JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 7, 785 794
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i7.107
Gusti Lanang Putra Eka Prismana*
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
e-mail: lanangp[email protected]
*Correspondence: l[email protected]
Submitted: 27 January 2022, Revised: 06 February 2022, Accepted: 18 February 2022
Abstract. The extraction of the main content of web pages is widely used in search engines, but a
lot of irrelevant information, such as advertisements, navigation, and junk information, is included
in web pages. Such irrelevant information reduces the efficiency of web content processing in
content-based applications. This study aimed to extract web pages using DOM Tree in the
rationality of segmentation results and efficiency based on the information entropy of nodes from
the DOM Tree. The first step of this research was to classify web page tags and only processed tags
that affected the structure of the page. The second step was to consider the content features and
structural features of the DOM Tree node comprehensively. The next was to perform node fusion
to obtain segmentation results. Segmentation testing was carried out with several web pages with
different structures so that it showed that the proposed method accurately and quickly segmented
and removed noise from web page content. After the DOM Tree was formed, the DOM Tree would
be matched with the database to eliminate information noise using the Firefly Optimization
algorithm. Then, testing and evaluating the Firefly Optimization method in effectiveness aspect
were done to detect and eliminate web page noise and produce clear documents.
Keywords: DOM tree; web; news; extraction; firefly.
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DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i7.107
Online news is one of the big data
sources. Information in the form of news
articles is published every minute (Allen,
Howland, Mobius, Rothschild, & Watts,
2020). There is a lot more information than
the person doing the analysis, and this is a
potential problem where a lot of data can
be ignored (Newman & Cain, 2014). Search
engines are often used to obtain
information. Search engines use web
spiders to surf the web and retrieve links
that may contain the information sought,
and present the information in the form of
a collection of hyperlinks. Search engines
are capable of retrieving information from
the web but not from the unseen or hidden
web, so this makes data extraction a very
impractical task. The challenges faced by
extractors include heterogeneous formats,
changes in the structure of web pages, the
introduction of more and more advanced
technologies to improve UX, and others.
Extracting information from multiple
sources has many problems such as finding
useful information, extracting knowledge
from large data sets, and studying
individual users. Various methods and
techniques have been developed (Abburu
& Golla, 2015). Because the amount of
information obtained on the web increases
radically, the amount of redundant web
content also grows at the same time.
Therefore, updating the incoming data and
retrieving useful information without
duplicating data from the web, the web
mining research community pays attention
to an existing activity related to the
information from the web quickly and
efficiently (Dey & Jain, 2020).
The articles published on a website are
mostly in the form of unstructured
information because they usually contain
main information or main content,
advertisements, navigation, and other
additional information. The amount of that
information resulted in the difficulties of
getting the main core information and
finding relevant values and knowledge in
the form of structured information, such as
the form of a database. The mechanism for
extracting a collection of texts to obtain
facts in the form of events, entities, and
relationships in the form of structured
information as input to a database or
ontology is called information extraction
(Kara et al., 2012).
This study aimed to extract DOM Tree-
based web pages in the rationality of
segmentation and efficiency results. This
study used a method based on the
information entropy of nodes from the
DOM Tree. The first step carried out in this
research was classifying web page tags and
only processing tags that affected the
structure of the page. The second step was
considering the content features and
structural features of the DOM Tree node
comprehensively, calculating the
information entropy of the nodes and the
maximum text density of subnodes, and
determining whether a node was a block
page or independent. The third step was
performing node fusion to obtain
segmentation results. After getting the
segmentation results, the web page noise
will be removed to match the DOM Tree
built with the database (Velloso & Dorneles,
2013). After the DOM Tree was formed,
then the DOM Tree was matched with the
database to eliminate information noise by
787 | Automatic Web News Content Extraction
using the Firefly Optimization algorithm.
