Indra Bambang, I Nyoman Sujana, Putu Ayu Sriasih Wesna | 1055
act against the law. The Director, who is
also the shareholder, can take actions
that are outside his authority or take
actions that are within his authority but
not in accordance with the aims and
objectives of the company. If this
happens, the principle of piercing the
corporate veil can apply, so that the
shareholder, who is also the Director, is
accountable for his unlawful acts and is
no longer liable only to the extent of
the shares owned;
d. Fourth, whether the shareholder
concerned, either directly or indirectly,
illegally use the Company's assets,
which results in the Company's assets
being insufficient to pay off the
Company's debts. In a company, in
order to increase the company's
income, in general the company will try
to increase capital by borrowing from a
creditor. But in the business world,
profit and loss is not unusual. On the
other hand, it should be noted that, in
borrowing capital for the company, the
company's ability to pay must be taken
into account. In general, misuse of
company assets often occurs. This will
become a problem when the company
commits acts against the law and
causes losses to other parties, while the
shareholder who is also a Director takes
refuge from the limited liability of
shareholders in terms of paying debts
to creditors. Moreover, in a Limited
Liability company for micro and small
businesses, there is only one single
shareholder who also serves as the
Board of Directors in controlling the
company and entering into
agreements. "Everyone is accountable
not only for losses caused by his actions,
but also for losses caused by negligence
or carelessness." In general, in the civil
law, legal sanctions can take the form of
an obligation to meet a certain
performance (obligation) as well as the
loss of a legal state, followed by the
creation of a new legal state. Legal
accountability in the field of civil law is
a legal accountability based on civil
relationship between the legal subjects.
e. Administrative Accountability
In administrative law, legal
accountability takes the form of
administration or administrative
sanctions. Administration or
administrative sanctions are sanctions
imposed on administrative violations or
provisions of laws of an administrative
nature. In general, administration or
administrative sanctions takes the form
of fines, suspension to revocation of
certificates and/or permits, temporary
cessation of administrative services to
reduction of production allotments, as
well as other administrative actions.
Similar to the Board of Directors in a
Limited Liability company in general,
the Board of Directors in a Limited
Liability company for micro and small
business also carries accountabilities.
Accountabilities are generally stated in
the laws and regulations or other
regulations that bind them.
One of the obligations is to make
financial reports by the Board of
Directors of a Limited Liability company
for micro and small businesses, as
stipulated in Article 10 paragraph (1) of
Government Regulation Number 8 of
2021, which rules:
“One-person companies shall make
financial reports.” In this provision, the
financial reports are used as a data base
for the profile of one-person
companies and the basis for
consideration in determining the
criteria for one-person companies. If