JRSSEM 2021, Vol. 01, No. 2, 79 90
E-ISSN: 2807-6311, P-ISSN: 2807-6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i2.11 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Arini Ameswari
Chablullah Wibisono
Elli Widia
Department of Economics at Batam University, Indonesia
Professor of Sharia Economics at Batam University, Indonesia
Lecture at Department of Economics at Batam University, Indonesia
e-mail: ariniameswari95@gmail.com
*Correspondence: ariniameswari95@gmail.com
Submitted: 10 September 2020, Revised: 21 September 2021, Accepted: 27 September 2021
Abstract. The research was conducted to see the effect of work environment, motivation, and
work culture on employee performance through job satisfaction as an intervening in at PT. Bank
Tabungan Negara (PERSERO) TBK. The research method used is descriptive quantitative by
collecting data and testing hypotheses and providing conclusions from the results of the study
using a questionnaire. Respondents in this study were employees who worked at PT. Bank
Tabungan Negara (PERSERO) TBK Batam Branch, totaling 124 respondents. Path coefficient
calculation using SEM test assisted by AMOS version 24.0. To determine the direct and indirect
effect between variables, it is seen from the results of the calculation of the path coefficient and to
determine the significance. Changes in job satisfaction are influenced by the work environment,
motivation, and work culture by 16.5%, and the rest is influenced by other factors not examined in
this study by 27.3%. Meanwhile, changes in employee performance are influenced by the work
environment, motivation, and work culture by 3%, and the rest is influenced by other factors not
examined in this study.
Keywords: work environment; motivation; work culture; job satisfaction and employee
Arini Ameswari, Chablullah Wibisono, Elli Widia | 80
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i2.11 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Banks are financial institutions that
function as financial intermediaries
between parties who have excess funds and
those who lack funds. Through the bank,
the extra funds can be channeled to parties
who need funds and provide benefits for
both parties. PT Bank Tabungan Negara is
one of the four state-owned banks owned
by the State. Bank BTN is engaged in
banking financial services and its form of
business is a Limited Liability Company.
Bank BTN is a bank that prioritizes business
in the mortgage sector (House Ownership
Credit), Bank BTN already has a brand
image in the community as a state-owned
bank that specifically serves
homeownership loans (KPR) has now
begun to be competitive with other banks
that have been involved in home loans too.
Facing many competing banks, Bank BTN is
required to work hard to maintain its
existence and attract the attention of more
customers. The achievement of the
company's target, which is to collect as
many funds as possible from the
community, must be fully supported by the
high achievement of the performance of its
employees. Employees in a company are
one of the most important assets. The
company will not be able to develop or
achieve the targets that have been set
without employees with good
performance, especially companies in the
service sector (Siburian et al., 2020). The
phenomenon that occurs in the field is that
the work assessment of permanent
employees of Bank BTN Batam Branch
Office is not yet optimal. Based on the
performance report at Bank BTN Batam
Branch Office, it can be seen from the
decline in performance each year.
Negative factors that can reduce
employee performance, including the
decreased desire of employees to achieve
work performance, decreased absenteeism,
lack of punctuality in completing work so
that they do not comply with regulations,
and work programs that are not achieved.
The achievement of agency goals and the
ability to compete will depend on the good
and bad of the human resource
development program implemented by the
agency. One of the efforts that need to be
made by the agency is to improve
employee performance by providing a
comfortable work environment (Vanesa et
al., 2019).
The work environment for employees
will have no small influence on the course
of the agency's operations which will then
affect the employees so that directly or
indirectly will be able to affect the
productivity of the agency. A good and
satisfying work environment for employees
will certainly improve the performance of
employees and also have a significant
contribution in improving performance
(Vanesa et al., 2019).
In addition to the work environment,
motivation is also indicated to influence
employee performance. The mental
attitude of employees who are proactive
and positive towards work situations is
what strengthens their work motivation to
achieve maximum performance.
Maintaining employee motivation is
important because it is an encouragement
to do something that is energy. So if the
motivation is high, the performance is also
high along with the increase in the
Bank BTN have accuracy and targets
are things that must be considered by
81 | The Effect of Wom And Advertising on Purchase Intention With Brand Awareness as
Mediating Variable at Five Star Restaurants in Nusa Dua
employees. Therefore, the efforts made by
Bank BTN to motivate employees to
improve employee performance. The
compensation system implemented by
Bank BTN is a good motivation for
employees when the company provides
compensation following the employee's
work. At Bank BTN the compensation
system is in the distribution of bonuses. The
amount of bonus that will be obtained by
employees depends on the amount of
profit obtained by Bank BTN.
