JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 7, 818 830
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i7.108
Muh Ramlan Febriansyah
A. Alimuddin Unde
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Hasanuddin University
e-mail: ramlanfebri[email protected]om
*Correspondence: ramlanfebriansyah.23@gmail.com
Submitted: 27 January 2022, Revised: 06 February 2022, Accepted: 20 February 2022
Abstract. This study aims to determine the organizational communication climate at the Office of
Investment and One Stop Services (DPM-PTSP) Makassar City. This study involved 40 employees
who performed public services for the last 3 months at the Makassar City Investment and One Stop
Integrated Service (DPM-PTSP) office. This study uses a quantitative approach with data collection
techniques using a questionnaire made using a Likerts scale. Data were analyzed using SPSS and
MS Excel. The results showed that the organizational communication climate showed results with
an average value of 112 which indicated the organizational communication climate at the Makassar
City DPM-PTSP office was categorized as Good Enough.
Keywords: organizational; communication climate; public service.
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DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i7.108
Communication is important for the
sustainability of an organization because a
successful organization must be seen from
the side of good communication.
individual and organizational goals
(Farndale, Pai, Sparrow, & Scullion, 2014);
(Dickmann & Doherty, 2010); (Ayers, 2015),
respond to and implement organizational
changes, coordinate organizational
activities and play a role in managing all
relevant organizational actions.
Communication in the organization can
occur vertically (Evelina, 2016), which can
occur between superiors to subordinates
and subordinates to superiors, and
horizontally which can occur between
colleagues who are in equal positions.
Employees in an organization can
exchange information through formal
communication networks and informal
communication (Sosa, Gargiulo, & Rowles,
2015). In conveying information, you can
use communication channels such as e-
mail, letters, telephone, and discussion
forums (Berjón, Beato, Mateos, & Fermoso,
2015). Communication skills are very
important in terms of sharing knowledge
among colleagues.
According to (Kaewkitipong, Chen, &
Ractham, 2016) knowledge sharing is the
stage of dissemination and provision of
knowledge at the right time for employees
who need it. This description is in line with
the results of research conducted by
(Koenig, Takayama, & Matarić, 2010) overall
knowledge sharing has a positive
relationship with the communication
Organizational communication has an
important role in increasing knowledge
sharing, because through organizational
communication, officials can share
knowledge with colleagues in the
organization. An organization requires the
ability to manage and develop knowledge
possessed in order to improve the quality
of human resources in an organization.
Knowledge management can ultimately be
the right support for organizations to
improve the competitiveness of public
services in competing between
organizations engaged in the same field.
Organizational communication is a
dynamic process and involves complex
communication techniques (Poutanen,
Siira, & Aula, 2016); (Mutuku & Mathooko,
2014), networks and channels. It not only
involves upward and downward
communication, but managers and
employees communicate with each other in
various ways at different levels (Ali &
Haider, 2012). Likewise within the scope of
government agencies, organizational
communication becomes important in
order to increase its capacity as a public
servant. For example, in exchanging
information or communication regarding
policies, ideas or ideas and decisions
between the government and those who
are governed or citizens (Díaz-Cayeros,
Magaloni, & Ruiz-Euler, 2014).
The government is essentially a public
servant who then has an extension in the
form of a public organization to realize its
functions as a service provider. for the
public interest. The presence of public
organizations is very necessary for
government administrators in a country.
Experience and observations of the long
history of bureaucracy show that public
820 | The analysis of Organizational Communication Climate at the One Door Integrated
Service and Investment Department (DPM-PTSP) City of Makassar
services have not been maximized because
they are influenced by the pathological
height of the bureaucracy so that they have
not been able to meet people's
The unsatisfactory quality of public
services has always been a public complaint
until now. Whereas in essence public
services are designed and organized to
facilitate meeting the needs of the
One of the factors that greatly influence
the performance of government officials is
the organization as a forum where the
apparatus carries out their duties. The size,
structure and model of the organization
will describe the hierarchy, duties of
authority and responsibilities of the
apparatus in carrying out their duties, thus
requiring effective organizational
communication in providing services. The
importance of the existence of a
communication climate makes Kopelman,
Brief and Guzzo make a hypothesis which
states that changes in the organizational
communication climate may in the future
affect performance (Pace & Faules, 2006).
In an organization or institution there
are usually people who work together to
achieve organizational goals. Every
organization, especially an office
organization, of course requires a variety of
information, has a purpose, meets the
structure, fulfills performance needs,
develops duties and responsibilities, and
can achieve the expected performance
results. In creating a maximum cooperative
relationship within an organization, it is
necessary to have communication between
them which is called organizational
communication (Anghel Blidaru & Anghel
Blidaru, 2015).
