JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 7, 931 937
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i7.114
Paranai Suhasfan
Eko Adhi Setiawan
Universitas Indonesia, Depok
e-mail: suhasfan.[email protected]
, ekoas@eng.ui.ac.id
*Correspondence: suhasfan.paranai@gmail.com
Submitted: 29 January 2022, Revised: 10 February 2022, Accepted: 20 February 2022
Abstract. Tunda Island is one of the islands in a group of 17 islands in the north of Java, Banten
Province. Electrical energy in Tunda Island is supplied by 2 Private Diesel Genset, each of which has
an installed capacity of 100 kVA and 75 kVA, with an operating time of 4-5 hours per day starting
from 18.00 to 22.00. The microgrid electrical system has several advantages, in terms of efficiency,
microgrid can reduce the use of fossil fuels in power plants, besides that it can reduce losses caused
by the distribution system because the location of the microgrid generator is relatively close to the
load. In terms of reliability, the microgrid electrical system can optimally manage energy sources
for 7 days and 24 hours. In addition, the microgrid electrical system has the ability to work without
being connected to the grid. With the use of a microgrid electricity system, the electricity costs that
must be paid are less and most importantly can reduce carbon emissions, because the plants used
in the microgrid electricity system generally use renewable energy. In this study, scenarios were
made to determine the most optimum LCoE value using an optimization approach with the help
of homer pro software. The operating pattern for the Tunda Island electricity system is obtained,
namely, the load is carried during the day by Solar PV Power Plant and at night using a generator
that has been controlled using the force on & force off mode. From the simulation obtained the
lowest LCoE in the Solar PV Power Plant Hybrid configuration with capacity of 240 KWp, 302.4 KWh
battery & 200 KW inverter. The ability to pay for electricity for the residents of Tunda Island is still
possible if subsidized tariffs are imposed, the range of ability to pay for the residents of Tunda
Island is IDR/KWh 726.45-1452.91 and their ability will decrease if they are subject to non-
subsidized PLN tariffs. With PLN as the PSO, the differrence in tariffs with the local Generation
Production Cost will receive a subsidy from the government. Furthermore, the sustainability of this
microgrid system will have the benefit of a continuous supply of electricity. So, it can be felt by the
people of Tunda Island which is managed by State-Owned Enterprise (PT. PLN Persero).
Keywords: Tunda Island; microgrid; LCoE; solar PV.
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DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i7.114
Tunda Island is one of the islands in a
group of 17 islands in the north of Java
Island, Banten Province (Mujiyanto, Garcia,
Haryadi, Rahayu, & Budikusuma, 2020);
(Nurruhwati, Ardiansyah, Yuliadi, &
Partasasmita, 2020). Administratively, it
belongs to the Tirtayasa District, Serang
Regency. Geographically, it is located at
coordinates 5°48'18" to 5°49'20" South
Latitude and 106°15'14" to 106°17'27"E. On
this island, there is one kelurahan or village
namely Wargasara Village which consists of
two villages, namely: West Village and East
Village. The area of Tunda Island is ±260 ha
which is occupied by 450 families with a
population of 1502 people whose work on
marine products, namely fishermen (80%),
farm laborers (10%), and other workers
(10%). The economic welfare of the
community can not be said to be good
(Kehlbacher, Bennett, & Balcombe, 2012),
around 200 heads of families are included
in the pre-prosperous and prosperous
economic group 1. At the beginning of
2015, the Serang district government has
determined Tunda Island as a tourism
destination. Previously, during normal
times, electricity on Tunda Island was
supplied by 2 non-PLN Diesel Power Plants,
each with an installed capacity of 100 kVA
and 75 kVA, with an operating time of 4-5
hours per day starting from 18.00 to 22.00.
The outputs of this thesis study are in the
form of the PLTH Operation and
Maintenance system method and the
electricity network system to customers,
the performance or capability of the PLTH
(Han & Lim, 2010); (Kostopoulos,
Papalexandris, Papachroni, & Ioannou,
2011), namely the integration between
Diesel Genset based on fuel, with Solar PV
based on renewable energy, in the form of
the total power of Hybrid Power Plant, the
amount of fuel that can be saved (Khelif,
Talha, Belhamel, & Arab, 2012), the excess
electrical energy that can be stored in the
BES, the cost of generating electricity and
its emission output. The data processing in
this study is entirely assisted by the HOMER
software (Kolter & Johnson, 2011); (Morris
et al., 2013); (Anastasopoulou et al., 2016).
Furthermore, to ensure the sustainability of
this microgrid system so that the benefits
are felt by users on the island of Tunda, it is
necessary to carry out an Institutional
Sustainability approach through PT. PLN
(Persero) already has an operating and
maintenance management organization
that is already running well.
This paper uses a simulation in the form
of HOMER Pro software which is used to
make modeling and simulation of a
combined system for a generator system
that is integrated with the Solar PV system
on Tunda Island, Banten Province. This
simulation uses data from NASA
predictions from databases around the
world. In this simulation, we use variations
in the area of Solar PV to find out the most
optimal LCoE value with the generator
operating scenario below.