Another factor that supports
performance is the work culture in the
organization. A culture that grows to be
strong can spur the organization towards
better development (Ekhsan et al., 2019). In
organizations, the implementation of
culture is manifested in the form of
behavior, meaning that the behavior of
individuals in the organization will be
colored by the work culture and discipline
concerned. Based on the values possessed
by the Indonesian nation or society, culture
is processed in such a way, so that it
becomes new values that become
management attitudes and behavior in
facing new challenges.
Figura. 1 Research Model
Working Environment
According to (Sedarmayanti & Pd,
2001) the work environment defines the
overall tools and materials encountered,
the surrounding environment in which a
person works, work methods, and work
arrangements both as individuals and as
groups. Meanwhile, Saydam (2000) in
(Vanesa et al., 2019), which defines the
work environment as the entire work
infrastructure that is around employees
who are carrying out work that can affect
the implementation of the work itself.
Motivation is the most important
element in improving the quality of human
resources (HR), this is evidenced by the
quality of human resources in a good
company that will be very helpful in
company activities. If the motivation has
been carried out optimally, the company's
activities will be easily carried out. (Siburian
et al., 2020) in another sense motivation is
a term used to indicate the existence of
several drives, desires, needs, and strengths
of the company that are motivating
employees, meaning that the company is
doing something to satisfy the motives,
needs, and desires of the employees so that
employees will do something that is the
desire and purpose of the company.
Work Culture
According to (Asril et al., 2019) asserts
that this work culture consists of two main
things that need to be considered, namely
not only in the form of habits, values, and
beliefs but including this category are
things to do and things to think about.
Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction is the overall result of
the degree of liking or disliking of workers
towards various aspects of their work (Can
Arini Ameswari, Chablullah Wibisono, Elli Widia | 82
& Yasri, 2016). Satisfaction is not visible and
tangible but can be realized in a work
result. One very important issue is
encouraging employees to be more
productive. In principle, every company
always expects its employees to work
optimally to increase profits and help
accelerate the achievement of other
organizational goals. Meanwhile, according
to (Ekhsan et al., 2019) states that with job
satisfaction an employee can feel whether
his job is fun or unpleasant to do. Job
Satisfaction Has 3 components, namely
Value, Importance of Value, and
Perception. Factors that affect employee
job satisfaction according to Malay SP
(Hasibuan & Hasibuan, 2016) are fair
remuneration or compensation, employee
placement, workload, work atmosphere,
and environment, leadership attitudes, and
work attitudes.
Employee Performance
State by (Suryani et al., 2020)
performance is the output produced by the
functions or indicators of a job or a
profession within a certain time. According
to (Husain, 2013) the factors that affect
employee performance are divided into
two, namely internal factors such as
intelligence, skills, motivation, individual
physical conditions, and so on; and external
factors such as regulations, changes in
work location, and so on.
Based on the background and
description above, the authors are
interested in researching with the title "The
Effect of Work Environment, Motivation
and Work Culture on Employee
Performance Through Job Satisfaction as
an Intervening Variable at PT. Bank
Tabungan Negara (PERSERO) TBK”.
Research method uses a causal model
survey method using path analysis
techniques. Based on the reasons this study
aims to confirm the theoretical model with
empirical data. This study attempts to test
the hypothesis used where this study will
take a sample from a population and use a
questionnaire as the main data collector.
Research Population and Sample
The population in this study were
employees who worked at PT. State Savings
Bank (PERSERO) TBK Batam Branch Office,
totaling 151 people regardless of strata and
specific fields of work. The sampling
technique is the method used to determine
the sample, several methods can be used
and for this study, the census method
(examined all populations) was used
(Siburian et al., 2020). This method was
used because, in this study, the sample size
was adjusted to the analytical model used,
namely the Structural Equation Model
(SEM). According to (Umar, 2010), states
that the minimum SEM of 100 subjects is
20-25 latent variables, 4-5 the number of
observed variables (question items).
Data Collection Techniques
Collection techniques used the
measurement of variables using a
questionnaire instrument. Each employee
respondent was given five questionnaire
instruments to be a source of measurement
for the variables studied. Data were
collected using the questionnaire method,
namely by providing a list of questions or
83 | The Effect of Wom And Advertising on Purchase Intention With Brand Awareness as
Mediating Variable at Five Star Restaurants in Nusa Dua
questionnaires to the respondents. The
reason for using this method is that the
research subject is the person who knows
best about himself, and the statements
given by the subject are true and reliable.
Answers to the list of questions that must
be filled out by respondents are made
using a Likert scale, which ranges from 1 to
5, where a value of 1 is a statement of
strongly disagree and a value of 5 is a
statement of strongly agree.