Furthermore, testing and evaluating the
Firefly Optimization method in
effectiveness is done to detect and
eliminate web page noise and produce
clear documents (Yu & Jin, 2017). This
research is expected to get a better
approach for extracting data from semi-
structured documents, both based on
structure and data using several
optimization methods, techniques, and
algorithms as well as finding a method for
removing web page noise that often arises
from web content extraction.
A. System Architecture
The system architecture of the
information extraction is an adaptation
of the general architecture of the
information extraction system and the
general architecture of the system. The
input of the information extraction
system is in the form of unstructured
natural language text from the source
text on the web page (HTML text). The
information extraction process
according to the OBIE concept will
involve an ontology as an extraction
guide and produce output in the form
of extracted information which is
represented in the form of XML and
annotated text. The ontology-guided
extraction process will extract things
such as classes, properties, and
instances (Wimalasuriya & Dou, 2010).
The information extraction system
architecture in this study was divided
into three phases, namely the training
phase, the development phase, and the
evaluation phase. In the training phase,
the system identifies patterns and lists
of dictionaries (called semantic lexicon),
which were learned using a
bootstrapping approach. Previously,
the corpus had to go through the
preprocessing stage before the training
process. The purpose of the training
phase was to generate patterns and
semantic lexicon. The development
phase was a phase to identify and
classify relevant information in a new
collection of texts. The text used was
not included in the corpus in the
training process. The pattern was
generated to get the extraction rules. In
the development phase, the input text
was passed to the OBIE system to
produce an output. The last phase was
the evaluation or testing phase. The
architecture of the OBIE system in this
study can be seen in Figure 1 below:
Figure 1. System Architecture
B. Preprocessing
The initial stage of information
extraction to perform preprocessing on
text input which aims to prepare the
text into data that can be processed as
input to the information extraction
system. The parsing process was carried
out on all text documents to identify all
nouns or noun phrases (NP) and their
Gusti Lanang Putra Eka Prismana | 788
contexts. The parsing process in
preprocessing consists of sentence
detection, cutting sentences into
tokens or words (tokenization),
providing syntactic information (POS
tagging), and cutting phrases (NP
chunker). After parsing the text was
complete, then the indexing and
filtering process was carried out. The
sentence indexing process was done by
detecting words/ NP phrases in
sentences, tokens on the left of NP, and
tokens on the right of NP. After the
indexing process was complete, the
output (called a document-set) was
stored in the database for processing.
C. DOM Tree
The Document Object Model
(DOM) specification is an object-based
interface developed by the World Wide
Web Consortium (W3C) that constructs
XML and HTML documents as tree
structures in memory. Applications
access XML data through an in-memory
tree, which is a replication of how the
data is structured. The DOM also allows
users to dynamically traverse and
update XML documents. It provides a
model for the entire document, not just
for a single HTML tag. The Document
Object Model represents a web
document as a tree. It is highly
adaptable and can be used to renovate
entire web pages. This is an explicit
HTML document model. Some HTML
tags do not include closing brackets.
For some of these tags, the closing
parenthesis is inferred by the following
tag, for example, the <LI> tag is closed
by the following </LI> tag. To analyze a
web page, first, check the HTML
document syntax because most HTML
Web pages are not well-formed. After
that, it passes the web page through an
HTML parser which increases the
markup and generates a DOM tree.
Then the system breaks it down into
several sub-trees according to the
threshold value. Different websites
have different layouts and serving
styles, therefore the depth of the Web
page tree varies according to the
presentation style (Kim & Lee, 2017).
The system must know the
maximum level of the DOM tree to
select the best option. DOM tree-based
method, as a segmentation method of
high interest, is proposed based on the
characteristics in which after parsing
the DOM, HTML documents can form a
tree structure that can accurately
describe the hierarchical relationship
between elements in a web page and is
convenient for computer processing.
After the web pages were parsed into a
DOM tree, the algorithm grouped the
web pages mainly by content features
and DOM tree structure features. DOM
is a common tool for representing web
pages. In the DOM, the web page will
be represented as a set of tags and a
hierarchical relationship between the
tags with the function of each tag,
which allows the user to classify a
message and an HTML tag (Sun, Song,
& Liao, 2011).
