JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 8, 1041 1047
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i8.120 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Cheng-Wen Lee1*
Taufiqquddin Ande2
1Department of International Business, Chung Yuan Christian University, 200 Zhong Bei Road,
Zhong Li, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 320314.
2Ph.D. Program in Business, Chung Yuan University, 200 Zhong Bei Road, Zhong Li, Taoyuan
City, Taiwan 320314
e-mail: chengwen@cycu.edu.tw1, taufiquddin_ande@yahoo.co.id2
*Correspondence: chengwen@cycu.edu.tw
Submitted: 28 February 2022, Revised: 05 March 2022, Accepted: 15 March 2021
Abstract. The world was shocked by the uncertainty surrounding the end of the COVID-19
epidemic, which had an impact on socio-economic inequality that claimed lives, especially in
Indonesia. Pancasila is the basis of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and is the
philosophy and way of life of the Indonesian nation. The purpose of this research is to reflect the
soul and personality of the Indonesian people, making them more resilient and creative in dealing
with the COVID-19 pandemic and able to improve the life of society, nation and state. This study
uses a literature study approach that collects various data and facts from several documents related
to the research problem. Based on the results of research, national values, such as religious values,
human values, and harmony values, can be used as guidelines for behavior and attitudes in dealing
with difficulties in the COVID-19 area.
Keywords: Pancasila; community; nation; state life; COVID 19.
Cheng-Wen Lee, Taufiqquddin Ande | 1042
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i8.120 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
The emergence of a new virus called
Coronavirus (Cov) that hit the world at the
end of December 2019 in Wuhan China has
shocked many countries. The World Health
Organization (WHO) states that
Coronavirus (Cov) can infect the respiratory
tract in humans, which was later named
COVID-19 (Sohrabi et al., 2020).
Furthermore, WHO stated that this
pandemic was detected early from Wuhan,
December 30, 2019 and spread rapidly
throughout the world. Because this is a
form of virus that has never happened
before but spreads very quickly so it takes
an undetermined time to determine how to
deal with it by researching the vaccine
antidote so many experts with their
respective research methods state their
arguments but have not been able to be
tested clinically various conditions on the
human body in various places and
behavior. For this reason, WHO has not yet
stated that the recommended vaccine can
be used. Thus, there is a lot of news that is
very confusing in the community about
ways to heal due to COVID-19. The reality
is that COVID 19 has been running for two
years and has not been completed by world
researchers whose success has been
perfectly recognized (Dawoud, 2021).
This uncertainty has resulted in the
destruction of various lives in the world in
various sectors and convey when each
country can withstand the onslaught of
COVID-19 will end.
All countries are trying for their
respective countries so that their countries
are free from this COVID-19 (Alandijany,
Faizo, & Azhar, 2020). Our country also
takes preventive actions in various ways,
including Health protocols, working at
home (Work from Home / WFH), PSBB
including all of which will change our
behavior to be more orderly but can also
reduce distrust between us in interacting
and influencing us in interacting between
people and goods (COVID-19 Task Force).
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a very
bad impact on the world economy
(Barichello, 2020), including Indonesia,
specifically in the trade, industry, tourism
and investment sectors as well as other
sectors. However, there have also been
devastating after-effects, including a
decrease in the value of our exports and
imports, a decrease in the reduction of the
industry, a reduction in manpower and an
increase in the support and purchasing
power of the people (Nasution, Erlina, &
Muda, 2020).
The longer the uncertainty regarding
the resolution of COVID-19, the more
vulnerable the social inequalities that occur
in society will be and the easier it will be to
be used by several interest groups, both
from within and outside the country, thus
demanding that we implement religious,
familial, and harmonious values. sourced
from Pancasila in improving the life of
society, nation and state (Soeprapto, 2016).
Pancasila's history began on May 29 to
June 1, 1945, when the Preparatory Body
for Research for Indonesian Independence
(BPUPKI) had its inaugural session to
explore the state's foundations. The trial
took place at the Chuo Sangi in Building,
which is now known as the Pancasila
Building, on Pejambon street number 6 in
Jakarta. The members of the first session
were unable to agree on a clear basis for
the Indonesian state (Handayani, 2016).
