Siti Nur Azizah, Annisa Nur Salam | 172
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i2.12
They are testing the savings variable
using the OLS, FEM, and REM methods
resulted in the coefficient results in each
method being 0.0383, 0.0146, and 0.0371.
The probabilities for each method are
0.00319, 0.00785, and 0.00314. So based on
the three methods, it shows that the
savings variable has a positive and
significant effect on family welfare. This
means that when the savings of a family
increase, the family's interest will increase
and vice versa; when savings decrease, the
family's welfare will decrease.
Testing the variable where to borrow
funds using the OLS, FEM, and REM
methods results in the coefficient results in
each method being 0.300, 0.122, and 0.291.
The probabilities for each method are
0.0428, 0.0971, and 0.0421. So, based on
the three methods, it shows that the
variable where to borrow funds has a
positive and significant effect on the
family's economic welfare. Where to
borrow funds is a dummy variable from the
mother's knowledge of formal financial
institutions. This means that mothers who
know legal loan institutions will further
improve family welfare than mothers who
know informal loan institutions.
They tested the pension fund variable
using the OLS, FEM, and REM methods,
resulting in the coefficient results in each
method being 0.0427, 0.000987, and
0.0420. The probability for each method is
0.00864, 0.0265, and 0.00870. So, based on
the three methods, it shows that the
pension fund variable has a positive and
significant effect on the family's economic
welfare. Of course, a pension fund can
guarantee a family's future, especially
financial stability, even though they do not
have a fixed income anymore because they
are no longer productive.
Testing the education variable or
mother's education using the OLS, FEM,
and REM methods resulted in the
coefficient of each process being 0.0134, -
0.0118, and 0.0145. The probabilities for
each method are 0.00575, 0.0268, and
0.00572. The FEM method shows that the
mother's education variable has a negative
and significant effect on family welfare.
However, based on the OLS and REM
methods, the mother's education variable
positively affects family welfare. This means
that when the mother's education is higher,
the family's interest will increase and vice
They are testing the size variable or the
number of family members using the OLS,
FEM, and REM methods resulted in the
coefficient results in each process being
0.0120, 0.0624, and 0.0162. The probability
for each technique is 0.0151, 0.0489, and
0.0151. So, based on the three methods, it
shows that the variable number of family
members has a positive and significant
effect on the family's economic welfare. The
more family members, the more the
interest of the family will increase. This
happens because many family members
already have their income but are not
married or have families.
They are testing the place variable
using the OLS, FEM, and REM methods
resulted in the coefficients for each form of
-0.156, 0.128, and -0.142. The probabilities
for each technique are 0.0466, 0.222, and
0.0465. So, based on the three methods, it
shows that the place variable has a positive
but not significant effect on the FEM model
on family economic welfare. In contrast, the