JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 7, 809 817
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i7.110
Rowandhy Saleh*
Asian Banking Finance and Informatics Institute Jakarta
e-mail: rowandhy.sal[email protected]
*Correspondence: rowandhy.sale[email protected]
Submitted: 25 January 2022, Revised: 7 February 2022, Accepted: 18 February 2022
Abstract. The creative economy is a new economic force that is based on the country's
economy and works as a social and economic measure for disasters. Speed. level in this
country. The purpose of this study was to determine the variables related to the country
(Indonesia), to find out the level of development affecting the economy, and its effects from 2015-
2019. The study of the development of the creative industry in the banking sector that affects the
country's economy, uses a qualitative research approach. The results of research with regression
show that variables that affect the country's economy have a positive effect on economic growth,
while the effectiveness ratio is directly influential, and efficiency directly does not significantly
influence the country's economic growth. This can affect the reduction in unemployment rates and
the effectiveness.
Keywords: finance; creative economy; economic development.
Rowandhy Saleh | 810
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i7.110
A creative economy is a new economic
power that has economic bases that can
support the sustainability of the country's
economy, so that it can be used as a
reference for economic sustainability in the
community, and can affect the
unemployment rate, in this case reducing
the unemployment rate in the community,
this country (Folawewo & Adeboje, 2017).
The government in this case is
developing a creative economy, at this
stage, the government hopes that the
Creative Economy can help build the
country's economic level well and be able
to support economic development in this
world (Pratomo, Ashar, & Satria, 2021);
(Kharlamova & Gumenna, 2018); (Khan,
Habib, & Mehmood, 2019), but that the
government has not been able to know
future developments that can support
expectations This country will be a better
economy for the people.
This is in line with the study of the
strategy for the development of the
creative economy as a whole (Fachinelli,
Carrillo, & D’Arisbo, 2014), that the
government must be concerned with the
development of the creative economy, in
which improvements in terms of existing
sectors must be improved, such as in
culinary, fashion, and crafts, in terms of
culinary, many relatively new foods have
appeared since 2010, experts are declining
because many want new things in the
culinary lover community, so cooking
experts create new foods which are
considered part of the creative economy
(Christopherson & Rightor, 2010);
(Sangchumnong, 2019).
In terms of fashion, the development of
the clothing industry has been growing
rapidly but not as good as culinary arts, in
this case, creativity in making fashion must
also be high, the higher the level of a
person in society, the higher the individual
tastes, which greatly pressures designers to
be more creative, then this is called one
part of the creative economy.
Some of these things have a huge
impact on the country's economy and also
affect state finances, which greatly affects
in many ways, it can also be seen that very
high opinions also occur in visual
communication designs (YouTube,
Instagram), where economic actors like this,
in 2010 they started and are doing this at
this time now artists are doing this too.
Based on the description of the
background of the problem above, it can
be formulated through the following
statements: 1. How is the development of
the creative economy? 2. How is the
development rate of kraft? 3. The influence
of the Creative Economy on the country's
Based on the data and notification area
the creative economy agency is a
centralized data center throughout
Indonesia which is my reference as a
researcher, so the data obtained is
complete data and data that has been
validated and the data is structured and
complete data, which is data actual to
determine the development of the
country's economic stability.
The research objectives were
formulated as follows:
1. know the development of the Creative
811 | Creative Economy Development Toward Stability of National Economy (Indonesia)
2. know the basic value of the rate of
development of the Creative Economy.
3. know the influence of exports on the
Creative Economy.
4. know the influence of the Creative
Economy itself.
The research Development of the
Creative Economy in Banking Affecting the
State's Economy used a qualitative research
approach. According to (MacDonald, 2012),
qualitative research is research that is
based on natural phenomena or natural
phenomena whose data are obtained from
observations, interviews, or document
reviews. The data can come from field
notes, photos, personal documents,
archives, and other official documents. This
research was conducted using a
descriptive-analytical study approach.
According to (Mohajan, 2018),
qualitative research is research that does
not use statistical analysis procedures, this
research is formed with a holistic and
complex description of words. This study
used qualitative research because, in this
study, it described and elaborated an in-
depth picture of the development of the
Creative Economy which had an impact on
banking and then had an impact on the
country's economy.
This research was conducted at the
Creative Economy Agency, DKI Jakarta. This
location was chosen as the location and
source of the research because it is a data
center for the Creative Economy in all
aspects. This research was conducted in
February 2020.