1043 | Pancasila Has the Ability to Improve Community, Nation, and State Life in the Twenty-
First Century
June 1, 1945, the Founding Fathers of
Indonesia Soekarno's turn to speak on
behalf of the state. Soekarno proposed the
establishment of Pancasila, an autonomous
Indonesian state. All accepted the speech,
which had not been prepared in paper, by
acclamation all members of BPUPKI
accepted the speech, which had not been
put in writing. After going through several
testing stages, the concept of Pancasila was
finally effective enough to be placed in the
1945 Constitution's Preamble. On August
18, 1945, the Preparatory Committee for
Indonesian Independence (PPKI) Session
confirmed Pancasila and declared it to be
the foundation of an independent
Indonesia (Suroto, 2018).
They formulated Soekarno's five
concepts on June 22 and rearranged them.
1. The Almighty God
2. Humanity that is just and civilized
3. Indonesian Union
4. Representative debate is characterized
by democracy guided by wisdom.
5. Equal social justice for all Indonesians
This study uses a library research
approach that collects various data and
facts from several documents related to the
research problem: Pancasila and its public
practice. Study in this research means how
to gather information by reading books,
articles, newspapers, and other reports
related to the research subject.
Meaning and Understanding
COVID-19 is a natural phenomenon
that occurs in almost all countries in the
world and has claimed not only human
victims, but changes in human lifestyles
and human behavior as creatures of the
world (COVID-19, 2021). This is a threat to
human life in the world who have been full
of confidence in all of their creations, but
finally realized that nothing in this world is
absolute and there are other powers that
are beyond human capabilities.
Pancasila is the foundation of the
Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia,
as well as the Indonesian nation's
philosophy and way of life (Junaidi &
Prakoso, 2021). As a result, it must be fully
understood at all levels of society in order
to serve as a unifying instrument for the
nation through the ideals it contains. It is
desired that the Pancasila values can be
adequately implemented with a good and
correct understanding (Kusumastuti, 2016).
Religious Values
Religious values are an
acknowledgment of the existence of God
Almighty (Wijayanti & Suhartono, 2017).
Religious values are great tolerance for
adherents of other religions and beliefs
that flourish and are recognized in
Indonesia. In order to build a dignified
Indonesian country, it is characterized by
being devoted to God Almighty and
demonstrating low self-esteem and respect
for oneself, others, and the natural
Respect for those who worship properly
is a type of implementation, as is holding
interfaith communication and beliefs
through interfaith forums so that any
concerns that arise can be communicated.
The religious values represented in
Pancasila are the fundamental foundations
Cheng-Wen Lee, Taufiqquddin Ande | 1044
of existence, knowing and executing the
content of Pancasila's noble values can
strengthen morals and shape the nation's
and state's character, national sovereignty
is being built. Based on the Pancasila Values
(Martoredjo, 2016).
The value of the One Godhead signifies
the nation's recognition and belief in God
as the universe's creator, which can be
understood to mean that the Indonesian
nation is a religious nation, not an atheist,
that recognizes and believes in God's
existence as the universe's creator. The
Indonesian country is a religious nation, not
an atheist nation, according to this value.
God's worth also entails acceptance of
one's right to practice religion. Then
support religious freedom; there should be
no coercion or discrimination between
individuals of different faiths. There will be
no conflict if Indonesian residents adhere
to these religious values. There will be a
sense of piety to God that makes these
citizens frightened of breaching the norms
of the religion they embrace, there will be a
sense of humility, and respect for others if
these principles can be implemented in
daily life by all citizens. and nature, which
will, in the end, make Indonesia a dignified
Family Values
Family values imply that all citizens,
regardless of origin, belief, or culture, share
the same fate. Prioritizing the similarities
while enlarging or arguing the differences.
Its execution entails an understanding of
oneself as a member of the Indonesian
nation's large family and as a global citizen,
as well as a life philosophy based on
The method of implementation is to
carry out national activities that incorporate
all members of the nation, regardless of
their origins, beliefs, or culture, with a focus
on unity.
Harmony Value
The value of harmony demonstrates
adaptability and a readiness to study and
accept local culture or wisdom. Its
application entails understanding and
accepting all differences that include
positive values/kindness/wisdom, as well as
adopting a socially adaptable mindset, in
order to create an Indonesian country
capable of realizing national aspirations in
the face of adversities.
Local culture/wisdom is respected as a
kind of local cultural customs, while
indigenous peoples are protected in the
process of national development activities
and local communities are involved.
