JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 8, 1007 1025
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI :10.36418/jrssem.v1i8.121 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/article/view/89
Djonny Pabisa*
IPDN University North Sulawesi, Indonesia
email: terapi.28128@gmail.com
*Correspondence: terapi.28128@gmail.com
Submitted: 28 February 2022, Revised: 03 March 2022, Accepted: 15 March 2022
Abstract. The focus of this research is on the aspects of public service delivery, the application of
integrity values by state civil servants and the community, as well as the efforts made to optimize
the application of integrity values in public services at the Tomohon City public service mall. Using
a qualitative research approach with descriptive methods. Data analysis techniques include data
reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Data were collected through observation,
interviews, and documentation. The research findings show: 1) The implementation of public
services by the Tomohon City Public Service Mall is based on the Tomohon Mayor Regulation
Number 11 of 2018. In the midst of the covid-19 pandemic, it is carried out in 4 ways, namely
physical distancing, online services, normal direct services (public come to take care of themselves),
and walk-in or mobile service, 2) The application of the value of integrity by state civil servants at
the public service mall of Tomohon City and the service user community is still not fully in line with
the desired expectations. Although several applications of integrity values already exist which are
categorized as good and very good, some are categorized as not good, and 3) The Tomohon City
Government through the public service mall has made various efforts to optimize the
implementation of public services to the community, including optimizing the application of
integrity values in any ongoing public service process. These efforts are in the form of direct
coaching, technical guidance, mentoring, building open communication between all components,
providing complaint box facilities both physically and electronically, providing motivation and
education, monitoring and evaluation, awarding, online use, and online-based services.
Keywords: service; public service; integrity.
Djonny Pabisa | 1008
DOI :10.36418/jrssem.v1i8.121 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/article/view/89
The service of providing goods or
services to the community may at some
time not run as well as expected. If this
happens to goods or services that are
included in the fulfillment of primary needs,
it will certainly greatly affect and threaten
the harmonization and survival of human
beings. In such situations and conditions,
the state must be present to prepare the
services needed by the community. The
state is responsible for taking over the
provision of the services that every citizen
needs. The state is obliged to provide
assurance that the provision of services
(goods and services) will always be there for
the community. This is what is then known
as public services by the state, namely
services provided by the state or
government that put the public interest
first, are easily accessible to the public, the
implementation time for an affair is short,
and can have an impact on community
satisfaction. Services that are carried out
fairly, do not discriminate, are professional,
do not make it difficult, meet the principles
of decency and appropriateness, are in
accordance with procedures, are
accountable and have integrity.
All affairs or matters that must be
carried out by the Government as a form of
state presence and responsibility to its
citizens have been regulated in the
Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of the
Republic of Indonesia, particularly in the
fourth paragraph or paragraph. The point
is, among others, to protect all and all of
Indonesia's bloodshed and promote public
welfare. It can be interpreted that the state
is obliged to carry out certain jobs or
activities to provide benefits not for certain
individuals, groups or communities but for
all its citizens. The implementation of this
work or activity is then called the
implementation of services by the state or
Public services that people want are
public services that are more transparent,
open, and honest (Pasolong, 2013). People
(Purukan, Tondobala, & Rogi, 2014) crave
public services with clear procedures,
transparent financing, timely settlement of
affairs, quality, friendly, faster, affordable,
easy, accountable, free from illegal fees,
happy and fun (Bertot, Estevez, & Janowski,
Facts on the ground, it turns out that
there is still a gap between what the
community expects and what public service
providers do (Widarti, 2018).. Past practice
that tends to still regard the community as
an object whose position is very dependent
on the service provider. There are still
services that have not been completed on
time, there are still brokering practices,
there are still priorities given using special
channels, favoritism still occurs, there are
still people who are not satisfied. It is the
attitude of the organizers that has the
potential to provide space for the growth
of service behavior that ignores the values
of accountability, transparency, and
responsiveness in the delivery of public
services (Mahsyar, 2011). This fact is further
exacerbated by the common
understanding and perspective of some
people who need services with public
service providers who want to benefit from
the services they provide. Some people
have the desire that public service
providers are willing to provide services
1009 | Integrity in Public Service in the City of Tomohon
that are uncomplicated, quickly resolved
and prioritized according to their wishes.
They usually ask for a special route or use
the services of a broker so that their
business can be completed quickly even if
they have to spend extra money.
