Cheng-Wen Lee, Taufiqquddin Ande | 1042
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i8.120
The emergence of a new virus called
Coronavirus (Cov) that hit the world at the
end of December 2019 in Wuhan China has
shocked many countries. The World Health
Organization (WHO) states that
Coronavirus (Cov) can infect the respiratory
tract in humans, which was later named
COVID-19 (Sohrabi et al., 2020).
Furthermore, WHO stated that this
pandemic was detected early from Wuhan,
December 30, 2019 and spread rapidly
throughout the world. Because this is a
form of virus that has never happened
before but spreads very quickly so it takes
an undetermined time to determine how to
deal with it by researching the vaccine
antidote so many experts with their
respective research methods state their
arguments but have not been able to be
tested clinically various conditions on the
human body in various places and
behavior. For this reason, WHO has not yet
stated that the recommended vaccine can
be used. Thus, there is a lot of news that is
very confusing in the community about
ways to heal due to COVID-19. The reality
is that COVID 19 has been running for two
years and has not been completed by world
researchers whose success has been
perfectly recognized (Dawoud, 2021).
This uncertainty has resulted in the
destruction of various lives in the world in
various sectors and convey when each
country can withstand the onslaught of
COVID-19 will end.
All countries are trying for their
respective countries so that their countries
are free from this COVID-19 (Alandijany,
Faizo, & Azhar, 2020). Our country also
takes preventive actions in various ways,
including Health protocols, working at
home (Work from Home / WFH), PSBB
including all of which will change our
behavior to be more orderly but can also
reduce distrust between us in interacting
and influencing us in interacting between
people and goods (COVID-19 Task Force).
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a very
bad impact on the world economy
(Barichello, 2020), including Indonesia,
specifically in the trade, industry, tourism
and investment sectors as well as other
sectors. However, there have also been
devastating after-effects, including a
decrease in the value of our exports and
imports, a decrease in the reduction of the
industry, a reduction in manpower and an
increase in the support and purchasing
power of the people (Nasution, Erlina, &
Muda, 2020).
The longer the uncertainty regarding
the resolution of COVID-19, the more
vulnerable the social inequalities that occur
in society will be and the easier it will be to
be used by several interest groups, both
from within and outside the country, thus
demanding that we implement religious,
familial, and harmonious values. sourced
from Pancasila in improving the life of
society, nation and state (Soeprapto, 2016).
Pancasila's history began on May 29 to
June 1, 1945, when the Preparatory Body
for Research for Indonesian Independence
(BPUPKI) had its inaugural session to
explore the state's foundations. The trial
took place at the Chuo Sangi in Building,
which is now known as the Pancasila
Building, on Pejambon street number 6 in
Jakarta. The members of the first session
were unable to agree on a clear basis for
the Indonesian state (Handayani, 2016).