Since the entry of COVID-19, how have
the values of religion, humanity, and
harmony been implemented in the face of
the global pandemic situation and
conditions, which still require the role and
contribution of the community to
overcome them in the spheres of personal,
family, community, regional, and
environmental life? national?
Since the introduction of the
Coronavirus COVID-19 into Indonesia,
there have been social changes that have
been felt by the general people in their
daily lives (Adryamarthanino, 2021). The
government and all aspects of national life
have attempted to mitigate this hazard,
1045 | Pancasila Has the Ability to Improve Community, Nation, and State Life in the Twenty-
First Century
including the implementation of Large-
Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) and Public
Health Protocols.
Large-Scale Social Limits (PSBB) must
be implemented to limit the transmission
that happens, which results in restrictions
on the activities or activities of inhabitants
inside the PSBB-enforced area. The Health
Protocol's adoption in public spaces also
sacrifices "comfort," both in conduct and in
interpersonal relationships.
The PSBB and the Health Protocol in
public places cause a number of issues,
such as inhabitants being unable to leave
their houses without permission from
authorities, the closing of temporary places
of business, a sense of fear if other
residents do not wear masks.
COVID-19 is transmitted through
droplets from virus carriers into the mouth,
nose, or eyes of healthy people, the virus's
carrier must wear a mask to prevent the
droplets from being carried by the air and
sticking to the cavities of people's hands,
where they enter through the nostrils.
Because the mask can only hold the
droplets out of the mask, it cannot filter
viruses that enter from the outside, the
nose, mouth, and eyes are not protected.
The greater the number of people who
do not follow health procedures, the more
probable they are to become infected or
infect others. The health protocol also
affects social ties by requiring people to
keep a particular safe distance and
preventing crowding. All of this must be
accomplished in order to lower the rate of
transmission, death, and the number of
suffering, as well as to improve the recovery
rate for COVID-19 patients, because of the
growing number of victims, other
countries' trust in our country is eroding,
putting pressure on the international
community to impose certain limits.
It is vital to apply national values to this
situation, especially Religious Values,
Humanity, and Harmony, because these
values can be utilized as recommendations
for behavior and attitudes in dealing with
this issue.
Religious values alert a person to the
fact that he is a religious person, and his
sense of faith and piety will protect him
from harming others. In this situation, he
will avoid infecting others since his piety
makes him fear sin and tolerance. By
worshiping each religion in a COVID-19
scenario, one of these people can make
someone insult or ridicule adherents of
other religions.
Family values make us conscious that
we all share the same fate, thus we
recognize that if we are in the PSBB region,
we must always follow the Health Protocols
and not leave the house unless absolutely
essential. This family value motivates us to
care about persons who practice self-
quarantine at home by assisting one
another in meeting the needs of those who
practice self-quarantine.
The Harmony value creates awareness
that if we follow the Health Protocol, we will
help to reduce the number of COVID-19
victims, resulting in a low number of new
sufferers in our area. The lower the level of
transmission in an area, the more freely
residents in that area can carry out their
activities, allowing the economy's wheels to
spin quicker, which has a beneficial impact
on the area's economic level. It is possible
to better the lives of community, nation,
and state by implementing all Religious
Cheng-Wen Lee, Taufiqquddin Ande | 1046
Values, Family, and Harmony originating
from Pancasila.
By embedding the principles obtained
from Pancasila in the soul of every
Indonesian, the values arising from
Pancasila have been formed as the
foundation of the nation's life and for the
future generation of the Indonesian nation.
Establishment of an Interfaith Forum to
ensure that all religious figures/leaders at
the center and in the regions constantly
respect one another and that all issues are
speedily resolved. Mutual cooperation or
involvement in religious activities while
respecting the beliefs of others can lead to
cooperation amongst religious
communities (Gardner, Lowe, Moss,
Mahoney, & Cogliser, 2010).
The fundamental principles of the
Indonesian state are values that have a
substantial impact on the Indonesian
people's survival. the foundation of the
Indonesian state of Pancasila, is an ideal
that has a significant impact on the
Indonesian population's survival.
Religion value, family values, and the
value of harmony are all employed in
tandem to assist the government in dealing
with COVID 19, resulting in better and more
targeted results.
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© 2021 by the authors. Submitted
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