The presence of public service malls is
considered a real effort by the government
to create a bureaucracy that can work and
provide fast, accurate, and flexible services
(Cordella & Tempini, 2015). Forming a State
Civil Apparatus that has a mindset for high
performance and always provides the best
service to the community. The success of
the management of the Public Service Mall
is largely determined by the existence of
complete synergy, high commitment, good
coordination from various parties and good
and optimal cooperation between all
related components. For the Tomohon City
Government, the existence of the Public
Service Mall is a form of the city
government's commitment to be able to
provide services to the community in a fast,
integrated, and easily accessible manner. At
the beginning of its formation it was highly
appreciated by the community because it
was considered to have provided very real
benefits with a very fast and easy service
process. Unfortunately, this only happened
in a few months. After that, return to the
previous service practice.
As a result of past practice being seen
again, it also resulted in an assessment of
the level of compliance with public service
standards as regulated in Law Number 25
of 2009. The 2018 North Sulawesi
Representative Ombudsman Assessment,
the City of Tomohon scored 67.17 in the
category of level compliance. medium or in
the yellow zone. In 2019, getting a score of
69.22 is relatively almost the same as the
score in 2018 which is still in the yellow
zone. The score obtained shows that the
level of compliance with public service
standards that has been carried out by the
Tomohon city government has not made
significant progress. This means that much
remains to be done and improved.
The results of the identification of the
causes of the gap include the problem of
capability, competence, and integrity of the
state civil apparatus assigned to the
Tomohon City public service mall. In terms
of capabilities and competencies, the
assigned state civil apparatus must
consider the relevance of the required
knowledge, expertise, skills, and character
suitability (Mundiarsih, 2019). In the matter
of integrity (Aryana, 2021), the assigned
state civil apparatus must be able to show
consistency in aligning mindsets, work
patterns, interaction patterns and high
responsibility to provide the best service for
the community (Suyatmiko & Nicola, 2019).
State Civil Apparatus who can always
understand their existence as civil servants
or civil servants (Picazo-Vela, Gutiérrez-
Martínez, & Luna-Reyes, 2012).
Based on this description, the problems
in this research are formulated as follows:
(1) how is the implementation of public
services at the Tomohon public service
mall?, (2) how is the application of integrity
values by the State Civil Apparatus and the
Community in the implementation of
public services?, and (3) What is What are
the efforts made by the Tomohon City
Government to optimize the application of
integrity values in the implementation of
public services? The benefits obtained from
the results of this study are: (1) contributing
Djonny Pabisa | 1010
to the development of public service
literature and integrity values as a reference
for cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
behavior for state civil servants and the
community in providing quality public
services, (2) for researchers , as information
that can add insight, broaden experience,
and become a reference in developing
knowledge both theoretically and
practically according to the field of
management science, (3) for Domestic
Administration Institutions, becomes one
of the important references in order to
encourage optimization of Domestic
Government Institutions Realizing its
existence as a pioneer campus driving
mental revolution through strengthening
the application of integrity values in the
implementation of civil servant education,
(4) for the Tomohon City Government, is
one of the recommendations to optimize
the performance of the state civil apparatus
and community involvement (Biryanto,
Hubeis, Matindas, & Ma’mun, 2018). in the
process of providing public services and
becoming a reference in evaluating and
improving services in the public sector in
Tomohon City, and (5) for other parties,
becoming an academic reference both
theoretical and applied as a reference in
conducting further research.
This study uses a qualitative approach
with the aim of describing the data that has
been processed so that the research
problem can be explained accurately
(Neuman, 2013) and explores its meaning
from certain things to the general (Husni,
2016). The data source was determined by
purposive sampling technique for the state
civil apparatus (ASN) who served as public
service providers as many as 16 (sixteen)
people from various regional apparatus
organizations and vertical agencies that still
provide services at the Tomohon City
public service mall as well as sampling that
unintentionally for service users or the
public as many as 17 (seventeen) people
who temporarily take care of the need for
licensing/non-licensing documents at the
Tomohon City public service mall.
Data collection techniques using
triangulation techniques in the form of
observation, interviews, and
documentation. The use of this technique is
intended so that the data collected is valid
and accurate because it is obtained from
various points of view. The observation
technique was carried out for 2 months
(July and August 2021) when the public
service process took place at the Tomohon
City public service mall. Observing the
application of core values, ethos values,
attitude values, and patient values in
integrity among ASN (16 people) when
providing services and the community (17
people) when visiting to take care of
something as service recipients. Interview
technique (10 ASN and 17 community
members) was carried out to confirm the
data obtained during observation and to
obtain an explanation regarding the
description of ASN behavior and society in
general as well as policies made to guide
the application of integrity values in the
implementation of public services at
Tomohon City public service mall.
Documentation techniques are carried out
to obtain information related to the
implementation of public services at the
Tomohon City public service mall based on
1011 | Integrity in Public Service in the City of Tomohon
Tomohon Mayor Regulation Number 11 of
2018, direct service models and online-
based services (EDL, SICANTIK and
SIMANTAPTOM applications) along with
guidelines for the management flow.