Observation is used as a reference in
observing and understanding the research
area so that it is by the research objectives
so that researchers get complete
information. Observations in this study
were observing the development of the
Creative Economy on the socio-economic
conditions of the country in terms of GRDP,
growth rate and level of development, and
banking (through capital) that occurred in
the country after the existence of the
Creative Economy which included changes
in values, changes in attitudes, and changes
in the behavior pattern of the Indonesian
Interviews were used to find more in-
depth data about the role of the Creative
Economy on the socio-economic
conditions of the country in terms of GDP,
growth rate and level of development, and
banking (through capital) in the country
after the existence of the Creative Economy
which includes changes in values, changes
in attitudes, and changes in state behavior
patterns. The interviews in this study were
aimed at analytical staff and banking staff,
Bekraf, Jakarta, who analyzed and
processed Creative Economy data.
"The development of the creative
economy has a positive impact with an
increase in national GDP which supports all
creative economic sectors in Indonesia, but
the reference has implications for being able
to change the impact of the creative
economy in the future, both positively and
negatively". (Source of Informant staff of
the Creative Economy Agency February
From the first series of interviews, it is
concluded that the development of the
creative economy has had a good impact,
Rowandhy Saleh | 812
so it can be concluded that improving the
quality of the creative economy and
increasing the development of the creative
economy can be a positive reference,
however, that if the development of the
creative economy in this country is not
developed properly, consistency the
development of the creative economy can
decline sharply.
"Increasing national stability through
the creative economy is very good when
viewed from the GDP inflation rate of the
creative economy that the inflation rate is
very supportive of the creative economy and
the state". (Source of Informant staff of the
Creative Economy Agency February 2020)
From the second series of interviews, it
can be concluded that the rate of creative
economic growth is very significant which
increases the growth of state finances.
"In the distribution of the creative
economy to national GDP that the increase
in national income can be raised properly
and basically if it is developed again the
creative economy can become a pillar of the
country's economy, where this can be
developed to the wider community and can
reduce the unemployment rate, all of which
can be seen through the national GDP that
if it is further improved it will have a huge
impact on the country's economy." (Source
of Informant staff of the Creative Economy
Agency February 2020).
From the third interview that national
economic stability can be controlled by the
creative economy which through the
national income of the country's economy
can be raised by the creative economy so
that the creative economy is at least able to
significantly lift the country's economy on a
fairly good scale.
Qualitative research methods have their
research instruments. Qualitative research
that becomes the research instrument is
the researcher himself (Aswari, Kristiawan,
& Fitria, 2020). To collect the necessary
data, researchers used three tools, namely:
Observation is used as a reference in
observing and understanding the research
area so that it is by the research objectives
so that researchers get complete
information. Observations in this study
were observing the development of the
Creative Economy on the socio-economic
conditions of the country in terms of GRDP,
growth rate and level of development, and
banking (through capital) that occurred in
the country after the existence of the
Creative Economy which includes changes
in values, changes in attitudes, and changes
in the behavior pattern of the Indonesian
Interviews are reference questions that
will be asked during the interview to suit
the research objectives. Interviews were
used to find more in-depth data about the
role of the Creative Economy on the socio-
economic conditions of the country in
terms of GDP, growth rate and level of
development, and banking (through
capital) in the country after the existence of
the Creative Economy which includes
changes in values, changes in attitudes, and
changes in state behavior patterns. The
interviews in this study were aimed at
analytical staff and banking staff, Bekraf,
Jakarta, who analyzed and processed
Creative Economy data.
Data analysis according to Bogdan and
Biken is an effort made by organizing data,
sorting it into manageable units,
synthesizing it, searching and finding
813 | Creative Economy Development Toward Stability of National Economy (Indonesia)
patterns, finding what is most important
and what is learned, and deciding what can
be told to others (Isaacs, 2014); (Jamshed,
Qualitative data analysis was carried
out before entering the field, while in the
field, and after finishing in the field. In this
case, Nasution stated that the analysis had
started since formulating and explaining
the problem, before going into the field,
and continuing until the writing of research
results (Thamhain, 2014).
The data analysis technique used in this
research was interactive analysis. According
to Miles and Huberman, the activity in
qualitative data analysis is carried out
interactively and continues until it is
complete so that the data is saturated. The
following are interactive data analysis
techniques according to Miles and
Huberman, namely (Lee, Lee, & Kim, 2020).