Ideally, the One-Stop Integrated
Service and Investment Service (DPM-
PTSP) is one of the local government
apparatus in Makassar City that
implements a one-stop integrated service
system. DPM-PTSP as an agency specifically
tasked with providing services regarding
licensing that directly intersect with the
community, can basically be said to be a
new breakthrough or innovation in local
government management which is
expected to be able to provide quality
public services in accordance with the
demands and expectations of the
The PTSP concept was created in order
to improve services to the community and
shorten the service process in order to
realize fast, easy, cheap, transparent,
certainty, and affordable services. With the
PTSP, licensing applicants no longer need
to take care of various letters and
documents at different offices with
different office locations. The PTSP concept
is different from the one-roof concept
where all permit services are located within
one roof and the process is handled by
each counter, while PTSP all types of
management are carried out through one
In the implementation of licensing at
the DPM-PTSP office, there are several
types of permits that are held including
Building Construction Permits, Disturbance
Permits (HO), Alcoholic Drinks Vendor
Permits, Route Permits, Fisheries Business
Permits, Construction Services Business
Permits, Trading Business Permits, Industrial
Muh Ramlan Febriansyah, A. Alimuddin Unde, Arianto
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Business Permits , Company Registration
Certificate, Industry Registration Certificate,
Tourism Business Registration Certificate,
Private Training Institute Operation Permit,
Health Permit, Environmental Permit,
Warehouse Registration Certificate, Permit
to Employ Foreign Workers, Advertising
At the DPM-PTSP Office which is
engaged in public services, it is necessary
to carry out the IKM (Community
Satisfaction Index) in accordance with the
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number
25 of 2009 concerning Public Services that
every public service agency is obliged to
evaluate and improve the implementation
of public services. Therefore, a survey on
community satisfaction was carried out
called the IKM (Community Satisfaction
If you look at the interval values carried
out by DPM-PTSP in the IKM survey
(Community Satisfaction Index) it shows a
change in the categorization of the interval
value and the results of the satisfaction
index survey have changed significantly
between 2017 and 2019.
The satisfaction survey data below still
uses interval calculations with seven
categories, namely A, A-, B, B-, C, D, and E
with each interval of twenty values from 0
to 100. Meanwhile, survey data in 2018 and
2019 used interval calculations. with four
categorizations, namely A, B, C, and D with
different interval values, the interval
distance from A, B, and C is 11.69 while the
interval value from category C to D is 39.99
which is far adrift from other intervals. (Final
Report of Community Satisfaction Index
(Darwis, Haning, & Indar, 2020))
Interval value data on the service time
dimension in 2017 with an interval value of
80.4 which is in category B, then in 2018 it
shows an interval value of 3.04 which is in
category C and in 2019 the first semester
occupies an interval value of 3.535 which
category value A. (Final Report of
Community Satisfaction Index (Darwis et
al., 2020)).
However, if viewed based on the final
report of the 2017 to 2019 community
satisfaction index survey, the first semester
of the Makassar City DPM-PTSP shows that
the level of community satisfaction on the
service time dimension shows the lowest
value of other indicators, namely service
requirements, service procedures, fees or
tariffs, product specifications. services,
implementing competencies,
implementing behavior, facilities and
infrastructure, complaints, suggestions and
input (the service notice became the 10th
dimension until the survey in 2017). The low
value of the service time dimension has
continued for the last three years. (Final
Report of the Community Satisfaction Index
(Darwis et al., 2020)).
The data that the researchers obtained
from the 2019 IKM results report at the
DPM-PTSP office is that the administrative
completion period for the various permits
above takes 12 days. However, from the
results of the researcher's observations, it
was found that there was a discrepancy
between the data listed in the 2019 IKM
results report at the DPM-PTSP office and
community statements. An example of a
case found by researchers is the Building
Permit (IMB). In fact, from the results of the
interview, the permit for IMB processing
took more than 12 days without any
clarification from the officer.
822 | The analysis of Organizational Communication Climate at the One Door Integrated
Service and Investment Department (DPM-PTSP) City of Makassar
Therefore, the researcher wants to
know the value of the service time
dimension which is consistently low in
three years in terms of organizational
communication climate in the
organizational structure of DPM-PTSP
Makassar City.
The type of research that will be used in
this research is descriptive quantitative with
a survey approach, where the researcher
focuses on disclosing how the
organizational communication climate is.