MSI (Method Of Successive Interval)
Data obtained from the results of the
questionnaire distribution is Likert data, so
for further analysis, the measurement must
be raised to a higher measurement scale to
an interval scale. For this reason, it uses MSI
(Method of Successive Intervals Thurstone
(Edwards & Thurstone, 1952) which is a
procedure for placing each object into an
Research Instruments
An instrument is a tool because it
fulfills academic requirements, it can be
used as a tool to measure an object or
collect data about a variable. In research,
the instrument is defined as a tool to collect
data on research variables for research
needs. The instrument of this research is
using a questionnaire.
Figure 2. Full Model of Work Environment
Variables, Motivation, Work Culture
Employee Performance and Job
Figure 3. Full Model (After Drop)
Arini Ameswari, Chablullah Wibisono, Elli Widia | 84
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i2.11 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Table 1. Regression Weight of Work Environment, Motivation, Work Culture, Job Satisfaction
and Employee Performance
Work culture
0. 533
Work culture
Source: Output IBM SPSS AMOS 24(2021)
85 | The Effect of Wom And Advertising on Purchase Intention With Brand Awareness as
Mediating Variable at Five Star Restaurants in Nusa Dua
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i2.11 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
To see the Working Environment (X1),
Motivation (X2), Work Culture (X3), job
satisfaction (Z), the Employee Performance
(Y) may be made of structural equation
model as follows:
1. The effect of the work environment
variable on the job satisfaction variable
has a standardized estimate (regression
weight) of -0.436 with Cr (Critical ratio =
-1.301 seconds with t-count value) of -
1.301 at probability = 0.193. The value of
CR -1.301 <2.00 and probability = 0.193
<0.05 indicates that the effect of the
work environment variable on the job
satisfaction variable is negative and not
2. The influence of the motivation variable
on the job satisfaction variable has a
standardized estimate (regression
weight) of 0.106, with Cr (Critical ratio =
identical to the t-count value) of 0.533 at
probability = 0.594. The CR value of
0.533 < 2,000 and Probability = 0.594 >
0.05 indicates that the influence of the
motivation variable on the job
satisfaction variable is positive and not
3. The influence of the work culture
variable on the job satisfaction variable
has a standardized estimate (regression
weight) of 0.872 with Cr (Critical ratio =
identical to the t-count value) of 5.533 at
probability = ***. The value of CR =
5.533 > 2,000 and Probability = *** <
0.05 indicates that the influence of the
work culture variable on the job
satisfaction variable is positive and
4. The effect of work environment
variables on employee performance
variables has a standardized estimate
(regression weight) of 0.934 with Cr
(Critical ratio = identical to the t-count
value) of 1.408 at probability = 0.159.
The CR value of 1.408 < 2.00 and
probability = 0.159 > 0.05 indicates that
the effect of the work environment
variable on the employee performance
variable is positive and not significant.
5. The effect of motivational variables on
employee performance variables is
standardized estimate (regression
weight) of -0.57, with Cr (Critical ratio =
identical to the t-count value) of -1.432
at probability = 0.152. CR value -1.432 <
2,000 and Probability = 0.152. > 0.05
indicates that the influence of the
motivation variable on the employee
performance variable is negative and
not significant.
6. The influence of work culture variables
on employee performance variables has
a standardized estimate (regression
weight) of -0.401, with Cr (Critical ratio =
identical to the t-count value) of -1.18 at
probability = 0.238 CR value -1.18 <
2,000 and Probability = 0.238 > 0.05
indicates that the influence of work
culture variables on employee
performance variables is negative and
not significant.
7. The effect of job satisfaction on
employee performance variables has a
standardized estimate (regression
weight) of 0.726, with Cr (Critical ratio =
identical to the t-count value) of 1.506 at
probability = 0.132. The value of CR
1.506 > 2,000 and Probability = 0.132 <
0.05 indicates that the effect of job
satisfaction on employee performance
Arini Ameswari, Chablullah Wibisono, Elli Widia | 86
variables is positive and not significant.
Table 2. Squared Multiple Correlations:
(Group number 1 - Default model)
Job Satisfaction
Source: Output IBM SPSS AMOS 24(2021)
Squared Multiple Correlation with each
value for job satisfaction = 0.165 for
employee performance = 0.030 as shown in
Table 4.22 above. According to Ferdinand
(2002), the value of Square Multiple
Correlation for the job satisfaction variable
R2 = 0.165 is identical to R2 in SPSS of
0.165, the magnitude of the effect is the
value of the Square Multiple Correlation for
the job satisfaction variable multiplied by
100% = 0.165 x 100% = 16.5 %. Thus it can
be stated that changes in job satisfaction
are influenced by the work environment,
motivation, and work culture by 16.5% and
the rest is influenced by other factors not
Goodness Of Fit Analysis
Based on the test criteria, Chi-square
(χ2), relative Chi-square (χ2/df). RMSEA,
GFI, AGFI, TLI, and CFI above and the value
of Goodness of Fit processing results from
AMOS for Windows version 24.0 as shown
in the image above, the following table can
be made.