D. Firefly Algorithm
This algorithm is inspired by nature
which is based on a firefly's flash of light
and mimics how fireflies interact with
each other. In the firefly algorithm,
some web documents or web pages are
789 | Automatic Web News Content Extraction
taken as input. The following are the
steps in implementing the firefly
algorithm as shown in the figure below.
After reading the web page, the
checked HTML tags were given in step
3 then consider the web document with
various tags. In step 5, the objective
function was calculated and generated
the initial population of fireflies in step
6. The light intensity was formulated in
step 7 and determines the absorption
coefficient in step 8. In step 9, the
maximum generation was evaluated
based on the new solution of updated
light intensity. In steps 18 and 19, noisy
information is identified and eliminated
(Bumbaca et al., 2011).
Finally, the main content was
extracted. All information related to
web pages was stored for efficient
pattern retrieval using the Firefly
technique. A database was created
using an artificial neural network to
store related data from web pages.
Matching the constructed DOM tree
with the database was to eliminate
noisy information (Mangat, 2014). In
the end, we can get the main content.
The initialization of the objective
function f (wi) is calculated using the
light intensity I (o) which varies
according to the inverse square law
with the following formula:
……………… (1)
I(o) is the intensity at the source and
r is the distance of the observer. The
light intensity I varies with the square of
the distance d. The absorption
coefficient s calculated using the
following formula:
……………… (2)
The attraction of fireflies is
proportional to the intensity of light
perceived by other fireflies. The
brightness observed by adjacent
fireflies calculated using the formula
…………….. (3)
The next step is initializing the
firefly population. Firefly i is attracted
to firefly j which is more attracted, its
movement is evaluated using the
following fouls:
……………… (4)
The webpage noise removal funtto
is calculated using the following
Ttot is represented as the total
number of tags on a web page,
meanwhile, Tneg is the negative tag on
Gusti Lanang Putra Eka Prismana | 790
a web page. Then, F is denoted as F and
β is firefly attraction.
To verify the effect of the proposed
method, the algorithm was implemented
using the DOM method to analyze HTML
tags which were then processed using an
optimization algorithm to remove page
noise using the firefly method. There were
trials of several pages from different
websites, such as Baidu Encyclopedia, Sina
Blog, Tencent News, Blog Park, and other
websites. This page has a clear distinction
in content and structure and can illustrate
the implementation of the algorithm well.
This study proposed a DOM tree-based
web page segmentation method that
comprehensively considered the structural
features and content features of web
pages, used node information entropy to
group nodes from the parsed DOM tree,
and obtained the final segmentation results
with node fusion in the form of news text
1. Description of Datasets
To carry out the experiment,
datasets were collected from different
web pages. These web pages contain
meaningful content and also have noise
such as advertising banners, copyright
links, page icons, irrelevant navigation,
and junk information included in the
web pages (Kaur, 2014).
2. Performance Measure
In this study, valid blocks, invalid
blocks, execution time, precision, recall,
and F-Measure were considered as
performance factors that were
evaluated based on the number of
negative tags and the total number of
tags. Experiments were carried out to
test and evaluate the proposed
method, the effectiveness of detecting
and removing noise to block web pages
and produce clear documents. The
validity and accuracy of the proposed
algorithm were checked using recall,
precision, and F-measures from the
information retrieval field. The datasets
used in the experiment consisted of
several pages from different websites.
3. Scrapping Web Using DOM
The first step done in this research
was to classify the web page tags and
only process the tags that affected the
page structure. The second step was to
comprehensively consider the content
features and structural features of the
DOM tree node. This calculated the
node information entropy and the
maximum sub-node text density to
determine whether or not a node was
an independent page block. Next, the
node fusion was carried out to obtain
segmentation results. This research was
applied to several pages from different
websites for scraping news content on
web pages. The following was a DOM
standard used for initial website
Figure 2. DOM Standard
The input in this process was the
URL address or the HTML code of the
web page to be extracted. The initial
step was to convert HTML documents
791 | Automatic Web News Content Extraction
from web pages into text. The next data
process used variable processing in the
form of a string.