The location of this research is in the Office
of Investment and One Stop Services
(DPM-PTSP) Makassar City. In this study,
the instrument used was a questionnaire
(questionnaires) measurement Likerts scale
to ordinal find out how the Organizational
Communication Climate was, then the
alternative answers were chosen, namely
Very Good, Good, Fairly Good, Less Good
and Not Good. Positive statements are
given a score for SB = 5, B=4, CB=3, KB = 2
and TB = 1. While negative statements are
given a score for SB = 1, B=2, CB=3, KB = 4
and TB = 5.
This study focuses on employees of the
Building Permit (IMB) service and the
community who use the services of the
Building Permit (IMB) at the Makassar City
DPM-PTSP office. In this study, the total
population for employees is 40 employees
with different educational classifications for
the last 3 months. In this study, the
Organizational Communication Climate
was measured through several indicators,
1. Trust, the hard effort made by
employees to develop and maintain
relationships with all personnel related
to communication in the organization
which is supported by statements and
2. Joint decision-making, all employees
must be involved in communicating
and have the opportunity to consult on
issues and be involved in the decision-
making process.
3. Honesty, a work atmosphere created by
direct communication within the
4. Openness to downward
communication, all employees have the
right to obtain all information that can
support them in improving their
performance (except the information is
for confidential purposes for
organizational security)
5. Listening to upward communication,
employees at every level in the
organization are obliged to listen to
various suggestions or problem reports
raised from every level in the
6. Attention to high-performance goals,
every employee has the motivation to
improve performance and productivity
in the organization.
Organizational Communication Climate
in DPM-PTSP Makassar
In Organizational Communication
Climate, there are several categories of
indicators that are described. In
determining the value of these categories
Muh Ramlan Febriansyah, A. Alimuddin Unde, Arianto
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the researcher performs calculations for
each indicator, then the description of the
data presented is the highest value and the
lowest value, namely to get the ideal value
of Mean (Mi) and the ideal standard
deviation (SDi) are obtained based on the
following formula:
a. Ideal mean (Mi) = (highest score +
lowest score)
b. Ideal standard deviation (SDi) = 1/6
(highest score-lowest score)
After knowing the value of the Mean
According to Suharsimi Arikunto
(2012:299), according to Suharsimi
Arikunto (2012:299),
a. The high group, all respondents
who have a score of as much as an
average score plus 1 (+1) ) standard
deviation (X Mi + 1 SDi)
b. Medium group, all respondents
who have a score between an
average score of minus 1 standard
deviation and an average score of
plus 1 standard deviation between
(Mi – 1SDi) X < (Mi + SDi)
c. Less group, all respondents who
have a score lower than the average
score minus 1 standard deviation (X
< Mi - 1 SDi)
In this study, the categorization
for each variables are described as
Table 1. Category Organizational Communication Climate
X Mi + 1 SDi
Fairly Good
(Mi – 1SDi ) X < (Mi + SDi)
Not Good
X < Mi - 1 SDi
Categorization is made based on the
needs of this research to find out how the
organizational communication climate in
the DPM office -PTSP Makassar. Based on
the above formula, the scale value in this
study was determined after knowing the
results of the scores from the questionnaire
that had been responded to by the
participants, namely 40 employees.
Organizational Communication Climate
Variable (X) was measured through a
questionnaire consisting of 30 statements
with a Likert Scale consisting of 5
alternative answers. Where the score is 5
for the highest score and 1 for the lowest
score, the 30 questions consist of 6
indicators containing 5 questions for each
indicator. From the results of the
calculation using the formula above, it was
found that the scale value for each
indicator of the variable x (Organizational
Communication Climate) was as follows:
a) Trust
From the answers to the
questionnaire consisting of 5
statements from 40 respondents, the
highest score was 25 and the lowest
score was 8 After calculating, Mi = 17
and SDi = 3, then the value scale of the
confidence indicator is as follows:
824 | The analysis of Organizational Communication Climate at the One Door Integrated
Service and Investment Department (DPM-PTSP) City of Makassar
Table 2. Trust Value Scale
X Mi + 1SDi
X 19
Mi + 1 SDi X < Mi - 1 SDi
19 < X 15
Fairly Good
X < Mi - 1 SDi
X < 15
Not Good
Average Score
results of the confidence value scale
in table 4.14 found that the average
value was 17 which indicates that the
Trust Indicator is Fairly Good at the
Makassar DPM-PTSP office, which
means that the leadership has enough
trust in every employee in providing
services and the relationships that each
employee builds to increase trust in
defenders. work quite well, then the
trust that employees build to work
together in solving problems is quite
good, then the leadership's trust in the
ability of employees to complete the
work is quite good, lastly about the
trust of colleagues in carrying out tasks
is also quite good.