Data analysis techniques include data
reduction, data presentation, and drawing
conclusions. Data analysis was carried out
since data collection in the field, during
research even to writing research results
(Sugiyono, 2016); (Natow, 2020).
1. Implementation of Public Services in
Tomohon City
The reference used by public service
malls in carrying out their duties,
functions, responsibilities, and
authorities is Law Number 32 of 2004
concerning Regional Government,
Circular Letter of Menkowasbangpan
Number 56/MK.WASPAN/6/1998
regarding measures to improve service
quality. the community by
implementing an integrated service
pattern (one door and one roof), and
the Tomohon City Mayor Regulation
(Perwali) Number 11 of 2018
concerning the Implementation of
Public Service Malls in Tomohon City.
The coordinator for the utilization and
management of the Public Service Mall
building based on the Perwali is the
Office of Investment and One Stop
Integrated Services (DPMPTSP).
However, the situation and
conditions that have occurred since
2020 until now where the COVID-19
pandemic is still engulfing the entire
world, Indonesia in general, and the
City of Tomohon in particular have
resulted in the disruption of the
function of providing public services
which are carried out directly or face to
face with service users. general.
Therefore, the Tomohon City public
service mall provides a smart solution
by doing 4 (four) ways, namely physical
distancing, online services, normal
direct services where people can come
directly to the public service mall to
take care of the required documents,
and a service model that called walk-in
(service is restricted outside the fence).
The normal direct service model
that is still provided by the Tomohon
City public service mall still follows the
same management flow as before the
COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, the
implementation of online public
services, the Tomohon City public
service mall has provided various
applications including the E-Doclicence
(EDL) application which can be
accessed by all service users through
the website
the SICANTIK application and
SIMANTAPTOM for the use of online
queues and service registration that
continues to be developed in order to
optimally facilitate community needs in
public services during the COVID-19
pandemic. Public service malls have
also attempted to develop digitization
of services to the community by all
agencies/services/offices in public
service malls in the context of
effectiveness and efficiency of outreach
and provision of public services to the
entire community, both in villages and
Djonny Pabisa | 1012
in cities in Tomohon City.
2. Application of Integrity Values
Among State Civil Apparatus in
Public Implementation at the
Tomohon City Public Service Mall
a. Implementation of the Core value
of Integrity
Reflected in 3 (three) values,
namely the value of honesty, the
value of discipline, and the value of
responsibility. The application of
honest values is shown through the
right attitude and behavior in
carrying out the work. The results of
the observations found the fact that
most ASN had applied the value of
being honest when carrying out
their duties and functions as public
service providers (18.75 percent
good and 62.50 percent classified
as very good), although there are
still some who have not
implemented it well (18.75
percent). ,75 percent). The
application of the value of discipline
is shown through punctuality in
completing work. The results of the
observations found the fact that
most of the ASN had applied the
value of discipline when carrying
out their duties and functions as
public service providers (classified
as good 12.50 percent and
classified as very good 56.25
percent), although there were still
some who had not implemented it
properly (31 .25 percent). The
application of the value of
responsibility is shown through the
ability to carry out tasks that are
always in accordance with their
duties and functions and are ready
to accept the consequences of their
work. The results of the
observations found the fact that
most ASN had implemented the
value of responsibility when
carrying out their duties and
functions as public service
providers (18.75 percent good and
75 percent very good), although
there are still some who have not
implemented it well (6, 25 percent).
Overall, it can be seen that the
application of honest values and
discipline values by ASN in public
service malls when carrying out
their duties and functions is still
classified as not in accordance with
the desired expectations (good and
very good categories are still less
than 90 percent). Meanwhile, the
application of the value of
responsibility can be classified
according to the desired
expectations (good and very good
categories are more than 90
percent). There are still ASNs who
do not consistently show the right
attitude and behavior in carrying
out their work and have not been
on time in completing their work.
Honest values and discipline
values as core values are the most
basic and main values, values that
are very important to be carried out
and must be carried out every day
by the state civil apparatus when
carrying out their duties and
functions. Serious and immediate
handling of the problem of
applying honest values and
1013 | Integrity in Public Service in the City of Tomohon
discipline values will give positive
results and can prevent the state
civil apparatus from making it an
automatic habit. Serious and
immediate handling can also
prevent the state civil apparatus
from other bad behaviors as a result
of the habit of dishonest and
undisciplined behavior.