Table 3. Evaluation of Goodness of Fit
Cut of
Chi square
d small
< 3.00
> 0.05
Source: Output IBM SPSS AMOS 24(2021)
Paying attention to the cut-of-value
and Goodness of Fit values from the model
in Table 4.29 above, it can be seen that two
criteria are met and one is marginal from
the eight criteria used. The criteria that are
met are Chi-square (χ2/df) and RMSR while
the marginal ones are Relative Chi-square
(χ2/df). If one or two criteria are met in the
Goodness of Fit evaluation, then the above
model can be stated as a good model
(Sugiharto & Wijono, 2016).
Working Environment Influences
Working Satisfaction at PT. Bank
Tabungan Negara (PERSERO) TBK
Branch Batam
Based on the results from research that
was conducted, the influence of the
working environment variable to working
satisfaction variable is negative and is
insignificant. Therefore, the first hypothesis
is not proven or rejected. The negative
influence of working environment to
employees performance means that the
employees will feel uncomfortable with the
existing working environment, if the
environment is not suitable with them and
will feel disturbed when they are working,
so with their uncomfortness they are lazy to
work, this could lead to many works cannot
87 | The Effect of Wom And Advertising on Purchase Intention With Brand Awareness as
Mediating Variable at Five Star Restaurants in Nusa Dua
be executed well so their performance can
be considered bad. This reality is found
onsite that PT. Bank Tabungan Negara
(PERSERO) TBK Cabang Batam’s employees
have a good working environment so the
high working professionalism is achieved,
as well as the environment around it. This
good working relation supports the
achievement of PT. Bank Tabungan Negara
(PERSERO) TBK Cabang Batam so it creates
cooperation between them to achieve
working quality that is optimal. According
to experts’ perspective the negative result
and insignificance is caused by the
probability of respondents’ subjectivity
element while answering the instrument
such as being incautious, in a rush, reading
incompletely, was not concentrating,
answered carelessly so it influences the
research result’s analysis.
Motivation Influences Working
Satisfaction at PT. Bank Tabungan
Negara (PERSERO) TBK Cabang Batam
Based on the results from the research
that was conducted, the influence of
motivation variable to working satisfaction
variable is positive and insignificant.
Therefore, the second hypothesis is
accepted but not significant. Based on
hypothetical testing, it is proven that
motivation has positive influence but is
insignificant to working satisfaction. This
means that the better motivation is given
to the employees, the working satisfaction
of employees will increase. This condition is
shown by the high level of working
satisfaction especially related to their own
job and allowance. The better kinship
atmosphere in the working, transportation
facility, as well as present fare and
performance allowance that are given by
the organization cause more satisfaction to
their current job (Sedarmayanti & Pd,
Working Culture Influences Working
Satisfaction at PT. Bank Tabungan
Negara (PERSERO) TBK Cabang Batam
Based on the results from the research
that was conducted, the influence of the
working culture variable to the working
satisfaction variable is positive and
significant. Therefore, the third hypothesis
is proven or accepted. Working culture
influences positively and significantly to the
working satisfaction variable. The role of
culture in influencing employees’ behavior
becomes very important in a working
environment nowadays, the meaning of
togetherness that is created by the strong
culture ensures that all employees are
directed to the same direction, the culture
to increase the consistency of employees’
behavior. Robbins & Judge (2013)
expresses some important factors that
could gain working satisfaction, the first is
a job that gives a chance to use creativity,
and a feedback how good they are while
working, the next factor is how is the
condition of employees’ works, in terms of
personal comfort and the easiness to do
their jobs, these things relate closely with
the rules and standards that have been
determined by the company, meanwhile
the rules and those standards are created
from organizational culture inside the
company itself.
Working Environment Influences
Employees Performance Directly at PT.
Bank Tabungan Negara (PERSERO) TBK
Arini Ameswari, Chablullah Wibisono, Elli Widia | 88
Cabang Batam
Based on the results from the research
that was conducted, the influence of the
working environment variable to
employees’ performance variable is
positive and insignificant. Therefore, the
fourth hypothesis is accepted but
insignificant. With the increase of the
working environment means there is an
increase in employees’ performance at PT.