b) Joint Decision Making
For the Decision Making indicator, it
is also measured through 5 statement
items that get answers from 40
respondents, with the highest score of
25 and the lowest score being 10. After
calculating, Mi = 18 and SDi = 3, then
the value scale of the indicator Decision
Making is as follows:
Table 3. Value Scale of Joint Decision Making
X Mi + 1SDi
X 21
Mi + 1 SDi X < Mi - 1 SDi
21 < X ≤ 15
Fairly Good
X < Mi - 1 SDi
X < 15
Not Good
Average Score
results of the decision-making value
scale in table 4.15 found that the
average value is 18 which indicates that
the Decision Making indicator is Good
Enough at the Makassar DPM-PTSP
office, which means that the
involvement and participation of
employees in decision making is quite
good where employees have the
opportunity to provide opinions in
every decision-making.
c) Honesty
Then, the Honesty Indicator for the
highest score is 25 and the lowest score
is 8. After calculating, Mi = 17 and SDi
= 3, then the value scale of the Honesty
Muh Ramlan Febriansyah, A. Alimuddin Unde, Arianto
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indicator is as follows:
Table 4. Honesty Value Scale
X Mi + 1SDi
X 20
Mi + 1 SDi X < Mi - 1 SDi
20 < X ≤ 14
X < Mi - 1 SDi
X < 14
Not Good
Average Score
results of the honesty value scale in
table 4.16 found that the average value
is 17 which indicates that the Honesty
indicator is Fairly Good at the Makassar
DPM-PTSP office, which means that the
employee's candor in delivering actual
information about the work results to
the leadership is sufficient. good and
vice versa, the seriousness of the
organization sees that employee
honesty is very important in order to
improve its performance quite well.
d) Openness to Downward
Communication Indicators of
downward communication get the
highest score of 25 and the lowest
score of 11, so Mi = 18 and SDi = 2 then
the scale value is obtained as follows:
Table 5. Scale Value of Openness to Downward Communication
X Mi + 1SDi
X 20
Mi + 1 SDi X < Mi - 1 SDi
20 < X 16
X < Mi - 1 SDi
X < 16
Not Good
Average Value
results of the communication openness
value scale in table 4.17 found that the
average value for the Downward
Communication indicator was 18 which
was included in the Good Enough
category at the Makassar DPM-PTSP
office, which means that attention of
the leadership pays attention to the
problem of honest employee work
reports. and open quite well and the
attention of the leadership in providing
instructions and directions in the
implementation of tasks is quite good,
namely in accordance with the main
tasks of the subordinates.
e) Upward communication
As for the Upward Communication
indicator, of the 40 respondents the
highest score was 25 and the lowest
score was 8. After calculating, Mi = 17
and SDi = 3, then the value scale of the
Upward Communication indicator is as
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DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i7.108
Table 6. Scale Value of Listening in Upward Communication
X Mi + 1SDi
X 20
Mi + 1 SDi X < Mi - 1 SDi
20 < X ≤ 14
X < Mi - 1 SDi
X < 14
Not Good
Average Score
results of the upward communication
score scale in table 4.18 found that the
average value was 17 which indicated
that Upward Communication was Good
Enough at the Makassar DPM-PTSP
office, which showed the leadership's
attention in trying to listen to employee
complaints was quite good.
f) Attention to the high-performing
For the High-Performing indicator,
from the results of the responses from
40 respondents it was found that the
highest score was 25 and the lowest
value was 9. Then the value of Mi = 17
and SDi = 3, then the scale of values of
the High-Performing indicator was as
Table 7. The Attention Score Scale for High-Performing Goals
X Mi + 1SDi
X 20
Mi + 1 SDi X < Mi - 1 SDi
20 < X 14
X < Mi - 1 SDi
X < 14
Not Good
Average Score
results of the score scale for high
goals in table 4.19 found that the
average value is 17 which indicates that
the High Performance indicator is Fairly
Good in the Makassar DPM-PTSP office,
which means that employees are
responsible for the work done, without
the need for reviewing the decisions
that have been taken and the teamwork
formed to create satisfactory services
for the community which is quite good.