b. Application of the Value of Work
Ethic in Integrity
Reflected in 3 (three) values,
namely the value of independence,
the value of simple, and the value of
hard work. The application of
independent values is shown
through the ability to carry out their
own work, being able to make
decisions quickly and accurately in
carrying out work. The results of the
observation found the fact that
most ASN had applied the value of
honesty when carrying out their
duties and functions as public
service providers (25.00 percent
and classified as very good 68.75
percent), although there were still
some who had not implemented it
well (6 .25 percent). The application
of simple values is shown through
the ability to display reasonable, not
excessive, polite, and friendly
attitudes and behavior. The results
of the observation found the fact
that most ASN had implemented
simple values when carrying out
their duties and functions as public
service providers (31.25 percent
were classified as very good and
62.50 percent classified as very
good), although there were still
some who had not implemented
them well (6 .25 percent). The
application of the value of hard
work is shown through diligent
work, not procrastinating, working
earnestly and not wanting to delay
work that must be completed. The
results of the observations found
that most ASN had applied the
value of hard work when carrying
out their duties and functions as
public service providers (25.00
percent and classified as very good
68.75 percent), although there were
still some who had not
implemented it properly ( 6.25
Overall, it can be seen that the
application of independent values,
simple values, and the application
of hard work values are classified as
having met the desired
expectations (good and very good
categories more than 90 percent).
State civil servants have
demonstrated the ability to carry
out their own work and can make
decisions quickly and accurately
when problems arise.
The character or character of
ASN at the Tomohon City public
service mall, both individually and
in groups in the form of a will or will
accompanied by high enthusiasm
becomes a force to be able to
realize increasingly quality, fast,
affordable, easy, and happy public
services for service users in
accordance with with the intention
of establishing a public service mall
Djonny Pabisa | 1014
for the City of Tomohon as stated in
the Tomohon Mayor Regulation
Number 11 of 2018 in Chapter II
Article 2 paragraph 1.
c. Application of Attitude Values in
Reflected in 3 (three) values,
namely the value of courage, the
value of caring, and the value of
fairness. The application of
courageous values is shown
through high self-confidence and
willingness to refuse
gifts/promises/something that is
not in accordance with the
principles and values adopted in
public service malls. The results of
the observations found the fact that
most ASN had applied the value of
courage when carrying out their
duties and functions as public
service providers (31.25 percent
good and 62.50 percent classified
as very good), although there are
still some who have not
implemented it well (6 .25 percent).
The application of the value of
caring is shown through work
behavior that is not difficult, is
willing to pay attention, and does
not want to sacrifice the interests of
other people or many people. The
results of the observations found
the fact that most of the ASN had
implemented the value of caring
when carrying out their duties and
functions as public service
providers (18.75 percent good and
75.00 percent classified as very
good), although there are still some
who have not implemented it well
(6 .25 percent). The application of
fair values is shown through the
implementation of work according
to the provisions, not favoritism,
and not exaggerating/understating
the rights of others in providing
services. The results of the
observations found that all ASN had
applied fair values when carrying
out their duties and functions as
public service providers (25.00
percent classified as good and
75.00 percent classified as very
Overall, it can be seen that the
application of courageous values,
caring values, and fair values are
classified as having met the desired
expectations (good and very good
categories more than 90 percent).
ASN already has high self-
confidence, is willing to refuse gifts
or promises or something that is
not in accordance with the
principles and values that exist in
public service malls, does not make
it difficult for service users, is willing
to pay attention, does not want to
sacrifice the interests of other
people or many people, always
carries out his work according to
the provisions, do not be selective,
and do not exaggerate or reduce
the rights of others.
ASN at the Tomohon City public
service mall already has attitudes
and behavior patterns that can
adapt to certain social situations or
social situations that have been
conditioned. Have a steady heart
1015 | Integrity in Public Service in the City of Tomohon
and will always show things that are
right and fair in carrying out their
duties and functions. This situation
is a strength and opportunity for
the Tomohon City public service
mall to be able to continue to
improve the quality of public
services as expected by the
community and government.
The application of the value of
patience is shown through the
ability to control oneself, not to get
angry easily and not to speak
harshly in providing services. The
results of the observation found the
fact that most ASN had applied the
value of patience when carrying out
their duties and functions as public
service providers (37.50 percent
good and 50.00 percent classified
as very good), although there are
still some who have not
implemented it well (12 .50
percent). Overall, it can be seen that
the application of the value of
patience is still classified as not in
accordance with the desired
expectations (good and very good
categories are still less than 90
percent). There are still state civil
servants who are easily influenced
by the attitudes and behavior of
service users, sometimes cannot
control themselves, and get angry
This problem really needs to get
serious attention to be handled as
soon as possible in order to realize
public services that make people
happy and happy. A form of
coaching or the like is needed for
ASN which can be done directly or
indirectly. It is necessary to enrich
the content of the material on the
currently available online media.