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DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i7.114
Figure 1. Generator Pattern
In Figure 1 The green color shows the
live operation pattern starting from 6 pm to
6 am. The red color represents the off-
operation pattern for the generator. It is
hoped that the following operating pattern
will make the system that will enter the
network adaptable. During the day with
sufficient solar intensity and the generator
operating pattern is off, the Solar PV
penetration enters to carry the load. In this
study, scenarios were made to determine
the most optimum LCoE value using an
optimization approach with the help of
homer pro software. In the scenarios
made, there are 3 scenarios, where the
capacity of the Solar PV that is designed is
varied. The results obtained show several
parameters that can be analyzed, namely
(Fedulov, Fedorenko, Kantor, & Lomakin,
2018): NPC (Net Present Cost) is the total
cost used consisting of initial costs (Capital
Cost), Operation & Maintenance (O&M),
and replacement costs (Replacement)
(Martin, Lazakis, Barbouchi, & Johanning,
2016); (Xia, Shi, Si, Du, & Xi, 2021). The
electrical load used is a residential load
type because the load value is around 100
kWh. The modeled electrical load uses the
Long Island load curve reference.
Figure 2 . Long Island & Tunda Island Load Curves
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
Panjang Island
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
Tunda Island
Paranai Suhasfan, Eko Adhi Setiawan | 934
Levelized Cost of Energy Homer (LCoE)
defines as the average cost per kWh of
useful electrical energy produced by the
Where, i’ = Discount rate (%)
f = Inflation rate (%)
N = Lifetime project (Years)
Serverd = Total electrical load
served (kWh/yr)
The Net Present Cost (NPC) of a
component is the present value of all the
costs of installing and operating the
component over the project lifetime, minus
the present value of all the revenues that it
earns over the project lifetime. HOMER
calculates the net present cost of
each component in the system, and the
system as a whole such as capital cost,
operation & maintenance (O&M), and
replacement cost. Figure 3 following is a
schematic of each system. There are 3
scenarios of the Solar PV system designed
by varying the Solar PV area, namely the
240 kWp, 250 kWp & 260 KWp SOLAR PV
system. The block diagram below is an off-
grid model and is all set for 25 years, with a
random variability of 0% day today and a
time step of 5%.
(a) (b) (C)
Figure 3. Configuration System (a) Sistem Solar PV 250 kWp (b) Sistem Solar PV 250 kWp (c)
Sistem Solar PV 250 kWp
Below, is an attached estimate of the
initial costs used. Indonesia's discount rate
is 4% and an inflation rate of 3% in October
2020, which has been applied for 25 years.
Table 1. Cost of Configuration Solar PV systems
a. PV Module
PV module
935 | The Optimum Simulation Analysis of Sustainable Microgrid Electricity System Based on
Hybrid Power Plant on Tunda Island, Banten Province
Mounting, labour cost & logistic
Balance of System & Construction Cost
Total Solar PV installation costs
b. Converter
Other hardware costs (including racking and wiring)
The total cost of the converter + installation ($/kW)
(Source: Canadian Solar, SMA Inverter, ABB Baterai, 2021)
After the simulation, the most optimal
value is found in the 240 kWp solar pv
system configuration with an LCoE value of
cUSd 18.20 /kWh. The following is a Time
Series Plot Analysis of the 240 kWp Solar PV
System. The graph below illustrates the
penetration of sources in the form of
generators and Solar PV from the grid into
the Tunda Island electricity system
modeled in one day on 9 September. The
most visible system is supplied by the
generator on the red line and has been
started from 5 pm to 6 am.
Figure 4. Diesel Fuel Calculation
Based on KEPEMEN ESDM NO. 169 of
2021 concerning the amount of generation
production cost at PLN in 2020 for the area,
referring to Panjang Island, the generation
production cost is cUSd 19.25 /kWh. So, it
is still under the local generation
production cost. However, based on the
calculation of the ability to pay off the local
community, it is still below the LCoE
obtained as shown in table 1 below.
Table 2. Tunda Island Ability to Pay
Income (IDR)
Expenditure (IDR)
Paranai Suhasfan, Eko Adhi Setiawan | 936
Usage (kWh)
Proportion of Electricity Expenditure to Total Expenditure (%)
Payability, Average Approach (Rp/kWh)
Payability Range (IDR/kWh)
The operating pattern for the Tunda
Island electricity system is obtained,
namely, the load is carried during the day
by Solar PV and at night using a generator
that has been controlled using the force on
& force off mode. According to the results
of the simulation and manual calculations,
the LCoE results for each scenario are
obtained, namely scenario 1 with 240 kWp
and cUSD 18.20, scenario 2 with 250 kWp
generated cUSD 18.32, and the last
scenario with 260 kWp obtained the LCoE
value of cUSD 18.45. In the first scenario,
the maximum SOLAR PV contribution
produced at 11 am is 192.20 kW, scenario 2
is 200.21 kW and the last scenario is 208.22
kW. From the simulation obtained the
lowest LCoE in the Solar PV Hybrid
configuration with a Solar PV capacity of
240 kWp, 302.4 kWh battery, 200 kW
inverter. With the installation of a prepaid
kWh meter, arrears in electricity bills will no
longer occur, with the activation of the
limiter feature, the potential for inverter
damage due to overload can be avoided.
The ability to pay electricity for the
residents of Tunda Island is still possible if
subsidized tariffs are imposed [8], the range
of ability to pay for the residents of Tunda
Island is IDR 726.45-1452.91 and their
ability will decrease if they are subject to
non-subsidized PLN tariffs. With PLN as the
PSO, the difference in tariffs with the local
generation production cost will receive a
subsidy from the government.
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