While overall of the 30 statement
items containing the 6 indicators which
have received responses from 40
respondents, the highest score was 150
and the lowest score was 74. Then the
Mi value = 112 and SDi = 13, then the
value scale of the Organizational
Communication Climate Variable are as
Muh Ramlan Febriansyah, A. Alimuddin Unde, Arianto
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Table 8. Value Scale of Organizational Communication Climate at the Makassar DPM-PTSP
X Mi + 1SDi
X 125
Mi + 1 SDi X < Mi - 1 SDi
125 < X 99
Fairly Good
X < Mi - 1 SDi
X < 99
Not Good
Average Score
Results of the scale in table 4.20
found that the organizational
communication climate in the Makassar
DPM-PTSP office is 14 (45%) Good, 14
(42.5%) Fairly Good and 12 (12.5%) Not
Good . Then, the average value
obtained is 112 which can be concluded
that the overall organizational
communication climate at DPM-PTSP
Makassar is Good Enough, which
means that employees create an
attitude of mutual trust in providing
services, be honest in their work, build
good communication between
employees and between employees.
leadership, and quite high performance
where employees carry out their duties
Makassar City Investment and One Stop
Integrated Services Agency.
The either by looking at the results of
data analysis, showing the ability of IMB
employees to provide services by looking
at several indicators. The communication
climate can also be the basis for assessing
the quality of the relationship between
employees or employees and their
superiors in a company. According to
(Suripto, 2017) state that there are at least
six major indicators in assessing the
organizational communication climate
where these indicators can describe the
internal and external conditions of an
organization within it. The following are 6
indicators for measuring how the
organizational communication climate
variable in DPM-PTSP Makassar:
1. Trust
2. Decision making
3. Honesty
4. Communication downwards
5. Communication upward
6. High performance
On the indicator of trust, the data
shows that the level of trust between
employees at the DPM-PTSP Makassar
office gets an average value ie 17 of the
total highest score is 25, which means that
the trust built between employees can be
said to be quite good. Which means that
the leadership has sufficient trust in
employees so that employees can build
cooperation in solving problems to
improve relationships at work.
Then in terms of making decisions
related to whether employees at DPM-
PTSP Makassar have the opportunity to
communicate and be involved in decision-
making discussions on problems or
solutions, namely from the results of data
analysis, researchers found an average
value of 18 from the highest value of 25
which indicates that the activity good
828 | The analysis of Organizational Communication Climate at the One Door Integrated
Service and Investment Department (DPM-PTSP) City of Makassar
decision making. Because every employee
is involved in decision-making and
participation in providing opinions on
relevant policies in the organization to
improve work abilities.
For honesty, the average score is 17
from the highest score of 25, which means
that honesty between employees in the
DPM-PTSP office environment is quite
good. Honesty is the attitude of the
employee's candor not only with
colleagues but also with superiors and vice
versa how superiors are honest with
subordinates about various matters related
to services at the Makassar DPM-PTSP
Furthermore, downward
communication related to messages sent
from superiors or leaders to subordinates
at DPM-PTSP Makassar got an average
score of 18 out of 25 highest scores. This
indicates that the communication from the
leadership to the subordinates is quite
good where the leadership is sufficient to
listen to employee complaints, the leader is
quite attentive in listening to the
complaints of his subordinates, besides
that the leadership is quite open in hearing
the obstacles faced by his subordinates,
then the relationship between superiors
and subordinates is going quite well. If
there is a problem related to service
delivery, the leadership simply tries to solve
the problem, plus the leader responds to
his employees who excel.
Likewise, upward communication at
DPM-PTSP Makassar got an average score
of 17 from the highest score of 25 which
indicates that communication from
subordinates to superiors is quite good,
which means obedience and loyalty to the
direction of the leadership is quite good.
The average value of being committed
to high performance is 17 out of the
highest score of 25. This value indicates
that the attitude to commit to high
performance is quite good at the Makassar
DPM-PTSP office where the responsibility
for the work done and the researcher found
that the IMB officers who are in the scope
of DPM-PTSP Makassar city in completing
their work quite in accordance with the
directions or SOPs that apply to the office
and the value of the communication
climate built in it shows good enough with
an average number of 112 from the highest
score of 130.
Organizational communication climate
in the DPM office -PTSP Makassar city is
categorized as quite good because it is
influenced by several indicators, namely in
terms of trust not only built between
employes and employees but also between
employees and superiors, then in terms of
making employee decisions, for example,
regarding making organizational policies
that are relevant to the position and
Opportunities are also given to employees
to provide opinions on every organizational
policy, then honesty is also very important
in providing public services at the Makassar
DPM-PTSP office, as for the openness to
downward communication where superiors
always try to listen to employee complaints,
and related to hearing in upward
communication how the leadership
responds to each employee's complaint,
Muh Ramlan Febriansyah, A. Alimuddin Unde, Arianto
| 829
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