Arini Ameswari, Chablullah Wibisono, Elli Widia | 82
& Yasri, 2016). Satisfaction is not visible and
tangible but can be realized in a work
result. One very important issue is
encouraging employees to be more
productive. In principle, every company
always expects its employees to work
optimally to increase profits and help
accelerate the achievement of other
organizational goals. Meanwhile, according
to (Ekhsan et al., 2019) states that with job
satisfaction an employee can feel whether
his job is fun or unpleasant to do. Job
Satisfaction Has 3 components, namely
Value, Importance of Value, and
Perception. Factors that affect employee
job satisfaction according to Malay SP
(Hasibuan & Hasibuan, 2016) are fair
remuneration or compensation, employee
placement, workload, work atmosphere,
and environment, leadership attitudes, and
work attitudes.
Employee Performance
State by (Suryani et al., 2020)
performance is the output produced by the
functions or indicators of a job or a
profession within a certain time. According
to (Husain, 2013) the factors that affect
employee performance are divided into
two, namely internal factors such as
intelligence, skills, motivation, individual
physical conditions, and so on; and external
factors such as regulations, changes in
work location, and so on.
Based on the background and
description above, the authors are
interested in researching with the title "The
Effect of Work Environment, Motivation
and Work Culture on Employee
Performance Through Job Satisfaction as
an Intervening Variable at PT. Bank
Tabungan Negara (PERSERO) TBK”.
Research method uses a causal model
survey method using path analysis
techniques. Based on the reasons this study
aims to confirm the theoretical model with
empirical data. This study attempts to test
the hypothesis used where this study will
take a sample from a population and use a
questionnaire as the main data collector.
Research Population and Sample
The population in this study were
employees who worked at PT. State Savings
Bank (PERSERO) TBK Batam Branch Office,
totaling 151 people regardless of strata and
specific fields of work. The sampling
technique is the method used to determine
the sample, several methods can be used
and for this study, the census method
(examined all populations) was used
(Siburian et al., 2020). This method was
used because, in this study, the sample size
was adjusted to the analytical model used,
namely the Structural Equation Model
(SEM). According to (Umar, 2010), states
that the minimum SEM of 100 subjects is
20-25 latent variables, 4-5 the number of
observed variables (question items).
Data Collection Techniques
Collection techniques used the
measurement of variables using a
questionnaire instrument. Each employee
respondent was given five questionnaire
instruments to be a source of measurement
for the variables studied. Data were
collected using the questionnaire method,
namely by providing a list of questions or