The content of the online media
material referred to by the
researcher is information about
integrity values, ways to grow them,
and how to maintain them. In
addition to the material content of
integrity values, it is also necessary
to produce information related to
ethics in serving and being served.
This information is then packaged
in the form of interesting broadcast
material and can foster a desire to
be watched over and over again by
ASN and the public. The duration of
the show is 3 to 5 minutes. Thus, the
broadcast material can be made
into several parts according to the
material and the duration of the
broadcast. The broadcast material
must be easily accessible to the
people of Tomohon City, can be
watched anytime and anywhere by
the public as service recipients and
ASN as public service providers to
the community even while carrying
out their work in the office.
Broadcasting material with material
values of integrity and ethics in
serving and being served will be
very good if it is always broadcast
during the operating hours of
public service malls, easily
accessible online, and disseminated
through social and electronic
Djonny Pabisa | 1016
3. The application of integrity values
among the public visiting the
Tomohon City public service mall
a. Implementation of the Core value
of Integrity
Reflected in 3 (three) values,
namely the value of honesty, the
value of discipline, and the value of
responsibility. The application of
honest values is shown through
honest attitudes and behavior in
managing the required documents
for the ASN on duty. The results of
the observation found that only
some people had applied the
honest value when administering
and receiving services (25.00
percent and classified as very good
37.50 percent), although there were
still some who had not
implemented it properly (37.50
percent). . The application of the
value of discipline is shown through
compliance with the mechanism
and willingness to get services
according to the provisions when
processing documents. The results
of the observations found the fact
that all people had applied the
value of discipline when
administering and receiving
services (43.75 percent good and
56.25 percent very good). The
application of the value of
responsibility is shown through a
willingness to respect the rules. The
results of the observation found the
fact that most of the community
had implemented the value of
responsibility when managing and
receiving services (25.00 percent
and classified as very good 56.25
percent), although there were still
some who had not implemented it
properly (18.75 percent). ).
Overall, it can be seen that the
application of honest values and
the value of responsibility by service
users at public service malls when
processing the required documents
is still not in line with the desired
expectations (good and very good
categories are still less than 90
percent). Meanwhile, the
application of discipline values can
be classified according to the
desired expectations (good and
very good categories reach 100
percent). There are still people who
have not been able to demonstrate
honest attitudes and behavior in
the process of processing the
required documents and have not
fully respected the applicable rules.
This problem really needs to get
serious attention to be handled as
soon as possible because it can
interfere with the optimization of
work in public service malls. Aspects
that support the performance of the
Tomohon City public service mall
are the obedient attitude shown by
the service user community towards
the established mechanism and the
public's willingness to receive
services according to the provisions
when managing the required
b. Application of the Value of Work
Ethic in Integrity
Reflected in 3 (three) values,
namely the value of independence,
1017 | Integrity in Public Service in the City of Tomohon
the value of simple, and the value of
hard work. The application of
independent values is shown
through the willingness to take care
of themselves and not to use the
services of other people or brokers
in managing the required
documents. The results of the
observations found that some
people have shown independence
when administering and receiving
services (25.00 percent good and
37.50 percent very good), although
there are still some who have not
implemented it properly (37.50
percent). The application of simple
values is shown through the ability
to behave and behave fairly and not
excessively in managing the
required documents. The results of
the observations found that some
people have applied simple values
when administering and receiving
services (25.00 percent good and
50.00 percent very good), although
there are still some who have not
implemented them properly (25.00
percent). The application of the
value of hard work is shown
through enthusiasm and sincerity in
managing, and does not give
rewards when taking care of the
required documents. The results of
the observations found that some
people have applied the value of
hard work when administering and
receiving services (25.00 percent
good and 50.00 percent very good),
although there are still some who
have not implemented it well (25.00
Overall, it can be seen that the
application of independent values,
simple values, and the value of hard
work by service users is still not in
line with the desired expectations
(good and very good categories are
still less than 90 percent). There are
still people who use the services of
other people or brokers in
managing the required documents,
displaying inappropriate and
excessive attitudes and behavior,
lacking enthusiasm and not taking
the required documents seriously,
and there are still those who
provide compensation for services
related to processing documents
required at the Tomohon City public
service mall.