Figure 3. DOM Process
There are several sections on a web
page such as texts, images, lists, or
tables. Therefore, the first step was to
determine which part was the text of
the HTML document. The texts were
detected by making use of the string
match function. Texts in HTML
documents can be identified by the tag
<p> at the beginning and <\p> at the
end of the table. The tag <p> was used
to detect reading in the form of a
paragraph. If there are two or more
paragraphs on a web page, the
application stores the table at the
second index of the variable in the form
of an array. The next step was to create
a DOM tree from the detected
paragraphs. The DOM tree is composed
of text-forming tags, namely tags <p>.
This tag is detected to determine the
news content portion of the paragraph.
The third step was to extract or retrieve
the data portion of the DOM tree. After
the data section in the table was
obtained, the next step was to save the
data in the form of a CSV file. The
selection of the form of the storage file
is intended so that the extraction results
can be used for subsequent needs, such
as integration with data from other
tables or to be stored in a database.
Different websites have different
layouts and serving styles, therefore,
the depth of the Web page tree varies
according to the presentation style. The
system must know the maximum level
of the DOM tree to select a good choice
of threshold levels. That is why the
system traverses the entire DOM tree to
obtain the maximum DOM depth.
Figure 4. Scrapping 1
Input web
text location
n to DOM
Gusti Lanang Putra Eka Prismana | 792
Figure 5. Scrapping 2
Figure 6. Scrapping 3
Figure 7. Scrapping 4
4. Optimization of Firefly Algorithm
All information related to the web
pages was stored for efficient pattern
retrieval using the Firefly technique. A
database is created using an artificial
neural network to store related data
from web pages. Matching the created
DOM tree with the database is to
remove the noise information to get
793 | Automatic Web News Content Extraction
the main content (Liu, 2017). The
initialization of the objective function f
(wi) is calculated using the light
intensity I(o) which varies according to
the inverse square law. The formula
used I as follows
I(o) is the intensity at the source and
r is the observer’s distance. The light
intensity I varies with the square of the
distance d. The absorption coefficient γ
is calculated using the following
The steps of the firefly algorithm
can be described as follows:
a) Step 1: Access several web pages
b) Step 2: Read every web page, one
by one
c) Step 3: Check web HTML tags
d) Step 4: Consider documents with
multiple tags
e) Step 5: Objective function of f (wi)
w = (w1, w2, w3 ..)
f) Step 6: Produce an initial
population of fireflies
g) Step 7: Formulate light intensity
h) Step 8: Determine the absorption
coefficient γ
i) Step 9: Meanwhile, (t <Max_
j) Step 10: For i = 1: n
k) Step 11: For j = 1: n (n of fireflies)
l) Step 12: If (Ij> Ii)
m) Step 13: Move the fireflies to j
n) Step 14: Calculate the new solutions
and renewing light intensity
o) Step 15: End if
p) Step 16: End for j
q) Step 17: End for i
r) Step 18: Identify noisy information
s) Step 19: Eliminate noise
t) Step 20: End it
Based on the study having been
conducted entitled Automatic Web News
Content Extraction, there are several things
that can be concluded as follows:
a. Automatic Web News Content
Extraction Algorithm can be used in
optimal extraction of main web page
content (news) and results in a better
b. The use of different datasets has a
varying effect on the performance of
the indicated precision, recall, and f-
measure parameters. This depends on
the page reference level of similarity
with the extracted page. The more
similar, the more stable the
performance shown.
c. The use of raw and valid datasets also
has varying effects on precision, recall,
and f-measure performance. It depends
on the validation process of the tag
structure of the website page.
d. The researcher suggests that extracting
web page content can be tried using
other methods that will produce a
better approach for data extraction.
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