Data collection first began by digging
up data from various sources, namely by
interviewing, observing, which was then
written down in field notes by utilizing
personal documents, official documents,
pictures, photos, and so on. In this study,
data collection was carried out using three
techniques, namely interviews, observation,
and documentation.
Data reduction means summarizing,
choosing the main things, focusing on the
important things, looking for themes and
patterns, and removing unnecessary ones.
Thus, the reduced data will provide a clear
picture, and make it easier for researchers
to conduct further data collection, and look
for it when needed. Data reduction can be
assisted with electronic equipment such as
computers, by providing codes on certain
After the data was reduced, the next
step was to present the data. In qualitative
research, data presentation can be done in
the form of brief descriptions, charts,
relationships between categories,
flowcharts, and the like. Miles and
Huberman stated that the most frequently
used to present data in qualitative research
is narrative text.
The final step in the analysis of
qualitative data according to Miles and
Huberman was drawing conclusions and
verification. The initial conclusions put
forward are still temporary and will change
if no strong evidence is found to support
the next stage of data collection. However,
if the conclusions raised at an early stage
are supported by valid and consistent
evidence when the researcher returns to
the field to collect data, then the
conclusions put forward are credible or
trustworthy conclusions.
The development of the creative
economy has a good impact, so it can be
concluded that improving the quality of the
creative economy and increasing the
development of the creative economy can
be a positive reference.
The rate of creative economic growth
is very significant which increases the
growth of state finances, from the aspect of
the creative economy that increasing
creative economic growth can greatly assist
the development of the country's economy,
which will be very profitable in the future.
Rowandhy Saleh | 814
Figure 2. PDB ADHK
Creative Economy PDB at Current Prices 2010-2017 (billion rupiah)
The stability of the national economy
can be controlled by the creative economy
which through the national income of the
country's economy can be raised by the
creative economy so that the creative
economy is at least able to significantly lift
the country's economy on a fairly good
According to Figure 1 above, a good
increase occurred in the unit price of goods
which increased the national GDP so that
the development of the Creative economy
was very good for the stability and
development of the country's economy.
Developments in the creative economy
sector were also well visible in the sub-
Table 1. Data PDB ADHB
Creative Economy PDB at Current Prices 2010-2017 (billion Rupiah)
Figure 2.
815 | Creative Economy Development Toward Stability of National Economy (Indonesia)
of the creative economy itself,
development can be carried out if there is
a government effort that focuses on the
creative economy itself, if done it will be
possible to increase not only in the price of
goods but at a constant rate as in Figure 2
In the case of the creative economy
inflation rate, there is also a good increase
because this inflation rate can affect
national stability and the country's
economy which will very significant gain is
obtained as part of the stability of the
country itself, so that with the growth rate
itself the government can improve the
supporting aspects and supporting
facilities for the creative economy so that it
will be better than it is now Figure 3
The creative economy sector can
develop rapidly, but the lack of supporting
infrastructure and information to the
community about the creative economy
can be a separate obstacle, from the aspect
of national stability to the creative
economy that the creative economy can
support national stability well and can be
Certain aspects of the creative economy
need development which, if developed
properly, will become a benchmark for
national stability. Figure 3.0 Distribution of
Creative Economy to National GDP. Figure
3.0 above shows that the influence and
development of the creative economy on
national GDP had a very good effect, which
this influence can maintain national
stability in the future, but if the aspects and
infrastructure of the creative economy are
not well supported in the future then it will
not possible, in this case, the increase in the
GDP of the Creative economy was very
Distribution of 2010-2017 Creative Economy PDB Against National PDB (%)
Figure 3. Grow Rate
Figure 4. Distribution of Creative Economy to National GDP
Rowandhy Saleh | 816
significant which was able to maintain
national stability and the country's
The benefit of this research is as a
reference for the government to develop
the creative economy as well as for you the
creative economy and several agencies that
run the creative economy, where denial is
very good in the creative economy which
can support national stability and the
country's economy.
Meanwhile, for the public to get good
information about the creative economy,
which can overcome economic problems in
society in the country today, just as the
creative economy, if Ian’s path is well
managed, can also reduce the
unemployment rate well, the level of
creativity in society is very high. needed
where the community will be able to
compete in the world of the creative
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© 2022 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open-access publication
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