Menghilangkan atau setidak-
tidaknya Minimizing the practice of
brokering in the management of
licensing documents or non-
licensing documents among the
community during the COVID-19
pandemic, it is necessary to provide
operators who control the online
application system provided by
public service malls to the village
level. The operators are taken from
the village apparatus (head of the
neighborhood or others appointed
by the head of the neighborhood)
who want to be trained so that they
can skillfully master the application
system used in the Tomohon City
public service mall. These operators
will become partners of public
service malls in helping people who
want to take care of certain
documents but are hindered due to
Djonny Pabisa | 1018
busyness or other matters that
cannot be left behind. The services
provided by the operator are not
limited to working hours, but can be
done in the afternoon or evening
according to the busyness of the
Regarding the verification of the
completeness of the required data,
the determination and issuance of
documents required by the public
remains the authority of the public
service mall which is regulated in
accordance with certain
mechanisms. Documents that have
been completed, the physical
documents are issued by the public
service mall and submitted to the
head of the neighborhood to be
forwarded to the service user
community. Document receipts by
the public are still required to be
held to ensure that the completed
document has been received by the
service user community.
c. Application of Attitude Values in
The application of the values of
attitude in integrity by the public
visiting the Tomohon City public
service mall is reflected in 3 (three)
values, namely the value of courage,
the value of caring, and the value of
fairness. The application of
courageous values is shown
through high self-confidence, not
wanting to give/promise something
that is not in accordance with the
principles and values that exist in
public service malls when managing
the required documents. The results
of the observations found that most
of the community had applied the
value of being brave when
administering and receiving
services (31.25 percent were good
and 62.50 percent very good),
although there were still some who
had not implemented it well (6.25
percent). The application of the
value of caring is shown through an
attitude that can respect the duties
of ASN and does not want to
sacrifice the interests of other
people or the crowd when taking
care of the required documents.
The results of the observation
found that some people had
applied the value of caring when
administering and receiving
services (good 12.50 percent and
very good 68.75 percent), although
there were still some who had not
implemented it well (18.75 percent).
The application of fair values is
shown through proper attitude, not
excessive in attitude, and willing to
queue. when processing the
required documents. The results of
the observations found that most of
the people had applied fair values
when administering and receiving
services (good 31.25 percent and
very good 62.50 percent), although
there were still some who had not
implemented it well (6.25 percent).
Overall, it can be seen that only
the application of the value of
caring is still classified as not in
accordance with the desired
expectations (good and very good
categories are still less than 90
1019 | Integrity in Public Service in the City of Tomohon
percent). There are still people who
do not respect the duties of the
state civil apparatus as service
providers and still do not care if
there are other people's interests or
many people are sacrificed because
of their attitudes and behavior.
The application of the value of
patience is shown through the
ability to control oneself, not to get
angry easily and not to speak
harshly when handling the required
documents. The results of the
observation found the fact that
some people had applied the value
of patience when carrying out their
duties and functions as public
service providers (37.50 percent
good and 43.75 percent very good),
although there are still some who
have not implemented it well (18,
75 percent). Overall, it can be seen
that the application of the value of
patience is still classified as not in
accordance with the desired
expectations (good and very good
categories are still less than 90
percent). There are still people who
can't show the ability to control
themselves, get angry easily and
there are still people who say harsh
This problem really needs
serious attention to be handled as
soon as possible because it can
affect the mental condition of ASN
at the Tomohon City public service
mall. The community needs to get
education about the ethics of
serving and being served.
Therefore, the existence of
broadcast materials as a medium of
communication and education for
the community needs to be easily
accessed by the public or at least
can be watched when the public is
processing the required documents
at the Tomohon City public service
4. Implementation of Integrity Values
Among State Civil Apparatuses
Based on Community Assessments of
Visitors to Public Service Malls
a. Implementation of the Core value
of Integrity
Reflected in 3 (three) values,
namely the value of honesty, the
value of discipline, and the value of
responsibility. The application of
honest values is shown through the
right attitude and behavior in
carrying out their work, the
application of discipline values is
shown through the punctuality of
completing work, and the
application of the value of
responsibility is shown through the
implementation of ASN work
according to their duties and
functions and ready to accept the
consequences of the results of their
The results of interviews with
the community obtained
information that 1) some ASN have
applied honest values when
carrying out their duties and
functions in providing public
services (29.41 percent good and
47.06 percent very good), although
there are still 23.53 percent who
Djonny Pabisa | 1020
have not implemented it properly,
2) some ASN have implemented the
value of discipline when carrying
out their duties and functions in
providing public services (23.53
percent classified as good and
52.94 percent classified as very
good), although there are still 23.53
percent who have not implemented
it properly. good, 3) some ASN have
implemented the value of
responsibility when carrying out
their duties and functions in
providing public services (29.41
percent classified as good and
58.83 percent classified as very
good), although there are still 11.76
percent who have not implemented
it properly.