Bank Tabungan Negara (PERSERO) TBK
Cabang Batam, so they can handle their
jobs based on their assignment from their
boss, and their quality can be relied on. If it
is seen from research results, the working
environment is indeed giving positive
influence to increase employees’
performance. But the influence’s
contribution in the result is not significant.
Motivation Influences Employees
Performance Directly PT. Bank Tabungan
Negara (PERSERO) TBK Cabang Batam
Based on the results from the research
that was conducted, the influence of
motivation variable to employees’
performance variable is negative and
insignificant. Therefore, the fifth hypothesis
is rejected. The result of this research is that
the motivation variable negatively and
insignificantly influences the employees’
performance. It means that the less
motivation is felt by the employees then
there is a decrease in employees’
performance of PT. Bank Tabungan Negara
(PERSERO) TBK Cabang Batam, otherwise
the higher the motivation is felt by the
employees then it increases the
performance. In this research motivation is
seen from five hierarchies of needs which
are physiology, safety, social, achievement
and self-actualization. Social needs, safety
needs, and physiological needs become the
highest measurement for employees’
motivation mainly the kinship atmosphere
during work, transportation facility to the
working site, as well as presence fare and
performance allowance influence to
employees’ performance (Bangun, 2008).
This condition is shown with the level of
employees’ performance mainly related to
the ability of communicating and
cooperating, punctuality and accuracy
when finishing their job. The better the
kinship atmosphere while working, as well
as transportation facility, presence fare and
performance allowance that are given by
the corporate causing the more increase in
employees’ performance in terms of the
quality and quantity (Bangun, 2008).
Working Culture Influence Employees
Performance Directly at PT. Bank
Tabungan Negara (PERSERO) TBK
Cabang Batam
Based on the results from the research
that was conducted, the influence of the
working culture variable to employees’
performance variable is negative and
insignificant. Therefore, the sixth
hypothesis is rejected. The research result
shows that in this aspect there are some
employees that their ability to adapt is not
optimal enough or is in the low category.
Meanwhile, what the company expects is
with a good ability to adapt the employees
are able to adapt spontaneously with its
working unit or with other working units.
The ability to adapt will influence
employees' performance. Most of the
employees should have the ability to be
flexible during working. But there are some
89 | The Effect of Wom And Advertising on Purchase Intention With Brand Awareness as
Mediating Variable at Five Star Restaurants in Nusa Dua
employees who are not flexible enough, so
the aspect of working culture has to be
increased (Can & Yasri, 2016).
Working Satisfaction Influences
Employees Performance Directly at PT.
Bank Tabungan Negara (PERSERO) TBK
Cabang Batam
Based on the results from the research
that was conducted, the influence of the
working satisfaction variable to employees’
performance variable is positive and
insignificant. Therefore, the seventh
hypothesis is proven but insignificant.
Based on this research result can be
explained that working satisfaction is very
needed by an employee to increase their
performance individually even though the
quality of working satisfaction itself is very
relatif or different from each individual, this
could lead to an insignificance of working
satisfaction and employees’ performance at
PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (PERSERO) TBK
Cabang Batam. This means the higher the
working satisfaction of employees then the
performance employees increase as well.
Employees who are satisfied with their job,
allowance received and the chance to
improve their skill will show good
performance. The more suitable working
position and job that is given and the better
and punctual the salary is paid and
performance allowance is given, as well as
the broader the chance that is given to
improve will able to increase employees’
performance, in terms of the quality and
quantity (Can & Yasri, 2016).
Based on the results of the analysis and
discussion of the influence of the work
environment, motivation, and work culture
on employee performance through job
satisfaction as an intervening variable at PT.
State Savings Bank (PERSERO) TBK, the
results of this study can be concluded as
follows, the effect of the work environment
variable on the job satisfaction variable
shows that it is negative and not significant.
The influence of the motivation variable on
the job satisfaction variable shows that it is
positive and not significant. The influence
of the work culture variable on the job
satisfaction variable shows that it is positive
and significant. The effect of work
environment variables on employee
performance variables shows that it is
positive and not significant. The influence
of motivational variables on employee
performance variables shows that it is
negative and not significant. The influence
of work culture variables on employee
performance variables shows that it is
negative and not significant (Bangun,
2008). The effect of job satisfaction on
employee performance variables shows
that it is positive and not significant.
Changes in job satisfaction are influenced
by the work environment, motivation, and
work culture by 16.5%, and the rest is
influenced by other factors not examined in
this study by 27.3%. Meanwhile, changes in
employee performance are influenced by
the work environment, motivation, and
work culture by 3%, and the rest is
influenced by other factors not examined.
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© 2021 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license