented work motivation.
Soft skill competence was found to
have a positive and significant effect on
achievement-oriented work motivation.
This is supported by the path coefficient
value of 0.385 and the probability value of
0.019. This means that the higher the soft
skill competence, the work motivation will
increase. The findings in the study indicate
that higher soft skill competencies will
encourage employees to have higher work
motivation. Someone who has soft skill
competence will have a high motivation to
complete the work that is his responsibility
and try to solve the problems faced by
using the competencies they have. The
results of this study are supported by
previous research conducted. State that
competence has a significant influence on
work motivation.
H3: The effectiveness of training has a
significant effect on employee
Effectiveness of training was found to
have a positive and significant effect on
employee performance. This is supported
by the path coefficient value of 0.366 and
the probability value of 0.007. This means
that the higher the effectiveness of the
training, the employee's performance will
increase. The findings in the study indicate
that the higher the effectiveness of training
will lead to increased knowledge and skills
in the work so that it will lead to better
employees at work which in turn will
improve the performance of these
employees. The results of this study are
supported by previous research conducted
where the research shows that the
effectiveness of training has a positive and
significant influence on employee
performance. The higher the effectiveness
of the training, the better the abilities, skills,
attitudes, and personal values of
employees which will have an impact on
the better performance that results.
H4: Achievement-oriented work
motivation has a significant influence on
employee performance
Achievement-oriented work motivation
was found to have a positive and significant
influence on employee performance. This is
supported by the path coefficient value of
0.330 and the probability value of 0.003.
This means that the higher the work
motivation, the higher the employee's
performance. The findings in the study
indicate that employees who have high
work motivation will tend to have a desire
to complete the work as well as possible
and try to solve the problems they face
properly so that the resulting work output
will increase. The results of this study are
supported by previous research conducted
(Lee & Hidayat, 2018) where the research
shows that work motivation has a positive
and significant influence on employee
performance. An employee will have more
motivation if they have the belief to be able
to produce better performance as well.
H5: Soft Skill Competence has a
significant effect on employee
performance. Employee
Competence was found to have a
positive and significant effect on employee
performance. This is supported by the path
coefficient value of 0.294 and the
Liza Mumtazah Damarwulan, Dibyantoro | 1129
probability value of 0.011. This means that
the higher the soft skill competence, the
higher the employee's performance. The
findings in the study indicate that
employees with soft skill competencies
have ways of completing each job target
well. The better the completion of the work
will cause the employee's performance to
increase. The results of this study are
supported by previous research conducted
by (Rokhayati, Kambara, & Ibrahim, 2017)
which stated that competence has a
positive and significant influence on
employee performance.
The statistical test of the hypothesis on
the effect of each independent variable on
the dependent variable resulted in a
conclusion. The effectiveness of training
has a positive and significant effect on
achievement-oriented work motivation.
Soft skill competence has a positive and
significant effect on achievement-oriented
work motivation. The effectiveness of
training has a positive and significant effect
on employee performance. Achievement-
oriented work motivation has a positive
and significant effect on employee
performance. Soft skill competence has a
positive and significant effect on employee
The results of the study have
implications for managerial policy. The
results of the research can be used as
guidelines for management in an effort to
determine the main scale of determining
what to do first to improve employee
performance. From the direct influence, it
was found that the effectiveness of training
is a positive and dominant factor that has
an influence on employee performance.
Therefore, management can determine or
design the main scale of policies in an effort
to improve employee performance as
follows. Implement a good and well-
planned training program according to the
needs of the position, required
competencies, and company goals by
conducting regular evaluations. Provide
regular and continuous work motivation to
employees related to work either through
superior guidance or training. Provide
training programs to improve soft skill
competencies for each employee related to
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