Overall, it can be seen that the
public assesses the application of
honest values, discipline values, and
the value of responsibility by state
civil servants in public service malls
when carrying out their duties and
functions is still classified as not in
accordance with the expectations
desired by the community (good
and very good categories are still
less than 90 percent). There are still
state civil servants who do not
consistently show the right attitude
and behavior in carrying out their
work, are not punctual in
completing the work for which they
are responsible, carry out work that
are not in accordance with their
duties and functions, and always
look for reasons for the
consequences of their work.
This problem really needs to get
a response and serious attention to
be handled as soon as possible so
that it does not interfere with the
performance and optimization of
the work of the Tomohon City
public service mall. Evaluating and
discussing openly the public's
responses and assessments of the
attitudes and behavior displayed by
the state civil apparatus at the
Tomohon City public service mall
will be very beneficial for the
improvement and improvement of
the quality of public service delivery
to the community.
b. Application of the Value of Work
Ethic in Integrity
Reflected in 3 (three) values,
namely the value of independence,
the value of simple, and the value of
hard work. The application of
independent values is shown
through the ASN's ability to carry
out their own work and can make
decisions quickly and accurately,
the application of simple values is
shown through the reasonable
attitude and behavior displayed by
ASN, not excessive, polite, and
friendly. The application of the
value of hard work is shown
through the diligent attitude of the
ASN, not procrastinating, carrying
out work seriously, and not wanting
to delay work that must be
The results of interviews with
the community obtained
information that 1) most of the ASN
have implemented independent
values when carrying out their
1021 | Integrity in Public Service in the City of Tomohon
duties and functions in providing
public services (35.29 percent good
and 58.82 percent classified as very
good), although there are still 5.88
percent who have not implemented
it well, 2) all ASN have applied
simple values when carrying out
their duties and functions in
providing public services (35.29
percent good and 64.71 percent
classified as very good), 3) all ASN
have implemented hard work
values in when carrying out their
duties and functions in providing
public services (23.53 percent
classified as good and 76.47
percent classified as very good).
Overall, it can be seen that the
application of independent scores,
simple grades, and hard work
grades are classified as being in line
with the desired expectations (good
and very good categories are more
than 90 percent). ASN has
demonstrated the ability to carry
out their own work and can make
decisions quickly and accurately
when there are problems they
experience, can display reasonable
attitudes and behavior, not
excessive, polite, friendly, diligent,
not procrastinating, and carry out
their work seriously. , and always
gets the job done. This situation is
at the same time a strength and
opportunity for the Tomohon City
public service mall to realize public
services that are increasingly
quality, fast, affordable, easy, happy
and pleasing to the people who use
the services.
c. Application of Attitude Values in
Reflected in 3 (three) values,
namely the value of courage, the
value of caring, and the value of
fairness. The application of
courageous values is shown
through the high self-confidence
that ASN has, willing to refuse gifts
or promises or something that is
not in accordance with the
principles and values that exist in
public service malls. The application
of the value of caring is shown
through the attitude of ASN who
does not make it difficult, is willing
to pay attention, and does not want
to sacrifice the interests of other
people or the people in their work.
The application of fair values is
shown through carrying out work in
accordance with the provisions, not
being selective, and not
exaggerating or reducing the rights
of others.
The results of interviews with
the community obtained
information that 1) some ASN have
applied the value of courage when
carrying out their duties and
functions in providing public
services (29.41 percent good and
52.95 percent classified as very
good), although there are still 17.64
percent who have not implemented
it properly, 2) all ASN have applied
the value of caring when carrying
out their duties and functions in
providing public services (35.29
percent good and 64.71 percent
classified as very good), and 3) all
Djonny Pabisa | 1022
ASN have applied fair value to when
carrying out their duties and
functions in providing public
services (35.29 percent good and
64.71 percent very good).
Overall, it can be seen that only
the application of the bold value is
still not in line with the desired
expectations (good and very good
categories are still less than 90
percent). Meanwhile, the
application of the value of caring
and fair value is classified as being
in accordance with the desired
expectations (good and very good
categories are more than 90
percent). There are still state civil
servants who do not have high self-
confidence, are still willing to accept
gifts or promises or something that
is not in accordance with the
principles and values that exist in
public service malls. This situation is
at the same time a strength and
opportunity for the Tomohon City
public service mall to improve the
quality of public services for the
The application of the value of
patience is shown through the
ability of ASN to control
themselves, not to get angry easily
and not to speak harshly when
providing public services. The
results of interviews with the
community obtained information
that some ASN have applied the
value of patience when carrying out
their duties and functions as service
providers (29.41 percent good and
47.07 percent classified as very
good), although there are still 23.52
percent of ASN who have not
implemented it. well.
Overall, it can be seen that the
application of the value of patience
by ASN in public service malls when
carrying out their duties and
functions is still classified as not in
accordance with the desired
expectations (good and very good
categories are still less than 90
percent). There are still state civil
servants who have not been able to
consistently control themselves so
that they sometimes convey
unpleasant words to the public as
service users.
This situation really needs to get
serious attention and handling as
soon as possible in order to realize
public services that are happy and
pleasing to the community.
Monitoring and evaluation,
providing broadcast material with
content of integrity values and
ethics of serving and being served,
and discussing openly through
meetings or meetings held will have
a positive impact on improving and
improving the performance and
quality of services at the Tomohon
City public service mall.
5. Efforts made by the Tomohon City
government to optimize the
application of integrity values in the
implementation of public services in
Tomohon City
The results of interviews with 10
(ten) ASN at a public service mall in
Tomohon City obtained information
1023 | Integrity in Public Service in the City of Tomohon
that the application of integrity values
in the process of providing public
services to the community has been
carried out as well as possible so that
the process can take place well, safely,
quickly and happily. ASN capabilities
continue to be developed and trained
so that ASN is increasingly able to
master their duties and work well.
However, there are still several
inhibiting factors experienced by the
Tomohon City public service mall in the
process of public service to the
community, including 1) the existence
of new habits that ASN must carry out
in providing public services to the
community. Initially, ASN was
accustomed to direct or face-to-face
interaction, it had to be changed to
interaction with strict restrictions
according to the procedures and
provisions of health protocols and the
interaction of providing public services
online, 2) the smooth and stable
internet network which was often
problematic had resulted in the
completion of several jobs. not on time
so that it has an impact on
inconvenience in the public service
process, and 3) there are still ASN and
the public who are not used to
implementing certain integrity values in
the ongoing public service process.
Against various obstacles and their
impacts, the Tomohon City
Government has made various efforts
to overcome them in order to optimize
the implementation of public services
and the application of integrity values
by ASN and the community including
guidance to ASN during meetings,
open discussions, providing assistance
in carrying out tasks, giving motivation
and education, conducting inspections
and monitoring, implementing strict
health protocol procedures and
provisions in carrying out their duties,
creating a climate of healthy
competition in the workplace, technical
guidance, and evaluating the entire
process of providing public services
that take place at the Tomohon City
public service mall. To the public,
socialization was carried out regarding
the function and role of public service
malls as well as providing complaint
boxes and WhatsApp to convey input,
suggestions, and criticism from various
parties. During the current COVID-19
pandemic, public service malls provide
online-based application systems and
other forms of digitization services.
Based on the results of the research and
discussions that have been described, it can
be concluded as follows: (1) the
implementation of public services in
Tomohon City is based on Tomohon Mayor
Regulation Number 11 of 2018 concerning
Public Service Malls. During the COVID-19
pandemic, public services are carried out in
4 (four) ways, namely physical distancing,
online services, normal direct services, and
walk-in services (mobile services), (2)
Application of the value of integrity by state
civil servants in public service malls. The city
of Tomohon is still not fully in line with the
desired expectations. Although the
application of work ethic values and the
application of attitude values have been
categorized as good and very good, the
Djonny Pabisa | 1024
application of honest values and the
application of discipline values to the core
value group and the application of patient
values are still categorized as not good. The
application of integrity values by the
people who visit the Tomohon City public
service mall has not fully met the desired
expectations. Although the application of
the value of discipline to the group that
applies the core values has been
categorized as good and very good, the
application of the value of honesty and the
application of the value of responsibility is
still categorized as not good. All values that
are included in the group that applies the
value of a work ethic with integrity are still
categorized as bad. The application of the
value of caring which is included in the
group of applying the value of the attitude
of integrity is still categorized as not good.
Meanwhile, the application of courageous
values and the application of fair values is
good and very good. The application of the
value of patience is still categorized as not
good. The application of the value of
integrity by state civil servants based on the
assessment of the people who visited the
public service mall of Tomohon City has not
fully met the expectations of the
community. Although almost all of the
values in the group that apply work ethic
values are categorized as good and very
good, the application of honest values,
discipline values, and the value of
responsibility in groups that apply core
values is still categorized as not good.
Likewise, the application of the value of
courage to groups that apply the value of
attitude in integrity. Meanwhile, the
application of the value of caring and the
application of the value of justice has been
categorized as good and very good. The
application of the value of patience is still
categorized as not good, (3) the Tomohon
City Government through the public service
mall has made various efforts to optimize
the implementation of public services and
the application of the value of integrity in
every ongoing public service process.
These efforts are in the form of direct
coaching, technical guidance, mentoring,
building open communication between all
components, providing complaint box
facilities both physically and electronically,
providing motivation and education,
monitoring and evaluation, awarding, and
using online, as well as online-based
services and digital.
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